


Party A:

Party B:

XXX。based on the principle of equality。voluntary。honest and mutual benefit。Party A and Party B made and entered into the following agreement:


Party A authorizes Party B as the only authorized dealer of Part A's product in China.


This Agreement shall e effective as of the date of XXX [insert date].

Upon the n of this contract。if both parties agree to renewing。they shall sign a written renew contract within [insert number] working days r to the expiry of this agreement.

3.Party XXX

XXX agreement。XXX or export the products or services listed in the first article of this XXX area through channels other than Party B.

Note: Please delete this page before editing the contract。

This agreement is characterized by simple and clear clauses and a clear outline。Please do not mind the XXX.

During XXX this agreement。Party XXX specified in Article 1 to customers in the territory through channels other than Party B。Any enquiries or orders received by Party A from other firms in

the territory should be referred to Party B.

Party XXX to Party B to ensure that Party B's work meets Party A's requirements.

Party B XXX in the name of "Part A product's only authorized dealers"。However。Party B is not XXX ns occur。Party B will be warned。If the ns occur twice。Party A has the right to cancel Party B'XXX agreement.

If Party B has special XXX。any nal fees will be borne by Party B.

When returning products。Party B XXX

Party B XXX。If cross-area sales are discovered。Party A will issue a warning to Party B。If Party B lates this rule twice in a row。Party A has the right to cancel Party B'XXX agreement.

If there are quality issues with the products。Party B must submit a return n to Party A within 60 days of receiving the products。Party A will agree to the return。but the returned products and packaging must be in a n that does not affect their resale。If they do not meet this requirement。Party A will not

issue a refund。Party A will XXX the returned products meet the requirements.

When delivering products。Party A will bear the n and insurance fee。If Party B has special n requirements。any nal fees will be borne by Party B。When returning products。Party B XXX.

If Party B has any special requirements。they will be XXX returning the item。Party B will be XXX.

Force Majeure refers to events such as floods。fires。earthquakes。droughts。wars。or any other XXX party from fulfilling all or part of this agreement。In such cases。neither party will be XXX。the party affected by the event of Force Majeure must inform the other party in writing as soon as possible and provide a certificate of the event XXX 15 days of its occurrence.

Any disputes arising from the performance of this agreement XXX fails。the dispute should be submitted to the people's court

where Party B is XXX rules in effect at the time of n。The n n is final and binding on both parties.

XXX no agreement can be reached。the case will be brought to court in the n of Party B and will be XXX at the time of n。The arbitral award will be final and binding for both parties.

This agreement is written in both Chinese and English。In case of discrepancies een the two ns。the Chinese n will take precedence.

This agreement is in two copies。with each party holding one copy。Both copies have the same legal effect.

If XXX agreement。both parties will negotiate and sign a supplementary agreement。which will have the same legal effect as this agreement.

Party A (with stamp):






Party B (Stamp):





The above text seems to be a form for a contract or agreement。However。XXX:






Party B (Stamp):





This form is to be used for a contract or agreement een two parties。The first n is for the authorized representative of the first party to fill in their contact n。The second n is for the authorized representative of the second party to do the same。Both parties should sign and stamp the form to XXX to the terms of the contract.


