

Test 1: Development of Microbiology

Multiple Choice (choose one answer)

1. The fundamental unit of all living organisms is the:




■.cell wall


2. Organisms that do not contain a true nucleus are referred to as:






3. The three kingdom classification system of organisms was proposed by:






4. Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi are composedof , while the cell walls of bacteria are composed of peptidoglycan.






5. The first microscopes were developed by:






6. Control of microbial infections can be accomplished by chemical or immune mechanisms. The first report on the production of an antibiotic is credited to: ■.Lister





7. The term "antibiotic" means:

■.a substance produced by the laboratory that kills or inhibits other


■.a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits molds

■.a substance produced by microorganism that kills or inhibits other microorganisms

■.a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits cancer cells


8. The first documented use of a vaccine for smallpox was reported by the English physician:






9. Active immunity can be distinguished from passive immunity in that the former requires:

■.development of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodies

■.development of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antigens

■.Flemingdevelopment of antibodies in a foreign host and transfer to one' s own body

■.development of antigens in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodies


10. The process of nitrification by bacteria described by Winogradsky converts:

■.ammonia to nitrate ions

■.nitrate ions to ammonia

■.N2 to ammonia

■.ammonia to urea


11. The transfer of DNA from one organism to another through the use of a viral vector is referred to as:






12. The genetic material of a bacteria is located in the molecule:






Fill in the Blank

1. Organisms that contain a true nucleus are called_______

2. Bacteria do not have a true nucleus and are considered _______

3. Bacteria can be divided into two groups, the _______and the _______.

4._______ are organisms that can grow without using molecular oxygen.

5. Microorganisms that can synthesize complex organic compounds from CO2:are called _______.

6. ______ are microorganisms that obtain their energy to synthesize organic compounds from light.

7. ______ require organic compounds for growth.

8. Organisms that survive only at very high temperatures are referred to as______. answer

9. ______ are organisms that produce methane from CO2.

10. ______organisms grow under conditions of high salinity.

11. Eubacteria can exhibit a number of morphological shapes. Identify four:





12. Fungi, algae and protozoa can be differentiated from bacteria by the following characteristic:_______ .

13. Fungi have cell wall consisting of _______.

14. Viruses consist of ______surrounded by a protein coat.

15. The scientific method utilizes deductive reasoning and observations or experiments to prove or disprove a _____.

16. The theory _______of held that living organisms could arise from nonliving matter.

17. The process used to reduce the number of viable organisms by moderate heating is called:_______ .

18. The process of tyndallization uses repeated heating to eliminate or_______ microorganisms from solutions.

19.An _______is a substance produced by microorganisms that inhibits or kills other microorganisms.

20. The process of stimulating the immune defenses of the body is referred to as_______.

21. White blood cells that engulf foreign particles are referred to as______.

22. A substance in serum that can neutralize foreign material is referred to as ______or ______.

23. Cells infected with a virus produce a substance called ______ that inhibits viral replication. answer

24. Avery, Colin and MacLeod first demonstrated that transformation of nonpathogenic to pathogenic strains of bacteria could be carried out by the transfer of ______.

25. Exchange of genetic information by direct contact is referred to as______.

26. ______ is the process in which DNA is transferred from one bacteria to


Test2 Methods for Studying Microorganisms

Multiple Choice (choose one answer)

1. Light microscopy is dependent on the interaction of light with on object. The ability of light to pass through an object is referred to as:

■.transported light

■.transmitted light

■.reflected light

■.refracted light


2. The resolving power (R) of a microscope is dependent on the wavelength of light (;~) and the numerical aperture (NA) of the lens. The formula for R is: ■.R = 0.5~. xNA

■.R = 0.5;~/NA

■.R = NA/0.5Jr

■.R = Square root of 0.5)./NA


3. The gram stain uses ~ as a mordant to fix the primary stain:






4. The acid-fast stain is useful in the identification of which of the following organisms:

■.Staphylococcus aureus

■.Mycoplasma mycoides

■.Mycobacteria tuberculosis

■.Moraxella osloensis


5. Botulism is a serious disease that can develop from the improper cooking of food containing bacterial spores. Which of the following genera are capable of producing spores?






6. Which of the following types of microscopes utilizes electron beams to visualize objects?






7. A mixture of organisms was isolated from a patient suspected of having "Strep Throat." Which type of media would you use to isolate the suspected pathogen?






8. Sterilization of material with an autoclave utilizes steam to kill microorganisms. The correct procedure for sterilization with an autoclave is: ■.15 min at 121℃at 15 lb/in2

■.15 min at 256℃at 15 lb/in2

■.15 min at 121℃at 1 lb/in2

■.15 rain at 121℃at 30 lb/in2


9. An antibiotic was added to a culture of bacteria to determine its effect. What method of enumeration would you use to determine the efficacy of the antibiotic?

■.direct count

■.viable count

■.turbidimetric count



10. Identification of microorganisms can be accomplished by a number of techniques. Which of the following requires the growth of the organism?

■.enzyme linked assay

■.gene probe




Fill in the Blank

1. A media where all the ingredients are known is called a ______media.

2. ______technique is used to maintain a pure culture and avoid contamination.

3. Sterilization instrument that utilizes steam under pressure: _______.

4.A______ plate utilizes a loop or needle to distribute and isolate colonies on a culture plate.

5.______ identification utilizes antibodies for naming of bacterial species.

6. Bacteria can be preserved for long periods of time by freeze-drying or______.

7. The mrbidimetric method of counting bacteria utilizes a ______ to measure the amountof light passing through a solution.

8. The viable plate count counts live bacterial colonies in the range or______ to______ .

9. A counting chamber and a microscope are used in the______ count of bacteria.

10. The ______technique utilizes a labeled complementary strand of nucleic acid to identify specific bacteria in a specimen.

Test 3: Organization and Structure of Microorganisms

Multiple Choice (choose one answer)

1. Eukaryotic membranes can be differentiated from prokaryotic membranes because eukaryotic membranes contain____as part of the lipid component of the membrane.


■.fatty acids




2. The arrangement of proteins and lipids in the membrane is referred to as the:

■.bilayer model

■.fluid mosaic model

■.trilayer model

■.permeable model


3. The movement of water molecules across the membrane in response to a concentration gradient is referred to as:






4. The membrane of a cell is able to differentiate molecules that enter or exit the cell and act as a ____ barrier.






5. Movement of molecules at an enhanced rate across the membrane is called:

■.facilitated diffusion

■.passive diffusion




6. Which of the following mechanisms transports molecules without chemical alteration?

■.active transport

■.group translocation

■.facilitated diffusion

■.binding protein transport


7. Which of the following transport mechanism occurs only in Gram-negative bacteria?

■.active transport

■.group translocation

■.facilitated diffusion

■.binding protein transport


8. Which of the following transport mechanisms occurs only in prokaryotes?

■.active transport

■.group translocation

■.facilitated diffusion

■.binding protein transport


9. Lysozyme and penicillin have activity against the cell wall. Lysozyme breaks this component;penicillin prevents its formation.




