2023届上海市部分区高三英语二模试题分类汇编:句子翻译 (含答案)




V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

72.听说下周音乐会的歌曲都是爱国歌曲。( patriotic )

73.在网上购物一定要小心,不然很可能会被诱导买错东西的。( tempt )

74.经历了第一次高考后,许多学生弄清了自己学习中的不足之处和应对策略。( figure )

75.尽管在教学中使用数字技术对这位资深老师来说还有不少困难,但他一直坚持学习和实践,这使他现在的课堂教学效率更高了。( which )


V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.







V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given

in the brackets.

52. 我忽然想起把同桌的围巾忘家里了。(It)(汉译英)

53. 当你遇到一连串棘手问题时,要沉住气,并好好想想如何解决。(encounter) (汉译英)

54. 看着这些老物件,这个接连失去亲人的老人感觉往事历历在目,不禁潸然泪下。(can’t help) (汉译英)

55. 在全体居民的共同努力下,这个城市的市容正在好转,说明这些措施卓有成效。(witness)


V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

72. 考虑到学生的实际需求,学校餐厅周末向学生开放。(open)

73. 教练和运动员为决赛做了详细的训练计划,对冠军志在必得。(determine)

74. 这家饭店对所有客人热情相迎,消费再低也不会被另眼相待。(no matter)

75. 这个街区缺乏健身设施的问题引起了当地政府高度关注,已筹措资金将一幢废弃的厂房改建成一座老少咸宜的运动中心。(attention)


V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

72. 大多数人习惯于通过GPS来定位目的地,并规划路线。(accustom)

73. 这本书中提到的这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。(explain)

74. 中国饮食享有色、香、味俱佳且花样繁多的盛誉,吸引了世界各地的食客。(reputation)

75. 世上没有后悔药,你应该学会的是不念过往,不负当下,不畏将来。(use)



72. It is said that all the songs to be sung at the concert next week are patriotic ones.


考查时态,从句和形容词。根据句意用固定句型It is said that…‘"据说……",时态为一般现在时,从句主语all the songs"所有的歌曲","音乐会的"可译为to be sung at the concert,修饰songs,next week“下周”表示将来,表示未完成的动作用不定式作定语,且sing和songs是被动关系,故用不定式的被动式,根据提示词patriotic“爱国的”可知,用系表结构,be patriotic ones表示“是爱国欧曲",主语是复数,谓语动词用复数,故答案为It is said that all the songs to be sung at the concert next week are patriotic ones.

73. Do be careful while doing some shopping on line, otherwise you are likely to be temped to buy wrong things.

考查动词和固定句型。根据句意,表示"一定要小心"应为析使句,且强调调语,为助动词"动词原形结构,意为do be careful. 位于句首,首字母需大写;表示“在网上购物时”应为when 引导的时间状语从句,应为when you are doing some shopping online,因句子主语与主句主语一致,且谓语动词中含有be动词,所以可以省去"主语和be动词",即while doing some shopping online;表示“不然”应为otherwise为副词,起过渡作用;表示“很可能”应为be likely to do sth. ,表示“被诱惑做某事”应为be tempted to do sth. 表示“买错东西”应为buy wrong things,所以表示“很可能会被诱导买错东西的"应译为you are likely to be tempted to buy wrong things. 故翻译为Do be careful while doing some shopping online,otherwise you are likely to be tempted to buy wrong things. 。

74. Having experienced the first college entrance exam, many students have figured out their own disadvantages in learning and strategies for them.


考查时态,非谓语动词和短语。根据句意可知,用现在完成时,"经历"experience,"第一次高考"the first college entrance exam,用现在分词的完成时作状语,主语many students,谓语figure out“弄清楚”,“学习中的不足之处和应对策略”disadvantages in learning and strategies,注意主谓一致,故译为Having experienced the first college entrance exam,many students have figured out their own disadvantages in learning and strategies for them.

75. Although many senior teacher have a lot of difficulty applying digital technology in teaching, he still insists on learning and practising, which has made his lessons more efficient now.


考查时态,从句和短语,根据句意和提示词可知,句子为主从复合句,时态为一般现在时,"尽管在教学中使用数字技术对这位资深老师来说还有不少困难”为让步状语从句,可以用although“尽管”引导从句,“这位资深老师”可译为the senior teacher,“使用数字技术"可译为apply digital technology,"做某事有困难"可译为have difficulty doing sth. “在教学中”可译为in teaching,主句主语he,"坚持"译为insist on,"学习和实践"可译为learning and practicing,“这使他现在的课堂教学效率更高了”可以为定语从句,补充说明主句,指代整个主句,从句中作主语用关系代词which,"使他现在的课堂教学效率更高"可译为make his lessons more efficient. 故答案为Although many senior teacher have a lot of difficulty applying digital technology in teaching,he still insists on learning and practising, which has made his lessons more efficient now.


