


前言:上海市虹口区广陵路小学,那我觉得语言教学的最终目的是让学生通过在课堂当中获取和习得的语言材料,能够在生活实际当中运用,也就是为communication服务,鉴于此我觉得每一个英语老师他应该在平时的课堂教学中注意一下几点:首先,我觉得我们应该尽可能的在课堂上营造一种真实的语言情境,real situation,这样的话呢就能使学生亲身体验到语言材料使用的适切性和得体性;其次,我觉得随着社会的进步和科学技术的不断发展,学生对语言知识的需求量已经大大的超出我们事先的估计,因此教师应该因可能多的在课堂上给学生创造语言知识的输入也就是import;第三点,那我觉得就是毕竟英语是作为我们学生学习的second language,所以呢,老师对学生的encouragement鼓励是相当重要的,我们应该充分调动学生一切可以利用的积极因素,鼓励他们敢说多说。谢谢大家。

Teacher: OK,just now, I heard that …Sit up straight. Yeah. Nice to see you again.

Just now I heard that you are Peter and that girl is angle. And I think

you want to know my name as well. Please look. This is “B,R,I,G,H,T”,

Bright, Bright. Ok, call me “Bright”.

Students: Bright

Teacher: Bright

Students: Bright

Teacher: Ok, I am not only an English teacher, but also your good friend. So you can put “Bright” in your eye, in your mouth and in your heart. So shall

we sing a song “Bingo” and let’s change the words into “Bright”.


Students: Yes.

Teacher: uh, we can sing like this: There is a teacher in the classroom and “Bright”

is his name O. Are you clear Yes or no

Students: Yes!

Teacher: All right. Now, ready.

Teacher: Ready

(Teacher and students sing the song.)

Teacher: Thank you. Umm, sometimes people say I am bright. I mean I am clever. But sometimes I’m not. For example, when I arrived here, I heard people say

“XX, XX, XX”. I don’t know what some meaning of these words. Could you

help me What’s the English for “XX” Oh you please.

One student: Excuse me.

Teacher: Excuse me Uh, maybe. I’m not sure. All right. And “XX”

One student: Good morning.

Teacher: Good morning. Right. (这句没听懂) All right. Uh, what’s the English for “XX”“XX” How to say it in English Raise your hands please. And you. One student: Welcome.

Teacher: Oh thank you very much. Ok. Umm, also, I’m new here and I think so are the teachers were sitting under the stage. Could you please say something

about your city Such as some beautiful sights, some delicious food. Anything

up to you. Could you Uh, you please.

One student: Bai Lian Dong Park.

Teacher: Ok. Very good. Thank you. Bai Lian Dong Park. That sounds very interesting.

And you please.

One student: New Yuan Ming Yuan.

Teacher: ok, I see.

One student: XXX.

Teacher: ok, (没听懂),ok, thank you. You please.

One student: Zhu Zhou Town..

Teacher: Zhu Zhou Town. Ok, Zhu Zhou Cheng. Yeah. And you please.

One student: XXX.

Teacher: Oh, XXX, yeah, thank you. You please.

One student: Shi Jin Shan Park.

Teacher: Ok. Shi Jin Shan Park. They all attract me. But now, I feel a bit tired, so could you please find a hotel for me So that I can make myself comfortable.

Could you find a hotel Uh you please.

One student: XX Hotel and XX Hotel.

Teacher: Oh, wait wait, let me take a note. XX Hotel…

One student: And XX Hotel.

Teacher: Ok, thank you. XX Hotel. OK. What’s your opinion

One student: XXX Hotel.

Teacher: A Ha, XXX Hotel. Oh, by the way, can you tell me the way there How can I get there

One student: Sorry, I don’t know.

Teacher: Oh, never mind. Sit down. Who know How can I get to XXX Hotel By bike By bus Or walk there It’s ok. You please.

One student: You can go by bus.

Teacher: Ah, which bus can I take

One student: Take the bus.

Teacher: . Ok, I see. Thank you. Besides XX hotel, XX Hotel, XXX Hotel, any other good hotels here Uh, just now I heard that Fatty, who is Fatty And he told

me 2000-year hotel. Is that right

Students: Yes.

Teacher: And how can I get there How can I get there By bike By bus Or by taxi Ah, you please.

One student: You can go by taxi.

Teacher: By taxi. How long By taxi. Uh, 5 minutes Or 10 minutes You know, 5 minutes or 10 minutes You please.

One student: You…can…10 minutes

Teacher: Oh, 10 minutes. 10 minutes is enough. Oh, it will take me 10 minutes. I see. Thank you. All right. Now, everybody look here. It will take me…I

can go to XX Hotel or XX Hotel or XXX Hotel. Umm, suppose I am here. All

right. And somebody told me “it will take you 5 minutes, 5 minutes by taxi”.

It will take you 5 minutes by taxi. And how long will it take me by bus

5 minutes Or 10 minutes Or 15 minutes You can manage it. You please. One student: 20 minutes.

Teacher: Oh, 20 minutes. Thank you. If I take bus, I need 20 minutes. Eh, by a bus, right. Look, if I walk there, how long will it take me If I walk there,

just go there on foot, how long will it take 30 minutes 40 minutes Or…ah,

you please.

One student: 35 minutes.

Teacher: Oh, 35 minutes. Thank you. Good. Yes. Maybe uh, if I walk there, I need

35 minutes. Ok. Now please could you follow the sentence after me. It will

take you 5 minutes. Say after me “minutes”.

Students: Minutes.

Teacher: Minutes

Students: Minutes.

Teacher: 5 minutes.

Students: 5 minutes.

Teacher: It will take you 5 minutes.

Students: 5 minutes.

Teacher: It will take you 5 minutes.

Students: It will take you 5 minutes.

Teacher: Good. It will take you 5 minutes.

Students: It will take you 5 minutes.

Teacher: You have a try. How long will take me

One student: You are take…

Teacher: It will take you…

One student: It will take you 5 minutes.

Teacher: Ok, it will take you 5 minutes. Ok, say it again. It will take you 20 minutes. Students: It will take you 20 minutes.

