


1.Annual ring(年轮):the early wood and late wood arise alternate in a year,formed ~

2. Pharmaceutical botany :pharmaceutical botany is utilizing common botany knowledge and method to study plants that possesses prevention and cure illness as well as health protection function.

3.Phloem ray(韧皮射线):the seondary ray located in phloem called phloem ray two parts of this is terned vascular ray维管射线

4.Dorsi-ventral leaf(两面叶):the lamina(叶片)has distinctions in appearance and structure between upper and lower surfaces and characteristic reticulate venation of dicotyls(双子叶植物)

5.Multiple epidermis(复表皮) : most species epidermis is only one layer cell ,but few species can be several layer cells termed multiple epidermis.

6.Rhytidome(落皮层):the older periderm(周皮) and inner dead tissue compound body separated by new periderm is called rhytidome.

7.Early wood(早材):in spring, the large thin wall xylem(木质部) ducting(导管) cell are formed,called early wood

8. Late wood :in autumn, the small ,thickened wall xylem ducting cells are formed called~

9.Heart wood(心材): central part of xylem ,color heavy hard , contain many metabolish products.

10.Sap wood(心材):outside part of xylem ,color light, soft,conducting function.

11.Intra-fascicular cambium(束中形成层): between the xylem and phloem(韧皮部) groups,the vascular bundles include a region of potentially meristematic(分生细胞) cells formed ~

12.Medullary ray (髓射线): it is called primary ray also ,a tissue region between vascular

bundles(维管束) ,it connects the cortex(皮质) and pith(髓) in primary stems, consisting of parenchyma, it mainly cross transmission and storage.

13.root skin: in botany ,root skin is periderm. in pharmaceutical botany, root skin is outer part of cambium(形成层), include phloem and periderm(周皮).

14.secondary ray(次生射线): when the cambium active ,it divedes some parenchyma at some position, and radial arrangement, the cells are showing radial lengthen cross in secondary vascular tissue

15.xylem ray(木射线): the secondary ray located in xylem called ~

16.Phloem ray(韧皮射线): the secondary ray located in phloem called ~

17.pericycle(中柱鞘):the external layer of the vascular cylinder(维管柱) is the

pericycle ,adjacent to the endoderm(内皮层).

18.endogenous(内生源): lateral roots arise in the deeper tissue of root ,origin from pericycle ,termed endogenous

19.radial vascular bundle(辐射性维管束): location between the xylem angles ,arranged in alternate manner, it is termed~

20.exarch(外始式): proxylem (原木质部)groups located the outside of primary

xylem ,termed~

21.casparian strip(凯氏带): the 2 radial and 2 end walls are showing strip shape thickened on the inner surface of cell wall, termed ~

22.casparian dot(凯氏点): in transverse section the casparian strip is showing like dot on radial walls ,termed~

20.Passage cell (通道细胞): usually we can find without casparian strip thickened endodermis cells that located opposite the xylem ,the cells are called~

https://www.360docs.net/doc/189192528.html,an:the part of plant body that possesses certainly outer shape and inner structure and composed of several tissues, carry out a same physiological function is termed ~ https://www.360docs.net/doc/189192528.html,panion cell: occurring side of the sieve cell, small, slender cell, cytoplasm abundant, retain nucleus after maturity, contact with sieve tubes.

23.crystal fiber: the parenchyma(薄壁组织) cells contain crystal that surrounded the fiber bundle.

24.Phellem [cork layer]木栓层: outer layer is phellem ,arranged in radial raw.

25.phellogen[cork cambium]木栓形成层:middle layer is ~, only 1 layer cell

26.phelloderm[green cork]栓内层: inner layer is phelloderm indistinct with cortical parenchyma, in stem, usually contain chloroplast termed the green cortex

27.lenticels(皮孔) :under the stoma ,the periderm(周皮) broken.

28.filled cell: the phellogen divided many parenchyma cells into outer of it, they are loosely arrangement, no suberization(栓化) ,termed~

29.stomata: the ~ is composed of 2 guard cells and a pore(孔) in dicotyledonous(双子叶植物)

30.guard cell: specialized epidermal(表皮) cells that surrounded pore are called~

31.accessory cell: in conjunction with the guard cells ,outer adjacent and distinctive epidermal cells may assist in opening and closing the pore ,these are known as~

32.glandular hair(腺毛):the ~comprise those whose terminal cell or cells are modified into

a more or less globular gland for gummy ,resinous, or oily deposits.

33.differentiation(分化):the process of the growth and morpho~physiological specialization of the cells produced by the meristems is called~

34.tissue: each group of cells similar in source, structure, and function is called~

35.plasmodesmata(胞间连丝):the ~ connect the protoplasts of neighboring cells. they are present almost in all living cells of higher plants.

36.pits(纹孔):certain position of the cell wall remain thin even as the secondary wall is formed and they, therefore, consist only of primary wall and middle layer.

