


-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1


1.否定词或词组never, seldom, rarely, hardly, little, never before, under/in no circumstances, by no means,on no account等位于句首,需部分倒装【注:in no time, no wonder, no doubt位于句首,因其表达肯定意义,所以不用倒装】

• 我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大。(Never …)

___________________________________________________________________________ Never has our country been so powerful as it is today.

‚ 自从出国留学以来,她就不再和我们保持联系了。(No longer)

___________________________________________________________________________ No longer has she kept in touch with us since she went abroad for further study / education. ƒ中国政府宣布在任何情况下决不首先使用核武器。(under no circumstances)

___________________________________________________________________________ Chinese government announced that under no circumstance did we use the nuclear weapons firstly.

2.Not only...+部分倒装, but also...(不倒装)

他不仅学习努力,而且积极参加各项活动。(Not only…)

_____________________________________________________________________________ Not only does he study hard, but also he takes active part in various activities.

3.Not until (从句不到装)....... +主句倒装直到......才...

= It is/was not until... that...

• 经历了多次严重自然灾害后,人们才逐渐意识到植树造林的重要性。(until)

(not...until)_________________________________________________________________ People didn’t come to realize th e importance of planting trees until they (had) experienced a number of serious natural disasters.

‚ 进了这所寄宿制学校后我才意识到自己以前是多么依赖父母。(Not until)

_____________________________________________________________________________ _

Not until I entered the boarding school did I realize how much I had depended on my parents before.

4.Hardly/Scarcely + had +主语+ done... ...when/ before + did (过去时)一......就......

No sooner + had +主语+ done ......than + did

• 他刚到家,他的太太就开始向他抱怨。(Hardly)

____________________________________________________________________________ Hardly had he arrived home when his wife began to complain to him.

‚ 她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner) _____________________________________________________________________________ No sooner had she watched the TV program on the extinct species than she made up her mind to join the wildlife protection organization.

5.So + adj./adv. ...that... 【主句倒装,that从句不到装】

Such + adj +名词复数 ... that...

+ adj. +不可数名词

• 这小孩太调皮了,使得他那忙于工作的父母常常心烦意乱。(So…)

_____________________________________________________________________________ So naughty is the child that he often upsets his parents who are busy with their work.

‚ 这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引入入胜,我简直爱不释手。(Such...)

_____________________________________________________________________________ The historical novel about/describing World War I / the First World War is so attractive that I can’t bear (to do…)/stand parting with it / putting it down (back , aside )/ leaving it aside .

6. 状语从句(after.../ if.../when...从句不倒装)

• 只有通过亲身实践,你才能真正理解志愿者服务的重要性。(Only...)

____________________________________________________________________________ Only by practicing personally can you really understand the importance of volunteer service.

‚ 只有政府采取严厉的措施,我们才有望看到空气质量的真正改善。(Only)

_____________________________________________________________________________ Only when the government takes strict measures can we expect to see the real improvement of the air quality.

7.n./ adj./adv. + as +主+谓 (as引导部分倒装)尽管......


____________________________________________________________________________ Fashionable as booking the taxi online is, many relevant problems remain to be solved.


8.It is/was +被强调成分+ that... 是/正是.......

• 正是通过远程教育,玛丽学会了如何进行个人投资。(It)


It is through distance education that Mary learns how to make personal investment

‚ 在有些情况下,重要的不是结果,而是你是否享受了这个过程。(matter)

___________________________________________________________________________ In some cases what matters is not the result but whether you enjoy the process.

ƒ 就是在我们经常购物的那家超市我偶然遇到了我们过去的班主任。(It)


It was in the supermarket where we often went shopping that I met with our former class teacher.


____________________________________________________________________________ What is it that makes him cost his life in an accident?

9.Do +动词原形务必......

= Be sure to +动词原形



Do obey / observe / keep / follow traffic rules for the happiness of your family.


10.It is + adj./n. + (for/of ) sb to do.../ that/wh-...

• 那些未曾去过那个小村庄的人很难描绘出它的美丽。(It...)

_____________________________________________________________________________ It’s very hard for those who haven’t been to the small village to describe its beauty .

‚ 在我学习时你把收音机关小你真得很体谅人。(It...)

_____________________________________________________________________________ It is very considerate of you to turn down the radio when I am studying.

ƒ 能否抵御网络游戏的诱惑是摆在中学生面前的一道难题。(It)

_____________________________________________________________________________ It is a difficult problem for high school students whether they can resist the temptation of online games.

11.It is obvious/clear/apparent that... = Obviously/Clearly/Apparently...,显然... ...


_______________________________________________________________________ It is obvious that he has nothing to do with what happened yesterday.

It is (more/less) likely that... = sb/sth be (more/less) likely to do (很/不太)可能......


______________________________________________________________________ He is likely to have left the official key in the library.

It is possible that/to do...可能......


_______________________________________________________________________ Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening?

It is certain that... = sb/sth be certain to do (= be sure/bound to do)一定会...


_______________________________________________________________________ It is certain that cutting down trees in large numbers will destroy the balance of the nature. It is unbelievable/incredible that...= It is hard to believe/(imagine) that...很难相信......



It is hard to believe that some young people divorce after they get married only one month.

It is no wonder that... = No wonder...难怪

【区分:There is no doubt that...= No doubt, ... 毋庸置疑】

这本书不仅有插图,还配有光盘,难怪孩子们如此喜欢。(no wonder)


No wonder children like this book very much because it has not only illustrations but also CDs.

