


一Conversation One

M: Mum!

W: Yeah, Micky.

M: Can I have a really good snack?

W: Uh, I don’t know. I think it’s …uh…what time is it? I think it’s going on dinner.

M: Uh, it’s three thirty.

W: Three thirty. Uh… We’d better wait.

M: Why, Mum?

W: Well, what kind of snack do you want?

M: Candy?

W: No, candy is out. Oh, how about some broccoli? Uh, carrots? Well, what else can you suggest? M: Candy

W: Candy. No, I don’t think…I think you’d better wait.

M: A Sandwich? A spinach sandwich?

W: Sandwich? Spinach sandwich! When did you start liking spinach?

M: Uh, today.

W: Well, what about a small sandwich?

M: Okay.

W: Okay, I’ll make it in a minute. Play with your toys while you’re waiting for it.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. Why doesn’t the mother give her son something to eat?

20. What snack does the boy want at the beginning of the conversation?

21. What snack does the boy want to eat at last?

22. What does the mother ask the boy to do while she is preparing the snack?

Conversation Two

W: Hi, Bill, how is it going?

M: Oh, hi, Jane. I’m OK. How about you?

W: You can probably tell just by looking at me. I’m really busy. Hey, what are you reading?

M: A pretty interesting article. My biology professor assigned it, and I thought I would just look it over. But I got really involved in it. It’s about endangered species.

W: That sounds pretty interesting. I’m getting frustrated with the two research papers I’m struggling with.

M: Oh?

W: And can you believe they are both due on the same day?

M: That’s tough.

W: I’ll get through it. So what’s this you are reading?

M: Well, it’s basically about the choices conservationists are faced with. You know, these days when funding is so hard to come by.

W: Wait a minute. Does it focus on biology or economics?

M: Both. Conservationists don’t have enough funding to save every endangered species in the world, so they have to decide based on what would be lost if a species became extinct.

W: Can you give me an example of what you mean?

M: Take for instance, two animals, the spotted owl and the tailed toad. The article says the toad is

unique. It has no relatives. But there are a lot of varieties of owls.

W: So, if that toad became extinct, we’d lose an important link in the chain of evolutio n, right? M: Exactly. But that isn’t so for the owl. So for conservationists, it might be a clear choice which animal to save.

W: I see. I am glad I don’t have to make that kind of decision. Aren’t you?

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. Why does the woman say she’s frustrated?

24. What problems do conservationists have?

25. What can be inferred about the tailed toad?

19. C 20. B

21. D 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. C

二Conversation One

M: Let’s just go over the arrangements for my trip to Thailand.

W: Sure, here’s your schedule. You’re flying at 10:45 on Monday morning. That’s US Airways flight 706. You have to check in two hours before, so I’ve arranged for a car to pi ck you up from the office at 8:30.

M: Good. What time does the flight get into Bangkok?

W: It gets to Bangkok at 1:15 p.m. That’s local time, of course. And I’ve booked you a room at the Sheraton Hotel. They’re going to send a car to pick you up at the air port.

M: Fine. Now when am I seeing Mr. Shah?

W: Tuesday morning at ten. By the way, Mr. Meds is going to the meeting as well.

M: That’s good news; we won’t have to arrange a separate meeting. And has the tour of the new plant and the meeting with the directors been arranged for Wednesday?

W: Yes, they’ll pick you up in the morning at 9:00, and plan to show you the plant, take you to lunch, and return you to the hotel at about 5 p.m.

M: Good. Could you order some travelers’ cheques?

W: Sure, I’ll phone the bank.

M: And when am I flying back?

W: I’m afraid the earliest flight I could get is Thursday at 1:15 a.m., everything else was booked up. US Airways, flight 705. That gets you back at 6:25 Thursday morning.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. How will the man get to the hotel from Bangkok airport?

20. What are the man’s activities on Wednesday?

21. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

Conversation Two

M: Anna, how is your job?

W: You know, so many graduates, hard competition. I rush from one job market to another, handing out my resumes, waiting for interviews.

M: Why don’t you try online application?

W: But what should I do to apply online?

M: You can visit the website of companies you’d lik e to try and find the application form. Then you complete it.

W: So, just like my resume including everything.

M: Yeah, exactly.

W: I am worried whether they review each application they receive online.

M: Almost. They will contact you to let you know whet her you’ve been selected to have an interview.

W: That sounds much easier!

M: And more opportunities. For instance, you can apply to any company you feel like and don’t care about whether or not they recruit at your school.

W: That’s really convenient. But sometimes companies just do not put their vacancies online. M: Well, that’s true. What you don’t know is that many companies resort to large online recruiting webs that collect application forms, or the initial selection of resumes, and then transfer the information to those companies.

W: So, I need to go to these websites first.

M: Right. Just register on them, give relevant information including your resume, how to contact you, as well as your job preferences. They will send you emails and let you know which

positions suit you. Or the companies find your information online and think you meet their needs, they contact you.

W: Internet is really something unbelievable! It’s much more useful than I could imagine. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. What is the job market like according to the woman?

23. What is the woman worried about?

24. What does the woman not know?

25. What will the woman probably do?

19. D 20. B

21. A 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. B

三Conversation One

M: Hey, Annie, how have you been?

