山东省高考英语二轮复习 专题整合突破八 非谓语动词

山东省高考英语二轮复习 专题整合突破八 非谓语动词
山东省高考英语二轮复习 专题整合突破八 非谓语动词



1.(2012山东高考,26)George returned after the war, only ______ that his wife had left him.

A.to be told B.telling

C.being told D.told

2.(2011山东高考,27)Look over there—there's a very long,winding path ______ up to the house.

A.leading B.leads

C.led D.to lead

3.(2010山东高考,23)I have a lot of readings ______ before the end of this term.

A.completing B.to complete

C.completed D.being completed

4.(2010山东高考,29)The living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table already ______ for a meal to be cooked.

A.laid B.laying

C.to lay D.being laid









【典例分析】 (2012浙江高考,8)I think Tom,as the head of a big department,should either study regularly or ______ his job.

A.quits B.to quit

C.quitting D.quit

答案为D项。该句使用了either ... or ...并列结构,either后面是动词原形study,or后面也应该是动词原形quit,故选择D项构成并列谓语。

(2012全国高考Ⅱ,10)Tony lent me the money,______ that I'd do as much for him.

A.hoping B.to hope

C.hoped D.having hoped

答案为A项。由于空前没有连词,应排除谓语形式的C项,如果用hoped则应在空前加and;根据空前的逗号可排除B项,因为动词不定式作目的状语时其前不加逗号;“希望……”并不是发生在“托尼借给我钱”之前,故排除表示完成的having hoped;由于Tony与hope 之间存在主动关系,故选择现在分词hoping作状语。



It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes.

但在It is no use/good doing sth.和It is a waste of time doing sth.句型中,it


It's no use arguing with them.

【典例分析】 (2012浙江高考,3)No matter how bright a talker you are,there are times when it's better ______ silent.

A.remain B.be remaining

C.having remained D.to remain

答案为D项。when在此处引导定语从句修饰times,在when引导的从句中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to remain silent,表示“有时保持沉默更好”。




pretend/refuse/wish/would like (love)

He agreed to lend me his bike.

He refused to say sorry to me.


常见的有:avoid/appreciate/consider/delay/enjoy/escape/excuse/finish/imagine/mind/miss/ practise/suggest/keep (on)/feel like/devote oneself to/give up/be (get) used to/be worth/insist on/look forward to/prefer...to...等。

He admitted taking my money.

Do you try to avoid making her annoyed?



I'll remember to post your letter.我会记住把你的信寄上的。

I don't remember saying this to him before.我不记得以前对他说过这件事。


I forgot to tell him to come.我忘记叫他来了。

I'll never forget seeing him for the first time.我永远忘不了和他初次见面的情景。


I regret to say that I can't accept your kind offer.很抱歉,我不能接受你那善意的提议。

I regret saying what was in my mind.我后悔说了心里话。


You must try to improve your teaching method.你一定要试图改进你的教学方法。

If no one answers,try knocking at the back door.如果没人答应,试着敲敲后门。


I meant to send you a postcard,but I didn't have your address with me.我本想寄一张明信片给你,但是我身边没有你的地址。

Starting too early means wasting your time.出发太早就是浪费时间。


Let's stop to buy something to eat here.咱们在这里停停买些吃的吧。

Let's stop working and have a rest.咱们停下手里的活,歇一会儿。


After reading the text,he went on to write the new words.读完课文之后,他接着写生词。

He went on telling us the story after a short rest.稍微休息之后他接着给我们讲故事。


I want to join the army.我想参军。

The road needs rebuilding.这条路修需要重新修建。


I can't help to carry the box because my arm hurts.我不能帮忙搬箱子,因为我胳膊疼。

They couldn't help laughing when they saw him.他们看到他,忍不住大笑起来。


I advised holding a meeting to discuss the matter.我建议开一个会来讨论这件事情。

He often advises people to use their brains.他常常劝人动动脑子。

【典例分析】 (2012安徽高考,24)I remembered ______ the door before I left the office,but forgot to turn off the lights.

A.locking B.to lock

C.having locked D.to have locked

答案为B项。remember to do sth.意为“记着要做某事”,remember doing sth.意为“记着做过某事”。“在离开办公室前就把门锁上”显然不合逻辑,所以应选不定式作宾语。句意:我在离开办公室以前,记着了要锁门,但是忘了要关灯。

(2012北京高考,23)One learns a language by making mistakes and ______ them.

A.corrects B.correct

C.to correct D.correcting

答案为D项。在介词by后面,and 前后连接两个并列宾语,根据making可知此处选correcting。句意:一个人在犯错和纠错中学会一种语言。



I have a lot of work to do.

The tall girl standing there is a basketball player.

This is a play written by Shakespeare.


He is the first to get here.

He is the man to depend on.

He is the very person looking for you.

A letter posted today will probably reach him the day after tomorrow.


