

The Zheng(筝) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument. It belongs to the zither family of string instruments. It spread very widely and already has been two thousand years of history.So we also call them “Guzheng”(古筝)。


The modern-day guzheng is a plucked(拨弦)with movable bridges(筝码)and 21 strings(弦)。The guzheng's strings were formerly made of twisted silk, though by the 20th century most players used metal(金属)strings。Since the mid-20th century most performers use steel(钢的) strings flatwound with nylon.


The Guzheng should not to be confused with the Guqin--another ancient Chinese zither but without bridges.


The guzheng has existed since the Warring States Period(战国时代)and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty(秦朝).The ancient guzheng had 12 strings.Nowadays The 21-string zheng is the most commonly used, but some traditional musicians still use the 16-string, especially along the southeastern coastal(沿海) provinces of China and in Taiwan. 古筝的起源可以追溯到战国时代,在秦朝变得流行。古代的古筝只有12根弦,现在的21弦古筝广泛被使用。但是一些传统的流派依然使用16弦的,特别是东南沿海省份还有台湾。

There are many techniques used in the playing of the guzheng, including basic plucking actions (right or both hands) at the right portion and pressing actions at the left portion (by the left hand )as well as tremolo . These techniques of playing the guzheng can create sounds that can evoke the sense of a cascading waterfall, thunder and even the scenic countryside.


Plucking is done mainly by the right hand with four picks(假指甲),attached to the fingers. Advanced players may use picks attached to the fingers of both hands. Ancient picks were made of ivory(象牙) and later also from tortoise shell.(龟壳)。


The guzheng's pentatonic scale(五声音阶) is tuned to Do, Re, Mi, So and La, but Fa and Ti can also be produced by pressing the strings to the left of the bridges. Well known pieces for the instrument include Yu Zhou Chang Wan (Singing at night on fishing boat), Gao Shan Liu Shui (High mountains flowing water) and Han Gong Qiu Yue (Han palace autumn moon).


Nowadays,many popular elments together with guzheng bring us a fantastic Feeling.Let’s enjoy a piece of music together.


The Zheng(筝) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument. It belongs to the zither family of string instruments. It spread very widely and already has been two thousand years of we also call them “Guzheng”(古筝)。 筝是中国的传统乐器,它属于弦类乐器的一种,流传很广,至今已有2000年的历史。所以我们也叫它古筝。 The modern-day guzheng is a plucked(拨弦)with movable bridges(筝码)and 21 strings(弦)。The guzheng's strings were formerly made of twisted silk, though by the 20th century most players used metal(金属)strings。Since the mid-20th century most performers use steel(钢的) strings flatwound with nylon. 现今的古筝是有由21根弦和可移动的筝码组成的拨弦乐器。早先的弦由丝线搓成的,20世纪很多演奏者使用金属弦,到了20世纪中期更多的演奏者使用钢的尼龙弦。 The Guzheng should not to be confused with the Guqin--another ancient Chinese zither but without bridges. 古筝要和古琴区分开,因为古琴是没有琴码的。 The guzheng has existed since the Warring States Period(战国时代)and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty(秦朝).The ancient guzheng had 12 The 21-string zheng is the most commonly used, but some traditional musicians still use the 16-string, especially along the southeastern coastal(沿海) provinces of China and in Taiwan. 古筝的起源可以追溯到战国时代,在秦朝变得流行。古代的古筝只有12根弦,现在的21弦古筝广泛被使用。但是一些传统的流派依然使用16弦的,特别是东南沿海省份还有台湾。