37.pit-pair: generally each pit has a complementary pit exactly opposite it in the wall of the neighboring cell. such pits from a morphological and functional unit called~

38.pit cavity(纹孔腔):the cavity formed by the break the secondary wall is called ~

39.pit aperture(纹孔口): the opening of the pit on the inner side of the cell wall ,i.e. on that side facing the lumen of the cell ,is called ~

40.torus(纹孔塞):in some plants there are bordered pit pairs in which the pit membrane is thickened in its central portion ,this thickening, which is of a primary nature ,is disc shaped and is termed~

41.bordered pit(具缘纹孔): the main characteristic of bordered pits is that the secondary wall develops over the pit cavity to form an overarching roof with a narrow pore in its center.

42.middle lamella (胞间层): the ~ is the cement that holds the individual cells together to form the tissues and it is found between the primary cell walls of neighboring cells, it is an amorphous substance.

43.primary wall: in the process of cell growth ,the pectin(果胶质), cellulose(纤维素),and hemicellulose(半纤维素) etc. Substance secrete by protoplasts active, add and fill them on the inner surface of the middle lamella forming the ~

44.secondary wall: the ~ is added on the inner surface of the primary wall after the cell stop growth .main elements are cellulose ,hemicellulose and less lignin(木质素) .

45.hilum(脐点):starch grains commonly show layering around a point termed ~

The layers are termed annular striation lamellae(层纹)

46.cell sap(细胞液):tonoplast is vital protoplast, and inner fluid content of it is termed ~

https://www.360docs.net/doc/189192528.html,anelle(细胞器): a membrane enclosed different specific structure in the cytoplasm ,everyone possesses specific function to the life of the cell.

48.cytoplasm(细胞质):the ~basis comprises part of the protoplast ,between cell wall with nucleus.

49.centroplasm(中质): the position that between 2 membrane is termed ~

50.protoplast(原生质体):the all living part of a cell .in a plant cell this includes the cytoplasm ,nucleus, cell membrane, plastid(质体) ,golgi body, ribosome(核糖体), lysosome(溶酶体) etc organelles

51.sexual reproduction(有性生殖):the formation of new individual of a species by the fusion(融合) of two normally haploid gametes(合子) to form a diploid zygote is called ~ 52.asexual reproduction(无性生殖):the formation of new individuals from the parent without the fusion of gametes is called~

53.spore(孢子): spore is usually a simple asexual unicellular reproductive unit ,produced by the sporophyte(孢子体) generation following meiosis and are thus usually haploid(单倍体) 54.gametophyte(配子体): the gametophyte can produce gamete(配子) ,usually is haploid generation in the life cycle of a plant

55.gamete(配子): the gamete is a cell or nucleus that may participate in sexual fusion to form a zygote(受精卵)

56.sporophyte(孢子体): the sporophyte is an individual of the diploid(二倍的) generation in the life cycle of a plant

57.life cycle(生活史): in algae and other plants there are the series of events from the production of gametes in one generation to the same stage in the subsequent generation ,the process is called~

58.alternation of generation (世代交替): in most plants ,it usually includes an asexual and a sexual phase resulting in alternating diploid and haploid individuals on the life cycle ,the process is called alternation of generation

59.isogamy(同配): the 2 gametes show similar in shape ,size and action

60.anisogamy(异配): the 2 gametes show similar in shape but different in size and action [the big one is called female gamete, and small one is called male gamete]

61.oogamy(卵配): the 2 gametes of show different in shape ,size and action

62.scientific name(学名): it is a unity latin name and defined by international plant commission nomenclature(命名法) code

63.species(种): possessed alike morphological feature ,without intermediate form ,members of a species can interbreed freely, possessed fixed geographical location 64.double fertilization(双受精): in angiosperm reproductive process: one sperm cell unites with one egg cell to form the 2N zygote be development--->2N embryo. one sperm cells unites with 2polar nuclei by development --->3N endosperm .the event is termed ~

65.ventral suture(腹缝线): the united position of carpel edge

66.dorsal suture(背缝线): the midrib vein of carpel (modified leaf)


