高职国际英语1 unit 1

高职国际英语1 unit 1
高职国际英语1 unit 1

Unit 1 People

1.Warming up:

Using the phrases “How do you do? My name is .... Nice to meet you.” written on the board.


The students are shown pictures of people meeting for the first time. They are also supplied with a dialogue which they can copy to say what they do when they meet somebody for the first time.

They join their hands at palms and smile.

They shake hands and smile.

They bow from the waist and lower their eyes.

Ask students to:

1)Match nationalities with the pictures: which picture shows an Indian

woman? Which pictures shows two Japanese women? Which picture shows two Americans? Which pictures shows two Chinese men?

2)Act out one of these greetings in class. The other students must guess how

they are greeting each other. Are you bowing from the waist and lowering your eyes? Are you shaking hands and smiling?

3)Tell how they greet each other? How they greet older people? How they

greet their teachers? How they greet their parents and other relatives? And acting out these different ways for greeting people.

3.Text A: greeting and introducing people

1)New words reading

2)Ask students what they can see in the pictures, how old they think the

people are, what kind of occasion it could be and if they have a barbecue at home and what they barbecue.

3)Ask students to read out the text loud paragraph by paragraph. Collect any

words which students have difficulty pronouncing. Writing these words on the board. Make a list on the board. Then repeat the words.

4)Ask students the following questions:

How to greet an older person when you meet him for the first time?

Do you shake hands with an older person?

Do you smile at an older person?

How do you introduce yourself to an older person?

What do you say to a younger person?

How do you introduce somebody else to a younger person?

What do you say to somebody you already know?

How do you answer a younger person you know who greets you first?

5)Pair work as Kate Miller and Sung Ling starting from line 17.

6)Page 5-1: read out the sentences and then pair them.

7)Page 5-2: check the meaning of the words before doing.

4.Background information:

1)student exchange: increase student’s understanding and tolerance of other cultures, as well as improving their language skills and broaden their social horizon.

2)Barbecue: an outdoor meal, usually a form of social gathering at which meats, fish, or fowl, along with vegetables, are roasted over a wood or charcoal fire. 5.words and expressions:

1)exchange partner


They bowed low to the chairman.

He turned and bowed to his boss.

Bow and arrows

He took bow on stage to audience.

3)Next-door neighbor


Limp handshake

She let her whole body go limp.

Mary had twisted her ankle and was limping. 一瘸一拐

5)Friend--friendly unfriend--unfriendly--unfriendliness


7)Short period


9)Had better do

10)Informal formal natural personal professional additional educational musical actual official regional industrial international medical traditional cultural practical


1.Introducing yourself

-let me introduce myself.My name is ...(full name)

-Allow me introduce myself, My name is ...(full name)

-Hello,I'm ....(full name)

-I don't believe we met .I'm.... -Hi,my name is ....(first name) -Good( morning afternoon night …).My name is …(full name). 2.Introducing others

-I’d like to introduce you to...

-there is someone I’d like you to meet, this is...

-Have you met...?

3.Saying hello to someone you know 好友见面----Hi! Hello!

一般男生想约某个女生(嘿嘿这话有点儿痞)--How you doing~



How's everything? 一切都好?What's up? 近况如何?

What's new? 有什么新鲜事?What's happening? 在忙什么?

任何时后都可以用,但比较见外: How are you? 你好吗?

适用于第一次见面: Nice to meet you. 。

适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人: Nice to see you again.

适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友: How have you been?


Long time no see.4.Saying goodbye Sorry, I’m leaving now. Sorry, I’d better go now. Sorry, I must go now. Sorry, got to go.

See you.

Page7 listening 1:

Before playing the recording get students to read the sentences 1 to 6, first quietly to themselves, then aloud. Make sure that everybody has understood the sentences.

Now play the recording and get students to do the exercise. Be prepared to play the recording as often as the students need it.

Patrick: good morning. Excuse me, but are you Ms Susan Garner from Chicago, please?

Susan: that’s right.

Patrick: how do you do, Ms Garner? I’m Patrich Choy. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve come to take you to your hotel.

