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论中英文中动物词汇的文化差异The Cultural Differences of Animal Words in English and Chinese


Language is the crystallization of human cultural development contains a nation's social consciousness, history, culture, customs and other social characteristics. Different cultural backgrounds and cultural traditions, making the different way of thinking, values, codes of conduct, and lifestyle between Chinese and English. There is much more obvious in animal words. Due to the differences in culture, the two languages, English and Chinese, the cultural connotation and significance given the same kind of animal is generally different. From a linguistic point of view, by contrast of Animal Words in English and Chinese to reveal the cultural differences.

KEY WORDS: cultural differences, language





I Introduction (5)

II The Cultural Meaning of Animal Words in Chinese and English (5)

2.1 The Same Animal Words with Commendatory Meaning in Chinese

but Derogatory in English (6)

2.2 The Same Animal Words with Meaning in Chinese but

Commendatory Meaning in English (6)

III Reasons for These Differences (6)

3.1 Religious Influences (7)

3.2 Fables (7)

3.3 Customs and Living Habits (8)

IV Conclusion (8)

I Introduction

Animals play a very important role in the lives of human beings. Every kind of animal has their own characteristics, which endow them with many cultural meanings. Language is an essential element of one concrete culture of a people, and it influences culture deeply. Animal words ,as an essential aspect of language also influence culture. At the same time , culture also influences language and animal words. Along with the development of human society , animals in different peoples own different cultural meanings by different prospect of views according to their characteristics, their stories, and their relation with human beings, etc. This phenomenon can be found in Chinese and English easily. China, which has a long history of 5000 years, possesses rich culture which influences Chinese language and the animal words. In Chinese , many animal words have their own cultural meanings and these meanings are used frequently in the lives of Chinese people. What will reflect in people’s mind as soon as mentioning one concrete animal is not only the image of that animal, but also its cultural meaning. English, which is most widely spoken in the world, is also influenced by the culture of English-speaking countries. So animal words also load as