名词解释 晶鞘纤维:纤维束外倒包围着许多含有晶体的薄壁细胞所组成的复合体的总称。嵌晶纤维:纤维次生壁外层密嵌细小的草酸钙方晶和砂晶,如麻黄 狮子盘头:(党参)根头部有多数疣状突起的茎痕及芽。 蚯蚓头:(防风)根头部有明显密集的环纹。 鹦哥嘴:(天麻)顶端有红棕色值深棕色鹦哥嘴状的芽或残留茎基,习称“鹦哥嘴”;另端有圆脐形疤痕,习称“肚脐眼” 马牙嘴:指炉贝外面鳞叶2瓣大小相近,顶端开裂而略尖,开口习称马牙嘴。铜皮铁骨:“铁骨”,三七的中心部分,也就是常说的“菊花心”;“铜皮”,是指三七包裹菊花心的外皮肉质部分。如果把三七敲碎,就会看到它的皮与骨很容易分离开。它的骨质硬如铁,横切面皮部黄绿色或黄褐色。 金井玉栏:(三七)断面皮部黄白色,幕布黄色,呈菊花心样 星点:指大黄根茎髓部环列或散在的异常维管束。 怀中抱月:松贝外层鳞叶2瓣,大小悬殊,大瓣紧抱小瓣,未抱部分呈新月形,习称“怀中抱月”。 观音合掌:青贝外层鳞叶2瓣,大小相近,行对抱合不紧,习称“观音合掌”。当门子:指颗粒状、油润、疏松的野生麝香仁。 菊花心:指根或根茎的横切面的中心部位具有类似菊花瓣状的放射性纹理。如当归、白芍、党参。 芦头:药材顶端有短小的根茎习称“芦头”。 芦碗:药材芦头上凹陷的茎痕习称“芦碗” 艼:人参上的细长横伸的不定根习称“艼”。 子芩:黄芩新根内部充实,鲜黄色。 枯芩:黄芩老根内部枯朽,黒褐色或中空。 乌金衣:牛黄表面黄红色至棕黄色,有的表面挂有一层黑色光亮的薄膜,习称“乌金衣”。 罗盘纹:(商陆)木部隆起,皮部凹陷,形成数个突起的同心性环纹 车轮纹:(防己)根或茎类药材横切面的木质部与射线相间排列成稀疏的放射状纹理,状如木制车轮(木通) 过桥:黄连根茎中段有细瘦的节间,光滑如茎干,习称“过桥”。 条痕:矿物粉末的颜色。 解理:矿物受力沿一定结晶方向裂开成光滑平面的性质。 断口:矿物受力后不是沿一定结晶方向断裂而形成的断裂面。 糖参:人参鲜根针扎孔,用糖水浸后干燥。 筋脉点:(牛膝)根的断面外周散有多数黄白色点状维管束 子实体:在繁殖时共同形成的有一定形状和结构,能产生孢子的菌丝体。(灵芝、马勃) 菌核:在环境条件不良或繁殖的时候,菌相互紧密的交织在一起,形成各种不同菌丝体组织,如呈坚硬的核状体。(f茯苓、猪苓、雷丸) 子座:容纳子实体的菌丝褥座称为“子座” 发汗:鲜药材加热或半干燥后,停止加温,密闭堆置起来使之发热,内部水分向外蒸发,当堆内空气达到饱和,遇堆外低温,水就凝结成水珠附于药材表面,似人出汗。


处方药(Rx药):凭执业(助理)医师开写的处方才可调配、购买,并在医生指导下使用的药品。 处方;指医疗和生产部门用于药剂调制的一种重要书面文件 非处方药(OTC):不需要凭执业医师或执业助理医师的处方,消费者可以自行判断购买和使用的药品。 药剂学:研究药物制剂的基本理论、处方设计、制备工艺、质量控制和合理使用等内容的综合性应用技术科学。 药物:一般系指具有药理活性的原料药,包括化学药,中药,生物技术药物等,不能直接用于患者。 药品:经国家有关部门批准生产的原料药和制剂产品,有国家药品标准。 药物剂型:为了预防、治疗诊断的需要制成不同的形态,起药物制备成适合我们应用的适宜形式。,简称剂型。 药物制剂:以剂型制成的具体药品称为药物制剂。 增溶:指加入表面活性剂,增加药物的溶解度,形成澄清透明的溶剂。 助溶:加入的第三种物质在溶剂中形成可溶性分子间的络合物、复盐或缔合物等,以增加药物在溶剂中的溶解度。 潜溶:当混合溶剂中各种溶剂在某一比例时,药物的溶解度在于各单纯他溶剂中的溶解度相比会出现极大值,该现象称潜溶,这种溶剂称潜溶剂。 乳剂:指互不相溶的两种液体混合,其中一相液体以液滴状态分散于另一相液体中形成的非均相液体分散体系 混悬剂:系指难溶性固体药物以微粒状态分散于分散介质中形成的非均匀的液体制剂。 絮凝:混悬微粒形成疏松聚集体的过程。 反絮凝:向絮凝状态的混悬剂中加入电解质,使絮凝状态变为非絮凝状态这一过程。 乳化剂: 助悬剂:系指能增加分散介质的黏度以降低微粒的沉降速度或增加微粒亲水性的附加剂。 盐析:在溶液中加入大量电解质,由于电解质的强烈水化作用,破坏高分子的水化膜,使高分子凝结而沉淀,这一过程称为盐析。 盐溶:分子在等电点时容易相互吸引聚合或产生沉淀,加入盐离子,可以破坏这些吸引力,使分子分散溶于水中的现象。 有限溶胀:溶胀是指水分子渗入到高分子化合物分子间的空隙中,与高分子中的亲水基团发生水化作用而使体积膨胀,结果使高分子空隙间充满了水分子,这一过程称有限溶胀。 无限溶涨:由于高分子空隙间存在水分子降低了高分子分子间的作用力(范德华力),溶胀过程继续进行,最后高分子化合物完全分散在水中形成高分子溶液,这一过程称为无限溶胀。 混合溶剂:与水以任意比例混合,与水分子形成氢键来改变介电常数(改变极性)增加难溶性药物的溶解度的溶剂。 液体制剂:系指药物分散在适宜的分散介质中制成的可供内服或外用的液体形态的制剂。 乳析:系指乳剂放置后出现分散相粒子上浮或下沉的现象。 灭菌制剂:系指采用某一物理、化学方法杀灭或除去所有活的微生物繁殖体和牙胞的一类药物制剂。 无菌制剂:系指无菌环境中采用无菌操作方法或无菌技术制备的不含任何活的微生物繁殖体和牙胞的一类药物制剂。 等渗溶液:指渗透压与血浆渗透压相等的溶液。 等张溶液:指渗透压与红细胞膜张力相等的溶液,属于生物学概念。 热原:微生物产生的一种内毒素,它存在于细菌的细胞膜和固体膜之间。 灭菌:系指用物理或化学等方法杀灭或除去所有致病和非致病微生物繁殖体和牙胞的手段。 无菌:系指在任一定物体、介质或环境中,不得存在任何活的微生物。 冷冻干燥法:是把含有大量水分的物料预先进行降温,冻结成冰点以下的固体,在真空条件下使冰直接升华,从而去除水分得到干燥产品的一种技术。 输液:是由静脉滴注输入体内的大剂量(一次给药在100ml以上)注射液。 注射剂:指药物与适宜的溶剂或分散介质制成的供注入体内的溶液、乳状液或混悬液及供临用前配制或稀释成溶液或混悬液的粉末或浓溶液的无菌制剂。 纯化水:为饮用水经蒸馏法、离子交换法及反渗透法或其他适宜的方法制得的供药用的水。 倍散:小剂量的剧毒药以数倍量的稀释剂混合制成的散剂叫做倍散。 湿度:指单位质量干空气所带有的水蒸气量。 临界相对湿度(CRH):水溶性药物在相对湿度较低的环境下,几乎不吸湿,而当相对湿度增大到一定值时,吸湿量急剧增加,一般把这个吸湿量开始急剧增加的相对湿度。 相对湿度:指在一定总压及温度下,空气中水蒸气压与饱和空气中水蒸气压之比。


