

1. Introduction

Euphemism is originally from Greek, meaning, “speak with gook words”. “eu” means “well or sounding well”; “pheme” means “speech”. Its definition in Oxford English Dictionary is “(example of the) use of pleasant, mild, or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones.”[1]

The appearance of euphemism is based on two reasons: one aims to take the place of “taboo”. When giving up a taboo word, people will find another new one to take the place of it, which creates a euphemism. The other aims to avoid offensiveness during the communication. It is a figure of rhetoric by which an unpleasant or offensive thing is described or referred to by a milder term.

The following part will explain euphemism in detail from two aspects: the ways to express euphemism and its social functions

2. Ways to express euphemism

2.1. Figure of speech

2.1.1. Metonymy.

That is to use the general words to take the place of the concrete words. “Passed away” which refers to “dead” belongs to meto nymy. It can be divided into the following forms: 1) to use the container to take the place of the things in the container. For example: “to be fond of the bottle” is a euphemism for “liking to drink”. 2) To use the entirety instead of the part. For example: “abdomen” is used to refer to “belly”; “limb” refers to “leg”. For some special occasions, the part can be used instead of the entirety. In Australian English “an old hand” is a euphemism for “an old prisoner”. 3) To use the tools to take the place of t he objects. For example, “pick” is a tool of prying the lock. It can refer to “thief”. 4) To use raw materials to take the place of finished products. For instance, “poppy” is a kind of flower, but it also refers to “opium”. 5) To use characteristics to ta ke the place of objects. For example, “hellow” is a greeting word, and it is also a euphemism for “prostitute” because prostitutes often use this word to solicit the whoremasters; “blood and iron” is a euphemism for “violence”. 6) To use proper words to replace the objects. For example, “napoleon” is a French golden coin on which there is Napoleon’s head portrait. “Borstal” is a name of countryside in Kent in Britain. It can also refer to “juvenile delinquency”.

2.1.2. Metaphor

To use metaphor can ea sily avoid the offensive things. For example, “to be a guest of the law” is a euphemism for “to be in prison”[4],Many euphemisms for “death” were created by way of metaphor, such as going to his long home, to be home and free, to go to sleep, to sleep the long (or eternal, never-ending) sleep, to rest in peace, to be at rest, to go to Heaven (or Paradise), to join one’s ancestors, to be gathered to one’s fathers, to join the immortals. More examples are: aged→sunset years, to be poor→to be pinched, to ha ve improper sexual intercourse with girls(especially maiden) →to deflower; to degenerate→to go astray; breast→milk bottles; catamenia→the red flag; to be pregnant→to be on the nest; the money of bribery→grease; to bribe→to grease somebody’s palm; handcuffs→bracelets.


3. Periphrasis

It is an expression of beating around the bush. Though it is a muddled acting, its aim is to avoid offending others, and to be more polite[6]. If someone asked a woman whether she was knitting a

tiny garment, he meant that he wondered whether she was pregnant. Such way of speaking is humorous, sweet and agreeable, to be pregnant→to eat for t wo. Teachers often use this expression to avoid the students’ and their parents’ awkwardness. For example, laziness is called “needing amp le supervision in order to work well”; “cheat” is described as “needing help in learning to adhere to rules and standards of fair play”; “lies” is called “showing difficulty in distinguishing between imaginary and factual material”; “steal” is called “need ing help in learning to respect the property rights of others”; “be a bully” refers to “having qualities of leadership but needs help in learning to use them democratically”; “dirty” is called “ be lack of proper health habits”.

2.2. Semantic method

2.2.1. Synonym

For example, “tight” is used instead of “stingy”; “mad” is replaced by “crazy”, “insane”, and “lunatic”. Such euphemism aims to use the appreciative term to take the place of the derogatory term.

2.2.2. Negation

Such euphemism uses the contrary term to express the same meaning, and it could be more useful than synonym in replacing the taboo and make people more understandable and comfortable. We could call stupid people unwise people. “A fat chance” means “a slim chance”. 2.2.3. Vague words and expressions

That is to make the harsher or offensive words more general. For example, if somebody has some mental problems, we can express it like this: His roof leaks a little; he has a screw loose/missing; he is not at home. There are other examples which use vague expressions, such as disease→trouble, problem; to come across an unfortunate thing→to have an accident; to live together illegally→to cohabit; a squint→an obliquity of vision; a man of bad taste→a man of doubtful taste; strike→industrial action; the poor→the underprivileged, the disadvan taged; in debt→in difficulties;to be killed→to be put to sleep.

2.3. The variety of spelling form

English is an alphabetic writing. The variation of phonetic form can avoid the original conception in a certain degree and achieve the purpose of euphemism. 1) Compounding: gezunda (goes under沉落、沉没;失败破产). 2) Acronym: DA (drug addict), J.D (juvenile delinquent).

3 The Social Functions of Euphemism

Euphemism is widely used in America and Britain. It has a long history. New euphemisms emerge in an endless stream. Its functions, can be divided into three parts: Avoidance, Courtesy and Disguise. Through studying the three functions, we can understand the western society’s view on value and morality.