W: Pretty good. By the way, I’ve just come back from a business trip to Edinburgh.

M: Wow, Edinburgh! I was told that it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

W: Yes, indeed. One can’t help l oving it there.

M: Any interesting scenic spots there?

W: There are too many to mention. Most of Scotland is on Edinburgh’s doorstep; you’ll be surprised just how much of it you can see in a day. The first day I was there, I went to

Edinburgh Zoo. It has S cotland’s largest collection of wild animals. There are more than

twenty species of lions.

M: That’s really fascinating. Did you visit the famous Wellhouse Tower?

W: Yeah. It’s close to Edinburgh Castle; there we could look out on magnificent views of Edinburgh and beyond.

M: What else did you do?

W: Well, I didn’t do much sightseeing though. You know, I was there for an international conference. And the conference took up nearly every day. But at the end of the conference, we were taken to the King’s Theat re where we were actually introduced to the Scottish folk songs, and we got a lot of fun from it.

M: Sounds good. I’m thinking about a tour to Edinburgh myself.

W: One of the best ways to see this beautiful and historic city is to join one of the coach tours there. It was told that they offer really good service.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What is unique about Edinburgh Zoo?

20. What’s the woman’s main purpose of visiting Edinburgh?

21. What does the woman advise the man to do if he goes to Edinburgh?

Conversation Two

M: Oh, my God! Final exams are around the corner! I am going to die.

W: How many courses do you take this semester?

M: Four!

W: I don’t think four courses are too many to handle.

M: I’m studying ha rd, but my marks are still low. I am really very frustrated. What can I do?

W: What are the subjects that are causing you problems?

M: Mathematics is the one that gives me a lot of trouble, but the two I like most are art and philosophy.

W: I think you sho uldn’t worry too much. Did you know that Einstein had problems when he was

a student?

M: Really? So, what do you think I should do?

W: Well, first I think you should always take notes and revise them regularly to improve your memory, for example, don’t try to memorize all of them the night before the exam.

M: Yeah, Maybe I am a little lazy.

W: Then try to create your learning habits. If you can’t find a way, you’d better consult your teacher. Above all, don’t watch TV or listen to music while you’re studying.

M: Thanks. I think you’re right. In fact, I always have my CD player on when I do math. That’s a very bad learning habit. I’ll switch it off when I start doing my homework.

W: Good! I’m sure your marks will improve if you follow my advice.

M: Yes, and I hope my parents will stop complaining about my marks.

W: Well, good luck, then.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. How many courses does the man take?

23. What subject troubles the man most?

24. What is the first suggestion the woman gives the man?

25. What bad learning habit does the man have?

19. D 20. C

21. A 22. A 23. A 24. D 25. C

Conversation One

M: Hey, Mari, it’s noon. Want to go to lunch before we have that meeting with the client in an hour?

W: Definitely. B ut just a minute, I’ll finish the last paragraph of my report. These business meeting can last forever and I don’t want to starve through it! So where should we go?

M: I don’t have any ideas, but our hotel room is right in the middle of the business distri ct.

W: Umm, did you feel like ordering out? Or we could order room service from the hotel restaurant if we want to get some work done in our room. The boss would be really impressed with that.

M: No, let’s definitely go somewhere. How about that little pub we saw on Brand Street? Korean food is served there.

W: That’s an idea. Or, here—look at this phone book listing. We could get some Japanese food at Tasty restaurant.

M: That place is also on Brand Street, and…right next to a huge parking garage.

W: We’d probably have better luck for parking if we went there.

M: There’s just one small problem, Maria…I always have a stomachache after eating seafood. W: Well, there must be something on the menu you can stomach.

M: I don’t want to risk it. Let’s get some Amer ican food. The phone book says there is an Islands restaurant or a California Pizza Kitchen in the same complex.

W: Hmm. Burgers and fries, or pizza…can’t get more American than that! Let’s go to Islands restaurant! I want one of those delicious beef burgers.

M: Alright, but we’d better get going. Time won’t wait for us, and neither will our client. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What is the woman doing right now?

20. Where is the Japanese food restaurant?

21. What do they decide to eat at last?

Conversation Two

W: Hello, Sam. You seem to be worried.

M: Well, I can’t make up my mind which university to attend.

W: What are the choices you have in mind?

M: State University and Wales College.

W: You seem to have doubts about the State University. But its Engineering Department has a great reputation. What else could an engineering major want?

M: Yeah, actually they can offer me scholarship as well. But a friend told me that the freshman year there can be as many as a hu ndred students for some lectures. You probably wouldn’t have any chance to get to know any of your teachers.

W: Well, those classes also have small discussion sections. They meet twice a week, and have no more than twenty students.

M: I know. But I’ve also heard that they are usually taught by graduate students. At Wales College all classes are taught by professors.

W: Do you prefer a small town like Wales? Or the biggest city like the state capital?

M: That doesn’t matter to me. What I do care about is get ting individual attention from the teachers.

W: It sounds to me that you’re leaning toward Wales College?

M: I am. The only problem is that the Wales College’s tuition is really high and I don’t think I can afford it.

W: You could apply for a student loan or sign up for a work-study program.