He found a good house to live in.

【典例分析】 (2012浙江高考,11)“It's such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table______ for customers.

A.to be reserved B.having reserved

C.reserving D.reserved




(1)表示目的,直接用不定式或so as to/in order to。如:

He worked day and night to get the money.

(2)表示结果,更常见于so...as to,such...as to,enough to,too...to结构中,only 接不定式也常表示出乎意料的结果。如:

I visited him only to find him out.


They were very sad to hear the news.



现在分词可以作时间状语、原因状语、结果状语、方式状语和伴随状语。作原因状语时,通常放在句首;作结果状语时,通常放在句子后面,表示自然而然的结果。如:Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy.

He fired his gun,killing the wolf.

All night long he lay awake,thinking of the problem.




Seen from the hill,the city looks more beautiful.

Given better attention,the cabbages could have grown better.

【典例分析】 (2012辽宁高考,29)This machine is very easy ______.Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.

A.operating B.to be operating

C.operated D.to operate


(2012北京高考,27)______ with care,one tin will last for six weeks.

A.Use B.Using

C.Used D.To use


(2012天津高考,11)He got up late and hurried to his office,______ the breakfast untouched.

A.left B.to leave

C.leaving D.having left


(2012四川高考,6)Tom took a taxi to the airport,only______his plane high up in the sky.

A.finding B.to find

C.being found D.to have found

答案为B项。only后接不定式表示意想不到的结果,所以应选B项作结果状语。to have found表示动作发生在主句谓语took之前,时间上有误。句意:汤姆乘出租车去了飞机场,却发现飞机已经飞在高空了。


1.advise/allow/ask/beg/expect/encourage/force/get/invite/order/permit/persu ade/tell/warn/wish等动词后面常用不定式作补语。如:

Tell the children not to play on the street.

The police warned us not to go out at night.


They make the students do too much homework every day.

The students are made to do too much homework every day.




I saw him cross the street.我看到他穿过了大街。

I saw him crossing the street.我看到他正在穿过大街。

I saw him surrounded by a group of students.我看到一群学生围着他。


I can't go out with all these dishes to wash.

All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.

【典例分析】 (2012四川高考,8)I looked up and noticed a snake______its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.

A.to wind B.wind

C.winding D.wound

答案为C项。句意:我抬起头来,注意到一条蛇为了捉到它的早餐,正盘旋着往树上爬。在感官动词noticed后面,宾语a snake和wind为主动关系,所以应选现在分词形式作补语,表示主动、进行。

(2012辽宁高考,25)The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ______ them.

A.to follow B.following

C.followed D.follows





He pretended not to see me.

I regret not following his advice.

Not having tried his best,he failed in the exam.



The boy pretended to be working hard.


I happened to have seen the film.


The patient asked to be operated on at once.


We remembered having seen the film.

He came to the party without being invited.

He forgot having been taken to Guangzhou when he was five years old.

His not knowing English troubled him a lot.



Having done his homework,he played basketball.


The problem being discussed is very important.

Having been told many times,the naughty boy made the same mistake.

【典例分析】 (2012湖南高考,21)We've had a good start,but next,more work needs ______ to achieve the final success.

A.being done B.do

C.to be done D.to do

答案为C项。句意:我们已经有了一个很好的开端,但要想获得最终的成功,接下来更多的工作还需要完成。主语more work与后面的do存在被动关系,所以needs后面要用动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式作宾语。

(2012福建高考,28)China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from ______ in the South China Sea.

A.attacking B.having attacked

C.being attacked D.having been attacked

答案为C项。由于Chinese fishing boats与attack之间存在被动关系,所以排除表示主动的A项和B项;由句意“最近中国加紧对黄岩岛附近水域的控制来阻止中国渔船在中国南海受到攻击”可知attack的动作并没有发生,因此排除表示完成的D项;故答案为C项。

(2012重庆高考,28)We're having a meeting in half an hour.The decision ______ at the meeting will influence the future of our company.

A.to be made B.being made

C.made D.having been made

答案为A项。根据第一句in half an hour可知,会议还没有开始,因此决定还没有做出,只是将要做出,故排除B、C、D三项;不定式作定语表示将来,符合题意。句意:半小时后我们将举行一次会议,在会议上将要做出的决定会影响我们公司的将来。



(2012上海高考,33) When Peter speaks in public,he always has trouble ______ the right things to say.

A.thinking of B.to think of

C.thought of D.think of

【错混透析】A have trouble (in) doing sth.为固定句式,意为“做某事有困难(麻烦)”,故A项正确。该题易误选B项,主要是没有看清这是一个固定句式。


(1)有的动词后面只能接不定式作宾语;有的动词后面只能接动词-ing形式作宾语;有的动词后接不定式和动词-ing形式均可,意义区别不大;还有部分动词后接不定式和动词-ing 形式时,含义不同。应牢记这几类不同的动词。




(2011江西高考,32)On receiving a phone call from his wife ______ she had a fall,Mr Gordon immediately rushed home from his office.