72. 万一汽车中途抛锚,你知道正确的做法是什么吗? (break) (汉译英)

【答案】Do you know what is the correct thing to do in case / if the vehicle breaks down halfway?

【详解】考查条件状语从句,宾语从句,时态和短语。万一汽车中途抛锚可以用条件状语从句,用if或者in case连接,汽车为“the vehicle”,抛锚用短语“break down”,中途为“halfway”;你知道用一般疑问句“Do you know”,正确的做法是什么为宾语从句,用what连接,译为“what is the correct thing to do”,描述一般事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为Do you know what is the correct thing to do in case / if the vehicle breaks down halfway?。73. 这个挂钟是我好些年前旅行时买的纪念品,可惜现在走时不准了。(tell) (汉译英)【答案】I bought the wall clock as a souvenir while travelling years ago, but it is a pity that it doesn’t tell the correct time any longer.


【详解】考查固定句型、省略句和时态。主语为I;表示“买”应用动词buy,为一般过去时;表示“挂钟”短语为the wall clock;表示“纪念品”应用名词souvenir,作介词as的宾语;此处为while引导的时间状语的省略,省略了主语和be动词,表示“旅行”应用travel;表示“好些年前”应用years ago;后跟but连接的并列句,表转折;表示“可惜……”句型为it is a pity that…;表示“走时不准了”翻译为it doesn’t tell the correct time any longer,为一般现在时。故翻译为I bought the wall clock as a souvenir while travelling years ago, but it is a pity that it doesn’t tell the correct time any longer.

74. 每逢小镇举办一年一度爵士音乐节,街头巷尾处处歌声乐声,公园里也同样如此。(so) (汉译英)

【答案】Every time the annual Jazz Festival is held in the town, the streets are filled with songs and music and so are the parks.


【详解】考查状语从句和固定短语。此处为every time引导时间状语从句,主语为the annual Jazz Festival;表示“小镇举办”应用动词hold,in the town作状语,为一般现在时的被动语态;主句主语为the streets;表示“处处歌声乐声”翻译为be filled with songs and music;表示“公园里也同样如此”翻译为so are the parks。句子为一般现在时。故翻译为Every time the annual Jazz Festival is held in the town, the streets are filled with songs and music and so are the parks.

75. 屋外狂风大作,雨点不停地敲打着窗户,教授把自己反锁在书房里,点燃壁炉,陷入沉思。(lose) (汉译英)

【答案】As the wind was blowing fiercely and the rain was beating against the window, the professor locked himself in the study and lit a fire in the fireplace/ turned on the fireplace, lost in thought.


【详解】考查状语从句、固定短语和时态。此处为as引导时间状语从句,主语为the wind;

表示“狂风大作”应用blow fiercely;表示“雨点不停地敲打着窗户”翻译为the rain was beating against the window,从句用过去进行时;主句主语为the professor;表示“把自己反锁在书房里”翻译为lock himself in the study;表示“点燃壁炉”翻译为light a fire in the fireplace或turned on the fireplace;表示“陷入沉思”短语为be lost in thought,过去分词作状语。主句为一般过去时。故翻译为As the wind was blowing fiercely and the rain was beating against the window, the professor locked himself in the study and lit a fire in the fireplace/ turned on the fireplace, lost in thought.


52. 我忽然想起把同桌的围巾忘家里了。(It)(汉译英)

【答案】It suddenly occurred to me that I left my desk mate’s scarf at home.


【详解】考查固定句型。表示“某人突然想起”句型为It suddenly occurred to sb. that;从句主语为I;表示“把同桌的围巾忘家里了”翻译为leave my desk mate’s scarf at home。为一般过去时。故翻译为It suddenly occurred to me that I left my desk mate’s scarf at home.

53. 当你遇到一连串棘手问题时,要沉住气,并好好想想如何解决。(encounter) (汉译英) 【答案】When you encounter a series of difficult problems, take it easy and think carefully about how to solve them.


【详解】考查状语从句和祈使句。分析句子可知,“当你遇到一连串棘手问题时”是时间状语从句,用从属连词when引导,主语“你”用人称代词you,谓语“遇到”用动词encounter,描述客观事实,用一般现在时态,谓语动词用复数形式,宾语“一连串棘手问题”用a series of difficult problems;“要沉住气,并好好想想如何解决”是主句,表示建议,用祈使语气,用动词原形开头,“沉住气”用动词短语take it easy,“好好想想”用动词短语think carefully about,“如何解决”作宾语,用复合结构how to solve them,两个动词短语之间是并列关系,用并列连词and连接。综上,全句译为:When you encounter a series of difficult problems, take it easy and think carefully about how to solve them.