1、挤牛奶:此曲是根据《草原儿女》插曲改编而成。曲调活泼、富于朝气,表现了蒙古民族对劳动的热爱以及劳动带给人们的喜悦心情。 2、渔舟唱晚:娄树华曲,是一首颇具古典风格的河南筝曲,是中国古筝艺术史上划时代的作品。乐曲描绘了夕阳映照万顷碧波,渔民悠然自得,渔船随波渐远的优美景象。这首乐曲是20世纪30年代以来,在中国流传最广、影响最大的一首筝独奏曲。了晚霞辉映下渔人载歌而归的动人画面。乐曲开始,以优美典雅的曲调、舒缓的节奏,描绘出一幅夕阳映照万顷碧波的画面。接着,以音乐的主题为材料逐层递降,音乐活泼而富有情趣。当它再次变化反复时,采用五声音阶的回旋,环绕一段优美的旋律层层下落,此旋律不但风格性很强,且十分优美动听,确有“唱晚”之趣。最后先递升后递降的旋律接合成一个循环圈,并加以多次反复,而且速度逐次加快,表现了心情喜悦的渔民悠然自得,片片白帆随波逐流,渔舟满载而归的情景。这首富于诗情画意的筝曲曾被改编为高胡、古筝二重奏及小提琴独奏曲。 3、纺织忙:这是一首广东音乐风格的乐曲,该曲创作于是1955年,由著名高胡、古筝演奏家刘天一先生创作于上个世纪五十年代。乐曲运用了广东音乐的表现手法,描写了农家妇女辛勤纺织、愉快劳动的画面。乐曲中运用了揉、颤、滑、刮奏、撮弦等多种技巧,并且在乐曲高潮段落用双手演奏,这在作品所产生的年代是一个不小的革新,它也自然在问世之后便受到筝界的热烈追捧。曲式结构为变奏曲。乐曲吸收了潮州音乐的变奏形式、潮汉古筝的滑音技巧和广东扬琴的演奏特点,以简朴、优美的旋律,流畅而富有层次感的节奏及古朴的韵味,形象地刻划出描写了农家妇女辛勤纺织、愉快劳动的画面劳动时的欢快情景。此曲的可贵之处还在于:作者博采众长,融合了粤、潮、汉三大乐种的音乐风格和演奏手法,使得乐曲整体具有浓郁的岭南古筝风貌但又不具体的属于哪一“家”。 4、浏阳河:古筝曲《浏阳河》,旋律流畅、优美动听,是上世纪50年代的创作歌曲。《浏阳河》中采用的演奏手法主要分为三部分,第一部分就是双手配合快速弹奏部分;第二部分是运用左手揉、吟、滑、按的技法来表现乐曲柔美的旋律,这一块在乐曲中首尾相应演奏两边;第三部分则运用如流水般的双手交替下行琶音来表现乐曲动听的旋律。在乐曲的第一段中主要是注意按滑音的准确性和控制好乐曲的速度,整个曲子中主要有两个难点,也就是后面的双手配合快速弹奏及琶音部分。 5、高山流水:“高山流水”典故最早见于《列子·汤问》。在人们的用典实践中,这一典故逐渐发展出七十余个典形和乐曲高妙、相知可贵、知音难觅、痛失知音、闲适情趣等典义,还存在典故反用现象。筝曲《高山流水》音乐与琴曲迥异,并与古琴曲无传承关系,一般认为是民国以后古筝艺术家所创作。其曲同样取材于“伯牙鼓琴遇知音”。现有多种流派谱本。而流传最广,影响最大的则是浙江武林派的传谱,旋律典雅,韵味隽永,颇具“高山之巍巍,流水之洋洋”之貌。 6、汉宫秋月:《汉宫秋月》是中国名曲。原为崇明派琵琶曲,现流传有多种谱本,由一种乐器曲谱演变成不同谱本,且运用各自的艺术手段再创造,以塑