Teacher: Good. It will take you 20 minutes.

Students: It will take you 20 minutes.

Teacher: All right. And, it will take you 35 minutes.

Students: It will take you 35 minutes.

Teacher: It will take you 35 minutes.

Students: It will take you 35 minutes.

Teacher: And to try. How long will it take me

One student: It will take you 35 minutes.

Teacher: Claps! Thank you. Good! Now, look here. If I want to go to XX Hotel by bike, how long will it take me Umm, maybe I think it is near here, maybe 10 minutes.

Just say, it will take you 10 minutes. Who want to try Ok, you please. One student: It will take you 10 minutes.

Teacher: Excellent! Claps! Umm, if I go to XXX Hotel, now, umm, also by bike, maybe, it will take me…All right. Now, ok, answer, how long will it take me Here,


One student: It will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: Excellent! Sit down. Good. It will take you 15 minutes. Right. Now, repeat the sentence after me, It will take you 15 minutes. Say.

Students: It will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: Again. It will take you 15 minutes.

Students: It will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: It will take you 15 minutes.

Students: It will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: Ok. Now please repeat the sentence with your voice from high to low row by row, understand

Students: Yes.

Teacher: It will take you 15 minutes. The first stand up. Ready go!

Students: It will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: The second row.

Students: It will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: Third.

Students: It will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: Forth.

Students: It will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: The last row.

Students: It will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: All right. I see. Good. Now, should we play a guessing game Please look at the pictures and guess. The first one. How long will it take me to have

a football match How long You can guess. Umm, basically speaking, a football

match lasts for one and a half hour. It equal to…You please.

One student: 90 minutes.

Teacher: Ok, it will take you 90 minutes. Thank you. Say it again. It will take you 90 minutes.

Students: It will take you 90 minutes.

Teacher: Ok, now next. Uh, what about, you know, I flow from Shanghai, so, you can guess, how long will it take me to fly from Shanghai to Zhuhai How many

minutes All right, you please.

One student: It will take…It will take you 3 hours.

Teacher: Oh, it will take you 3 hours. Almost like you say. Ok, sit down please.

It will take me about 160 umm 140 minutes. Thank you. Right go on. Uh, see

this picture. How long will it take me to make this baby stop crying Umm,

maybe this is a hard work for me cause I’m still single now. Could you

imagine how long will it take me to make this baby stop crying Be brave.

Raise your hands. Ok, let me see. You please.

One student: It will take you 20 minutes.

Teacher: 20 minutes! Oh, all right, to your surprise, only 7 seconds. All right.

Maybe, the baby is very well behaved. Now, let’s see the last picture.

How long will it take me to read books to you Listen carefully, how long

will it take me to read books to you You know Think it over. Uh, you please. One student: It will take you 45 minutes.

Teacher: 45. That’s impossible! Let me tell you the truth. Umm, it only takes me

1 second. 1 second. Listen. Books. That’s ok. Right. It is just kidding.

Ok. Umm, can you imagine how long will it take us to listen to a dialog

To listen to a dialog. Right now, please listen.


Teacher: Umm, it takes us only 30 seconds to listen to a dialog. Uh, did you hear

a sentence “just go straight” Just go straight. Uh, we can (听不懂) it

again. He want to go to XX Hotel and the bus stop is there. Go straight.

Go straight. Go straight. And this is left, this is right, and this is

straight. Got it Ok, now please say after me, straight.

Students: Straight.

Teacher: [ei]

Students: [ei]

Teacher: [ei]

Students: [ei]

Teacher: Straight.

Students: Straight.

Teacher: Go straight.

Students: Go straight.

Teacher: Go straight.

Students: Go straight.

Teacher: Just go straight.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: Just go straight.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: Just go straight.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: Ok, just go straight. Ok, say it again. “Straight”

Students: Straight.

Teacher: Straight.

Students: Straight.

Teacher: Straight.

Students: Straight.

Teacher: Ok, just go straight.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: You two. Say together. Just go straight.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: Yes, three.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: Four.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: Good. Five.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: Six.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: Good. Just go straight.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: Just go straight.

Students: Just go straight.

Teacher: Umm, now let’s listen to the dialog again but this time I want you to follow it. Listen and repeat. Do you understand

Students: Yes.

Teacher: Ok.

(Radio): Excuse me sir, can you tell me the way to XX Hotel please

Teacher: You please.

One student: Excuse me sir, can you tell me the way to XX Hotel please Teacher: Excellent! Claps! Ok, together. Excuse me sir, together.

Students: Excuse me sir, can you tell me the way to XX Hotel please

Teacher: Ok, next.

(Radio): Sure. You can go there by bus.

Teacher: So easy. Right, you please.

One student: Sure. You can go there by bus.

Teacher: Everybody.

Students: Sure. You can go there by bus.

Teacher: Let’s next.

(Radio): Is it a long way from here

Teacher: You please.

One student: Is it a long way from here

Teacher: From here

One student: From here

Teacher: Thank you. A long way. A long way. Understand

Students: Yes.

Teacher: Together. Is it a long way from here

Students: Is it a long way from here

Teacher: Good.

(Radio): No, it will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: Is it a long way from here

One student: No, you can take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: Oh, one mistake.(听不懂) It will take you 15 minutes. See All right. Sit down. Together!

Students: No, it will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: Good.

(Radio): Which bus can I take

Teacher: You please.

One student: Which…Which bus can I take

Teacher: Ya, together.

Students: Which bus can I take

Teacher: Good.

(Radio): You can take a bus.

Teacher: All together

Students: You can take a bus.

Teacher: Right!

(Radio): Where is the bus stop

Teacher: Boys.

Boys: Where is the bus stop

(Radio): Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.

Teacher: You please.

One student: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.

Teacher: Oh, very good. Together.

Students: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.

Teacher: Good.

(Radio): Thank you very much.

Teacher: Together.

Students: Thank you very much.

Teacher: You can guess, what’s the next Thank you very much is somebody say thank you very much. No responses Uh, you please.

One student: You are welcome.

Teacher: Oh, is that true

(Radio): You are welcome.

