









1.What will the weather be like late this afternoon?

A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Snowy.

2.What will the girl probably do tonight?

A.Prepare for the exam.

B.Watch a movie.

C.Play with her friends.

3.Why did Henry go to Oxford?

A.For travel. B.For study. C.For work.

4.What contributes most to the garden according to the man?

A.His hard work.

B.The good weather.

C.The woman’s efforts.

5.What did the man order?

A.Water.B.Coffee. C.Juice.



6.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A special event. B.The man’s friends.C.A big box.

7.How does the boy sound?

A.Surprised.B.Excited. C.Calm.


8.What is the date today?

A.January 1st.B.December 24th.C.December 25th. 9.What does the man say about the girl’s mother?

A.She is hard to please.

B.She wants to buy a new hat.

C.She doesn’t like chocolates.


10.What was Bonzo doing when hit by a car?

A.Playing in a garden.

B.Running after a ball.

C.Walking on the road.

11.What do we know about Bonzo?

A.He is a pet.

B.He is Megan’s brother.

C.He is having an operation.

12.What will the speakers do later?

A.Do some shopping.

B.Go to the hospital.

C.Have some coffee.


13.How can people know the age of a star?

A.From its size. B.From its color.C.From its light. 14.What does the man say about space?

A.There is an end in space.

B.There are still unsolved problems.

C.There are some unknown stars.

15.What are the speakers doing?

A.Attending a meeting.

B.Having an interview.

C.Reading a book.

16.What does the man think of finding life elsewhere in the universe?





17.How long did Westlife last?

A.19 years.B.14 years.C.12 years. 18.How many top ten singles did Westlife achieve?


19.Which is Westlife’s first single?

A.Flying Without Wings.

B.If I Let You Go.

C.Swear It Again.

20.Which country did Westlife fail to break into?

A.The US.B.Ireland.C.The UK.





V olunteering abroad is a great way to help others, improve your skills and become a more confident, independent person.If you are interested in volunteering abroad, here are some places to go.


If you seek a life on the beach, in a great climate with friendly people, Australia might be your best bet.With thousands of volunteers already signing up to leave for Australia during the holidays, it will be a very popular choice.


This vast country has some great opportunities on offer and is especially popular this year.A lot of volunteer work is available(可获得的)in Brazil centers on conservation and ecological(生态的) projects.With the world's largest rainforest in Brazil, of which huge part is in danger, there are lots of different jobs you can do.


Kenya is the destination for those seeking an African experience.Generally volunteers in Kenya work in orphanages(孤儿院) or with local children living in slums(贫民窟).There is a great demand for volunteers in Africa because many people live in poverty, so if you truly feel like making a difference to a community, Kenya should be at the top of your list.

Costa Rica

Golden sandy beaches, clear coastlines and beautiful cities are what Costa Rica is all about.Because of its small size, you can see a lot of the country in just a short time.You can really make the most of your time as a volunteer.A lot of work is needed with wildlife, so if you want to look after turtles on the beach, Costa Rica could be just the place for you.

21.If you are interested in protecting the environment, you will probably go to _______.

A.Australia B.Kenya C.Brazil D.Costa Rica

22.It can be inferred from the passage that volunteers in Kenya mainly work with______.

A.animals B.plants C.the elderly D.children

23.If you choose to go to Costa Rica, you are supposed to________.

A.work with animals on the beach

B.surf with children in the water

C.take care of trees in the forests

D.look after children who have lost their parents


On plenty of drives with my mom through my childhood, she would suddenly pull over the car to examine a flower by the side of the road or rescue a beetle from tragedy(悲剧) while I, in my late teens and early twenties, sat impatiently in the car.

Though Mother’s Day follows Eart h Day, for me, they have always been linked to each other.My mom has been “green” since she became concerned about the environment.Part of this habit was born of thrift (节俭).Like her mother and her grandmother before her, mom saves glass jars, empty cheese containers and reuses her plastic bags.

Mom creates a kind of harmonious relationship with wildlife in her yard.She knows to pick the apples on her trees a little early to avoid the bears and that if she leaves the bird feeders out at night, it is likely that they will be knocked down by a family of raccoons (浣熊).Spiders that make their way into the house and are caught in juice glasses will be set loose in the garden.

I try to teach my children that looking out for the environment starts with being aware of the environment.On busy streets, we look for dandelions(蒲公英) to fly in the wind; we say hello to neighborhood cats and pick up plastic cups and paper bags.This teaching comes easily, I realize, because I was taught so well by example.Mom didn’t need to lecture; she didn’t need to beat a drum to change the world.She simply slowed down enough to enjoy living in it and with that joy came mercy and an instinct(直觉) for protection.

I am slowing down and it isn’t because of the weight of my nearly forty years o n the planet, it is out of my concern for the planet itself.I’ve begun to save glass jars and reuse packing envelopes.I pause in my daily tasks to watch the squirrels race each other in the trees above my house.

Last summer, in the company of my son and daughter, I planted tomatoes in my yard.With the heat of August around me, I ate the first while sitting on my low wall with dirt on my hands.Warm from the sun, it burst on my tongue with sweetness.I immediately wanted to share with my mom.

24.Why does the a uthor say Earth Day is connected with Mother’s Day?

A.Because Mother’s Day falls shortly after Earth Day.

B.To show that all the older women in her family are environmentalists.

C.To show how much her mother cares about the environment.

D.Because her mothe r shows her how to be friendly to nature on Mother’s Day.

25.Which of the following is NOT related to Mom’s “green life”?

A.Rescuing a beetle from a certain tragedy.

B.Saving glass jars or empty cheese containers.

C.Setting a caught spider free in the garden.

D.Picking dandelions on busy streets.

26.What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A.Tomatoes are the author’s favorite fruit.

B.It is her mother who taught the author to plant tomatoes.

C.Planting tomatoes is a way of protecting environment.

D.The author really appreciates her mother’s teaching.

27.The writer’s attitude towards her mom’s behavior changed in the order of ______.

A.understanding — negative— supporting.

B.supporting — doubtful — negative.

C.negative — understanding — supporting.

D.doubtful— negative— supporting.


If you have ever tried a new sport or tried learning a musical instrument(乐器), you may well know that the hardest part is getting started.Once you have learned the skills, they return quit easily, even if they are not used for long periods of time.Most experts put this down to "muscle(肌肉)memory," which means the brain remembers the action and can remember it when needed.There is another thing that may be as important in recalling formerly learned sport skills---the mistakes made while learning the task.

The study led by Reza Shadmehr included asking volunteers to play a simple video game: hitting a red target dot(目标点)with a slightly smaller blue dot, similar to playing virtual dart(虚拟飞镖).What the gamers did not know was that as soon as they mastered the game, the researchers moved the blue dot slightly off-course, so forcing them to restart the learning process.Though the volunteers did make mistakes every time the game was changed, they got faster at mastering it.

Reza believes that this has to do with the fact that in addition to performing the task to muscle memory, the brain is also correcting each wrong move and learning how to correct it.He compares it to having a coach that points out the mistakes and makes suggestions on how to improve.

What surprised the scientists is that making mistakes not only trains the brain to do better at a certain task, but also helps it learn faster from mistakes, even when the mistakes are made while learning an entirely different task.The brain keeps a general record of mistakes and draws on them whenever a new sport skill is being learned, to make sure that mistakes are not made again.This helps make leaning much faster and probably explains why people, who master one sport or musical instrument, are able to pick up others more easily.

