

新托福阅读长难句120句(分析+译文) 12月16日

1. Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface,the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans,in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space.

(定语后置in some ways…)


分句1:Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures

分句2:hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface

分句3:the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans

分句4:in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space

分句2修饰分句1结尾的短语intense pressures,



分句4是分句3的后置定语,修饰分句3的a hostile environment to humans




2.Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country's impressive population growth.

(倒装结构Basic to any understanding…is…)


分句1:Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the

Second World War


分句3:the country's impressive population growth

分句1,2,3共同构成倒装句,正常的语序应该是3,2,1,即:该句的正常语序是The country's impressive population growth is basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20

years after the Second World War.


3.As a result,claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of

organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other

benefits to health have become widely publicized and form the basis

for folklore.

(同位语从句claims that…)


分句1:that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health

分句2:claims have become widely publicized and form the basis for folklore

分句2嵌套分句1,分句1作为分句2主语的同位语从句嵌套在分句2中。因此本句的主句是claims have become widely publicized and form the basis for folklore.

那些观点广为人知,并成为一些民间说法的基础。同位语从句是that eating a diet consisting entirely

of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides

other benefits to health:只食用绿色食品就能防治疾病或增进健康

4.There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins

are superior to synthetic ones,that fertilized eggs are

nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs,that untreated grains

are better than fumigated grains and the like.

(并列同位语从句reports that…,that…,that…)


分句1:There are numerous unsubstantiated reports

分句2:natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones

分句3:that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs

分句4:that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like


5·The desperate plight of the South has eclipsed the fact that

reconstruction had to be undertaken also in the North,though less spectacularly.

(同位语从句fact that…)


分句1. The desperate plight of the South has eclipsed the fact

分句2. reconstruction had to be undertaken also in the North

分句3.though less spectacularly (省略)



6·The new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost every

major city sparked an explosion of real estate development and

fueled what we now know as urban sprawl.

(宾语从句what we now know as)


分句1:The new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost

every major city sparked an explosion of real estate development and


分句2:what we now know as urban sprawl

分句1嵌套分句2,即分句1是主句,分句2是宾语从句,主句结构经过精简应该是The new accessibility of land sparked an explosion of real estate development and fueled urban



7.But these factors do not account for the interesting question of

how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs

in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.

(Of结构作定语:of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant



分句1:But these factors do not account for the interesting question

分句2:of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant

ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of

giving birth


8. Amid rumors that there were prehistoric mammoths wandering around

the unknown region and that somewhere in its wilds was a mountain of

rock salt 80 by 45 miles in extent,the two captains set out.

(同位语从句rumo rs that…)


分句1:Amid rumors

分句2:that there were prehistoric mammoths wandering around the

unknown region

分句3:and that somewhere in its wilds was a mountain of rock salt 80

by 45 miles in extent

分句4:the two captains set out

分句1和分句4构成倒装,正常的语序应该是分句4+分句1,即the two captains set out Amid


9. In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord,and the

harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group,a

supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at the end

of the eighteenth century.

(同位语a supremacy)


分句1:In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord,and the

harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group,

分句2:a supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at

the end of the eighteenth century

分句2是分句1的同位语从句,用来修饰说明分句1中的the chief instruments of the keyboard group 10.A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the

nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain

tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame and steel wire

of the finest quality,finally produced an instrument capable of

myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost

orchestral fullness of sound,from a liquid,singing tone to a sharp,

percussive brilliance.



分句1:A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the

nineteenth century

分句2:including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to

soften it

分句3:the perfection of a metal frame and steel wire of the finest


分句4:finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects

分句5:from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral

fullness of sound,

分句6:from a liquid,singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance

本句的真正的主句结构其实是由分句1和分句4构成,即A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century finally produced an

instrument capable of myriad tonal effects,,分句2和分句3并列修饰说明分句1中的A

series of mechanical improvements,而分句5和分句6并列,修饰说明了分句4中的an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects

11.The largest later named Pueblo Bonito(Pretty Town)by the Spanish,

rose in five terraced stories,contained more than 800 rooms,and

could have housed a population of 1,000 or more.