■.teichoic acid


10. Partial destruction of the cell wall with lysozyme leaves a cell called a:






11. A capsule can be differentiated from a slime layers since the capsule:

■.is made up of complex carbohydrates and the slime layer contains protein

■.is bound to the cell membrane

■.is bound to the cell wall

■.is bound to the outer membrane


12. The chromatin of eukaryotic cells is composed of DNA and____

■.histone proteins

■.non histone proteins




13. DNA transfers information to make proteins in molecules referred to as:






14. Mitochondrial ribosomes are____in size.






15. The process whereby ATP is generated by the flow of protons across a membrane is:

■.substrate level phosphorylation





16. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a membranous structure within eukaryotic cells. It is the site for protein synthesis and for storage and transportation of molecules out of the cell. Which part of the ER is used for protein synthesis?

■.golgi apparatus

■.rough ER

■.smooth ER



17. Flagella of bacteria are composed of protein subunits called flagellin; eukaryotic flagella are composed of subunits called:






18. Flagella are used to propel the cell in response to an environmental signal. Bacterial flagella and eukaryotic flagella can be differentiated since the former

moves by:

■.rotating around its base

■.pulling itself once it is attached to a surface or mate

■.waving or whipping to move the cell

■.twisting and releasing similar to a rubber band


19. Endospores are multilayered structures that provide protection from environmental stress and are composed of:

■.peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharide

■.peptidoglycan and calcium dipicolonate

■.peptidoglycan and calcium bicarbonate

■.lipopolysaccharide and succinic acid


20. Gram-positive bacteria can be differentiated from Gram-negative bacteria since the peptidoglycan layer of later comprises____% of the cell wall.






Fill in the Blank

1. Most cells use energy in the form of______ to run the cell.

2. Phospholipids of eubacterial cells are composed of a ______group and a _____on a glycerol backbone.

3. Membrane proteins found on the surface are called ______ proteins.

4.The energy source for active transport in eukaryotes is derived from ATP.The energy for active transport in prokaryotes is derived from ______.

5. The region between the outermembrane in Gram-negative bacteria and the cell wall is called the _______.

6. Extrachromosomal DNA elements found in bacteria are called________.

7. Ribosomes are structures composed of _______ and ______.

8. The fluid inside a cell is referred to as the ________.

9.The hereditary organelle of eukaryotic cells is called the ______.

10. The process by which a cell engulfs and internalizes particles such as bacteria or other cells is called ______.

Test 5 Eukaryotes

Multiple Choice (choose one answer)

l. Fungi are considered heterotrophic because they obtain nutrition through:

■. phagocytosis

■. endocytosis

■. adsorption

■. photosynthesis


2. The separation between filamentous fungal cells are referred to as:

■. cell walls

■. septa

■. chitin

■. side walls


3. Fungi that can appear as a yeast or filamentous are referred to as:

■. Fungi imperfecti

■. Fungi perfecti

■. cheterotrophic fungi

■. dimorphic fungi


4. Thick walled spores formed within fungal cells are called:

■. arthrospores

■. sporangiospores

■. blastospores

■. chlamydospores


5. Asexual fungal spores that are formed from fragmented hyphae are called:

■. arthrospores

■. sporangiospores

■. ascospores

■. chlamydospores


6. Asexual fungal spores formed within a sac-like structure are called:

■. arthrospores

■. sporangiospores

■. blastospores

■. ascospores


7. Sexual fungal spores formed within a sac-like structure are called:

■. chlamydospores

■. sporangiospores

■. blastospores

■. ascospores


8. Which of the following classes of fungi cause hypertrophy of cells similar to the bacterium A. tumifaciens?

■. Oomycetes

■. Ascomycetes

■. Chytridiomycetes

■. Deuteromycetes


9. Which of the following fungi are motile by two flagella?

■. Oomycetes

■. Ascomycetes

■. Chytridiomycetes

■. Deuteromycetes


10. Common bread mold is caused by Rhizopus stolonifer which is a:

■. Deuteromycete

■. Ascomycete

■. Basidiomycete

■. Zygomycete


11. Ascomycetes can be differentiated from zygomycetes since the ascomycetes have hyphae.

■. septated

■. aseptated


12. Which of the following fungi have a sexual reproductive phase?

■. Coccidiodes

■. Histoplasma

■. Aspergillus

■. Alternaria


13. Which class of fungi do not have a sexual reproductive phase?

■. Deuteromycete

■. Ascomycete

■. Basidiomycete

■. Zygomycete


14. The cell structures of bracket fungi are referred to as:

■. septa

■. basidiocarp

■. anteridium

■. Zygomycet


15. The toxin from which of the following mushrooms inhibits polymerase activity?

■. Agaricus bisporous

■. Ischnorderma resinosum

■. anteridium

■. Zygomycet


16. The common mushroom belongs to which group of fungi?

■. Ascomycetes

■. Basidiomycetes

■. Chytridiomycetes

■. Deuteromycetes


17. Which of the following Deuteromycetes are often colored green and the conidiospores are arranged in a brush shape?

■. Penicillium

■. Alternaria

■. Coccidiodes

■. Geotrichum


18. All of the following algae are green with the exception of

■. Euglena

■. Volvox

■. Spirogyra

■. Nemalion


19. Which algae contain a red pigmented area known as the eyespot?

■. Euglenoids

■. Chlorophycophyta

■. Rhodophycophyta

■. Phaeophycophyta


20. The outer layer of Euglena is called:

■. cell wall

■. fmstule

■. pellicle

■. blade


21. Xanthophyll pigments give algae a color.

■. red

■. blue

■. yellow

■. green


22. Which of the following algae are closer phylogenetically to higher plants?

■. brown algae

■. yellow-green algae

■. red algae

■. green algae


23. The storage material, paramylon, is made in which of the following groups of algae?

■. euglenoid

■. red algae

■. green algae

■. brown algae


24. The mouth of a ciliated protozoa is called a:

■. phagosome

■. cytosome

■. lysosome

■. porosome


25. Sarcodina are protozoa that are propelled by:

■. flagella

■. cilia

■. pseudopodia

■. they are technically nonmotile


26. Trypanosomes belong to which group of protozoa:

■. flagellates

■. pseudopodia formers

■. ciliates

■. spore formers


27. Plasmodium is grouped as a:

■. flagellates

■. pseudopodia formers

■. ciliates

■. spore formers


28. The mature form of spore forming protozoa are called:

■. protozoites

■. sporozoites

■. trophozoites

■. cytozoite


29. Paramecium are classified as:

■. flagellates

■. pseudopodia formers

■. ciliates

■. spore formers


30. The resting stage of a protozoa are called:

■. trophozoites

■. sporozoites

■. saprozoites

■. cysts


Fill in the Blank

1. Unicellular fungi are called ______.

2. Filamentous fungi form branching structures called ______.

3. The most common form of reproduction in yeasts occurs by ______.

4.Silica is found in the cell wall of ______.