12. It is + ed分词+ that...

It is said/ reported/ believed/ recorded that...据说/据报道/据信/据记载......

= sb/sth be said/reported/believed /recorded to do...



. It is said that Chinese started to use notes/paper money earlier than west erners.



It is reported that the wild plant is rich in / contains / has a lot of vitamins.

It is known to all that...众所周知

= As we all know/ As is known to all, ....



It is known to all that well-balanced diet and adequate exercises are the key to keeping fit.

It is estimated that...据估计......



It is estimated that there will be about 30% graduates who have difficulty in job hunting this year.

It has been proved that...业已证明/事实证明...



It has been proved that parents’ behaviors and words have a great influence on children.

It is taken for granted that... ......认为是理所当然/天经地义的



In western countries it is taken for granted that the young people who are more than 18 years old live independently.

13.It +不及物动词+ that...

It seems/appears that...= sb/sth seems/ appears to do/be doing/have done似乎......【补:There seem(s)/ appear(s) to be...似乎有...

It seems as if...似乎/好像.......】



It seems that young parents pay more attention to children learning languages .

It (so) happens that... = sb/sth happens to do/be doing/have done 碰巧......



It happens that my idea is similar to yours.

It occurs to sb that... / It has never occurred to sb that...某人突然/从未想到......

= sth occur(red) to sb...



It never occurred to me that I met with my old friend who I hadn’t seen for many years.

14.It is no use/good doing sth 做...没有用/没什么好处

【类似:There is no need (for sb) to do...没有必要做...

There is no point (in) doing sth 做...没有用/意义

There is no denying (the fact) that...无可否认】

• 抄袭他人作业是没用的。(use)


It is no use copying others’ homework.

‚ 你把时间浪费在抱怨过去的失败上是没有必要的。(need)

_________________________________________________________________________ There is no need for you to complain about the past failure.

ƒ 既然他已下定决心出国深造,劝说他回心转意还有意义吗?(point)


Since he is determined to go abroad for further study, is there any point in persuading him to change his view?

15.It takes sb st to do sth/ It takes st. for sb. to do sth. 某人花费多少时间做某事



It will take several months to finish the task.

16.It is time (for sb) to do / that... (虚拟,从句用过去式)



It’s time for us to play basketball.

17.It remains unknown/ a problem/ to be seen whether... ......还不得而知

= Whether... remains unknown/ a problem/ to be seen

【remain + n./adj./to be done】



It remains unknown whether this kind of new medicine has an effect on the patients who are infected with this virus.

18.It is good/bad manners to do/ that... ...是有/没有礼貌的



It is bad manners to smoke in non-smoking public places.

19.主语+ think/consider/find/feel/make +it + adj/n + (for sb) that…

• 我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。(...it...)


I find it (is) hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.

‚ 各种各样的媒体使我们有可能及时地获得许多有价值的信息。(it)


Various media make it possible for us to obtain much valuable information.

20.sb take it for granted that... / take sth for granted (不要)认为......是理所当然的

/ Don’t take it for granted that...



Don’t take it for granted that all problems can be solved by discussing only once.


21. 祈使句,+and /or +陈述句



Study harder and you will be admitted into the university which you have been dreaming of.


______________________________________________________________________ Please make a decision as soon as possible or you will miss the golden chance.

22. What +a/an +adj+n(单)+S+V ! / What +adj+n(复)+S+V ! / What+adj+n(不可数)+S+V ! How +adj +a(an) + n(单)+S+V !

How +句子!



How relaxing and enjoyable swimming is in the hot summer!


How much I miss the days which I spent in the hometown.






The dishes are well cooked here and free cakes are provided.



Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points.



2. A concert was held in the park last weekend.



Immediate measures must be taken to prevent the diseases from spreading.


_____________________________________________________________________________ _

Special attention should be paid to help the disabled people find the suitable job.


24.Whether... (mainly/largely/to some extent) depends on... ......(主要)取决于......



Whether a book sells well depends on many/various factors.

25.What surprises/amazes/delights/worries/disappoints/annoys/puzzles/impresses

/relieves sb is sth/ that...令人惊讶/高兴/担忧/失望/生气/困惑/印象深刻/宽慰的是......

(有些短语可表达为:To one’s


【What is (most) important/ matters (most) is that./wh-... (最)重要的是......

What sb cares about/lacks is that/wh- 某人在意/缺乏的是... 】

•令同学们高兴的是他们在假期中也能使用学校图书馆。(What; access)

___________________________________________________________________________ What delights students is that they have access to the school library during the holiday.



What impresses me most is that my students have made great progress in English in recent months.

ƒ公司在意的不是员工的长相, 而是他们的工作表现。(care)


What the company cares about is not the employees’ appearances but their job performances.



I find what he lacks in his speech is sense of humor

26.Whoever/Whatever +引导主语从句+谓语...... 无论...

= Anyone who/ Anything that.. +谓语......



Whatever people said in their dream is the reflection of their subconsciousn ess.

无论谁违法,他或她将受到法律的惩罚。 (Whoever)

_____________________________________________________________________________ Whoever breaks the law, he or she will be punished by the law.

27.The reason why/for sth ... is that... ...的原因是...


_____________________________________________________________________________ _

The reason why he didn't pass the driving test was lack of practice/ that he lacked practice.