3.1. Avoidance

The earliest subject of Euphemism is religious. The conception of taboo is deep-rooted in people’s mind, and it is not easy to remove. Because fearing of the secret power of God, People use euphemism to avoid mentioning the guilty, unpleasant, rude or offensive words, which plays a role of purifying languages. For example, European Americans avoid speaking “Friday” and “13”. When the two things appear in the same day, it is an ill omen. This avoidance function is the first communication function of euphemisms[13]. Such function is often used in the following situations:

3.1.1. The euphemisms for God and devil

In oral English, using “God” causally would be considered blasphmous. They usually adopt semantic methods to refer to God, such as the Creator, the Maker, the Supreme (Being), Holy One, the Almighty, the Eternal, Our Father, the Light of the World, Sovereign of the Universe. There are many euphemisms for “the devil”, such as old enemy, old Ned, Old Nick, Old One, Ole’un (Old Man), Old Scratch, Old Serpe nt, the Old Boy etc. For example, “He was frightened as if Old Harry were before him.” In English they often use “heck” instead of “hell”. “hell” has other expressions: “the other place, a very uncomfortable place, the other way etc.” For example, “We were all going direct to Heaven; we were all going direct the other way.” [15]

3.1.2 The euphemisms for death

Euphemism is often caused in speaking of things that are painful and distressing to think about. Death is one of expressions. The euphemisms for death are a widely used item, especially when it concerns one’s own families and friends. It has a lot of expressions[16]. For example, if anything should happen to me (= when I die); to pass away/ on; to depart; to go to sleep; to be no longer with us; to be i nterred. “Death” also has some humorous expressions: “to pop off; to push up daisies; to cash in one’s chips; to kick the bucket ”. “Death” also has an intimate relationship with religion. There are many euphemisms from Bible, for example, to return to dust/ earth; to pay the debt of nature; to be called to God/ to answer the final summons; to go to heaven; to be at peace, to be asleep in the Arms of God; to yield up the ghost; to launch into eternity; to have one’s name inscribed in the Book of life etc. S ome words, which concern “death”, also have euphemistic expressions. For example, “coffin” is called “casket”; “dead body” is called “earthly remains”; “funeral” is called “memorial service”; “graveyard” is called “memory garden”.

3.1.3. The euphemisms for illness, natural and man-made calamities

Most westerners avoid talking about some serious diseases. For instance, “terminally ill” is a euphemism for “cancer”. “tumour” is called “a growth”; “commit suicide” is called

“self-deliverance or self-violenc e”. People often use initialing to avoid talk about some diseases directly, such as AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome); Big C (Cancer) etc.


4. The euphemisms for birth

Contrary to the Chinese traditional opinion, in western countries, “being pregnant” and “having a baby” are not considered “a blessed event”. In America, “to wear the apron high”, “to wear/have the belly high” are euphemisms for “to be pregnant”, while in Britain, “to wear the bustle wrong” is a euphemism for “to be pregnant”. Some one even called “to be pregnant” “to be caught” or “to be fallen”. Some vague expressions also show a kind of restless mood, such as: that way, in a certain/particular/delicate condition etc.

3.2. Courtesy

Another reason to use euphemism is that it avoids the harsh and direct word in a polite way, and makes the sentence sound more pleasant. To grasp the polite function of euphemism can help you build a good relationship with others. The polite functions are especially reflected in the occupations, or trades. It relate with Politeness Principle of Leech[17]. It is obvious that

advertisement is aimed at helping businessmen propaganda their goods, for the sake of soliciting customs. As a pleasant way, using euphemisms in advertisements has become more and more widespread. Now, “secondhand store” has been replaced by “resale store”, “super”, “giant”, “special”, such words, have become more popular. Moreover, we can often see the same phenomenon about the expressions for classes of cabins. To defend pas sengers ’honor, “First Class” is changed to “Deluxe Class”, “Second Class” is to “First Class”, “Third Class” to “Business Class”, and “Economic Class” to “Tourist Class”. This function undoubtly plays an active role of improving the progress of society:

3.3. Disguise

Opposite to the positive influences of euphemism, there are some euphemisms which can bring about negative influences. which are embodied in the following two aspects according to its concealing function:

3.3.1. The euphemisms for the requirements of politics and war.

Because of the requirements of politics and war, the British and American politicians used some euphemisms to conceal the internal truth, and cheat the public. For example, American and British people name “riot” as “disturbance” or “disorder”; “strike” is called “walk-out, down tools, industrial action or industrial dispute”; “economic crises” is called “recession” or “depression”. In the aspect of military affair, “the number of the dead” is called “body count”; “aggression” i s called “pre-emptive action” or “involvement”. American media called their invasion to Haiti by their marines “an incident”, called the investigation of American airplanes in Russian territorial air space “an over flight”. We can see the concealing functi on of euphemisms becomes the needs of the struggle, the tool of cheating people.

3.4. The countries’ names as euphemism

In English, there is another special euphemistic expression. That is to use other countries’ names instead of some harsher or more offensive words. The appearance of these euphemisms is mostly because of the historic and cultural reasons. For instance, because French had ruled Britain, British people like to make fun of the French. They called “syphilis” “the French disease”. In 17th century, the war between Britain and Dutch also led to a lot of anti-Dutch words, including euphemisms. “Prostitute” is called “Dutch widow”; “commit suicide” is called “Dutch act/cure”; “Dutch cheer” is a euphemism for “liquor”. Besides French and Dutch, Britain also makes fun of other countries. “Russian roulette” is a euphemism for “to intend to commit suicide”; “Mexican raise. Irish promotion” means “to be dismissed”; “Egyptian physical training” means “to sleep at daytime”. In a word, the British and t he American relate a lot of offensive things with other countries’ names.