Making mistakes is a good thing.So the next time you are practicing playing the piano, working on your tennis skill, or learning any other sport skill, don't get discouraged by the mistakes! 28.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A.The brain.B.The action.C.A new sport.D.An instrument.

29.The second paragraph is mainly about_____________.

A.how Reza carried out the experiment

B.when the gamers learned a game well

C.what games the volunteers were interested in

D.why the researchers liked to play virtual games

30.What surprised Reza most about the results?

A.Mistakes will be repeated in learning. B.Mistakes add difficulty to learning.

C.Mistakes make people learn faster.D.Mistakes speed up the actions in brain. 31.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Mistakes help achieve success.B.Mistakes should be corrected in time.

C.Muscle memory makes you succeed.D.Muscle memory shows past experience.


Americans use many expressions with the word dog.People in the United States love their dogs and treat them well.They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care.However, dogs without owners to care for them lead a different kind of life.The expression, to lead a dog’s life, describes a person who has an unhappy existence.

Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world.That means many people are competing for the same things, like good jobs.They say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog.This means they have to work very, very hard.Such hard work can make people dog-tired.And, the

situation would be even worse if they became sick as a dog.

Still, people say every dog has its day.This means that every person enjoys a successful period during his or her life.To be successful, people often have to learn new skills.Yet, some people say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks (技法).They believe that old people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.

Some people are compared to dogs in bad ways.People who are unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than a junkyard dog.Junkyard dogs live in places where people throw away things they do not want.Mean dogs are often used to guard this property (地产).They bark or attack people who try to enter the property.However, sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad.We say his bark is worse than his bite.

A junkyard is not a fun place for a dog.Many dogs in the United States sleep in safe little houses near their owners’ home.These doghouses provide shelter.Yet they can be cold and lonely in winter.

Dog expressions also are used to describe the weather.The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year.A rainstorm may cool the weather.But we do not want it to rain too hard.We do not want it to rain cats and dogs.

32.When someone leads a dog’s life, he __________.

A.lives a happy life B.lives a terrible life

C.has to work like a dog D.is as tired as a dog every day

33.What can we infer from the dog phrases in the second paragraph?

A.Dogs are also very tired in society.

B.People should work casually like a dog.

C.People are living in a competitive world.

D.A sick dog cannot find a job.

34.To comfort a person, which expression should we choose to use?

A.Every dog has its day.B.You are leading a dog’s life.C.Dogs eat dogs.D.Let a sleeping dog lie.

35.What would be the best title of the passage?

A.Dogs and their life.B.What do people think of dogs?

C.Dog and people in everyday life.D.Words and their stories: dog talk.



You may have grown up living with sisters and brothers, or this may be your first time sharing your living space with someone else.Having a roommate surely has its challenges. 36 .Follow these tips to make sure you and your roommate keep things pleasant and supportive throughout the year.

Be clear from the beginning.

Maybe you hate it when someone interrupts you when you are sleeping every morning. 37 . Let your roommate know about your preferences.It’s not fair to expect him or her to pick up on them right away, and communicating what you need is one of the best ways to get rid of problems before they become problems.

Respect your roommate’s things.

This may seem simple,but it’s probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experience conflicts.Don’t think he’ll not mind if you borrow his shoes for a soccer game for all you know, you just stepped over an impassable line. 38 .Be open to change.

You should expect to learn and grow and change during your time at school.And the same should happen to your roommate, if all go well. 39 .Be comfortable addressing things that unexpectedly come up, setting new rules, and being flexible to your changing environment.


Always remember: treat your roommates like you’d like to be treated.No matter what your relationship is at the end of the year, you can take comfort knowing you acted like an adult and treated your roommate with respect.

A.Don’t borrow, use, or take anything without getting permission first.

B.As the term progresses, realize things will change for both of you.

C.Getting along well with a roommate is really a difficult job.

D.Maybe you need moments to be silent after you wake up.

E.You should correct your bad habits first.

F.Follow the Golden Rule.

G.However, it can also be a great part of your college experience.




I woke up the other day to a phone call from a taxi driver.He had my friend’s cell phone, and told me that my friend had 41 it in the cab the night before.

It was a rainy 42 , which for cab drivers is a very busy time.The cab driver asked where he could 43 the cell phone off.I told him the cross 44 where I lived.I quickly got dressed and told him that I’d 45 him on the corner of the street.

The driver drove all the 46 from Queens to deliver the phone without 47 .When I met up with him, I 48 and blessed him for having such a kind and beautiful 49 .I was so happy for my 50 because of this man’s kindness! My friend had 51 moved here and I could only imagine how 52 his cell phone was to him! I further asked the taxi driver if I could get his 53 , so that my friend can thank him as well.He said my 54 and gratitude were all that he needed and drove off.

I emailed my friend telling him I had his 55 and later that day I met up with him to tell him how I had 56 it.My friend said he couldn’t believe such kindness should 57 in this big city.He told me he could not 58 to pay it forward.

I was so 59 to see the kindness that happened early that morning.It just made my 60 ! 41.A.hid B.left C.threw


42.A.morning B.night C.afternoon


43.A.throw B.give C.put


44.A.hotel B.town C.street


45.A.pay B.meet C.exchange D.call 46.A.time B.distance C.way


47.A.delay B.permit C.support


48.A.rewarded B.talked C.greeted D.thanked 49.A.figure B.cab C.soul D.idea 50.A.decision B.friend C.luck


51.A.lastly B.finally C.recently


52.A.important B.popular C.expensive D.lovely 53.A.honor B.permission C.photo


54.A.help B.blessing C.attitude D.concern 55.A.address B.letter C.message


56.A.bought B.searched C.got


57.A.wait B.exist C.react D.allow 58.A.wait B.quit C.hope


59.A.annoyed B.shocked C.surprised D.touched 60.A.day B.dream C.example D.story




Bike sharing is growing in popularity as a means of public transportation.It seems like a perfect solution 61 China’s heavy traffic. 62 some local authorities say the bikes have become great troubles and one Shanghai district has confiscated (没收) almost 5,000 bikes.The unregulated parking has caused

continuous problems and complaints.Traffic police had confiscated the bikes because they had been 63 (legal) parked.

Shanghai is the world’ s 64 (large) bikeshare city with 280,000 shared bikes citywide.That number is expected 65 (jump) to 500,000 by this June, according to Guo Jianrong, Secretary General of Shanghai Bicycle Association.

Until the turn of the century, bikes were the main form of transport in Chinese cities.But in recent years, as Chinese have grown 66 (rich) than before, bicycles 67 (replace)by private cars, motorbikes and other public transport.

Bike sharing is hardly new, but what makes 68 unique in China is that it is usually station free---which means that users can leave the bikes anywhere they want.It’s also cheap.Shanghai is not the only city 69 bike sharing has had teething (萌芽的)problems.More than 500 bikes 70 (rent)out by bike sharing firms were piled up in the southern city of Shenzhen in January.








Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I feel great honored to be speaking on behalf of all the camp members. First of all, I’d like to express my thank to all the teachers and host families that have given us a lot of help in life and in study. In past few weeks we have had a good time and achieve a lot. The host parents took care of us, which made us feeling at home. But with the help of the teachers we have made great

progresses .Meanwhile, we have got to know more about western history and culture

before seeing so many places of interest. What’s mo re, the visit to Harvard University and Stanford University that has broadened our horizons.

What they have gained from this camp is not only knowledge, but also friendship. I hope our friendship will last forever. Thank you!