Susan: how do you do, Mr Choy. It’s nice to meet you, too. Look, may i introduce you to one of my colleagues? This is tony Hunter. Tony, this is Patrick Choy. He’s come to take us to our hotel.

Tony: Fine. How do you do, Mr Choy? It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Patrick: How do you do, Mr Hunter. Welcome to Hongkong.

Tony: Thank you. I’ve heard so many good things about Hongkong that it’s wonderful to be here.

Patrick: that’s nice to hear. Now, could you come this way, please? The car’s just outside the building. It’s not far.

Ask students to read out the sentences and say whether they are true or false.

Text B: Blind Date

1.Background information:

1)Blind date: it usually occurs when the two people previously not knowing

each other are going out on a date set up by another person who knows both people. Today, most blind dates are n’t totally blind per se, thanks to online social sites such as Facebook and MySpace, where many people have photographs of themselves that are easily accessible by others.

2)Geocaching地理寻宝游戏: is a high tech version of hide and seek and an

outdoor recreational activity, in which the participants explore the outdoors in search of hidden “treasure”and adventure by using a GPS receiver or mobile device and other navigational techniques.

2.Words and expressions:

1)Internet dating site

2)I could not believe my eyes.

3)She began modelling in Paris aged 15.



6)All the girls fancied him.

Linda took quite a fancy to him.

What do you fancy doing?

I just fancied a drink.


8) A generous glass of wine一大杯酒; generosity 大量充足

9)Tip the waiter a dollar

10)Striped tie条纹领带

11)Tie up your shoelace

I tied a knot in the rope.

12)i can’t stand.


14)Be in no mood for.../to do...没心情做某事

Be in the mood for../to do...有心情做某事

Be in a mood情绪不好



17)Straight away 马上

18)Hopefully 但愿

19)Strike up a conversation with sb.搭讪攀谈strick--struck

20)Be in conversation with sb. 正在谈话

21)Make conversation 搭话找话说说应酬话


新世纪高职高专英语(修订版) 综合教程 第3册 期末测试 2010年11月 上海外语教育出版社 SHANGHAI FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION PRESS 高等教育事业部 Listening Comprehension Section A (1%×5 = 5%) Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are five recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken

only ONCE. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D in your test paper. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A. The woman thinks it is too late to eat. B. The woman thinks there is nothing to eat. C. The man invites the woman to eat. D. The man is hungry and wants something to eat. 2. A. Sue had a bad accident. B. Sue was slightly hurt in the accident. C. Sue didn’t have an accident, but her mother did. D. Sue’s mother died in the traffic accident. 3. A. Sheila works hard as a Chief Executive Officer. B. Sheila works for the CEO of the company. C. Sheila doesn’t like her job. D. Sheila works hard in order to be a CEO. 4. A. She is too old to have a baby. B. She doesn’t like kids. C. She suffers stress from work. D. She doesn’t love her husband. 5. A. Money is nothing. B. Money can buy everything. C. A tycoon can get everything. D. A tycoon can’t get everything. Section B (1%×5= 5%) Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short

高职高专实用英语口语大赛训练题目PART II

全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛”选拔赛竞赛参考题 Part II Presentation (3 minutes) 1 Number of Hours Worked Per Week JAPAN SWEDEN Numbers of Day’s Annual Holiday JAPAN SWEDEN T he average Japanese worker spends 47 hours a week, or 2 100 hours per year, at the office or factory, while the average Swede clocks up only 37.

Swedish workers have 28 days of holiday per year, but the Japanese have only 15. A typical Japanese worker takes a six-day week, however, a Swedish worker works less than 5 days a week. If you are a worker, life is much easier in Sweden than in Japan, for you can work 10 hours shorter each week and you may have a much longer annual holiday. 2 Change in Number of Visitors by Country In 2009 there were a large number of visitors to China on group or independent tour. But there were changes in the numbers of vistors from different countries. Some increased but some decreased. The greatest change happened in Bangladesh. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was down------there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% independent travelers than the year before. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% for independent travelers. The number of visitors from Sweden was up by 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travelers. 3 Sales of Computer Company Group ×1000


