



A 根据你听到的内容选出对应的图片。

1.Don't feed the animals when you visit the zoo.

2.What a lovely birthday present!Thank you,mom.

3.The family are enjoying themselves at the show in the theatre.

4.Who were the earliest Chinese to ship out to the world?

5.For little Tommy, nothing is happier than playing on the beach.

6.It's good for our health to get up early and enjoy fresh air in the woods.


B 根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。

7.W:I guess bakstball is now the second most popular sport all over the world.

M:I agree, especially among students. I think it was invented by a Canadian doctor.

Q: who invented the basketball game according to the man?


8.W: I like Tuesday best ,becuase I can have a history lesson.It's my favorite subject.

M: History is fun,but I'm interested in physics and maths.

Q: what subject does the woman like best?

解析:注意听问题中的关键词the woman,明确是the woman's favorite subject.

9.M:Vivian,your baby is so cute! How old is she?

W :Thank you,Tony. She's turning ten month.

M: Oh, time flies! I still remember the first time we met two years ago, and now you are a mother.

Q:When did Vivian and Tony meet for the first time?


10.W: You've attended quite a few lectures on memory recently.

M:Yeah, I want to improve my memory. It's not one day work, though.

Q:why does the man go to the lectures?

解析:问题关键词why,找到对应的improve memory和not one day work.

11.W:Your dog looks smart. she's getting books for you from the shelf.

M:Yes, she can also pick up shoes for me when I go out.

Q: How does the dog help the man?

解析:问题关键词How,找到get book 和pick up shoes.

12.W:Now that you are here ,Micheal.Help me cut up the carrots and make a vegetables salad.

M:Give me a break, mom. But I can wash the dishes and clean up after dinner

Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place?

解析:问题关键词when,找到clean the dishes 和cut carrots。

13.W:Hello, i'd like to know how much the online lessons cost?

M:Between ten and two hundred yuan, depending on the subjects and levels.

Q:What are the two speakers talking about?

解析:问题关键词talk about,找到online lessons 和cost

14.W:--Jason, i'd like our son to learn more about reading and writing. And I want to keep them after school programs such as guitar,baseball and painting.

M:--Well, it's not a bad plan, dear, but do you think our son still needs any sleep?

Q: What does Jason probably mean?

解析:问题关键词Jason,根据Jason的话do you think our son still needs any sleep得出他觉得课外班过多。

总结:整体而言,这部分对话的内容都和日常生活相关,难度与往年基本保持一致。问题集中在对who,when, where, what, why, how以及推断,在听的时候抓住对应的关键信息的话整体还是比较简单的。

C 判断对话是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示。

When Charlie was playing with football in the garden,he saw the neighbors' cat walking along the top of the wooden fence that divided his garden from the neighbors'. Charlie didn't like that cat, so he threw his football at it. But the cat jumped out of the way. The ball flew pass the cat. Then he heard a loud sound. Charlie went towards the fence and looked through it. He saw his football lying by the wall of his neighbour's house and a big flower pot broken on one side.

Charlie didn't want his mom to find out what he's done. So he opened fence door and walked inside. He picked up his football and put the broken pieces into his pocket.He tried hard to turn the flower potter around to hide a broken side, then he closed the fence door and left.

When Charlie was looking for a place to hide the broken pieces, his mother went towards him and asked where he had been.Charlie wanted to lie to his mother. But he realized that would be another bad thing."No,

that would be really bad." He decided."Mom", he asked "would you still love me if I tell you that things I've done?" His mother smiled and said,"Of course,son" Charlie pulled a hand out of his pocket full of broken pieces. Mom could see those broken pieces but that was ok. This would be good.


D 听对话,用听到的单词完成句子。

Bob and Jessie are walking through a park. Bob is eating a piece of candy, and he litters on the ground.

Jessie believes that it is wrong and decides to stop him.

" Bob, I saw you drop something on the ground."

" Oh, come on, Jessie. It was just a little piece of plastic. It's not a big deal."

" You might think that it isn't a big deal, but it is."

" What do you mean?"

" It will hurt the environm ent and take away from the park’s natural beauty."

“Oh, come on. Just one small piece."

" But it's the rule. People shouldn't litter even a little. It's not right."

" Don't pick on me. I've seen lots of litter in some of the neighborhoods around town. "

"So just because some people do so doesn't mean it's ok. Everyone should care about the environment and help protect it."