A.says B.said

C.saying D.to say

【错混透析】 C 句意:一接到妻子的电话说她摔倒的时候,戈登先生立刻从办公室冲回家。从句子结构看,此处应用非谓语动词作定语修饰phone call,由于phone call 和say 之间为主动关系,所以应用动词-ing的形式。

(2011全国高考Ⅱ,15)The island,______ to the mainland by a bridge,is easy to go to.

A.joining B.to join

C.joined D.having joined

【错混透析】 C join A to B意为“把A与B连接起来”。此处逻辑主语the island 与join为被动关系,所以使用过去分词作定语,相当于非限制性定语从句which is joined to...。

(2012湖南高考,31)The lecture,______ at 7:00 pm last night,was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes.

A.starting B.being started

C.to start D.to be started

【错混透析】A 句意:报告于昨晚七点开始,报告之后便是用望远镜观察月球。start 在此用作不及物动词,表示“开始”,故用现在分词形式作后置定语,相当于which started...。不定式一般表示将来,C、D项错误;若start用作及物动词,则此处需表示被动,而B项being started 表示正在开始,时间上错误。如果忽视了报告的时间,该题易误选C项。






(2012陕西高考,15)______ in a long queue,we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad.

A.Standing B.To stand

C.Stood D.Stand

【错混透析】A 句意:我们排在长长的队伍中,等着商店开门买一台新的平板电脑。由于逗号前后没有任何关联词,所以不能选择D项构成祈使句;不定式在句首时通常作目的状语,B项不合逻辑;分析句子结构可知所填部分在句中作状语,且句子主语we与stand之间是主动关系,故选A项。如果不注意逗号前后的逻辑和时间关系,易误选B项;如果不注意句与句之间的关联关系,有可能误选D项。

(2011天津高考,12)______ into English,the sentence was found to have an entirely

different word order.

A.Translating B.Translated

C.To translate D.Having translated

【错混透析】 B 句子主语the sentence与translate为被动关系,所以应选过去分词形式作状语。

(2011四川高考,11)Simon made a big bamboo box ______ the little sick bird till it could fly.

A.keep B.kept

C.keeping D.to keep

【错混透析】 D 根据句意和逻辑关系判断,该题应选不定式形式作目的状语。






(2012四川高考,12)Before driving into the city,you are required to get your car______.

A.washed B.wash

C.washing D.to wash

【错混透析】A car和wash为被动关系,故选washed作补语表示被动。句意:在你开车驶入这所城市前,你应该先洗车。“get +宾语+to do sth.”意为“使宾语做某事”,宾语与后面的补语为主动关系,所以逻辑关系判断失误会造成误选D项。

(2011浙江高考,14)Even the best writers sometimes find themselves ______ for words.

A.lose B.lost

C.to lose D.having lost

【错混透析】 B 该题易误选A项,考生可能会将find sb.do与find oneself done混淆。根据句意“即使最好的作家有时也会觉得自己无法用语言表达”可知,四个选项围绕lose 变化。lost for words为过去分词短语作宾补,意为“(惊讶,困惑等得)不知说什么好”。





(2011浙江高考,19)If they win the final tonight,the team are going to tour around the city ______ by their enthusiastic supporters.

A.being cheered B.be cheered

C.to be cheered D.were cheered

【错混透析】 C 从句子结构来看,前面已经有are going to tour,中间又没有连词,不可能出现两个独立谓语,所以应选非谓语形式,可排除B、D两项;A、C两项都表示被动,区别在于being done强调正在进行,而动词不定式to be done表示将来。根据句子的时态判断应选C项。

(2012重庆高考,23) ______ to work overtime that evening,I missed a wonderful film.

A.Having been asked B.To ask

C.Having asked D.To be asked

【错混透析】A 由后句“I missed a wonderful film”可知,那晚上加班已经发生,由于不定式表示将来,可排除B、D两项;ask与主语I 之间应为被动关系,故用现在分词的完成被动式作状语。句意:那天晚上被要求加班,我错过了一场好看的电影。如果主语与ask 的逻辑关系判断失误,有可能会误选C项,如果忽视了发生的时间,有可能会误选D项。





1.(2012山东德州期末,31)______ himself to the life abroad,he has to keep his knowledge and skills updated.

A.To accommodate B.Accommodating

C.Having accommodated D.Accommodated

2.(2012山东淄博六中四模,24) What made me sad was that I went to see her the day before yesterday ______ her dead on her bed.

A.to find B.finding

C.found D.find

3.(2012山东莱州一中二模,32)—Is Bob still working in your school?

— I'm afraid not.He is said ______ and ______ in a private school recently.