品牌授权协议 (中英文对照) 说明:本文为word格式,下载后可直接打印使用

签约各方:BETWEEN: 甲方(授权方):Party A (Authorizing Party): 乙方(被授权方):Party B (Authorized Party): 丙方(生产加工方):Party C (Manufacturing and Processing Party): 丁方(生产加工方):Party D (Manufacturing and Processing Party): 定义:DEFINITIONS: 1、指由在韩国直接生产的或者由丙方、丁方依据乙方的指示,按照甲方提供的制造工艺和相关技术生产制造的,并由甲方依据本合同的约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国境内销售的相关品牌产品。 The term as used herein means such brand products as directly manufactured in Korea or as jointly manufactured by Party C and Party D subject to instructions of Party B and with the manufacture processes and related technologies provided by Party A hereunder, and as Party A authorizes Party B to sell within the territory of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with terms agreed herein. 2、发货:系指收到乙方书面订购产品订单的本合同当事方,包括甲方、丙方和丁方。“Supplier” as referred to herein means such party to this Contract as may receive written orders from Party B for , including Party A, Party C as well as Party D. 鉴于:WHEREAS, 1、甲方系一家依据大韩民国法律设立的企业法人,有意依据本合同之约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国境内销售产品,并愿意向丙方和丁方提供生产产品的相关制造工艺和技术,以便丙方和丁方可即使依据乙方的指示向乙方提供产品; Party A, a corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea, desires to, pursuant to provisions contained herein, authorize Party B as its agent to sell within the territory of China, and agrees to provide Party C and Party D with related manufacturing processes and technologies for intended manufacture of , thus enabling Party C and Party D hereto to furnish to Party B subject to instructions of Party B; 2、乙方系一家依据中华人民共和国法律、法规设立的有限责任公司,愿意接受甲方的授权和委托,按照本合同之约定在中华人民共和国境内销售产品; Party B, a limited liability corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the applicable laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, hereby agrees to accept such authorization and entrustment by Party A hereunder whereby to sell Products within the territory of China pursuant to provisions described herein; 3、丙方和丁方均系依据中华人民共和国法律、法规设立的有限责任公司,且具备生产产品的能力,愿意依据本全责的约定为乙提供产品。 Party C and Party D, both limited liability companies duly incorporated and existing under the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and having sufficient capability and competence to manufacture the said Products, hereby agree to provide Party B with desired Products in accordance herewith. 上述各方经协商一致、就上述事宜,达成签订本合同,以兹各方共同信守执行。 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of promises and mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 第一条授权销售区域:Article 1 Authorized Territory


CONTRACT NO 合同号:Sign Place 签订地: 地址: Address: 地址: Address: 买卖双方经友好商议,就卖方向买方销售产品的有关事宜,于________ (日期)达成协议如下: After friendly negotiation, the Seller and the Buyer have reached the following Agreement in ____________(date) with respect to the sale of products by the Seller to the Buyer: 本协议合用于买卖双方在本协议签字生效后的协议有效期内的所有定单。 This Agreement applies to all purchase orders between the Seller and the Buyer during the term of the Agreement after signing of this Agreement.

卖方授权买方为地区的经销商,销售卖方品牌下的产品。 The Seller authorizes the Buyer as distributor to sell Products of brands, in the Territory of . 1、每年10 月20 日之前,双方约定下一年的非约束性的大概销售预测。其中必须包含每一个月的定单数量预测和全年的平均到每月的定单数量。 The parties will agree to a non-binding estimate of the next year’s sales forecast before 20th of October of each year. And it shall specify each month sales quantity forecast and a monthly average sales quantity throughout the year. 2、每月20 日之前,双方确认下月约束性的定单。每月最终实际定单数量可在当年预测的相应月份的非约束性定单数量的基础上增减20%以内。 The parties will confirm the following month’s binding order before the 20th of each month. The final order quantity for the month can be ±20% than is specified in correspondent month of the non-binding estimate of the year’s sales forecast. 3、买方在承诺合同有效期内在区域内销售量至少达到品牌件/年,根据市场情况,卖方可接受±20%销量的浮动。买方连续两个月未能完成80%的平均月估计定单量,卖方有权解除本协议。 The Buyer promises to sell at least brand units /year within the contract valid period in territory. Order quality could fluctuate by ±20% according to market situation. If the Buyer failed to complete 80% of the monthly average sales quantity for two consecutive months, the Seller has the right to terminate this Agreement. 4、根据双方商议,各月份销量明细如下(单位:units): Monthly sales volume are as follows according to negotiation by two parties ( in units):