"Hey, it's not like I dropped that big bag of rubbish on the ground."

"You know, we're in a park. If everyone who visit dropped one piece of rubbish, the public place would be dirty. "

" Well, maybe there should be more public rubbish bins around, then it would be more convenient to throw things away."

"Um, we're going to walk past rubbish bin on our way home. Remember, it's near the bus stop. "

"Oh, yeah well, let me pick it up and throw it away. "

"Now let's head home."



2018年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 Part I Listening(第一部分听力) 1. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1、________ 2、_________ 3、__________ 4、__________ 5、__________ 6、__________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7. A)Apple. B)Banana. C) Orange . D)Pear. 8.A)At8:45. B)At 9:00. C)At9:15. D)At 9:00. 9. A)By bus. B)By bike. C) By car. D)By underground. 10. A)Rainy. B) Cloud y. C)Sunny. D )Windy. 11. A)Visit his uncle. B)Visit his classmates. C) Go to London. D) Go to a language camp. 12. A)In a store. B)At home. C) At the cinema. D)In a restaurant. 13.A) Husband and wife. B) Doctor and patient. C)Shop assistant and customer. D)Teacher and student.

2019中考英语听力 口语考试训练9(含听力材料、解析)

2019中考英语听力+口语考试训练9(含听力材料、解析) (浙江专用) 本部分共有五小节.第一、第二节是听力题,第一节听五个短单句,第二节听一段短文,完成五个小题.第三节是篇章朗读,考察学生旳口语(朗读能力).第四至第五节是口语题,根据朗读提示,学生口头回答问题.注意:请认真看要求、听录音,并在规定时间内按要求或指令完成任务. 第一节:听对话,选图片.(每小题1分,满分5分) 现在请听5段小对话.每段对话后有一个小题,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出符合对话内容旳图片.每段对话仅读一遍. 1. What’s the weather like? 2. When is the pen? 3. When is Mary’s birthday? 4. What’s Jim’s favorite food? 5. What sport does Jack like?

第二节:听录音,完成信息记录表.(每小题2分,满分10分) 现在听一段录音材料,请根据内容从每题旳A、B、C三个选项中选择正确旳选项,完成信息记录表.录音播放两遍. 6. A. Zoo B. Park C. Museum 7. A. 7:30 a.m. B. 8:00 a.m. C. 8:30 a.m. 8. A. By train. B. By bike C. By bus 9. A. Eggs B. Bread C. Hamburgers 10. A. 88663782 B. 87866832 C. 88678632 第三节:篇章朗读.(满分2分) 请用规范旳英语语音语调朗读下面一段英语文本: You asked me to visit your new house. I’m sorry I can’t go this week. Today is my cousin’s birthday. I’m going to his birthday party in the evening. And tomorrow, I will have to go to the hospital to see my grandmother. She is ill in hospital. On Wednesday, I will practice tennis. I’m on the school tennis team. Then I will study for the test on Thursday. On Friday, my class will have a trip. Can I visit your house next week? 第四节:根据情景或要点提示回答问题.(每小题1分,满分5分) 在这一节里,请根据所给情景用英语回答五个问题.每个问题问两遍.在每个提问后,你都有15秒钟旳时间回答问题. 请看下面旳情景提示: 你喜欢英语,觉得很有趣.7年前开始学英语,每天坚持读英语. 第12题: 考生:__________________________________________________________________ 第13题: 考生:__________________________________________________________________ 第14题: 考生:__________________________________________________________________ 第15题: 考生:__________________________________________________________________ 第16题: 考生:__________________________________________________________________ 第五节:说话.(满分3分)


2017年中考英语听力仿真测试题(十三) 第一部分听对话回答问题(每小题1分,计10分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案。请在听到“嘀”的信号时,进入下一小题。 ( )1. Which sign are the two speakers talking about? ( )2. What are the two speakers going to buy in the shop? A. B. C. ( )3. How can the boy get to the hospital? ( )4. How did the girl feel? ( )5. What will Jenny do first? A. Wash the clothes. B. Visit pandas. C. Do her homework. ( )6. What did the boy wear? A. A red jumper. B. A red sweater. C. Blue jeans. ( )7. How much does one glass of lemonade cost? A.$20. B. $3. C.$8. ( )8. Which month is it now? A. June. B. May. C. April. ( )9. What does the boy advise the girl to do? A. To do some exercise. B. To listen to some light music. C. To have a good sleep. ( )10. Why does the girl vote for Max? A. Because he is clever. B. Because he is funny. C. Because he is handsome. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(每小题1分,计10分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的答案。 听一段对话,完成第11-12小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。 ( )11. What does Tony's father do? A. A doctor. B. A designer. C. A teacher. ( )12. Where does Tony's sister work?