第1页 共5页 2012~2013学年度 第一学期 高职2012级航海技术系(海事管理专业)、轮机工程系(船机、焊接、游艇专业)、航运经济系、 工程技术系、信息工程系 《大学英语》期末考试试卷 (请将全部答案写在答题纸上,写在答题纸外一律无效) Part I Listening comprehension (共10 分,每小题1分) Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A) Don ’t mention it. B) This way, please. C) You ’re right. D) No, thanks. 2. A) It ’s over there. B) Sorry, he isn ’t in. C) That ’s very kind of you. D) I ’d love to. 3. A) Yes, I will. B) You ’re welcome. C) I ’m sorry to hear that. D) Not too bad. 4. A) That ’s too bad. B) Thanks a lot. C) No problem. D) Here you are. 5. A) Good idea. B) See you soon. C) Never mind. D) Hold on, please. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 6. A) A fax. B) A report. C) A newspaper. D) A letter. 7. A) Buy a new computer. B) Restart the computer. C) Ask someone to repair the computer. D) Borrow a computer from the company. 8. A) She hasn ’t sent the email. B) She hasn ’t got any email. C) She won ’t read the email. D) She won ’t reply to the email. 9. A) The price of the books. B) The author of the books. C) The way to pack the books. . D) The time to get the books. 10. A) Very nice. B) Very strict. C) V ery humorous. D) Very shy. Part II Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below, changing the form if necessary. (共10 分,每小题1分) 1. The great progress they have made comes from their good ________ work. 2. I ’d like to ______ some volunteer work if you don’t accept my money. 3. My family makes it a rule that every member has to take part in the________ cleaning. 4. Sorry, I can’t give you an answer _______. I need to think about it further. 5. Please_______ look around and make yourself at home. 6. Always think positively, and it will______________ in your life. 7. Of course I will ___________what you feel about it, but business is business. 8. Do you believe that love could _________ even when the beloved is away in the other world? 9. In that region_________ floods do occur, though they are not very serious. 10. Before it got dark the campers _________ their tent in a field. Part III Vocabulary and Structure (共15分,每小题1分) Directions: There are 15 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. To ______ the truth, I really didn't know anything about yesterday's meeting. ———— 装订线————————————————————装 订线 ———————————————————— 装订线 姓名: 学号: 系别: 专业班级:

懂你英语Level 3 unit 1

懂你英语L e v e l3 u n i t1

Level 3 unit 1 part1 Listening Kathy usually gets up at 6:30, but th is morning, she didn’t hear her alarm. As a result, she overslept. She didn’t get up until 7:00, 30 minutes later than usual. As a result, she didn’t have time to c ook breakfast for her children. -Why did she oversleep? –She didn’t hear her alarm. -Why didn’t she cook breakfast? –She didn’t have time. Today Kathy and her kids left home early. They usually leave home at 7:30, but today they left at 7:15. They left early because they had to buy breakfast on their way to school. -Why did they leave home early? –They had to buy breakfast on their way to school. -What did they have to buy on their way to school? –their breakfast. It usually takes 45 minutes to drive her kids to school, but today it took longer. It took them longer because they stopped for breakfast along the way. It took 15 minutes for them to have breakfast. They ate at a little coffee shop along the side of the road. -How long does it usually take to drive her kids to school? –It usually takes 45 minutes. -How long did it take them to have breakfast? –It took 15 minutes. After eating breakfast, they got back into their car. On most days the traffic isn’t too bad in the morning.


附件4 第五届“高教杯”全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛(样题) Part I Short Speech ( 2 minutes) Ladies and Gentlemen, Our conference has lasted three days. It has achieved tremendous success. Eighteen scientists and scholars spoke at the conference. Many more aired their views freely at group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively manner. I benefited greatly by attending this conference and hope you did too. Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. They must, in turn, serve the needs of all people and serve the interest of world peace. All nations must learn from one another. Science involves effort and toil. At the same time, it calls for creativeness, imagination and cooperation. Ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for even greater achievements in your career of science. Now, I declare the conference closed. Thank you. Part II Presentation (3 minutes)