28. Word came that...消息传来【引导同位语从句】

There is (little) chance/possibility that... 有/没有可能...

the fact/news/choice that...


_____________________________________________________________________________ Word comes that it won’t be long before a dang erous earthquake occurs in that area.

‚缺乏实践经验的大学毕业生不太可能马上找到高薪的工作。(little chance)


There is little chance that the graduates who lack practice experience will find a well-paid job at once.

ƒ听到2008年在北京举办奥运会的消息时,人们欣喜若狂。(news that)

_____________________________________________________________________________ Hearing the news that Beijing will host the Olympics in 2008, people are wild with joy.


_____________________________________________________________________________ He couldn’t put up with the fact that he was not promoted to department manager.

…同众人一样,你很快就会得出下个结论:最便宜、最可靠的交通方式就是你的双腿。 (conclusion)

_____________________________________________________________________________ Like others, you will draw a conclusion soon that the cheapest and the most reliable means of transportation is your legs.


29. when/where/why (从句不缺成分) .......的+名词

• 为追求时尚付出高昂代价的人应该尽早改变这种生活方式。(those)


Those who follow the fashion at great cost should change their lifestyle as soon as possible.

‚ 在展览会上,公司销售经理展示了孩子们翘首以盼的新型电子玩具。(demonstrate)


2.At the exhibition, the company’s sales manager demonstrated the new type of electronic

toys (which/that) children were looking forward to.


_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Many old people who live alone hope that their kids will visit them often.

30.主句,which... . (主句),这......【引导非限制性定语从句】


____________________________________________________________________________ This country is often involved in the war, which is the reason why it is extremely poor.

‚他在一些不重要的事情上花费时间太多, 这导致了整个计划的失败。(which)


He spent too much time on some unimportant things, which led to the failure of the whole plan.



The China’s economy increases by about 8% each year, which shocks many countries that are suffering the economic crisis.


31. It is/has been + (一段时间)+ since (瞬间动词的过去时) 自(从)……已经多久了



It has been 40 years since human beings first landed on the moon



We have kept in contact with each other by emails since he left Shanghai.

32. It will be /won’t b e +一段时间+ before (现在时) 要过多久才……/过不了多久就......

It was/ wasn’t +一段时间+ before (过去时) 过了多久才……/没过多久就......




It won’t be long before we know the result of the exam.



It was many years before the secret was revealed.



It was not long before I found he was not an colleague who was easy to get along well with

u before “还没有;尚未;没来得及...;然后”


___________________________________________________________________________ The children had fallen asleep/gone to sleep before the performance ended/was over.


___________________________________________________________________________ we will have a further discussion before we draw a final conclusion

33.The moment /minute /instant +从句,主句... 一……就……

【=As soon as; / On(Upon )+ doing; / hardly...when.../ no sooner...than...】

你一收到这封信,你会知道他发生了什么事。(The moment)


The moment you receive this letter, you will know what happened to him.

从踏上陌生国土的那一刻起,李华就意识到入乡随俗至关重要。(the moment)


The moment he stepped on the foreign land, Li Hua realized that it was important to follow the local customs.

34.The first /last time +从句(过去时),主句(过去时). 第一次... ....

Each time / Every time +从句,主句.... 每次......



I made many spelling mistakes the first time I wrote the English writing.

‚第一次看Gangnam Style的时候,其生动的节奏,富有创意的舞蹈,给我留下了深刻的印象。(The first time)

_____________________________________________________________________________ _

The first time I watched Gangnam Style, its lively rhythm and creative dance left a deep impression on me.



Every time I ask her for advice, she is always ready to help, and explains to my full


35.This/It be the first/second/third time that+从句(用完成时态) 这是(某人)第一次......

这是他第一次在校运会上获得冠军的称号。(the first time)


It is the first time that he has won the title of the championship.

这是我一周内第三次提醒你不要迟到。(the third time)


It is the third time that I have reminded you not to be late during a week.

36. by the time 到...时候为止(主句用将来/过去完成时will have done/had done)

到今年大学毕业,他学习英语将有十五年了。(by the time)


By the time he graduates from the university this year, he will have learned English for 15 years.

到去年大学毕业,他学习英语已有十五年了。(by the time)


By the time he graduated from the university last

year, he had learned English for 15 years.

37. be about to do/ be doing... when...正要做/正在做.....突然......



I was about to turn off TV when a news show aroused my interest.

38. now that (=since)既然 (引导原因状语从句)

seeing that (= as) 因为,由于

in that (= because)因为

due to= owing to= because of +短语(后接the fact that +句子)



As more and more forests are cut, some animals are facing in danger of extinction.


____________________________________________________________________________ The flight was delayed for several hours owing to bad weather.

despite/in spite of + the fact that... 尽管,虽然......


= although/though +从句 (引导让步状语从句)



In spite of many difficulties, we still try to carry out our plan.



Despite the high mountains and thick forests, the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue/to carry out the rescue.



In spite of his illness, he insisted on doing his research.