古筝演奏介绍词 篇一:泽雅古筝音乐会主持稿 泽雅古筝音乐会主持稿 尊敬的各位家长,各位同学!下午好,欢迎大家参加泽雅古筝第一期音乐会,我是主持人连萌,很高兴为大家主持今天的音乐会。 古筝历来誉为民族乐器中的瑰宝,它古朴典雅、美观、大方,极具表现力和感染力,每当琴声悠扬,一股舒适之意便会涌入心头。轻柔而典雅的旋律,华丽而委婉的音符,常常动人心魄,意境燎原,此时此刻,让我们一起去体会它的美吧。 1、请欣赏古筝独奏《剪靛花》,演奏者:沈钰。 2、接下来的这首小曲子,是有小小年纪的刘玉点小朋友表演的,虽说学习的时间不长,但弹起琴来还是有模有样的,请欣赏刘玉点小朋友为我们演奏的《上学歌》。 3、下面有请张奕欣同学为我们带来优美动听的《西江月》。 4、请欣赏由吴正昊,李梦希,连萌带来的古筝合奏《虞美人》。 5、谢谢几位同学给我们带来的精彩表演,大家知道一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星是哪首歌曲吗?是的.请听李倩为我们弹奏的《小星星》。 6、根据陕、甘民歌改编的《山丹丹开花红艳艳》,具有

高亢的“信天游”风格,歌声铿锵有力,感情热情饱满,不仅突出了军民的鱼水之情,还表达出了农民在水深火热之中盼红军的热切之心。表现了人们对美好生活的追求让我们掌声有请刘敏老师为我们演奏《山丹丹开花红艳艳》。 7、感谢刘敏老师美妙的演绎,下面这首曲子是动画片《劳动最光荣》插曲。节奏跳跃活泼,旋律清新明快,富于童趣。现在就让我们来欣赏李梦希同学为我们带来的这首《小猫钓鱼》 8、接下来的这首乐曲有着浓郁的民歌风格,表现苗家儿童天真活泼的情趣、幸福快乐的像春苗般茁壮成长,大家欢迎陈如意为我们演奏《春苗》。 9、古筝独奏《凤翔歌》演奏者吴正昊.一听名字就知道下面出场的就是一位小帅哥了.有请吴正昊。 10、天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。内蒙古草原水草肥美,牛羊成群,瞧,蒙古同胞们在忙着做什么呢,请听由汪慧晶,张奕欣。陈如意,沈钰,李倩带来的古筝齐奏《挤牛奶》 11、《挤牛奶》旋律活泼,富有生气,充满着蒙古民族的生活气息,接下来的曲子将以简朴,优美的旋律,流畅而富有层次感得节奏给我们一种古朴的韵味,请听由我为大家演奏的《三十三板》。 12、下面有请汪慧晶同学独奏《四季歌》 13、本次音乐会的最后一首歌曲是由刘敏老师和陈如意同学带来的怀旧歌曲《梅花三弄》