最大的一座后来被西班牙人称为Pueblo Bonito(美丽的城镇),是一个五层梯式楼,有800多间房子,能够容纳1 000人以上。

分句1:The largest rose in five terraced stories,contained more than

800 rooms,and could have housed a population of 1,000 or more

分句2:later named Pueblo Bonito(Pretty Town)by the Spanish

分句1嵌套分句2,分句2用来修饰分句1的主语the largest,分句1内部是由三个并列的谓语构成的句子。12.Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before

1927 as “silent”,the film has never been,in the full sense of the

word, silent.

(倒装accustomed though we are…=though we are accustomed…)


分句1:Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before

1927 as “silent”

分句2:the film has never been silent

分句3:in the full sense of the word

本句的难点是在分句1内部有一个倒装,正常的语序应该是though we are accustomed to speaking of

the films made before 1927 as

silent.分句3是一个插入语,嵌套在分句2中,所以本句的真正强调的核心是the film has never been silent。

13.For a number of years the selection of music for each film

program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of

the orchestra,and very often the principal qualification far holding

such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a

large personal library of musical pieces.

(特殊结构not…SO much as…——与其说…不如说…)


分句1:.For a number of years the selection of music for each film

program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of

the orchestra

分句2:and very often the principal qualification far holding such a

position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large

personal library of musical pieces

分句1 和分句2构成并列关系,分句2的难点在于not…… so much as的结构。

14·Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species

and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of

biological diversity,the number of species in a particular

ecosystem,to the health of the Earth and human well-being.

(倒装coincident with concerns…has been…=…has been coincident with



分句1:Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species

and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of

biological diversity

分句2:the number of species in a particular ecosystem

分句3:to the health of the Earth and human well-being

分句1内部构成倒装,正常语序应该是concerns about the accelerating loss of species and

habitats has been coincident with a growing appreciation of the

importance of biological diversity to the health of the Earth and

human well-being

所以真正的主句经过精简之后是concerns has been coincident with a growing


分句2是一个插入语,用来解释说明分句1结尾的biological diversity

15.The fact that half of the known species are thought to inhabit

the world's rain forests does not seem surprising,considering the

huge numbers of insects that comprise the bulk of the species.

(同位语从句fact that…;定语从句that comprise the bulk…)


分句1:The fact does not seem surprising

分句2:that half of the known species are thought to inhabit the

world's rain forests

分句3:considering the huge numbers of insects

分句4:that comprise the bulk of the species


fact,是同位语从句,分句3作为分句1的原因状语,分句4是定语从句,修饰分句3的the huge numbers of insects

16.To appreciate fully the diversity and abundance of life in the

sea,it helps to think small.

(特殊结构it helps to…做…有帮助)


目的状语:To appreciate fully the diversity and abundance of life in the


主句:it helps to think small.(这里的it是形式主语,没有实际意义)

1 7.Science is built with facts just as a house is built with

bricks,but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more

than a pile of bricks can be called a house.

(特殊结构not any more than像…一样不…)

科学建立在事实上,就像房子用砖砌成一样。但收集的事实不能被叫做科学,就像一堆砖不能被称为房子一样。分句1. Science is built with facts just as a house is built with


分句2. but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more

than a pile of bricks can be called a house.


18.The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to which side

of the body is used to perform specific activities.

(从句which side…is used…作corresponds to的宾语


分句1. The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to

分句2. which side of the body is used to perform specific activities.



19.In a period characterized by the abandonment of so much of the

realistic tradition by authors such as John Barth,Donald

Barthelme,and Thomas Pynchon, Joyce Carol Oates has seemed at times

determinedly old-fashioned in her insistence OD the essentially

mimetic quality of her fiction.

(特殊结构characterized by…——以…为特征)


分句1. characterized by the abandonment of so much of the realistic

tradition by authors such as John Barth,Donald Barthelme,and Thomas


分句2. Joyce Carol Oates has seemed at times determinedly

old-fashioned in her insistence OD the essentially mimetic quality

of her fiction.

分句1 做时间状语“In a period”的后置定语,补充修饰period,相当于省略了“which was”的定语从句

分句2 是主句

20.If it were not for this faculty,they would devour all the food

available in short time and would probably starve themselves out of




分句1. If it were not for this faculty

分句2. they would devour all the food available in short time

分句3. would probably starve themselves out of existence

分句1 是虚拟句的条件从句


light, 新托福, 分析, hundreds, without

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TOEFL成绩143 分阅读权限200主题19精华0积分3519帖子64串个门加好友打招呼发消息沙发

发表于2011-8-30 11:09:51 |只看该作者21.Individualism is weakly developed

in folk cultures,as are social classes.

