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一、Listen and write: 下面的单词缺了第一个字母,听录音,按四线格书写规范补全单词。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题1分)


1. it

2. unch

3. mall

4. ilk

5. uck

6. arden

7. urry

8. acket

9. ow 10. an

二、Listen and choose: 听录音,选出相符的一项,圈住其字母代号。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)

三、Listen and judge: 根据录音内容,判断下面的图片是否与录音内容相符合。相符的在图片下方的括号里打“√”,不相符打“×”。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)

四、Listen and write:根据录音中的对话内容,在相应的空格中打√,本题读两遍。(10分,每格2分)

五、Listen and choose: 听问题,选出最佳答案。将答案前的字母代号填入题号前的括号内。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)

( ) 1、A: Yes, it’s. B: No, it’s not. C: No, it’s white.

( ) 2、A:They’re jeans. B: They’re brown. C: It’s a jacket.

( ) 3、A: There are three. B: It’s 7:00. C: They’re three.

( ) 4、A:Yes, it’s my jacket. B: Yes, it is. C: It’s Mike’s.

( ) 5、A: No, it isn’t a classroom. B: No, it’s a football. C: Yes, it is.

六、Listen and judge:听录音,判断下列句子与录音是否相符。相符的打“√”不相符的打“×”。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)

( ) 1. There is a small playground in Mike’s school.

( ) 2. The canteen is near the playground.

( ) 3. The gym is on the first floor.

( ) 4. The TV room is on the second floor.

( ) 5. There are many books in the classroom.

七、Listen and write: 听录音,填入句子中所缺的单词,每空填一词。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每空1分)

1. This is my . That is your .

2. My is .

3. This is pretty,

4. What is it? It’s four .

5. It’s 9:30. It’s time for .


八、Think and choose: 选择正确的句子将对话补充完整,并将字母编号写在横线上。(共10分,每条横线2分)

A: _______________________________________

B: It’s 9:45. It’s time for P.E. class. Let’s put on the shoes.

A: Yes, they are.

B: Yes , it is.

C: What colour are they?

D: What time is it?

E: No, they aren’t.

F: My shoes are brown.

G. Where are my shoes ?

A: OK, but________________________________

B: Are they in your bag?

A: __________________________________

B: What colour are they?

A: _________________________________

B: Are they your shoes?

A:________________________Thank you .



Hi,I am Amy. I have many beautiful clothers. They are colourful. But I like the pink sweater best(最). My brother John has some pretty clothers, too. They are small. He has a pair of new shoes, too. They are black.

( ) 1. Amy is my friend.

( ) 2. I have many beautiful clothes.

( ) 3. I like my pink jacket best.

( ) 4. John is my friend.

( ) 5. John’s new shoes are black.