1.药用植物学:是用植物学的知识和方法研究具有防治疾病和保健作用的植物形态特征、组织构造、生理功能、分类鉴定、资源开发和合理利用的科学。 2.本草:历史上专门记载药物的著作。 3.原生质体:细胞内有生命物质的总称,包括细胞质、细胞核、质体、线粒体、高尔基体、核糖体、溶酶体等,是细胞的主要成分,细胞的一切代谢活动都在这里进行。 4.质体:为植物细胞所特有的细胞器,基本组成为蛋白质和类脂,含有色素。根据所含色素的不同可分为白色体、叶绿体和有色体。 5.后含物:植物细胞在生活过程中,由于新陈代谢的活动而产生各种非生命物质的总称。 6.纹孔:次生壁在加厚过程中并不是均匀增厚,在很多地方留下没有增厚的空隙,称为纹孔。 7.组织:来源、功能相同,形态构造相似,而且彼此密切联系的细胞群称为组织。 8.气孔:表皮上分布的小孔称为气孔,由两个保卫细胞对合而成,有控制气体交换和调节水分蒸发的作用。9.腺毛:有头和柄之分,头部膨大,位于毛的顶端,能分泌挥发油,粘液,树脂等物质。 10.腺鳞:一种特殊的腺毛,其柄较短或无,头部通常有6-8个细胞组成,略成扁球形,排一个平面上。11.周皮:由木栓层、木栓形成层和栓内层共同构成。 12.晶鞘纤维:一束纤维的外侧包围着许多含草酸钙结晶的薄壁细胞所组成的复合体的总称。 13.不定根:有些植物的根发生没有一定的位置,不是直接或间接来自于胚根,而是从茎、叶或其他部位生长出来的根,称为不定根。 14.须根系:主根不发达或早期死亡,而由茎的基部节上生出许多大小、长短相似的不定根组成的根系称为须根系。 15.凯氏带:双子叶植物的根的内皮层细胞的径向壁和上下壁,形成木质化或木栓化增厚的带状结构,环绕径向壁和上下壁一整圈,称为凯氏带。 16.通道细胞:在内皮层细胞壁增厚的过程中,有少数正对初生木质部束的内皮层细胞的胞壁不增厚,仍保持初期发育阶段的结构,这些在凯氏带上壁不增厚的细胞习称为通道细胞,起着皮层和维管束间物质内外流通的作用。 17.芽:是处于幼态而未伸展的枝、花或花序,也是枝、花或花序尚未发育的原始体。 18.髓射线:也称初生射线,为初生维管束之间的薄壁组织,外连皮层,内接髓部,在横切面上呈放射状,具有横向运输和贮藏作用。



一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 80 分。) V 1. The clock ()10 when I got up this morning. A. told B. said C. read D. spoke 满分:2 分 2. His constant ()with his peers(同龄人) has left its mark on his growth. A. consent B. contract C. context D. contact 满分:2 分 3. The house()roof is blue has just been finished. A. whose B. which C. that D. whom 满分:2 分 4. Some people argue that ()regulations(规章制度) for water pollution will drive up costs and put jobs at risk. A. firm B. tight C. tense D. close 满分:2 分 5. They ( ) me by asking so many questions at the same time. A. forced B. included C. offered D. confused 满分:2 分 6. The elderly man is quite (). A. young B. old

