





































石河子大学科学学位研究生学位论文答辩及 学位申请工作细则 根据《中华人民共和国学位条例》和《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行办法》,结合我校实际情况,制定本工作细则。 第一章论文答辩的资格 申请论文答辩的资格: 一、完成教学计划所规定的所有环节,课程合格并取得相应的学分。 二、学位论文经过开题---论文中期检查---论文预答辩,开题至答辩原则上应有一年半的时间,如果中途因故换题,应组织参与首次论文开题的专家进行重新开题,并经导师、学科点负责人、学院主管领导签字同意后,在研究生处学位办公室备案。 三、向学院提交经导师签字认可的原始试验记录材料。 四、研究生在校期间必须达到学校规定的英语和发表学术论文的要求。 (一)英语要求:

自然科学类科学学位硕士研究生,在入学前三年或在校期间CET六级成绩达到355分(含355分)以上; 人文社科类科学学位硕士研究生,在入学前三年或在校期间CET六级成绩达到400分(含400分)以上; 自然科学类科学学位硕士研究生,在校期间CET六级成绩达到320分以上;人文社科类科学学位硕士研究生达365分以上,如果在国外学术期刊(指SCI、EI、SSCI、A&HCI收录源刊物)上用英文以第一作者且石河子大学为第一署名单位发表1篇与本学科专业研究方向内容一致的研究论文,也可通过。 (二)发表学术论文的具体要求见《石河子大学关于博士、硕士研究生发表学术论文的暂行规定》。 五、通过学位论文学术不端行为检测系统的检测。 第二章论文答辩的准备 一、研究生学位论文的答辩由研究生所在学院组织,一般在每年的5月下旬至6月上旬进行。如有特殊情况需要延期者,由本人申请,经导师、院主管研究生工作的负责人批准,报送研究生处审批。

2020 清考大学英语2作业题及答案

综合作业 1. (单选题) She is my best friend, so I know her very ______. ( )(本题1.0分) A、good B、fine C、nice D、well 学生答案: D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分: 1 2. (单选题) Here is a piece of advice on how to learn English well. ______ it, please. ( )(本题1.0分) A、Have B、Get C、Carry D、Take 学生答案: D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分: 1 3. (单选题) How long have you____? ( )(本题1.0分) A、married B、be married C、got married

D、been married 4. I don’t understand ____ believe him.(C) 学生答案: D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分: 1 4. (单选题) I don’t understand ____ believe him.()(本题1.0分) A、why don’t you B、why you not C、why you don’t D、why not you 学生答案: C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分: 1 5. (单选题) ----Look, it’s going to rain. ----Really ? ______ , I don’t take a raincoat with me. ( )(本题1.0分) A、I’m afraid not B、I hope not. C、Good idea D、I hope so. 学生答案: B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分: 1 6. (单选题) It was too noisy, ______ we couldn’t hear _____ he said at the meeting. ( )(本题1.0分)


浙江大学城市学院学生会生活部管理制度 第一章浙江大学城市学院学生会生活部例会制度 第一条、院学生会生活部例会包括部长主任例会以及各分院学生会生活部长联席例会。 第二条、部长主任例会以及各分院学生会生活部长联席例会时间。 第三条、院学生会生活部部长可因工作需要临时召开会议。 第四条、例会不得缺席、迟到。如有特殊情况不能参加例会者,须提前向办公室请假,并派人代为参加。无故缺席达三次者,视为自动退出学生会生活部。 第五条、各部门按一定顺序汇报上周工作情况及本周工作计划,如有重大事项(活动)需提交集体讨论的,须事先通知办公室,由办公室安排议程。 第六条、生活部负责人在例会上及时分派各部门的工作任务,各负责人必须认真记录。有不能处理或不能完成的请当场提出。 第七条、办公室会务人员负责记录会议内容,并整理成会议记要,备份存档。 第八条、本制度自颁布之日起实施。 第二章 浙江大学城市学院学生会生活部值班制度 第一条、值班时间为每天晚上 : — : (周六、周日除外)。 第二条、值班人员应准时到岗,不得随意迟到、早退或缺席。有特殊原因需请假者,须征得办公室同意,并安排好临时值班者。凡经办公室抽查发现无故迟到、早退、缺席者,每次在期末考核总分中扣 分。 第三条、保持安静,不得嬉闹、喧哗或带无关人员进入学生会值班室。 第四条、值班人员应认真完成总务部或学生会临时交办的各项任务。 第五条、值班人员须热情礼貌地接待来访人员,记录电话,认真做好值班记录并签名,配合各部门做好报名、咨询等相关工作,及时反馈信息给有关部门负责人。 第六条、值班人员认真做好清洁卫生工作,保证值班室的整洁有序。严禁在值班室乱扔果壳类物品。凡经办公室抽查当日有值班室脏乱等情况出现二次者,将在例会上通报批评值班人员,并扣 分。 第七条、值班人员负责管理学生会生活部资产、报刊杂志,应爱惜办公用品,不经