M: Yeah, I think I’ll look into that.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

23. What concern does the man have about the State University?

24. What does the man consider to be an advantage of Wales College?

25. What is the man most likely to do?

19. C 20. B

21. D 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. B

Conversation One

W: Hello, Mary Smith here. Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please?

M: Speaking.

W: Oh, it’s you, Andrew, is it? I didn’t recognize your voice. Sounds as if you’re miles away. M: Oh, hello, Mary. Yes, the line isn’t very good. I’ll speak a bit louder. Is that any better?

W: Yes, that’s much better now. Andrew, it looks as if I won’t be able to keep the appointment we made.

M: That was to be Friday, wasn’t it?

W: Yes, I’m so sorry. This visitor I was actually expecting last week had some kind of change in his schedule, and now he’s rung me up to say the only day he can come is next Friday.

M: I see.

W: A nd the trouble is, as he’s over from Argentina, I can’t very well put him off. Hope you understand.

M: Well, I suppose so.

W: But could we meet on Saturday? Or would you prefer the beginning of next week?

M: Afraid I’m tied up at the weekend. And…let me ch eck. Tuesday would be all right, I think. W: Tuesday is OK for me too. Could you come here at 11:30 as we’d arranged? I’ll show you our place, we could lunch together and work out the terms of our contract in the afternoon. How does that sound to you?

M: Y es, fine. I’ll write it down in my diary. That’s Tuesday, 12th December. Right, I’ll be at your place at 11:30 then.

W: Thanks, Andrew. Hope I haven’t messed up your arrangements too much.

M: Oh no, these things happen, don’t they? See you next Tuesday. An d have a nice weekend. W: Thanks. You too.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What is the conversation mainly about?

20. Why doesn’t the woman recognize the man’s voice at the beginning?

21. Why doesn’t the woman keep the appointment?

22. What will the speakers do when they meet next week?

Conversation Two

M: Excuse me, I’m trying to find my way to Reynolds Hall.

W: Reynolds Hall? I don’t think I know where that is.

M: I’m looking for an exhibit of graduate student pai ntings. The campus newspaper said it was in Reynolds Hall.

W: Oh, now I know where you mean. Everyone on campus just calls that the Art Building.

M: So how do I get there?

W: Go straight ahead until you come to the main library. You’ll see a walkway leadin g off to the left. Go that way, and then pass the Chemistry Building…

M: Let’s see…to the library, take the walkway to the right…

W: No, to the left.

M: To the left, and pass the Chemistry Building…

W: That’s right, and then you’ll cross a little service road. Walk just a little bit farther and there’s

the Art Building. You can’t miss it because there’s a big fountain right in front of it.

M: I think I’ve got it.

W: I hope you enjoy the exhibit. Usually the graduate student exhibits are very interesting, and I’ve heard this one is especially good.

M: Actually, the main reason I’m going is that my sister has a couple of paintings on show. I wanted to take a look at them.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. Why is the woman at first confused when the man asks her for directions?

24. According to the woman, what is directly in front of the Art Building?

25. What can be inferred from the conversation about the man’s sister?

19. A 20. C

21. A 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. A


四级听力长对话的3个答题技巧 一、做好笔记,抓住细节 细节题关注对细节的把握和描述, 即要求考生在听完对话后回答以 what,when,where,how等提出 的问题。它通常没有固定的提问方 式,问题可以涉及到对话的方方面 面,如人物的特征、事情的过程或 先后顺序、做事的喜好等。细节题 本身并不难,但因为长对话涉及的 信息通常较多,考生在听时应在选 项旁边适时做好笔记,以应对这种 常考题型。 A.Thursday evening, from 7:00 to 9:45. B.From September 1 to New Year’s eve. C.Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks. D.Three hours a week, 45 hours in total.

M: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it’s not on Thursday. W: Well, there’s a class that meets on Monday evenings at seven. M: Just once a week? W: Yes. But that’s almost three hours from seven to nine forty-five. M: Oh. Well, that’s alright. I could manage that. How many weeks does the course last? W: Mmmm, let me see. Twelve weeks. You start the first week i n September, and finish, oh, just before Christmas. December 21st. Q: What do we learn about the schedule of the evening course? 二、简短回答不简单 在对话中,有时对于第一个说话人 的提问或者声明,第二个说话人的 回答会包含“简短回答+详细解说” 两部分。其中,简短回答部分是日