你的朋友Anne邀请你到她家去吃晚饭, 但是你要为即将到来的考试做准备,不能赴约.请写封信给她,表示你的歉意,并说明原因。然后邀约她下次再相聚。

注意:1、词数100左右 2、可以适当发挥,不要逐字翻译,使行文连贯。

Dear Anne,

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________Li Hua





1—5 BACBB 6—10 ABBCB 11—15 ACABB 16—20 ABBCA


21-23.CDA 24-27.CDDC 28-31.BACA 32-35.BCAD 36-40.GDABF


41-45.BADCB 46-50.CADCB 51-55.CADBD 56-60.CBADA


61.to 62.But 63.illegally 64.largest 65.to jump 66.richer 67.have been replaced 68.it 69.where 70.rented


1.great--greatly 2.thank--thanks 3.past前加 the

4.achieve—achieved 5.feeling--feel 6.But--And

7.progresses---progress 8.before--after 9.去掉that 10.they—we 六、书面表达范文:

Dear Anne,

Thank you for your invitation to dinner at your home tomorrow evening.

Unfortunately, it is much to my regret that I cannot join you and your family, because I will be fully occupied then for an important exam coming the day after tomorrow.I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of such a happy get-together, and I hope that all of you enjoy a good time.Is it possible for you and me to have a private meeting afterward? If so, please don't hesitate to drop me a line about your preferable date.I do long for a pleasant chat with you.

Please allow me to say sorry again.


Li Ming


Text 1

M: Nice day.I don’t think I have to wear the thick coat.

W: No, it would be rainy late this afternoon and tomorrow it might even be snowy! Text 2

M: Some of our friends are going to watch a movie tonight.Would you like to come? W: Enjoyment before the exam? You must be mad!

Text 3

W: What did you do in the summer holidays, Henry?

M: Oxford has millions of tourists in the summer, so it was easy for me to find a job there.

Text 4

W: Your garden looks great.You must have spent much time here.

M: Not really.The weather has been good this year.

Text 5

W: Here you are, sir.

M: Oh, I think you’ve made a mistake.What I ordered is a cup of coffee, not juice. W: Sorry, sir.Please have this glass of water and wait for a moment.I’ll get your drink soon.

Text 6

M: I can’t wait for my birthday party this Saturday evening.I hope it will be better this year.I’m hoping for someth ing surprising and a lot of gifts.

W: It will be.There will be a lot of people at your party.

M: I know my friends are preparing to give me a big surprise these days.

W: How do you know?

M: I saw Tom wrapping a big box with Alice, Bob and Danny!

Text 7

W: Come on, Dad! The shops will be closed if we don’t hurry.

M: Don’t worry.⑧The shops are open until midnight on Christmas Eve.

W: Yes, but it will take us a long time to find a car park.And it will be midnight before we choose a present for mother! Plus we don’t know what to buy for her, maybe a hat. M: No, she has already had so many hats.

W: Well, ⑨maybe a box of chocolates.

M: ⑨But she never eats them.Anything else is OK.You know she will be satisfied with what you buy for her.

Text 8

M: Hi, Megan.How are you? Have you seen the doctor?

W: No, it’s not about me.It’s about Bonzo.

M: What happened?

W: I was playing football with Bonzo in the garden, and ⑩the ball went over the garden into the road.When Bonzo was running after it, he got hit by a car.

M: Oh, n o! Didn’t the driver see Bonzo?

W: Not really.Bonzo was running too fast.(11) We took him to the pet hospital immediately, but there was nothing they could do.

M: Oh, poor dog.I know how much he meant to you.

W: I have had him since he was two months old.He was like one of my family.

M: I know you are very sad but you can’t be alone like this any more.Let’s go out and do some shopping which is your favorite.

W: (12) I would like to have a cup of coffee to calm down.

M: (12) Fine.Let’s go.

Text 9

W: How do you know how old a star is?

M: (13) For most stars, we find its age from how big it is.We can know its size from the amount of light it puts out, and its color.Then the size tells us how long a star will live.Big stars live a short life while small stars live much longer.

W: (14)I’ve always wondered if there is an end in space.Do you think scientists have found the answer?

M: This is a difficult question.The truth is that we have no idea! (14) We currently don’t have a way of testing it.But some scientists will come up with a way in the future.I have faith in it.

W: (15)The last question is from our readers: do you believe there’s other life in different parts of the universe?

M: There are so many planets in the universe.(16) Life may exist on other planets.But will we ever find or research them? I think that’s very unlikely.

Text 10

W: Hello, everyone.Welcome to World Music.Today we’ll have a look at Westlife.I believe many of you are quite familiar with them.(17) Westlife was an Irish boy band who formed in 1998 and broke up in 2012.Westlife sold over 50 million records worldwide.In addition, the group had 14 number-one singles in the United

Kingdom, the third-highest in UK history.(18) They achieved a total of 26 top ten singles over their 14-year career.(19) In April 1999, the group had their first single, Swear It Again, which immediately topped the lists in Ireland and in the UK for two weeks, which earned them great fame overnight.Their second single, If I Let You Go, which appeared in August 1999 along with Flying Without Wings in October the same year, also topped the lists in the UK.By 2010, Westlife was listed as the UK’s top-selling album group of the 21st century.Although they gained great success in Europe and Asia,(20)Westlife never managed to break into the US market, achieving only one hit single in 2000: Swear It Again.


湖北省宜昌市长阳县大堰乡 区域概况 大堰乡位于清江中下游南岸,北接长阳县城龙舟坪镇,南与五峰渔洋关镇接壤,242省道纵贯全境。全乡下辖大堰、三洞水、晓麻溪、松元坪、居溪、边家坪、桂花园、蔡家坪、赵家堰、石滚埫、钟家湾、清水堰、九柳坪、邓家冲、千丈坑15个村,60个村民小组,总面积248.5平方公里,有耕地2978.9公顷,农业人口33724人。 资源环境 该乡山清水秀,风景宜人,“百岛湖”佳景引人入胜,“长阳人”遗址令人神往,古欧式教堂别有洞天,百里台地冬暖夏凉;资源丰富; 经济发展 农业 产业农主工兴,农业四大品牌,工业矿产加工。2007年全乡人民同心同德,共谋发展,合力攻坚,用勤劳、智慧和汗水,在大堰乡科学发展、和谐进步的进程中谱写了壮美的发展新曲。全乡2007年农村经济总收入达到1.6亿元,实现工业总产值5560万元,呈逐年增长趋势;完成财政收入380万元,其中实现一般预算性收入150万元,超全年任务115万元的30.4%;招商引资到位资金1500万元,刷新历史记录;农民人均纯收入达到2240元,增幅在6%以上;信用社年末存款和邮政储蓄达到8794万元,比上净增2186万元; 特色农业优势日益凸显。2007年,大堰乡突出猪、茶、鱼、薯四大特色产业。全乡当年出栏生猪超过6万头,培养养殖大户,建设养殖小区,养猪总收入过亿元;发展茶叶基地,当年干茶产量15万公斤,实现收入400多万元;规范库区清江鱼养殖,网箱达到5149只,养殖面积110亩,当年收入达到4943万元;脱毒马铃薯面积稳定3万亩,启动了以推广“鄂马铃薯4号”新品种为主的换种改良工作。 工业 工业持续发展形势良好。引进宜昌登城生化有限公司落户大堰,投资6000万元启动方解石开采及深加工项目,年内项目完成投资1500多万元,年底蔡家坪主厂区正式破土动工,边家坪分厂区改造投产,第一期投资将超过3000万元,投产后每年可实现税收500万元以上,成为全乡支柱财源。陈家窝煤矿接替井、伯加利公司等工业项目进展顺利。 基础设施