5. The external structures of mushrooms are referred to as _______.

6. The growth of fungi can be expressed by _____.

7. Red tide is caused by a toxin released by the organism, Gonyaulax, which belongs to the ______ group of fungi.

8. Agar is made from this group of algae: ______.

9.Trypanosoma gambiense causes the disease ______.


10. A flagellate protozoa that can be found in mountain streams and causes diarrhea is ______.

Test 6: Bacterial Growth and Reproduction

Multiple Choice (choose one answer)

1. In bacterial cultures, growth can be demonstrated by an increase in:


■.cell size

■.cell number

■.cell length


2. DNA replication in bacteria is controlled by:

■.cell size

■.cell division

■.cell separation

■.cell initiation


3. During which phase of bacterial growth is there an increase in cell size but not in cell number?






4. The generation time for bacteria is determined by:

■.measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from the time the culture was initiated until the beginning of stationary phase ■.measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from lag phase to death phase

■.measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from log phase to the end of stationary phase

■.measuring the time it takes to double the number of bacteria from log phase to the beginning of stationary phase


5. Most pathogenic bacteria are considered:






6. Bacteria that grow at low nutrient concentrations are referred to as:






7. In times of nutrient deficiencies, the bacteria Clostridium produce____until conditions are permissive for vegetative growth.




■.fruiting bodies


8. The temperature of the incubator was raised from 15~(2 to 35~(2. The cultures in the incubator demonstrated a____fold increase in enzymatic activity.






9. Organisms that grow at or near their optimal growth temperature are called:

■.stenothermal bacteria

■.euthermal bacteria

■.cauldoactive bacteria

■.mesophilic bacteria


10. All of the following are toxic oxygen products except:






11. Catalase, which is produced by Staphylococci, catalyzes which of the following reactions?

■.202+ 2H+ →2H202 + 02

■.2H202→2H20 + 02

■.H202 + NADH + H+→2H20 + NAD

■.H202 + e- + H+→H2O + OH-


12. A saturated solution of NaC1 has a water activity index of:






13. Organisms that can grow at a water index at or below that of NaCI are called:


■.salt tolerant




14. All of the following organisms will survive an environment of 0.9 Aw except:






15. Halophiles are classified as organisms that require ____for growth.






16. Osmophiles require a ____Aw for growth.




17. The pressure exerted on a cell due to high solute concentrations is referred to as:

■.osmotic pressure

■.hydrostatic pressure

■.barometric pressure

■.surface tension


18. A diver encountered a new bacterial isolate while she was diving at 1000 m. The organism will be classified as:






19. Fungi can be differentiated from most bacteria by culturing at:


■.low pH

■.neutral pH


20. All phototacfic bacteria respond to light by:

■.moving away from the source of light

■.moving toward the source of light

■.increasing the movement of their flagella

■.creating gas vesicles to rise to the surface


Fill in the Blank

1. Organisms that grow best above 40oC are called______.

2. Organisms that grow best below 20oC are called______.

3. Organisms that grow best between 20 and 40oC are called ______.

4.Myxobacteria form unique structures called ______ to cope with nutrient deficiencies.

5. Bacteria that grow only at reduced oxygen concentrations are called _______.

6. Bacteria that require oxygen for growth are called_____.

7. Bacteria that grow at high nutrient concentrations are called ______.

8. Caulobacter is an example of a ______ bacteria.

9.At temperatures above the optimum, E. coli and other bacteria induce a change in gene expression called______.

10. A change in hydrostatic pressure of 10 atm is experience with an increase in depth of ______ m.

Test 7 Control of Microbial Growth

Multiple Choice (choose one answer)

1. Chemicals used on the body to control microorganisms are called:






2. The most effective way of sterilizing a solution is by:




■.moist heat


3. An autoclave is an apparatus that is used to sterilize various materials. The appropriate conditions for sterilizing contaminated material is given by which of the following:

■.15 min at 121℃at lpsi

■.5 min at 121℃at 15 psi

■.15 min at 121℃at 15 psi

■.5 min at 131℃at 15 psi


4. All of the following are an effect of ionizing radiation except:

■.breaks hydrogen bonds

■.thymine dimer formation

■.generates oxygen radicals

■.ring structure destruction


5. A hyperbaric chamber would be useful for treating infections caused by which of the following genera:






6. Agents that are used to inhibit bacterial growth are considered:






7. The term used to describe substances produced by microorganisms that kill or inhibit other microorganisms are called:



■.chemotherapeutic agents



8. Antibiotics must exhibit which of the following to be effective:

■.narrow spectrum

■.broad spectrum

■.selective toxicity



9. Which of the following tests utilizes an antibiotic impregnated disk to test for the efficacy of the antibiotic?






10. The MIC assay can determine if an antibiotic agent is:




■.none of the above


11. Penicillins are effective against:

■.cells in log phase

■.cells in stationary phase

■.cells in eclipse phase

■.all bacterial cells


12. Penicillinases inhibit the activity of penicillins by which of the following mechanisms:

■.break N. acetylglucosamine:N-acetylmuramic acid bonds

■.break the peptidiglycan

■.break the beta lactam ring

■.break cycloserine


13. Aminoglycosides inhibit protein synthesis by binding to the:



■.30S ribosomal subunit

■.50S ribosomal subunit


14. Trimethaprim is an inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase which is important is which of the following:

■.vitamin metabolism

■.1-carbon transfers

■.protein synthesis

■.membrane integrity


15. HIsoniazid is used in the treatment of:

■.Pneumococcal infections

■.Streptococcal Infections

■.Legionella infections

■.Mycobacteria infections


16. Fungal cells differ from mammalian cells by the presence of which of the following compounds in their membranes:






17. All of the following antifungal agents target the membrane except:


■.amphotericin B




18. Which of the following antimicrobics is used in the treatment of malaria?




■.amphotericin B


19. Amantadine is effective in the treatment of which viral infection:





2、饰变(modification): 3、原生型(prototroph): 4、深层液体培养: 5、类毒素(toxoid): 6、特异性免疫(specific immuneity): 7、芽孢(spore): 8、鞭毛(flagella): 9、抗生素(antibiotics): 10、支原体(mycoplasma): 11、菌核(scleraotium): 12、噬菌斑(plaque): 13、温和噬菌体(temperate phage): 14、局限转导(specialized transduction): 15、选择性培养基(seclected media): 16、反硝化作用(denitrification): 17、石炭酸系数(phenol coefficient): 18、富营养化(eutrophication): 19、条件致死突变型(conditional lethal mutant): 20、细菌素(bacteriocin): 21、初次应答: 22、再次应答:

二、单项选择题 1、下列细菌中,属于Archaea一类的为() A Klebsiella pneumoniae B Neurospora crassa C Staphylococus aureus D Methanobacterium 2、具有周生鞭毛的细菌如E.coli,在下列哪种情况下呈直线运动一段时间() A 朝着营养物质浓度高的地方,顺时针转动。 B 朝着营养物质浓度高的地方,逆时针转动。 C 朝着有毒物质方向,顺时针转动。 D 朝着有毒物质方向,逆时针转动。 3、某细菌悬液经100倍稀释后,在血球计数板上,计得平均每小格含菌数为7.5个,则每毫升原菌悬液的含菌数为(A 3.75×107个B 2.35×107个C 3.0×109个D 3.2×109个 4、可满足一切营养缺陷型菌株营养需要的天然或半组合培养基为() A 完全培养基 B 基本培养基 C 补充培养基D鉴别培养基 5、Saccharomyces cerevisiae最适生长pH值为() A 4.0-5.0 B 5.0-6.0 C 6.0-7.0 D 7.0-7.4 6、专性厌氧微生物是由于其细胞内缺少(),从而不能解除分子氧对细胞的毒害。 A BOD B COD C NO D D SOD 7、下列微生物中,哪一种能产生伴孢晶体() A Bacillus subitis B Bacillus magaterium C Bacillus thuringiensis D Clostridium botulinum 8、下列微生物中,具有xx鞭毛的是()


Microscope 显微镜 Antony van leeuwenhoek 吕文虎克 Louis Pasteur 巴斯德 Joseph Lister 李斯德 Robert Koch 郭霍 Koch postulate 郭霍法则 molecular Koch postulate 分子郭霍法则Bacterium 细菌 Coccus 球菌 Diplococcus 双球菌 Bacillus 杆菌 Spiral bacterium 螺型菌 Vibrio 弧菌 Spirillum 螺菌Polymorphism 多形性 Cell wall 细胞壁Peptidoglycan 肽聚糖Mucopeptide 粘肽 Glycopeptide 糖肽 Murein 胞壁质 N-acetylmuramic acid ,NAM N-乙酰胞壁酸N-acetylglucosamine, NAG N-乙酰葡糖胺Diaminopimelic acid, DAP 二氨基庚二酸Teichoic acid 磷壁酸 Ribitol 核糖醇 Lipoteichoic acid, LTA 脂磷壁酸 Outer membrane 外膜Lipopolysaccharide LPS 脂多糖 Lipid A 脂质A Lysozyme 溶菌酶 Protoplast 原生质体Spheroplast 圆球体Bactrrial L form 细菌L形 Cytoplasmic membrane 细胞膜 Mesosome 中介体 Cytoplasm 细胞质 Ribosome 核糖体 Plasmid 质粒 Inclusion 内含物 Metachromatic granule 异染颗粒 Volutin 纡回体 Nuclear material 核质 Nucleoid 拟核 Capsule 荚膜 Microcapsule 微荚膜 Slime layer 黏液层 Smooth colony 光滑型菌落 Mucoid colony 黏液型菌落 Rough colony 粗糙型菌落 Flagellum 鞭毛 Pilus(fimbria) 菌毛 Common pilus 普通菌毛 Sex pilus 性菌毛 Fertility 致育性 Spore 芽孢 Endospore 内芽孢 Vegetative form 繁殖体 Spore wall 芽孢壁 Cortex 皮质层 Coat 芽孢壳 Exosporium 芽孢外衣 Light microscope 光学显微镜 Electron microscope 电子显微镜 Dark microscope 暗视野显微镜 Gram stain 革兰染色法 Bacterial metabolism 细菌代谢 Obligate aerobe 专性需氧菌 Microaerophilic bacterium 微需氧菌 Facultative anaerobe 兼性厌氧菌 Obligate anaerobe 专性厌氧菌 Superoxide dismutase SOD 超氧化物歧化酶 Catalase 触酶 Peroxidase 郭氧化物酶 Binary fission 二分裂法 Growth curve 生长曲线 Lag phase 迟晚期 Logarithmic phase 对数生长期 Stationary phase 稳定期 Decline phase 衰亡期 Autotroph 自养菌 Heterotroph 异养菌 Saprophyte 腐生菌 Permease 通透酶 Fermentation 发酵 Pyrogen 热原质 Antibiotic 抗生素 Exotoxin 外毒素 Endotoxin 内毒素 Bacteriocin 细菌素 Culture medium 培养基 Basal medium 基础培养基 Nutrient medium 营养培养基 Selective medium 选择性培养基 Different medium 鉴别培养基 Anaerobic medium 厌养培养基 Cooked meat medium 庖肉培养基 1


微生物学 绪论: 1.微生物的定义:指一般肉眼看不见或者看不清的微小生物的总成 2.分类:①原核:细菌,放射菌,蓝菌,支原体,立克次氏体和衣原体②真核:真菌(酵母菌、霉菌、蕈菌),原生动物,显微藻类③非细胞类:病毒和亚病毒(类病毒,拟病毒,朊病毒) 3.微生物的特点:①小(体积微小)微米级:光学镜纳米级:电子镜 ②简(结构)单细胞,简单多细胞,非细胞③低(进化地位低)原核,真核,非细胞类病毒、亚病毒 4.发展史:①史前期(朦胧阶段)②发展期(形态描述阶段)③初创期(生理研究阶段)④奠基期(生化研究阶段)⑤发展期(分子生物学阶段) 5.微生物与人的关系:医疗保健、工业、农业、生产、环保 ①与工业的关系:a.食物罐藏防腐 b.酿造工作 c.纯种厌氧发酵的建立 d.液体的深层通气搅拌大规模培养技术的创建 f.代谢调控发酵技术 ②与农业大作用:a.以菌治害虫和以菌治植病的生物防治技术 b.以菌增肥效和以菌促长的微生物增产技术 c.以菌作饲料和以菌当蔬菜的单细胞蛋白和食用菌生产技术 d.以菌产沼气等生物能源技术 ③与环保的关系:a.促进许多重大问题的突破 b.促分子生物学的三大来源和技术之一 c.刺进经典遗传学发展为分子遗传学 d.微生物与基因工程 6.微生物的五大共性: ①体积小,面积大②吸收多,转化快③生长快,繁殖快④适应强,易变异⑤分布广,种类多 第一章 1.细菌:是一类细胞细短,结构简单,胞壁坚韧,多以二分裂方式繁殖和水生性较强的原核生物 2.细胞的形态可分为三类:球状,杆状,螺旋状 3.细菌的鉴别染色法——革兰氏染色法步骤:涂片固定→结晶紫初染1min→碘液媒染1min→95%乙醇脱色0.5min→番红复染1min 阳性菌(G+)→紫色阴性菌(G-)→红色 4.细菌细胞壁的化学组成与结构:肽聚糖单体、网状结构; 5.革兰氏阳性菌的细胞壁:由肽聚糖和磷壁酸组成 6.磷壁酸:占40%革兰氏阳性菌所特有成分七主链由数十个磷壁酸苷油或磷壁酸核糖醇组成有的还有D-Ala和还原糖所组成的侧链 7.磷壁酸的特点:①通过分子上的大量负电荷浓缩细胞周围的Mg2+,以提高细胞膜上一些合成酶的活力②储藏元素③调节细胞内自溶素的活力,借以防止细胞因自溶而死亡,作为噬菌体的特异性吸附受体④赋予G+细菌特异的表面抗原,因而可用于菌种鉴定⑤增强某些致病菌对宿主细胞的粘连,避免被白细胞吞噬,并有抗补体(一种酶)的作用 8.外壁层:位于肽聚糖层的外部,包括脂多糖,外膜蛋白,磷脂 9.脂多糖(Lps)的功能:①革兰氏阴性菌的致病物质-内毒素的物质基础 ②与磷壁酸相似,吸附二阶阳离子以提高这些离子在细胞表面浓度


