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Safety:a state in which the risk of harm or damage will affect life, property and environment is limited to an acceptable level. SAFETY: 安全是对人类的生命、财产、环境可能产生的损害控制在人类能接受水平以下的状态。

Environment: Surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land,natural resources, foliage, fauna, humans, and their interrelation.


HSEMS: health, Safety and Environment Management System. HSEMS:健康、安全和环境管理体系

HSE inspection:A practical check performed at regular intervals regarding the general HSE status at the work site. HSE 检查:在合适时间间隔内进行的作业现场实际总体HSE 状况的检查。

Hazard: The potential to cause harm, including ill health or injury; damage to property, plant, products or the environment; production losses.

危害: 可能导致人员伤害、财产/工厂/产品/环境破坏、生产损失的潜在因素。

HAZID: Hazard Identification (HAZID) is a systematic examination related to design or operation. The technique is used to identify problem areas and actions to be taken along with responsibilities and planned due dates. HAZID:危害识别(HAZID)是一种对设计和作业所做的系统的检查技术。该技术用来识别什么地方会出现问题、应采取的措施、责任部门(人)和采取措施的时间。

Risk: is defined as a combination of the frequency of occurrence (likelihood) of an undesired event, and the severity of the consequences (effects) of that event.

Risk – a hazard associated with the work which potentially can cause damage to personal and/or property.


Risk Analysis: Use of available information to identify hazards and to estimate the risk.


Near-miss: Any event which had the potential to cause injury and/or damage and/or loss, but which was avoided by circumstances. 未遂事件:任何可能会造成人员伤亡、环境破坏、或/和财产损失,但由于种种原因没有发生那些后果的事件。

Incident: An event or chain of events which has caused or could have caused injury, illness and/or damage (loss) to assets, the environment or third parties. 事件:导致或可能会导致人员伤亡、财产损失、环境破坏、或第三方损失的单一事件或一系列事件。

SJA: Safety Job Analysis (SJA) is a systematic and stepwise review of all risk factors prior to a activity or operation, so that actions can be taken to eliminate or control the identified risk factors during preparation

and execution of the activity/operation.


Work Permit (WP): A WP is a written document that authorizes certain people to carry out specific work, at a certain time and which sets out the main precautions needed to complete the job safely。(A WP must be approved by a manager, or other designated responsible person and checked and quality assured by a HSE-supervisor at the facility. )


LWDC (Lost Workday Case): Any work related injury or illness which prevents that person from doing any work the day after the accident.

LWDC (损失工作日事件):导致员工事故后不能工作的与工作有关的伤害或疾病。

RWC (Restricted Work Case): Where the employee cannot fulfill his norm work the day following an incident but is able to undertake a temporary job; work at his norm job but not full-time, work at a permanently assigned job but unable to perform all duties normally assigned to work.

RWC (工作受限事件):事件发生后员工不能完全胜任原来的工作,只能承担暂时性的工作;或在原工作岗位上但不能全天候的工作,在固定工作岗位上不能象平常一样完全胜任工作。

MTC (Medical Treatment Case): The injured or sick person requires treatment from a professional physician or qualified paramedic.

MTC (医疗处理事件): 导致轻伤,现场简单医疗处理不足以保证伤员康复,需送入医院进行治疗的事件。

First aid treatment: To preserve life and minimize the consequences of injury and illness until the injured or sick person can be treated by a doctor or other competent personnel. 现场救助:为了保障伤员或病人的生命并降低伤害和疾病的影响,由医生/护士或具有相关能力的人员采取的紧急救助行为。

Medical aid: To examine and treat minor injuries or illnesses by a doctor or nurse and to be decide whether not to be treated or do not need treatment.


Medical treatment: Treatment of the injury/ illness by qualified personnel like a doctor or nurse in a qualified medical facility. 医疗处理:在合格的医疗设施内由医生或护士等合格的人员进行的对伤员/病人的治疗。

Medical Evacuation: Transferring an ill or injured person from the place of injury/sickness to a hospital where the treatment can be performed by a qualified doctor or similar first aid physician. 医疗撤离:将伤员/病人转移到能够由合格医生或医师对伤员/病人进行正式治疗的医院的行为。

Emergency Preparedness: Technical, operational and organizational measures that are planned to be implemented in case hazardous or accidental situations occur, in order to protect human and