(倒装as are social classes) ’


分句1. Individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures

分句2. as are social classes

1和2并列,2 采用倒装语序,as表示“也,和… 一样”

22.People in the United States in the nineteenth century were

haunted by the prospect that unprecedented change in the nation's

economy would bring social chaos.

(同位语从句prospect that…)


分句1. People in the United States in the nineteenth century were

haunted by the prospect

分句2. unprecedented change in the nation's economy would bring

social chaos.

1和2 嵌套,

1是主句,2 具体解释说明prospect

23.Accompanying that growth was a structural change that featured

increasing economic diversification and a gradual shift in the

nation's labor force from agriculture to manufacturing and other

nonagricultural pursuits.

(倒装Accompanying that growth was a structural change that…=A

structural change…was accompanying that growth)


分句1. Accompanying that growth was a structural change

分句2. featured increasing economic diversification and a gradual

shift in the nation's labor force from agriculture to manufacturing

and other nonagricultural pursuits



分句2 是定语从句,修饰change. 这个定语从句结构较复杂,由2个and连接三个并列的名词性成分24.As the roles men and women played in society became more rigidly

defined, so did the roles they played in the home.

(倒装so did…)


分句1. the roles became more rigidly defined

分句2. men and women played in society

分句3. so did the roles

分句4. they played in the home.





25.Surrounding the column are three sepals and three

petals,sometimes easily recognizable as such,often distorted into

gorgeous,weird,but always functional shapes.

(倒装Surrounding the column are…)



分句1. Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals

分句2. sometimes easily recognizable as such,often distorted into

gorgeous,weird,but always functional shapes.


26.With the growing prosperity brought on by the Second World War

and the economic boom that followed it,young people married and

established households earlier and began to raise larger families

than had their predecessors during the Depression.

(倒装than had their predecessors—比较结构的第二部分)


分句1. the growing prosperity brought on by the Second World War

分句2. the economic boom that followed it

分句3. young people married and established households earlier

分句4. began to raise larger families than had their predecessors

during the Depression.


1和2 是伴随状语


27.The railroad could be and was a despoiler of

nature;furthermore,in its manifestation of speed and noise,it might

be a despoiler of human nature as well.

(关联结构could be and was)


分句1. The railroad could be and was a despoiler of nature

分句2. it might be a despoiler of human nature as well.

1和2 是并列(由分号连接的两个并列分句)

28.In the railroads' prime years,between 1 890 and 1920,there were a

few individuals in the United States,most of them with solid

railroading experience behind them,who made a profession of writing

about railroading--works offering the ambience of stations,yards,and

locomotive cabs.

(同位语most of them;定语从句who made a profession of writing)


分句1. there were a few individuals in the United States

分句2. most of them with solid railroading experience behind them

分句3. who made a profession of writing about railroading

分句4. works offering the ambience of stations,yards,and locomotive




2作为1中a few individuals 的同位语,对它进一步解释说明

29.On the other hand,when it comes to substantive--particularly

behavioral-information,crows are less well known than many

comparably common species and,for that matter,not a few quite

uncommon ones:the endangered California condor,to cite one obvious


(特殊结构for that matter)


分句1. when it comes to substantive--particularly


分句2. crows are less well known than many comparably common species

and, for that matter,not a few quite uncommon ones:the endangered

California condor,to cite one obvious example.

1和2是并列,分句1是时间状语,2是主句,其中包含插入语结构以及冒号连接的解释说明的成分30.Keen observers and quick learners,they are astute about the

intentions of other creatures,including researchers,and adept at

avoiding them.

(并列同位语keen observers and quick learners)

乌鸦是敏锐的观察家和快捷的学习者,它们对其他生物(包括研究人员)的意图感觉非常敏锐,并且善于躲开它们。分句1. they are astute about the intentions of other

creatures,including researchers

分句2. and adept at avoiding them.


31.These researchers have sought to demonstrate that their work can

be a valuable tool not only of science but also of history,providing

flesh insights into the daily lives of ordinary people whose

existences might not otherwise be so well documented.

(宾语从句demonstrate that…;特殊结构otherwise)


分句1:These researchers have sought to demonstrate that

分句2:their work can be a valuable tool not only of science but also

of history

分句3:providing flesh insights into the daily lives of ordinary people

分句4:whose existences might not otherwise be so well documented.