A. right away B. by the way C. at last D. in that case 满分:2 分 14. How many ()are there in the picture? A. woman B. women C. buy D. milk 满分:2 分 15. We will double the number of Safer Cities Schemes to cover 40 ()areas. A. industrial B. remote C. rural D. urban 满分:2 分 16. Can you ()an insect having eight eyes and still having poor eyesight? A. imagine B. suppose C. think D. expect 满分:2 分 17. You’ll soon get used to ()in the country. A. live B. living C. to live D. lived 满分:2 分 18. The company is starting a new advertising campaign(广告战) to()new customers to its stores. A. join B. attract C. stick D. transfer 满分:2 分 19. Our company’s service is ()in nearly 50 countries around the world. A. available B. careful C. natural


关于《药用植物学》名词解释汇总,相信很多人都比较感兴趣,医学教育网编辑特撰文如下: 1. 凯氏带:大多数双子叶植物根初生构造中,细胞的两个径向壁(侧壁)和上下两个端壁形成木质化或木栓化的带状增厚,环绕侧壁和横壁成一整圈。 2. 凯氏点:从横切面观,径向壁增厚的部分成点状。 3. 次生射线:薄壁细胞沿径向延长,呈辐射状排列。 4. 木射线:位于木质部中的次生射线。 5. 韧皮射线:位于韧皮部中的次生射线。 6. 维管射线:木射线和韧皮射线的合称。 7. 原生质体:细胞内有生命物质的总称。包括细胞质,细胞核,细胞器。是细胞的主要部分,是细胞一切代谢活动的场所。 8. 髓射线:又称初生射线,位于初生维管束之间的薄壁组织,外连皮层,内接髓部,横切面星状放射,具横向运输和贮藏作用。 9. 腺毛:具有分泌功能的毛茸。为多细胞构成,由腺头和腺柄两部分组成。 10. 周皮:一种复合组织,由木栓层、医学教育|网搜集整理木栓形成层、栓内层三部分组成。 11. 树皮:药材上是指形成层形成层以外的所有组织,包括落皮层和木栓形成层以内的次生韧皮部。 12. 根皮:指周皮的部分。药材上是指形成层以为的部分,包括韧皮部和周皮。 13. 束中形成层:位于初生韧皮部和初生木质部之间,由原形成层遗留下来1-2层具有分生能力的细胞组成,其活动产生次生组织,使茎不断加粗。 14. 束间形成层:在束中形成层形成活动时,也开始切向分生,使髓射线增长,产生一些新的维管组织。 15. 维管束:是维管植物的输导系统。有木质部和韧皮部连同形成层进一步结合而形成的复合组织,具有输导支持作用。 16. 髓:基本分生组织产生的薄壁细胞组成,位于茎中心,被维管束紧紧围绕,细胞体积大,壁薄,排列疏松。


1.药物:是指用于预防、治疗、诊断人的疾病,有目的地调节人的生理机能并规定有适应证或者功能主治、用法、用量的物质。 2.药物治疗学:主要是研究药物预防、治疗疾病的理论和方法的一门学科。 3.合理用药:以药物和疾病的系统知识和理论为基础,安全、有效、经济、适当地使用药物。 4.药物过度治疗:是指超过疾病治疗需要,使用大量的药物,而且没有得到理想效果的治疗,表现为超适应证用药、剂量过大、疗程过长、无病用药、轻症用药等。 5.药物治疗的依从性:是指患者遵从医嘱或治疗建议的程度,包括遵守医疗约定,采纳健康促进行为的忠告等。 6.药物治疗的经济性:就是要以消耗最低的药物成本,实现最佳的治疗效果。 7.治疗窗:产生最小治疗效应的血药浓度称为治疗阈,而出现机体能耐受的不良反应时的血药浓度称为治疗上限,二者之间的范围称为药物的治疗窗。 8.处方:是由取得了处方权的医师在诊疗活动中为患者开具的、由药学专业技术人员审核、调配、核对,并作为发药凭证的医疗文书,具有经济上、技术上和法律上的意义。9.TDM:即治疗药物监测,是通过测定血药浓度和观察药物临床效果,根据药代动力学原理调整给药方案,从而使治疗达到理想效果的一种方法。 10.药物不良反应:合格药品在正常用法用量下出现的与用药目的无关的或意外的有害反应。 11.药物不良事件:是指药物治疗疾病期间所发生的任何不利的医疗事件,该事件并非一定与该药有因果关系。 12.非预期不良反应:是指不良反应的性质和严重程度与药品说明书上或上市批文不一致,或者根据药物的特性无法预料的不良反应。 13.药源性疾病:当药物引起的不良反应持续时间比较长,或者发生的程度比较严重,造成某种疾病状态或组织器官发生持续的功能性、器质性损害而出现一系列临床症状和体征,称为药源性疾病。 14.药物的相互作用:同时或相继使用两种或两种以上药物时,由于药物之间的相互影响而导致其中一个或几个药物作用的强弱、持续时间甚至性质发生不同程度改变的现象。 15.药剂学相互作用:在药物制剂进入可利用状态之前相互间发生化学或物理反应,使药物理化性质改变,从而影响药物作用。 16.药动学相互作用:不同药物在其吸收、分布、代谢和排泄过程的任一环节发生相互作用,从而影响药物作用靶点的浓度,最终使其药效发生相应改变。 17.药效学相互作用:两种或两种以上药物作用于同一受体或不同受体,产生疗效的协同、相加或拮抗作用。 18循证医学:.即遵循证据的医学,是一种科学思想和工作方法。是在维护患者健康过程中,主动地、明确地、审慎地应用目前最佳的证据作出决策。强调临床决策过程中将个人临床经