兰州一中2017-2018-2学期 高二年级期末英语试卷 说明:本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间100分钟。答案写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡。 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分30分) 第一节(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A We’re a nation— a globe, in fact — obsessed with our hair. Analysts estimate the global hair product industry to be worth €22.6 billion, growing at a rate of up to seven percent a year. There seems to be no limit on what we’ll spend to avoid a bad hair day. But for devotees of an underground beauty movement, the secret lies in throwing away the shampoo, in fact all the hair products, for good. The “no—poo”method, which involves using natural substitutes or just water in place of shampoo and conditioner, is supported by several circles. Beauty insiders, including writers for women’s magazines and professional hairdressers, speak highly of how hair becomes thicker, fuller, softer and brighter. And environmentalists who are mindful of money feel great joy at the lack of chemicals in and on their bodies—not to mention the impact on their budgets. Now one devotee is hoping to take it mainstream. Lucy Aitken Read, whose book Happy Hair: The definitive guide to giving up shampoo was released last week, hasn’t used shampoo for two years and her glowing brown hair is visibly in perfect condition. For her, the motivation came after reading a study that claimed women put 515 chemicals on their bodies daily. “I initially thought ‘Ha! They didn’t research me!’,” Aitken Read says. “Then I looked at the back of my shampoo bottle and realized there were loads of chemical components I didn’t recognize in the slightest.” Strangely it’s oily hair that could benefit the most from giving up shampoo. The theory behind the “no—poo” method is that shampoo removes the hair from its natural oils, which causes the scalp (头皮) to generate more oils to replace them. This results in oil overload — oily hair—which

湖北省长阳一中2013-2014学年高一下学期期中数学试题 文

湖北省长阳一中2013-2014学年高一下学期期中数学试题 文 一、选择题(每小题5分,共50分) 1. sin480?等于 A .12- B .1 2 C . D 2. 设数列{}n a 的前n 项和2 n S n =,则8a 的值为( ) A . 15 B . 16 C . 49 D .64 3.半径为cm π,中心角为120所对的弧长是( ) A .3 cm π B .2 3 cm π C .23cm π D .2 23cm π 4.设 n s 为等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和,已知3432,s a =-2332s a =-,则公比q = ( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6 5、函数y =-xcosx 的部分图象是( ) 6、已知{an}是等比数列,a4·a7=-512,a3+a8=124,且公比为整数,则公比q 为( ) A .2 B .-2 C .12 D .-1 2 7、cos sin y x x =?是( ) A .奇函数 B .偶函数 C .既是奇函数也是偶函数 D .既不是奇函数也不是偶函数 8、在等差数列{an}中,若a4+a6=12, Sn 是数列{an}的前n 项和,则S9的值为 A .48 B .54 C .60 D .66 9、函数 3sin 33y x π? ?=+ ? ??的图象可看成3sin 3y x =的图象按如下平移变换而得到的( ) A .向左平移9π个单位 B .向右平移9π 个单位 C .向左平移3π个单位 D .向右平移3π 个单位

二、填空题(每小题5分,共35分) 11、函数 ) 42sin(3π + =x y 的最小正周期为___________. 12、若2、a 、b 、c 、9成等差数列,则c a -=____________. 13、已知= -=-ααααcos sin ,45 cos sin 则 . 14、某住宅小区计划植树不少于100棵,若第一天植2棵,以后每天植树的棵树是前一天的2 倍,则需要的最少天数n(n ∈N*)等于_____________. 15、在△ABC 中, A=45°,C=60°,则BC= 16、关于函数f(x)=4sin(2x +3π ), (x ∈R)有下列命题: ①y =f(x)是以2π为最小正周期的周期函数; ② y =f(x)可改写为y =4cos(2x -6π ); ③y =f(x)的图象关于(-6π ,0)对称; ④ y =f(x)的图象关于直线x =-6π 对称; 其中正确的序号为 。 17. 在如下数表中,已知每行、每列中的数都成等差数列,那么,位于下表中的第n 行第n+1列的数是 。 123… 246… 369… … … …… 第1列 第2列 第3列 …… 第1行 第2行 第3行


商务谈判期末考试试卷(2017 —2018学年度第二学期)考试年级:2016级考试科目:商务谈判成绩:_________ 一、选择题(30分) 1、商务谈判的最佳结果是() A、我赢你输 B、你赢我输 C、你输我输 D、你赢我赢 2、了解对方的意图和方法是谈判过程的() A、开局阶段 B、摸底阶段 C、报价阶段 D、签约阶段 3、报价策略对买卖双方而言是不一样的,卖方宜() A、高价 B、低价 C、不高不低 D、无所谓 4、买方对卖方进行“鸡蛋里挑骨头”般的还价属于() A、比照还价法 B、反攻还价法 C、求疵还价法 D、都不是 5、谈判从某种程度上说就是一种() A、辩论 B、沟通 C、诱导 D、让步 A.自然人 B.个体 C.法人或法人代表 D.集体象征 11、让步的基本规则是()A、以诚换利B、以此换彼C、予近谋远D、以小换大 12、谈判双方都不愿意看到的最后结果是() A、我赢你输 B、你赢我输 C、你输我输 D、你赢我赢 13、在对方所在地进行的商务谈判,叫做() A.主场谈判 B.客场谈判 C.中立场谈判 D.非正式场合谈判 14. 双方谈判人员适当互赠礼品的做法是() 15 .让步的实质是() 1、商务谈判的过程大致可分为_____________________ 阶段、 ________________________________________________ 阶段、 ______________ 段、________________ 段、_________________ 段 6. 商务谈判中,作为摸清对 精选 A.贿赂 B.求助 C."润滑策略" D.为了理解 A.损失 B.妥协 二、填空题(30分) C.逃避 D.策略 2、商务谈判的准备有: ___________________ 、 A.问 B.听 C.看 D.说 7.几乎所有的商务谈判中,()都是谈判的核心内容。 A.价格 B.质量 C.数量 D.索赔 8 .价格条款的谈判应由()承担 A.法律人员 B.商务人员 C.财务人员 9.谈判中最关键,最困难,最紧张的阶段是()D.技术人员 D.成交阶段 、、O 3. _____________________________________ 谈判桌上要求越多, 所得到的____________________________________ 。 4. _________________________________ 商务谈判进攻性策略有 ______________________________________ 、________________ 、__ 5. ______________________ 商务礼仪中,被动握手,否则是不礼 貌的。 10.应赋予谈判人员的资料是( 欢迎下载


20XX年中学测试 中 学 试 题 试 卷 科目: 年级: 考点: 监考老师: 日期:

2021-2021学年度甘肃省兰州一中高一年级第一学期期末考试 地理试题 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共30分)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共30分)两部分.考试时间45分钟。满分60分. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共30分) 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 2.每小题选出答案后,填入第I卷答题栏中。 3.考试结束后,考生只将第II卷交回,第I卷自己保留。 一、单项选择题(共30小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一 项是最符合题目要求的,多选、错选、漏选都不给分。) 1.关于大气各成分的主要作用的叙述,正确的() A.二氧化碳大量吸收太阳紫外线而起保温作用 B.氧是绿色植物光合作用的基本原料 C.氮是维持一切生命活动所必需的物质 D.臭氧被誉为“地球生命的保护伞” 2.飞机适宜在离地面18千米以上的空中飞行,这是因为() ①空气稀薄,阻力很小②空气上热下冷,不易对流,气流稳定 ③空气含水汽、杂质少,能见度好④位于高空对流层,有利于导航 A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①④ 3.下列四种辐射中,属于短波辐射的是() A.大气辐射B.太阳辐射C.大气逆辐射D.地面辐射 4.下列四地对流层最高的是() A.广州的夏季B.武汉的冬季C.北京的夏季D.沈阳的冬季 5.对地面起保温作用的辐射形式是() A.大气逆辐射B.大气逆辐射C.地面辐射D.太阳辐射 6.沙漠地区气温的日较差较大的原因是() A.沙漠地区获得太阳辐射能量少

