


英美文学专业开题报告 引导语:各民族的文学中都有许多惊险、恐怖的故事,但似乎没有哪一种文学像英美文学那样不仅创作出数量众多、质量优秀的恐怖文学作品,而且还形成了一个持续发展、影响广泛的哥特传统。以下 是的为大家找到的英美文学专业开题报告。希望能够帮助到大家! 论文题目theApplicationandInnovation 一、选题的意义和研究现状 1.选题的目的、理论意义和现实意义长时期以来,人们视艾米莉?勃朗特为英国文学中的“斯芬克斯”。关于她本人和她的作品都有很多难解之谜,许多评论家从不同的角度、采用不同的方法去研究,得出了不同的结论,因而往往是旧谜刚解,新谜又出,解谜热潮似永无休止。 本文立足于欧美文学中的哥特传统研究《呼啸山庄》的创作源泉,指出艾米莉?勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统,同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力,将现实 与超现实融为一体,给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鲜 活力,达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完美统一,使《呼啸山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”,又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”,从而展现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。 2.与选题相关的国内外研究和发展概况 各民族的文学中都有许多惊险、恐怖的故事,但似乎没有哪一种文学像英美文学那样不仅创作出数量众多、质量优秀的恐怖文学作品,而且还形成了一个持续发展、影响广泛的哥特传统

(Gothictradition)。哥特文学现在已经成为英美文学研究中的一个重要领域。对哥特文学的认真研究开始于20世纪二三十年代,到70年代以后,由于新的学术思潮和文学批评观念的影响,该研究出现了前所未有而且日趋高涨的热潮。 根据在国际互联网上的搜索,到2000年9月为止,英美等国的学者除发表了大量关于哥特文学的论文外,还至少出版专著达184部,其中1970年以后为126部,仅90年代就达59部,几乎占总数的三分之一。当然,近年来哥特文学研究的状况不仅在于研究成果迅速增加,更重要的是它在深度和广度方面都大为拓展,并且把哥特传统同英美乃至欧洲的历史、社会、文化和文学的总体发展结合起来。 二、研究方案 1.研究的基本内容及预期的结果(大纲)研究的基本内容:本文立足于欧美文学中的哥特传统研究《呼啸山庄》的创作源泉,指出艾米莉?勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统,同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力,将现实与超现实融为一体,给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鲜活力,达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完美统一,使《呼啸山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”,又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”,从而展现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。 预期的结果(大纲): 1.ASurveyofGothic1.1DefinitionofGothic 1.2theOriginofGothicNovels


2014 Final Exam Study Guide for American Literature Class Plan of Final Exam 1.Best Choice Question 10% 2.True or False Question 10% 3.Definition 10% 4.Give Brief Answers to Questions 30% 5.Critical Comments 40% American Literature Review Poe’s Poetic Ideas; Major Ideas in Emerson’s “Nature”; Whitman’s Style; Formal Features of Dickinson’s Poetry; Analysis of “Miniver Cheevy” by Edwin Arlington Robinson; Comment on “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost; Naturalistic reading of Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser; The Theme and Techniques in Eliot’s “The Waste Land”; Theme and Technique in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald; Comment on Hemingway’s style and theme in A Farewell to Arms; Analysis of “Dry September” by William Faulkner; Literary terms: Transcendentalism American Naturalism The Lost Generation The Jazz Age Free Verse The Iceberg Analogy