32.Legend has it that sometime toward the end of the Civil

War(1861--1865)a government train carrying oxen traveling through

the northern plains of eastern Wyoming was caught in a snowstorm and

had to be abandoned.

(特殊结构Legend has it that…=There is a legend that…)


分句1:Legend has it that

分句2:sometime toward the end of the Civil War(1861--1865)a government

train carrying oxen traveling through the northern plains of eastern

Wyoming was caught in a snowstorm

分句3:and had to be abandoned


分句2是分句1的具体解释,也是真正的主句。这里出现了几个分词形式,如“carrying oxen” “traveling through……”等,完全可以换成“that/which carries……”,但这里都作为修饰成分,从简分析




33.It is a lifelong process,a process that starts long before the

start of school and one that should be an integral part of one's

entire life.

(并列同位语a process th at…,and one that…)


分句1:It is a lifelong process,a process

分句2:that starts long before the start of school

分句3:and one that should be an integral part of one's entire life






34.Life's transition from the sea to the land was perhaps as much of


破解托福阅读理解长难句 托福阅读理解难,难在长难句。如何破解长难句,是做好托福阅读理解的关键一环。破解长难句通常采用方法是找准主谓宾, 去除定状补,抓住长难句特点进行庖丁解牛是破解托福阅读理解长难句的又一制胜法宝。托福阅读理解长难句有以下六大类型: 1、主语、宾语拉长一般来讲,汉语主语比较简短。相比之下,英语中主语一旦拉长,就会增加读者的理解难度。解决方法:有效分解主谓成分,断开之后各个击破。 例如:(1)The deserts, which already occupy approximately a fourth of the Earth’s land surface, have in recent decades been increasing at an alarming pace. (OG Practice 2) (2)The destruction caused by the volcanic explosion of Mount St. Helens, in the northwestern United States, for example, pales in comparison to the destruction caused by humans. 2、分词短语打头,句子呈现三段(或三段以上)的长句式分词短语(包括现在分词和过去分词)做状语,这一句式比较常见,读者阅读时由于要区分短语和主语之间的逻辑关系,所以理解上有难度。并且分词短语本身往往由于掺入了插入语成分,理解上就更为困难。解决方法:理清主动和被动关系。一般来说现在分词与主语之间是主动关系;而过去分词与主语之间是被动关系。 例如:Working of a century-old schoolhouse in the village of Marland, Pennsylvania, the Conservancy’s Bud Smith is working with local people and business leaders to balance economic growth environmental protection. ☆注意:介词短语位于句首类似分词短语形式。 例如:In order for the structure to achieve the size and strength necessary to meet its purpose, architecture employs methods of support that, because they are based on physical laws, have changed little since people first discovered them—even while building materials have changed dramatically. (TPO 14) 3、多个谓语动词连用简单句之所以简单是因为成分单一便于读者理解。而托福阅读理解中,出题人为增加阅读难度,就会把几个谓语动词放在一个句子当中。但是无论局势如何变化,英语句子本身就犹如一棵大树,只能有一个主干起支撑作用,其他起辅助作用。解决方法:遇到多个谓语动词连用情况要分清主句谓语动词和从句的谓语动词。剔除细枝末节之后,句子也就好理解了。 例如:The same thing happens to this day, though on a smaller scale, wherever a sediment-laden river or stream emerges from a mountain valley onto relatively flat land, dropping its load as the current slows: the water usually spreads out fanwise, depositing the sediment in the form of a smooth, fan-shaped slope. (TPO Ground Water)