4. Conclusion

Euphemism appears with a different appearance, and exerts a subtle influence on exposing the truth. That is to use the neutral or pleasant words to express some awkward or offensive contents. As English learners, we should not only pay attention to its application on appropriate occasions, but to its influences. Its active functions can coordinate the interpersonal relationships, release the contradictions and avoid the conflicts. The negative functions are to confound right and wrong, beautify the shameful behaviors and conceal the essence. Language itself has not the class

character, but different people, political parties and countries can consider it a tool to serve for them. That is why someone named euphemisms as “comfortable words” or “cosmetic words”. In daily life, we should pay attention to the influences that the active and negative functions of euphemisms bring us, and keep the negative functions from corrupting our thoughts.


英语中的委婉语 英文euphemism(委婉语)一词系源自希腊语。词头"eu-"的意思是"good"(好),词干"phemism"的意思是"speech"(言语),整个字面意义是"word of good omen"(吉言)或(好的说法)。一般认为,凡是表示禁忌或敏感事物的含蓄、迂回或动听的言词,均在委婉语之列。 英语委婉语一般可分成两大类:传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)和文体委婉语stylistic euphemisms。所谓传统委婉语亦称是与禁忌语密切相关的。象生、病、死、葬、性、裸、拉、撒等禁忌事物,如果直接表达,那就是禁忌语,给人的感觉是粗鄙,生硬,刺耳,无礼。反之,如果间接表达,这就是委婉语,给人的印象是典雅,含蓄,中听,有礼。所谓文体委婉语,亦称实际上是恭维话、溢美之词,与禁忌语并无关系。英、美人(尤其是当代美国人)在交际过程中,为了表示礼貌,为了避免刺激,或是为了争取合作,有时会采用夸饰的手法,对一些令人不快的事物以美言相称。 英语委婉语的构成方法各种各样,丰富多彩。一般可分为下面几种类型:构词手段,拼写手段,词汇手段,语法手段和修辞手段等。 (1)合词法(compounding):如:gezudna(goes+under+“床下放”,即夜壶)。 (2)反成法(backformation):反成法是通过删除假想中的词缀来构成委婉词。由于这种构词法产词是不大,所以造出的词大多新颖别致,用来代替常见的敏感词,也能收到委婉的效果。如:bugle(盗窃,由burglar[夜盗]盗删去“词尾”而成,用以替代。 (3)首字母组合法(acronym):首字母组合法是将禁忌词语或敏感词语的第一个字母抽出来拼合在一起借以掩饰。如:BM(bowel movement,大便)the Big C (癌症) (4)截短法(clipping):截短法是将一些词语斩头去尾以掩饰。如:gents(Gentlement's Room)(男厕所)lav (lavatory,厕所) (5)曲读异拼法(phonetic distortion):曲读异拼法是有意将禁忌词语的发音略加变动,借以避讳。如:god, gosh(god 上帝) (6)压韵替代法(rhyming slang):压韵替代法是利用一些词语与禁忌词语押韵的特点来取而代之。如:sis, (piss 小便) (7)逆拼法(backslang):逆拼法是将一些禁忌或敏感的单词自后向前拼写,以便避讳。如:elly-bay (belly肚子) (8)首字母异拼法(respelling of initials):首字母异拼法是将一些禁忌或敏感单词的首字母按照发音拼写出来,效果委婉。如:dee(damn,该死) (9)标点符号法(punctuation):如:d--(damn该死的)son of a -- (son of a bitch,狗娘养的)(10)同义词替代法(synonyms)如:slim(苗条的,即skinny,皮包骨头) (11)借词法borrowing):一般认为,英语中的本族词-盎格鲁撒克逊词-多为平民百姓的口语词,不登大雅之堂。所以很多人,尤其是知识分子和学生都喜欢借用法语词或拉丁词来婉指那些令人尴尬的事物。如:lingerie(内衣 underwear) (12)模糊词语法(fuzzy words):如:affair(事物,即桃色事件) (13)儿语法(nurseryism):借用儿童用语来充当委婉语。小孩子讲话天真无邪,如果大人,尤其是中年人模仿儿语,有时效果是既委婉又幽默。如:pee-pee(小便)poo-poo(大便)(14)反面着笔法(negation):从相反的角度去表达那些令人不快的事物,效果有时会比正面直说婉转些。如:unwise(不聪明,即,愚蠢的) (15)比喻法(metaphorical transfer):根据禁忌事物的特点,将其描绘成具有相同特点的可以接受的事物。如:go to sleep forever(长眠,即die死去) (16)借代法(metonymical transfer):用整体来代替那些不便直言的局面。如:chest(胸部,即 breast 乳房) (17)低调说法(understatement):如一种明抑实扬、言轻义重的含蓄的说法,用来表达不愉快的事情时,效果委婉,听者易于接受。smelly (有味道,即stinking,发臭)