教材分析: 勃拉姆斯的这首《摇篮曲》是一首民歌风格的歌曲,作于1868年。它通过强弱拍节奏的起伏,来塑造摇篮摆动的形象。曲调优美抒情,语气安详平缓,细腻地勾画出一幅母亲对孩子亲切祝福的动人画面,也表达了人类最崇高的感情-母爱。这首歌曲虽为3/4拍,但作曲家巧妙地从第三拍起音,把节奏进行了细致的改变,将节拍的舞曲化性格化为内在的韵律,使音乐更富于徐缓的叙事语气,而适于语义。 学情分析: 从歌曲的主题入手,让学生感受到爱中的另一个层次,爱分很多种有:博爱、母爱、情爱等,在这其中感受最普通而又伟大的爱-母爱。让学生从浅显的意识中懂得其中的意义。 教学目标: 1、情感目标:欣赏与“母爱”有关的艺术作品,感悟其中蕴含的情感,引发学生的关注和思考。 2、知识与技能目标:把握摇篮曲的音乐特征,用连贯、流畅、甜美、柔和的声音演唱《摇篮曲》;鼓励学生进行创作表演,培养学生自主创新能力和合作意识,了解摇篮曲的音乐体裁。 教学重点和难点: 1、装饰音(倚音)的唱法 2、引导学生用连贯柔和的声音演唱《摇篮曲》 3、节拍的强弱处理,八度大跳及高音的演唱

二、欣赏与感受1、师弹奏歌曲《世上只有妈妈 好》,学生齐唱。 师:这首歌的名字是什么每当你 听到或唱起这首歌时,你的心情 怎样有什么感受下面请同学来 谈谈自己在唱这首歌的心情和 感受。 师:是的,世上只有妈妈好,只 有妈妈的爱是最伟大的,最无私 的。古今中外许多的艺术家,都 以不同的艺术形式来歌颂伟大 的母爱。刚才我们唱的在这首 《世上只有妈妈好》就是以优美 的旋律来歌颂母爱,下面我们看 看诗人和画家是如何来表现母 爱的。 2、学生欣赏古诗《游子吟》及 图片 师:在我们中国古代,有位诗人, 在他50岁的时候写了一首歌颂 母爱的诗,这首诗脍炙人口,流 传至今,不知你们学过没有有那 位同学能朗诵一下这首诗 学生有感情地朗诵了《游子吟》。 师生共同讨论这首诗的含义和 所要表达的感情。 师:而行千里母担忧,这首诗抒 发了母亲对孩子深深的爱,以及 孩子对母亲浓浓的感激之情,你 们从小到大是母亲含辛茹苦的 把你们带大,同学们想像一下, 你们小时候,躺在摇篮里,母亲 一边哼着摇篮曲,一边哄着你们 睡觉,那是多么温馨甜美,今天 我们就要学一首以母爱为主题 的歌曲《摇篮曲》。 回答问题 学生有感情地朗诵了《游子吟》。 【设计意图:创设情景,让学 生很快进入今天的主题,更 快更好地进入到良好的音乐 氛围中。】 三、新课学习1、师弹琴范唱歌曲《摇篮曲》【设计意图:音乐是情感的艺术,充分发挥教师在教学中的主导作用,引导学生感受和体验歌曲的速度、力度和情绪,把握歌曲风格特征。激发学生学习兴趣。】


《摇篮曲》勃拉姆斯教学设计 教材分析: 勃拉姆斯的这首《摇篮曲》是一首民歌风格的歌曲,作于1868年。它通过强弱拍节奏的起伏,来塑造摇篮摆动的形象。曲调优美抒情,语气安详平缓,细腻地勾画出一幅母亲对孩子亲切祝福的动人画面,也表达了人类最崇高的感情-母爱。这首歌曲虽为3/4拍,但作曲家巧妙地从第三拍起音,把节奏进行了细致的改变,将节拍的舞曲化性格化为内在的韵律,使音乐更富于徐缓的叙事语气,而适于语义。 学情分析: 从歌曲的主题入手,让学生感受到爱中的另一个层次,爱分很多种有:博爱、母爱、情爱等,在这其中感受最普通而又伟大的爱-母爱。让学生从浅显的意识中懂得其中的意义。 教学目标: 1、情感目标:欣赏与“母爱”有关的艺术作品,感悟其中蕴含的情感,引发学生的关注和思考。 2、知识与技能目标:把握摇篮曲的音乐特征,用连贯、流畅、甜美、柔和的声音演唱《摇篮曲》;鼓励学生进行创作表演,培养学生自主创新能力和合作意识,了解摇篮曲的音乐体裁。 教学重点和难点: 1、装饰音(倚音)的唱法 2、引导学生用连贯柔和的声音演唱《摇篮曲》 3、节拍的强弱处理,八度大跳及高音的演唱