筝,是民族乐器中的瑰宝,雅俗共赏的奇葩,它源于秦而盛于唐,已有近三千年的历史,是我国古代最有代表的乐器之一。古筝演奏中有着丰富多彩的音乐变化,形成多层次的表达音乐内涵的音乐线条,这些客观存在的音乐美震撼着听众的心弦。而只有在古筝音乐鉴赏的过程,才能使学生在丰富多彩的音乐美中震撼心弦。此外,鉴赏的环节还将有助于我们形成、影响以及完善自身的审美观。每个演奏家、弹奏者都希望将最好的古筝音乐感觉呈现出来,而古筝鉴赏是让我们在鉴别、对比以及分析的环节上不断提炼好的感觉的手段,也是开展素质教育的重要途径。 一、古筝鉴赏过程的基本特征 很少有谁说他对戏剧和小说一窍不通,但常常听到有人说,“我很喜爱音乐,可就是听不懂音乐”。美国著名作曲家科普兰在《怎样欣赏音乐》一书中这样说:“如果你要更好地理解音乐,再没有比倾听音乐更重要的了。”只要你相信自己的音乐潜能,不断地倾听音乐,你就会越来越多地获得音响美感。同时,要在倾听音乐的前提下主动地体验音乐,这样就会产生你自己的音乐感受和理解。也就是说“聆听”与“主动体验”是古筝音乐鉴赏过程的基本特征。 从古筝鉴赏的角度看,对一首古筝作品的把握首先要依赖听觉,没有听觉体验就没有音乐鉴赏。古筝创作和表演归根结底是以广大古筝鉴赏者为对象的,古筝鉴赏者是古筝音乐创作和表演的接受者和消费者。赏心悦“耳”是音乐艺术的直接目的。也是人们进行音乐活动的第一需要。无论是作曲家的创作还是演奏家的表演,这些活动的价值只有通过鉴赏者的聆听才能得以最终的实现。古筝音乐的美首先为人的听觉所拥有,音响感知是鉴赏音乐的基础。 古筝音乐鉴赏还要感悟筝曲的意境和深邃内涵。如果鉴赏者并不满足于仅仅获得古筝音乐的形式美感,期待获得更深层次的审美愉悦,这就需要在感悟筝曲的意境和深邃内涵上下点功夫。 意境,是艺术家在艺术作品中营造的意象之境界,是艺术家经敏感的心灵感受到的人生、社会、历史、自然等的艺术再现。对于鉴赏者来说,意境不能直接获得,要通过丰富的联想和感悟而得到。不过,绘画、雕塑、摄影等艺术由于有诉诸视觉形象、直观可感的艺术品供鉴赏,所以,鉴赏者往往可以透过作品的具体内容较快感受到意境、内涵。但音乐作品塑造的音乐形象却是看不见摸不着的,仅仅是一些比较抽象的音响组合,这就需要鉴赏者调动丰富的听觉联想,培养“音乐耳朵”。在首先获得一定的音乐形象后,进而进入音乐营造的意境,最终得以深刻理解作品的深邃内涵。 二、古筝音乐鉴赏的重要性 鉴赏是人们观看艺术表演时对各种艺术活动所产生的一种审美活动。而音乐鉴赏则是对音乐这一听觉艺术的审美。音乐鉴赏是一种复杂的审美活动,是一种包括人们对音乐形式美的感知,情感深入体验,想象联想以及创造性思维等不同心理活动融为一体的音乐审美实践活动。通过音乐鉴赏,我们可以获得美的感受,可以陶冶情操。 作为古筝习奏者、弹奏者,其审美能力可以在这种独特的艺术活动过程中培养和熏陶,并得到强化。音乐的鉴赏首先是要对音乐作品声音感性形象也即形式美的接触,然后是在作品形式美的基础上所引起的对音乐内涵的体验、联想等更为复杂的心理活动。比较好、效率高的学习方法是有自己探索的学习。这种学习方法不同于盲目接受、完全听任教师灌输,而


古筝英文介绍 The guzheng, or gu zheng ( pinyin: gǔzhēng) or zheng (筝) (gu- means "ancient") is a traditional Chinese musical instrument. It belongs to the zither family of string instruments. The guzheng is the parent instrument of the Japanese koto, the Korea n gayageum, and the Vietnamese ?àn tranh. A modern guzhengThe guzheng should not to be confused with the guqin, another ancient Chinese zither but without bridges. Description The modern-day guzheng is a plucked, half-tube zither with movable bridges and 21 strings, although it can have anywhere from 15 to 25 strings (a customized version exists with more than 34 strings). The guzheng's strings were formerly made of twisted silk, though by the 20th century most players used metal strings (generally steel for the high strings and copper-wound steel for the bass strings). Since the mid-20th century most performers use steel strings flatwound with nylon. The guzheng has a large resonant cavity made from wu tong wood (Paulownia tomentosa). Other components may be made from other woods, usually for structural and decorative purposes. History The guzheng has existed since the Warring States Period and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty. The ancient guzheng had 12 strings, which gradually evolved into it current forms.