下面是为各位考生整理的英语四级听力技巧解析,供大家参考。希望给各位考生带来帮助。 对于四级听力长对话,考生应始终牢记:不要奢望将其内容一字不落地完全听懂并且记住。因为即使在日常生活中用母语对话,这也几乎是不可能的,同时也是不必要的。在日常生活中,我们只要掌握自己关心的信息,而在听力考试中,我们则要抓住关键的命题点。 以下分听前预测和听时抓“点”两个步骤详解听力长对话的应试策略。 一、听前预测 听前预测对于听力长对话非常重要。放音间隔的时间应尽可能留作预测之用。若想有效使用这短短几十秒的放音间隔时间,需把握以下两个原则: 1. 先纵后横 所谓“先纵”,就是首先通读每篇后的3-4个小题,找出关键词,前后联系,预测全篇大致主题。 所谓“后横”,就是在仍有时间的情况下,通看各题选项,看看是否存在生词,总结长句的核心意思,以此预测考点和可能的答案。 两步预测都要注意随时做出标注,划出关键词或简写长句的大意,因为单凭记忆在"高压"的听力考试中是万万靠不住的。 以2007年12月Conversation Two为例: 23. A) She is thirsty for promotion. B) She wants a much higher salary. C) She is tired of her present work. D) She wants to save travel expenses. 首先通过promotion, salary和work可得出本对话的大致主题是有关职业,再联系两次出现的wants,想到或许与求职有关,并顺理成章地想到可能会谈到离职的原因、新职位的性质以及薪酬等等。这就是上面所说的"先纵"。 此后我们可对选项中较长的词语做标注,如下划线所示。通过听录音我们发现本题答案的对应信息在原文中是"I'm fed up with my job.", 正是"tired of"的同义置换。这就是上面所说的"后横"。 可见,事先标注关键信息,可让我们在听时将注意力集中到更小的"点",起到事半功倍的效果。 2. 分清主次 与生活中的情形相似,双方对话的时候常有主次之分,如:一方询问,另一方作答时,关键信息多出现在作答一方,考点自然也就多出于此。分清对话双方的主次对于我们预测考点出现的位置很重要,方法也简单易行。


英语四六级听力长对话应试技巧 ?长对话共两篇每篇300词左右共7道题 ?长对话侧重于对话内容理解得整体性。 长对话得篇幅较长,想要听过之后就能将主要得内容都清楚地记在脑子里,几乎就是不可能得。考生只有听一遍得机会,只能边听、边记、边答。 边听边记就是听力中一项非常重要得技能,但就是做笔记并不就是要把听到得每一个单词都记下来,笔记无非就是帮助记忆得手段,只要能把重要得信息用可识别得符号记录下来,就算达到了目得。因此为了提高听与记得效率,应注意把握一定得技巧与原则。 英语四六级听力长对话6大边听边记技能 一、抓住首尾句 主题句常常就是在对话得开头,它对整个对话得内容起一个概括与提示得作用,实际上就是说话人所谈论得中心话题。长对话中得第一题很可能就是针对对话得开头提问,考查考生对整个对话得主题或所谈话题得把握。 结尾处往往涉及到建议、决定或某种行为等,它对整个对话起到一个总结得作用。长对话得最后一题经常就是针对对话得结尾设题,故留意其中得关键动词就成了解题得关键。 二、留意对话中得一问一答 长对话中,对话双方往往出现多个一问一答,而这一恰恰就是长对话得一个出题重点,对话后面问题往往就就是对话原文中问题得照搬或就是同义转述,因此其答案就就是对话中紧接问题之后得答语,而且一般不会有同音或近音词得干扰,因此对于这类题目答案得基本原则就就是"听到什么选什么"。 三、留意重复率较高得词或短语 对话得主要内容理所当然会得到说话人得强调,而一个非常重要,也就是非常明显得强调方式就就是重复,而且重复得词语往往能够揭示对话得主题。因此对那些对话双方多次提到得词语或内容应进行重点记忆。 四、留意选项中得要点内容 正确选项往往与原文相似,或就是原文得同义表达,因此应注意提取选项中得关键点,在听音时留意其就是否在文中出现并加以记录。 五、留意数字、人名、地名、时间、年代等相关信息


首先我做题的顺序是: 1.听力 2.作文 3.选词填空 4.翻译 5.阅读理解(为什么这个要比6先做呢,因为这个题的分数比较高,而且多花点时间的正确率要高点,所以这个题先多花点时间来提高分数,对于6再用技巧快速解决,实在没有时间了还可以乱选) 6.段落大意选择 我先说一下总的方案。我重点强调一下,对于每套真题,不管什么题型,做完了都要把不认识的单词查出来写在卷子上,没事的时候就要去记忆,有很多次是反复出现的。技巧不是有了就能过四级的,还要靠你的一些努力。后面我会说给大家列举些词汇,还有我后面让你们记下来的词,不是记下来就好了,是要记忆的。 所谓技巧嘛,就是尽力让你花最少的功夫过四级! 1、听力 (1)使用具有增加信息接受方注意力功能的词汇,例如most, only, just, particularly, really, new, free, famous, strange , unusual, surprise, shocked, always , each, ever, every, little, few, any, nothing, full of, complete, throughout, all, almost, nearly, total, i mportant, must, stress, note, notice, range, insist, add , laugh, desperation, horror, fear, disaster, ke y, minimum等等; (2)使用特殊结构及句式,例如比较级、最高级、as…as结构、not so…as结构、different from、similar to、强调结构、否定结构、感叹句、if丛句、完成进行时态、as…as possible、make it clear that、you can imagine that、don’t forget that等结构; (3)含有数字、时间及相关词汇的句子,例如first(start, pioneer), second, millions of, figure, many,one day, years ago, today等等; (4)重复和自问自答; (5)引用:语气语调一般会有明显的变化。 因果原则: 含有表示因果关系的词汇的句子,命题的可能性很大,这些词汇包括because, why, reason, so, as a result, as a sign of, thanks to, therefore, due to等等。 转折原则: 含有表示转折关系的词汇的句子,命题的可能性很大,这些词汇包括but, however, whereas, otherwise, unfortunately, yet等等。 前8个题一般听到什么就不要去选他,这个8个题要靠推测,这8个题你用几天练习一下,很简单,应该就会对个5、6个。 把握关键词和关键句。在听录音的过程中,考生要注意把握一些关键词和关键句。首先要注意听表示转折关系的词汇,例如but、however、unfortunately、unexpectedly、to tell the truth 等。其次也要注意听关键句。在对话题中,往往会有一些表示建议或劝告的句子,例如“Why…?”“Why…not…?”“Why don’t you/we…?”“It would be better to do...”“Wouldn’t it be better to do…?”很多答案都是在这些词出现的