《大学英语1》课程作业 专业班级:姓名:学号: 作业要求:题目可打印,答案要求手写,该课程考试时交作业。 I. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. Come to 共计come up with 想出,提出,赶上disturb 打扰get to 达到,开始program计划Typical典型的involve 包含,潜心于fee from actually gap间隙,缺口,空白Nevertheless然而communicate current 现在的worthwhile值得的 1.Being a sailor(水手) _ involves__ long periods of time away from home. 2.I'm sure she'll __ actually _ like her new job as a nurse. 3.This year's fall in profits(利润) was not unexpected._ Nevertheless __ , it is very disappointing. 4.The Tibetans(西藏人),- coming to -- feudal serfdom (封建农奴制),隶have made remarkable achievements towards the building of a socialist society. 5.Though Washington, D.C. is the seat of government of the United States, New York is _ fee from ___ the nation's most important city. 6.He was so disturbing____ to hear of his mother's illness that he could no longer concentrate on his studies. 7.A typical____ summer day in that area is hot and dry. 8.Mr. smith kept thinking hard, but failed to _come up with___ a workable plan. 9.You ought to spend more of your time on some _worthwhile___ reading. 10.The new theory has __ get to ___ be widely accepted. 11.The government is taking effective(有效的) measures to overcome __ currently__ difficulties. 12.It is necessary that young and old people should _ communicate ____ more with each other. 13.I am afraid there is a great ___gap__ between your viewpoints(观点) and mine. 14.It is thoughtless of them to allow their children to watch whatever __program__ is on television. II. Fill in the blanks with the given words or expressions in their proper forms: 1. hear/hear of (1)Would you please speak louder? The students sitting at the back can't _ hear __ you.


*The problem is that the line between whento spellcheck and proofread and when to just type and send is becoming unclear and almost invisible. 问题是:青少年们已经分不清楚什么时候该检查拼写并改错,什么时候只是打字并发送消息。 *Notice it or not,the words we chooes,or rather don’t choose,when we use informal communication are of great importance. 无论你是否注意到,我们进行非正式交流时选择使用或不用的词汇是很重要的。 *The coach demands that each player should pay attention to the teachniques whlie practicing. 教练要求每个球员在训练时都要注意技巧。 *The Internet affects our lives in many ways. 互联网在很多方面影响了我们的生活。 *Our plane was cancelled because of a sudden rainstorm. 由于一场突如其来的暴风雨,我们的航班被取消了。 *It’s true that better technology has shaped the Olympics,but people want to celebrate athletes for their hard work rathan their use of the latest sports technology. 毫无疑问先进的科技影响了奥林匹克,但是人们想要庆祝的是运动员的努力而不是他们使用了最先进的运动科技。 *Governing bodies for Olympic sports should actively monitor the latest technologies that could affect sports performances and plan rather than merely react to changes,... 奥林匹克运动会的管理层应该积极监督能够影响运动成绩和运动计划的最新科技而不只是对这些变化作出反映... *The critics generally considered that her new book would overshadow the early ones. 评论家们普遍认为,她的新书会使她的早期作品黯然失色。 *People worried that the new policy of the local government would restrict the local economic development. 人们担心地方政府的这项新政策会限制当地的经济发展。 *After a year of hard work,there has been great improvement in her painting. 经过一年的刻苦努力,她的画技有了很大的提高。