Teacher: Oh, excellent! Claps! Ok, thank you. Now, listen to this dialog again but this time I think…umm, we should take the different parts. These 3 groups

take the role of the man. And these 3 groups take the role of the woman.

Are you clear

Students: Yes.

Teacher: But you must pay attention when you repeat the sentences, you should stand up and face to another part. Face to another part. Look here. Face to.

Understand Yeah, all right. Now, listen to 2 sentences.

(Radio): Excuse me sir, can you tell me the way to XX Hotel please Sure. You can go there by bus.

Teacher: Woman. Who would like to take the role of the woman Ok, you please. One student: Excuse me sir, can you tell me the way to XX Hotel please Teacher: Ok, really good. And man. Man. She wants to go to XX Hotel. Oh, let me help you. Umm, oh, I forgot, I cannot get because I am new here. Who know where

she can go to XX Hotel Now, we can look. Man Yeah, you please. Face to her. One student: Sure. You can go there by bus.

Teacher: Yeah, thank you too. Sit down. Sure. You can go by bus. Next. (Radio): Is it a long way from here No, it will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: Woman. You please.

One student: Is it a long way from here

Teacher: Good. Is it a long way from here Could you talk it again Face to another

part. Maybe I’m here. I’m the man. Say it again.

One student: Is it a long way from here

Teacher: Ok, is it a long way from here Who can answer You please. Face to her. One student: No, it will take you 15 minutes.

Teacher: Ok, it will take you only 15 minutes. Thank you. Sit down. See the words.

Yeah! The third.

(Radio): Which bus can I take You can take a bus.

Teacher: Woman I want a real woman. Not…You please. You can go there by bus. So you must answer, uh, ask, sorry.

One student: You can take a bus.

Teacher: Oh, you know the answer. You can take a bus. Right. Let’s see the words.

Which bus can I take You can take a bus. Sit down. The forth. (Radio): Where is the bus stop Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming. Teacher: Woman. Right, you please. No no no, sorry, sit down. Next one.

One student: (听不见)

Teacher: You can take the bus bus

One student: Where is the bus stop

Teacher: Yeah, where is the bus stop Do you know Where the bus stop is This term. One student: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.

Teacher: Good! Just go straight and look, the bus is coming. Very good. Sit down.

Ok, next.

(Radio): Thank you very much. You are welcome.

Teacher: Ok, you, together.

Students: Thank you very much.

Teacher: It’s your term.

Students: You are welcome.

Teacher: Ok. Good. Now, please take out your sheets. Yeah. Umm. You can read in pairs.

One to be the man and another to be the woman. I only give you 1 minute.

It means it will take you 1 minute to read this dialog. Are you clear Students: Yes.

Teacher: Ok. Practice.

(Practice time)

Teacher: Yeah, watch me. Would help that I can easily find a hotel to live in and

I think I’d have a good time in Zhuhai. Thank you so much. And I think

you would like to go to Shanghai because I am from Shanghai. You know,

Shanghai is a very large and beautiful city and it has many nice sights,

such as People Square, Shanghai Grand theatre and XX Bridge. But here I

prefer some good places. Now, please look at the photographs. This is Nan

Jing Road. Do you know Nan Jing Road

Students: Yes.

Teacher: This is downtown in Shanghai. And this is Pu Dong.(听不懂)

Students: Yes.

Teacher: Ok. Next. This is Bound. Bound. Say this word after me. Bound.

Students: Bound.

Teacher: Bound.

Students: Bound.

Teacher: Bound.

Students: Bound.

Teacher: Ok. I think you want to know more information about these three places, so here I have some lists. Everyone will get one list and I think we can

divide into 3 groups. Each group can decide what place you want to go to.

And than, we can invite some teachers that from Shanghai or know Shanghai

very well so that they can help you. Understand

Students: Yes.

Teacher: All right. You can shout “Hi” and I think we can receive the response, they will raise their hands. Now please shout aloud “Hi”to the teachers. Students: Hi.

Teacher: All right. You please. And you. Uh. The gentle man. Thank you. Uh, you can be together. All right. Sorry. Sorry. Ok. We don’t have enough time and

after class you can ask or inform our, uh, us, and we are very glad to tell

you something about our city. Understand

Students: Yes.

Teacher: Ok, that’s all for today. See you in Shanghai. See you!

Students: See you!

Teacher: Ok, now please stand up. And let’s say thank you to the teachers and who are listening our lesson. Thank you!