54. 看着这些老物件,这个接连失去亲人的老人感觉往事历历在目,不禁潸然泪下。(can’t help) (汉译英)

【答案】Looking at the old objects, the old man who had lost relatives one after another felt the old memories came back and couldn’t help weeping.



该句可为非谓语动词作状语,动词短语Look at“看着”和逻辑主语the old man“这个老人”为主动关系,所以为现在分词形式,表示“这些老物件”应为名词短语the old objects;主语the old man后接关系代词who引导的定语从句,对the old man进行修饰,在该定语从句中,表示“失去亲人”为动词短语lost relative;表示“接连”应为固定短语one after another;表示“感觉往事历历在目”应为动词短语feel the old memories came back;表示“不禁潸然泪下”应为动词短语can’t help weeping;结合句意可知,该句应为陈述过去发生的事情,为一般过去时,在定语从句中,应为过去完成时。故翻译为:Looking at the old objects, the old man who had lost relatives one after another felt the old memories came back and couldn’t help weeping。

55. 在全体居民的共同努力下,这个城市的市容正在好转,说明这些措施卓有成效。(witness) (汉译英)

【答案】With the joint efforts of all the residents, the appearance of this city is witnessing positive changes, which indicates that these measures are very effective.


【详解】考查短语、时态、定语从句和名词性从句。“在全体居民的共同努力下”用介词短语With the joint efforts of all the residents;“这个城市的市容”翻译为the appearance of this city,在句中作主语,“正在好转”用现在进行时,翻译为is witnessing positive changes;指代前面一件事,所以用关系代词which引导非限定性定语从句。“说明”翻译为indicate,在从句中作谓语,陈述客观事实,用一般现在时,主语which为概念,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。动词indicates后接宾语从句,从句不缺少成分且句意完整,所以用关系代词that 引导。“这些措施”翻译为these measures,主语是复数,谓语动词用are,后接形容词作表语。“卓有成效”翻译为very effective。故翻译为With the joint efforts of all the residents, the appearance of this city is witnessing positive changes, which indicates that these measures are very effective.


72. Considering the actual needs of the students (1. 5), the school canteen is open to students on weekends (1. 5).


考查名词、动词、形容词和时态以及介词。根据句意可知,"考虑到学生的实际需求"译为considering the actual needs of the students,为介词短语做状语,“向学生开放”译为be open to students,陈述目前事实,应用一般现在时,“周末“译为on weekends,作时间状语。故翻译为Considering the actual needs of the students,the school canteen is open to students on weekends.

73. The coach and players made a detailed training plan for the final (1. 5) and they are determined to win the championship (1. 5).


考查名词、动词、形容词和时态。根据句意可知,"教练和运动员"译为the couch and players,"为决赛做了详细的训练计划"译为make a detailed training plan for the final,句子陈述过去发生的动作,应用一般过去时,“对冠军志在必得”即“他们对冠军志在必得”,陈述目前的状态,应用一般现在时,译为they are determined to win the championship,使用连词and连接两个句子。故翻译为The coach and players made a detailed training plan for the final and they are determined to win the championship.

74. This restaurant warmly welcomes all the guests (1), and no matter how little people spend there (1. 5), they won’t be treated differently(1. 5).


考查让步状语从句和时态。句子陈述客观事实,基础时态为一般现在时;根据汉语意思,“这家饭店”用this restaurant,“双迎”用动词welcome,作谓语;"所有客人用"all the guests,"消费再低也不会被另眼相待"用no matter how引导让步状语从句,"消费"用动词spend,"被对待"用被动语态be treated,再结合其他汉语意思,故翻译为This restaurant warmly welcomes all the guests,and no matter how little people spend there, they won't be treated differently.

75. The lack of fitness facilities in this community (1) has aroused high attention of the local government (1), and funds have been raised to transform an abandoned factory building into a sports center (2) suitable for all ages (1).

【详解】考查名词,动词,形容词,介词,短语,连词和时态。表示“这个街区”应用介词短语in this community;表示“缺乏”应用名词短语the lack of;表示“健身设施”应用名词短语fitness facilities;表示“引起”应用动词arouse;表示“当地政府”应用名词短语the local government;表示“高度关注”应用名词短语high attention;表示“筹措资金”应用动词短语raise funds;表示“一幢废弃的厂房”应用名词短语an abandoned factory building;表示“将. . . 改建成”应用动词短语transform. . . into. . . ;表示“老少咸宜的”应用形容词短语suitable for all ages;表示“一座运动中心”应用名词短语a sports center;分析句子结构和意思可知,这句话描述的是过去的动作对现在造成的影响和结果,调语用现在完成时,两个句子之间是并列关系,用并列连词and连接。故劃译为The lack of fitness facilities in this community has aroused high attention of the local government,and funds have been raised to transform an abandoned factory building into a sports center suitable for all ages.