华南农业大学微生物学(071005) 学术型硕士研究生培养方案 一、培养目标 本专业旨在培养德、智、体全面发展,具有扎实的微生物学基础理论知识和专业知识,了解本学科国内外发展动态,掌握本研究方向的实验技能,能够运用一门外语进行本专业的学习、研究和学术交流,具有较强的解决与本学科相关的实际问题的能力,能够在高等院校、科研院所、企事业单位承担科研、教学、技术开发和管理工作,以及具有独立工作能力的高素质人才。 二、研究方向 1. 微生物基因组学与基因工程 2. 微生物资源与利用 3. 动物微生物学与免疫学 4. 植物微生物学 5. 微生物与植物相互作用 三、学习年限 1. 学制3年,最长学习年限不超过5年。 2. 硕士研究生完成学校培养方案规定的课程学分要求以及培养环节要求,完成毕业论文,在校学习时间2年以上(包括2年),并有以第一作者和华南农业大学单位署名,在SCI刊物接受发表,影响因子在2.0以上的与本人学位论文密切相关的学术论文1篇,可申请提前毕业。 四、课程设置 课程学习实行学分制,所有课程成绩60分以上(含60分)为及格。至少应修

满26学分。一般每18学时对应1学分,每门理论课一般不超过3学分,实验课不限。 (一)必修课 1. 公共必修课 ① 中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究(2学分,36学时) ② 马克思主义与社会科学方法论(1学分,18学时) 或自然辩证法(1学分,18学时)(二选一) ③ 硕士生英语(4学分,72学时) 2. 专业必修课 ①高级微生物学(3学分,54学时) 或高级植物病理学(3学分,54学时) ②基因工程原理(3学分,54学时) 或植物病理学研究技术与方法(3学分,54学时) (二)选修课 在导师指导下全校范围内选修,具体课程请参照“华南农业大学研究生培养管理系统课程库”。 (三)补修课 以同等学力和跨一级学科考取的硕士研究生,至少应补修该专业本科主干课程2门。如果补修的课程已经在我校修过,可以按规定申请免修。补修课不计学分。 ①微生物学 ②细胞生物学 或导师指定的2门课程。 五、培养环节



医学微生物学名词解释 1、脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide ,LPS):革兰阴性菌细胞壁外膜伸出的特殊结构,即细菌内毒素。由类脂A、核心多糖和特异多糖构成,类脂A是内毒素的毒性部分和主要成分。 2、质粒(plasmid):是细菌染色体外的遗传物质,结构为双链闭合环状DNA,带有遗传信息,具有自我复制功能。可使细菌获得某些特定性状,如耐药、毒力等,但并非细菌生命活动所必需的。 3、R质粒(resistance plasmid):可以通过细菌间的接合方式进行基因传递的接合性耐药质粒,与细菌的多重耐药性关系密切。 4、荚膜(capsule):某些细菌能分泌黏液状物质包围于细胞壁外,形成一层和菌体界限分明、不易着色的透明圈。主要由多糖组成,少数细菌为多肽。其主要的功能是抗吞噬作用,并具有抗原性。 5、鞭毛(flagellum):是从细菌细胞膜伸出于菌体外的细长弯曲的蛋白丝状物,是细菌的运动器官,见于革兰阴性菌、弧菌和螺菌。 6、菌毛(pilus):是存在于细菌表面,由蛋白质组成的纤细,短而直的毛状结构,只有用电子显微镜才能观察,多见于革兰阴性菌。 7、芽胞(spore):某些细菌在一定条件下,在菌体内形成一个圆形或卵圆形的小体。见于革兰阳性菌,如需氧芽胞菌和厌氧芽胞杆菌。是细菌在不利环境下的休眠体,对外界环境抵抗力强。 8、L型细菌(L formed bacteria):细胞壁受理化或生物因素的作用,其结构被破坏或合成被抑制,但在高渗环境下,仍可存活的细菌,细胞壁多数细菌L型可恢复成原细菌型,某些细菌的L型仍有致病能力,在临床上引起慢性感染。 9、磷壁酸(teichoic acid):为大多数革兰阳性菌细胞壁的特有成分,约占细菌细胞壁干重的20-40%,有2种,即壁磷壁酸和膜磷壁酸。 10、细菌素(bacteriocin):某些细菌能产生一种仅作用于近缘关系细菌的抗生素样物质,其抗菌范围很窄。 11、抗生素(antibiotic):有些微生物在代谢过程中可产生一些能抑制或杀灭其他微生物或癌细胞的物质。 12、热质原(pyrogen):即菌体中的脂多糖,由革兰阴性菌产生的,注入人体或动物体内能引起发热反应。 13、菌落(colony):单个细菌经一定时间培养后形成的一个肉眼可见的细菌集团。 14、转化(transformation):受体菌摄取供体菌游离的DNA片段,从而获得新的遗传性状的方式。 15、转导(transduction):以温和噬菌体为载体,将供体菌的遗传物质转移到受体菌中去,使受体菌获得新的遗传性状的方式叫转导。 16、普遍性转导(general transduction):供体菌任何片段的DNA都有同等的机会被装入噬菌体内,通过噬菌体进入受体菌内,完成遗传物质的转移过程。 17、局限性转导(restricted transduction):由温和噬菌体介导的遗传物质从供体菌到受体菌的转移,只转移与噬菌体接合位点附近的供体菌基因,使供体菌特定位点的基因转入受体菌。