长对话 一、题材类型 听力长对话共有两篇,共七题。长对话的题材一般都和学校生活有关: 1)课程内容:以上课为背景,介绍某个知识。 2)打工内容:常涉及到工作的内容、与学习课程之间的冲突。 3)度假旅游经历。 4)学校生活:谈论某个教师的课堂、某个讲座。 5)住宿生活:与室友的相处或与房东的矛盾。 6)某项娱乐活动。 二、考查类型 根据对历年四级考试听力部分的研究发现,长对话对考生能力的考查不外乎包含以下三大块:把握对话主旨大意、分析对话事实细节、具体信息推理判断。 1.把握对话主旨大意 主旨大意题主要考查考生对对话全局的掌握,以及判断主要信息和次要信息的能力,一般要求考生从四个选项中挑出最适合作中心思想的选项,考生要在理解整篇对话内容的基础上选择答案。主旨大意题常见的提问方式有: What is the conversation mainly talk about? What is the main topic of the conversation? What are the two speakers talking about? EXAMPLE A)The man has sent the order to the woman by mistake. B)Some of the telephone systems don’t work properly. C)Some of the packs do not contain any manuals. D)The quality of the goods is not up to the standard. 由order,mistake,system,don’t work,packs,quality,goods可以推测出对话内容与产品的买卖有关,再根据各选项语义判断,本题可能考查产品买卖中出现的问题,听音时应注意与此相关的信息。 W: What can I do for you? M: Well, unfortunately, there is a problem with the order we received from you yesterday. It seems we’ve not received the right quantity of manuals to support the telephone system. W: Oh, dear, that’s bad news. I’m very sorry to hear that, and you don’t know how many packs are without manuals? M: No, because we haven’t opened every pack. But in several of those that have been opened there are none, no manuals. 23. What problem are the speakers discussing? C)。问题中的关键信息词是problems和speakers discussing。对话中男士提到,有些电话设备的包装里面没有使用手册,接下来的对话也是围绕着如何解决这个问题展开的。 2.分析对话事实细节 事实细节题主要是针对对话中的细节信息进行考查,包括人物、地点、时间、数字、原因、目的、手段、建议、态度、观点、行动、计划等。这种题主要考查考生对对话细节的把握,对考生的短时记忆提出


2014年6月英语四级听力真题长对话部分 W: Can I help you? M: Well. I’ m not .I think so. You see, actually, I’m getting married soon. And my friends want to buy me presents things. W: And would you like somethings for the kitchen. M: Yes, that’s right. I thought if I could find out things about kitchen things. They would be the best sorts of presents. W: Well. I suppose the first thing you need is a cooker. Do you like a electron one or a gas one? M: Em. I think I probably prefer a gas one. But cookers are very expensive. Ar en’t they? How much is this one? W: It’s one hundred and seventy five cent, including tax and delivery. It’s a very good one though. M: But It’s a lot of money. Isn’t it?What sorts of things could I ask people to buy? You know, cheaper. W: Well. You need s ome pans. Won’t you? A set of pans, I suppose. and drying pans. Do you like cooking? M: Yes. I suppose so. W: Well. In that case, you might like a mixer. If you make cakes and things like that. It’ll save you a lot of time. And a blender too. That’s good i f you make soup and things. M: Em. That’s a sort. W: Something else you might use is a set of these knifes, you know,carving knifes, bread knifes,steak knifes, fruit knifes, potato peeling knifes. M: Haven’t seen or ever knew so many sorts. W: Oh, Yeah. Come over here and I’ll show you some more. 9-11 Q9 Why is the man is in the kitchen ware shop? Q10 Why does the woman want to know whether the man likes cooking? Q11 What does the man say he has never realized?


一、2009年12月大学英语四级考试真题听力长对话 长对话1 W: Hello, Cartson College, may I help you? M: Y es. I’m looking for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fall semester. W: Do you want a day or evening course? M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day. W: Aha. Have you taken any courses in data processing? M: No. W: Oh! Well, data processing is a course you have to take before you can take computer programming. M: Oh, I see. Well, when is it given? I hope it is not on Thursdays. W: Well, there’s a class that meets on Monday evenings at 7. M: Just once a week? W: Yes. But that’s almost 3 hours from 7 to 9:45. M: Oh! Well, that’s all right, I could manage that. How many weeks does the course last? W: Mm, let me see. 12 weeks. Y ou start the first weekends September and finish…Oh.. just before Christmas, December 21st. M: And how much is the course? W: That’s 300 dollars including the necessary computer time. M: Ah-hum. Okay, Eh, where do I go to register? W: Registration is on the second and third of September between 6 and 9 in Frost Hall. M: Is that the round building behind the parking lot? W: Yes, that’s the one. M: Oh, I know how to get there. Is there anything that I should bring with me? W: No, just your check book. M: Well, thank you so much. W: Y ou’re very welcome. Bye! M: Bye! Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Q19: Why does the man choose to take an evening course? Q20: What does the man have to do before taking the course of computer programming? Q21: What do we learn about the schedule of evening course? Q22: What does the man want to know at the end of the conversation? 长对话2 W: So, why exactly does your job have reputation for being stressful? M: Stress is generally driven by the feeling of being out of control of a situation and the feeling of a situation controlling you. Trading in financial markets combines both.