CONTRACT FOR BRAND AUTHORIZATION 签约各方:BETWEEN: 甲方(授权方):Party A (Authorizing Party): 乙方(被授权方):Party B (Authorized Party): 丙方(生产加工方):Party C (Manufacturing and Processing Party): 丁方(生产加工方):Party D (Manufacturing and Processing Party): 定义:DEFINITIONS: 1、指由在韩国直接生产的或者由丙方、丁方依据乙方的指示,按照甲方提供的制造工艺和相关技术生产制造的,并由甲方依据本合同的约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国 境内销售的相关品牌产品。 The term as used herein means such brand products as directly manufactured in Korea or as jointly manufactured by Party C and Party D subject to instructions of Party B and with the manufacture processes and related technologies provided by Party A hereunder, and as Party A authorizes Party B to sell within the territory of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with terms agreed herein. 2、发货:系指收到乙方书面订购产品订单的本合同当事方,包括甲方、丙方和丁方。“Supplier” as referred to herein means such party to this Contract as may receive written orders from Party B for , including Party A, Party C as well as Party D. 鉴于:WHEREAS, 1、甲方系一家依据大韩民国法律设立的企业法人,有意依据本合同之约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国境内销售产品,并愿意向丙方和丁方提供生产产品的相关制造工艺和 技术,以便丙方和丁方可即使依据乙方的指示向乙方提供产品; Party A, a corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea, desires to, pursuant to provisions contained herein, authorize Party B as its agent to sell within the territory of China, and agrees to provide Party C and Party D with related manufacturing processes and technologies for intended manufacture of , thus enabling Party C and Party D hereto to furnish to Party B subject to instructions of Party B;


独家经销协议(中英文) 独家经销协议 (Exclusive Distribution Agreement) 本协议由下列双方签署: 甲方: [公司名称] 地址:[地址] 电话:[电话] 法定代表人:[法定代表人] 乙方:[公司名称] 地址:[地址] 电话:[电话] 法定代表人:[法定代表人] 鉴于甲方作为产品的制造商,拥有销售和分销产品的权利, 鉴于乙方在销售和分销领域具有丰富的经验和资源, 甲、乙双方决定达成以下协议: 1. 定义 1.1 “产品”指甲方所制造的具体产品。 1.2 “独家经销权”指乙方作为甲方产品的唯一经销商,享有在指定地区内独家销售和分销产品的权利。 1.3 “指定地区”指乙方在本协议中被授予独家销售和分销产品的特定地理区域。

2. 权利和义务 2.1 甲方同意授予乙方在指定地区内的独家经销权,乙方同意成为甲方产品的唯一经销商。 2.2 乙方有责任积极推广和销售甲方产品,通过市场营销和广告宣传提高产品的知名度和销量。 2.3 乙方有义务定期向甲方提供产品销售情况的报告和销售计划。 2.4 甲方有义务不向其他经销商出售产品或在指定地区内进行直销活动,除非乙方同意或本协议终止。 2.5 双方同意保持商业机密和竞争对手信息的保密,并采取适当措施保证其保密性。 3. 终止 3.1 本协议的有效期为 ___ 年,自协议签署之日起算。协议到期前的 30 天内,乙方和甲方都有权选择是否续签协议。 3.2 如果一方违反本协议的任何条款,并且未能在接到对方的通知后进行修正,在发生此类违规行为后,对方有权立即终止本协议。 3.3 协议终止后,双方都应终止使用对方商标和其他知识产权,并按照本协议约定的期限处理库存。 本协议已由双方充分审阅并理解,并同意按照协议条款执行。 甲方: 签署日期: 乙方: 签署日期:


中英文经销协议范本8篇 第1篇示例: 经销协议 本协议由以下方在__________年____月____日签订,以下方为经销商,以下方为供货商,双方经友好协商达成以下经销协议: 第一条:协议目的 1.1 供货商授权经销商作为其产品的经销商,负责该产品的销售、推广和市场拓展。 1.2 经销商应按照供货商的要求,积极推广销售供货商的产品, 并达到双方约定的销售目标。 第二条:供货及品质保证 2.1 供货商应按照双方约定的时间、数量及质量标准向经销商供货。 2.2 供货商保证其产品的质量符合国家相关标准,并承诺对产品 的售后服务。 2.3 经销商在接货时应仔细检查产品的数量及质量,如发现问题 应及时向供货商提出异议。 第三条:价格、付款及发票