北京师范大学网络教育大学英语三作业三 What would you like to drink? - _______ . orange juice, please - I'm engaged. - _______ on your engagement. Congratulations - I'd like to make a reservation for two days. My name is Li Ming. - _______Single or double room? - Hello, may I speak to John? -__________Just a second, please. - Thank you for your invitation. - ________.It's a pleasure 第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) It is _______ since a man being operated felt all the pain. few years Long ago, when the sick man was operated on, he _______ . could feel all the pain Using the laughing gas, the people did not seem to _______ . feel pain If a man took less laughing gas than he should have when an operation went on, he _______ . still felt pain One who took too much of the laughing gas _______ . would die Miss Jordan decided to become a lawyer________.when she was in high school What did she study at Boston University? ______.Law The word "restless" in Paragraph5 means in its sentence_______.not satisfied with me life she was living and wanting to have some new experience In her political life she won ________ in 1972. a seat in the U.S. Congress Miss Jordan was the first black woman_________.from the South to be elected to Congress 第三部分:词汇与结构(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) Hundreds of people ____their homes in the floods. Lost I don't believe Bush is elected as the President. There ____ some mistake with the vote. must be Had you come here one minute earlier, you ____ the school bus. But now you had to wait for another ten minutes for the next school bus. would have caught Her case has attracted an enormous ____ of public sympathy. Amount Not matter ____, the heavy box is still immoveable. how hard I am pushing 第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) American people divide their days 21 several blocks 22 time, and plan different activities 23 different times. American time is "on the dot". If something is supposed to happen 24 eight o'clock, it will begin at eight. American value promptness and may become angry if a person is more than 15 minutes late 25 a good reason. If you know you are going to be late, call 26 advance and let someone know. 27 you arrive late, you should apologized and explain why. Americans arrive 28 time for doctors" appointments. The doctor may keep you 29 , but if you keep the doctor waiting, you may get a bill 30 the doctor's time! 21into 22of 23for 24at 25without 26for 27If 28on 29waiting 30for 第五部分:英译汉(共3小题;每题5分,满分15分) I'm very much eager to improve my oral English. 我非常渴望提高我的英语口语 He has sympathy for all the poor people. 他同情所有的穷人 He offered to help us with our work. 他主动帮助我们的工作 第六部分:写作(满分15分) 请根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 How to keep Healthy


药用植物学名词解释 营养繁殖:以细胞分裂方式进行或以断裂方式进行的繁殖。 孢子:无性生殖的生殖细胞,能直接发育成新个体。 有性生殖:是由两个称为配子的有性生殖细胞,经过彼此融合的过程,形成合子或受精卵,再由合子或受精卵发育为新个体的繁殖方式。 有性生殖同配:相结合的两个配子的形状、大小和行为完全相同。 载色体:又叫色素体,植物细胞中含有色素的质体。也有指藻类植物细胞中含叶绿素的大型和复杂结构。 简答题 藻类植物的形态和结构有哪些特点? 答:藻类植物体构造简单,没有真正的根、茎、叶分化。多为单细胞、多细胞群体、丝状体、叶状体和枝状体等,仅有少数具有组织分化和类似根、茎、叶的构造。 藻类植物生长在什么环境下?请举例说明 答:藻类植物对环境条件要求较宽,适应能力较强,藻类植物绝大多数是水生的,也有少数是气生的。生于水中的藻类又因水中含盐分的多少分淡水藻,海藻和半咸水藻,蓝藻和绿藻在淡水中生长,红藻和褐藻在海水中生长。 论述题 藻类植物的基本特征是什么?藻类植物的分门依据是什么?一般分为哪些门? 答:1、植物体的构造简单,基本上没有根、茎、叶分化的原植物体植物。多为单细胞、多细胞群体。2、具有多种光合色素,如叶绿体色素及蓝藻素、藻红素、藻褐素等,是自养植物。3、生殖细胞多是单细胞。无性生殖产生孢子囊和孢子,有性生殖产生配子囊和配子。 4、大部分生活在水中,少数生活在潮湿的土壤、岩石或树皮上。 依据藻类体内所含的光合色素的种类、贮藏养分的种类、细胞壁的成分,鞭毛着生的位置和类型、藻类生活方式和生活史、外部形态等分为八大门类:蓝藻门、裸藻门、绿藻门、轮藻门、、金藻门、甲藻门、红藻门、褐藻门。 试述海带的形态构造及其生活史。 答:基部分枝有固着器,有茎状柄,柄上有带片,有表皮、皮层和髓分化。有世代交替发生:孢子体世代和配子体世代。