英语教案 Topic: Julia Roberts---a Hollywood film star 授课日期:2015年4月10 日 授课班级:网络1402 授课人:张泓 一、Teaching Aims (教学目标) 1.Knowledge goals(知识目标) ①Make students learn and master the new words and phrases. Words: fancy, remind, award, trademark, tragedy, dreamy, kid, confidence, sweetheart. Phrases: die of, take away, laugh at, couple with, lead to. ②Enable students learn and understand the important grammar points. Grammar: simple past tense. 2. Ability goals(能力目标) ①Help students learn to read a passage in three aspects: content, language, and structure. ②Enable students learn to analysis the passage and complete the relative tasks. 3. Emotional goals(情感目标) ①Enable students learn to cooperate and take active part in the class. ②Help students learn some emotional knowledge from the passage such as what to do when we are in trouble, and how to be faced with our changeable life. 二、Teaching important points(教学重点) 1. Get students master and learn to use the vocabulary and structures. 2. Develop student s’ speaking and reading ability. 三、Teaching difficult points(教学难点) 1. Let students master the reading skills. 2. How to make students understand the passage better and better. 四、Teaching methods(教学方法) Task-Based Language Teaching, Bottom-up model, Top-down model, Interactive model, Listening and Reading, Speaking and Writing, Discussing. 五、Teaching aids(教学工具) Blackboard, Chalks, Multi-media computer, PPT. 六、Blackboard Layout(板书设计) Julia Roberts----A Hollywood Film Star


论高职院校英语教学 【摘要】本文分析了高职院校英语教学的困境,并以克拉申二语监察模式中的“五个假设”为指导,从明确教学目标,提高高职院校英语教学的针对性;夯实学生英语语言基础,降低学生情感焦虑;倡导自主学习;营造英语语言环境几个方面对高职院校英语教学进行探讨,提出对策,以期改变高职院校英语教学的现状,提高外语教学的时效性。 【关键词】高职院校;英语教学;克拉申;二语监察模式;困境;对策 0 引言 自改革开放以来,高等职业教育异军突起,已经占据了我国高等教育的半壁江山,成为一种不同于普通高等教育的教育类型。我国高等职业教育有着自身的办学特色,具有更鲜明职业性、针对性和实用性等特点。但英语课程教学一直没有形成高职特色,不注重高职学生实际,忽视自身特征和未来学生职业特点。本文试图以克拉申二语监察模式为指导,就高职院校英语教学改革和创新进行探索,以期提高教学效果,彻底改变高职院校目前英语教学的困境,实现学生知识、能力、素质的全面协调发展,为学生顺利就业创造条件,为国家培养更多的高素质技能型人才,以满足社会主义现代化建设的需要。 1 当前高职院校英语教学存在的困境 1.1 英语课程体系尚未形成高职特色,导向有误 由于我国高等职业教育起步较晚,高职院校英语课程设置受传统课程影响较大,过多地参照大学英语课程,较少考虑高等职业教育的实际需求,具有高等教育的共性,但缺乏职业教育的特性。另外长期以来,高职英语教学没有形成就业导向意识,英语课程体系与内容陈旧,缺乏现代教育气息和针对性措施,忽视了与高职学生未来职业的联系,使学生觉得今后工作用不上,严重影响了学生学习英语的积极性。此外,在日常教学中,教师大多把精力和时间集中在高等学校英语应用能力A、B级考试和大学英语四级考试上,为考而教,为考而学,忽视了高职学生学习英语的最终目的。高职院校培养的是面向生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的技能型应用型人才。英语作为生活、生产中的一门工具性语言,如果过分重视和强调考级,就会失去高职学生对英语学习的兴趣和对英语的实际运用能力的培养。 1.2 学生英语语言基础薄弱,英语学习兴趣不浓、自信心不足 由于生源问题,高职学生入学时,文化课成绩偏低,整体素质不高。就英语学科而言,尤为突出,学生英语语言基础十分薄弱。根据笔者教学观察,发现高职学生存在以下问题:一、英语语言知识面窄,词汇量少,英语阅读能力十分有限;二、听力差,连一些简单的长对话都听不懂;三、发音不准,口语表达能力