Test 1: Development of Microbiology 1 Multiple Choice (choose one answer) 1.The fundamental unit of all living organisms is the Membrane cell nucleus cell wall https://www.360docs.net/doc/4616842599.html,anisms that do not contain a true nucleus are referred to as fungi eukaryotic prokaryotic nankaryotic 3.The three kingdom classification system of organisms was proposed by Pasteur Bacon Winogradsky Woese 4.Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics. The cell walls in fungi are composedof , while the cell walls of bacteria are composed of peptidoglycan Chitin phospholipids protein glucosamine 5.The first microscopes were developed by Ehrlich Metchnikoff Leewenhoek Lister 6.Control of microbial infections can be accomplished by chemical or immune mechanisms. The first report on the production of an antibiotic is credited to: Lister Fleming Ehrlich Koch 7The term "antibiotic" means a substance produced by the laboratory that kills or inhibits other microorganisms a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits molds a substance produced by microorganism that kills or inhibits other microorganisms a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits cancer cells 8 The first documented use of a vaccine for smallpox was reported by the English physician Lister .Florey Fleming Jenner 9 Active immunity can be distinguished from passive immunity in that the former requires: development of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodies development of antibodies in one's own body by stimulation with external antigens Flemingdevelopment of antibodies in a foreign host and transfer to one' s own body development of antigens in one's own body by stimulation with external antibodies 10The process of nitrification by bacteria described by Winogradsky converts ammonia to nitrate ions nitrate ions to ammonia N2 to ammonia ammonia to urea 11The transfer of DNA from one organism to another through the use of a viral vector is referred to as Electroporation conjugation transformation transduction 12The genetic material of a bacteria is located in the molecule: RNA DNA protein lipid 2 Fill in the Blank https://www.360docs.net/doc/4616842599.html,anisms that contain a true nucleus are called_______ 2.Bacteria do not have a true nucleus and are considered _______ 3.. Bacteria can be divided into two groups, the _______and the ______ 4._______ are organisms that can grow without using molecular oxygen. 5. Microorganisms that can synthesize complex organic compounds from CO2:are called _______.


华南农业大学 2012年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(A卷) 一、判断题(以“√”表示正确;“ ”表示错。每小题1分,共20分) ()1.巴斯德对微生物学的建立和发展做出了卓越贡献,除了巴斯德消毒法外,固体培养基的发明也是其重要贡献之一。 ()2.一般认为食品A W值在0.64以下是食品安全储藏的防霉含水量。 ()3.大肠杆菌和枯草芽孢杆菌属于单细胞生物,唾液链球菌和金黄色葡萄球菌属于多细胞生物。 ()4.遗传型相同的个体在不同环境条件下会有不同的表现型。 ()5.细菌的芽孢、放线菌和真菌的孢子都是繁殖体。 ()6.处于生长稳定期的细菌培养物细胞数量最大,生长速率最高。 ()7.异型乳酸发酵的终产物是乳酸、乙醇和CO2。 ()8.促进扩散是逆浓度运输,需载体蛋白。 ()9.There are many different kinds of fermentation, such as lactic acid fermentation, which is carried out by yeasts. ()10.对儿童注射胎盘丙种球蛋白通常用于治疗或应急预防微生物引起的疾病,它是一种主动免疫。 ()11.金黄色葡萄球菌和肉毒梭菌都能产生耐热性强的毒素。 ()12. 工业上常用的微生物连续培养方式为恒化培养。 ()13. 土壤和空气是微生物栖息繁殖的良好环境。 ()14. 荚膜是细菌的特殊构造,其与细菌的致病性有关。 ()15. 一般认为各种抗性突变是通过适应而发生的,即由其所处环境诱发出来的。()16. 血球计数板法测定细胞数量具有快速、准确的优点,并能通过显微镜直接观察细胞运动与否、判断其死活。 ()17. 能否利用CO2为唯一碳源是自养型与异养型微生物的根本区别。 ()18. 链霉素的抑菌机制在于引起细菌细胞壁的降解。 ()19. 霉菌和酵母菌都是分类学上的名称,也是一个形态学类群。


微生物英文名词解释 1.Mycoplasma:The mycoplasma are a group of the smallest organisms without cell wall that can be free-living in nature, can pass through bacterial filter and also grow on laboratory media. 2.Chlamydia:Chlamydia are small Gram-negative bacteria which are obligate intercellular parasites like virus, but differ from them in that they have both RNA and DNA, ribosome, cell wall, and divided by binary fission. 3.L forms of bacteria:In osmotically protective media, removal of the bacterial wall with lysozyme or penicillin liberate protoplasts from Gram-positive cells and spheroplasts from Gram-negative cells. If such wall-defective cells are able to grow and divide, they are called L forms. L forms are difficult to cultivate. They require a special media. Some L form can revert tothe normal bacillary form. L form in the host may produce chronic infection that are relatively resistant to antibiotic treatment. 4.Capsule:Many bacteria synthesize large amounts of extracellular polymer when growing in their natural environments. When the polymer forms a condensed, well-defined layer closely surrounding the cell, it is called the capsule. With one known exception (the polypeptide capsule), the polymer is polysaccharide. 5.Pyrogen:This is a fever-producing substance synthesized by bacteria. In fact, it is the lipopolysaccharide of Gram-negative bacteria. For the injectable medicament, it is especially important to avoid the contamination of pyrogen in the course of pharmic production. 6.Exotoxin:Exotoxins are proteins produced inside Gram-positive bacteria cells and secreted into the environment. These toxins are some of the strongest poisons known to man and cause violent reactions in host organisms. 7.Endotoxin:Endotoxins are made up of lipids and carbohydrates associated with the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. These toxins usually produce fever, weakness, and capillary damage. 8.Disinfection: Reduce or eliminate pathogens病原体in or on inanimate无生命 的objects to a safe level, which are no longer health hazard危险. 9.Sterilization: A physical or chemical process that completely destroys or removes all microbial life,including bacteria spore and viruses. 10.Antisepsis: Use chemical agents to inhibit or destroy the growth of microorganisms on skin or other living tissue. 11.Plasmids:Plasmids are small genetic elements that replicate independently of the bacterial chromosome. Most plasmids are circular, double-stranded DNA molecules varying from 1,500 to 400,000 base pairs. Like the bacterial chromosomal DNA, they can autonomously replicate and as such are referred to as replicons. 12.Transformation:It is the process by which bacteria take up fragments of naked DNA and incorporate them into their genomes. During transformation, DNA


医学微生物学 绪论 1.非细胞型微生物所具有的生物学特点是( C ) A.必须用选择培养基进行培养 B.细胞壁的主要成分是肽聚糖 C.只有在活细胞内才能够增殖 D.结构中缺少RNA或者DNA 2.以下哪种病原体不属于原核细胞型微生物( A ) A.病毒 B.衣原体 C.细菌 D.螺旋体 3.原核细胞型微生物细胞结构中不包括(A) A. 线粒体 B. DNA C. 核糖体 D. RNA 4.真核细胞型微生物的生物学性状有( AC ) A.细胞核内有核仁 B.细胞器中缺少线粒体 C.可在无生命的培养基中生长 D.紫外线照射不能破坏其DNA 5.原核细胞型微生物与真核细胞型微生物相比较不同处在于( AB ) A.原核细胞型微生物细胞壁组成成分以肽聚糖为主 B.原核细胞型微生物核糖体结构与真核微生物不同 C.原核细胞型微生物只能在有生命的细胞体内增殖 D.原核细胞型微生物不会被毒性噬菌体感染而裂解 6.非细胞型微生物可引起以下哪些疾病( AD ) A.乙型脑炎 B.风湿性心脏病 C.沙眼 D.流行性感冒 7.原核细胞型微生物包括细菌、放线菌、支原体、衣原体、立克次体和螺旋体。 8.微生物分为三大类:原核细胞型微生物、真核细胞型微生物和非细胞型微生物。 9.微生物是广泛存在于自然界形体微小、结构简单,用肉眼看不见而必须应用显微镜放大数百倍、数千倍、甚至数万倍才能观察的一类微小生物。 第1章细菌的形态与结构 1.使用油镜头观察细菌是其优点是( D ) A.可将细菌放大900至1000倍 B.可在镜下观察到细菌的包涵体 C.油液可以固定细菌的游走范围 D.油镜下视野亮度比普通镜头高 2.青霉素可用来杀灭病原菌,但对动物细胞无毒性(除可能引起过敏外)的原因是( D ) A.青霉素只能切断细菌的DNA链