72. 大多数人习惯于通过GPS来定位目的地, 并规划路线。(accustom)

The majority of people/ Most people are accustomed to locating destinations and planning routes

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via/by/through GPS.

0. 5


考查时态和短语以及介词。本句在陈述事实,用一般现在时。“大多数人”为the majority of people/most people,“习惯于做某事”为be accustomed to doing sth,“定位目的地”为locate destinations,“规划路线”为plan routes,“通过GPS”为via/by/through GPS。故翻译为:The majority of people/ Most people are accustomed to locating destinations and planning routes via/by/through GPS.

73. 这本书中提到的这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。(explain)

These problems mentioned in this book are so complicated/complex that they cannot be

1 1

explained in a few words.


These problems mentioned in the book are too complicated/complex toexplain in a few words.

1 1 1


考查短语、时态、非谓语动词和状语从句。"这些问题"翻译为These problems,在句中作主语,与mention之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词作后置定语,所以“这本书里提到的”翻译为mentioned in this book;so. . . that. . . 如此. . . . . . . . 以至于. . . . . . . . . 引导结果状语从句;too. . . to. . . . 太. . . . 以至于……,用不定式作结果状。“盘根错节"翻译为complicated/complex;"三言两语说不清楚"翻译为they cannot be explained in a few words。陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。根据句意,故翻译为These problems mentioned in this book are so complicated/complex that they cannot be explained in a few words. 或These problems mentioned in the book are too complicated/complex to explain in a few words.

74. 中国饮食享有色、香、味俱佳且花样繁多的盛誉,吸引了世界各地的食客。(reputation) Chinese cuisine/diet/food enjoys the reputation for its color, scent/aroma, taste and wide variety/ 0. 5 1 1 0. 5

diversity, which attracts people around the world.



考查句子翻译。"中国饮食"翻译为Chinese cuisine/diet/food;"享有盛誉”翻译为enjoys the reputation for;“色香味俱佳”翻译为its color,scent/aroma,taste;"花样繁多"翻译为wide variety/diversity;“吸引了世界各地的食客”翻译为attracts people around the world。分析句子结构可知,此句可用非限制性定语从句引导。故答案为Chinese cuisine/diet/food enjoys the reputation for its color,scent/aroma, taste and wide variety/diversity, which attracts people around

the world. 。

75. 世上没有后悔药,你应该学会的是不念过往,不负当下,不畏将来。(use)

It’s no use regretting/ crying over spilt milk, and what you should learn isto forget the past, live in

1 1 1

the moment and embrace the future.

1 1


考查动词、动词短语和固定句式以及主语从句。表示“世上没有后悔药”可以使用固定句式结构It’s no use doing,此句可以翻译成It's no use crying over spilt milk;表示“不念过往”短语为forgetthe past;“不负当下”的动词短语是live in the moment;“不畏将来"的动词短语是embrace the future;这三个短语并列作表语;"你应该学会的是"可以使用what引导的主语从句what you should learn;根据句意可知本句应使用一般现在时。故翻译为It's nouse crying over spilt milk,and what you should learn is to forget the past, live in the moment and embrace the future。

2023届上海市部分区高三英语二模试题分类汇编:句子翻译 (含答案)

2023届上海市部分区高三英语二模试题分类汇编 句子翻译 2023届上海市宝山区高考二模英语试题 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72.听说下周音乐会的歌曲都是爱国歌曲。( patriotic ) 73.在网上购物一定要小心,不然很可能会被诱导买错东西的。( tempt ) 74.经历了第一次高考后,许多学生弄清了自己学习中的不足之处和应对策略。( figure ) 75.尽管在教学中使用数字技术对这位资深老师来说还有不少困难,但他一直坚持学习和实践,这使他现在的课堂教学效率更高了。( which ) 2023届上海市虹口区高三下学期二模英语试题 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72.万一汽车中途抛锚,你知道正确的做法是什么吗?(break) 73.这个挂钟是我好些年前旅行时买的纪念品,可惜现在走时不准了。(tell) 74.每逢小镇举办一年一度爵士音乐节,街头巷尾处处歌声乐声,公园里也同样如此。(so) 75.屋外狂风大作,雨点不停地敲打着窗户,教授把自己反锁在书房里,点燃壁炉,陷入沉思。 (lose) 2023届上海市崇明区高三下学期二模英语试卷 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 52. 我忽然想起把同桌的围巾忘家里了。(It)(汉译英) 53. 当你遇到一连串棘手问题时,要沉住气,并好好想想如何解决。(encounter) (汉译英) 54. 看着这些老物件,这个接连失去亲人的老人感觉往事历历在目,不禁潸然泪下。(can’t help) (汉译英) 55. 在全体居民的共同努力下,这个城市的市容正在好转,说明这些措施卓有成效。(witness)