浅谈英语委婉语探究 内容摘要 由于语言交际是人类赖以维持社会和人际关系的重要手段。因而人们在语言交际中通常避免使用引起交际双方的不快从而损害双方的关系的语言,而是采取迂回曲折的方法来表达思想,交流信息。委婉语是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象,它应用于社会生活的诸多领域,它的产生和应用与社会现象息息相关。它不仅是一种社会语言现象,也是一种文化现象,它在交际中起着很重要的作用。委婉语处在不断变化的状态下,随着科学和人类文明的发展,委婉语在交际语言中的功能将愈加突出。所以本文从委婉语在西方国家的使用情形这一角度出发,探讨了委婉语的定义,特点及其避讳功能,礼貌功能和掩饰功能。并讨论了英语委婉语在现实生活中的应用,以帮助英语学习者更好地进行跨文化交际。 论文关键词:英语委婉语;交际功能;应用 一、英语委婉语的定义 十九世纪英国大戏剧家萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw)的名剧《茶花女》(Pygmalion)因使用bloody(该死的)一词而遭到社会的广泛指责。名噪一时的美国电影《飘》(Gone with the Wind)也因damn(他妈的)一词的出现而招致公众的诽议。这些脏字,粗词引起了人们的反感,为了避免使用这些语言,于是委婉语出现了,而委婉语的出现把文明意识提到一个新的高度。委婉语是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象,是人们谈论那些令人不快或尴尬的事情时所使用的较为礼貌的说法。它不仅是一种社会语言现象,更是一种文化现象。 委婉语也是英语国家中一种很常见而普遍的语言现象,从横向来说:目前语言学家所接触的语言中,都存在一定数量的委婉语;从纵向来说:大概从人类开始知美丑、辨善恶,而用无花果树叶”遮盖时,委婉语就在交际中有了用武之地。英文euphemism(委婉语)一词源自希腊语,词头“eu”的意思是“good”(好),词干“phemism”的意思是“speech”(言语),意思是用漂亮的词语或玲珑的谈吐表达语言,用一种无害的或悦耳的词语取代一种较直接的、冒昧唐突的言词,或者说用善意的话语把事实掩盖起来。委婉语涉及民族、历史、文化、心理、语境、交际目的等方面。它是一种修辞格更是一种文化现象。委婉语如此深深地嵌入我们的语言,以至我们中间没有谁——即使那些自诩为直截了当的人——能够在不使用委婉语的情况下过完一天的。他的这段话道出了委婉语在人们交际中的重要作用。委婉语好似语言交流的润滑剂,能使人们的话语在交际中变得更委婉、含蓄。 二、英语委婉语的特点 1、时代性 同一个事物,同一个意思,在不同时代往往有不同的委婉表达法,下面的例子很能说明委婉语或委婉表达法具有很强的时代性。 据有关学者统计,“怀孕”一词在不同时代曾先后出现如下一些委婉表达法:She has canceled all her social engagements.(1856)她取消了所有的社交活动。 She is in a family way.(1920)她快要当家了。

英语中的委婉语 发

英语中的委婉语Euphemism 英文euphemism(委婉语)一词系源自希腊语。词头“eu-”的意思是“good”(好),词干“phemism”的意思是“speech”(言语),整个字面意义是“word of good omen”(吉言)或(好的说法)。一般认为,凡是表示禁忌或敏感事物的含蓄、迂回或动听的言词,均在委婉语之列。 英语委婉语一般可分成两大类:传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)和文体委婉语stylistic euphemisms。所谓传统委婉语亦称是与禁忌语密切相关的。象生、病、死、葬、性、裸、拉、撒等禁忌事物,如果直接表达,那就是禁忌语,给人的感觉是粗鄙,生硬,刺耳,无礼。反之,如果间接表达,这就是委婉语,给人的印象是典雅,含蓄,中听,有礼。所谓文体委婉语,亦称实际上是恭维话、溢美之词,与禁忌语并无关系。英、美人(尤其是当代美国人)在交际过程中,为了表示礼貌,为了避免刺激,或是为了争取合作,有时会采用夸饰的手法,对一些令人不快的事物以美言相称。 英语委婉语的构成方法各种各样,丰富多彩。一般可分为下面几种类型:构词手段,拼写手段,词汇手段,语法手段和修辞手段等。 (1)合词法(compounding):如:gezudna (goes+under+“床下放”,即夜壶)。 (2)反成法(backformation):反成法是通过删除假想中的词缀来构成委婉词。由于这种构词法产词是不大,所以造出的词大多新颖别致,用来代替常见的敏感词,也能收到委婉的效果。如:bugle(盗窃,由burglar(夜盗)盗删去“词尾”而成,用以替代。 (3)首字母组合法(acronym):首字母组合法是将禁忌词语或敏感词语的第一个字母抽出来拼合在一起借以掩饰。如:BM(bowel movement,大便)the Big C (癌症)。 (4)截短法(clipping):截短法是将一些词语斩头去尾以掩饰。如:gents(Gentlement’s Room)(男厕所)lav (lavatory,厕所)。 (5)曲读异拼法(phonetic distortion):曲读异拼法是有意将禁忌词语的发音略加变动,借以避讳。如:god,gosh(god 上帝)。 (6)压韵替代法(rhyming slang):压韵替代法是利用一些词语与禁忌词语押韵的特点来取而代之。如:sis,(piss 小便)。 (7)逆拼法(backslang):逆拼法是将一些禁忌或敏感的单词自后向前拼写,以便避讳。如:elly-bay(belly肚子)。 (8)首字母异拼法(respelling of initials):首字母异拼法是将一些禁忌


英语委婉语的分类-权威资料 本文档格式为WORD,若不是word文档,则说明不是原文档。 最新最全的学术论文期刊文献年终总结年终报告工作总结个人总结述职报告实习报告单位总结 委婉语是一种社会语言现象,也是一种文化现象。根据英语委婉语所使用的内容对其做出分类,以便英语学习者能够更好地实现跨文化交际。 英语委婉语分类跨文化交际 一、引言 语言禁忌是人们对语言的迷信和崇拜,认为语言与事物之间有着某种神秘的联系,不吉祥的话语能招致不吉祥的事情发生,这就使人们对不好事情的禁忌心理转化成了对语言的回避。既然有语言的禁忌,那么委婉语的产生就很自然了。例如,“死”的委婉语有“逝世、长眠、安息、归天、殉职、捐躯、牺牲”等。英语中“死”的委婉语也有很多,如be called to God、be called home、pass away、final sleep、in heaven、rest in peace 等。委婉语是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象,是人们谈论那些令人不快或尴尬的事情时所使用的较为礼貌的说法,使人更易接受。 二、委婉语的概念 英文euphemism(委婉语)一词源自希腊语。词头“eu-”的意思是"good"(好),词干"phemism"的意思是“speech”(言语),整个字面意义是“word of good omen”(吉言)或(好的说法)。一般认为,凡是表示禁忌或敏感事物的含蓄、迂回或中听的言词都是委婉语。委婉语涉及民族、历史、文化、心理、语境等方面,它是一种修辞格,更是一种文化现象。