医学微生物学名词解释 1 医学微生物学:主要研究与人类疾病有关的病原微生物的生物学性状、致病与免疫机制、特异性诊断及防治措施等,是基础医学的一门重要学科。 2 荚膜:是某些细菌在细胞壁外包绕的一层厚度0.2um以上,在普通光学显微镜下即可观察到的,与四周界限分明的黏液性物质。 3 芽胞:是某些细菌在一定环境条件下,细胞质、核质逐渐脱水浓缩,在菌体内形成折光性强的圆形或椭圆形的小体。 4 质粒:是细菌核质外的环形闭合双链DNA分子,携有遗传信息,可控制细菌某些特定的遗传性状,可自我复制、自我转移及丢失。 5 鞭毛:是细菌的运动器官,是从细胞膜长出,伸到细胞壁外面的细长呈波状弯曲的丝状物。 6 中介体:是细菌部分细胞膜向胞质内凹陷折叠成囊状物,多见于革兰阳性菌,参与细菌的分裂。 7 菌毛:是某些菌体表面上的一种比鞭毛更细、更短而直硬的蛋白性丝状物。 8 L型细菌:在某些情况下,细菌细胞壁受损后,细菌不一定死亡而成为细胞壁缺陷的细菌,去除诱因后可回复为原菌。 9 内毒素:即革兰阴性菌细胞壁的脂多糖,其毒性成分为脂质A,菌体死亡裂解后才能释放出来。 10 外毒素:是由多数革兰阳性菌和少数革兰阴性菌在生长代谢过程中释放至菌体外、具有毒性作用的蛋白质。 11 菌落:是单个细菌在固体培养基上生长繁殖形成肉眼可见的细菌集团。 12 培养基:是指将细菌生长繁殖所需要的各种营养物质,按照一定的比例,合理调配而成的培养基质。 13 抗生素:是某些微生物代谢过程中产生的一种能选择抑制或杀死其他生物细胞的物质。 14 纯培养:挑选一个菌落,移种到另一个培养基中,生长出来的细菌均为纯种,即纯培养。 15 热原质:是许多革兰阴性菌和少数革兰阳性菌在代谢过程中合成的一种物质,将极微量注入人或动物体内即可引起发热反应。 16 菌苔:在固体培养基上,菌落生长过分密集而形成片状,称菌苔。 17 噬菌体:是侵染细菌、放线菌或真菌等微生物的病毒,具有病毒的基本特性,可分为毒性噬菌体和温和噬菌体。 18 毒性噬菌体:指在宿主菌体内增殖,并最终裂解细菌,建立溶菌周期的噬菌体。 19 温和噬菌体:有些噬菌体感染细菌后不增殖,不裂解细菌,可与细菌染色体DNA整合,并能与细菌染色体一起复制,随细菌分裂传至子代细菌,这种噬菌体称为温和噬菌体。 20 前噬菌体:指整合在细菌染色体上的噬菌体基因组。 21 溶原性细菌:指染色体上带有前噬菌体的细菌。 22 噬菌体斑:在固体培养基中,将适量的噬菌体和宿主菌液混合培养后,培养基表面可出现透明的溶菌空斑,称为噬菌体斑。 23 质粒:是存在于细菌细胞质中,染色体外的DNA。 24 转化:是受体菌直接摄取供体菌的游离DNA片段,并将其整合于自己的基因中,从而获得供体菌部分遗传特性的过程。 25 转导:是以噬菌体为媒介,将供体菌的遗传物质转移到受体菌中,使受体菌获得供体菌部分遗传性状的过程。


西门空气质量的微生物调查 作者:许岳楷 20122501087 小组成员:蔡润苑,邓佳钰,马优,许岳楷 华南师范大学生命科学学院2012级生物科学二班第二小组,广东广州 510631 摘要:采用平板沉降法对天河区华南师范大学西门外街区不同区域内空气中细菌、放线菌、霉菌、酵母菌的含量进行检测,并以空气中微生物评价标准对结果进行分析,本调查是为了解天河区华南师范大学西门外街区空气情况以及获取对于天河区华南师范大学西门外街区环境问题的相关改善意见,提出提高空气质量的几点建议,结果石牌实惠多店空气质量较清洁,五山水果店和山东煎饼摊轻微污染. 关键词:微生物;空气;华南师范大学西门外街区 Summary : Use flat settlement law to, Tianhe District, South China Normal University Simen outside Block different regional in the air in the bacteria, and actinomycetes, and mold, and yeast bacteria content detection, and to air in the microbial Evaluation of standard to results analysis of, the investigation is For know, Tianhe District, South China Normal University Simon outside block air situation and gets for, Tianhe District, South China Normal University Simon outside Block environment problem related improve views, made improve air quality several point recommendations, results. Keywords : microbial ; the air ; Simen outside the block of South China Normal University 1 前言 大气作为环境的重要成分之一,不仅是人类生存的基础,也是疾病传播的重要媒介.空气中的细菌、霉菌、放线菌、酵母菌等微生物往往吸附在颗粒物上形成生物粒子,随风散播引发呼吸道疾病,尤其在人口密集的地区,空气作为媒介传播疾病的情况更为严重.华南师范大学西门外街区人口密集区域,餐饮业发达,环境卫生极差,开展对其空气中微生物的检验研究对于控制疾病传播、保护师生身体健康具有重要意义. 2材料与方法 2.1华南师范大学西门外街区概况 华南师范大学西门外街区位于天河北路和五山路交汇处,华南师范大学西门正对面.地处繁华地段,距离地铁华师站不到100米,毗邻华南理工大学、暨南大学和华南农业大学等著名高等学府,人流量巨大,因此存在多家各地特色小吃店,而各家卫生条件参差不齐.总体上,环境条件恶劣. 2.2采样点选择及采样方法 根据西门外街区主要活动的区域(实惠多石牌店、山东煎饼摊(师大后门店)、五山水果店等)选取作为采样点,于2013年冬季进行样品采集.在各功能区人员活动最频繁(一般为晚 17: 00-18: 00))时采样,并设对角线式均匀分布,每个采样点重复采样4次,结果取平均值. 2.3培养基采集培养基