Introduction of Chinese Traditional String Musical Instrument The Guzheng, or Gu Zheng or Zheng (Gu- means "ancient") is a traditional Chinese musical instrument. It belongs to the zither family of string instruments. The guzheng is the parent instrument of the Japanese koto, the Korean gayageum, and the Vietnamese ?àn tranh. A modern Guzheng should not to be confused with the Guqin, another ancient Chinese zither but without bridges. Description The modern-day Guzheng is a plucked, half-tube zither with movable bridges and 21 strings, although it can have anywhere from 15 to 25 strings (a customized version exists with more than 34 strings). The guzheng's strings were formerly made of twisted silk, though by the 20th century most players used metal strings (generally steel for the high strings and copper-wound steel for the bass strings). Since the mid-20th century most performers use steel strings flatwound with nylon. The guzheng has a large resonant cavity made from wu tong wood (Paulownia tomentosa). Other components may be made from other woods, usually for structural and decorative purposes. History The Guzheng has existed since the Warring States Period (BC 403-221) and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty (AD 1636-1911). The



精品文档 The Zheng(筝) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument. It belongs to the zither family of string instruments. It spread very widely and already has been two thousand years of history.So we also call them “Guzheng”(古筝)。 筝是中国的传统乐器,它属于弦类乐器的一种,流传很广,至今已有2000年的历史。所以我们也叫它古筝。 The modern-day guzheng is a plucked(拨弦)with movable bridges(筝码) and 21 strings(弦)。The guzheng's strings were formerly made of twisted silk, though by the 20th century most players used metal(金属)strings。Since the mid-20th century most performers use steel (钢的) strings flatwound with nylon. 现今的古筝是有由21根弦和可移动的筝码组成的拨弦乐器。早先的弦由丝线搓成的,20世纪很多演奏者使用金属弦,到了20世纪中期更多的演奏者使用钢的尼龙弦。 The Guzheng should not to be confused with the Guqin--another ancient Chinese zither but without bridges. 古筝要和古琴区分开,因为古琴是没有琴码的。 The guzheng has existed since the Warring States Period(战国时代)and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty(秦朝).The ancient guzheng had 12 strings.Nowadays The 21-string zheng is the most commonly used, but some traditional musicians still use the 16- string, especially along the southeastern coastal(沿海) provinces of China and in Taiwan. 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

西洋乐器英文名称 简介

西洋乐器英文名称及简介: Violin 小提琴:A stringed instrument played with a bow, having four strings tuned at intervals of a fifth, an unfretted fingerboard, and a shallower body than the viol and capable of great flexibility in range, tone, and dynamics. 用弓演奏的一种弦乐器,四根弦,按五度音程调音,指板无品,形体较古提琴浅,音域、音色和强弱相当灵活。 Viola 中提琴:A stringed instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin, tuned a fifth lower, and having a deeper, more sonorous tone. 提琴家族中的一种弦乐器,稍大于小提琴,调音比小提琴低五度,声音更为深沉、洪亮。 Cello 大提琴:A four-stringed instrument of the violin family, pitched lower than the viola but higher than the double bass. 一种提琴类四弦乐器,音调比中提琴低但比低音提琴高。 Double bass 低音提琴或大贝司:The largest bowed stringed instrument in the modern orchestra, also used frequently in jazz ensembles, especially played pizzicato. The double bass, usually considered a member of the violin family, is tuned in fourths and has the sloping shoulders and flat back characteristic of the viols. It has a deep range beginning about three octaves below middle C. 尤用于拨奏的现代管弦乐队的最大弓弦乐器,也常用于爵士乐合奏。低音提琴通常被算作提琴类,定弦为四度,颈部倾斜和背平是低音提琴的特点。它有始于中央C音以下三个八度的深度范围。 flute 长笛:A high-pitched woodwind instrument consisting of a slender tube closed at one end with keys and finger holes on the side and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown. 由一根一端封闭的纤细管子组成的高音木管乐器,侧边有按键和指孔,靠近封闭端有一个使气流进入的开口。 piccolo 短笛:A small flute pitched an octave above a regular flute. 一种音调比普通笛子高八度音的小笛子。 clarinet 单簧管:A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys. 单簧管,黑管一种管乐器,有直的圆筒形管身和一个外敞的管口及一个