3.1 产品的价格由双方协商确定,供货商有权根据市场情况适当调整价格,但应提前通知经销商。 3.2 付款方式双方协商确定,一般为货款到付或者月结,双方应在合同中明确具体的付款方式。 3.3 供货商应按时开具发票,并且发票内容应真实、合法,未经经销商同意不得擅自更改。 第四条:市场推广及销售目标 4.1 经销商应按照供货商的市场推广计划,积极开展产品的宣传推广工作,提升品牌知名度。 4.2 供货商应向经销商提供必要的市场支持和宣传材料,包括但不限于广告宣传资料、促销方案等。 4.3 双方应共同制定销售目标,并严格执行,如未能达到销售目标的,双方可协商调整销售计划或者追究责任。 第五条:知识产权保护 5.1 经销商须严格遵守国家的知识产权法律法规,不得侵犯供货商的知识产权。 5.2 如发现侵权行为,供货商有权终止本协议,并追究经销商的法律责任。


经销商授权协议合同书(中英文对照) XXX Party A: Party B: XXX。based on the principle of equality。voluntary。honest and mutual benefit。Party A and Party B made and entered into the following agreement: 1.Appointment Party A authorizes Party B as the only authorized dealer of Part A's product in China. 2.Validity This Agreement shall e effective as of the date of XXX [insert date].

Upon the n of this contract。if both parties agree to renewing。they shall sign a written renew contract within [insert number] working days r to the expiry of this agreement. 3.Party XXX XXX agreement。XXX or export the products or services listed in the first article of this XXX area through channels other than Party B. Note: Please delete this page before editing the contract。 This agreement is characterized by simple and clear clauses and a clear outline。Please do not mind the XXX. During XXX this agreement。Party XXX specified in Article 1 to customers in the territory through channels other than Party B。Any enquiries or orders received by Party A from other firms in the territory should be referred to Party B.


销售代理协议 SALES AGENCY AGREEMENT 编号/No: 2000 日期/Date: 1/1/2022 此协议是双方在平等互利基础上建立的,共同遵守下列条款: This Agreement is made among the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefits to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 协议相关各方当事人The parties concerned 生产商:XX公司(以下简称“甲方”) Manufacturer: XX Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Party A) 代理商:XX (以下简称“乙方”) Agent:XX (hereinafter referred to as Party B) 2.独家代理权的授予Appointment of Exclusive Agent 甲方授权乙方为其XX 产品在XX (国家)区域特约总经销商,全权负责甲方生产的产品在XX 市场的推广,销售和售后服务事宜。 Party A hereby appoints Party B as its sole agency in the XX market to engage in the promotion, sales and after sales service of its XX . 产品:由甲方生产的XX 。 Commodity: XX produced by Party A. 代理区域:仅限中国区域内。 Territory: In China only. 3.订单的确认Confirmation on Orders 关于协议所规定的上述商品的每笔交易,其数量、价格及装运条件等以甲乙双方另行签定的销售合同为准。


中英文外贸代理合同范本 外贸代理合同(中英文版) 【中文】 甲方:(委托方) 地址: 电话: 传真: 邮编: 乙方:(代理方) 地址: 电话: 传真: 邮编: 鉴于甲方拟委托乙方代理与海外客户进行贸易活动,双方经友好协商,达成以下协议: 一、委托内容 1. 甲方委托乙方作为其专属代理,负责开展与以下海外客户的贸易活动: - 客户名称: - 地址: - 联系人:

- 联系电话: 2. 乙方应根据甲方的要求进行产品销售、报价、样品寄送、订单处理、支付款项等相关业务,并努力促成交易的顺利进行。 二、权利义务 1. 乙方有权根据甲方的委托代表其与海外客户进行谈判、签订合同,并代表甲方处理合同履行过程中的问题。 2. 乙方应保证其代理活动严格遵守相关法律法规,确保贸易活动合法、公正、诚信进行。 3. 乙方应尽全力保护甲方的商业利益,维护甲方的商誉,不得以任何方式损害甲方的利益。 4. 甲方应提供准确、完整的产品信息和要求,确保乙方能够顺利开展代理工作。 5. 甲方应按时支付乙方相应的代理费用,具体费用标准另行约定。 三、保密条款 1. 双方应互相保密对方披露的商业秘密和商业信息,不得向任何第三方透露。 2. 本合同终止后,双方仍对对方披露的商业秘密和商业信息承担保密义务。 四、违约责任 1. 乙方如未按时履行代理义务或违反相关法律法规,甲方有权解除本合同,并有权要求乙方承担相应的违约责任。