各位评委老师: 大家好! 今天,我所说的课题是《调配自己的颜色》。(板书) 《调配自己的颜色》是福建省小学信息技术教材,第三册,第六课的内容。本课的学习对象是小学六年级上学期的学生。 它是教材关于画图知识铺垫的延伸,并且贯穿着以后整个的画图知识教学,是学生能够顺利、快捷操作使用画图的基础之一,也是形成学生“了解熟悉——技巧掌握——综合运用”这一合理知识链的必要环节。教材目的是让学生初步了解一些常用工具的基本用法,初步掌握调色板、吸管工具的使用。重点是掌握利用画图的的调色板,根据色彩的原理,调配出自己满意的颜色。丰富的色彩既可以美化画面,还可以让人感受理性美的熏陶,尤其是学生在学习了新的一种绘画方法计算机画图的基本操作要领之后,学习兴趣更是被大大激发,学习热情也空前高涨,表现欲望极其强烈。新的教育理念告诉我们,学生的需要褪俏颐墙萄У亩Γ 诖说悖也派杓屏苏庖豢问保康脑谟诮徊饺醚莆栈脊δ艿氖褂茫迸嘌淖晕掖葱履芰Γ狡鹧纳钐逖椋し⑵淝楦校卣姑览龅纳什唤鲇凶匀痪吧褂腥诵缘拿赖拢佣寡艿矫赖慕逃R虼苏饨诳问钦厦朗踅逃⑿畔⒓际踅逃退枷肫返陆逃幕贾督萄岣呖巍? 这就是我对《调配自己的颜色》一课教材的简要分析。 下面,我说本课的教学目标及重难点。 《中小学信息技术课程指导试行纲要》明确指出:知识及技能的传授应以完成典型“任务”为主。基于这一认识我确定如下教学目标。 一、让学生熟悉画图功能的基本操作,初步掌握对图形进行彩色处理的方法。 二、培养学生如何获取信息、处理信息和应用信息的能力。 三、培养学生自我探索、自主学习的能力和自我创新、团体协作的能力。 四、让学生自我展示、自我激励,体验成功,在不断尝试中激发求知欲,在不断摸索中陶冶情操。 根据教材和学生的实际,我确定本课的教学重点难点是 重点:通过网络环境下的研究性学习活动,掌握“调色板、吸管工具的使用。” 难点:怎样根据调色原理,调出符合自己的需要的颜色 为了更好的突出重点和难点,我在课前准备了电脑课件、小黑板等这些教具。 第二个部分说教法教育理论认为,教学有法,教无定法,贵在得法。《中小学信息技术课程指导试行纲要》明确指出:知识及技能的传授应以完成典型“任务”为主。因此本课教学采用以下教学方法。 本课采用的主要教学方法有“任务驱动法”、“创设情境法”等。 因此本课采用建构主义理论指导下的主体式教学模式。通过学生已经受过的美术教育和信息技术教育,创设一个电子画展的情境(创设情境法),设置一个个任务,让学生运用已学知识,自己动手,有机结合画图的各种操作(任务驱动法),以任务驱动的方式查漏补缺,使教学内容合理流动,水到渠成。教学中,启发、诱导贯穿始终,充分调动学生的学习积极性,注意调节课堂教学气氛,使学生变被动学习为主动愉快的学习,使课堂能在生动、有趣、高效中进行。 第三个部分说学法瑞士心理学家皮亚杰认为,教学的宗旨不在于尽可能的教给学生知识,而是让学生学会学习。由此可见学法比教法更重要,学生掌握了一定的学习方法,就等


英语优质课评比活动方案 英语教研组 一、活动目的: 为了进一步推进课堂教学改革,促进教师业务水平与教学技能的提高,为了加强我校英语教师的教材处理能力、优化课堂教学策略、提升课堂教学质量,为了我校教师提供一个展示自我和相互学习的平台,促进青年教师成长,并推选我校教师能手参加全镇英语优质课评比,经研究决定于10月中旬举行我校英语优质课评比活动。 二、活动安排: 1.面向全校教师积极宣传本次活动的意义,充分调动一线教师参赛的积极性,以此推动课堂教学研究,促进教学质量的不断提高。 2.我校英语教师全员参与,推选第一名参加全镇英语优质课评比活动。 3.活动时间安排: (1)10月10日,英语组教师抽签决定课序,并确定执教班级,执教内容。 (2)10月12日—10月13日,开展我校英语优质课竞赛。 (3)下午评课活动,地点教师办公室。 4.校优质课竞赛的评委要坚持参加本次活动的全过程,按照评课标准认真公正地评选参赛的每一节课。 三、评委名单: 张晓霞郭香利叶碧云于喜红康小燕李新伟

四、参赛人员名单: 张晓霞郭香利叶碧云康小燕 五、奖项设立与奖励办法: 优质课评一、二等奖,一等奖各1名,二等奖1名。

英语优质课比赛活动总结 英语优质课评选活动已顺利结束。期间,共有4位英语教师展示了精心设计的课堂教学成果。从整个活动来看,老师们高度重视,积极行动,表现出良好的精神风貌和职业素质。课堂上,老师们充分调动学生的主观能动性,突显学生的主体性和教师的主导性,创设有效学习情境,师生互动,探究建构,实现共同发展。 一、亮点有: (一)、教学设计的整体水平较高,情境创设生活化。教学时老师们都重视重点的体现和难点的突破,对于教学难点,老师们都能够采取适合学生接受的方式突破。 (二)、教师基本功整体素质较好。 本次参加比赛的老师都是各个学校的精英,她们的个人素质高,语言基本功扎实,如:口语的流利程度,特别是语音、语调的准确性与规范性方面。 (三)、教学媒体的选择与使用水平较高。 多媒体课件作为教学的重要辅助手段,在课堂教学中发挥着越来越重要的作用。随着教师操作技术的不断提高,多媒体课件的制作与使用水平也在不断提高。如今的课件已经集文字、图片、音频、视频、动画于一体,更能直观地展示教学内容,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生理解所学内容。另外,课件的制作已经成为教师们基本的操作技能。

全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 《A Telephone Call》

全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案《A Telephone Call》 I.Teaching Material II. Teaching Aims 1) Enable the students to make telephone calls in English and get them to know how to behave themselves on the telephone. 2) Raise the students' interest to learn English. 3) Encourage the students to have good cooperation with one another. III.Teaching contents 1 ) Patterns: May I speak to ...? Would you please take a message? 2) Vocabulary: message, party, take a message IV.teaching Aids Four toy telephones, a CD-ROM, a toy Santa Claus. V. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming-up Exercise Sing the song "Greetings". Step 2. Presentation and Practice 1) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the talk between the teacher and the person in the screen. 2) After the talk, the teacher tells the students how to make a telephone call in English. Write the pattern "May I speak to...?"on the blackboard and teach them how to use it on the phone.


小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 Asking the Way I.Teaching Content II. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming-up T: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T. Shall we sing an English song named "Bingo", and try. to change the' word "Bingo" with my name "Bright"? Step 2. Presentation T: I'm new here, when I arrived at the airport, I heard someone said "对不起"(注①),"早晨好"(注②).I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me?

S: "对不起" is "Excuse me" and "早晨好" is "Good morning". T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travel in this city, but I don't know where I should go. S1: Bai Lian Dong Park. S2: Fisher Girl. S3: Jiuzhou Town. T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now.Please do me a favour. Can you tell me the names of some hotels in this city? S1: 2000 Hotel. S2: Yindu Hotel. S3: Bihai Hotel. (The teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.) Step 3. New structures learning T: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike? S: By bus. T: And how long will it take me to get there? Maybe fifteen minutes is enough. (The teacher looks at the watch and gives the students a gesture.) 1) Draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understand the meaning of the sentence: "It'll take someone some time to do something." 2) Write the sentence "It'll take you fifteen minutes. " on the blackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence. 3) A guessing game: T: Please look at these pictures and guess "How long will it take me to ...?"