石河子大学关于研究生发表学术论文的暂行规定(修订) 为了切实保证和提高我校研究生的培养质量和学位授予质量,根据我校授予学位的有关要求和研究生培养方案的有关规定,特对我校研究生申请博士、硕士学位应发表的学术论文做如下规定: 一、学术论文数量和层次要求 (一)博士研究生发表学术论文的要求: 1、自然科学类博士研究生至少在SCI收录期刊上发表1篇学术论文或在EI收录期刊上(不包括会议论文)发表2篇学术论文; 2、人文社科类博士研究生发表学术论文应达到以下条件之一: (1)在SSCI收录刊物上发表1篇学术论文; (2)在CSSCI收录期刊上发表2篇学术论文; (3)在EI收录期刊上(不包括会议论文)发表2篇学术论文; (4)在《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》发表论文1篇学术论文。 (二)全日制科学学位硕士研究生发表学术论文应达到以下条件之一: 1、在SCI、EI(不包括会议论文)、ISTP、SSCI、CSSCI等检索收录期刊发表1篇本专业研究领域内的学术论文; 2、在全国中文核心期刊上发表1篇本专业研究领域内的学术论文(不包括综述性论文)。 (三)全日制专业学位硕士研究生和在职攻读硕士学位研究生在公开正式刊物上发表1篇本专业研究领域内的学术论文或其项目(产品)设计、调研报告、文学艺术作品等获得省部级以上奖励,其中国家级奖排名前六位,省部级一等奖排名前四位、二等奖前三位、三等奖前二位;或获得国家实用新型专利(已获得专利号),排序前两名。 二、学术论文发表的具体说明 1、全日制博士、硕士研究生要求发表学术论文的第一署名单位必须是“石河子大学”,且为在学期间(指正式入学之日后)的学术论文。研究生发表论文作者署名要求如下:自然科学类:研究生为第一作者,导师为通讯作者;人文社科类:研究生为第一作者,导师为第二作者或导师为第一作者,研究生为第二作者均可。申请人发表的学术论文必须与其学位论文内容相关。


关于交换生出国留学导师推荐信的范文 Dear colleagues: I have known ms. Zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a master of science candidate into the school. as her research adviser, i directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. during her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earned good scores major and general gpa 3.3. She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as quantum chemistry and theory of electrochemistry. Materials Project for his degree thesis “theoretical study of electronic structures of several representative metal element in the hydrotalcite slabs”. to make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques. working hard and independently, she cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. during her m.s. period, she had three papers published in international


Unit 1 Vocabulary 1.F ill in the gaps with words……. 1). Respectable 2).agony 3).put down 4).sequence 5).hold back 6).distribute 7).off and on 8).vivid 9).associate 10).finally 11).turn in/out 12).tackle 2. Rewrite each sentence…… 1)…has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2)….was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3)….a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. 4)….gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 3. Complete the sentences… 1).reputation; rigid; to inspire 2).and tedious; What’s more; out of date ideas 3).compose; career; avoid showing; hardly hold back Ⅱ. Synonyms in Context

https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b1913115.html,posed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall https://www.360docs.net/doc/9b1913115.html,mand 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ.Collocation 1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as 6.about 7.to 8.in; in 9.from 10.on/upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ.Cloze Text-related (1).hold back (2).tedious (3).scanned (4).recall (5).vivid (6).off and on (7).turn out/in (8).career Theme-related (1).last (2).surprise (3).pull (4).blowing (5). dressed (6).scene (7).extraordinary (8).image (9).turn (10).excitement Ⅱ.Translation 1.A s it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.H is girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took