2020 年托福阅读长难句100 句:后置定语从句 我们知道 一个句子的主干 ( 主谓宾 ) 相当于它的骨架,识别了主干相当于抓住 了句子的主要信息 ; 而句子的其他修饰、说明及补充的部分 ( 定状补同等 ) 则相当于句子的血肉,血肉中往往包含了大量的附加信息。很多时候这些附加的信息对整句的理解起着辅助、增强甚至不可或缺的作用。 教学中作者发现下面这个句子常常困扰一些语法功底不错的考生: The physicist rightly dreads preciseargument, since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if theassumptions on which it is based are slightly changed, whereas an argument thatis convincing though imprecise may well be stable under small perturbations ofits underlying assumptions. 本句 since 之前的部分含有标准的 S(The physicist)+V(dreads)+O(argument) 结构,而 since 之后明显应该是原因 状语 ( 从句 ) 的部分,所以句首的 SVO就是整句的主句。下面我们来仔 细分析 since 后面的部分: 第一行末尾的 that 紧跟 an argument 之后,显然做 an argument 的后置定语从句。 that is convincing 是一个完整的主系表结构, only if 则引导了这个定语从句自身的 ( 即小级别 ) 条件状语从句 it is precise (仍是一个完整的主系表结构); 接下来我们遇到了 loses ,since 到 loses 之间是两个主系表从句,有各自的系动词,于是 loses 不属于这两个从句,只能与 an argument 对应,这个点也可从单复数上佐证。 loses 与后面的 all its force 形成动宾结构,其中it指代前文的an argument;


TOEFL阅读高难度句子举例解析及翻译 摘要:托福阅读中也会出现一些考验大家的托福阅读难句,遇到这些句子的时候,要在平时新托福阅读中注意积累,觉得用得到的要记下来,以下总结的托福阅读中的几个高难度句,希望对大家有所帮助。 "Sociologists have built on the distinction between expressive and instrumental ties to distinguish between two types of groups: primary and secondary. A primary group involves two or more people who enjoy a direct, intimate, cohesive relationship with one another. Expressive ties predominate in primary groups; we view the people as ends in themselves and valuable in their own right. A secondary group entails two or more people who are involved in an impersonal relationship and have come together for a specific, practical purpose. Instrumental ties predominate in secondary groups; we perceive people as means to ends rather than as ends in their own right. Sometimes primary group relationships evolve out of secondary group relationships." 很多同学,看到上面的“we view the people as ends in themselves”和“we perceive people as means to ends”就彻底晕菜了。这个其实是可以理解的,这两句话实际是哲学家Kant(康德)关于道德的哲学思想。我们先来看看康德是怎么说的: Humanity According to Kant, there are different ways to state what our duty is. One of them involves the idea of a law. Another involves the idea of humanity, or human reason. Morality says that you should never treat rational human beings merely as means to your end. Whenever you use someone’s skills or services to your own end, you should always also treat that person as an end in him- or herself. 翻译:康德认为,有不同的方式来陈述我们的职责。其中一个是涉及法律。另外一个是涉及人性和人道。道德论认为,你永远不应该把一个理性的人只是作为你达到你的目的中间手段。当你用其他的服务和技能作为你达到你的目的是,你应该尊重他们作为个体而不是你的手段而已。 分析:这里的mean实际上是一个途径,一个中间过程。如果我们把他人视为达成某种目标的中间途径,那就不是道德的。end在这里是终点,自身的结果。只有把他人视为end才是尊重别人才是道德的。 其实这个道理很简单。就是我们常说的:不已结婚为目的谈恋爱都是耍流氓。你不已结婚为目的,就是把女孩当成means了,所以很不道德。你如果是以结婚为目的话,就是当成ends了。

新托福阅读长难句120句(分析 译文)

新托福阅读长难句120句(分析+译文 12月16日 1. Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface,the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans,in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space. (定语后置in some ways… 由于完全没有光,而且承受着比在地球表面大数百倍的极大压力,深海底部对人类而言是一个充满敌意的环境,在某些方面就像外层空间一样险恶和遥远。 分句1:Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures 分句2:hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface 分句3:the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans 分句4:in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space 分句2修饰分句1结尾的短语intense pressures, 分句1是分句3的原因状语 分句3是整个长句子的主句 分句4是分句3的后置定语,修饰分句3的a hostile environment to humans 整个句子结构是: 原因状语+主句+后置定语 这是主句前后分别有状语和定语的修饰成分,但是本句其实不是复合句。句子的核心意思是深海对于人类而言是一个充满敌意的环境。