小学英语优质课听课心得 实验小学廖宇蓉 10月16、17两日,我有幸参加了赣州小学英语青年教师优质课观摩研讨会,聆听了我市10节精彩的课。此时此刻,无数个课堂场景在我的脑海中不断交替出现,让我一次又一次感受着英语课堂教学所带来的魅力。10位执教教师注意创设宽松、愉快的学习氛围,以英语歌曲、歌谣、tpr活动或日常生活对话引入新课,运用“任务型”教学手段,引导学生在学中玩,在玩中学。教师和学生亲切交流,多媒体课件直观、实用性强,活动设计环环相扣,水到渠成。虽然各个老师的水平不一,风格各异,但每一节课都有很多值得我学习借鉴的东西。 一、教师扎实的教学基本功 让我感受最深的要数各位教师教学语言的运用。教师语言对于一堂课来说无异于生命的源泉,口语教学是小学英语教学的一个重要方面。英语教师最基本的要求就是语音语调要准确,并且优美、自然,课堂用语要既简练、准确又易懂,为学生创设很好的英语学习氛围。如何给学生创设一个真实地运用英语进行交流和交际的平台,从而真正地让学生在“用中学,学中用”,这是我们在平时教学中经常思考的问题。这次展示课上我们看到教师们语言能力优异,发音准确,在潜移默化中给学生良好的示范。

如定南的崔吉娟老师,她的语言表达准确自如,教风沉稳、大气。信丰张红霞老师的语音,听起来非常舒服,让人有一种如浴春风的清新感觉,她的一首老调换新词的歌曲,博得了会场的一片掌声。张老师的课堂时时处处都显示了教师扎实的基本功,她每做一步都是为下一步铺垫,时时刻刻都在关注学生,而不是展示,可操作性强。这些教师有扎实的英语基础知识作后盾,词汇丰富,课堂教学语言充实。教态亲切自然,表情丰富,教学手段灵活多样。如安远的任萌萌老师,课堂上富有激情,语言极具感染力,肢体语言丰富,tpr活动运用得很好,这都在很大程度上激发了学生的学习兴趣。又如崇义的张鹏老师,生动、自然而又幽默的风格使学生又放松又紧张,学生在这种放松的机警的课堂氛围中,学习效率很高。 二、教学设计灵活、新颖,别具一格 教师们从一个主题出发,创设各种情境,以活动为载体,在活动中将学习内容分解成一个个具体的小任务,在完成任务的过程中,学习英语并学会用英语,许多老师的教学思路设计的都很好。首先,上课前就让孩子们做热身活动活跃课堂气氛,然后从单词的讲解,到听力练习,再到对话讨论,最后拓展,一环扣一环可以说衔接得非常自然,孩子们都能很好的理解和跟进,思维没有断点。孩子们很自然地完成了接触、理解、使用等一系列过程。老师们通过各种操练给了孩子们很大的空间,紧紧抓住小学


全国高中数学说课大赛获奖优秀说课稿汇编 一、教学理念 教师的教学方案必须建立在学生的基础之上。新课程标准指出,“数学课程不仅要考虑教学自身的特点,更应遵循学生学习数学的心理规律,强调从学生已有的生活经验出发……数学教学活动必须建立在学生的认知发展水平和已有知识经验基础之上。” 笔者认为教学中成功的关健在于: 教师的“教”立足于学生的“学”。 1、从学生的思维实际出发,激发探索知识的愿望,不同发展阶段的学生在认知水平、认知风格和发展趋势上存在差异,处于同一阶段的不同学生在认知水平、认知风格和发展趋势上也存在着差异。人的智力结构是多元的,有的人善于形象思维,有的人长于计算,有的人擅长逻辑思维,这就是学生的实际。教学要越贴近学生的实际,就越需要学生自己来探索知识,包括发现问题,分析、解决问题。在引导学生感受算理与算法的过程中,放手让学生尝试,让学生主动、积极地参与新知识的形成过程中,并适时调动学生大胆说出自己的方法,然后让学生自己去比较方法的正确与否,简单与否。这样学生对算理与算法用自己的思维方式,既明于心又说于口。 2、遇到课堂中学生分析问题或解决问题出现错误,特别是一些受思维定势影响的“规律性错误”比如学生在处理商的小数点时受到小数加减法的影响。教师针对这种情况,是批评、简单否定还是鼓励大胆发言、各抒己见,然后让学生发现错误,验证错误?当然应该是鼓励学生大胆地发表自己的意见、看法、想法。学生对自己的方法等于进行了一次自我否定。这样对教学知识的理解就比较深刻,既知其然,又知其所以然。而且学生通过对自己提出的问题,分析或解决的问题提出质疑,自我否定,有利于学生促进反思能力与自我监控能力。 数学教学活动应该是一个从具体问题中抽象出数学问题,并用多种数学语言分析它,用数学方法解决它,从中获得相关的知识与方法,形成良好的思维习惯和应用数学的意识,感受教学创造的乐趣,增进学生学习数学的信心,获


全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案-In a Fast-food Restaurant In a Fast-food Restaurant Waiter: Hello, can I help you? Mum: Yes. What would you like, Dick? Dick: I’d like a hamburger. Mum: Me, too. Waiter: Would you like something to drink? Mum: Oh, yes. Two glasses of orange juice, please. Dick: Mum, can I have an ice-cream? Mum: Sure. Two hamburgers, two glasses of orange juice and an ice-cream. Waiter: OK. Here you are. 38 yuan, please. Mum: Here the money. Waiter: Thanks. 生词:fast-food / resaurant / hamburger 句型:What would you like? Would you like something to eat/ drink? II、教学目标: 1. 能听、读、说fist-food/restaurant/hamburger,并了解其含义; 2.能灵活运用重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和语气; (1) What would you like? (2)Would you like something to eat/drink? 3.能模仿本文对话,并能在一定的语境中运用所学语言进行交际; 4.培养学生的注意力和观察力,激发学生积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。 III、教学重难点:

全国小学英语优质课评比School Life教学设计

全国小学英语优质课评比School Life教学设计 海口市第二十六小学王一芳 Teaching content: School Life Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: Grasp the new words: school life, club, Hainanese, bamboo, seashell, works Sentence structures: … can … / I think … Ability aims: Train the reading skills to get the main information and express fluently; Enable to use the new contents to communicate with each other. Emotion aims: Get used to fulfill some tasks in groups, improve their corporation ability. Arouse their emotion of loving their school life. Important and difficult points: Important points: Train the students some reading abilities, such as getting the main information of the context and express themselves freely. Difficult points: The pronunciation of the word “seashell”and use the sentence “I think…” to express their own ideas fluently. Teaching aids: CAI, word cards and pictures, assessment trees, etc. Teaching process: 1.Warm up. An English song: We are happy every day


小学英语优质课评分标准 评价项目 评价要素得分 教师教学活动(40)教学目标 (5) 1.体现课程标准(二级)的五位目标,注重综合语 言运用能力培养 2.针对教学内容和学生实际情况,设置切实可行的 教学目标,特别是要突出应用能力目标 教学设计 (10) 1.依据新课程理念,实施课堂教学的整体设计 2.依据教学内容和目标,合理设计教学程序 3.估量本班学生的实际情况,设计适合的教学活 动,并体现创新精神 4.依据教学目标与内容,合理组织并自主开发教学 资源 教学过程 (15) 1.实现师生之间和学生之间恰当、多样的有效互动 2.正确把握教师和学生的话语比例 3.展示清楚明确、过渡自然、层次分明的教学步骤 4.激发学习兴趣,引导学生积极主动参与各项教学 活动 5.在教学全程中显示教师的应变能力 6.合理使用多媒体或其他教学手段,教学效果显著 7.媒体设计和使用富于创造性 课堂管理 (10) 1.设置有特色的课堂学习环境,合理安排教室桌椅 摆放格局 2.有效组织和调控学生的课堂活动 3.灵活并合理地安排课堂教学时间 教师素质(10) 专业素质 (5) 教态亲切自然,课堂语言规范、准确、清晰、富 有感染力,书写规范、美观 教学基本功 (5) 1.用英语流畅得体的组织教学 2.充分展示扎实的教学基本功 学生学习活动(50)教学效果 (30) 1.有效培养学生的语言运用能力,明显实现学生对 新语言知识的学习效果 2.激发学生的学习动机,能够联系新旧知识,促进 学生的学习迁移 3.教学过程快乐有趣,学生的学习积极性高 4.全程实施评价活动,注重实效,在教学中准确、 多样、有效的运用评价语言 学生活动 (20) 1.学生在教学活动中参与性高,学生活动方式多样 2.学生积极参与活动并能主动积极的学习,有学习 的自主性和合作意识 总评总分


精品文档 全国小学英语课堂教学优秀案例一等奖(课堂实录)HOME-upWarr——、Havea great、1T: Hello! Boysand girls, I'm glad to meet you here. At first I'll introduce myself. My first nare is Wang, so you can call re Mr . Ss: Wang. T: Ok. Now please show re a hand and say hello to Mr Wang. Hello! Boys and girls. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. T: Hello! Boys and girls. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. )老师走向一小组,向一小组的同学打招呼T: Hello!((手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. (老师走向另一小组,向另一小组的同学打招呼)T: Hello! Boys and girls. (手放在耳朵边上,做努力听清楚学生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答)Ss: Hello, Mr Wang. T: Good! Do the actions. 2 、T: Ok, now, this tire, look at re. I will stand here and do the actions. Please say it after and let's see who is the first. Ok? Ss: Ok! T do the actions and Ss say it after. Ss: Get up. T: You are first. One point. Ok! Ss: Brush teeth. T: You're nurber 1. Ok. And this one. Ss: Washface. T: And this one. Ss: Have breakfast. T: And this one Ss: Rollerblade. T: Yes, right. rollerblade. I like sports. Ss: Play basketball. T: Play basketball. Ss: Sing a song. T: And this one. Oh. Ss: Play corputer gares. T: Yes, you did a good job. It's right. Now, I will play the corputer. Presentation 二、 Learn new phrase 1 、T: Ok! Wow! It's a wonderful picture. Is it nice? Ss: Yes. T; Is it clean? Ss: Yes.T: It's ry hore. It's really tidy and clean. Why? Because re. I'r very hard working. I'r 精品文档. 精品文档老师边系围裙边说) Every day, I rake the bed. Please wait for re. Ok. It's very hard working.(的意思) Let's go. I erpty the trash, ok.(so hard to —老师做出围裙很难系的样子,让学生理解hardchair. strong but I'r , I can rove the so Look, I look, I'r good. cook reals. the chair is heavy, , one ,look now, blackboard) I here. Now please look at (teacher write “ can” on the I can .Ok, this floor. I floor. sweep the (teacher write “ can sweep the sweep the cathe floor ” on blackboard)I n Ok, good, please read after re. I can sweep the floor. Ss: I can sweepthe floor. T: I can sweep the floor. Ss: I can sweep the floor. T: What's this? (T shows his hand and ask) Ss: Hand.T: It's not hand. It can change the voice. It's ragic. Look, if I put ry hand down , you say lowly, lowly, lowly; if I put ry hand up, up, up, up, up, up, you read louder, louder, louder. Understand? Ss: yes. )10 遍T: Ok. I can sweep the floor.(老师用手势表示,让学生由低到高,再由高到低读这个句子T: Good. Ok. Look here. Ok, I can sweep the floor. Who can sweep the floor? You please. S1: I can sweep the floor. T: You are helpful at hore. This is for you. But put it down. Don't look at it. Ok, look at this. Ok ? Now , who can wash the dishes? Ok, you. S2: I can wash the dishes. ) T: Do rererber. There is it?(示意学生用话筒回答S2:I can wash the dish. T: Good, dishes. Ok, now, dishes. S2: Dishes. T: ok, now, this is for you. And this one. Set the table, set the table, who can set the table?