A.to resign;to teach B.to have resigned;to teach

C.to resign;to teach D.to have resigned;to be teaching 4.(2012山东东营利津二模,31) Cao Cao's tomb is reported ______ in Anyang,which attracts nationwide attention.

A.being found B.to be found

C.having been found D.to have been found

5.(2012济南四模,14)—What do you think made Maria upset?

— ______ the English exam.

A.Failing B.As she failed

C.Failed D.Because of failing

6.(2012甘肃武威六中二诊,9)University of Cambridge,______ in 1209,is home to a great number of outstanding figures.

A.found B.founding

C.founded D.to be founded

7.Under the environment of fierce competition,the only way John could imagine ______ stress was to get tougher by making greater efforts.

A.handling B.to handle

C.handled D.having handled

8.(2012济南一模,6) In the yard was an old man telling stories,with quite a few children ______ him.

A.to surround B.surrounded

C.surrounding D.being surrounded

9.(2012济南一中期末,29) A fire broke out in the building at 7:30 on Tuesday morning,______ in the death of a young girl.

A.having resulted B.resulted

C.being resulted D.resulting

10.(2012山东菏泽实验高中月考,26) ______ this problem,they don't know how to

deal with it.

A.Face B.Faced

C.Facing D.To be faced

11.(2012山东实验中学二模,24) ______all the doors were locked,Mr.Goodman left for New York on holiday.

A.Checking B.Checked

C.To check D.Having checked

12.(2012山东淄博六中五模,29) The TV play ______ the story of Brother Sharp (犀利哥) will be made soon.

A.being based on B.based on

C.be based on D.basing on

13.(2012山东枣庄期末,23) Though ______ to see us,he gave us a warm welcome.

A.surprise B.to be surprised

C.surprising D.surprised

14.(2012山东莱芜期末,30)—Do you think you could get this parcel ______ for me,please?

—Consider it done!

A.to mail B.mailed

C.mailing D.mail

15.(2012山东聊城五校期末,26) My uncle sang a few old songs,my aunt ______ the piano to accompany him.

A.played B.to play

C.playing D.play





1.A 考查非谓语动词。句意:乔治战后回来,却被告知妻子已离他而去了。此处应用不定式作结果状语,表示意料之外的结果,而且主语George和tell之间是被动关系,因此用to be told。

2.A 考查非谓语动词。句意:看那边有一条蜿蜒曲折的小路通向那所房子。前面已有谓语动词,故此处要选用非谓语动词形式,因此排除B项,且path与lead之间为主动关系,故排除C项,此处是非谓语动词作定语,leading相当于定语从句which leads,故此处用现在分词形式。

3.B 考查非谓语动词。动词不定式作定语时,若不定式和它修饰的名词或代词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且又和该句主语或宾语构成逻辑上的主谓关系时,常用不定式的主动形式。该题中complete和readings之间是被动关系,但是complete同时又和句子的主语I存在主动关系,所以用动词不定式的主动形式作定语。句意为“在这一学期结束之前,我有很多材料要阅读完”。

4.A 考查with复合结构。句意为“起居室既干净又整洁,里面有一张早已放好的预备要开饭的餐桌。”with复合结构的构成是:with+宾语+宾补,宾补可以由分词、不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语等来充当,其中宾语和补足语之间是主语和谓语的关系。若用过去分词作补足语表示被动和完成;用现在分词作补足语表示主动和进行;用动词不定式作补足语表示将来。由语境可知,要用过去分词作补足语,表示桌子早已被放好了。


1.A accommodate oneself to意为“使自己适应……”,根据句意判断逗号前面是后面的目的,所以选用不定式作目的状语。

2.A 根据句意判断应选不定式形式,表示出人意料的结果。

3.D 根据句意看出鲍勃已经辞职,现在正在一家私立学校教书,所以第一个空应用不定式的完成式,第二个空应用不定式的进行式。

4.D 句意:据报道,安阳发现了曹操墓,引起了全国(民众)的关注。be reported后面必须接不定式形式,而且从句意看出“已经发现”,所以用不定式的完成式表示动作已经发生。

5.A 该题的答语为省略句,完整的回答为“(I think) Failing the English exam (made Maria upset).”,所以应选动名词形式作主语。

6.C 动词found“创立,建立”和其逻辑主语University of Cambridge“剑桥大学”之间为动宾关系,所以应该用动词的过去分词形式作定语,答案为C项。

7.B 该句中John could imagine作the only way的定语,考查结构the way to do sth.,故选B项。

8.C 该句用到了with的复合结构,由于宾语quite a few children与surround是主谓关系,所以应选现在分词形式作宾语补足语。

9.D result in意为“导致”,主语A fire与其为主动关系,所以应选现在分词形式作结果状语,表示失火后自然而然地造成的结果。

10.C face意为“面对着”,与句子主语they是主动关系,所以应选现在分词形式作状语。

11.D 不定式通常表示将来,可排除C项;句子主语与check为主谓关系,且从句意看出“已经检查”,所以应选现在分词的完成式作状语。

12.B 根据后面的谓语will be made可知此处应选非谓语形式;base...on...意为“把……作为……的基础;把……建立在……基础之上”,The TV play与base之间为被动关系,所以应选过去分词形式作定语。