初中英语听力高分解题技 巧 Prepared on 24 November 2020

初中英语听力高分解题技巧 听是人们进行言语交际的重要手段,是学习英语的重要途径之一。英语听力是对英语的听和理解的总和,是初中英语学科考试的必考题型。在听的过程中,学生语言基础知识掌握的程度决定了其听力能力。另外,要想在听力测试中取得好成绩,解题技巧也是关键。 1、做听力题时,心理素质非常重要。同学要有自信心,沉着冷静。注意力要集中,必须将自己置身于语境之中,这样才能清楚、准确地听到每个信息点。在听力考试时同学们要始终保持良好的心态,不要紧张。遇到听不懂的地方不要死盯着不放,以致顾此失彼。 2、在试卷发下来之后,要抓紧时间将试题和选项浏览一遍。此时要将试题的类型、难易程度搞清楚,做到心中有数,并对所要解答的问题做出一定的预测,通过对选项和文字材料的分析抢先进入语言环境,预测对话的话题和内容,从而有的放矢地捕捉信息。 3、做题要果断,不能浪费时间。注意力一定要集中在对整体内容的理解上,抓住文章或对话的大意,千万不能停留在个别单词或句子上,要把重点放在关键词和与问题有关的内容上。要快速根据所听到的内容对选项和材料进行分析并找出正确答案。遇到没有把握的问题就跳过去,因为听力录音不会停顿,要抓紧时间看下一道题。

4、如果遇到填空题,来不及将整个单词或短语写下来,就先写下前几个字母,等听下一遍时再将整个单词或短语补充完整。 初中英语听力测试一般考查考生对日期、天气、人物、特征、地点、图表以及具体事件的整体理解和反应能力。主要题型有:听音辨词,听句子选择图画,听句子选择答语,句子理解,对话理解、短文理解、听音填词等。 (1)听音辨词:这类试题主要是通过听单词或句子对近音词、同音词或近义词进行考查。这要求考生一定要听清楚发音相近或易混淆的音素,如:sheep与ship,house与horse,除听清楚发音外,还得听懂句意,根据句意来选择符合句意的同音词。如:the earth goes around the sun.(c) a、son b、some c、sun my english teacher has a little son.(a) a、son b、some c、sun (2)听句子选择图画:做这类试题,要求考生首先将给出的图画看清楚,了解图画的大致意思,这样在听句子时才不至于手足无措。另外在听句子时,尤其要注意其中的名词和动词。 (3)听句子选择答语:这类试题主要考查考生运用英语进行交际的能力,通过听句子和对句子的理解,从所给的选项中选择出适当的答语。如:what’s the date today(a) a、march 12 b、monday c、9:00 同学们在平时的学习中要多留意常用的交际用语,这对做好这类试题很有帮助。


2016 年上海中考英语试卷 Part 1Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30 分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共 6 分) 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共8 分) 7 .A .In March B .In May C .In June D .In July . 8 .A .His son B .His daughter C .His father D .His mother . 9.A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14. 10.A.Lions B.Elephants C.Monkeys D.Tigers. 11.A.Because the car is too old. B.Because he needs money. C.Because there is too much traffic. D.Because he wants to buy a new car. (关注微信公众号,获取更多免费资源)

12.A.At home B.In the museum.C.At school.D.In the hospital.13.A.Make some cakes. B.Order a meal. C.Take him to a restaurant. D.Buy some milk. 14.A.Sleep B.Fans C.The kids D.The weather. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共6 分) 15.Amy often stays up late at night to learn English. 16.The programmes Amy listens to are Canadian and American. 17.Amy thinks that talk channels are better than music channels. 18.Amy's progress is slow,but her English is getting better than before.19.Tom isn't interested when Amy tells him about listening online. 20.Tom and Amy are talking about a good way to learn English. D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences (听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词): (共10 分) 21.The yearly Walk for Charity will_______,_______ Garden Street.22.Money will be raised to build a children's_______,_______ in the town.23.If rain is forecast,walkers should _______,_______ all possible events.24.Walkers are told to keep to _______,_______in the single line while walking.25.The bus leaves every half-hour and the service _______ ,_________-。 Part 2Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20 分) 26. Let’s take a rest and listen to some music. Which is correct for the underlined part? A)/e/B)/i:/C)/I/D)/?/ 27. The teenagers had _____ good time in the summer camp in their sister school. A)a B) an C) the D)/


