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、文献回顾的目的 --藉由文献发展研究问题

一) 厘清问题 (Identifying problem) 二) 发展假设 (Developing hypotheses) 三) 发展方法 (Developing the method)

二、文献的寻找 (一)寻找策略

1. 百科全书 (encyclopedias )


研究的回顾 (reviews research )

(1)一些专家学者已花费很多的时间与精神,并已整理出与研究 题


(2)相关的研究不仅汇整出相关的研究资料;同时评论综合出整 合



(二)摘要 (abstracts ) (三) 征片(microform p ublicati ons ) (四) 索引 (indexes )

(五) 参考书目 (bibliographies ) (六)

分类卡 (card catalog )


(一) 学校现有的光盘与数据库 (二) 国家图书馆 (三)




(一) (二)


(四) (五)


实验设计与操弄的处理 (如果是实验性的研究 )

问题的陈述 (和研究假设 ) 研究对象的特征 研究工具与测试的使用 测验的过程 自变项与依变项

(七) 数据的处理与分析 (八) 研究的发现 (九)




Table 2.1 Criteria for Critiquing a Research Paper


Overall imp ression (most imp orta nt): Is the paper a sig nifica nt con tributio n to kno wledge about the area? II. Introduction and review of literature

Is the research plan devel oped with in a reas on able theoretical framework? Is curre nt and releva nt research cited and prop erly interp reted?

Is the stateme nt of the problem clear, con cise, testable, and derived from the theory and

research reviewed?

III. Method Are releva nt p artic ipants characteristics described, and are the subjects approp riate for the research?

Is the in strume ntati on approp riate? Are testi ng or treatme nt p rocedures described in sufficie nt detail? Are the statistical an alyses and research desig n sufficie nt?

IV. Results

Do the results evaluate the stated p roblem? Is the p rese ntati on of results complete? Are the tables and figures approp riate?

V. Discussion

The purp ose of the review is to dem on strate that your p roblem n eeds inv estigati on and that you have con sidered the value of releva nt p ast research in devel oping your hypo theses and methods.

、研究报告的评论准则 表2-1 、研究报告评析的格式


A. B. C. A. B. C. D. A. B. C. A. Are the results discussed?

B. C. Are the results related back to the p roblem, theory, and p revious findings Is there excessive sp eculati on?

VI. References

Are all refere nces in the correct format, and are they compi ete?

A. B. Are all references cited in the text?

C. A. B. A. B. C. Are all dates in the refere nces correct, and do they match the text citati on?

VII. Abstract

Does it in clude a stateme nt of the purp ose; descri pti on of subjects, in strume

ntatio n, and p rocedures; and a report of meanin gful findin gs? Is the abstract the proper len gth?

VIII. General

Are key words p rovided? Are running heads pro vided?

Does the paper pro vide for use of non sexist Ian guage, p rotecti on of huma n

subjects, and approp riated labeli ng of huma n subjects?