长对话 skills 1听到什么就选什么 A He prefers the smaller evening classes B He has signed up for a day course C He has to work during the day D He finds the evening course cheaper W: Do you want a day or evening course? M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day. Q: Why does the man choose to take an evening course? 2结尾处核心词出题 A It will bring her potential into full play. B It will involve lots of train travel C It will enable her to improve her Chinese. D It will give her more chances to visit Japan M: Really, I’ m interested to hear more about that, but first tell me, have you ever traveled on a luxury train, the Orient Express, for example? W: No, I haven’t. But I’ve traveled on the Glacier Express to Switzerland and I traveled across China by train about 8 years ago. I love train travel. That’s why I’m very interested in this job. Q: Why is the woman apply for the new job? 3看选项预测 A . A training coach B A trading adviser C A professional manager D A financial trader W: So why exactly does your job have a reputation for being stressful? M: Stress is generally driven by the feeling of being out of control of a situation and the feeling of a situation controlling you. Trading in financial markets combines both. Q: What is the mans job? A He can save on living expenses B He considers cooking creative C He can enjoy healthier food


英语四级长对话专项训练 Part 1 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A) To make a business report to the woman. B) To be interviewed for a job in the woman’s company. C) To resign from his position in the woman’s company. D) To exchange stock market information with the woman 20. A) He is head of a small trading company. B) He works in an international insurance company. C) He leads a team of brokers in a big company. D) He is a public relations officer in a small company. 21. A) The woman thinks Mr. Saunders is asking for more than they can offer. B) Mr. Saunders will share one third of the woman’s responsibilities. C) Mr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations. D) The woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Saunders’ past experience. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. A) She’s worried about the seminar. B) The man keeps interrupting her. C) She finds it too hard. D) She lacks interest in it 23. A) The lecturers are boring. B) The course is poorly designed. C) She prefers Philosophy to English. D) She enjoys literature more. 24. A) Karen’s friend. B) Karen’s parents. C) Karen’s lecturers. D) Karen’s herself. 25. A) Changing her major.


最新英语四级听力训练:长对话 这篇关于英文听力,是笔者特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 19. A) She has packed it in one of her bags. B) She has probably left it in a taxi. C) She id going to get it the airport. D) She is afraid that she has lost it. 20) A) It ends in winter. B) It will cost her a lot. C) It will last one week. D) It depends on the weather. 21. A) The plane is taking off soon. B) There might be a traffic jam. C) The taxi is waiting for them. D) There is a lot of stuff to pack. 22. A) At home. B) In the man’s car. C) At the airport. D) By the side of a taxi. M: Mary, I hope you’re packed and ready to leave. W: Yes, I’m packed, but not quite ready. I can’

t find my passport. M: Your passport? That’s the one thing you mustn’t leave behind. W: I know. I haven’t lost it. I’ve packed it, but I can’t remember which bag it’s in. M: Well, you have to find it at the airport. Come on, the taxi is waiting. W: Did you say taxi? I thought we were going in your car. M: Yes, well, I have planned to, but I’ll explain later. You’ve got to be there in an hour. W: The plane doesn’t leave for two hours. Anyway, I’m ready to go now. M: Now, you’re taking just one case, is that right? W: No, there is one in the hall as well.考试大论坛 M: Gosh, what a lot of stuff! You’re taking enough for a month instead of a week. W: Well, you can’t depend on the weather. It might be cold. M: It’s never cold in Rome. Certainly not in May.


大学英语四级考试听力长对话 大学英语四级考试听力长对话对于大学英语四级考试听力有比较高的要求。下面是给大家整理的大学英语四级考试听力长对话,供大家参阅! 2010年12月大学英语四级真题听力长对话Conversation one 对话一 Mrs. Dawson, thanks very much for coming down to the station. I just like to go over some ofthe things that you told police officer Parmer at the bank. 道森太太,非常感谢你能来。我只是想要确认你告诉银行警署帕默的事。 All right. 好的。 Well, could you describe the man who robbed the bank for this report that we're filling outhere? Now, anything at all that you can remember would be extremely helpful to us. 好,你能描述一下那位抢银行的男人吗?我们要在这里填写报告。现在任何你回忆的东西都对我们很有帮助。 Well, just, I can only remember basically what I said before.