高职生一年级英语期末试卷A 《公共英语》期末考试试题( A )卷 考试方式:闭卷 任课教师: 等 适用班级: 答案请写在后面的答题卡上 Ⅰ.Choose the right responses.(15*1’=15’) 1. Hi ; Tom. How are you? A) Great. Thank you. And you? B) Yes ; I am. C) How are you? D) How do you do? 2. Do you think we've met before? A) Thank you. B) Good luck. C) Yes ; fine. D) I don't think so. 3. Is there a bus going there? A) Yes ; but you may walk there. B) No ; you can't miss it. C) Yes ; take a taxi. D) No ; it's a white building. 4. What a lovely present! I like it so much! A) It isn't worth much. B) I'm glad you like it. 5. Sorry ; I didn't mean to hurt you. A) Don't mention it. B) I don't care. C) It's my fault. D) Forget it. 6. I feel so grateful for your kindness. C) My pleasure. D) Never mind. 7. C) Don't mention it. D) Sorry to hear that. 8. How far is it from here to the library? A) You can't miss it. B) It's only three stops away. C) It's on your left. D) Take Bus No. 10. 9. Excuse me ; where is the nearest supermarket? A) You got lost. B) You can't miss it. C) It is easy to get downtown. D) It is opposite the bank. 10. I'm afraid we have to change the appointment. I have something important to do. A) That's all right. B) It's my pleasure. C) I have a busy schedule. D) I wish I could. 11. Can you make it Monday next week? A) Tuesday is a better time for me. B) Tuesday is fine. C) I'll be seeing Jane on Tuesday. D) I'm fully occupied Tuesday. 12. When does the flight arrive in London? A) The departure time is 10:10. B) The arrival time is 10:10. C) It leaves at 10:10. D) It stops in Beijing at 10:10. 13. What's the weather like there? A) I'm sorry. B) It's noisy. C) I'd like to. D) It's wet. 14. What does the weatherman say? A) The pleasure is mine. B) There is a chance of rain. C) It's wonderful. D) That's terrible. 15. The heat is killing me. I feel like swimming. A) Me ; too. B) Thank you. C) Not at all. D) That's nothing.

英语流利说懂你英语Level4- Unit3教学内容

英语流利说懂你英语L e v e l4-U n i t3

懂你英语Level4 Unit 3 Part1 it 3-1 listening时间花费 Look at these 2 pie graphs. They show how these 2 people spend their days, not including weekends. The one on the top shows how Emma divides up her days. She is a designer who works for a company. As Emma’s graph shows, the biggest portion部分 of her day is spent working. She works an average of 8 hours a day, which is one third of her day. She gets an average of 6 hours to sleep which is 25% of her day. That’s less sleep than Marti n gets. According to his graph, he gets an average of 7 hours to sleep which is about 29% of his day. On the other hand, Martine who is engineer, works more hours than Emma does. Martine average 9 hours a day at work co mpare to Emma’s 8. That’s 37.5% compare to 33%. Other factors shown in the graph included time for meals and commuting to work. Other activities include getting dress and doing household chores such as doing laundry and paying bills. As you can see, for Martin, commuting is taking a large amount of his time. If he could reduce his commute time, he will have more time for other things. And it isn’t just the time. When the traffic is really heavy his commute is stressful. It will be great if he can work from home one or two days a week. He life will be more enjoyable. And we look at Emma’s graph, we see she probably needs more sleep. Perhaps, she should spend a bit less time socializing with her friends. On the other hand, socializing with her friend is something she really values. As for putting on makeup, she isn’t willing to change that. For her, exercising, socializing and staying beautiful help her deal with the stressful work. In conclusion, Emma and Martin both wish there were more hours in a day. This next graph shows how various factors compare important to 1350 jobs applicants. Applicants were between 20 to 25 years ago. They were asked to list which factors were most important for a good job. As the graph shows, money was the most important factor for 25% of the applicants. However, other factors are also important. The second most important factor was the work environment. In other words, for many, money is everything. People want to like where they work. In fact, if we combine working environment and co-workers, the total is 35%. This is well above the 25% for salary and benefits. Taking together, they are more important than salary and benefits. Career path is also important especially for younger applicants. They want to see that their job helps to build a successful career. For older workers, this may not be as important.