B.沙漠地区水汽含量少,大气对太阳辐射的削弱和保温作用差 C.沙漠地区固体杂质多 D.沙漠地区人类破坏活动少 7.十字路口指示灯不用蓝灯的原因是() A.不习惯用蓝灯 B.天空呈蓝色,蓝灯在蓝色天空背景下不醒目 C.蓝光容易被散射 D.蓝灯与其他颜色灯光相比为冷色调 8.谚语说“十雾九晴”(深秋、冬季和初春的时候),指大雾多发生的晴天里,原因是()A.晴天时尘埃多B.晴天时水汽多 C.晴天时大气运动缓慢D.晴天时大气逆辐射弱 9.大气对太阳辐射的削弱作用中,具有选择性的是() ①吸收作用②反射作用③散射作用④保温作用 A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①③ 10.大气运动的根本原因是() A.同一水平面上气压差B.地势高低差异 C.海陆间热力差异D.高低纬间热量差异 11.大气产生水平运动的直接原因是() A.地转偏向力B.水平气压梯度力 C.摩擦力D.地转偏向力与水平气压梯度力的合力12.下面四幅图表示的热力环流中,错误的是() 13.下图中,昼夜温差最小的是()


2017—2018学年度第一学期九月月考 高一语文试卷 考试时间:150分钟试卷总分:150分 第Ⅰ卷 一、现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分) 为什么真实的生活不能直接成为艺术呢 为什么真实的生活不能直接成为艺术呢?这是因为,生活的真实,虽然是艺术形象结构的要素之一,但是生活的结构并不等于艺术的结构。生活的真实与艺术的真实在根本上有统一的方面,但这种统一是矛盾的统一。市场上一筐筐真虾,并不是艺术,而齐白石的笔下,一枚枚用水墨画出来的虾,明明是假的,却是艺术。在战场上真刀真枪地打仗,不是艺术,没有人会买票去欣赏,但在京戏舞台上那种绝对没有死亡的可能,保证不会流血的把舞蹈和杂技结合起来的武打,却是艺术。 把反映生活、创造形象误解为按生活描红,是许多生活经验丰富的人不能进入艺术境界的最基本的原因。闻一多在《冬夜评论》中说:“绝对的写实主义便是艺术的破产。”简单地照搬生活的逼真场景,并不能达到艺术的真实的高度,有时反倒给人一种既不真实又不艺术的感觉。艺术不管怎样模仿都不可能像生活本身那样生动而丰富。车尔尼雪夫斯基说,不管多美的大理石雕像也不及彼得堡大街上的少女那么动人。艺术如果纯粹以自己逼肖于生活作为存在的理由,它就可能在写生活的竞赛中被淘汰。 艺术的创造性使它必须突破模仿的局限。要创造就不能满足于逼真,就不能不通过幻想和想象,就不能没有假定,就必须以想象的假定的形态来创造艺术的真实形象,达到既具认识又具娱乐功能的目的。不假定就不自由,不在想象中自由地创造就不能引起销魂荡魄的惊异,没有艺术的魅力。某一酒店主人为吸引顾客,暗叫一个人藏在丛林里模仿夜莺的鸣啭,十分逼真,深得顾客赞美。但当人们发现这鸣声是人的模仿,而毫无模仿者的创造时,就感到这声音讨厌了。没有假定,艺术也就没有娱乐作用了。 一个艺术家画一个苹果,就不单是对一个苹果的认识,而是包含了他对许多苹果的理解。同时,还表现了他对苹果的特殊感情,他自己对生活的特殊态度,对艺术形式的特殊理想。这么多成分的统一只能在假定性的模拟形态中才能实现。这种假定性的模拟形态,对生活的逼真来说,有它假的一面,但在本质上它是真实的。表面上看来生活的逼真经过了加工、改造、渗入、抽出,是被破坏了,但是它不但有更广泛、更普遍的真实性,而且有着生活所缺少的真诚的感情。艺术的真实,不是绝对地不掺一点“假”,相反,只有在假定形式中,真实性才能更充分地发挥。 生活不经过一番改造是不能成为艺术形象的。白石老人画虾,不止一次地减少腹下节足的数量,米开朗琪罗放在梅提契的墓上的青年男子的雕像超比例地延长了弯曲的腰身和手臂,二者不但没有导致虚假,反而达到更高的真实。生活的素材不同于工厂、实验室的原料那样有形的物质,对它的改造不能采用直接接触的方法,只能在假定性的想象领域中进行。莱辛在《拉孔奥》的前言中把艺术形象归结为“逼真的幻觉”。艺术的辩证法就是这样奇妙,为了使艺术更像生活,要敢使艺术不像生活。(摘编于孙绍振《文学创作论》)


2017-2018学年甘肃省兰州一中高二(上)期末数学试卷(文科) 注意事项: 1.全卷共150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.考生必须将姓名、准考证号、考场、座位号等个人信息填(涂)写在答题卡上。 3.考生务必将答案直接填(涂)写在答题卡的相应位置上。 4.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共23小题,共150分,考试时间120分钟. 一、第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小5题分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.(2017一中文)(5分)设复数12z i =-,则z =( ) A .5 B C .2 D 【分析】直接由复数模的计算公式求解. 【解答】解: 12z i =-, z ∴ 故选:B . 【点评】本题考查复数模的求法,是基础题. 2.(2017一中文)(5分)与命题“能被6整除的整数,一定能被3整除”等价的命题是( ) A .能被3整除的整数,一定能被6整除 B .不能被3整除的整数,一定不能被6整除 C .不能被6整除的整数,一定不能被3整除 D .不能被6整除的整数,不一定能被3整除 【分析】根据命题“若p ,则q ”与它的逆否命题“若p ?,则q ?”是等价命题,写出答案即可. 【解答】解:∵命题“能被6整除的整数,一定能被3整除”的逆否命题是 “不能被3整除的整数,一定不能被6整除”; 它们是等价命题. 故选:B . 【点评】本题考查了互为逆否命题的两个命题是等价命题的问题,解题时应根据原命题会写出它的逆否命题,是容易题目. 3.(2017一中文)(5分)抛物线216y x =的准线方程是( )