2018 北京师范大学 大学英语三离线作业1

离线作业试卷1 一、单选 1.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- It's really a good dinner, isn't it? - _______B_________ _______ 分值:3 A. Yes, I'd like to go. B. Yes, the food is just wonderful. C. I'm glad to hear that. D. It's very nice of you to say so. 2.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I'd like to open an account here. - ________C___________ ____ 分值:3 A. Yes, Madam. How can I help you? B. Oh, yes, please. C. I see. What kind of account, please? D. You can do whatever you like. 3.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请点击此链接查看题目30 分值:1 D A. some B. any C. such D. no 4.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请点击此链接查看题目29 分值:1 B A. hurriedly B. soon C. fast D. slowly 5.第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请点击此链接查看题目28 分值:1 B A. agree B. allow C. force D. persuade 6.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- Thank you for this wonderful party. - _______C__________ ______ 分值:3 A. It's my pleasure. B. No, it's not so good as you say. C. I'm so glad you enjoy it. D. What do you think about it now? 7.第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)- I was wondering if you'd like to go skating? - ____C____ _______________ 分值:3



1.Annual ring(年轮):the early wood and late wood arise alternate in a year,formed ~ 2. Pharmaceutical botany :pharmaceutical botany is utilizing common botany knowledge and method to study plants that possesses prevention and cure illness as well as health protection function. 3.Phloem ray(韧皮射线):the seondary ray located in phloem called phloem ray two parts of this is terned vascular ray维管射线 4.Dorsi-ventral leaf(两面叶):the lamina(叶片)has distinctions in appearance and structure between upper and lower surfaces and characteristic reticulate venation of dicotyls(双子叶植物) 5.Multiple epidermis(复表皮) : most species epidermis is only one layer cell ,but few species can be several layer cells termed multiple epidermis. 6.Rhytidome(落皮层):the older periderm(周皮) and inner dead tissue compound body separated by new periderm is called rhytidome. 7.Early wood(早材):in spring, the large thin wall xylem(木质部) ducting(导管) cell are formed,called early wood 8. Late wood :in autumn, the small ,thickened wall xylem ducting cells are formed called~ 9.Heart wood(心材): central part of xylem ,color heavy hard , contain many metabolish products. 10.Sap wood(心材):outside part of xylem ,color light, soft,conducting function. 11.Intra-fascicular cambium(束中形成层): between the xylem and phloem(韧皮部) groups,the vascular bundles include a region of potentially meristematic(分生细胞) cells formed ~ 12.Medullary ray (髓射线): it is called primary ray also ,a tissue region between vascular


一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 80 分。) V 1. Who will know how to() the system? A. permit B. found C. employ D. operate 满分:2 分 2. It was unfortunate(不幸的) that my car () on my way to the company. A. broke down B. broke in C. broke out D. broke up 满分:2 分 3. —I never have meals in those dirty restaurants.—(). A. So do I. B. So have I. C. Nor do I. D. Nor have I. 满分:2 分 4. I hope you won’t be late for our date (). A. ahead of time B. in time C. in future D. on time 满分:2 分 5. How many () are there in the picture? A. woman B. women C. buy D. milk 满分:2 分

6. The mother was filled with ()about her son’s health. A. disappointment B. anxiety C. fright D. eagerness 满分:2 分 7. On formal (), people pay more attention to manners. A. situations B. cases C. conditions D. occasions 满分:2 分 8. It will only take me a minute to get your shoes repaired; it will be ready(). A. right away B. by the way C. at last D. in that case 满分:2 分 9. We saw a lot of () in the fields eating grass. A. cow and sheep B. cows and sheep C. cow and sheeps D. cows and sheeps 满分:2 分 10. It will be very () for us to make an appointment with our friends by phone. A. convenient B. comfortable C. easily D. different 满分:2 分 11. The proof () he killed the driver while robbing the taxi was obtained by two passers-by. A. that B. what C. which D. why 满分:2 分


中药:按中医理论指导下用于防治疾病的药物。我国传统药物的总称。 中药学:是专门研究中医基本理论和各种中药的来源、采制、性能功效及应用方法等知识的一门学科。 本草:本:根本,草:除根本以外的其它植物。重要包括植物、动物矿物,但以植物药为最多,使用也更普遍,所以相沿把中药叫“本草”。 配伍:有目的地按病情需要和药性特点,有选择地将两位以上的药物配合同用。 相畏:一种药物的毒性反应或副作用能被另一种药物减轻或消除。 相杀:一种药物能减轻或消除另一种药物的毒性或副作用。 相恶:两药合用,一种药物能使另一种药物原有的功效降低,甚至丧失。 相反:两种药物合用,能产生或增强毒性反应或副作用。 相须:性能功效相类似的药物配合应用,以增强其原有疗效。 相使:在性能功效方面有某种共性的药物配合应用,以一药为主,另一药为辅,辅药能提高主药的疗效。 副作用:在常用剂量时出现的与治疗需要无关的不适反应。 中药性能:又称药性。包括四气、五味、归经、升降浮沉,毒性等内容,它是对中药作用的基本性质和特征的高度概括。(药物偏性) 四气:寒、热、温、凉四种药性。 五味:是指药物的滋味,具体内容包括辛、甘、酸、苦、咸、涩、淡。 (一)辛有发散、行气或润养等作用。一般发汗的药物与行气的药物,大多数有辛味;某些补养的药物,也有辛味。 (二)甘有滋补、和中或缓急的作用。一般滋补性的药物及调和药性的药物,大多数有甘味。(三)酸有收敛、固涩等作用。一般带有酸味的药物,大都具有止汗、止渴等作用。(四)苦有泻火、燥湿、通泄、下降等作用。一般具有清热、燥湿、泻下和降逆作用的药物,大多数有苦味。 (五)咸有软坚、散结或泻下等作用。一般能消散结块的药物和一部分泻下通便的药物,带有咸味。 在五味以外,还有淡味、涩味,它们的意义和作用是这样的: (六)淡就是淡而无味,有渗湿、利尿作用。一般能够渗利水湿、通利小便的药物,大多数是淡味。 (七)涩有收敛止汗、固精、止泻及止血等作用。 15.升降浮沉:反映药物作用的趋向性,升浮指上升、发散,即向上向外的作用趋向;沉指收敛泄利,降指下降,即向下向内的作用趋向。 (一)升:就是上升、升提的意思,能治病势下陷的药物,都有升的作用。 (二)降:就是下降、降逆的意思,能治病势上逆的药物,都有降的作用。 (三)浮:就是轻浮、上行发散的意思,能治病位在表的药物,都有浮的作用。 (四)沉:就是重沉、下行泄利的意思,能治病位在里的药物,都有沉的作用。 16.归经:表示药物的作用部位,归是药物作用的归属,经是脏腑经络的概称。 17.道地药材:在同种药材中公认的具有明显地域性,品种良,质量优,疗效好的药材。 剂量:是指每一味药的成人一日用量。 解表药:凡以发散表邪,解除表邪,解除表证为主要功效的药物,称为解表药。 发散风寒药:性味辛温,发汗力较强,有发散风寒之功,用于风寒表征的药物。 发散风热药:性味辛凉,发汗力较弱,有发散风热之功,用于风热表征的药物。