Test 3 一听对话回答问题。(计10分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。 ( ) 1. Which Olympic Games is mentioned? A B C ( ) 2. What are students doing today? A B C ( ) 3. How did Ann use to go the school? A B ( ) 4. Which picture could describe the meaning of the sentence? A B C ( ) 5. Which of the following statements about Jane is right? A She works as a librarian. B She works as a shop assistant in the shop. C She has gone abroad by plane. ()6. How old is the woman who took part in the walk? A. 65 years old B. 75 years old. C. 80 years old. ( )7.What time is it now? A. It's 8:00. B. It's 8:15. C. It's 8:30.

A. He's playing with Millie and Kitty. B. He's recommending a new chairperson. C. He is thanking Millie and Kitty for recommending him ( ) 9.How long has Mary had the car? A. Seven years B. Six years . C. Six days. ( ) 10. Is surfing an event of the Olympic Games? A. Yes, it is. It is one of the events. B. Yes, it was. It was one of the events.. C. No, it isn't. But I expect it will be in the future. 二听对话和短文回答问题。(计10分) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。 听第一段对话,回答第11~12小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一段对话。 ( ) 11.Where did May and her parents live before? A. In Beijing. B. In New York. C. In a small village. ( ) 12. When did May start learning English? A. When she was six.. B. When she was seven. C. When she came to Beijing. 听一篇短文,回答第13-15题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信 ( ) 13A. south. B. north. C. center. ( ) 14 A. Five. B. Six C. Two. ( ) 15. A. 10 years old. B.13 years old. C. 7 years old. 听一篇短文,回答第16-20题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入测试的第三部分。 ( ) 16.What did Jim forget? A. the lesson. B. what the teacher said. C. what his mother said. ( ) 17. When did the story happen? A. in the evening . B. in the afternoon. C. in the morning. ( ) 18.Why was Jim happy? A. the teacher liked him B. the teacher touched his head. C. the teacher didn’t find what he drew


最新中考英语听力解题技巧 中考英语听力概述 听力在整个的语言交际活动中约占50%左右。听力部分在近年的上海市中考卷中已占总成绩的四分之一,可见听力在英语中的重要性。初中阶段的听力主要考查学生对所听语言材料的理解能力。听力部分共有五个部分组成:选图片、快速应答、对话、短文和表格。 影响中考英语听力理解的几个因素 学生对语言基础知识的掌握程度决定了听力理解以及反应速度的差异。取得听力部分高分的诀窍首先在于注重日常生活中听力的不断积累,因为语言是长期积累的结果。注重精听和泛听有效的结合;其次学会在平时用英语思维,排除母语的干扰。再次要学会在听力中"领先一步"。即拿到试卷后,快速预览听力部分的全部内容。做到听前已了解考题的大致趋势,听时胸有成竹、有的放矢抓住每小题的关键词。平时良好的心理素质的培养也是必不可少的。为了提高准确率,建议做到以下几点:1.答题时先做在试卷上。2.学会必要的放弃,不

要因为一小题没听清楚而影响整个听力部分。3.听力部分结束后不要轻易改动答案。 中考英语听力答题技巧 1.第一大题是根据你所听到的句子,选出相应的图片。这个大题中的句子一般分成两种。一是直接描述画面,另一种是根据画面中的背景和相应的提示找出正确的图片。此类题目的关键是仔细看清图片,根据图片的提示和句子的关键词,选出图片. [例1] How do you like Shanghai? 【解析】由于这句话是征求他人的意见,所以选择以上海为背景,两人在对话的那幅图片更佳。 [例2]Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China. 【解析】听到这种句子时只要找出上海的标志性建筑即可。如:东方明珠电视塔、金茂大厦、上海博物馆、南浦大桥、杨浦大桥等地。同时平时要多了解一些其他国家著名城市的标志,如: 美国的标志性建筑为自由女神像、白宫、五角大楼等。