我只记得我之前说过的一些基本事情。 That's all right 好的。 The man was tall, er, six foot, and he had dark hair, and he had moustache. 这名男子高6英尺,他有一头深色的头发,留着胡子。 Very good. All right, did he have any other distinguishing marks? 好的。他还有其他明显的识别记号吗? Um, no, none that I can remember. 我记得没有什么记号。 Do you remember how old he was by any chance? 你还记得他大约多大吗? Er, well, I guess around 30, maybe younger, give or take a few years. 我猜大概30岁,可能不到30。总之就在30上下。 Uh, all right. Do you remember anything about what he was wearing? 很好。你还记得他的穿着吗? Yes, yes, he had on a dark sweater, a...a solid color. 是的,他穿着一件单色的深色毛衣。 OK. Um, anything else that strikes you at the moment?


四级听力长对话分析(一)——话题、常用词汇/ 短语及句型 大学英语四级考试改革以后,出题者越来越注重考查考生实际运用英语语言的能力。其中听力部分的比例由过去的20%跃升为现在的35%,共分为三部分,有两种题型(多选和听写),考试时间为35分钟。这样的变化适应了语言学习以听说为主要目 标的教学指导思想,但无疑也加大了难度。本文主要分析大学英语四级考试听力 长对话部分的话题、常用词汇/短语及句型,帮助考生更有针对性地进行复习。 一、四级听力长对话的总体特点 大学英语四级听力长对话是考题中Section A的第二种题型,共计7道小题 (19-25题)。经过短对话预热后,长对话是对考生实际交际能力的进一步检测。经统计,2006年6月至2010年6月的9套真题中,长对话设计为15-24句,约为8-12 个短对话的长度。在这样篇幅的对话中,找出3-4个问题的答案还是有一定难度的。一般我们可以遵循如下原则:首先,对话的开始部分都有向考生介绍背景的功能, 所以出题的可能性不大,设题点会相对集中在对话的中间部分。其次,为了更好地确定出题位置,在播放录音之前应尽量根据所给的选项猜出听力材料的内容范围。最后一点就是,考生要熟悉长对话内容的语料,这一点也是本文讨论的重点。 二、四级听力长对话的话题 四级听力长对话取材广泛、富于变化,但是总结2006年6月至2010年6月9 次考试共计18道真题,长对话的内容大概可以分为这样几个大的方面:工作、家庭日常生活、休闲时光、学习等。 关于工作的话题出现得最多,18道真题中出现了8次,分别谈论工作压力、工作面试、第一份工作、工作内容、换工作以及对作家的采访等话题。有关家庭日常生活的话题出现了3次,分别涉及了买农场、居所安全问题和退休后的家庭生活。关于休闲时光的话题也出现了3次,内容主要集中在外出旅行,其中包括为旅行做准备、预定酒店、谈论旅游目的地等。涉及学生学习生活的话题在18道真题中出现了2次,分别为打电话报辅导班和谈论喜欢的学科。此外,2009年6月的真题讲到了产品售后服务,2010年6月的真题讲到了孩子的零花钱问题。通过对真题的归纳总结,我们发现:如果按以上话题梳理相关的词汇/短语和句型,就能在复习 中做到有的放矢。 三、四级听力长对话的常用词汇/短语及句型 按照以上分类我们来总结一下四级听力长对话的常用词汇/短语及句型。 1.工作类 大学英语教学突出实用性,即让学生毕业后能在实际工作中自如地运用英语进行交流。大学英语四级的听力考试也正是突出了这一特点,所以涉及工作的话题 颇多,但是很少谈论具体工作细节,大都是日常的工作情况,请大家注意这方面语 料的积累,在取得好成绩的同时,也进一步提高自己的实际英语应用能力。 整理历年的四级真题,我们发现2006、2007、2008、2009、2010年都出现了关


英语四级听力长对话10大技巧 一、各题主题揭示对话主题 将各题所考查的主题内容结合在一起,往往可得出整篇对话的主题。如果某一题目是考查对话主题,其中的一个选项明显能够概括其 他各题选项的内容,那么该选项很可能为答案。 二、选项均以动词的某种形式开头 含有这类选项的问题为考查“行为活动”类型。根据动词的不同 形式,问题考查的重点也可能不同。 选项均以动词原形开头,问题大多是关于建议某人做某事,有时 也表示为了某种目的而要做某事。 选项均为动名词,问题大多是关于正在实行的动作或者计划打算。 选项为不定式,问题很可能是关于做某事的目的,或是计划、承 诺或要求做某事。 三、选项中含有表示意愿或建议的词 如果选项中含有should, had better, would like等一类的词语,问题很可能是考查“观点或建议”。 四、选项中含有表示评论或感受的动词 如果选项中含有think, like, dislike, enjoy, agree, disagree, mind等一类的词语,听力材料或问题很可能是关于对某人 或某事物的评价或感受。 四个选项中如均含有表示评论或感受的词,则表示问题是关于对 人或事物的评价或感受;如其中只有个别选项含有表示评论或感受的词,则表示听力材料中很可能涉及到对人或事物的评价或感受,问题内容 则不一定会涉及。