(生)老师你好! 二、欣赏与感受1、师弹奏歌曲《世上只有妈妈 好》,学生齐唱。 师:这首歌的名字是什么?每当你 听到或唱起这首歌时,你的心情 怎样?有什么感受?下面请同学来 谈谈自己在唱这首歌的心情和 感受。 师:是的,世上只有妈妈好,只有 妈妈的爱是最伟大的,最无私 的。古今中外许多的艺术家,都 以不同的艺术形式来歌颂伟大 的母爱。刚才我们唱的在这首 《世上只有妈妈好》就是以优美 的旋律来歌颂母爱,下面我们看 看诗人和画家是如何来表现母 爱的。 2、学生欣赏古诗《游子吟》及 图片 师:在我们中国古代,有位诗人, 在他50岁的时候写了一首歌颂 母爱的诗,这首诗脍炙人口,流 传至今,不知你们学过没有?有那 位同学能朗诵一下这首诗? 学生有感情地朗诵了《游子吟》。 师生共同讨论这首诗的含义和 所要表达的感情。 师:而行千里母担忧,这首诗抒发 了母亲对孩子深深的爱,以及孩 子对母亲浓浓的感激之情,你们 从小到大是母亲含辛茹苦的把 你们带大,同学们想像一下,你 们小时候,躺在摇篮里,母亲一 边哼着摇篮曲,一边哄着你们睡 觉,那是多么温馨甜美,今天我 们就要学一首以母爱为主题的 歌曲《摇篮曲》。 回答问题 学生有感情地朗诵了《游子吟》。 【设计意图:创设情景,让学 生很快进入今天的主题,更 快更好地进入到良好的音乐 氛围中。】 三、新课学习1、师弹琴范唱歌曲《摇篮曲》【设计意图:音乐是情感的艺术,充分发挥教师在教学中的主导作用,引导学生感受和体验歌曲的速度、力度和情绪,把握歌曲风格特征。

高中英语选修课:英语文学欣赏 Sister Carrie 学生版讲义资料

Chapter III WEE QUESTION OF FORTUNE--FOUR-FIFTY A WEEK Once across the river and into the wholesale district, she glanced about her for some likely door at which to apply. As she contemplated the wide windows and imposing signs, she became conscious of being gazed upon and understood for what she was--a wage-seeker. She had never done this thing before, and lacked courage. To avoid a certain indefinable shame she felt at being caught spying about for a position, she quickened her steps and assumed an air of indifference supposedly common to one upon an errand. In this way she passed many manufacturing and wholesale houses without once glancing in. At last, after several blocks of walking, she felt that this would not do, and began to look about again, though without relaxing her pace. A little way on she saw a great door which, for some reason, attracted her attention. It was ornamented by a small brass sign, and seemed to be the entrance to a vast hive of six or seven floors. "Perhaps," she thought, "They may want some one," and crossed over to enter. When she came within a score of feet of the desired goal, she saw through the window a young man in a grey checked suit. That he had anything to do with the concern, she could not tell, but because he happened to be looking in her direction her weakening heart misgave her and she hurried by, too overcome with shame to enter. Over the way stood a great six- story structure, labelled Storm and King, which she viewed with rising hope. It was a wholesale dry goods concern and employed women. She could see them moving about now and then upon the upper floors. This place she decided to enter, no matter what. She crossed over and walked directly toward the entrance. As she did so, two men came out and paused in the door. A telegraph messenger in blue dashed past her and up the few steps that led to the entrance and disappeared. Several pedestrians out of the hurrying throng which filled the sidewalks passed about her as she paused, hesitating. She looked helplessly around, and then, seeing herself observed, retreated. It was too difficult a task. She could not go past them. So severe a defeat told sadly upon her nerves. Her feet carried her mechanically forward, every foot of her progress being a satisfactory portion of a flight which she gladly made. Block after block passed by. Upon streetlamps at the various corners she read names such as Madison, Monroe, La Salle, Clark, Dearborn, State, and still she went, her feet beginning to tire upon the broad stone flagging. She was pleased in part that the streets were bright and clean. The morning sun, shining down with steadily increasing warmth, made the shady side of the streets pleasantly cool. She looked at the blue sky overhead with more realisation of its charm than had ever come to her before. Her cowardice began to trouble her in a way. She turned back, resolving to hunt up Storm and King and enter. On the way, she encountered a great wholesale shoe company, through the broad plate windows of which she saw an enclosed executive