二模翻译专练 【虹口区】 1、现在人们已经习惯于将坏天气与空气污染联想到一起。(associate) 2、学生们难得有机会目睹那位着名的诺贝尔文学奖获得者。(Seldom) 3、上海迪士尼乐园肯定会成为一个值得多次游览的旅游景点。(worth) 4、正是因为社会过分重视外表,不少年轻人改变了他们原有的饮食习惯。(It) 5、汤姆错过了那场公众评价很高的电影,并非因为买不到电影票,而是因为交通堵塞。(available) 【黄浦区】 1、在假期学生也能使用图书馆。(access) 2、新政策会给我们带来好处还是危害还拭目以待。(remain) 3、让没有受过专业培训的人操纵机器是不负责任的行为。(who) 4、如果我们换个角度来看问题,也许能找到切实可行的解决办法。(who) 5、他有着如此坚强的意志,定会不遗余力,力争提前完成任务。(such...that) 【奉贤区】 1、这家超市的特色是24小时服务。(feature v.) 2、趁一切还来得及,去赞美你爱着、关心着的人吧。(before) 3、直到那位母亲确信她的儿子已安然无恙地到家,她才松一口气。(Not...until) 4、是不是正是老师的鼓励才使你下定决心去报考你心仪的大学?(强调句) 5、因为人们坚信食物对健康是至关重要的,所以好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和蔬菜之间取得平衡。(belief) 【杨浦区】 1、当你独处在外时,记得让手机保持开机状态。(keep) 2、他不顾新颁布的法律,坚持在春节期间燃放烟花。(regardless) 3、任何情况下父母都不能强迫孩子去做超出他们能力范围的事情。(circumstances) 4、正是他在一家IT公司的经历才使他在众多的申请者中脱颖引而出。(enable) 5、人工智能程序AlphaGo打败顶级职业选手的消息引起了全世界的关注。(concern)【长宁】 1、自上周起,孩子们就兴奋地聊着出游的打算。(chat) 2、新的考试制度给学生更多选择科目和大学的自由。(freedom) 3、多亏村民们的及时援助,游客们成功地逃脱了洪水的困扰。(protect) 4、昨天他在小组讨论中关于添置运动设备的提议是否能付诸实践还拭目以待。(whether) 5、只有当他亲眼看到那些贴满小区的海报时,才真正相信中国诗词大赛是多么受欢迎。(Only) 【徐汇区】 1、这首脍炙人口的歌曲改编自一首古老的民歌。(adapt) 2、图书馆里借不到这本参考书,我只能去附近书店买。 3、学校董事会没有批准这一提案,也没有做出任何解释。(nor) 4、飞机起飞前,乘务员的职责之一就是确保所有乘客都系好安全带。(ensure) 5、要想发展科学,必须营造一种鼓励创新的环境,要允许自由探索,提倡学术争鸣。(advocate) 【普陀区】 1、商店里的商品琳琅满目,让我们眼花缭乱。(accustomed)


高考英语上海卷 模拟试卷(二) 考生注意: 1.考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。 2.本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。 第I卷(共90分) I. Listening Comprehension (25 分) Section A (每题1分,共10分) Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. II. Grammar and Vocabulary (每题1 分,共20 分) Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, used one word that best fits each blank. An implant that can cool nerves to block pain signals has been unveiled by researchers who say the device could offer an alternative to drugs


2023 届高考二模翻译汇总 简单句 73. 在这部电视剧中,他的表演浑然天成,备受赞誉。(appreciate)(2023 届松江区高考二模) In this TV series, his acting is completely natural and highly appreciated . 73. 我们在那场足球赛中的失利是众多因素共同作用的结果。(contribute)(2023 届黄浦区高考二模) A combination of factors contributes to our loss in the football game. 72.生活在中国不同地区的人们的饮食多种多样。(variety) (2023 届青浦区高考二模)People living in different parts of China have a wide variety of diets. 73.这家网络公司在全国各地有许多研发中心. (establish)(2023 届普陀区高考二模) The internet company has established many research and development centers across the country. 72.有了无人机,救援人员就可以安全地评估灾区的受灾状况。(enable)(2023届浦东新区高考二模) Drones enable rescue workers to assess the damage in the disaster area safely. 73.大多数人习惯于通过GPS来定位目的地,并规划路线。(accustom)(2023届奉贤区高考二模) The majority of people/ Most people are accustomed to locating destinations and planning routes via/by/through GPS. 74.这本书中提到的这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。(explain) (2023 届奉贤区高考二模) 74.These problems mentioned in the book are too complicated/complex to explain in a few words.