大学英语三作业 第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 1. — It’s really a good dinner, isn’t it? — ______B_________________ A. Yes, I’d like to go. B. Yes, the food is just wonderful. C. I’m glad to hear that. D. It’s very nice of you to say so. 2. — I’d like to open an account here. — _______C________________ A. Yes, Madam. How can I help you? B. Oh, yes, please. C. I see. What kind of account, please? D. You can do whatever you like. 3. — Thank you for this wonderful party. — _______C________________ A. It’s my pleasure. B. No, it’s not so good as you say. C. I’m so glad you enjoy it. D. What do you think about it now? 4. — I was wondering if you’d like to go skating? — ______C_________________ A. Are you really interested in going? B. I often go skating on Saturday. C. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t do it today. D. Don’t you like it? 5. — Have a nice weekend! — _________D______________ A. Of course I will. B. So will I. C. Not at all. D. Thanks. You too! 第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) Passage 1 To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was as a shade (遮光物)against the sun! Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, way back in the 11 century BC. We know that the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honour and authority. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royalty or by those in high


药用植物栽培学 第一章绪论 药用植物:是指含有生物活性成分,用于防病、治病的植物。 药用植物栽培学:是研究药用植物生长发育、产量和品质形成规律及其与环境条件的关系,并在此基础上采取栽培技术措施以达到稳产、优质、高效为目的的一门应用科学。 道地药材:指大家公认的、生长于某特定地区的、质量优良和疗效好的正品药材。GAP的概念:中药材GAP是《中药材生产质量管理规范(试行)》(Good Agricultural Practice for Chinese Crude Drugs)此过程的简称。是由国家食品药品监督管理局组织制定并负责组织实施的行业管理法规。 标准操作规程(SOP):各生产基地应根据各自的生产品种、环境特点、技术状态、经济实力和科研实力,制定出切实可行的、达到GAP要求的方法和措施,这就是标准操作规程(standard operating procedure, SOP)。 中药区划的概念:研究中药资源与中药生产地域系统,通过分析中药资源区域分布与中药生产规律,从自然、经济和技术角度,进行生态环境、地理分布、区域特征、历史成因、时空变化、区域变异,以及与中药数量、质量等相关因素的综合研究,按区域相似性和区际差异性,将全国划分成不同级别的中药资源保护和中药生产区域。 第一章药用植物栽培学理论基础 生长:是植物植物体积和重量的量变过程。生长可分为营养生长和生殖生长。 发育:是植物一生中形态、结构、机能的质变过程。经过一系列的质变以后,产生与其相似个体的现象。发育的结果,产生新的器官—花、种子、果实。 定根:是由种子的胚根直接发育来的。 不定根:是由茎、叶或其他部位生长出来的,其产生没有一定的位置。 直根系:主根发达,垂直向下生长,侧根小而少。如:桔梗,党参等。 须根系:主根不发达或早期死亡,侧根发达,根系簇生。如:龙胆,麦冬等。 根的变态:药用植物的根在长期的演化过程中,为适应外界环境条件,其形态、构造和生理功能等方面产生了许多异常的变化,形成了变态根。 贮藏根:指根的一部分或全部肥大肉质,其内贮藏营养物质。依形态不同可以分为圆锥形根(白芷、桔梗)、圆柱形根(丹参、菘蓝)、块根(麦冬、乌头)等。 气生根:生长在空气中的根,如石斛等。 支持根:自地上茎节处产生一些不定根深入土中,并含叶绿素进行光合作用,增强支持作用,如薏苡等。 寄生根:插入寄主体内,吸收营养物质,如菟丝子、列当、桑寄生等。 攀缘根:不定根具有攀附作用,如常春藤等。