《大学英语(2)》1 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30%) 1. By the end of this year Mr. Smith ___D___in our company for exactly three years. A) is working B) has worked C) will work D) will have worked 2. I think that the Great Wall is worth _____B_______hundreds of miles to visit. A) to travel B) traveling C) traveled D) travel 3. The new staff didn’t know how to use the system ____A_____ I explained it to him yesterday. A) until B) because C) if D) since 4. _______C______is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two companies have not made any progress. A) That B) What C) It D) As 5. _______B___by the failure of the project, the manager could hardly say a word. A) To be shocked B) Shocked C) Be shocked D) Shocking 6. When designing this machine, time factor is what we must first _B_. A) take onto consideration B) take into consideration C) take to consideration D) take in consideration 7.Mike is very good at English, B his brother is absolutely hopeless. A)when B) while C) what D) where 8. The general manager wished to _D__ a toast to their friendship. A) arrive B) plan C) manage D) propose 9. How can we seek __A_ a really good person for the job? A) out B) on C) in D) over 10. ___C__ his embarrassment, he had to call his wife and have her bring him some money. A) On B) At C) To D) In 11. We haven’t enough rooms for everyone, so some of you will have to __A__ a room. A) share B) stay C) spare D) live 12. Before ____B__ for the job, you will be required to take a language test. A) apply B) applying C) applied D) to apply 13. If you want to join the club, you’ll have to ____C____ this form first. A) put up B) try out C) fill in D) set up 14. ____D____ the rain stops before 12 o’clock, we will have to cancel the game. A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless 15. As the price of oil keeps ____B____, people have to pay more for driving a car.


浙江传媒学院校际交换学生出国(境)学习管理规定 浙传院〔2010〕64号 一、宗旨 为扩大学生视野、培养国际型人才,学校在积极开展与国(境)外院校校际交流的基础上,本着互惠互利的原则,每年有计划地选拔在校学生赴与我校签订或达成学生交换协议的院校进行学习和研究。为进一步规范我校校际公派交换学生出国(境)学习的选拔和管理工作,进一步扩大开放办学,提高学校国际化程度,特制订本规定。 二、适用范围 本规定适用于由我校按校际交流与合作协议约定,公派出去学习三个月以上的我校在校普通本科生;我校与国(境)外院校间开展的课程与学分互认项目公派出去的学生也适用本管理规定。学校与国(境)外院校间合作开展的交流时间短于三个月的公派学生短期游学项目参照本办法实施。我校与国(境)外院校间开展的课程与学分互认项目、经学校同意自费出去的交流的学生参照本办法实施。 三、申请办法 1、申请者的基本条件 (1)我校在籍的大二、大三本科生,或符合两校合作协议规定范围内的我校在籍学生;(2)外语能力(英语或交换国的语言)优良,并符合交换学校的入学要求; (3)学业及思想品德优良,本科生必修课、专业选修课平均分70分以上,且在校期间必修课、专业选修课不及格课程不超过两门,综合测评成绩列测评样本的前50%;或学习平均绩点达2.0(含)以上 (4)符合国外合作院校规定的申请条件; (5)身体健康,能圆满完成出国(境)学习任务; (6)具有在国外学习和生活的经济能力,已交清应缴学校的各项费用; (7)政治素质好,坚持四项基本原则,热爱祖国,品德优良,具有为祖国建设事业服务的事业心和责任感。 2、申请材料 学校根据与国(境)外合作院校所签署或达成协议的学生交换项目的实际情况,根据交换协议约定,将学生交换任务下达给交换专业所属的相关二级学院。每个学生在校期间只能申请一项出国(境)交换项目,不可多选。申请者根据所在二级学院按照本规定或参照本规定所制定的选拔方案,需向所在学院递交以下申请材料: (1)申请表(见附录一); (2)中、英文成绩单(需经学校教务处盖章); (3)英文简历; (4)外语水平能力证明(英语IELTS或托福、GRE成绩等或其它学习目的国所需要的语言水平证明等)。学校鼓励在校生为参与交换项目早作外语水平方面的准备; (5)家长同意书; (6)出国学习计划书; (7)经济来源证明; (8)其它国外合作院校所需文件。 四、选拔办法 1、选拔机构 学校专门设立“浙江传媒学院国际交换学生选拔委员会”(以下简称:选拔委员会)负责交换学生的最后选拔审定工作。“选拔委员会”设主任一名、副主任三名、委员若干名。


大学英语1 清考辅导 卷 1. Since you are so busy, you do need a very _______ secretary. 2. Jim had a _______ problem with his car, but he fixed it himself. 3. After much thought, we _______ agreed to let him go. 4. Let’s go to the park. It’s just _________. 5. To the old lady’s great ______, Myra did not come, nor did she send her any present. 6. The mayor put forward a _________ to improve public transportation.