上海版2020年中考英语试卷听力部分(I)卷 一、根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。 (共5题;共5分) 1. (1分)根据你所听到的问题,选择合适的答语() A . Sorry, I'm afraid you can't. B . I hope so. C . No, you couldn't. 2. (1分)听句子,选出最合适的答语。 A . It's sunny. B . That's OK. C . I'm very well. 3. (1分)听句子,选出最佳答语。 A . Sure. B . It's fantastic. C . No, I haven't. 4. (1分)听句子,选答语。 A . It doesn't matter. B . My pleasure. C . Very well. 5. (1分)听录音,选出能对句子做出适当反应的答语 A . Not far from here. B . About 10 stops. C . At the third crossing. 二、听5段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从A、B、C三个选项中选 (共5题;共5分) 6. (1分)When are they going camping? A . On Sunday morning. B . On Saturday afternoon. C . On Saturday morning. 7. (1分)听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择题正确答案() A . Two.

B . Three. C . Four. 8. (1分)Where is the man now? A . In the museum. B . On the bus. C . At the bus stop. 9. (1分)What does Bob have? A . a ruler B . a pen C . a pencil 10. (1分)How does the woman learn English? A . By talking with foreigners. B . By studying grammar. C . By listening and reading. 三、听两段长对话,毎段对话后分别有几个小题,从A、B、C三个选项 (共2题;共5分) 11. (2分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)What does the man advise the woman to take? A . A coat. B . A sweater. C . An umbrella. (2)What's the weather like in Los Angeles this week? A . Sunny. B . Rainy. C . Windy. 12. (3分)听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。 (1)What happened to Amy's aunt last night? A . She hurt her neck. B . She had a car accident. C . She lost her car.


2013年中考英语听力训练(3) 第一节:听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。 1.What day is it today? A. Clean-up Day. B. Christmas Day. C. Teachers’ Day. 2. Where does Peter usually hang out with his friends? A. At Bill’s house. B. At the park. C. At the mall. 3. What is Liu Xin asked to do? A. Take care of a baby. B. Look after the shoes. C. Look after the house. 4. What was the weather like last night? A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Windy. 5. Where does the conversation happen? A. At a post office. B. At a shop. C. At a bookstore. 第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至第 8 小题。 6. What is the name of the movie? A. Happiness in life. B. Late autumn. C. The flowers in the war. 7. How much will the two people pay for the movie? A.16yuan B.60 yuan C.120 yuan 8. What are they talking about? A. Lessons. B. movie. C. Books. 听下面一段对话,回答第 9 至第10 小题。 9. Where would Liu like to go for the coming holiday? A. Nanjing. B. Beijing. C. Tianjin. 10.What will Liu bring to Wang tomorrow? A. Tickets. B. Maps. C. Photos. 听下面一段独白,回答第11至第13小题。 11. What does Tom do every day to study English? A. Listen to English on the radio and practice speaking B. Read English magazines and listen to English songs C. Watch English movies and read English novels. 12. What is difficult for Tom? A. To study grammar. B. To remember English words. C. To use English words. 13. How does Tom feel when he speaks English? A. Excited. B. Nervous. C. Confident. 听下面一段对话,回答第14至第15小题。 14. What is wrong with Peter?


初中英语听力:下载mp3测试材料第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听卜ici 5段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a,b,c 三个选项中选出 选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.what does the woman plan to do during the summer? a.to teach. b.to stay at home and rest. c.to go to china for a visit. 2.what did the woman buy her husband for christmas? a.a book. b.a watch. c.a case for coin collection. 3.what does the man intend to do? a.he intends to put something into the boxes. b.he intends to ask the woman to help him carry boxes. c.he intends to help the woman carry boxes. 4.what does the woman mean? a.she doesn’t agree with the man. b.me man shouldn’t eat the fish. c.the fish is safe to eat.