40. Whatever/ No matter what + n +主+谓, 无论......


上海历届高考英语翻译 自1977年恢复高考以来,英语翻译题型在高考中一直占据着重要的地位。作为中国最国际化的城市之一,上海的高考英语翻译题也一直备受。以下是上海历届高考英语翻译题的汇总和分析。 一、2015年上海高考英语翻译题 原文:这个国家的经济在过去十年里以惊人的速度增长。 参考翻译:The country's economy has increased at an astonishing speed over the past decade. 分析:该句翻译准确传达了原文的意思,语法正确,表达流畅,没有出现明显的翻译错误。 二、2016年上海高考英语翻译题 原文:他很享受在异国他乡的生活。 参考翻译:He enjoys living in a foreign country. 分析:该句翻译准确地传达了原文的意思,语法正确,表达流畅,没有出现明显的翻译错误。

三、2017年上海高考英语翻译题 原文:我们公司最近推出了一款新产品。 参考翻译:Our company has recently launched a new product. 分析:该句翻译准确传达了原文的意思,语法正确,表达流畅,没有出现明显的翻译错误。 四、2018年上海高考英语翻译题 原文:他的演讲引起了全场的热烈掌声。 参考翻译:His speech was followed by warm applause from the audience. 分析:该句翻译准确地传达了原文的意思,语法正确,表达流畅,没有出现明显的翻译错误。 五、2019年上海高考英语翻译题 原文:这个城市的交通状况需要得到改善。 参考翻译:The traffic situation in this city needs to be improved.


2020年上海高考英语 翻译分类训练 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

倒装 1.否定词或词组never, seldom, rarely, hardly, little, never before, under/in no circumstances, by no means,on no account等位于句首,需部分倒装【注:in no time, no wonder, no doubt位于句首,因其表达肯定意义,所以不用倒装】 • 我们的祖国从来没有像今天这样强大。(Never …) ___________________________________________________________________________ Never has our country been so powerful as it is today. ‚ 自从出国留学以来,她就不再和我们保持联系了。(No longer) ___________________________________________________________________________ No longer has she kept in touch with us since she went abroad for further study / education. ƒ中国政府宣布在任何情况下决不首先使用核武器。(under no circumstances) ___________________________________________________________________________ Chinese government announced that under no circumstance did we use the nuclear weapons firstly. 2.Not only...+部分倒装, but also...(不倒装) 他不仅学习努力,而且积极参加各项活动。(Not only…) _____________________________________________________________________________ Not only does he study hard, but also he takes active part in various activities. 3.Not until (从句不到装)....... +主句倒装直到......才... = It is/was not until... that... • 经历了多次严重自然灾害后,人们才逐渐意识到植树造林的重要性。(until) (not...until)_________________________________________________________________ People didn’t come to realize th e importance of planting trees until they (had) experienced a number of serious natural disasters. ‚ 进了这所寄宿制学校后我才意识到自己以前是多么依赖父母。(Not until) _____________________________________________________________________________ _


Part 1. T开头的重点单词用法一 1.你能尝试用目己的话复述这篇文章吗?(try) 2.这对双胞胎长得如此相像,很难区分他们。(tell) 3. 他恐吓说如果经理解雇他,他就把照片公开。( threaten) 4.我不能忍受父亲还像小孩一样对待我。(treat) 5.靠他独立完成这项实验要花费一年多的时间。(take) 6. 他小儿子不断问问题,他回答得都烦了。(tired) 7.就设施而言,这家饭店也许排不上第一。(term) 8.谢谢你不辞辛劳地为我们烧饭。(trouble) 9.我们只有通过努力奋斗才能把自己的理想变为现实(turn) 10.新设备试用一段时间,你就会发现它多有用。(try)

Keys: 1. Can you try retelling the article in your own words? 2. The twins look so much alike that it is difficult to tell them apart. 3.He threatened to make the photo public if the manager dismissed him. 4.I can't stand being still treated as a child by my father. 5.It will take him more than one year to finish the experiment independently. 6. He was tired of answering his little son's continual questions. 7.In terms of facilities, the restaurant may not be ranked first. 8.Thank you for taking the trouble to cook meals for us. 9.Only by striving can we turn our dreams into realities. 10. Try out the new device for some time and you will find how useful it is. Part2. T开头的重点单词用法二 1.睡不好觉的人易发脾气。(temper) 2 这是他第一次在校运会上获冠军称号。(time) 3 应该培养学生有效利用参考书。(train)


Part1. A开头的重点单词用法一 1.商店里的商品琳琅满目,让我们眼花缭乱。(accustomed)2.他利用她人好心软,三番五次向她借钱。(advantage)3.在西方国家绝对不要问有关工资这样的隐私问题。(ask)4.她已向这家公司申请担任秘书。(apply) 5.在旧社会,出身贫寒的人很少有受教育的机会。(access)6.这个获胜者因她的画而获得了一等奖。(award) 7.必须立即采取行动以减少台风带来的损失。(action)8.边开车边打手机是违反交通规则的。(against) 9.我向你保证我有能力解决这个问题。(ability) 10.你该就刚才的所作所为向在场的人道歉。(apologize)

Keys: 1.We are not accustomed to seeing so many kinds of goods in the shop. 2.He took advantage of her kindness to borrow money from her repeatedly. 3. In western countries, never ask (a person) about any private affairs like salary. 4.She has applied to the company for a position as a secretary. 5.In the old society, people from poor families had little access to education. 6.The winner was awarded the first prize for her picture. 7.Immediate action must be taken to reduce the losses caused by the typhoon. 8.Driving while using cell phone is against the traffic rules. 9.I assure you that I have the ability to solve the problem. 10. You should apologize to the people present for what you have just done. Part2. A开头的重点单词用法二 1.显而易见,这个国家的人每时每刻都可以喝到新鲜牛奶。(available) 2.我很高兴被聘请担任北京奥运会的口译员。(act) 3.丰富的网络资讯吸引老老少少上网冲浪。(attract)