Unit 2 places (1---2 periods) Step 1 Brief summary of the unit Topics ?Greeting people for the first time ?Greeting people you already know ?Introducing yourself and others ?Saying goodbye ?Shaking hands ?Forms of address Skills ?Understanding spoken directions ?Giving directions ?Understanding and giving definitions ?Following written instructions ?Writing: Writing instructions Rewriting jumbled sentences in a sensible order ?Project: Presenting your town using photos on a map with written directions Grammar

?Numbers: Big numbers Ordinal numbers Fractions Time and date Step 2 Warm up ?Make a list of everything you can see in town.?buildings ?traffic ?things in the street Useful Expressions


浅议高职院校英语教学方法改革 摘要:高职院校应根据市场对人才的需求培养高级实用型人才。面对wto,社会对各类专业技术人员的英语水平提出了更高的要求。因此教学改革面临着严峻的挑战,英语教学改革也势在必行。 关键词:高职院校英语改革教学方法 abstract:the vocational college should nurture the practical talented persons according to the need of the market. facing to the wto, the society makes higher demands to the english level which the different kinds of special skilled persons should have. therefore the educational reform is facing serious challenge,english educational reform is unav-oidably. key words:the vocational college en-glish reform teaching method 近年来,高职院校在全国各地都取得了较大的发展,新成立了许多高职院校。笔者在最近几年高职院校的英语教学中面临着许多困难,特别是学生成绩参差不齐。从目前高职院校英语教学现状来看,大多数高职院校的毕业生的英语水平达不到就业的需要。笔者认为应从以下几个方面进行教学改革。 一、了解英语教学目标,培养实用人才 教育部高教司出版的《高职高专教育英语教学课程基本要求》指出,高职高专英语教学的目的是“经过180~220学时的教学,使学


英语期末考试试题 请将答案写在答题纸相应的位置上 Ⅰ.PartⅠ. Vocabulary and Structure. (20%) 1. —Is Sally from America? —No. Sally is an girl, but she’s i n now. A. America, England B. English, America C. American, English D. England, America 2. This is new book. Let have a look. A. you, me B. you, I C. your, I D. your, me 3. —What’s in the reading room? —There a big desk and twenty chairs in it. A. be B. am C. are D. is 4.I have _______ e-dog.________ name is Hobo. A. a, Its B. a, It’s C. an ,Its D. an, It’s 5.Daniel is a very _________ football player and he plays football very _____. A. good ,good B. well, good C .good ,well D .well, well 6.They go to bed________ 9:40 ______Sunday evening. A. in ,at B. on ,in C. at ,on D. from ,on 7.—_________desk is this? —It’s____________. A Who’s , Sandy’s and Simon’s B. Whose,Sandy’s and Simon’s C. Who’s , Sandy and Simon’s D. Whose , Sandy and Simon’s 8.If you can’t _________English. You can _________it in Chinese. A. speak, speak B. say, speak C. speak, say D. say ,talk 9.—Look !There are many apples _______the tree. —Oh ,there are also three birds _____the tree. A .in ,in B .in ,on C .on. in D .on, on 10.—Here are your sports shoes. — ________. A.OK B. Thanks C. That’s right D. That’s all right 11.I often talk ______ my classmates ______ lunchtime . A. to, in B. to, on C. with ,on D. to , at 12 — : ________ ,where’s the bookshop, please? — : ________, I don’t know. A. Excuse me ,Sorry B. Excuse me ,Excuse me C. Sorry, Excuse me D. Sorry, Sorry 13.—Would you like________ with me to the bookshop? —All right .I want ________a comic book. A. go ,to buy B. going, buy C. to go ,to buy D .goes ,to buy 14.—Who __________the house in your family? —My father and mother__________. A. clean, clean B .cleans ,clean C .cleans ,do D. cleans, does 15.Bill Gates(比尔·盖茨) is a famousman from_____________. A.PRC B.UN https://www.360docs.net/doc/fb15732088.html, https://www.360docs.net/doc/fb15732088.html,A 16.Mary doesn't _____her homework after lunch. A. does B. say C. do D.doing 17.--- Is there a poster on the wall?