三、委婉语的分类 1、与禁忌语密切相关的委婉语。有一些禁忌事物像生、老、病、死、葬、等,如果直接表达会给人粗鲁、生硬、刺耳的感觉。反之,如果用典雅、含蓄、的方式间接表达,那就不会使人不悦。例如,在西方年龄是比较敏感的话题,人一旦变老就意味着对社会无用了。于是,人人讳言“老”,故老人(old people)常称为the elderly、senior citizen、venerable people、get on years等;怀孕(pregnancy )会用awkward、eating for two、an expectant mother、 full of heir等来表示。 2、与礼貌相关的委婉语。委婉语还常常用于不能说或不想说的话语中。当人们不愿直接说出来,使用委婉语是为了表示礼貌,为了避免刺激,或是为了争取合作,对一些令人不快的事物以美言相称。如身体缺陷,肥胖的(fat)常用big、plump、stout或over-weight;清瘦的(thin)用slender或slim;丑陋的(ugly)则是ordinary、homely或plain;聋的(deaf)说成hard of hearing;如厕是do one’s business、 ease oneself、powder one's nose、wash one’s hands等。 3、与政治相关的委婉语。近年来,委婉语更是作为一种修辞手段,被人们在社交活动,政治事务、商贸合作中广泛使用,而且不断产生一些新的委婉语。如穷国(poor nation)说成developing nation;穷人(poor people)用low income;失业者是forgotten man;流浪者为shopping bag lady;在美国称黑人为African American,印第安人为Native American,墨西哥人为Mexican American,一方面显示大家平等,另一方面皆冠以美名以便于各民族的团结。 4、与职业相关的委婉语。为了将传统意义的“低下职业”体面化,生活中必须使用一些行业相关的委婉称呼语,如服务员(waiter或waitress)称为dining-room attendants;售货员(salesman)说成customer’s


(1)Death(死亡) to be asleep in the Arms of God (本义)安睡在上帝的怀中 to be at peace (本义)平静了 to be at rest (本义)在休息 to be called to God (本义)被召唤到上帝那 to be called home (本义)被召回家 to be home and free (本义)到家自由了 to be taken to paradise (本义)被送进天堂 The call of God (本义)上帝的召唤 to depart (本义)离去 The final departure (本义)最后离去 final sleep (本义)最后一觉 to go home (本义)回家 to go to heaven (本义)进天堂 to go to one's long home (本义)回到永久之家 to go to one's own place (本义)回老家 happy land (本义)乐土 to have fallen asleep (本义)入睡了 to have found rest (本义)得到安息 to have gone to a better place(land,world,life)到一个更好得地方in heaven (本义)在天堂 to join one's ancestors (本义)加入先人的行列 join the Great majority (本义)加入大多数

to leave this world (本义)离开今世 to pay one's fee (本义)付费 to rest (本义)休息 to rest in peace (本义)安息 to return to dust (本义)归之尘土 to sleep (本义)长眠 with God (本义)和上帝在一起 with their Father (本义)与圣父在一起 to fall (本义)倒下了 to do one's bit (本义)尽职了 to lay down one's life (本义)放下自己的生命 to be no longer with us (本义)不再与我们在一起了to be out of pain (本义)摆脱痛苦 to breathe one's last (本义)呼了最后一口气 to cancel one's account (本义)销帐 pay one's last debt (本义)付最后一笔债 kick the bucket 翘辫子 pop off (the hooks) 翘辫子 get off the hooks 脱身了 to fade away (本义)消失 to make one's exit (本义)退场 to kick off (本义)开球 to be free (本义)解脱了


厕所 bathroom 身体机能是文雅人士需避免的话题。(Bodily functions are "taboo" in polite company.) ▌restroom ?Can I use the restroom? 我可以用下洗手间吗? ?Where can I wash my hands? 哪儿有洗手间? ▌public conveniences ?Are there any public conveniences nearby? 附近可有公共卫生间? ▌ladies / gents ?The ladies and gents are down the corridor on your right. 女士和男士卫生间就在你右手边的走廊里。 还有一些幽默表达: ▌the smallest room of the house 房子里最小的一间屋,这种诙谐说法于20世纪30年代出现在英文里,现在已经有些过时,较少被使用。 ?I'd like to pay a visit to the smallest room of the house. 我要去参观一下厕所。 ▌powder my nose 女士用补妆来委婉表达上厕所,当然爱开玩笑的男士也可以这么说。

?Where can I powder my nose? 我上哪儿能补个粉? ▌see a man about a dog 这种说法原始意思是指为赛马或者赛狗下注,后来通常作为离开或缺席的借口。原因通常是去上厕所,或者买酒。 ?He's gone to see a man about a dog. 他去方便了。 失业unemployment ▌between jobs 在前一个和后一个工作之间,也就是待业啦。 ?Interviewer: Tell me about your current position. 面试官:请告诉我你目前的职位。 ?Job candidate: I'm between jobs right now. 求职者:我目前暂时待业。 ▌a resting actor 这种说法多指演员。 ?Harry's a resting actor. 哈利是个待业演员。 怀孕pregnancy ▌expect 即期待婴儿出生。 ?His wife is expecting. 他妻子怀孕了。