微生物学练习题 0绪论 五,问答题 1.微生物根据大小,结构,化学组成分为哪三大类微生物各大类微生物有何特点包括哪些种类的微生物 1细菌的形态与结构 一,填空题 1.测量细菌大小用以表示的单位是___________. 2.细菌按其外形分为_________,___________,___________三种类型. 3.细菌的基本结构有___________,____________,____________三种. 4.某些细菌具有的特殊结构是_______,_______,________,________四种. 5.细菌细胞壁最基本的化学组成是____________. 6.革兰阳性菌细胞壁的化学组成除了有肽聚糖外,还有____________. 7.革兰阴性菌细胞壁的化学组成主要有___________和___________. 8.菌毛分为____________和___________两种. 9.在消毒灭菌时应以杀死___________作为判断灭菌效果的指标. 10.细菌的形态鉴别染色法最常用的是___________,其次是_________. 三,选择题 【A型题】 1.保护菌体,维持细菌的固有形态的结构是 A.细胞壁 B.细胞膜 C.细胞质 D.细胞浆 E.包膜 2.革兰阳性菌细胞壁中的磷壁酸的作用是 A.抗吞噬作用 B.溶血作用 C.毒素作用 D.侵袭酶作用 E.粘附作用 3.细菌核糖体的分子沉降系数为 A.30S B.40S C.60S D.70S E.80S 4.普通光学显微镜用油镜不能观察到的结构为 A.菌毛 B.荚膜 C.鞭毛 D.芽胞 E.包涵体 5.下列哪类微生物属于非细胞型微生物 A.霉菌 B.腮腺炎病毒 C.放线菌 D.支原体 E.立克次体 6.下列中不是细菌的基本结构的是 A.细胞壁 B.细胞膜 C.细胞质 D.核质 E.荚膜 7.革兰阴性菌细胞壁中与致病性密切相关的重要成分是 A.特异性多糖 B.脂蛋白 C.肽聚糖 D.脂多糖 E. 微孔蛋白 8.普通菌毛主要与细菌的 A.运动有关 B.致病性有关


第一部分名词解释: 1-1、土壤:土壤就是陆地表面能够生产植物收获物的疏松表层。 1-2、土壤肥力:在植物生活期间,土壤供应和调节植物生长所需要的水份、养分、热量、空气和其它生活条件的能力 2-1、矿物:就是存在于地壳中的具有一定化学组成、物理性质和内部构造的天然化合物或单质。 2-2、原生矿物:地球内部岩浆岩冷凝时形成的、存在于岩浆岩之中的矿物 2-3、次生矿物:原生矿物在各种风化因素的作用下,改变了形态、成分和性质而形成的新矿物。 2-4、岩石:岩石就是自然界存在的一种或数种矿物的集合体 2-5、岩浆岩:由岩浆冷凝而成的岩石,又称火成岩 2-6、沉积岩:各种先成岩的风化剥蚀产物、火山作用产物以及生物作用产物经外力搬运后重新沉积胶结而形成的岩石。 2-7、化学或化学岩:由化学或生物化学作用沉淀而成的沉积岩。 2-8、变质岩:岩浆岩或沉积岩在高温高压、热气热液作用下发生变质作用而形成的岩石,称变质岩 2-9、风化作用:地表的岩石在外界因素的作用下,发生形态、组成和性质变化的过程。 2-10、物理风化:指岩石崩解破碎成大小不同颗粒而不改变其化学成分的过程 2-11、化学风化:岩石中的矿物在化学作用的影响下,发生化学成分和性质的变化、以及产生新矿物的过程 2-12、水解作用:矿物中的盐基离子被水所解离的H+置换,分解形成新矿物的作用 2-13、水化作用:岩石中的矿物与水化合成为新的含水矿物的过程。 2-14、生物风化:岩石在生物的作用下发生破碎、分解的过程称为生物风化。 2-15、残积母质:就地风化而未经搬运的岩石风化产物。 2-16、坡积母质:在重力或流水作用下移动沉积在较低处的沉积物。 2-17、河流冲积母质:经过河流长距离搬运而沉积的沉积物 2-18、风积母质:由风力搬运而堆积成的沉积物。 2-19、洪积母质:在山洪的作用下移动沉积在山前的坡麓、山口及平原边缘的沉积物。 2-20、浅海沉积母质:堆积于海岸边的沉积物。 2-21、湖泊沉积母质:湖水泛滥时产生的沉积物。 2-22、机械组成:土壤中土粒的大小及其比例状况就称为土壤的机械组成。 2-23、土壤质地:按照土壤机械组成人为地划分的若干土壤类别,就称为土壤质地。 3-1、土壤腐殖质:通过土壤微生物的作用,在土壤中新合成的一类分子量很大的、结构复杂的有机化合物,称为腐植质。 3-2、有机质的矿化作用: 3-2、腐殖质化系数:单位重量有机碳在土壤中分解一年后残留碳的分数,称为腐植化系数。3-4、有机质矿化率:每年因矿化作用而消耗的土壤有机质占土壤有机质总量的百分率。 3-5腐殖质化过程:进入土壤的有机质在微生物进行的生化过程和一些纯化学过程的共同作用下,形成腐植质的过程。 4-1、阳离子交换作用:土壤中带负电荷的胶体所吸附的阳离子,在静电引力、离子本身的热运动或浓度梯度的作用下,可以和土壤溶液或其它胶体表面的阳离子进行交换。 4-2、交换性阳离子:能互相交换的阳离子就称为交换性阳离子。


A Abortive infection 顿挫感染 * Absorption 吸附 * Acid-fast bacilli 抗酸杆菌 Acquired immunity 获得性免疫 * Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS 获得性免疫缺陷综合征* Actinomyces 放线菌属 Acute infection 急性感染 * Adenovirus 腺病毒 Adhesin 粘附素 A.flavus 黄曲霉 A. israelii 衣氏放线菌 * Anaerobic bacteria 厌氧性细菌 Anaerobic medium 厌氧培养基 Antibody dependent enhancement,ADE 抗体依赖的促进作用Antigenic drift 抗原漂移 Antigenic shift 抗原性转换 * Antisepsis 防腐 * Antistreptolysin O (ASO) test, 抗链球菌溶素O试验 Antiviral protein,AVP 抗病毒蛋白 Apoptosis 细胞凋亡 * Apparent infection 显性感染 Arbovirus 虫媒病毒 * Artificial active immunization 人工主动免疫 * Artificial passive immunization 人工被动免疫 * Asepsis 无菌 Aspergillus 曲霉 * Assembly and release 装备与释放 * Astrovirus 星状病毒 Autotroph 自养菌 * Attenuated vaccine 减毒疫苗 B * Bacillus 杆菌、芽胞杆菌属 * Bacillus anthracis 炭疽芽胞杆菌 Bacillus cereus 蜡样芽胞杆菌 * Bacteremia 菌血症 Bacterial infection 细菌感染 * Bacterial L form 细菌L型 * Bacteriocin 细菌素 * Bacteriophage 噬菌体 * Bacterium 细菌 Bartonella 巴尔通体属 * Bacteriodes fragilis 脆弱类杆菌