13.D surprise为及物动词,意为“使……吃惊”,与句子主语he之间是动宾关系,所以应选过去分词形式,此处是Though he was surprised to see us的省略。

14.B get为使役动词,意为“使得”,“get+宾语+to do”结构意为“使……做某事”,“get+宾语+done”结构意为“使……被做”。根据句意判断应选B项。

15.C 由于没有连词,所以逗号后面不能构成句子,可排除谓语形式的A、D两项;不定式通常表示将来,不合句意;答案为C项,my aunt与现在分词形式构成独立主格结构作状语。


2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(山东 卷) 英语 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节语法和词汇知识运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. When you are done with the book, just give it to Lucy or Helen or __________. A. whoever B. wherever C. whatever D. however 22. — Sorry I’m late. I got stuck in traffic. — _________. You’re here now. Come in and sit down. A. You are welcome B. That’s right C. I have no idea D. Never mind 23. Maria has written two novels, both of ________ have been made into television series. A. them B. that C. which D. what 24. My first _______ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man. A. expression B. attention C. satisfaction D. impression 25. It doesn’t matter ________ you pay by cash or credit card in this store. A. how B. whether C. what D. why 26. George returned after the war, only _______ that his wife had left him. A. to be told B. telling C. being told D. told 27. He smiled politely ______ Mary apologized for her drunken friends. A. as B. if C. unless D. though 28. After Jack had sent some e-mails, he _______ working on his project. A. had started B. has started C. started D. starts 29. Being able to afford _______ drink would be ______ comfort in those tough times. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; 不填 D. 不填;a 30. If we _______ adequate preparations, the conference wouldn’t have been so successful. A. haven’t made B. wouldn’t make C. didn’t make D. hadn’t


【英语】高考英语非谓语动词真题汇编(含答案) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.Jenny hopes that Mr Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English ________ in a short period. A.improved B.improving C.to improve D.improve 【答案】A 【解析】 宾语written English与improve之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾补。 2.Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work _______, we refused his offer. A.not finishing B.had not been finished C.not having finished D.not finished 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:在这里,our work处在逗号位置,作整个句子的原因状语,这里应填非谓语动词。work和finish存在逻辑上的被动关系,所以应该用过去分词,故选D。 考点:独立主格结构的考查 点评:独立主格结构(Independent Genitive)由两部分组成,前一部份是名词或者代词,后一部分是非谓语动词(不定式、动名词和分词)或形容词、副词、或介词短语。前后两部分具有逻辑主谓关系。独立主格结构在句中做状语,多用于书面语。独立主格结构本身不是句子,在句子中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、伴随、目的等。 3.The rainforest is an amazing place, ________ with plants and animals that aren’t found anywhere else in the world. A.filling B.filled C.being filled D.to fill 【答案】B 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:热带雨林是一个令人惊讶的地方,充满了世界其他地方不能找到的动植物。固定词组:be filled with被……充满,此处place和fill之间是一种被动关系,所以用过去分词做伴随状态,故选B。 4.Workers have been working through the night ________ the bridge safe. A.made B.to make C.being made D.having made 【答案】B 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:为了使桥安全工人们整夜地工作。此处用动词不定式作目的状语,故选B。


最新高考英语谓语动词与非谓语动词 一、谓语动词与非谓语动词 英语实义动词根据其在句子中充当的成分可分为谓语动词 与非谓语动词。谓语动词在使用时,有时态,语态和主谓一致的语法形式变化。 主谓一致是指谓语动词要与其主语保持人称与数量的一致,谓语动词的语态有主动词语态与被动语态两种,当主语为动作的发出者或状态的引起者时,谓语动词用主动语态,当主语为动作的承受者或因外物引起的状态的时谓语动词用被 动语态。 非谓语动词,顾名思义就是指动词在句子中充当除谓语之外的语法成分。 非谓语动词没有人称与数量的限定,所以也称之为非限定动词。非限定动词有体态和语态两种形态变化。非限定动词的语态取决于非限定动词的逻辑主语,非限定动词作状语时,其逻辑主语为句子的主语;非限定动词作定语时,其逻辑主语为其修饰的那个词;非限定动词作宾语补语时其逻辑主语为宾语。在解非限定动词题时,先分析非限定动词在句子中