【一模汇编】2020届高三英语一模16区(15份)翻译、作文汇编 01. 黄浦区 V. Translation 72. 这些安全措施仍将继续实施至下月初。(remain) 73. 完善自我是一个抽象的理想,无法激励一些学生真正对抗惰性。(incapable) 74. 由于缺乏受过专业训练的教师,一些美国学校很难加入汉语教学的竞争。(shortage) 75. 如今,病人能很便捷地下载他们的医疗记录以获取诸如检测结果之类的信息,大大节省了时间和人力。(so…that) VI. 76. Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 假设你是李明,你校正在进行高三年级的课程微调,准备将周三下午的第四节课设置为“艺术欣赏类课程(art appreciation)”或者“学科拓展类课程(subject expansion)”,现广泛征求高三同学的意见。请发一封邮件至校长信箱(邮件中请不要出现真实的校名和姓名),你的邮件内容需包括: (1)你建议校方设置以上两类课程中的哪一类; (2)你的理由; (3)你希望此类课程包含哪些内容。 答案:72. These security measures will remain in effect until the beginning of next month. 73. Self-perfection is an abstract ideal, incapable of motivating some students to actually struggle against laziness. 74. A shortage of professionally trained teachers has made it difficult for some American schools to join the competition in Chinese language teaching. It is difficult for some American schools to join the competition in Chinese language teaching because of a shortage of professionally trained teachers. 75. Nowadays, it is so convenient for patients to download their medical records to access information such as the test results that they will save a lot of time and labor.


Part 1. E开头的重点单词用法一 1.和园丁们一起工作让我们学到许多关于花卉的知识。(enable) 2.为避免误会,你最好向她解释清楚这个问题。(explain) 3.你不吃早餐也无助于减肥。(even if) 4.我发现和你父亲交换看法很令人耳目一新。(exchange) 5.我们必须用知识武装头脑,以便将来为人民服务。(equip) 6.别对他期望太高,不然你会失望的。(expect) 7.最后,我想引用一首诗来结束我的演讲。(end) 8.这种药对治疗咳嗽有立竿见影的效果。(effect) 9.总经理不会原谅你玩忽职守的行为的。(excuse) 10.他厌倦了喧嚣的城市,而渴望一种宁静的乡村生活。(eager) Keys:

1.Working with gardeners enables us to obtain a lot of knowledge of flowers. 2.To avoid misunderstanding, you had better explain the problem to her clearly. 3. Even if you don’t have breakfast, you won’t lose weight. 4. I’ve found it very refreshing to exchange ideas with your father. 5. We must equip ourselves with knowledge so as to serve the people in the future. 6. Don’t expect too much of him, otherwise you will be disappointed. 7. Finally, I want to end my speech by quoting a poem. 8. The medicine has an immediate effect on cough. 9. The general manager won’t excuse you for neglecting your duty. Or: The general manager won’t excuse your neglecting your duty. 10. He was tired of the noise city and was eager for a quiet country life. Part2. E开头的重点单词用法二 1. 让皮肤长时间晒太阳是有害的。(expose) 2. 他是如何在那起车祸中死里逃生的还不清楚。(escape) 3. 多参加体育锻炼,你就不那么容易感冒了。(exercise) 4. 这房子给我们三个人住够大的了,而且离地铁站近便。(enough)


汉译英 1.他把这学期考卷上犯的错误全部分了类。(classify v.) (汉译英) 2.几乎所有的语言都会有一些意思非常具体的词汇,它们根本无法翻译。(whose) (汉译英) 3.正是他的急于求成让他在决赛中错失冠军宝座。(It, cost) (汉译英) 4.最终,产品不仅比我预期的好,而且还可以在短时间内上市。(Not only ...)(汉译英) 5.人们越来越意识到艺术对生活的积极影响。(aware)(汉译英) 6.这位妈妈鼓励孩子分担家务,她这么做是很明智的。(It...) 7.我们唯有充分利用时间、斗志昂扬,才能开创美好未来。(Only)(汉译英)8.尽管有网红受邀为这款产品站台,消费者仍需考虑价格、质量等诸多因素。(account)(汉译英) 9.天气这么好,周六去植物园野餐好吗?(Why not…)(汉译英) 10.我现在比以前挣得多了,每月支付日常开销后还能存一些钱。(make)(汉译英) 11.我外婆眼力不济了,看不了太小的字,需要一部适合老年人的手机。(suitable)(汉译英) 12.获得粉丝大量点赞后他感慨万千,回想起创业之初经历的种种磨难,他不禁失声痛哭。(can't help)(汉译英) 13.我们有必要确认小区每个来访者的身份。(necessary)(汉译英) 14.学生们拿着铁锹和水桶,分工合作,完成了植树任务。(hold)(汉译英)15.直播带货虽然很火,但其带来的诸如伪劣产品和售后服务等问题也不容小觑。(Despite)(汉译英) 16.这家饱经风霜的传统企业将面临何种命运,是逐渐淡出人们视野,还是改头换面、落土重来?(fate)(汉译英) 17.必须采取有效措施以防止病毒扩散。(prevent) (汉译英) 18.事实证明,能坚持理想的人往往更容易取得成功。(There) (汉译英)19.教师们不遗余力推进素质教育,旨在培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。(effort) (汉译英)