托福阅读难句专业翻译一 1. Wearing masks and costumes, they often impersonated other people, animals, or supernatural beings, and mined the desired effect – success in hunt or battle, the coming rain, the revival of the Sun – as an actor might. 戴着面具身着盛装的人们,经常扮演各种其他人物、动物或超自然生灵,并且作为一个扮演者所能做的,就是期盼一个在狩猎或战役中获胜、降雨的来临,阳光的重现的结果。 2.But these factors do not account for the interesting question of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth. 但是这些事实不能解释这个令人感兴趣的问题,就是为什么在一个特殊的靠近他们出生的地方如此的集中了这么多怀孕的鱼龙。 3.A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame, and steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an instruments capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a ship, percussive brilliance. 十九世纪一系列持续的机械进步,包括踏板的传入、金属结构的完善和钢丝最完美的质量,最后产生了一种能容纳无数音调-从最精致的和弦到一个成熟管弦的声音或从一个清澈的歌声到辉煌的敲击乐的效 果-的乐器。 4.Accustomed though we are to speaking of the films made before 1972 as “silent”, the film has never been, in the full sense of the word, silent. 虽然我们习惯于谈到1972年以前的电影是无声的,但用一句完全感性的话来说电影从来就不是没有声音的。 5.For a number of years the selection of music for each film program rested entirely in the hands of the conductor or leader of the orchestra, and very often the principal qualifications for holding such a position was not skill or taste so much as the ownership of a large personal library of musical pieces. 多年以来电影音乐的选择程序完全掌握在导演和音乐督导手中,通常拥有这些权力的主要资格并非是自身的技艺和品味而更多的是因为拥有大量的个人音乐素材库。 6.Rather, they were made of a top layer of woolen or glazed worsted wool fabric, consisting of smooth, compact yarn from long wool fibers, dyed dark blue, green, or brown with a bottom layer of a coarser woolen material, either natural or a shade of yellow.


托福阅读长难句解决方法解析 托福阅读长难句解决方法 首先:长句子。 A few art collectors Tames Bowdoin of Boston, William Byrd of Virginia, and the Aliens and Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries,especially aspiring artists,and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement. A few art collectors introduced European art traditions to those colonistsand established in their respective communities the idea and the need. 对于这样一个句子,大家要做的就是找到这个句子的核心主干(即主谓宾)注意后半部分嵌入了倒装句established in their respective communities the idea and the need,establish是及物动词,后面却加了介词in,说明此处有倒装,还原正常语序应是established the idea and the need in their respective communities。倒装出现的意义在于idea和need在原句中的后置定语(即蓝色划线部分)太长,为了防止头重脚轻。 在原句中,是有人名是并列的不知道大家有没有发现,也是本句主语art collectors的同位语。其中还有一部分是colonists的非谓语动词后置定语,还一个部分是插入语用来进一步解释art collectors。 综上所述,本句运用了多种语法结构(并列,倒装,同位语,后置定语,插入语)把主干部分分割得支离破碎,如果对这些语法结构不熟悉的同学肯定会一下子摸不着头脑。而如果能够尽最大努力把握其用法,那么对阅读的速度和正确率的提升都有很大帮助。 以上这个句子我们就可以这样翻译:几位艺术收藏家(此处省略几位艺术家名字)将欧洲艺术传统介绍给那些被特许参观他们画廊的殖民者,尤其是有抱负的艺术家们,并在他们各自的社区建立了艺术具有价值的观念和致力于鼓励其发展的机构的需要。 其次:长文章 新托福阅读的文章篇幅一般都是在700字以上,而这么长的文章主要就是由简单句和一些复杂的长难句组成,除了句子理解外,为了更好的解题考生还应该了解文章段落和文章结构。面对比较长的段落和文章,要在短时间内快速抓住重点信息,做对题目,那么对文章的行文套路要有非常清晰的把握。下面以一篇OG真题文章Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States的段落为例来讲解。

托福阅读长难句178 2.0版

托福阅读长难句178 谨献给奋斗在出国路上的Toeflers 1. But the myths t h at have grown up around the rites may continue as part of the group’s oral tradition and may even come to be acted out under conditions divorced from these rites. (Words 33; Medium) 2. Another, advanced in the twentieth century, suggests that humans have a gift for fantasy, through which they seek to reshape reality into more satisfying forms than those encountered in daily life. (Words 31; Medium) 3. For example, one sign of this condition is the appearance of the comic vision, since comedy requires sufficient detachment to view some deviations from social norms as ridiculous rather than as serious threats to the welfare of the entire group. (Words 40; Hard) 4. Immediately adjacent to the timberline, the tundra consists of a fairly complete cover of low-lying shrubs, herbs, and grasses, while higher up the number and diversity of species decrease until there is much bare ground with occasional mosses and lichens and some prostrate