的语法成分,再确定其逻辑主语,根据逻辑主语来确定非限定动词的语态。 如果非限定动词与其逻辑主语之间为被动关系,一般体中过去分词可以表被动,若用不定式则需用被动式(to be done),若用现在分词也需用被动式(being done)。 二、2020年高考对谓语与非谓语动词的考查如下: 2020(全国1卷) ①The unmanned Chang'e-4 probe (探测器) ─ the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess─ (touch) down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin. 做谓语动词touched(一般过去时、主动语态) ②Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments onboard Chang'e-4 (find) and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin. 做非谓语动词to find(不定式做状语) ③Carle Pieters, a scientist at Brown University, says, "because it (mean) we have the chance to obtain information about how the moon


山东省2015年高考阅读表达专项训练(六) 阅读下面的短文并用英语回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的字数要求)。 A If English means endless new words, difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation, you are wrong. Haven't you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language? According to a new study by a British university, learning a second language can lead to an increase in your brainpower. Researchers found that learning other languages changes gray matter. This is the area of the brain which processes information. It is similar to the way that exercise builds muscles. The study also found the effect is greater on the younger people who learn a second language. A team led by Dr Andrea Mechelli, from University College London, took a group of Britons (英国土著人) who only spoke English. They were compared with a group of "early bilinguals" who had learnt a second language before the age of five, as well as a number of later learners. Scans showed that grey matter density (密度)in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without _______ . But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language, the smaller the difference is. "Our findings suggest that the structure of the brain is changed by the experience of learning a second language," said the scientists. It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn. Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales has researched the link between bilingualism and maths skills. "Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain more flexible," he said. "You are actually going beyond language and have a better understanding of different ideas." 1. What's the best title for this passage? (Please answer within 10 words.) ______________________________________________________________ 2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one ? Mastering two languages can broaden your view on the world and makes you smarter. __________________________________________________________________ 3. Please fill in the blank in the fifth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.) ________________________________________________________________ 4. Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese. __________________________________________________ 5. What do you think of English learning after you reading this passage? (Please answer within 40 words.) _________________________________________________________________________ 1. A Second Language Will Improve Your Brain Power. 解析:主旨大意题。根据全文大意以及第一段第二句Haven't you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?归纳判断。


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(山东卷) 英语 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分) 第一节单项选择(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 1. Writing out all the invitations by hand was more time-consuming than we______. A. will expect B. are expecting C. expect D. had expected 2. I don’t really like the author,_______ I have to admit his books are very exciting. A. although B. unless C. until D. once 3. —This apple pie is too sweet, don’t you think so? —_____. I think it’s just right, actually. A. Not really B. I hope so C. Sounds good D .No wonder 4. Susan made______ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. A. that B. this C. it D. her 5. They made up their mind that they______ a new house once Larry changed jobs. A. bought B. would buy C. have bought D. had bought 6. There is a note pinned to the door______ when the shop will open again. A. saying B. says C. said D. having said 7. It is difficult for us to imagine_____ life was like for slaves in the ancient world. A. where B. what C. which D. why 8. —Is Anne coming tomorrow? —_____.If she were to come, she would have called me. A. Go ahead B. Certainly C. That’s right D. I don’t think so 9. It’s standard pra ctice for a company like this one______ a security officer. A. employed B. being employed C. to employ D. employs 10. A company ______profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad. A. which B. whose C. who D. why 第二节 完型填空(共两篇;第一篇短文10小题,每小题1分;第二篇短文20小题,每小题1.5分;满分40分) A There was a pet store and the owner had a parrot. One day a 11 walked in and the parrot said to the man ,―Hey you!‖ The man said, ―What!?‖ The parrot said, ―Your 12 is really ugly.‖ The man got very 13 and went to the store owner and said, ―Your bird just 14 my wife. It said she was ugly.‖ The owner stormed over, 15 the bird, took it into the ―black room,‖shook it a bit, 16 out a few feathers, and said,―Don’t ever, ever say anything to 17 my customers again. You got that!!!‖ With that 18 he took the bird and put it back into its cage. The old bird shook out its 19 and relaxed in its cage. A couple of weeks 20 and in walked this guy and his wife again. The parrot said, ―Hey you!‖ The guy said, ―What!?‖