湖北省长阳一中2013-2014学年高一下学期期中物理试题 一、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分。在每个小题给出的四个选项中,至少 有一个选项是正确的,全部选对的得4分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分) 1.一质点在某段时间内做曲线运动,则在这段时间内( ) A .速度一定不断地改变,加速度也一定不断地改变 B .速度一定不断地改变,加速度可以不变 C .速度可以不变,加速度一定不断地改变 D .速度可以不变,加速度也可以不变 2.做平抛运动的物体,在水平方向通过的最大距离取决于( ) A .物体的高度和重力 B .物体的重力和初速度 C .物体的高度和初速度 D .物体的重力、高度和初速度 3.关于向心力的说法正确的是( ) A .物体由于作圆周运动而产生一个向心力 B .向心力不改变做匀速圆周运动物体的速度大小 C .做匀速圆周运动的物体的向心力即为其所受合外力 D .做匀速圆周运动的物体的向心力是个恒力 4.如图所示,用恒力F 拉着质量为m 的物体沿水平面从A 移到B 的过程中,下列说法正确的是( ) A .有摩擦力时比无摩擦力时F 做的功多 B .有摩擦力时与无摩擦力时F 做功一样多 C .AB 段恒力F 做负功 D .物体无论是加速、减速还是匀速,力F 做的功一样多 5.摆式列车是集电脑、自动控制等高新技术于一体的新型高速列车,当它转弯时,在电脑控制下,车厢会自动倾斜,产生转弯需要的向心力;行走在直线上时, 车厢又恢复原状。靠摆式车体的先进性无需对线路等设施进行较大的改 造,就可以实现高速行车.如图所示,假设有一摆式超高速列车在水平 面内行驶,以 360 km /h 的速度拐弯,拐弯半径为 1.5 km ,则质量为 75 kg 的乘客在拐弯过程中随列车一起运动所需要的向心力为 ( ) A .500N B .1000N C .5002N D .0 6.某球状行星具有均匀的密度ρ,若在赤道上随行星一起转动的物体 对行星表面的压力恰好为零,则该行星自转周期为(万有引力常量为G) ( ) 4.3G A π 3.4G B π C 7.2007年11月5日,“嫦娥一号”探月卫星沿地月转移轨道到达月球,在 距月球表面200km 的P 点进行第一次“刹车制动”后被月球捕获,进入椭圆 轨道Ⅰ绕月飞行,如图所示。之后,卫星在P 点经过几次“刹车制动”,最终 在距月球表面200km 的圆形轨道Ⅲ上绕月球做匀速圆周运动。用T 1、T 2、T 3 分别表示卫星在椭圆轨道Ⅰ、Ⅱ和圆形轨道Ⅲ的周期,用a 1、a 2、a 3分别表 示卫星沿Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ三个轨道运动到P 点的加速度,则下面说法正确的是 ( )


商务谈判期末考试试卷 (2017-2018学年度第二学期) 考试年级: 2016级考试科目: 商务谈判成绩: 一、选择题(30分) 1、商务谈判的最佳结果是() A、我赢你输 B、你赢我输 C、你输我输 D、你赢我赢 2、了解对方的意图和方法是谈判过程的() A、开局阶段 B、摸底阶段 C、报价阶段 D、签约阶段 3、报价策略对买卖双方而言是不一样的,卖方宜() A、高价 B、低价 C、不高不低 D、无所谓 4、买方对卖方进行“鸡蛋里挑骨头”般的还价属于() A、比照还价法 B、反攻还价法 C、求疵还价法 D、都不是 5、谈判从某种程度上说就是一种() A、辩论 B、沟通 C、诱导 D、让步 6. 商务谈判中,作为摸清对方需要,掌握对方心理的手段是( )。 A.问 B.听 C.看 D.说 7.几乎所有的商务谈判中,( )都是谈判的核心内容。 A.价格 B.质量 C.数量 D.索赔 8.价格条款的谈判应由()承担。 A. 法律人员 B. 商务人员 C. 财务人员 D. 技术人员 9. 谈判中最关键,最困难,最紧张的阶段是() A.开局阶段 B. 报价阶段 C. 磋商阶段 D. 成交阶段 10.应赋予谈判人员的资料是()A. 自然人 B.个体 C.法人或法人代表 D.集体象征 11、让步的基本规则是() A、以诚换利 B、以此换彼 C、予近谋远 D、以小换大 12、谈判双方都不愿意看到的最后结果是() A、我赢你输 B、你赢我输 C、你输我输 D、你赢我赢 13.在对方所在地进行的商务谈判,叫做( ) A.主场谈判 B.客场谈判 C.中立场谈判 D.非正式场合谈判 14.双方谈判人员适当互赠礼品的做法是( ) A.贿赂 B.求助 C."润滑策略" D.为了理解 15.让步的实质是() A. 损失 B. 妥协 C. 逃避 D. 策略 二、填空题(30分) 1、商务谈判的过程大致可分为______________阶段、______________阶段、______________阶段、______________阶段、______________阶段。 2、商务谈判的准备有:___________________、__________________、 __________________、__________________、___________________。 3.谈判桌上要求越多,所得到的______________。 4.商务谈判进攻性策略有________________、________________、_________________。 5.商务礼仪中,____________应被动握手,否则是不礼貌的。 三、简答题(20分) 1、什么是商务谈判?


2019—2020学年度甘肃兰州一中高三年级第一学期 月考高中化学 化学试卷 讲明: 1.考试时刻100分钟,试卷总分值100分。 2.第一卷答案写在答题卡上,和第二卷一并上交。Ⅰ卷试题自己保留。 3.可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16 C1—35.5 Zn—65 第一卷 一、选择题〔每题2分,共20分。每题有一个选项符合题意〕 1.以下洗涤仪器的方法,不可采纳的是〔〕A.做过银镜反应的试管,用盐酸洗涤 B.盛过油脂的试管用热碱洗涤 C.久置石灰水的试剂瓶能够用盐酸洗涤 D.盛放过苯酚的度管用NaOH溶液洗涤 2.有关晶体的以下讲法中正确的选项是〔〕A.晶体中分子间作用力越大,分子越稳固 B.原子晶体中共价键越强,熔点越高 C.冰熔化时水分子中共价键发生断裂 D.氯化钠熔化时离子键末被破坏 3.氢氧化铁胶体稳固存在的要紧缘故是〔〕A.胶粒直径小于1mm B.胶体有丁达尔现象 C.胶粒带正电荷D.胶粒不能通过半透膜 4.限用一种试剂即可区不Na2SO3、Na2CO3、NaA1O2、NaSO4四种溶液。应选用〔〕A.BaC12B.NH2·H2O C.AgNO3 D.HC1 5.在1×105Pa·298K条件下,2mol氢气完全燃烧生成水蒸气放热484kJ,以下热化学方程式正确的选项是〔〕A.2H2〔g〕+O2〔g〕=2H2O〔g〕;△H=+484kJ·mol-1 B.2H2〔g〕+O2〔g〕=2H2O〔l〕;△H=-484kJ·mol-1