2023届上海市虹口区高三下学期二模英语试题一、短对话 1. A.Boring. B.Special. C.Delicious . D.Traditional. 2. A.£12. B.£24. C.£6. D.£8.4. 3. A.He didn’t work last week.B.He managed to avoid being fined. C.He was fined. D.He is always a careful bike rider. 4. A.It took the man a long time to arrive. B.The traffic was not busy that morning. C.A traffic accident happened on the man’s way here. D.The man needn’t go to work on Monday morning. 5. A.She makes efforts to organize the party. B.She is going to be late for the party. C.She designs the dress with care. D.She is eager to attend the party. 6. A.The concert is very popular. B.The woman has to finish her work first. C.The woman shouldn’t go to the concert. D.He doesn’t believe the woman has the concert ticket. 7. A.The battery needs charging. B.It is nowhere to be found. C.The battery is positioned incorrectly. D.It is the wrong remote control. 8. A.His project had to be suspended. B.His project was successful. C.He failed to get enough land for his project. D.He was unable to get enough funding. 9.


2023届上海市部分区高三英语二模试题概要写作分 类汇编 概要写作 2023届上海市嘉定区高三下学期二模英语试卷 IV. Summary writing (10分) 51.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Museum Craze Involves More Teenagers More museums are here waiting for you! China’s capital, Beijing, is going to open another batch (一批) of museums this year. The building of a new branch of the Palace Museum, one of the world’s most visited tourist attractions, kicked off as well. As the museum craze has grown stronger in the past few years, teenagers in China have become more involved in exploring museums, where they can immerse (沉浸) themselves in modern technology as well as culture from the past. According to Educator magazine, visits by teenagers to museums each year increased from 220 million to 290 million in the past 5 years. Among the increasing numbers of museum visitors, many of them were teenagers accompanied by their families, reported Guangming Daily earlier this month. To draw younger visitors, many museums are creating more offline activities for the purpose of spreading Chinese culture. They include artifact making, night visits, secret adventures, treasure evaluation, and some interesting courses. At the China Hangzhou Arts & Crafts Museum, for example, teenagers gathered around to make paper umbrellas during the Spring Festival holiday. With white gloves on and little spades in their hands, visitors in Henan province got to experience the daily work of archaeologists (考古学家). Apart from the activities, some museums even open branches especially designed for teenagers. A hall called Popular Agricultural Science for Young Visitors is a special branch launched by China Agricultural Museum. It is an exhibition hall that combines both visual and audio technology to involve teenagers in

上海市部分区2021届高考英语二模试题分类汇编:句子翻译专题 含答案

上海市部分区2021年高考英语二模试题分类汇编 句子翻译专题 上海市崇明区2021届高三下学期调研考试英语二模试卷 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 她为了纪念己故母亲拍了这部电影,却不料大受欢迎。(memory) 73. 这位老人尽管生活条件一般,却似乎很满足于退休后自由自在的生活。(content) 74. 这位刚毕业的年轻老师特别热爱这份工作,不断地追求卓越,所以同事们都寄予他厚望。 (pursue) 75. 只有提前了解所申请学校的要求,且充分做准备,你才有可能在面试中脱颖而出。(Only) 72. She made the film in memory of her late mother, only to be well received. 73. The old man seems to be content with the free life after retirement despite his average living conditions. 74. The young teacher who is fresh out of school loves the job very much and keeps pursuing excellence, so his colleagues place high hopes on him. 75. Only by learning in advance about the requirements of the school you are going to apply to and getting fully prepared, can you possibly stand out in the interview. 上海市奉贤区2021届高三下学期调研考试英语二模试卷 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 爱运动的人不大可能有睡眠障碍。(likely) 2. 这位外科医生还没来得及好好休息就立即投入到下一场手术中。(before) 3. 这个时期的文学作品反映出我国人民在面临民族危机时不屈不挠的精神。(mirror)


2023届市黄浦区高三英语二模试卷(含答案) 第一部分阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 题目1 【题干】What does Amy think of the new design? 【选项】A. She is impressed. B. She is disappointed. C. She is indifferent. D. She is skeptical. 【答案】A 题目2 【题干】Who is the article mainly written for? 【选项】 A. University administrators. B. College students. C. High school graduates. D. Mass media. 【答案】C … 题目20 【题干】What’s the article mainly about? 【选项】 A. The benefits of reading. B. The decline of reading. C. The future of libraries. D. The importance of libraries. 【答案】D

第二部分完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 题目1 【题干】【选项】 A. B. C. D. 【答案】A 题目2 【题干】【选项】 A. B. C. D. 【答案】B … 题目20 【题干】【选项】 A. B. C. D. 【答案】D … 第三部分语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