2. 甲方如未按时支付代理费用,乙方有权解除本合同,并有权要求甲方承担相应的违约责任。 五、争议解决 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。如双方就本合同的实施发生争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。 六、其他条款 1. 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。 2. 本合同未尽事宜,双方可协商订立补充协议。补充协议与本合同具有同等效力。 (以下为正文继续页) 【英文】 Foreign Trade Agency Contract Party A: (Principal) Address: Phone: Fax: Post Code: Party B: (Agent) Address: Phone: Fax:


国际经销商授权协议(中英文) Authorized Dealer Agreement 根据平等互利,双方作出分为以下协议签订,双方应开展业务按照下列条款和条件的签名。 Based on the equality and mutual benefit, both parties made and entered into the following agreement on, both parties should carry out business according to the following terms and conditions upon signature. 1.有关缔约方 The Parties Concerned 甲方: Party A: 地址: Add: 电话: Tel: 传真: Fax: 电子邮箱: E-mail: 乙方: Party B:

地址: Add: 电话: Tel: 传真: Fax: 电子邮箱: E-mail: 1.定义 Definitions 当本协议中使用的下列术语应具有各自的含义表示,这种意义是适用于这两种定义方面的单数和复数形式: When used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the respective meanings indicated, such meanings to be applicable to both the singular and plural forms of the terms defined: ?“协议”指本协议附表所附的任何文件,包括参照,因为每个可能不时按 照当本协议的条款作出修订; ?“Agreement” means this agreement, the Schedules attached hereto and any documents included by reference, as each may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; ?“配件/附件”是指图标A所述附上的配件,并包括A部分所制造并用于连接货物运作的特殊装置。附件可能被从图表A中被删掉也可能加进去,公司单方面可随时自行更改他们的规格和设计,要向乙方邮寄书面通知。 每个更改,在书面通知发送给分销商的15天后生效。 -“Accessories” means the accessories described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and includes any special devices manufactured by Part A and used in connection with the operation of the Goods. Accessories may be deleted from or added to Exhibit A and their specifications and design may be changed by Company at its sole discretion at any time by mailing written notice of such changes to Part B. Each change shall become effective 15 days following the date notice thereof is sent to Distributor.


经销商授权书英文范本 1. 谁能给一份中英文版或者英文版本的《产品销售授权书》 销售代理协议 SALES AGENCY AGREEMENT 编号:No:日期:Date:本协议双方为了进展贸易,在公平互利的基础上,按下列条件签定本协议。 This agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 订约人(Contracting Parties)供货人:Supplier:(hereinafter called "Party A") 销售代理人:Agent:(hereinafter called "Party B") 甲方托付乙方为销售代理人,推销下列商品。 Party A hereby appoints party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2. 商品及数量或金额(Commodity and Quantity or amount)双方商定,乙方在协议有效期内,承销不少于_____的上述商品。 It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than _____ of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement. 3. 经销地区只限在_____销售。 Territory In_____only. 4. 定单的确认(Confirmation of orders)关于协议所规定的上述商品的每笔买卖,其数量、价格及装运条件等须经甲方确认,并签定销售确认书,对买卖做详细规定。 The quantities, prices and shipment of the commodities

产品代理销售合作协议范本 中英文对照版

甲方: Party A: 乙方: Party B: 甲乙双方本着平等互信、互惠互利的原则,在共同遵守相关法律法规的基础上,就产品销售合作达成如下协议: In accordance with the principle of equality, mutual trust and benefit,Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on product sales cooperation on the basis of common compliance with relevant laws and regulations: 1. 合作内容cooperation content 1.1合作范围scope of cooperation 甲方授权乙方在XX国家代理销售甲方的xx等xx牌产品。 Party A authorizes Party B to sell xx products in xx countries. 1.2合作方式Cooperation mode 甲乙双方直接签订合同的,甲方按代理商价格销售给乙方,乙方按先款后货条件支付货款,在合同中明确权责、义务等。乙方提供市场资源、开发客户,由甲方与最终客户直接签订合同的,双方事先约定由甲方给乙方支付一定比例的佣金作为乙方的市场开发费用。 Party A and Party B sign the contract directly, Party A sells products to Party B at the agent's price and Party B shall pay the goods according