五、选项中含有比较结构 如果选项中含有形容词或副词的比较级或级,或是其他表示比较 的词语,则听力材料或问题很可能涉及人或事物之间的异同点或优劣 的比较。 四个选项中如均含有比较级或表示比较的词,则表示问题是关于 人或事物之间的比较;如其中只有个别选项中含有比较级,则表示听力 材料中很可能涉及到人或事物之间的比较,问题内容则不一定会涉及。 六、选项均为名词性短语 如选项均为概括性较强的名词或是名词性的短语,且各项内容差 异较大,问题则很可能是关于对话所谈论的主题或对话中出现的某一 事件或问题的主题。 七、与对话主题或其余选项内容不同的选项往往不是答案 如果某一选项明显与对话主题不相关,那么该选项往往不是答案。 如果某一选项明显与其他三个选项内容不同,即与该题主题明显 不相关的选项往往不是答案。 八、包含其他选项内容的选项往往不是答案 有的选项明显包含其他选项的含义,那么该选项往往不是答案。 九、明显不符常理的选项往往不是答案 选项明显不符合该对话情景下的常识或常理,那么该选项往往也 不是答案。 十、意思相近的选项往往都不是答案 如果有两个选项意思明显相近,那么这两个选项往往都不是答案。


听力训练方法技巧 一般说来,短文听力备考训练必须抓住竖听和横听两点结合来进行。所谓竖听,是指一套题目从头听到尾,从第一题听到最后一题。所谓横听,是指把相同题材和体裁的文章放在一块对照比较着听,从而迅速抓住同类型文章的规律,真正做到以不变应万变。例如,有关人物传记的文章在近几年的考题中共出现过两篇,1999年1月的passage1和1996年1月的passage1,把这两篇文章放在一起听,可以发现这类型文章都以介绍式写法开头,将记叙人物的姓名、出生年月、出生地点以及社会评价臵于开头,以引起注意。这些内容往往会考到。而文章结尾部分则通常会提到该人物的重大成绩,评论其功过是非。文章一般用记叙的语言讲述人物的经历,较少有情节的描写或人物对话。通过这样反复对比听,可以使我们很快掌握人物传记题材文章的模式和考题思路,在短时间内抓住考点,做到举一反三。 笔者在此提供一套具体的短文听力训练办法,考生可以在历年考题中选取10-20篇不同题材和不同体裁的文章,依据以下几个步骤,横竖结合来进行精听训练。 Step 1:第一遍听磁带时认真做题,对所选取的每段文章都认真仔细,注意时间,模拟考场氛围。做完以后还需注意统计对错个数,并分析选项设臵特点,练习快速扫描选项的能力。 Step 2:脱离文字材料再听4-5遍磁带。此时绝对不允许照着文字材料听,应该反复使用录音机上的重复键,尽最大努力听懂全文内容。听第5遍或第6 遍的时候,可以一边听一边将全文笔录下来,然后对照文字材料,看看笔录有什么问题,分析听不懂的原因,是语音、词汇还是语法?然后有的放矢地加以解决。 Step 3:在足够熟悉此段落中的内容后,打开文字材料,一边听录音一边看,并在段落中相应考点和问题答案,仔细体会,分析自己为什么被某些干扰项误导。 Step 4:跟着磁带大声朗读,以提高自己的语速。如果自己的语速能基本跟上听力材料的语速,再做同类型题目,困难就不大了。 另外,练习过程中有一些事项值得我们注意,请大家养成良好的习惯,尽量避免: 1. 鸵鸟式听法。很多同学听力过程中没有动手的习惯,听就是听,在做题时才努力回忆与该题有关的信息。甚至有同学喜欢闭着眼睛听或者把头低下来,伏在桌子上听,并认为这样注意力更集中,但这样往往容易走神,听的效率非常低。


听力长对话原文: 一Conversation One M: Mum! W: Yeah, Micky. M: Can I have a really good snack? W: Uh, I don’t know. I think it’s …uh…what time is it? I think it’s going on dinner. M: Uh, it’s three thirty. W: Three thirty. Uh… We’d better wait. M: Why, Mum? W: Well, what kind of snack do you want? M: Candy? W: No, candy is out. Oh, how about some broccoli? Uh, carrots? Well, what else can you suggest? M: Candy W: Candy. No, I don’t think…I think you’d better wait. M: A Sandwich? A spinach sandwich? W: Sandwich? Spinach sandwich! When did you start liking spinach? M: Uh, today. W: Well, what about a small sandwich? M: Okay. W: Okay, I’ll make it in a minute. Play with your toys while you’re waiting for it. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. Why doesn’t the mother give her son something to eat? 20. What snack does the boy want at the beginning of the conversation? 21. What snack does the boy want to eat at last? 22. What does the mother ask the boy to do while she is preparing the snack? Conversation Two W: Hi, Bill, how is it going? M: Oh, hi, Jane. I’m OK. How about you? W: You can probably tell just by looking at me. I’m really busy. Hey, what are you reading? M: A pretty interesting article. My biology professor assigned it, and I thought I would just look it over. But I got really involved in it. It’s about endangered species. W: That sounds pretty interesting. I’m getting frustrated with the two research papers I’m struggling with. M: Oh? W: And can you believe they are both due on the same day? M: That’s tough. W: I’ll get through it. So what’s this you are reading? M: Well, it’s basically about the choices conservationists are faced with. You know, these days when funding is so hard to come by. W: Wait a minute. Does it focus on biology or economics? M: Both. Conservationists don’t have enough funding to save every endangered species in the world, so they have to decide based on what would be lost if a species became extinct. W: Can you give me an example of what you mean? M: Take for instance, two animals, the spotted owl and the tailed toad. The article says the toad is