2023届上海市青浦区高三下学期二模英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、用单词的适当形式完成短文 Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank. A New Orchid was Found in Japan Nature is full of secrets. There are still many things to find out about it. One of those things was discovered last week in Japan. It is rare to find a new plant in Japan. An amateur naturalist came across a new species of orchid ___1___ other flowers in Tokyo. Scientists also found the flower elsewhere in other districts, an indication that the new species ___2___ deserve further investigation. The newly-found orchid is beautiful. It is pink and white, it has a central stem, around ___3___ grow tiny, bell-shaped flowers, and its delicate petals (花瓣) look like they are made from glass. The flower is a neighbor to a(n) ___4___ (relate) orchid species common in Japan. Sometimes unknown species are often living right under our noses — in parks, gardens and even in planters on balconies. That’s ___5___ researchers in Japan recently recognized this new species of orchid. Professor Kenji Suetsugu from Kobe University said the discovery of new species in usual places means it is necessary to keep exploring, even in everyday places that ___6___ (not look) so remarkable. There are about 28,000 orchid species worldwide. The new orchid belongs to a class called Spiranthes. There are about 50 different kinds of Spiranthes. They are ___7___ (familiar) kind of orchid in Japan, for they appeared in a Japanese poem dating to 759 AD.Professor Suetsugu said he and his colleagues were “delighted ___8___ (identify) a new species”. He said it was exciting because it wasn’t found hidden deep in a rainforest or jungle. The discovery of the new orchid is good news. However, many orchids are on the endangered species list due to habitat loss. We need to protect natural environments to stop flowers ___9___ (disappear). The world will be far less colourful ___10___ we lose more orchids.


2021上海英语高三二模翻译汇总 宝山 72.我对这场比赛的结果抱乐观态度。〔optimistic〕 I am optimistic about the result of the game /match. 73. 许多人把迟到看作是一个小问题,其实不然。〔think〕 Many people think of being late as a small problem, but in fact it’s not./it can have serious consequences. 74.无人驾驶技术解决了人们的困惑,使开车打成为可能。(…it…) Driverless technology solves people's puzzle and makes it possible to make a phone call /talk on the phone while driving. 75. 人生中最可怕的不是你即使努力了仍一事无成,而是碌碌无为却以平凡可贵抚慰自己。〔...not...but...〕 The most horrible/terrible/ dreadful/ fearful/ frightening/frightful thing that can happen in your life is not that you achieved/accomplished nothing even though you tried, but that you do nothing at all/give up and tell yourself it is precious to be just ordinary. 崇明 72. 何不利用这宜人的天气出去野餐呢?(advantage) 73. 当你对情况一知半解时,不要随意发表见解。(knowledge) 74. 到底是什么促使你放弃了这么稳定的工作,来到这个偏远地区保护野生动物?(it) 75. 人工智能正以如此快的速度改变着整个世界,你很难预测将来的生活终究会是什么样子。 (So) 72. Why not take advantage of the agreeable weather and go out for a picnic? (1+1+1) 73. When you have a limited/foggy knowledge of the situation, don’t express your opinions


2023届上海市金山区高考二模英语试题(含听力) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、短对话 1. A.To his office.B.To a meeting room. C.To the front desk.D.To the bus stop. 2. A.At a school B.In a hospital.C.At a restaurant.D.In a swimming pool. 3. A.On foot.B.By car.C.By bus.D.By bike. 4. A.To join a club.B.To register for school. C.To organize a charity event.D.To go on a trip to the theater. 5. A.It’s clean there.B.It’s relaxing there. C.It’s beautiful there.D.It’s noiseless there. 6. A.Law.B.Art.C.History.D.Children’s education. 7. A.Trip plans.B.Ticket prices. C.Tourist destinations.D.Holiday celebrations. 8. A.She will be busy with her study. B.She will go hiking with her family. C.She will meet her new partners online. D.She will browse through the Internet for fun. 9. A.She enjoys traveling this summer vacation. B.She is considering whether to travel abroad.


上海市部分区2022-2023学年高三下学期二模英语试卷分类汇编 六选四专题 2023届上海市崇明区高三下学期二模英语试卷 Section C Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. Trash-Eating Robots It has become common knowledge that our oceans are filled with garbage. Broken objects, used plastic bottles and so on fill our beaches and cover the ocean floor, doing immense damage to ocean creatures. Many individuals and organizations are working to remove this garbage and recent technological developments have given them a new tool to do so: trash-eating robots. Robots of various shapes have been designed to collect garbage that they find floating in the ocean. For example, the French company IADYS has developed what it calls the jellyfishbot. 67 The jellyfishbot is remotely controlled and can clean up to 1,000 square meters per hour. It contains a net that can hold up to 30 liters. The jellyfishbots’ small size and ability to be easily controlled make them ideal for cleaning up crowded areas such as ports. 68 Designed for use on rivers, the Interceptor looks like a boat with a conveyor belt that picks up trash. A shallow barrier attached to the Interceptor guides floating trash to the conveyor belt, but fish can swim under it safely. Once a sensor indicates that the dustbins are full, the Interceptor automatically sends a text message to onshore operators. These operators collect and empty the dustbins, sending the garbage to local waste management facilities. Most of the garbage in the oceans comes down rivers. 69 Hence the Interceptor is used to stop pollution before it enters the ocean. The Interceptor is completely solar-powered and operates on its own, which minimizes the need for human involvement. Robots are able to clean up large amounts of garbage without humans struggling with beach cleanup by hand. 70 2023届上海市嘉定区高三下学期二模英语试卷