高考英语非谓语动词知识点全集汇编及解析(6) 一、选择题 1.The boss __________ during working hours and all the workers __________ in that company. A.forbids smoking; are forbidden to smoke B.forbids to smoke; are forbidden to smoke C.forbids smoking; forbid from smoking D.forbids to smoke; are forbidden from smoking 2.The car moved so fast the it went through the highway-dividing fence, ________ in a collision in which five people died. A.to result B.resulting C.resulted D.having resulted 3.It is easy ________ the consequences of unchecked plant disease: food shortage could kill millions of people and cause unrest in the world. A.imagine B.to be imagined C.imagining D.to imagine 4.After a long journey across the whole of Europe from north to south, they found themselves _________out as well as their clothes. A.wear B.wore C.wearing D.worn 5.Last night, there were millions of people ______________ the opening ceremony live on TV. A.watch B.to watch C.watched D.watching 6.As far as I’m concerned, this book deserves ______ several times. A.being read B.to read C.reading D.read 7.Rose couldn't stand . A.being made fun of B.making fun of C.to make fun of D.being made fun 8.At last the boy had no choice but ________ the bread from the supermarket. A.admit to have stolen B.admit having stolen C.to admit to have stolen D.to admit having stolen 9.____________ with a difficult situation, the Chinese government is taking immediate measures to control the prices, which have been growing too quickly. A.To face B.Having faced C.Faced D.Facing 10.Pressed from his parents, and ____ that he has wasted too much time, the boy is determined to stop playing video games. A.realizing B.realized C.to realize D.being realized 11.—Did you have a good time at the party? —Thanks. I appreciated______to your home. A.to be invited B.to have invited C.being invited D.having invited 12.The next morning she found the man ___________ in bed, dead. A.lying B.lie C.lay D.laying 13.________ good, the food was sold out soon. A.Tasting B.Tasted C.Being tasted D.Taste


高考英语非谓语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.The rainforest is an amazing place, ________ with plants and animals that aren’t found anywhere else in the world. A.filling B.filled C.being filled D.to fill 【答案】B 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:热带雨林是一个令人惊讶的地方,充满了世界其他地方不能找到的动植物。固定词组:be filled with被……充满,此处place和fill之间是一种被动关系,所以用过去分词做伴随状态,故选B。 2.115.______ his love, Chris sent his mom a thank-you note on Mother’s Day. A.Expressing B.Expressed C.To express D.Having expressed 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词不定式。句意:为了表达他的爱,克里斯在母亲节那天给他的妈妈寄了一条感谢信。用不定式表目的,故选C。 3.After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, Anne Benedict went on all the people who had helped in her career. A.to thank B.thanking C.having thanked D.to have thanked 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:在获得奥斯卡最佳女配角后,Anne Benedict继续感谢所有帮助她演绎生涯的人。go on to do继续做不同的事情,所以选A。 考点:考查不定式 【名师点睛】不定式有一些具体的用法,可以做宾语,定语,状语。还有不定式的不同形式:to do;to be doing;to have done。这题要注意go on to do“继续做不同的事情”和go on doing“继续做相同的事情”的区别。结合语境是关键。 4.Pressed from his parents, and ____ that he has wasted too much time, the boy is determined to stop playing video games. A.realizing B.realized C.to realize D.being realized 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:被父母迫使同时自己也意识到他已经浪费了太多时间,这个男孩决定停止玩电脑游戏。首先要弄清楚本句中的and连接的成分是非谓语

山东省2013年高考英语二轮复习 专题整合突破六 动词的时态和语态

2013年高考第二轮复习英语山东版 六、动词的时态和语态 真题试做 1.(2012山东高考,28)After Jack had sent some emails, he ______ working on his project. A.had started B.has started C.started D.starts 2.(2011山东高考,31)When I got on the bus,I ______ I had left my wallet at home. A.was realizing B.realized C.have realized D.would realize 3.(2011山东高考,35)She was surprised to find the fridge empty;the children ______ everything! A.had been eating B.had eaten C.have eaten D.have been eating 4.(2010山东高考,30)Up to now,the program ______ thousands of children who would otherwise have died. A.would save B.saves C.had saved D.has saved 考向分析 从历年高考试题看,涉及时态和语态的题目最多,且每年题目数量相对稳定。测试重点主要是以下几个方面: 1.注重在语境中考查常见时态的区别,如一般过去时与现在完成时、一般现在时(过去时)与现在(过去)进行时的区别等。要求准确判断动作和时间的关系,正确理解时间概念,如是现在、过去还是将来,是时间段、时间点还是时间瞬间。 2.遵循“情景立意”和“能力立意”的原则,考查在状语从句等特定语言环境中时态的代替。要求吃透语境,摸清命题人的意图,善于捕捉句子中所隐含的时间信息,克服汉语式的惯性思维。 3.把语态与时态结合在一起,进行综合考查。各种常用时态的被动语态的构成,仍是高考命题的热点之一,而且题干中有效信息越来越隐蔽,试题难度呈现加大的趋势。要求明确谓语动词与主语的关系,分清是主动还是被动。 4.考查主动形式表示被动意义。对语境理解能力的要求逐步提高,且要重视有特殊用法的动词的运用。 热点例析 考点一:现在进行时和过去进行时的用法 1.现在进行时表示现在正在发生的动作,也可表示长期或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行;过去进行时表示过去某时正在进行的动作或状态,也可表示一个长动作延续的时候,另一个短动作发生。如: We are waiting for you. When I got to the top of the mountain,the sun was shining. 2.进行时常与always/constantly/continually,frequently等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有主观色彩。如: You are always changing your mind. 3.下面四类动词不宜用现在进行时。 (1)表示心理状态、情感的动词:know,realize,think,see,believe,trust,suppose,imagine,guess,agree,recognize,remember,want,need,forget,prefer,mean,understand,like,love,hate,care,mind,wish等。