勃拉姆斯《摇篮曲》教学设计 深圳市龙岗职业技术学校肖文胜 教学理念 1、声乐是幼儿师范专业必修的专业技能课,是幼儿教师必备的基本功。我们的教学是培养能胜任幼儿园教学活动的合格的教师。 2、以学生为主体,着力培养学生的自我学习能力,大胆渗透新的学习方法和教学方法,激发学生学习音乐的兴趣,培养学生的创新意识和能力,强化学生知识技能。 教学内容分析: 勃拉姆斯《摇篮曲》是德国作曲家勃拉姆斯的著名代表作品之一,歌曲结构短小,共四个乐向,八度大跳及高音演唱是本曲的难点,应在理解歌曲情感基础上,合理运用气息支持,安排好呼吸来练唱,八度大跳的演唱做到过渡平稳、连贯,练唱全曲时力求声音连贯、流畅、平稳、柔和。 教材分析: 勃拉姆斯《摇篮曲》选自人民教育出版社幼儿师范学校教科书《唱歌》第一册第六单元。本课是本单元中以母爱为题材的一个作品,通过学习,能帮助学生了解摇篮曲的有关知识,把握摇篮曲的音乐特征,学会用连贯、柔美的声音演唱摇篮曲,从而增强学生的艺术修养和知识技能。 教学对象分析: 本节课的教学对象为中职幼师班一年级二期的学生,学生通过一学期的学习,对歌唱发声技巧有初步的认识和感受,但毕竟学习声乐时间还较短,且由于年龄特征、生活经验等因素,学生对作品的把握、声乐技巧的运用都不够成熟深入,需要教师通过教学进一步引导提高。 学生特点:喜欢下载音乐,较喜欢唱歌,但羞于在众人面前演唱,需多些机会锻炼,以提高展示自我的能力。 教学目标: 1、情感目标:感悟歌曲蕴含的情感,深化音乐体验,激发歌唱情感。 2、知识技能目标:把握摇篮曲的音乐特征,用连贯、流畅、甜美、柔和的声音演唱本曲。