上海市部分区2021年高考英语二模解析版试题分类汇编 句子翻译专题 上海市金山区2021年高考二模英语试题 V. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 究竟是什么驱使人类不断地探索外太空?(on earth)(汉译英) 【答案】What on earth motivates humans to keep exploring outer space? 【解析】 【详解】考查介词短语、动词和名词。表达“究竟”应用介词短语on earth,表达“驱使”应用动词motivate,表达“外太空”应用名词outer space。根据句意可知,此处是由what连接的特殊疑问句,what充当主语,谓语动词是motivate,短语motivate sb. to do sth.“驱使某人做某事”,描述一般事实时态是一般现在时,“不断地探索”应用动词表达keep exploring。故翻译为What on earth motivates humans to keep exploring outer space?。 73. 据旅游手册介绍,这个村子因其保存完好的少数民族文化而闻名遐迩。(famous) (汉译英)【答案】According to the travel brochure, the village is famous for its well-preserved minority culture. 【解析】 【详解】考查名词和形容词。表示“因......而闻名”应用形容词短语be famous for;表示“旅游手册”应用名词travel brochure;表示“村子”应用名词village,做主语;表示“保存完好的”应用形容词well-preserved;表示“少数民族文化”应用名词minority culture。描述事实,时态是一般现在时。故翻译为According to the travel brochure, the village is famous for its well-preserved minority culture.。 74. 如今人们担心的不再是如何填饱肚子,而是如何防止发胖。(not... but...) (汉译英) 【答案】Nowadays, what people are concerned about is not how to fill their stomachs but how to


上海市部分区2023届高三下学期4月二模英语解析版试卷分类汇编 六选四专题 2023届上海市金山区高考二模英语试题 Section C Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. News From The World of Medicine The balance challenge Can you stand on one leg for ten seconds? This question could help doctors assess the overall health of their middle-aged and older patients, argues a Brazilian-led study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. (67) ____________________ During a follow-up period of seven years, the researchers drew the above conclusion after accounting for basic factors like age and sex. Besides causing falls, poor balance can also signal underlying medical issues, such as declining eyesight or nerve damage caused by diabetes (糖尿病). Much like grasp strength and walking speed, balancing ability doesn’t tell the whole story of your health, but it’s a useful clue. Don’t remove skin tags and moles yourself. Two of the most common types of skin spots among adults are dark spots known as moles and the growths known as skin tags. (68) ____________________ In some places, mole- and skin-tag removal kits are sold for home use. (69) ____________________ US FDA recently issued a warning about these kits after receiving reports about consumers who had injured themselves. You’re better off visiting a dermatologist, who are experts in treating skin diseases. Plus, they can perform the all-important screening for skin cancer. (70) ____________________


上海市闵行区2023届高三英语二模 考生注意: 1.考试时间 120 分钟,试卷满分 140 分。 2.本次考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。 3.答题前,务必在答题纸规定的地方张贴条形码并填写考生号和姓名。 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. She prefers to stay home. B. She accepts the man’s advice. C. She wants to do something else. D. She doesn’t like a long walk. 2 .A. He needs a shower urgently. B. He doesn’t need anything. C. He wants to drink something. D. He isn’t sweating at the moment. 3. A. She prefers to eat out. B. She is not hungry at all. C. She has a lot to do in the kitchen. D. She wants to make their own food. 4. A. Skating is too hard to learn. B. The woman should quit skating. C. Skating isn’t too hard for him. D. The woman should keep trying. 5. A. Give up the game. B. Make a new plan. C. Have tough training. D. Avoid the opponent. 6. A. He doesn’t like the role. B. He lacks confidence. C. He needs to know the role well. D. He should remember every word. 7. A. The food tastes differently. B. The man should see a different view. C. The food is worth the price. D. The prices on the menu are ridiculous. 8. A. A past overseas experience. B. A computer game. C. A coming vacation plan. D. An imaginary situation. 9. A. Practice the presentation. B. Simplify the presentation. C. Leave out the middle part. D. Ask for more time for the presentation. 10. A. He will leave the bike outside. B. The bike needs to be repaired. C. He doesn’t need the bike anymore. D. The bike is in good condition.