汉译英练习题 1.一杯啤酒、一份零食就足以款待你的朋友。(entertain)(汉译英) 2.为了记录每天的运动量,很多人将带手机走路或跑步作为每日的“必修课”。(it)(汉译英) 3.高质量的民宿(homestay)相对经济实惠,尽管不同的需求使得其价格差异很大。(汉译英) 4.这个养老院设在一个商场的二楼,老人们可以自由出入楼下的商场影院,排遣他们的孤独。(access)(汉译英) 5.重要的不是你在考试中得了几分,而是你是否努力了。(matter v.) (汉译英) 6.专家们普遍认为,过多的作业和缺乏锻炼会对学生的心理造成不良影响。(lack) (汉译英) 7.直到他学习了这门课程他才知到如何恰当处理这些复杂而又有争议的问题。(until) (汉译英) 8.从这场危机中我们学到:那些充满热情的人更可能战胜通往成功路上的各种困难。(likely) (汉译英) 9.为了增加可性度,Facebook 将优先考虑高质量的信息。(priority)(汉译英) 10.游客越是依赖网评做决定,网络口碑越重要。(the more…the more)(汉译英)

11.老人很好奇,这个素不相识的人为什么会转钱到他的账号,竟然发现他是个骗子。(only)(汉译英) 12.专家把大学生感到难以适应校园生活的这个现象归因于缺乏包容和相互理解。(owe)(汉译英) 13.不管外面发生了什么事,请坐着不要动。(remain)(汉译英) 14.能欣赏到他女儿在交响乐队里的演奏,他是多么的自豪啊!(How) (汉译英) 15.共享单车毫无疑问给人们带来了便利,但政府也要采取措施对它们的数量进行合理管控。(take) (汉译英) 16.在班级里落后没有让他气馁。相反,他不遗余力地为他的目的进行拼搏。(effort)(汉译英) 17.两天后他才意识到事情的严重性。(before)(汉译英) 18.离开餐厅前,请务必将餐盘放到指定位置。(sure) (汉译英) 19.他常常由于巨大的工作压力而整夜失眠,这令家人对他的健康忧心忡忡。( which) 20.当听到两架飞机在机场侥幸避开碰撞的消息,我们禁不住佩服飞行员在紧急情况下表现出的勇敢和果断。(escape) (汉译英) 21.你是否介意明天安排一位工人维修煤气灶?(汉译英)


V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72.导游让游客相信不少欧洲小镇确实值得看一看。(convince) 73.如果你不清楚如何进行生活垃圾分类,不妨登录相关网站进行查询。(sort) 74.这部新上映的电影刻画的是生活中最微不足道的小事会如何影响我们的人生轨迹。 (feature) 75.正因为大量健身步道的投入使用,越来越多的上海市民开始了定期户外锻炼,“每天一 万步”已成为都市新风尚。(It) V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 选举的结果很快便在全世界传播开了。(spread) 73. 警察告知了他们那场导致他们儿子受伤的交通事故。(which) 74. 太多的数据会使我们很难判断错误是由哪个数据引起的。(difficult)

75. 任何处理复杂问题的人都可能因为没有全面了解挑战而受到指责,虽然事先了解一切是不可能的。(blame) V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 这些安全措施仍将继续实施至下月初。(remain) 73. 完善自我是一个抽象的理想,无法激励一些学生真正对抗惰性。(incapable) 74. 由于缺乏受过专业训练的教师,一些美国学校很难加入汉语教学的竞争。(shortage) 75. 如今,病人能很便捷地下载他们的医疗记录以获取诸如检测结果之类的信息,大大节省了时间和人力。(so…that) V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 我真的应该为自己失礼的行为向你道歉。(owe) 73. 我表哥每天步行一小时去单位,不为省钱,为了保持健康。(but)


2017-2020年高考英语真题翻译汇编 2017年春季高考 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 你没有必要在乎他人对你的评论.(care) 2. 大量阅读书籍有助于我们成长。(expose) 3. 你的网站内容越实用,使用起来越方便,就越有可能成功。(the more…the more) 4. 正因为她按部就班地实现了每一个短期目标,才会在科学领域不断有所突破。(It) Keys 1. You don’t need to care about others’ comments on you. 2. Being much exposed to books is helpful to our growth. 3. The more practical and user-friendly your website is, the more likely it will be to succeed. 4. It was because she reached every short-term goal as planned /step by step that she kept breaking through in the field of science. 2017年秋季高考 Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.李雷宁愿受罚也不愿说谎。(would rather) 2.在投资项目的过程中出现了一些问题。(arise) 3.在过去三年中,他一直致力于研究信息的传播速度和人们生活节奏的关系。(commit) 4.有人声称这个减肥丸效果显著,立竿见影,且对身体无害。但事实远非如此。(It) Keys 1.Li Lei would rather be punished / be disciplined than lie / tell a lie. 2.Some problems arose / have arisen in the process / course of investment project / investing project. 3.In / During / Over the past three years, he has committed himself / has been committed all the time to researching / studying the relationship / connection between the transmission speed of information and the rhythm / pace of human life. 4.It is claimed that weight-loss pills have an effective and immediate effect and are harmless / do no harm to our body, but it is far from the truth / case. 2018年春季高考