3、自主创新目标:鼓励学生进行即兴创编与表演,培养学生自主创新的习惯与能力,为学生将来胜任幼儿音乐教学活动奠定良好基础。 教学重点和难点 教学重点:感受音乐情感,用连贯、柔和的声音来演唱歌曲。 教学难点:八度大跳及高音的演唱 教学策略: 学生是学习和发展的主体,教师是学习的主导,以学生为主体,结合学生实际,采用以下方法实施教学: (一)感受体验法 运用多媒体课件辅助教学,让学生在感受音乐、体验音乐基础上,把握歌曲内涵,激发学生情感。 (二)示范法 通过教师声乐示范,让学生在聆听过程中,开动脑筋,审听声音效果,使学生更直接地领会教师提出的要求。 (三)设问引导法 教师设问,巧妙引导,让学生带着问题学习,激发学生的学习兴趣。 (四)巧设铺垫法 歌唱发声的心理障碍是声乐学习的“拦路虎”,运用心理教学法精心设置铺垫,把歌曲中八度大跳和演唱高音的难点分解到发声练习、歌曲视谱及练唱歌曲中解决,让学生在循序渐进中自然渡过难关,避免学生产生恐惧演唱高音的心理,培养学生积极、健康的歌唱状态。 (五)教师暗授学法,让学生充分发挥主体作用,自主合作探究学习,如:学生课前收集资料、下载摇篮曲音乐、自主创编表演等。在练唱歌曲时,学生主要采用审听模唱法、对比演唱法、形象记忆法、情绪记忆法等。 教学准备:要求学生收集有关摇篮曲的资料(如摇篮曲的来历、风格特点、音乐等),并准备以小组的形式汇报。 教师准备相关资料,制作音乐课件。 教学用具:音乐课件、多媒体、钢琴等。 教学课时:二课时,课间休息十分钟,每节课40分钟,小组集体课。 教学过程: 一、组织教学