浅谈英语委婉语之社会功能 READER XXX 大学外语系 2000级英语本科<5>班 摘要:委婉语是人类社会中普遍存在的一种语言现象,是用语言来调剂人际关系的一个重要手段,它的使用具有重要的社会功能,最主要的有美化功能、避讳功能、掩饰功能、积极功能与礼貌功能。充分认识英语委婉语的社会功能,将有助于我们更准确地理解它,并恰如其分地使用它。 关键词:英语、委婉语、社会功能。 New Roman">On the Social Functions of English Euphemism READER Class 5, Graduate 2000, Department of foreign languages and literature, XXX UNIVERSITY Abstract: Euphemism is a common existing language phenomenon in human society, which is an important means used to mediate interpersonal relationship. The use of euphemism possesses important social functions: Beautify function, Evasive function, Concealed function, Positive function and Polite function. Fully realizing the significance of social functions of English Euphemism will be conductive to our correct understanding and our proper usage. Key Words: English, Euphemism, Social Functions. 一、引言 委婉语作为常用修辞格的一种,是语言中很重要的组成部分,它担负着“润滑”交际的重任。随着社会文明的发展,委婉语更有其不可或缺的地位,因此重


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/b872302.html, 浅析英语委婉语 作者:赵玲 来源:《读写算》2013年第43期 【摘要】委婉语使用较含蓄的语言表达强烈、难以启齿或禁忌的话语。在世界大融合的当今社会其正确使用变得尤为重要。分析如何使用以及其在社会交往中发挥怎样作用也逐渐凸显出其价值。 【关键词】委婉语应用功能使用 人们在交际和交流中希望找到一种合适的表达方式,既使双方能够顺利完成交际,又能使双方感到此次交际的愉快。委婉用语就是实现这一理想交际的合适的表达方式。 一、委婉语的分类 委婉语在英语中应用较为广泛。Euphemism 一词eu表示好,phemism表示说话,也就是说好话的意思。委婉语大致可以分为传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)和文体委婉语(stylistic euphemisms)。 传统委婉语又叫消极委婉语(negative euphemism),即表示消极事务的词语。比如,当 人们直接说出死亡、葬礼、性、排泄物以及一些生理现象时,往往会给人一种粗俗、没有礼貌、没有教养的感觉。如果能换一种方式表达这些意思,结果就会大不相同,也会给人一种 有文化、有涵养、举止高雅的感觉。 文体委婉语也称之为积极委婉语(positive euphemisms)。使用时多是为了拉近与他人之间的距离,让人有愉悦的感觉。如黑人negro,在交往中为了避免人们想到黑奴这一层面,我们往往会使用black;在政治上,官方常用conflict 来代替war;slum(贫民窟),经常用old areas来表达。 二、委婉语的应用 1、与某些病症有关的的委婉语 正常健康的身体是人们最为关注的,也是幸福生活的主要保障。可是有些人由于生理原因或是某些疾病原因不能够拥有正常人的简单生活。在人与人的交往中往往会注意避讳对方的这些痛处,在遇到这些疾病的名称的时候后采取较为委婉的说法。“得重病”的委婉表達形式是in a bad way, have a terminal illness。而不同的疾病有各自的委婉表达方式。cancer-词是人们极 度回避的禁忌词,人们通常使用a long illness来指代它。也有人用the C word, the Big C ,that disease来说癌症。目前较为常用的筛查Mongol baby(先天性愚型婴儿)的检查,叫做Down’s baby筛查。还有疾病”(disease)这一字眼也是令人不愉快的,不可避免要提到时,常

委婉语英语论文 精品

The Influence of Language and Culture on Euphemism Abstract:Euphemism is a common phenomenon in English-Chinese Language. It is an epitome of their society and culture to a certain degree. This dissertation is a simple discussion on Chinese-English euphemism, which have an great impact on their respective culture and tradition, as well as their culture difference in western and eastern country. This would do a good job in removing the barrier of trans-culture communication and improving culture communication. Key words: euphemism and language and culture; function; comparison 摘要:委婉语是中英语言中共同的一个语言现象,委婉语在一定程度上是中西方社会和 文化的一个缩影。本文就中英委婉语对各自文化中的传统,发挥的作用等进行了简单的探讨, 以及了解东西方委婉语的文化异同,这将有益于清除跨文化交际中的障碍,促进文化交流。 关键词:委婉语与语言;文化;功能;比较 Contents bstract I. Introduction (1) https://www.360docs.net/doc/b872302.html,nguage,Culture and Euphemism (2) 2.1 Language and Euphemism (2) 2.2 Culture and Euphemism (3) III.Functions of euphemism in language and culture (3) 3.1 Functions of Euphemism (3) 3.1.1 Avoiding Taboo (3) 3.1.2 Showing Politeness (4) 3.1.3 Concealing Trut (4) 3.1.4 Beautification (5) IV.The comparison between Chinese and English in the field of language and culture and from Euphemisms (5) 4.1 In Terms of Language (5) 4.1.1 Lexical Device (5) 4.1.2 Phonetic Device (6) 4.1.3 Rhetorical Device (7) 4.2 In Terms of Culture (7) 4.2.1 Different Religions (7) 4.2.2 Different Practices (8)