5.how much will the woman lend the man? a.$6 . b. $4 . c.$7. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1 .5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题 所给的a,b,c三个选 项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每 段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.what is going on in the dialogue? a.a formal talk between the boss and his secretary. b.a formal talk between a professor and a student. c. an interview between the interviewer and the job applicant(申请者). 7.which of the following is not true about ms.jenkins? a.she types well. b.she speaks italian. c.she can say not only one language. 8.when(:art m5.jenkins know the result? a.in 2 days. b. in 14 days. c.in 40 days. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。


初中英语听力学习方法介绍 其实听力的培养并不难,只要师生都树立信心,尽可能多地抓住实践机会,反复练习便可以提高听力水平。下面是由的初中英语听力学习方法,一起来看看吧。 1.三步听力预测验证训练法 老师在听力训练前告诉学生听力材料的标题,要求学生分析标 题来预测段落内容, 并在老师的帮助下运用经验来推论结果。接着,通过听来验证学生的预测并对比检测结果; 强化学生的预测判断能力, 加强听力的目的性, 保证听力训练的效度。如听力材料: Pollution。 第一步, 老师首先板书听力材料的主题———Pollution。 第二步, 师生设问和讨论预测内容并推导结论:What’s Pollution? How many kinds? Where is it fromin your opinions? How to stop different kinds of pollution? 第三步, 听录音验证假设。 2.任务型听力训练法

该方法要求学生在听懂的基础上,利用输入的语言信息去完成一项任务或多项任务。这些任务是老师围绕听力材料所提供的语言情景和语言信息预先设计的,通过任务的完成和此后的评价来检验学生的理解程度。 (1)录音填表格。(略) (2)听后画图。初级听力训练阶段需要学生运用抽象思维能力,更需要学生运用形象思维能力。听后画图的方法旨在培养学生的空间定位能力、想像力以及信息接受、处理、联想、加工及组合能力。 (3)听后写(通知、信、邀请函等) 。老师选用部分应用文体做听力材料, 既培养学生信息的转换能力, 又强化四会技能的相互渗透。听是写和说的基础,说和写是听的提高。 (4)听后回答,重述,转述。听后回答可采用四种问答方式: ①一般疑问句问答,弄清人物的职业身份;②围绕where、when、what来设计问答,弄清事情经过及发生的时间地点;③围绕how、why来设计问答,弄清事情的前因后果及方式方法;④围绕标题内容来设计, 目的是帮助学生理解言外之意,促使学生能运用自己的综合语言能力进行创造性问答。重述要求学生将听到的材料一字不漏叙述出来,训练学


2015上海中考英语试卷听力完整文本精校版 (听力文本系根据录音听写,经反复核对,希望尽量准确) A. 根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片,并在答题纸上填涂相应的字母代号,每个句子念两遍。 1. Vivian made a delicious cheese cake for her dad. 2. George is cycling with his best friend Tony. 3. Will Shanghai Disneyland Park open to the public at the end of this year? 4. It’s wonderful to go camping in the National Park, isn’t it? 5. Joe hurt his foot seriously so he has to stay in bed now. 6. In order to reduce pollution, more and more people prefer to use electric cars. B. 根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案, 并在答题纸上填涂相应的字母代号,对话和问题都念两遍。 7. W: Look! It’s a picture of a rabbit, my new pet. M: Wow, cute! I know what dogs and cats need but how do you look after your rabbit? W: I give it vegetables and water. I clean it and keep it warm, too. Q: What pet does the girl have? 8. W: Too bad it’s our last day in France. There is still a lot to see. M: I know. But I’m sure we can see more in Britain and Germany next week. Q: Where are the two speakers now? 9. M: Linda, we’ll have a party at 7:30 tomorrow. Would you like to come? W: I’d love to. But I won’t be able to join you until 8 o’clock. Q: When can Linda probably attend the party? 10. W: Sam, any plans for the summer holiday? What about visiting Aunt Judy with me? M: Well, Kittie, I’ll be a volunteer at Shanghai History Museum. Q: Who will be a volunteer during the summer holiday? 11. W: Are you OK, Charlie? M: No, not really. The freezing weather makes me feel down. W: Oh, I see. Would you like to go out for a walk? M: In the snow? Oh, come on! Q: What season might it be? 12. M: Alice! Alice! Wake up! Don’t cry! W: Oh! What a terrible dream! A huge dog was running after me in the dark street but I couldn’t move! M: Don’t worry. It was just a d ream. Go back to sleep. Q: Why did Alice cry? 13. W: Here are several flats. Do you prefer two bedrooms or just one bedroom? M: Well, it doesn’t matter. I just want one close to my office. W: How about this one. Look at the pictures. It’s well decorated a nd not far from your office. Q: What is the man probably doing? 14. M: I usually learn English by reading novels. W: Watching American movies is also a good way. It helps to know how foreigners


