



广告,顾名思义就是广而告之。作为一种宣传和传播信息模式,广告的作用不容忽视,因为它不仅只是一种说服顾客进行消费的技巧,更重要的是,它已逐渐成为社会交流的必须手段之一。通过对大量英语广告实例进行分析,并参照国外著名广告人Guy Cook等的理论,详细剖析了广告英语的语言特点。



共分为五章,第一章追溯了广告的起源,对广告的分类、作用及定义做了简单概要;第二章介绍了广告和文体学的基本定义,广告中,文字和图像的完美结合取决于创意和所用媒体,但它们共同组成了广告语言;第三章从句法学、修辞学、词汇学等理论切入,用大量例子分析了广告英语的语言特点,并从语篇分析的角度对其语言特点进行了剖析;在语篇分析的章节中,引用了Guy Cook的语篇分析模型,并引入了广告问题研究领域新近提出的“文章关联性”等概念;第四章结合了第三章的观点,通过具体英语广告实例对标题中的用词、句子结构、称谓模式、修辞格进行了阐述,分析了广告语言对广告效果的影响;最后一章指出了广告英语发展的口语化和简单化趋势及其目前存在的模糊性语言特点,揭开了广告华丽词藻下所掩盖的非真实的广告氛围,批判了其模糊性误导



As a way of propagating and transmitting information, advertising’s role connot be underestimated because it is not only an artful technique in persuading people to buy, but also gradually has become a must for social communication which in turn influences the development of society and economy. The purpose of this paper is to study the linguistic features and sociological features of advertising English, in the hope to help copywriters at home markets in their creating process. Nowadays advertising has penetrated into every corner of our life as its transmitting media in many forms: newspaper, magazine, TV, radio as well as network. The goal of advertising decides its language to be simple and direct, distinct from the characteristics of other discourses.

Thus an analysis on the linguistic features of advertising English in the linguistic field is worthwhile. Under such circumstances, a study on the linguistic features of advertising English will have practical effects on the composing and translating work of the copywriters.

The whole paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter traces back the origin of advertising and a brief introduction on the classifications, roles and definitions of advertising is presented for the later discussion.

The second chapter introduces the theory of advertisements and stylistics, the precise balance of words (either spoken or written) and pictures is determined by the creative concept and the medium used, but the combination of images and words makes up the language of advertising.

The third chapter starts from the theories in syntax, lexicology, rhetoric and ends with the linguistic features analyzed in the field of discourse analysis.

The fourth chapter combines the viewpoints from the previous chapter third and explores the effect of the advertising English as a whole advertising process. The last chapter, also the conclusion part, shows that though advertising language appears to be flowery and refined, its content is no better than commonest language could convey. By exposing the various techniques advertisers have employed in their writing, this part hopes to remind consumers that advertising English is gradually attaining the negative and ambiguous role in guiding people to buy.

Keywords: Advertising, Advertising English, Linguistic Features

Chapter 1 Introduction

No other statement could have summed up the charm of advertisement than what Aldous Huxley has commented. As he has said advertisement as a literary form is the most exciting, the most arduous literary form of all, and the most pregnant in curious possibilities. In his comment he asserted advertisement is a literary form and the copywriting process is the delightful and salubrious exercise for the mind. But all in all, what is advertising, and what makes it unique?

History of Advertisement Advertisement emerged from the womb of commodity production and exchange. The condition for the existence of advertising is “at least a segment of the population must live above the subsistence level”. When this situation occurs it also becomes necessary for “the producers of materially ‘unnecessary’goods to do something to make people want to acquire their

commodities.” (Vestergaard and Schroder 4)