翻译100句练习 1. 我原打算在书店里消磨时间的,但最终买了本有关计算机的书。(end) I had meant/intended/ planned to kill time //I meant/ intended/ planned to have killed time in the bookstore, / but I ended up buying a book on computer. 考点一:end up doing 是固定词组 考点二:原打算做某事(had meant/intended/planned to do = meant/intended/planned to have done) 考点三:本句前后时态要一致,前面是过去完成时+to do 或过去时+to have done, 后面是一般过去时。 2. 如果你采用先进的方法,你就能取得事半功倍的效果。(effort) If you adopt the advanced method, you are able to achieve twice the result with half the effort. 考点一:事半功倍(twice the result with half the effort) 考点二:采用先进的方法(adopt the advanced method) 3.每一位驾驶员开车时都必须牢记,一点点疏忽都可能造成事故。(mind) When driving, every driver must keep/bear in mind that the slightest carelessness will cause an accident. 考点一:keep/bear in mind that 中间不加it 考点二:翻译过程中别漏掉“开车时” 4. 色彩鲜艳的药片可能被孩子们误当成糖果,因此应该把它们放在孩子们拿不着的地方。(thus, accessible) Brightly-colored pills may/can be mistaken for sweets by children, and thus they should be kept where they are not accessible to children. 考点一:被…误当成(be mistaken for) 考点二:thus是副词,不可直接引导句子 考点三:sth. is accessible to sb. 5.他从未想到过他的教育费用将花完他父母的所有积蓄。(occur, drain) It never occurred to him that the expenses for his education would be a great drain on all his parents’ savings 考点一:从未想到过(It never occurred to him that) 考点二:教育费用(the expenses for his education) 考点三 drain(n.) a great drain on sth. 6.许多家长发现,很难和自己的孩子交流。(find) Many parents find it difficult to communicate with their own children.


1. 我真希望自己(de)文章有朝一日能见报.(hope) I really hope that my article will be published in a newspaper someday. 2. 二十世纪末中国经济迅速发展.(witness) The late twentieth century witnessed the rapid development of China’s economy. 3. 为买一双运动鞋而通宵排队有意义吗(point) Is there any point in lining up for the whole night just to buy a pair of sports shoes 4. 虽然当时我年幼,不理解这部电影(de)含义,但我记得我(de)家人都感动得落泪了.(too… to…) Although I was then too young to understand the meaning of the film, I remember my family were moved to tears. 5. 我阿姨苦读四年之后获得了文凭,那一刻她欣喜万分.(The moment…)The moment my aunt gained her diploma after four years of hard work, she was filled with joy.

6. 美食是人们造访上海(de)乐趣之一. (visit) Delicious food is one of the pleasures for people to visit Shanghai. 7. 街头艺术家运用创意将鲜艳明亮(de)色彩带进了老社区. (bring) Street artists have brought brilliant colors to old neighborhoods with their creativity. 8.在你生命中,如果有一个人你需要对他说对不起,那么就去向他道歉吧. (apology) If there is someone in your life to whom you need to say sorry, go ahead and make an apology. 9. 这个游戏(de)独特之处在于它让孩子学会如何应对现实生活中(de)问题. (what) What makes the game unique is that it helps children learn how to cope up with problems in real life. 10. 申请材料需要精心准备,这样你心仪(de)学校才会对你(de)能力有全面,准确地了解. (in order that) The applications should be carefully prepared in order that the school you like can have an overall and accurate knowledge of your


形式主语——不定式 1. 看孩子们在沙滩上打排球很有趣。(fun) 2. 在这么短的时间内看完一篇5000字的报告是几乎不可能的。(cover) 3. 在别人谈话时插嘴是不礼貌的。(It) 4. 让没有受过专业培训的人操纵机器是不负责任的行为。(who) 5. 不管你相信不相信,善于倾听并采纳别人的意见是明智的。(advisable) 6. 这种收音机已经很落伍了,不增加新功能的话很难有销路。(unless) 7. 如果不能独立找出提高学习效率的方法,你就很难取得令人满意的成绩。(unless) 8. 这部电视连续剧受年轻父母欢迎的原因是他们很容易与剧中的人物产生共鸣。(identify) 9. 你方便的话,放学后请帮我把上周借的书还到图书馆去。(convenient) 10. 你真周到,帮我预先订好了票子。(It) 11. 有可能防止金融危机将来再次发生吗?(possible) 12. 你今晚能来参加我的生日聚会吗? (possible) 13. 鼓励老年人到社区的托儿所帮忙是个不错的点子,这能让他们充分发挥作用。(It) 14. 和外国友人进餐时, 带上一份小礼物是有礼貌的。(manners) 15. 解除病人的痛苦是医生的职责。(relieve) 16. 每次轮到他制定计划的时候,他都会邀请同事们先一起商量。(Whenever) 17. 是时候采取行动控制私车数量以缓解高峰时期的交通压力。(relieve) 18. 被称为“发展中国家”并不一定是坏事,只有这样我们才能永远在发展的路上前进,追求更为高远的目标。(It) 19. 大学毕业生当保安是否是资源浪费是我昨天主持的小组辩论赛的主题。(Whether) 20. 在日本,是不允许在地铁和公共汽车上用手机打电话的。(forbid) 形式主语——动名词 1. 说服她不再网购是没有任何作用的。(It) 2. 抱怨太多作业是于事无补的,你不妨学学如何合理管理时间。(It’s no use) 形式主语——主语从句 1. 将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to) 2. 人们是否会推迟退休还有待于讨论。(remain) 3. 昨天他在小组讨论中关于添置运动设备的提议是否能付诸实施还拭目以待。(whether) 4. 新的高考改革能否减轻学生学业负担引起了教育专家们的热议。(arouse) 5. 奇怪的是,这些年轻人对这些我们都耳熟能详的歌曲却一无所知。(know) 6. 一个既没有人生目标也不为其而奋斗的人注定是要失败的。(It) 7. 圣诞节来临,购物中心里人潮涌动,这已经不足为奇了。(It) 8. 在台上的手语翻译是个精神病人,这是多么荒谬的事啊!(How) 9. 据说那位年轻教授当众反对了校长的提议。(object) 10. 据报道,父母之间的关系将大大影响孩子的学习成绩。(It)