试卷分卷一(选择题)和卷二(非选择题)两部分,满分80分,考试时间60分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并收回。 卷一(选择题,共50分) 一、英语知识运用(本题30个小题,每个小题1分,共30分。在每个小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,填涂在答题卡上) 1. ——how is everything with you? ——________________________ a.well.pretty good. b.how do you do? c.no.i don’t think so. d.and you? 2.——what does xiao zhang look like? ——he is__________________. a.my brother b.tall and thin c.a teacher d.20 years old 3.——are you going to see the film with us? -----no.i_____it twice. a. see b.was seeing c.would see d.have seen 4.-----happy new year! ----thanks._______. a.that’s all right b.the same to you c.all right d.good

5.----would you like some more bread? ----i’m full._________. a. yes,please b.i’d like some c.thank you all the same d.i can’t 6.----_______do you go jogging? ----three times a week. a. how often b.how long c.how soon d.how far 7.---where are you going? ---i’m going to the airport to ___my friend. a. put up b.pick up c.wake up d.give up 8.--=________lovely weather it is!shall we go for picnic? ----that’s a good idea. a. what a b.what c.how a d.how 9.---would you like ___some fruit? ----no thanks. i don’t feel like eating anything now. a. have b.had c.having d.to have 10.there is______with my watch. i’ll have it repaired. a.something wrong b.wrong something c.anything wrong d.wrong anything


非谓语动词专练100题 1. The great hall was crowded with many people, _____ many children _____on their parents’ laps. A. including; seated B. including; seating C. included; sat D. included; sitting 2. It’s said that the Olympic Games _____ in Beiji ng in 2008 will cover more events than any other Olympics did. A. holding B. to be held C. held D. to be holding 3. _____ for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water. A. Being no rain B. There was no rain C. To be no rain D. There being no rain 4. Yesterday a street-beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly, _____ him a millionaire overnight. A. making B. makes C. to make D. made 5. In the face of the big fire in October in California, many people in the fire-stricken areas moved out _____. A. to escape burning B. to escape being burned C. escaping burned D. escaping from burning 6. Taking this medicine, if _____, will of course do good to his health. A. continued B. to continue C. continues D. continuing 7. The little boy still needs the _____ 20 dollars to do with some things _____. A. remaining; remained to be settled B. remaining; remaining to be settled C. remained; remained to settle D. remained; remaining to settle 8. _____ his age, the little boy read quite well. A. Considering B. Considered C. Consider D. Having considered 9. _____ from the appearance, it is very peaceful; but in fact, a war will break out soon. A. Judged B. Judging C. Having judged D. To judge 10. —Tom enjoys _____ basketball on Sunday afternoons, doesn’t he? — Yes, he does. But what his sister enjoys _____. A. to play; dancing B. playing; to dance C. to play; to dance D. playing; is to dance 11. His letter, _____ to the wrong number, reached me late. A. having been addressed B. to have addressed C. to have been addressed D. being addressed 12. The Space Shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over Texas as it returned to the earth on February 1, 2003, _____ all seven astronauts aboard. A. having killed B. killing C. being killed D. killed 13. There are lots of places of interest _____ in our city. A. needs repairing B. needing repaired C. needed repairing D. needing to be repaired 14. — What caused the party to be put off? — _____ the invitations. A. Tom delayed sending B. Tom’s delaying sending C. Tom delaying to send D. Tom delayed to send 15. I was afraid _____ to my customers because I was afraid _____ them. A. of talking back; to lose B. of talking back; of losing C. to talk back; to lose D. to talk back; of losing 16. Standing on the top of the hill, I would not do anything but _____ the flowing of the smog


谓语动词一直以来都是高考英语语法填空题的必考点。这一考点涉及到时态、语态和主谓一致,尤其是时态。今天小编将近五年高考题中语法填空题涉及的谓语动词进行总结,希望可以为同学们解答这一类题型提供助力。 一、近五年高考英语语法填空谓语动词总结 ▲ 2019年 全国 I 卷 In recent years some Inuit people in Nunavut 65 (report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a belief that populations are increasing. Of the nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six 70 (be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data. 全国 II 卷

Picking up her “Lifetime Achievement” aw ard, proud Irene 64 (declare) she had no plans to retire from her 36-year-old business. I love coming here and seeing my family and all the friends I 66 (make) over the years. 全国 III 卷 Our hosts shared many of their experiences and 65 (recommend) wonderful places to eat, shop, and visit. On the last day of our week-long stay, we 69 (invite) to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, listening to musicians and meeting interesting locals. 浙江卷 One study in America found that students’ grades 62 (improve) a little after the school introduced uniforms.