独家经销协议 由 中国沈阳 -以下称“甲方” 和 (国家城市) -以下称“乙方” 签署 年月日SOLE SALES AGREEMENT Signed -by and between- Shenyang P. R. China PARTY A and (City and country) PARTY B (DATE)

独家经销协议 SOLE SALES AGREEMENT 协议号:(甲方) Agreement No.: (Party A) 协议号:(乙方) Agreement No.: (Party B) 本《独家经销协议》(下称“本《协议》”)是由依照中华人民共和国现行法律合法设立并有效存续的、其主要经营地址为的(下称“甲方”)与依照现行法律合法设立并有效存续的、其注册办公地址为 的(下称“乙方”)于年月日在中华人民共和国辽宁省沈阳市签订。甲方与乙方合称为“协议双方”,单称为“协议一方”。 This “SOLE SALES AGREEMENT”(hereinafter referred to as “This Agreement”) is made on the day of , at Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, P. R. China by and between: (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), a corporation duly established and existing under the currently effective laws of the People’s Republic of China with its registered address at and (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”), a corporation duly established and existing under the currently effective laws of with its registered address at . Party A and Party B are hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Parties”, and individually as a “Party”. 鉴于: WITNESS 1、甲方是一家汽车产品的制造、销售公司,有权并愿意根据本《协议》约定的条件许可乙方成为在经销区域内的独家经销商,以便乙方在经销区域内经销甲方所供协议产品。 1. Party A, a corporation in the business of manufacturing and selling vehicles, has right to and intents to authorize Party B as its Sole Sales Agency to sell Agreement Products supplied by Party A in the Sales Territory under the terms and conditions agreed in This Agreement. 2、乙方是具有从事汽车进口及销售资质及能力的公司,愿意在满足本《协议》约定的条


经销协议(中英文)范文 这篇《经销协议(中英文)范文》是 为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。以下信息仅供参考!!! 经双方友好协商,甲方愿意委任作为在销售其产品的经销商。为了明确双方的权利和义务,特订立本协议。 甲方:%%公司(以下简称甲方)受委任方:(以下简称乙方) 地址:地址: 电话: 传真: email: 第一条、双方关系: 在本协议的有效期内,甲方和**公司的关系纯属卖方和买方的关系。 本协议不产生代理权,任何一方不能向第三者代表另一方,若由此而致使另一方受损,则越权的一方须承担赔偿责任和法律责任。 第二条、产品。 本协议所称的产品,系指甲方所制造的产品。 第三条、经销权 甲方给予**公司在的范围内以进口并销售其产品的权利。 第四条、专营权 除**公司外,甲方不得再委任范围内的其它公司为其经销商和代理商。 第五条、价格 甲方必须向乙方提供惠的价格。惠的价格即必须低于正常贸易的价格。 第六条、交易方式

发生在双方间的每一笔交易都必须订立合同,双方均须受到每一个合同的约束。 第七条、卖方责任 1. 自费向乙方提供新产品的样品,每个样品为1-2个。 2. 同意乙方在进行业务推广时向客户介绍甲方的网站,并表明其经销的身份。 3. 在协议的有效期限内:甲方如获得专利产品的注册、或商标、或其他商业标志,均须 立即向乙方提供。 4. 甲方必须将希望与其建立商业关系的境内新客户转给乙方。 5. 不断提供有助于推销产品的意见和资料。 第八条、经销商责任 1. 自费维持一个有经营能力的机构,切实地为甲方推销产品。 2. 自费参加一些交易会或制作为了推销甲方产品的网站、目录等广告物。 3. 在本协议的有效时限内,第一年的每个月的交易额必须达到万美元,以后每年递增20% 4. 向甲方提供一个由甲方认可的银行为结算银行。 5. 不得购买和销售其他公司的同类产品 6. 不断地向甲方提供国内相关的商业情报 第九条、有效时限 本协议自_____生效,有效期为___年。 期满前三个月内,双方如未能在续签本协议上达成一致,则本协议在期满时自动失效,双 方再不受其约束。 第十条、违约 本协议的任何一方发生了违约行为,另一方得以书面的形式通知其纠正。如若违约一方在 三个月内仍未纠正其违约行为,则另一方有权中止本协议。 第十一条、一般条款 1. 不可抗力: 本协议的任何一方如遭遇到所力不能及的事由,以致全部或部份无法履行本协议,则可在 下列范围内免除其责任。如:火灾、水灾、海啸、地震、雷击、台风、旋风、疫病、爆炸、