1.和死有关的委婉语 不管在哪种文化中,人们普遍忌讳的词之一就是“死”。当人们不得不提到它时,往往使用一些比较委婉、不那么刺耳的说法来代替。于是,出现大量关于死的委婉语。比如:to go to the heaven (上天堂去了);to go to a better world(到极乐世界去了):to go to another world (到另一个世界去了);to pay one’s debt to nature (向大自然还债了);to pass away (去世了);to be gone (走了);to breathe one’s last (咽气了);等等。死对人们来说是一种不愉快的事情,用委婉语在陈述这一事实时多数用了比喻的手段,表达了人们的良好愿望,要去天堂,要去极乐世界。另外,认为死是一种解脱,受完了罪还完了债,一切就了结了。 2.和疾病有关的委婉语 死亡意味着向生者告别,是一件悲哀的事,然而和死亡相比,一些疾病也令人难过。因此,直接谈论这些事往往被视为粗鲁和没礼貌。艾滋病在西方社会已变成一种非常普通的疾病而又苦于没有治愈方法和控制的有效措施,人们谈之色变而避之不及,因此艾滋病被冠以社会疾病(social disease)。对难以医治的癌症(cancer)人们称之为绝症(terminal illness) 或仅用字母C 来替代。其他疾病如麻风病(leprosy)被称为Hansen’s disease; 肺结核(tuberculosis )成了T.B; 狐臭(body odor)被称为B.O;变秘(constipation)被称为紊乱(irregularity);唑疮(acne)被称为问题皮肤(problem skin)。而其它的性病(veneral disease)人们用V.D.来代替。如果一个人疯了,就称他脑子有问题(soft in head), 或是不在状态(not all there)。 3.与贫穷失业有关的委婉语 疾病让人郁闷,然而没有钱,在西方社会尤其令人无法忍受,甚至在发达国家,贫穷和失业也是无法避免的社会问题。如果老板把袋子交还给某员工(give the sack to his employee),就意味着很委婉地将其解雇了。sack是工人出门上班时手里提的袋子,因此,give the sack就意味着让他走人。有些老板借口员工太多而裁员,如果他在某个员工面前提及人员过剩(staff redundant), 该员工即面临着失业。对失业者而言,无论何种理由被解雇,总不是件令人骄傲的事,人们便委婉地称为待岗(lay off);发站票(give the walking ticket);闲置(involuntarily leisured)或领粉色支票(pink slip)等。失去工作的母亲被称为福利母亲(welfare-mother),因为她们靠社会福利生活。如果一个人很穷,他便是社会经济低层分子(a member of the lower-social-economical bracket)。身无分文被称为拮据(hard up);债务缠身是处于困境(in difficulties)或身负尴尬义务(in embarrassing obligation )。在委婉语中,贫民窟变成了次标准住房 (sub-standard housing);给失业者的赈济支票叫失业福利(unemployment benefits)等。在这个无情的社会里中,对贫穷的人来说,委婉语到还真给了他们些许安慰,对政府而言,这些粉饰性的字眼掩盖了事实真相也掩盖了其对这一社会问题的疏忽与无能。 4.与年龄、长相有关的委婉语


英语euphemism(委婉语)一词源于希腊语的前缀eu(好的)和词根pheme(说话),意为good speak(说好听的或者善辞令)。委婉语的出现和应用与语言禁忌有直接的关系。既然人们讳言某些事物,而在言语交际中又不能完全避开它们,于是迂回婉转的表达方式,即委婉语应运而生。人们讳言die(死),因而有了pass away, pass out, pass over(去世)之类的委婉说法。在交际活动中,人们出于礼貌,不愿直言某些事情,以免引起不快。对于一位身体肥胖的女士来说,人们更愿意说她put on weight(发了福)而忌说become fat(长胖了)。不言而喻,委婉语具有重要的社会功能。一方面,它可以维持语言禁忌的施使和效能;另一方面,它可以用来保持良好的人际关系,促进言语交际的正常进行。 不管是西方人还是东方人,大家都忌言死。因此,就出现了大量关于死的委婉语,它们形式多样,各有异同。上面已经提到了死的三种委婉说法,实际上远不止这些。比如还有:to go to a better world(到极乐世界去了);to go to another world(到另一个世界去了);to go to heaven(上天堂去了);to depart(故去);to be gone(走了,没了);to pay one’s debt to nature (向大自然还债了);to breathe one’s last(咽下了最后一口气);troubles be over now(罪受完了),等等。死对人们来说是一种不愉快的事情,但英语在委婉陈述这一事实时多数用了比喻的手段,表达了人们一种良好的愿望,要去天堂,要去极乐世界。另外,认为死是一种解脱,受完了罪还完了债,一切都了结了。 委婉语还用来表达人们讳言的生理行为,如大小便、怀孕、生殖、性行为等。这在英语和汉语都是十分普遍的语言现象。虽然人们天天使用厕所,进行大小便,但在指称它们时多数避免直说。比如,英语中有:powder room(化妆室)、convenience(方便去处)、cloakroom(存衣室)、loo(=waterloo, 滑铁卢)、toilet(盥洗室)、gentlemen(男士)、gents’(男士房间)、ladies(女士)、ladies’(女士房间)等。以上词语,英国人用得多一些,而bathroom(浴室)、restroom(休息室)、men或men’s(男士或男士房间)、women或women’s(女士或女士房间)、comfort station(休息处)等说法又多为美国人使用。有的西方公厕连字也不写,门上画一个男人头代表男厕,画一个女人头则代表女厕。人们去厕所大小便也要婉转地表达。在英文中,这类委婉语也是很多的,比如,to wash one’s hand(去洗手或净手)、to powder one’s nose(向鼻子上擦点粉,女士用语)、to spend a penny(花一个便士)、to go and see one’s aunt(去见阿姨)、to pay a call(拜访)、to relieve or to relieve nature(去空身)、to go somewhere (到什么地方去一下)、to answer the call of nature or to answer nature’s call(响应自然的召唤,指大小便急)、to have a BM(=bowel movement大便)等。在一个聚会或其他活动中,还可以用Will you excuse me for a few minutes?(请让我离开一会儿好吗?)学生上着课要去厕所,也可以说May I be excused?(我可以离开吗?)人的粪、尿在英语中也有雅称,如body refuse、human waste products、excrement等。 汉语中关于厕所的委婉语有茅房、茅厕、洗手间、一号、方便的地方、便所等。在这些委婉语中,“洗手间”相当于英语中的toilet,可能是从英语中引进的。而“便所”或“方便的地方”正好和英语中的convenience相对应,真是不谋而合。“一号”也可能是从英语中引入的,因为英语number one俗称小便。其余的便地地道的“中国货”。汉语关于去厕所大小便的委婉说法也为数不少。有的和英语委婉语相对应。比如,汉语中的“去净手”便和英语中的to wash one’s hand、“去一号”和to go to number one等相近似。 人们很注重自己的身体和长相。但在这方面并非人人都十全十美。对于长相欠佳或生理有缺陷者,人们往往十分敏感,多不愿意直说某人的缺陷,免得使人难堪。这方面的委婉说法就更多了。英语国家的人们忌肥胖身材,但身体过瘦,皮包骨头,也会令人烦恼。所以,在英语中说到瘦人,人们忌用skinny(瘦骨嶙峋或皮包骨头),而说slim或slender(身材苗条)。说到相貌丑陋,人们忌用ugly(丑陋、难看),而说plain-looking(长相一般)。说到生理有缺陷者,人们忌说crippled(瘸)、blind(瞎)、deal(聋)、dumb(哑),而统称他们为the handicapped