优质课获奖说课稿 优质课获奖说课稿范文 优质课获奖说课稿1 1、教材分析 《詹天佑》是小学语文s版第十一册第十七课。首先我来谈谈我对这篇课文理解,这篇课文记叙了詹天佑在修筑北京到张家口这段铁路中,不怕帝国主义的重重阻挠,克服各种艰苦的困难,提前完成修筑任务的英雄事迹。从而表明了詹天佑是我国杰出的爱国工程师。 2、教学目标: (1)抓住重点段、句、词,深刻理解课文内容。 (2)了解詹天佑修筑铁路的过程,理解詹天佑是我们杰出的爱国工程师,激发学生的爱国热情。 【这样确定教学目标,使传授知识,发展能力,进行思想教育紧密结合在同一教学过程中,互相渗透,共同完成。】 3、教学重点 了解詹天佑修筑铁路的过程,并理解"两端凿进法"、"竖井开凿法"和"‘人’字形线路". 4、教学难点 理解"竖井开凿法"和"‘人’字形线路",讨论为什么说"詹天佑士我国杰出的爱国工程师". 【说教法】

1、品读 2、精思 3、感悟 4、演示 【说学法】 1、边读边画边想,培养学生的动脑动手能力,增强其思维能力。 2、抓住重点词句品味,体会思想感情,使学生受到思想教育。 3、采取多种多样的"读",培养学生的朗读能力。 【说教学过程】 这一篇课文可以设定为两课时。下面我将具体说一说我对第二课时是怎么达成我的教学目标的。在教学这一课时的教学中我将从以下四个环节做起: 一、复习导入,感知课文 对于课文的第一环节,我打算安排两个小步骤。 1、同学们,通过上节课的学习,我们知道詹天佑是一位怎样的人?【板书:杰出、爱国】 2、詹天佑的杰出体现在哪里?他的爱国又是怎样表现出来的?在修筑铁路中遇到哪些困难?怎样克服困难?分别在哪些自然段?我们继续学习课文。【板书:克服困难】 【这一步目的是让学生在复习上节课内容的基础上引出新课,在老师定向的引导下,一下子能捕捉住课文的重点段,然后再从重点内容入手,去仔细品味、剖析围绕一个中心来表现人物品质的每一个事例,这对全文来说起到了居高临下,总览全局的作用。】 二、精读课文,品词品句 1、教学课文第四自然段"勘测线路"一节,我请学生带着以下问


小学英语教案(一) Asking the Way I.Teaching Content Asking the Way A: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to Bihai Hotel, please? B: Sure. You can go there by bus. A: Is it a long way from here? B: No, it'll take you fifteen minutes. A: Which bus can I take? B: You can take a No. 2 bus. A: Where is the bus stop? B: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming. A: Thank you very much. B: You're welcome. II. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming-up T: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T. Shall we sing an English song named "Bingo", and try to change the' word "Bingo" with my name "Bright"? Step 2. Presentation T: I'm new here, when I arrived at the airport, I heard someone said "对不起"(注①),"早晨好"(注②).I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me? S: "对不起" is "Excuse me" and "早晨好" is "Good morning". T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travel in this city, but I don't know where I should go. S1: Bai Lian Dong Park. S2: Fisher Girl. S3: Jiuzhou Town. T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now.Please do me a favour. Can you tell me the names of some hotels in this city? S1: 2000 Hotel. S2: Yindu Hotel. S3: Bihai Hotel. (The teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.) Step 3. New structures learning T: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike?


优质课竞赛说课稿 我说课的内容是PEP小学英语四年级Unit4第一课时<>。我主要从教材、教学方法、教学流程和板书这四个方面来展开我的说课。 一、说教材 1.教学内容 本单元所有内容都是围绕weather展开的,重点是学习表示天气状况的形容词以及相关的句型。本课为第一课时,学习4个关于天气冷暖的单词,并尝试运用所学知识当一回小天气预报员。另外通过这节课,让学生扩充原有的词汇量,并提高用英语进行交流的能力,为后面的学习打下坚实的基础。由于本课时是新授课,学生需要掌握的较多。因此,我确立本课的教学目标为: 2.教学目标: 【知识目标】能听、说、认读本课的重点单词warm, cold, hot, cool和weather。【能力目标】能利用所学句子来表达不同地方的天气,进行简单的天气预报,如It’s warm/ cold…in…. 【情感目标】培养学生自主学习的能力和合作精神,培养学生的热爱大自然的感情。 3.教学重难点 重点:能听、说、认读单词warm, cold, hot, cool和weather。 难点:会说句子It’s warm/ cold…in…和单词weather的发音。 4.教具准备 教具的合理运用有助于突出重点、突破难点,使教学更容易操作。本节课老师准备本课所需单词卡片以及自制PPT课件。学生准备四张表示天气的卡片和写有城市地名的卡片若干。 二、说教学方法 都说“教学无法,教无定法”。为了更好地实现教学目标,有效地突出重点、突破难点,我在教学中灵活地运用了情景法(设置真实而有效的场景能激发学生在情景中自觉、主动完成想说的愿望,为学生提供用英语的真实情景,促使学生用英语进行思维,从而提高了学生生动的表达能力)、比较法、直观法和多媒体辅助法等多种方法,充分调动学生学习的积极性。 三、说教学流程 本着以学生学习为主体,教师启发为引导,组织学生进行广泛的语言实践活动,我吧教学过程分为四部分来完成。即热身----授课----操练----总结。 1、热身阶段:歌谣导入,引出新知 根据英语愉快教学模式,要使学生在教学开始便处在认知的活跃状态,为以后的教学过程创设最佳的开端。怎样才能使学生活跃起来呢?我想到了“农远工程”给我校配置的英语教学光盘和多媒体教室、计算机室。为了突破重难点,我充分利用了这些资源,并将其中的有效资源进行重构,自己做成了课件,使教学资源和教学内容水乳交融。当PPT课件播放由光盘上截取下的第三单元歌谣视频时,老师和学生一齐拍手唱,既活跃课堂气氛,又调动了学生的积极性。因为这首歌谣是有关服装的,之后与学生谈论服装,并拿出温度计,读出当天的气温,谈论什么天气该穿什么衣服,很自然地过度到今天的新课:weather. 2、新课呈现阶段 当教师从旧识过渡到新知,谈到天气时,适时拿出单词卡片,教学单词weather。