中考英语听力练习题_范文 A)听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一小题。听完对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分) ( )1. Who is the man going to see? A. Mr. White. B. Miss Smith. C. Mr. Smith. ( )2. Where is Mr. Brown now? A. In New York. B. In Mexico. C. In the city. ( )3. What does the woman want to know? A. How to get to the museum. B. Some information about the museum. C. Some information of the transportation. ( )4. How old is Mrs. Smith’s son? A. 14 B. 17 C. 11 ( )5. What do we know from the conversation? A. The man lost the way in the street. B. The woman tells the man how to get to the bank. C. The woman tells the man where to have a snack. ( )6. What happened to the man? A. He broke the traffic rules. B. He had a traffic accident. C. His car was broken on the way to the station.

中考英语考场技巧 听力有应试技巧

中考英语考场技巧:听力有应试技巧 1、快速读题有目的“听” 借用英语中“assoonas”的句型,聪明的考生一旦拿到试卷,就应该利用一切可能的时间进行听力测试的快速读题,对将可能听到的信息或考核内容进行预测,并可适当地做一些标记,带着问题听,带着预测去搜索答案,也即有目的地“听”。这是中考听力测试中能否得到高分乃至满分的关键,它使考生由被动转为主动,打一场有准备的仗。听力答题的良好发挥,也将帮助考生更镇静,沉着,以饱满的情绪进行下面的答题。 2、平心静气集中精力 考生要善于控制自己的情绪,尤其要排除对听力测试的恐惧感,坦然放松,静心聆听。不能因为一个单词或一句话没听清楚而急躁慌乱,影响后面内容的聆听而影响答题。 3、注重训练及时反馈 “铁杵非一日能磨成针”,考生在平时训练时需要认真,如果出错,一定要弄清楚错误的根源是什么,是听的问题,是理解的问题,还是词汇的问题,自己要做到胸中有数。通过及时反馈,才能不断地提高自己的听力能力。 题型分析与解题要点 1、听句选图 以近年来的中考听力第一大题为例,。如果通过仔细读题,该类题的难度还是不大的。建议考生可根据读题预测一些关键词,这些关键词通常应为名词或动词。 2、听录音,选择最恰当的应答 根据近年来的中考试卷评析,在听力第二大题中失分率是相当高的。原因有二,一是这一大题的听力句子只播放一遍,句子也相对精练、短促,考生往往还来不及听懂、作出反应,就不得不应答下一题了;二是这一大题充分地考核了考生对交际英语功能的掌握。不少考生暴露出了这一环节的薄弱。下面,笔者就考生常容易出错的几个方面进行梳理。例:appreciation.赞赏---i like the color of your shirt.---_________. a.no,it’s ugly. b.sorry. c.thank you. d.you are welcom e. thanks and apologizes.感谢和道歉---it’s kind of you to help me.---_________. a.don’t thank me. b.i’ve given you little help.c.thank you.d.it’s apleasure.---i’m sorry that i have broken your glass.---_________. a.don’t say sorry to me. b.you’d better be careful. c.that’s right. d.that’s all right. requests.要求---would you mind opening the window?.---_________. a.of course. b.never mind. c.not at all. d.all right. agreement and disagreement.同意和不同意---lovely day,isn’t it?.---_________. a.yes,it is. b.no,isn’t it?c.no,it isn’t. d.yes,isn’t it?---i can’t play the guitar.---neither can i./i can’t,either.asking for information.寻求信息 a.---what day is it today?---it’s monday. b.---what’s the date today?---it’s december the second. c.---how is your father?---he is much better. d.---what is your sister?---she is a poet. e.---who is that boy?---he is yaomin,my friend. 3、根据对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案 这一大题属于情景会话题,常考核考生对于对话细节的捕捉,内容包括对话地点、人物职业、时间、价格、数字、电话号码、颜色、天气、国家、活动等,但通过读题,考生可以缩小答题的范围,锁定听力句子中的关键词,并可适当作些记录,帮助自己进行计算或判断。例:(1)a.at7:15 b.at1:30 c.at6:35 d.at7:10 分析:通过读题分析,本题所问问题为事情发生的时间。所以我们在听录音时要重点听时间。