目的。笔者曾进行了这方面的一个实验;对乐理、视唱程度相当的A、B两个班,在讲小调式时,A班此时视唱只唱小调式作品,边唱边分析;B班只在乐理课上选一些典型作品作简单分析,而视唱课对小调作品概不介绍,结果发现A班大部分同学对小调式的特点掌握清晰、分析作品透彻,而B班多数同学对小调式作品的分析仍感糊涂。 (二)乐理和视唱由同一老师任教,选用乐理与视唱进度相当、联系密切的教材。 两门课由同一老师任教,这样就使老师对两门课的进度有更好的把握,从而做到在教学内容上的衔接,使乐理教学与视唱教学融为一体。现在有些院校已开始了这方面的尝试,如河南的黄河科技学院,商丘师院等。据笔者了解,由同一个老师任教班级学生的乐理视唱学习效果明显好于非同一教师任教的班级。 教材的选择对教学影响极大,原来的视唱教材极少有乐理内容,而乐理教材中的谱例也不多。目前新的教材已改变了这种状况,现在视唱教材中有了很好的理论知识讲授,如许敬行、孙虹编著,高教出版社出版的《视唱练习》。乐理教材有了更多的谱例,如贾方爵编著、 西南师大出版社出版的《基本乐理》。选用此种联系密切的教材, 教师在教学的过程中更易做到理论联系实际,学生在自学时也更易理解。 (三)加强乐理、视唱教学与其他科目的横向联系 音乐中的许多课程,如欣赏、民族民间音乐、合唱、音乐史等的学习对学生综合专业素质的提高有很大帮助,对它们的学习与对乐理和视唱的学习又能达到互相促进的目的。在乐理学教学中,学生最易迷惑的就是调式调性的判断,而进行调式判断时首先要靠听觉分辨作品的五声性和西方性。但如何能够分辨其是五声性作品还是西方调式体系作品,靠的是学生对音乐的基本鉴赏力。这就要求学生平时在欣赏课上要认真去听、去辨别,而欣赏老师也应该对不同体裁的音乐作品进行详细的讲解,并引导学生去辨别。经过这样长期的训练,学生对于不同地域、不同风格的音乐作品都有了了解和掌握,辨别调式的问题自然迎刃而解。同样,民族民间课程的学习对于学生了解和掌握各民族的音乐风格、特点起重要作用。经过同学们对民歌、戏曲等曲型片断的实际训练,在视唱这些有特点的作品时,其音乐风格的把握就会更好一些,因律制原因产生的音准问题也会大大减少,学生对民族风格的视唱会唱得更有味,把握得更准确。在这方面,如果乐理和视唱课需要,可会同其他科目的教师对教学进度、教学内容作一些适当的调整,使之与乐理、视唱教学相适应。如有必要,也可请这方面的专家,就某一问题进行一次讲座,以加深同学们对某些问题的理解。教师亦可有目的地向学生介绍一些此方面的书籍,让学生去阅读;介绍一些音响资料,让学生有目的地听,从而拓宽学生的知识面,进而更好地学习和掌握乐理和视唱。 总之,视唱与乐理相结合并密切联系相关科目的教学方法,不仅可以使学生增加对音乐理论的感性认识,加强视唱时的理论指导,更增加了视唱课的趣味性,使乐理不再枯燥,视唱课不再单调。 当然,加强乐理、视唱与其他科目教学的联系并不是说这些课程什么地方都可以互融。有些乐理知识如音律很难让学生唱出来。但这并不能否认加强视唱、乐理与其他学科教学联系的必要性。 作者简介:刘建坤,商丘师范学院音乐系教师。 一、美国自然主义的产生 内战之后,美国处于一段相对和平的时期,资本主义经济蓬勃发展。然而,在经济发展的背后,人们却普遍产生了一种悲观情绪,传统的理想主义被抛弃,宇宙的在规律性和机械性中蕴涵的漠然性使其变成了人类的敌人,至少已经不是人类慈祥的朋友。斯蒂芬?克莱恩(Stephen Crane(1871-1900))的一首小诗God is cold[1] 便生动地反映了这种状况: 一个人对宇宙说:/“阁下,我存在的!”/“不过,”传来宇宙的回答,/“你的存在虽是事实,却/并没有使我产生义务感。” 对这一思潮起决定性作用的是达尔文的进化论(Theory of Evolution)。达尔文认为:影响生物进化的因素有三种,即:自然选择、性的选择及个体有生之期获得特性的遗传。进化论的诞生,是对传统神学及理想主义神学的全盘否定,它取消了上帝设计师和创造者的地位,进而强调人类产生过程的机械性,以及人类进化过程的因果循环性。受其影响,悲观、忧郁的新自然哲学应运而生。新自然哲学指出,自然是一座对人类遭遇无动于衷的庞大机器,人类在自然中必然要为生存而相互竞争,而且,部分人的毁灭是人类进步中不可避免的现象。 悲观的新自然哲学在文学中的反映就是产生悲观宿命的自然主义文学。英国哲学家赫伯特?斯宾塞(HerbertSpencer)的“社会达尔文主义” (Social Darwinism)以及美国内战后的社会状况,对自然主义在美国的产生和发展起了极大的作用。当时的主要作家往往把人置于庞大的自然和社会背景中,从而显示其渺小、脆弱以及无可奈何。 "生存"是人类活动的最高目标,道德规范对于实际生活已经毫无意义。 在美国自然主义文学中,最为突出的代表是西奥多?德莱塞。 二、德莱塞在美国文学史上的地位 西奥多?德莱塞 [Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)]是美国现代小说的先驱和代表作家,被认为是同海明威、福《嘉莉妹妹》是美国自然主义文学大师西奥多?德莱塞的处女作和成名作。自然主义在书中 主要表现为作者对失败者的深刻同情。 《嘉莉妹妹》中 自然主义赏析 文/姚晓鸣 编辑:冯彬彬 69 美与时代 2003.11下