简单句 72. 何不喝杯咖啡提一下神?(Why)(2020届浦东新区高考一模) Why not have a cup of coffee to refresh yourself? 72.艺术节开幕式上学生的演出真是太棒了!(performance)(2020届青浦区高考一模) 72. How wonderful/terrific the students’ performance at the opening ceremony of the Art Festival was! // What wonderful/terrific performance the students put on/presented/gave at the opening ceremony of the Art Festival! 72.面对紧急情况时,他是多么的冷静啊!(How)(2020届奉贤区高考英语一模) 72.How calm he was when (he was) faced with emergent situations/the emergency! 74. 这个手无寸铁的年轻人冒着生命危险阻止了歹徒逃离现场,他是多么勇敢啊! (risk n.) (2020届杨浦区高考一模) 74. How brave the unarmed young man was to stop (prevent) the criminal from running away from the scene at the risk of his own life! 介词或者介词搭配 72. 出于好奇,杰克向村民们打听了这座城堡的历史。(curiosity)(2020届崇明区高考一模) 72. Out of curiosity, Jack asked the villagers about the history of the castle. 72.学而不思犹如食而不化。(like)(2020届静安区高考一模) Learning / To read without reflecting / reflection / thinking is just like eating without digesting / digestion. 74. 这个手无寸铁的年轻人冒着生命危险阻止了歹徒逃离现场,他是多么勇敢啊! (risk n.) (2020届杨浦区高考一模) 74. How brave the unarmed young man was to stop (prevent) the criminal from running away from the scene at the risk of his own life! 72. 他每次进城都给女儿带礼物。(without)(2020届闵行区高考一模) He doesn’t go to town without buying her daughter a gift. 名词搭配 73.大学扩招了,这就意味着更多人能有机会接受商等教弃。(access)(2020届松江区高考一模) 73. The universities have increased their enrollment, which means more people have access to higher education. 形容词搭配 73. 完善自我是一个抽象的理想,无法激励一些学生真正对抗惰性。(incapable)(2020届黄埔区高考一模) 73. Self-perfection is an abstract ideal, incapable of motivating some students to actually struggle against laziness. 73.年轻人要有雄心壮志,不应安于现状。(satisfy)(2020届静安区高考一模) Young people / The young / Youngsters should be ambitious / aim high, and not be satisfied with the present situation. 1. 我家门口的街道成天车水马龙。(crowd)(2020届徐汇区高考英语一模) 1. The street in front of my house is crowded with people and vehicles all day long/all the time. 特殊动词用法 72. 这些安全措施仍将继续实施至下月初。(remain)(2020届黄埔区高考一模) 72. These security measures will remain in effect until the beginning of next month. 73. 全球气候变暖使得一些稀有动物濒临灭绝。(leave)(2020届嘉定区高考一模)


Part 1. L 、M 开头的重点单词用法一 1.只有勇敢面对挑战的人才有可能成功。( likely ) 2.对于我们来说,重要的不是输赢而是参与。(matter) 3.你一收到这封信,就知道事情的来龙去脉了。(The moment ) 4.我们应该互相学习,共同进步。( learn ) 5.必须采取积极措施来防止禽流感蔓延。(measure) 6.难以置信,那位百万富翁过着一种极为简朴的生活。( live ) 7.对帮助你的人说谢谢是一种礼貌。(manner) 8.陷入沉思,她没有注意到外面发生的事情。( lose ) 9.在考试中越是冷静,就越少出错。(themore •••themore) 10.缓解压力的方法在于学会放松。 lie) Keys:

1.(1) Only those who face the challenges bravely are likely to succeed. (2)It is likely that only those who face the challenges bravely will succeed. 1What matters to us is not to win but to take part. 2.The moment you receive the letter, you'll know the whole story of the incident. 4.We should learn from each other and make progress together.. 5.Active measures must be taken to prevent bird flu from spreading. 6.It is hard to believe that the millionaire lived an extremely simple life. 7.It is good manners to say thanks to those who have done you a favor. 8.Lost in thought, she didn't notice what was going on outside. 9.The calmer you are in the exam, the fewer mistakes you will make. 10.The way to relieve stress lies in learning to relax. Part2. L、M开头的重点单词用法二 1.这种钢制手表质量很好。(make) 2.做一件毫无意义的工作就意味着浪费我们宝贵的时间。(mean) 3.他渴望能为那些艾滋病儿做些事情。(long) 4.那位英语老师常常被误认为是学生,因为她看上去很年轻(mistake)