机密(Confidential)编号(No.):13-14-2-018505A 试题(Test) 课程名称(Subject):英语应用文写作考核类别(Type of test):考查 课程类别(Type of course) :专业限选课考试形式(Test type) : 论文 使用范围(Target group):2011级英语专业1-13班,2011级英语(旅游英语方向)1班 Part I Note writing (15’) Choose one of the situations and write a note according to the information given. Situation 1 You promised to help Jenny buy a book at the weekend, but you got a cold yesterday and you are going to visit the doctor at the weekend. Write her a note to apologize. Situation 2 Your friend Clare has invited you to attend her graduation ceremony this weekend. However, you will be away then. Write her a note politely declining her invitation and expressing your best wishes to her. Situation 3 You are seriously ill, and you want to see a doctor this morning. Write a note asking for sick leave to the secretary of your department. Part II Bill writing (15’) Choose one of the situations and write a bill according to the information given. Situation 1 You want to borrow a Sony recorder and a Canon camera from Foreign Languages Department. Write a bill according to the information given above. Situation 2 You want to borrow 6,000 yuan from your department for buying a HP laptop, and you will pay back the money within one year with interest at 2%. Write a bill of I.O.U. according to the information given above. Situation 3 You have just received 3,000 yuan as your salary in June from the Finance Section in your company. Write a receipt according to the information given above. Part III Memo writing (15’) Choose one of the situations and write a memo according to the information given. Situation 1 You are supposed to write a Memorandum of about 80 words to the leader of the supply section to borrow one microscope for your biological experiment. It should include: 1) Why you need the microscope. 2) When you need it.


英语中还有很多委婉语学起来说话可别太直了! 英语中还有很多委婉语,学起来~说话可别太直了! 含蓄的东方人总觉得西方人都粗线条,实际上歪果仁也是比较容易玻璃心的……所以,说英语的时候可别太直爽,碰到敏感的(sensitive)、私人的(personal)、禁忌的(taboo)话题,还是要讲究点技巧的。飞儿跟大家说说英语里的常见委婉语(euphemism)。 一、厕所身体机能是文雅人士需避免的话题 1. restroom Can I use the restroom? 我可以用下洗手间吗? Where can I wash my hands? 哪儿有洗手间? 2. public conveniences Are there any public conveniences nearby? 附近可有公共卫生间? 3. ladies / gentsThe ladies and gents are down the corridor on your right. 女士和男士卫生间就在你右手边的走廊里。还有一些幽默表达: 4. the smallest room of the house 房子里最小的一间屋,这种诙谐说法于20世纪30年代出现在英文里,现在已经有些过时,较少被使用。I'd like to pay a visit to the smallest room of the house. 我要去“参观”一下厕所。

5. powder my nose 女士用补妆来委婉表达上厕所,当然爱开玩笑的男士也可以这么说。 Where can I powder my nose? 我上哪儿能补个粉? 6. see a man about a dog 这种说法原始意思是指为赛马或者赛狗下注,后来通常作为离开或缺席的借口。原因通常是去上厕所,或者买酒。 He's gone to see a man about a dog. 他去方便了。 二、失业 1. between jobs 在前一个和后一个工作之间,也就是待业啦。 Interviewer: Tell me about your current position. 面试官:请告诉我你目前的职位。 Job candidate: I'm between jobs right now. 求职者:我目前暂时待业。 2. a resting actor 这种说法多指演员。Harry's a resting actor. 哈利是个待业演员。 三、怀孕 1. expect 即期待婴儿出生。 His wife is expecting. 他妻子怀孕了。 She is expecting in March. 她预产期是三月。 2. have a bun in the oven 烤箱里有面包了。英式英语,诙谐用法。 Have you heard that Katy has a bun in the oven?