小学英语优质课评选活动总结 4月27日—29日,xx省第五届小学英语优质课评选活动在xx进行凉爽,我特别荣幸地获得前去观摩听课的机会,此次活动环绕“语篇教学”那个主题展开。在这短短的三天时刻里,来自省内各个市县的25名小学教师在第一会场给我们听课老师呈现了25节精品教学课。经过这次听课,我受益匪浅,让我近距离地领会到每位名师的教学风格,深厚的教学功底及精湛的教学艺术。尽管这些课的风格各异,但是每一节课都有不少值得我学习借鉴的东西。经过这些课的学习观摩,我学到了不少珍贵的教学经验,而后专家的精辟点评又为我未来的教学工作起到了点云拨雾的作用。我想就以下几点谈谈我对这次活动的粗浅体味。 一、教师良好的素养是上好课的重要前提 教师良好的自身素养是上好一堂课的重要前提和基本保证。这次说课的英语教师均具有扎实的英语基础功,他们都能熟练的用英语组织课堂教学,语音语调标准,语言流畅有感染力;他们教态自然,表情丰富,美丽的板书,为课堂营造出了一种和谐平等的学习氛围。至今我还清楚的记得no.24教师那优美的歌声,no.23教师那流畅的口语和形象直观的简笔画……所有的这些都深深触动了我,都让我感受到了自己的别脚,意识到提高自身素养的紧迫感。另外,一些老师灵便驾驭课堂的能力,遇惊别乱的应变机智也是值得我们每一位老师学习的地点。记得,在free talk 中,当老师咨询一学生:what will you do after class?时,有一具学生是如此回答的:i don’t know.整个课堂显得有些尴尬,这时老师及时的一句:plane is very important to us, i hope you make a good plane after class and tell me your plane, ok?使课堂顺利的进行下去,并且也是对学生进行了及时的德育教育。 作为一名英语教师应该要别断更新自己的知识,别断超越自己,惟独如此才干增加个人的魅力,使学生更加容易同意你,为自己的教学打个良好基础。 二、教学过程自然流畅而又环环相扣 阅读课规定的时刻是30分钟,但不少老师上起课来还是淡定自如,游刃有余。教学环节紧凑,从播放音乐或英语歌谣导入直至课的进展、高潮,结束富有节奏感;课堂上的说授和操练交替进行,过渡自然,而又环环相扣。 (一)每一节课都精心预备warm-up(热身)部分 英语课堂教学的热身活动多种多样,别同类型,别同内容的课挑选使用别同的热身,但是目的惟独一具:创设英语学习氛围,激发学生的兴趣,依旧带新,为新课的学习做好预备。从这次听的25位教师的课中,每节课的warm-up都做了精心的安排:师生日常会话交流、听歌唱曲、游戏、说歌唱谣、复习等活动的设计都与本节课的学习内容息息相关,为新知识的学习做了铺垫,同时把学生的兴趣都调动了起来,激发了学生的求知欲。 例如no.16教师在那个环节中以自编的chant配上节奏感很强的音乐,朗朗上口,短短几分钟,别但复习了往常的旧知识,而且创设了英语氛围,为学生们的后续学习做了很好的铺垫。由此看出,warm-up用时别多,但作用别小,每位英语教师都别应该忽略,而要去仔细设计,为整堂课可以更好的开展铺路搭桥。 (二)导入简洁明了 教育家夸美纽斯在他的《大教学论》中指出:教学是一种艺术,是一种教起来使人感到愉快的艺术。课堂教学的起始环节——导入,算是这全部教学艺术的一具重要组成部分,她是整个教学环节的开端,是课堂教学的启导环节。也是调动学生积极性的关键一节。教师导入成功,能吸引学生,使学生产生求知欲和好奇心,从而积极主动地参与课堂教学,为整个教学奠定一具良好的基础,从而有效地完成教学任务。 在这25名教师中,每个老师对课堂的导入各有别同,但是他们的导入有一具共同点算是简洁明了,别拖泥带水。有的是从和学生的谈天中自然过渡的。例如no.23教师在warm-up 环节中以一首自编的chant 开头,在chant结束后设计了一具咨询题:what did you do just


2002全国小学英语优质课教案 I'd Like An Apple 作者:广东省顺德市大良实验小学田湘军 一、授课内容 I'd like an apple. Jim:Would you like a pear, Mike? Mike:No, thanks. I'd like an apple. Jim:OK. Here you are. Mike:Thanks. Jim:What about you, Nancy? Nancy:I'd like an orange. Jim:Look! Here's a big orange for you. Nancy:Thank you very much. Jim:You are welcome! 二、教学目标 1、语言知识目标 1)Words----复习巩固与水果有关的单词; 2)Sentences----熟练掌握下列句子,并能熟练运用。 a.Would you like a pear? Yes, please./ No, thanks. b.I'd like an apple. c.What about you? d.Here's a big orange for you. 3)Function----掌握向他人提供物品时的具体表达方法。 2、情感、文化目标 1)在教学过程中培养学生学习兴趣,帮助他们树立信心。 2)使学生在学习过程中能够注意并理解他人情感。 3)体会婉拒他人的礼貌的表达方法,并在实际生活中运用。 三、重、难点 1、充分了解并掌握下列句子。 Would you like …? Yes, please. No, thanks. I'd like … What about … ? Here's a/an … for somebody. 2、了解英语语言文化习惯。 当对方向你提供某种物品或帮助时,如何进行委婉地拒绝。 No, thanks. 四、教学辅助手段 1、水果、饮料和食物等物品的实物和图片; 2、一个用于游戏的小布袋; 3、多媒体教学课件----Flash版 五、教学过程 Warming-up 1.Draw a picture of the teacher with fruits. ---- Apple in the mouth.