四年级下册音乐教案-第6课 摇篮曲 勃拉姆斯曲 人音版

摇篮曲勃拉姆斯曲 一.教学目标 学科性目标:了解摇篮曲的音乐体裁,在欣赏活动中感受摇篮曲安静,优美,的音乐特征. 教育性目标::通过欣赏<摇篮曲>,感悟音乐中蕴含的情感,引发学生关注和思考世界上最伟大的母爱. 创新性目标:艺术源于生活,生活还能创造艺术,让学生通过感受创造与表现音乐. 二.重点难点 教学重点:认识了解摇篮曲的体裁及音乐特点,能够模唱主题旋律,音乐基础好的同学可以加歌词有感情表演唱. 教学难点:了解二段体曲式结构,能够用丰富的表情夸张地动作再现音乐. 三.教学过程 活动1【导入】新歌导入 1.师生问好 Wu——| Wu——| Wu——| 同学们,大家好! 2.教师过渡语:首先老师想邀请大家跟我跳一支舞蹈好不好? 律动《摇篮曲》 评价语:棒极了,请坐! 3.设问:谁来说一说什么心情? 4.过渡语:刚才的这段音乐让我们感觉到轻柔,甜美,宁静,温馨,幸福,是不是这样?同学们用语言表达了自己的情绪,那你们想不想知道这首乐曲叫什么名字啊?(想)3.通过乐曲的体验引出课题 引出课题: 它的名字叫做,一起来念一下:《摇篮曲》活动2【讲授】乐曲欣赏 1.讲解摇篮曲的相关知识。设问:猜一猜吧,它为什么叫摇篮曲?引导学习并总结:它叫摇篮曲因为它的曲调优美抒情,速度稍慢,能够抚慰小宝宝焦躁的情绪,还能带小宝宝走进最温柔的梦乡。所以它叫摇篮曲。 2.过渡语:其实摇篮曲最早啊,源自妈妈哄婴儿入睡而唱的歌曲,后来慢慢形成了摇篮曲这种独立的音乐体裁。 3.好啦,现在老师演奏三种乐器的声音,请同学们认真听一听,然后告诉老师你们觉得更喜欢用哪种乐器来演奏夜晚中的摇篮曲?(出示图片,口琴,小号,钢片琴) 4.引导学生表演:有看过钢片琴演奏的同学吗?请你摆一个演奏钢片琴的姿势?谁来做一个?(123开始,好极了,咱们大家一起来做一下)


s i s t e r c a r r i e赏析自动保 存的 The latest revision on November 22, 2020

《Sister Carrie》 The author of the book is Theodore Dreiser, a famous realistic writer in Amaican literature history .Realism follows the rule of nature “survival of fittest”.《Sister Carrie》 is a representative of realism which describes a poor countryside girl′s life c hange after her arrival to ,cruel reality makes Carrie feel lonely and she cohabited with Drouet,a young playboy ,Drouet offered her a easier life .Later,she married with Hrustwood ,who had didn′t have a better life in New York. after they spent the money Hurstwood stole from his ex-wife .At the end of the book, Hrustwood died in a shabby little hotel,and Carrie became a famous star and be in high social classes. Lost the job in shoe-making factory is just the turning point in Carrie′s life ,the turning point of her final success and survie she had to rely on someone .On the surface, writer is describing Carrie′s miserable suffering telling readers that is always very hard for woman .However ,to explore the deep meaning .Carrie is just a representative of the people from working-class who are oppressed by the capitalist .Dreiser shows sympathy to them and reveals the social ′s success is driven by dream and wants to change her destiny she is eager to climb into the high social matter how pimping you are ,dream is important and essential to future success because dream or ambution has the power to drive you forward.


《Sister Carrie》 The author of the book is Theodore Dreiser, a famous realistic writer in Amaican literature history .Realism follows the rule of nature “survival of fittest”.《Sister Carrie》is a representative of realism which describes a poor countryside girl′s life change after her arrival to Chicago.However ,cruel reality makes Carrie feel lonely and unhappy.Then she cohabited with Drouet,a young playboy ,Drouet offered her a easier life .Later,she married with Hrustwood ,who had married.They didn′t have a better life in New York. after they spent the money Hurstwood stole from his ex-wife .At the end of the book, Hrustwood died in a shabby little hotel,and Carrie became a famous star and be in high social classes. Lost the job in shoe-making factory is just the turning point in Carrie′s life ,the turning point of her final success and tragedy.To survie she had to rely on someone .On the surface, writer is describing Carrie′s miserable suffering telling readers that is always very hard for woman .However ,to explore the deep meaning .Carrie is just a representative of the people from working-class who are oppressed by the capitalist .Dreiser shows sympathy to them and reveals the social contradictions.Carrie′s success is driven by dream and money.She wants to change her destiny she is eager to climb into the high social class.No matter how pimping you are ,dream is important and essential to future success because dream or ambution has the power to drive you forward. It is right to pursue for material life , but not everything,In fact it is never wrong to pursue for high standard and high class life.