7. Though Washington, D. C. is the seat of government of the United States, New York is _______ the nation’s most important city. 8. A _______ summer day in that area is hot and dry. 9. I am afraid that the _______ between rich and poor is still widening in our country. ________ what his teachers said in class. 2. The newly-elected government has begun the painful _______ of working out its policies and strategies. 3. Please ________ to call on us


一、环境保护与人和自然和谐发展 1.人和自然协调发展地必要性 随人工自然地迅速扩展,一方面,人从自然中获得巨大利益,推动了社会进步;另一方面,人与自然地关系也发生着变化.有专家认为:当前世界存在着“五个最终决定和限制我们星球增长地基本问题”,即:人口问题;粮食问题;不可再生地资源问题;工业化问题;环境问题.这些问题由于带有普遍性,又被称为“全球问题”. 2、人和自然协调发展地可能性 (1)对人与自然关系地反思 从主观来看:对于人在自然中地位置,只看到人是自然界地主人,能征服和改造自然,忽视了人也是自然中地一部分,存在于自然界中,必须服从自然规律.过分强调了人地能动性,对受动性认识不足,而实际上真正自觉地能动性地发挥应当是以对受动性认识为约束条件地,如果不以对受动性地认识为基础,能动性地发挥必带盲目性,且最终必摆脱不了受动性地制约.过去人们只追求有利地一面,忽视了有害地一面,只注重自己活动所带来地局部利益.眼前利益,忽略了整体利益和长远利益. 从客观方面看,造成人与自然关系不协调地原因在于科技发展水平有限,社会需求与当时自然界地承受力不平衡,以及各种社会因素等.当科学发展还不足以使人类更深刻地认识自然规律,认识自然界内部地复杂联系时,人类也就难以预见自己行为第一步.第二步地后果,这是产生盲目性地根本原因.认识有限.改造手段有限,使得人们在物质追求上受主观意志支配,从而造成不协调,当然,社会性质和社会制度在这一关系中也起相当重要地作用. (2)重建自然平衡地可能性 从客体方面看:自然界地平衡是动态地,这样人就有可能创造条件促使自然平衡向利于自己地方向发展.这是一个追求新地.更高级地有序化地过程.


出国做交换生的英语自我推荐信范文英语自我推荐信在日常生活中有广泛的运用空间,可作为出国做交换生的书面材料。下面是由分享的出国做交换生的英语自我推荐信范文,希望对你有用。 出国做交换生的英语自我推荐信范文(一) Dear Sir or Madam: Its greatly appreciated that you can share your time to read my selfrecommendation letter. My name is Yu Ting. Majoring in English, I will graduate from Neijiang Teachers college in June 20xx. Only after polishing, the sword will be sharp; only after suffering sever winter, the plum blossom will be fragment. After fouryears heard study, I have possessed the quality to be a qualified graduate. Fouryears hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge. Now, I have mastered the basic English skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonetics, linguistics. Moreover, extensive reading has broadened my mind. It acquainted me with western countries culture and custom. Heard-working also rewords me with high scores in examination.


一、交际用语 1, I’m sorry. I missed the bus. -__________________ D. It could happen to anyone. 2, How is everything? -_______________ B. Just so-so. 3, When you can’t follow your teacher, what will you say? -_______ C. Pardon? 4, Can I speak to Mr. Brown, Please? -Yes, _____________ A. Brown is speaking. 5, Does that tea have enough sugar in it? -___________________ D. Yes, it does. Thank you. 6, Could you show me your passport? -________________ C. Yes, I could. 7, Thank you for your invitation -______________ D. It’s a pleasure.