C .2H 2〔g 〕+21 O 2〔g 〕=2H 2O 〔g 〕;△H=+242kJ ·mol -1 D .2H 2〔g 〕=H 2〔g 〕+ 2 1 O 2〔g 〕;△H=+242kJ ·mol -1 6.以下事实能讲明A1的金属活动性比Cu 强的是 〔 〕 A .常温下将铝和铜用导线连接组成原电池放入到氢氧化钠溶液中 B .常温下将铝用铜用导线连接组成原电池放入到稀盐酸溶液中 C .与氯气反应时,铝失去3个电子,而铜失去了2个电子 D .A1〔OH 〕3有两性而Cu 〔OH 〕2只有弱碱性 7.在硫酸的工业中,以下生产操作与生产操作的要紧缘故的讲明都正确的选项是 〔 〕 A .硫铁矿燃烧前需要粉碎,因为大块的硫铁矿不能燃烧 B .从沸腾炉出来的炉气需要净化,因为炉气中SO 2会与杂质反应 C .用98.3%的浓硫酸吸取,目的是防止形成酸雾,以便使SO 3吸取完全 D .SO 2氧化为SO 3时需要使用催化剂,如此能够提高SO 2的转化率 8.以下盐溶液中,加入BaC12溶液后有白色沉淀生成,再加入稀硝酸后,仍有白色沉淀的是 〔 〕 A .Na 2SO 3 B .Na 2SO 3 C .Na 3PO 4 D .NaHCO 3 9.某溶液中存在较多的H +、SO 42-、NO 3-。该溶液中能大量存在的离子组是 〔 〕 A .A13+、CH 3COO -、C1 B .Mg 2+、Ba 2+、Br - C .Mg 2+、C1-、I - D .Na +、NH 4+、C1 10.以下实验,不需要酒精灯加热可完成的是 〔 〕 A .钠在空气中被氧化成氧化钠 B .检验乙二酸的热稳固性 C .实验室制备氧气 D .铜丝与硫单质的反应 11.以下离子方程式中正确的选项是 〔 〕 A .碳酸钠溶液与盐酸 Na 2CO 3+2H + 2Na ++CO 2↑+H 2O B .硫酸铜溶液中通入硫化氢 Cu 2++H 2S CuS ↓+2H + C .氧化铝溶液中加入过量氨水 A13++4NH 3·H 2O A1O 2-+4NH 4++2H 2O D .碳酸氢铵溶液中加入过量氢氧化钠溶液 HCO 3-+OH - CO 32-+H 2O 12.碱性电池具有容量大、放电电流大的特点,因而得到广泛的应用。锌一锰碱性电池以氢 氧化钾溶液为电解液,电池总反应式为:Zn 〔s 〕+2Mn 〔s 〕+H 2O 〔1〕 Zn 〔OH 〕


览鄂西民俗知长阳土家 在鄂西南有一条美丽的长江支流,名为清江。而在清江的下游则有一个富有民族特色与历史的地域——长阳。“长阳历史代远年长。古代文献的记载和考古发掘的文物,都雄辩地证明了从远古到当代,人类在清江流域的活动从未停止过。旧石器时代中期,有距今18.5万年的“长阳人”穴居洞中,茹毛饮血,生息繁衍。新石器时代晚期,又有巴人著名首领廪君披荆斩棘,开疆扩土,成为雄霸一方的部落联盟首领。” 作为巴人后代,亦是少数民族之一——土家族,生长于巴人故里——湖北省宜昌市长阳县土家族自治县,谈及名俗,亦如家珍一一细数。 其一、长阳文化。 歌舞。“长阳文化灿烂,素有“歌舞之乡”之称,长阳山歌、长阳南曲、巴山舞被誉为“长阳文化三件宝”,奇石、盆景、根艺被誉为“长阳文化产业三件宝”。长阳巴山舞曾获全国广场舞比赛“群星奖”金奖,大型土家婚俗歌舞剧《土里巴人》曾获全国“五个一工程奖”。2006年,土家族“撒叶儿嗬”入选国家首届非物质文化遗产保护项目,并在2007年十四届全国广场舞蹈比赛中荣膺群星奖。长阳山歌、南曲、长阳薅草锣鼓和都镇湾故事入选省级第一批非物质文化遗产保护名录。2008年,由我县“农民兄弟”王爱民、王爱华与苗族姑娘组成的“土苗兄妹”组合在央视第13届青年歌手大奖赛原生态唱法中荣获金奖。 作为少数民族自治县,教育上十分注重少数民族文化的学习与传承,了解巴人历史,学习巴山舞。自小学至高中,课间操时间锻炼内容除了国家广播体操外更有民族舞蹈——巴山舞。于是,长阳人民无论老少,无一不会跳巴山舞,无一不知巴人文化者。 长阳文化另有一文化即茶艺文化:四道茶。 “四道茶具有独特的喻意。一道茶——“罐罐茶”,用来招待日常来客。其制作方式:先将铜壶置于明火上,斟水加热,另将小陶罐在微火边翻烤,待发烫时放入茶叶半两,不停颠簸烘烤,直至茶香时,入开水冲泡,两分钟后分敬客人。二道茶——鸡蛋茶,是用来招待“嘎嘎客”的。也就是家中添小孩后,整“祝米酒”时才上鸡蛋茶。其做法:将煮好的荷包蛋用碗分装,每碗一个,再加白糖,放上一支竹筷子,喻意一生平安,健康成长。三道茶——阴米茶,是用在婚宴酒席前食用。作法是用糖水冲泡炒熟的米花。四道茶——酥茶汤,在冬


甘肃兰州一中2013—2014学年度下学期期末考试 高二英语试题 【试卷综评】本试卷以新课标为指导,从学什么,考什么的原则出发,遵循“题在书中”,既重基础又注重综合能力的提高。围绕书本内容设计基础能力题,旨在考查教师平时在该部分教学执行情况,特别是语法填空、短文改错和单词拼写等都考查了学生的基础知识的理解和运用情况。阅读理解选材具有时代性,紧密联系生活实际,选项设计灵活合理,注重考查学生的阅读理解能力。书面表达是关于人们工作方式的议论文,学生对此类话题很感兴趣,因此他们会有话可说、可写,考查了学生的基础知识应用能力。总之,本次期末试卷难度适中,是一份质量较高的试卷。 说明:本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,满分100分,考试时间100分钟。答案写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡。 一.单项选择(每题1分,共15分) 1. In the eyes of _____ local people, the young soldier is _____ second to none, for he managed to save _____ old lady at the risk of his life. A. /; /; the B. the; the; the C. the; /; an D. /; a; an 知识点:冠词 解析:选C,第一空是特指,当地的人们;第二空不需要冠词,second to none举世无双,首屈一指;第三个空是不定代词,表示“一位”。故选C。 技巧点拨:牢记冠词用法。 典型总结:不定冠词的用法:1) 表示某一类人或某事物中的任何一个,经常用在第一次提到某人或某物时,用不定冠词起介绍作用,表示一个。如:I gave him a book yesterday. 我昨天给了他一本书。2) 表示人或事物的某一种类, 强调整体, 即以其中的一个代表一类。如:A horse is useful to mankind. 马对人类有用。3) 不定冠词用在事物的"单位"前,如时间, 速度, 价格等意义的名词之前,表示"每一"。如:We often go to school two times a day. 我们常常一天两次去学校。4)用在序数词前表示“再一”、“又一”。如:I want to go there a second time 我想再一次去那里。5)不定冠词用来指某人某物,但不具体说明任何人或任何物。如:A boy came to see you a moment ago. 刚才有一个小孩来找你。 2. By the time you have finished this book, your meal ____ cold. A. gets B. has got C. will get D. is getting 知识点:时态 解析:选C,by the time引导的是时间状语从句,主句应用将来时,故选C。 技巧点拨:读题意,找关键,定时态。 3. The origin of Chinese culture ____ more than 5,000 years ago. A. is dated back to B. dates back to C. is dated from D. dates back 知识点:时态和语态 解析:选B,题干中缺少谓语动词,date back to追溯到,date为不及物动词,不用被动语态,故选B。 技巧点拨:读题意,找关键,定时态。 4. Studying Wendy’s menu, I found that many of the items are similar to ____ of McDonald’s. A. ones B. those C. any D. that 知识点:代词

湖北省长阳一中2019届高三12月月考 地理

湖北省长阳一中2019届高三12月月考 考试时间:90分钟试卷总分:100分 一、选择题(共25个小题,每小题2分,共50分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合 题目要求的) 下图为“南半球某地正午太阳高度变化示意图”,读图回答1-2题。 1.图中最接近春分日的是()A.①B.②C.③D.④ 2.该地纬度约为()A.10°S B.20°S C.40°S D.60°S 水量盈余率是衡量水库蓄水量变化的重要指标(水量盈余率=流入量/流出量),下表为某水库 3.该水库储水量最大的月份是()A.9月B.3月C.6月D.12月 4.该水库是有可能位于()A.中国B.马来西亚C.意大利D.南非 气压分布,读图完成5-6题。