托福长难句精析 Lecture 1 基本句型 1.The problem of how health-care resources should be allocated or apportioned, so that they are distributed in both the most just and the most effective way, is not a new one. 2.Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records, there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run, how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects, themselves included, through space. 3.The older painters,most of whom were born before 1835,practiced in a mode often self-taught and monopolized by landscape subject matter and were securely established in and fostered by the reigning American art organization, the National Academy of Design. 解析:The older painters…practiced in a mode…and were securely established in and fostered by…为句子主干 译文:老一代画家大多数出生于1835年以前,他们以一种经常是自学的方式和以风景画题材为主的形式作画。这些老画家是由当时美国艺坛上占统治地位的国家设计学院培养出来的,而且他们也在那里确立了自己的地位。 4.In 15 or 30 seconds, a speaker cannot establish the historical context that shaped the issue in question, cannot detail the probable causes of the problem, and cannot examine alternative proposals to argue that one is preferable to others. 解析:(以and连接的并列句) 译文:在15或30秒的时间里,发言人无法建立形成正在讨论的问题的历史背景;不能详细阐述问题产生的可能原因;无法仔细审查几种建议以辩论哪一种更可取。 5.The seesaw brought cycles of intensely cold winters and easterly winds, and switched abruptly to years of heavy spring and early summer rains, mild winters, and frequent Atlantic storms, or to periods of droughts, light northeasterly winds, and summer heat waves. 解析:句子主干:the seesaw brought cycles of… and switched to … or to… 6. A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame and steel wire of the finest quality,finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance.


【托福阅读】精选阅读真题长难句50句 1、 Later experiments in which researchers played recordings of songs to young birds showed just how precise this influence was, many of them would learn the exact pattern of the recording they had heard. 2、 The crude song of a bird reared in isolation gives some clues as to what this rough idea may be the length, the frequency range and the breaking up into notes are all aspects of chaffinch song shared between normal birds and those reared in isolation. 3、 Whatever the nature of the learning rules in a particular species, there is no doubt that they are effective, it is very unusual to hear a wild bird singing a song which is not typical of its own species despite the many different songs which often occur in a small patch of woodland. 4、 Chemical analysis of bones enables archaeologists to determine the proportion of meat to vegetable foods in the diet by measuring the proportion of calcium to strontium in ancient bone because strontium in place of calcium in bones comes primarily from ingested plants.


托福阅读:长难句翻译训练 1. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half. 2. But it will be the driver’s responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind. 3. However, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you are reversing your vehicle; or you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it. 4. Remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it. 5. Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively early age, and how the process of ageing could he slowed down. 6. With a team of colleagues at Tokyo National University, he set about measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and varying occupations. 7. Computer technology enabled the researchers to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of the brain, which relate to intellect (智能) and emotion, and determine the human character. 8. Contraction of front and side parts as cells die off was observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty and seventy-year-olds. 9. The findings show in general terms that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns. 10. White collar workers doing routine work in government offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant. 1、系好安全带能够挽救性命,它能将丧生和重伤的概率减少一半以上。 2、但是司机有责任确保14岁以下的孩子不要坐在前排,除非他们系好了安全带。


2019年托福阅读长难句100句:大量物种灭绝 今天我们来看这样一个句子: The possibility that mass extinctions may recur periodically has given rise to such hypotheses as that of a companion star with a long-period orbit deflecting other bodies from their normal orbits, making some of them fall to Earth asmeteors and causing widespread devastation upon impact. (TPO15, 46) recur /r'k/ v. 再发生,复发 periodically adv.定期地,周期性发生地 hypothesis /ha'pɑθss/ n. 假说,假设 deflect /d'flkt/ v. (使某物)运动转向;使某人改变原来的计划 meteor /'mit/ n. 流星 devastation /dev'sten/ n. 毁坏,荒废 impact /m'pækt/ n. 撞击,冲击;影响 such sth as/that...:(像後面提及的)那样的, 这样的 我是分界线,大家先测试一遍速读是否理解 The possibility (that mass extinctions may recur periodically) has given rise to such hypotheses as that (of a companion star)(with a long-period orbit) (deflecting other bodies from their normal orbits), (making some of them fall to Earth as meteors) and (causing widespread devastation upon impact). (TPO15, 46) 托福阅读长难句100句分析:


【必备资料】托福TPO阅读长难句解析及专项训练(二) 在以下的内容中为大家整理了具有代表意义的托福阅读长难句,给出了专业的语法解析、原句翻译及意群训练,作为托福备考的重要资料。考生可以通过这些长难句的专项训练,迅速掌握阅读长难句的理解方法和做题技巧。 In order for the structure to achieve the size and strength necessary to meet its purpose, architecture employs methods of support that, because they are based on physical laws, have changed little since people first discovered them—even while building materials have changed dramatically. 托福阅读长难句类型:复杂状语+复杂句子结构+插入成分+不明显的倒装+抽象名词 虽然表面看来这个句子没有什么生词,但是这个句子理解起来并不容易,因为这个句子中出现的单词都是比较抽象的单词,例如 structure, achieve, size, strength, purpose, method, 所以读句子的时候让人觉得不舒服。句子开头就是一个目的状语,但是这个状语很长,让同学们搞不清楚谁是为了实现谁。主句结构是 architecture employs methods of support,但是随后作者又用 that 引导了一个定语从句来修饰 method,并且在定语从句一开始,that 后面直接用because 引导了一个插入的句子,割裂了定语从句。所以完整的复合句是这样的:architecture employs methods of support that have changed little since people first discovered them,到此处作者仍不肯收手,用


长难句分析-托福 1.Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface,the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans,in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space( (定语后置in s ome ways…) 由于完全没有光,而且承受着比在地球表面大数百倍的极大压力,深海底部对人 类而言是一个充满敌意的环境,在某些方面就像外层空间一样险恶和遥远。 分句1:Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures 分句2:hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface 分句3:the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans 分句4:in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space分句2修饰分句1结尾的短语intense pressures, 分句1是分句3的原因状语 分句3是整个长句子的主句 分句4是分句3的后置定语,修饰分句3的a hostile environment to humans 整个句子结构是: 原因状语+主句+后置定语 这是主句前后分别有状语和定语的修饰成分,但是本句其实不是复合句。句子的


精选45句托福阅读长难句翻译及词汇注释 (涵盖部分句子简化题翻译) 1.The same thing happens to this day, though on a smaller scale, wherever a sediment(沉积物)-laden(装满的)river or stream emerges from a mountain valley onto relatively flat land, dropping its load as the current slows: the water usually spreads out fanwise, depositing(沉积)the sediment in the form of a smooth, fan-shaped slope(斜面). 虽然是较为小型的,但类似的事情也在当下发生,无论什么地方的、大量携带沉积物的河水或溪流从山谷中流至较为平坦的地带,都会随着流速的减慢会沉淀下它的携带物。 河流通常以扇形蔓延,使沉积物以一种平滑的扇形斜面的形式沉积。 2.In lowland country almost any spot on the ground may overlie(躺在某上) what was once the bed of a river that has since become buried by soil; if they ar e now below the water’s upper surface (the water table), the gravels (石子,砂砾)and sands of the former riverbed, and its sandbars(沙洲,堤坝), will be saturated(浸湿)with groundwater. 在地势较低的城市里,地面上几乎所有曾是河床的地方都被土壤掩埋。如果曾是河床的地方现在处于河流(的上表面)之下,旧时河床的石砾、沙子和沙洲就会被地表水浸湿。 3.But note that porosity(孔隙度)is not the same as permeability(渗透率), which measures the ease with which water can flow through a material; this depends on the sizes of the individual cavities(腔,洞)and the crevices (裂缝,缺口)linking them. 但是要注意的在测量水可以从一种材料间通过的轻松程度的时候,孔隙度并不等同于渗透率。这个要依材料中每个独立的洞和裂缝的大小而定。 4.If the pores(毛孔,气孔)are large, the water in them will exist as drops too heavy for surface tension to hold, and it will drain(使液体流走)away; but if the pores are small enough, the water in them will exist as thin films(薄膜), too light to overcome the force of surface tension holding them in place; then the water will be firmly held. 如果气孔很大,其内部的水分会以滴的形式存在,水分会由于过重、不能被表面张力持住而流走。反之,如果气孔很小,其内部的水分会以薄膜的形式存在,水分太轻以至于不能克服固定它们的表面张力,因此水分就会被以膜的形式保留。 5.But the myths that have grown up around the rites(隆重的仪式或典礼)may continue as part of the group’s oral(口头的; 口述的)tradition and may even come to be acted out under conditions divorced(分离)from these rites.