ABSTRACT Theodore Dreiser is one of the most important writers in the literature history of America. He has 7 novels and other literature works such as short stories, autography, dramas, and political essays and so on. Sister Carrie is his first long novel and it was once considered to be immoral. In one hundred years after its publication, times are changing, and people’s opinion is being changed. The traditional critics regard Carrie as a fallen woman. But with the development of sorts of thoughts, the perspectives of study on this heroine is changing. In the eye of the critics, Carrie is considered to be a rebellious woman. Joseph Frank is one of the most outstanding contributors to the founding of the theory of narrative space. In the 40s of the 20th century, in his essay "Spatial Form in Modern Literature", Frank presents his general conception of the spatial form for the first time which begins the theory of narrative space. And then the spatial theories developed quickly, so did the theory of space narrative. Gabriel Zoran’s Towards the Theory of Space in Narratives has constructed the model of space theory which is considered the most valuable in practical use so far. He distinguished vertically three levels (topography, Chronotope,text) which are composed in space and in horizontal direction he put sforward the units of space measurement and different spatial structures showed by kinds of combination. Lefebvre propose the concept of social space. He thinks social space includes three levels: the spatial practice, the representation of space, and the representational space. As a representative of modernist writers, Dresser overthrows the traditional linear narrative pattern in Sister Carrie, and forms a new system of time and space. Modernist writers "try to make the readers understand their work in one moment from the space rather than the order" (Makaryk, 1993: 629). So does Dresser. His creative style tallies with spatial effect constructed by narrative space theory. The theory of narrative space plays a more and more important role in western literary criticism in the twentieth century. It relates to and influences major forms of modern criticism and theory. This thesis will mainly use Frank’s spatial form theory, the topograpgical theory of Gabriel Zoran and Lefebvre’s social space theory to analyze Sister Carrie from four aspects: the physical space, the psychological space, the textual space and the perceptional space, Thus the thesis tries to I


英美文学 1. William Faulkner is the author of ______. A. Far From the Modeling Crowd B. Sound and Fury C. For Whom the Bell Tolls D. Scarlet Letter 1. Robert Frost is a famous ______. A. novelist B. playwright C. poet D. literary critic 3. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ______ A. Jack London B. Charles Dickens C. Samuel Coleridge DEmest Hemingway 4. Which of the following poets is different from the others? A. John Donne. B. John Keats. C. Lord Byron. D. Percy Bysshe Shelley. 5. Which of the following is not written by William Shakespeare? A. Othello. B. The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. C. Romeo and Juliet. D. The Twelfth Night. 6. Beowulf narrates a story taking place in ______. A. the Mediterranean B. Northern Europe C. England D. Scandinavia 7. ______ refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality. A. Allegory B. Conflict C. Irony D. Flashback 8. William Wordsworth is an English _____. A. poet B. novelist C. playwright D. critic 9. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is ______. A. Nature B. Walden C. Experience D. Essays 10. James Joyce is the author of all the following novels EXCEPT ______. A. Dubliners B. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man C. Jude the Obscure D. Ulysses 11. The Bronte Sisters published the following famous novels EXCEPT ______. A. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall B. Jane Eyre C. Wuthering Heights D. Agnes Grey 12. In which novel can "Yahoo" be found? A. John Bunyan' s Pilgrim' s Progress. B. Edmund Spencer' s The Faerie Queen. C. Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. D. Henry Fielding's Tom Jones. 13. The Victorian Age was largely an age of ______, eminently represented by Dickens and Thackeray. A. pessimism B. naturalism C. modernism D. critical realism 14. Mark Twain shaped the world' s view of America and made a combination of ______ and