独家代理销售协议三篇 篇一:独家代理销售协议 Exclusive-Distribution-Agreement 本协议于年月日,由ABC公司(一家根据中国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在,以下简称卖方)与XYZ公司(一家根据XX国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营地在XXX,以下简称代理商)共同签定并一致约定如下: This agreement is made and entered into this XXX day of XXXby and between ABC CO.,LTD. a corporation dully organized and existing under the the laws of People's Republic of China, with its principal place of business at XXX(hereinafter called seller) and XYZ CO.,LTD. a corporation uly organized and existing under the laws of XXX , with its principal of business at XX(hereinafter called agent) ,Whereby it's mutually agreed as follows: 第一条委任与接受 在本协议有效期内,卖方指定代理商为本协议第四条项下商品的独家代理商,在第三条规定的区域内招揽订单。代理商同意并接受上述委任。 Article 1 Appointment and Acceptance During the effective period of this agreement, seller hereby appoints agent as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for products stipulated


代理协议(中英文对照版本)第一部分:引言 1. 背景 本协议旨在明确代理商与委托方之间的权利和责任,以确保双方合作的顺利进行。 2. 目的 本协议的目的是确立代理商在销售、推广和市场营销方面的职责和义务,并明确委托方对代理商的支持和帮助。 第二部分:定义和解释 在本协议中,以下术语的定义如下: 1. 代理商:指被委托方授权代表并推广其产品或服务的个人或公司。

2. 委托方:指拥有产品或服务的个人、公司或组织,并授权代理商销售、推广和市场营销其产品或服务。 第三部分:代理权和义务 1. 代理权 1.1 代理商有权以委托方的名义销售和推广产品或服务。 1.2 代理商有权在委托方的授权范围内,使用委托方的商标、商号、标识和其他相应的知识产权。 2. 代理义务 2.1 代理商应遵守委托方的销售政策和标准,并积极推广委托方的产品或服务。 2.2 代理商应妥善处理与客户的关系,并及时报告与委托方有关的销售情况和市场信息。

第四部分:委托方的权利和义务 1. 支持和培训 1.1 委托方将提供必要的支持和培训,以帮助代理商更好地销 售和推广产品或服务。 1.2 委托方将提供必要的市场信息和销售工具,以帮助代理商 更好地开展营销活动。 2. 补偿和报酬 2.1 代理商将获得委托方根据销售和推广成果所支付的相应报酬。 2.2 委托方将根据协议约定的规定和时间,支付代理商的报酬。 第五部分:保密和终止

1. 保密 双方同意在本协议有效期内和解约后保守彼此的商业机密和保密信息,并不得向第三方披露。 2. 终止 2.1 本协议可由任何一方在提前书面通知对方30天后终止,但必须履行所有未完成的义务。 2.2 在严重违反本协议的情况下,任何一方有权立即终止本协议。 第六部分:争议解决和法律适用 1. 争议解决 任何涉及本协议解释、履行或效力的争议,双方将本着诚信和友好解决的原则进行协商。


授权经销商协议 Authorized Dealer Agreement 甲方:Party A: 乙方:Party B: 甲、乙双方经友好协商,本着平等、自愿、诚实、互惠互利的原则,就合作事宜达成如下协议: Through friendly negotiations, based on the principle of equality, voluntary, honest and mutual benefit, Party A and Party B made and entered into the following agreement on: 1.委任 Appointment China. 所涉及的: Involves: 2.有效期 Validity 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期至年月 日止。 This Agreement shall become effective as of the date of signature and seal by both parties. Valid until . 当本协议期满,如双方同意续约,应在本协议有效期满前_______个工作日内签署书面续约协议。 Upon the expiration of this contract, if both parties agree to renewing, shall sign a written renew contract within working days prior to the expiry of this agreement. 3.甲方责任和义务 Party A responsibilities and obligations