5.导致该大陆一月.七月气压状况不同的主要原因是() ①海陆热力性质差异②太阳直射点的季节移动 ③地形起伏④洋流分布 A.①②B.②③C.②⑤D.①④ 6.一月份甲地的盛行风向是()A.东南风B.西南风C.东北风D.西北风 下图为“某地一年中气温日变化的分布图”,读图回答7-9题。 7.该地4月份气温日较差可能为()A.9℃B.6℃C.5℃D.4℃ 8.图中能够说明该地气候干燥时陆地吸热增温迅速的时段是()A.1月0-6时B.3月7-12时 C.7月9-15时D.10月12-18时 9.该地区最有可能位于()A.加尔各答B.武汉C.北京D.悉尼 10.为了降低生产成本,该类企业由广州向武汉转移,其考虑的主要因素是()A.技术B.原料C.劳动力D.市场 11.关于该类企业转移,其造成的影响可能有()A.不利于转出地产业结构升级B.促进转入地工业化和城市化的发展 C.转致转入地大量农民工失业D.提高了转出地该类产品的市场价格 下表为两地区农业基本情况比较表。读表完成12-13题。


2019-2020学年甘肃省兰州一中高一(上)期末数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1.(5分)直线30x y a +-=的倾斜角为( ) A .30? B .60? C .120? D .150? 2.(5分)某人用如图所示的纸片沿折痕折后粘成一个四棱锥形的“走马灯“,正方形做灯底,且有一个三角形面上写上了“年”字,当灯旋转时,正好看到“新年快乐”的字样, 则在①、②、③处可依次写上( ) A .乐、新、快 B .快、新、乐 C .新、乐、快 D .乐、快、新 3.(5分)正方体ABCD A B C D -''''中,直线D A '与DB 所成的角为( ) A .30? B .45? C .60? D .90? 4.(5分)正六棱锥底面边长为a 33,则侧棱与底面所成的角为( ) A .30? B .45? C .60? D .75? 5.(5分)已知α,β是平面,m ,n 是直线,给出下列命题: ①若m α⊥,m β?,则αβ⊥. ②若m α?,n α?,//m β,//n β,则//αβ. ③如果m α?,n α?/,m 、n 是异面直线,那么n 与α相交. ④若m αβ=I ,//n m ,且n α?/,n β? /,则//n α且//n β. 其中正确命题的个数是( ) A .4 B .3 C .2 D .1 6.(5分)如图,一个水平放置的平面图形的斜二测直观图是一个底角为45?,腰和上底均 为1的等腰梯形,那么原平面图形的面积是( )

A .122+ B .21+ C .12+ D .22+ 7.(5分)已知两定点(3,5)A -,(2,8)B ,动点P 在直线10x y -+=上,则||||PA PB +的最小值为( ) A .513 B .34 C .55 D .226 8.(5分)已知正四棱锥的底面边长为4,侧棱长为26,则该正四棱锥外接球的表面积为 ( ) A .16π B .24π C .36π D .64π 9.(5分)棱台上、下底面面积之比为1:9,则棱台的中截面分棱台成两部分的体积之比是( ) A .1:7 B .2:7 C .7:19 D .5:16 10.(5分)若某多面体的三视图(单位:)cm 如图所示,则此多面体的体积是( ) A .316cm B .312cm C .313cm D .323 cm 11.(5分)已知圆的方程2225x y +=,过(4,3)M -作直线MA ,MB 与圆交于点A ,B , 且MA ,MB 关于直线3y =对称,则直线AB 的斜率等于( ) A .43- B .34- C .54- D .45 - 12.(5分)数学家欧拉在1765年提出定理:三角形的外心、重心、垂心依次位于同一直线上,且重心到外心的距离是重心到垂心距离的一半.这条直线被后人称之为三角形的欧拉


湖北省长阳县第一高级中学2019届高三文综训练四历史试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.子曰:“管仲相桓公,霸诸侯,一匡天下,民到于今受其赐。”孔子称赞管仲,是因为管仲辅佐齐桓公() ①恢复了周礼 ②尊崇周王,会盟诸侯 ③实行“初税亩” ④北御夷狄,南制楚蛮 A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④2.“宗”是一个会意字,在甲骨文中,宗字作“”,“”象宫室屋宇之形,“”可能表示 A.青铜兵器 B.铁制农具 C.皇帝宝座 D.祖先牌位 3.唐宋时期,地方官任职避亲、避籍渐成定制。该制度旨在() A.瓦解宗法体系B.防止地方势力膨胀 C.健全地方行政机构D.完善地方监察制度 4.以下是某一时期的诗人分布示意图。根据所学知识判断,这一时期应该是 A.春秋战国B.秦汉C.隋唐D.两宋 5.张謇评论某人时说:“以四朝之元老,筹三省之海防,统胜兵精卒五十营,设机厂、学堂六七处,历时二十年之久,用财数千万之多……曾无一端立于可战之地,以善可和

之局。”张謇评论的是 A.曾国藩B.李鸿章C.张之洞D.袁世凯6.1936年12月28日,美国《时代》周刊以大量篇幅报道了西安事变,而封面人物选择的是正在视察军队的日本裕仁天皇。这反应映出《时代》周刊 A.意在鼓动日本,实现东亚共荣B.希望示好日本,结成美日同盟 C.主张压制中国,渗透美国势力D.关注中国局势,担心中日战争7.“中国为酷爱和平之民族,过去四年余之神圣抗战,原期侵略者之日本于遭受实际之惩创后,终能反省……不料残暴成性之日本,执迷不悟,且更悍然向我英美诸友邦开衅……兹特正式对日宣战”。这一告示发表的历史背景() A.九一八事变爆发B.全面抗战开始 C.太平洋战争爆发D.国共合作宣言公布 8.《光绪朝东华录》载清末颁布的一份懿旨称:“嗣后乡试会试及科举考等,悉照旧制,乃以四书文试贴经文策问等项分别考试。经济特科,易滋流弊,并着既行停罢。”与这一懿旨的颁布有直接关系的历史事件是 A.百日维新B.戊戌变法 C.清末新政D.预备立宪 9.据新华社对1972年1~9月外交情况的统计,中国接待外国官员和政府代表团三十多起,访问中国的有来自世界五大洲的政府代表团和各界人士。到1972年底和中国建立外交关系的国家达88个,和1969年底相比,三年内翻了一番。材料表明中国 A.重点建立与亚非的外交关系 B.开始独立自主地步入围际舞台 C.切实推进新型区域外交合作 D.打破美国孤立遏制的外交僵局 10.早期罗马实行习惯法,贵族享有法律解释权。公元前5世纪中期,平民通过斗争迫使贵族同意成立由平民和贵族联合组成的“十人委员会”,制定了《十二铜表法》。该法的制定 A.体现了社会各阶级的利益与要求B.标志着平民取得了立法主导权 C.表明贵族的法律解释权得到认可D.奠定了罗马成文法传统的基础11.1917年4月,列宁根据当时俄国政局的特点。不赞成立即推翻临时政府,主张首先争取全部政权归苏维埃,然后再把小资产阶级政党排除出苏维埃,建立无产阶级专政。列宁提出这一主张的重要依据是 A.存在着两个政权并存局面B.世界大战尚未结束