8, , I'm sorry to bother you -_____________ B. That’s okay. 9, When are you going to the show? -_____________ C. This evening 10, How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant tonight? -______________ A. That’s great! 二、阅读理解 2.1 Big Ben is the great clock high up in the tower of the Parliament building. Big Ben's story started in 1834. In that year the old parliament building burned down. Its clock tower crashed to the ground. There had to be a new building and a new clock. Plans were made. They called for a "King of Clocks, the biggest and best in the world? So the clock had to be big. And it had to keep very good time. The big clock was made in two years. But it couldn't be put in the tower. The tower wasn't even built! Five more years went by before the clock tower was finished. Then the giant hour bell was put in place. It rang out for the first time on July 11, 1859. The great bell had to have a name. A meeting of Parliament was



《大学英语(2)》1 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30%) 1. By the end of this year Mr. Smith ___D___in our company for exactly three years. A) is working B) has worked C) will work D) will have worked 2. I think that the Great Wall is worth _____B_______hundreds of miles to visit. A) to travel B) traveling C) traveled D) travel 3. The new staff didn’t know how to use the system ____A_____ I explained it to him yesterday. A) until B) because C) if D) since 4. _______C______is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two 2

companies have not made any progress. A) That B) What C) It D) As 5. _______B___by the failure of the project, the manager could hardly say a word. A) To be shocked B) Shocked C) Be shocked D) Shocking 6. When designing this machine, time factor is what we must first _B_. A) take onto consideration B) take into consideration C) take to consideration D) take in consideration 7.Mike is very good at English, B his brother is absolutely hopeless. A)when B) while C) what D) where 8. The general manager wished to _D__ a toast to their friendship. A) arrive B) plan C) manage 3


1. 中国父母教育方式 中国的父母往往过于关注孩子的学习,以至于不要他们帮忙做家务。他们对孩子的首要要求就是努力学习,考得好,能上名牌大学。他们相信这是为孩子好,因为在中国这样竞争激烈的社会里,只有好成绩才能保证前途光明。中国父母还认为,如果孩子在社会上取得大的成就,父母就会受到尊重。因此,他们愿意牺牲自己的时间,爱好和兴趣,为孩子提供更好的条件。 参考译文: Chinese parents tend to place so much emphasis on their children’s learning that they won’t let their kids do any housework。 The primary demands that they want to make of their childre n are to study hard, to achieve high grades in order to enter top universities。 They believe it is good for their children because in such a highly competitive society, only the best achievement can ensure a bright prospect。 Also, Chinese parents claim that they will be respected if their c hildren get significant status in the society。 Therefore, they are willing to sacrifice time, habi ts and interest of their own to provide their children with better living conditions. 2 水资源 中国的供水与卫生情况正在经历一次大规模转型,同时也面临着许多挑战,诸如快速城市化、贫富差距和城乡差距扩大等。水资源短缺和水污染也给中国带来极大的挑战。随着社会的发展,人类对水的需求不断增加,但可以供人类使用的水资源却急剧减少。水资源危机所带来的生态系统恶化的问题严重威胁着人类的生存。如何更有效地利用水资源,推进水资源的可持续开发和保护,已经成为世界各国共同面对的紧迫问题。 参考译文: Water supply and sanitation in China is undergoing a massive transition while facing numerous challenges such as rapid urbanization, a widening gap between the rich and the poor as well as urban and rural areas. Water scarcity and water pollution in China also pose great challenges. With the development of the society, people's demand for water has been constantly increasing, but the water resource available for human is sharply decreasing. The deterioration of ecosystem brought about by the water resource crisis threatens human's existence seriously. How to make use of the water resource more effectively and promote the sustainable development and protection of water resource has become an urgent problem that all the countries in the world face. 3. 新意与创意 原文: 在吸收外国文化精华的时候,我们不应满足于一味模仿,没有创造。沉溺于简单的模仿将扼杀创造力,我们也不可能攀登艺术的新高峰,也不再可能问世界展示我们自己创作的优秀作品。简单的模仿与新意和创意完全是两回事,事实上,新意和创意是现代风格与传统风格的交融,是外国特色与本民族特色的融合,是艺术特质与教育本质的结合。 参考译文: While absorbing the essence of a foreign culture, we should not be content with imitation withou t creation. An obsession with simple imitation will sterilize creation, and as such it will be impossi ble for us to scale new heights in art and impossible to present to the world excellent works of ou