The embryonic form of advertising in the world is street cries, which exist even today. Advertising was not unknown in ancient Greece and Rome, but advertising as we recognize it did not start until the seventeenth century in the West. It was at about this time that newspaper began to circulate. Before that, it is printing which was first invented in China and then introduced to the West that played a vital role in the production of print advertising. “Classified” (small ads) types of advertising were dominant before the nineteenth century and style and language used in ads at that time tended to be direct and informative. The industrial Revolution, which began in England in the mid-1700s and reached the United States by the early 1800s, facilitated mass-production of goods. Meanwhile advertising became

more and more important in the industrial market. The great breakthrough for advertising came only in the late nineteenth century. Technology and mass-production techniques were then sufficiently developed for more firms to be able to turn out products of roughly the same quality and at roughly the same price. This brought on a crisis of over-production and under consumption which meant that the market needed to be stimulated by advertising. At this time advertising changed its function from proclamation to persuasion. In the twentieth century, advertising developed rapidly alongside the advent of new media-radio and television in succession.

According to Richard Pollay’s content analysis of two thousand print ads from ten leading magazines in the USA, ads have

progressively turned towards the emotional rather than the informative approach and there is a shift seeing human nature as rational to seeming it as emotional.

Today in China, while our economic structure is shifting from the entirely planned economy to the socialist market economy system, advertising is becoming more and more active and sophisticated. In 1992, China’s advertising expenditure reached $ 862 million, among the fastest growing countries in Asia. This year with the entry of China into WTO, this expenditure figure will undoubtedly rise up, which will support the view that advertising is an indispensable means for providing the information that all market-oriented industrialized societies need for their economies to function efficiently.

Classifications of Advertising

Advertising may be classified by medium (newspaper, magazine, radio, television). By target audience (consumer, industrial, business), by geography (international, national, regional, local), or by its function or purpose (product or non-product, commercial or noncommercial, primary demand or selective demand, direct action or indirect action).

Because it is difficult to gain access to enough date for English commercials and ads on radio or TV, thus, the subject of this research paper will mainly concentrate on the print advertising.

Roles of Advertising

An advertiser’s main purpose is to present and exhibit product or service, and to spread the influence and coverage of which to the extent that the potential purchasing population becomes real and actual. Simply put, advertisers try by the various means at their disposal to get

people to buy the product or service advertised. Moreover, advertisers want potential purchasers to consider what is advertised to the exclusion of all other similar products or services. They therefore attempt to construct an advertisement that will fully involve the attention of the potential purchaser and which will have a persuasive effect. Advertisers thus create a semiotic world in order to persuade their audience of essential “rightness” of purchasing the product or service advertised. Definitions of Advertising

After a brief introduction of the classifications and roles of advertising, we now come to the definitions of advertising. From different perspectives or purposes, the definitions might also vary. In English, the word “advertise” has its origin in “advertere” in Latin, meaning “to inform somebody of something”, “to bring into

notice” or “to draw attention to something”, etc. In Chinese, the equivalent term “guanggao” means “widely announce”.

The father of modern advertising, Albert Lasker said that advertising was “salesmanship in print”. Although the definition was given long before the advent of radio and television, and the nature and scope of advertising at that time were considerably different than they are today, this often-repeated saying indicates that the ultimate objective of advertising is to sell. Obviously it is not a working definition because we cannot use it to cover all advertisements. Today, a widely quoted working definition of advertising was put forward by Courtland L. Bovee and William F. Arens :” Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products

(goods or services) or ideas by identified sponsors through various media.”Another linguist Bolen defines advertising as a “Paid, non-personal communication through various mass media by business firms, nonprofit organizations, and individuals who are in some way identified in the message and who hope to inform or persuade members of a particular audience.” (Carter, Ronald and Goddard, Angela, Reah Danuta et al. Working with Texts. London: Routledge,1997)

If the definitions of advertising were too vague and abstract to comprehend, a few words of its function would help to clarify this crucial term. Broadly speaking, advertisements have at least one of two functions: informing or persuading, although overlap may often take place in one single piece. The trick here is that an

informative advertisement informs “the customer about goods, services, or ideas and then tells how to get them means of an identified sponsor” (Bolen 6). Examples of informative advertisements are not a few, ranging from flyers to insertions in magazine and newspapers, all of that aim to advertise new products/services or special prices on certain products/services. This type of advertisement gives basic, factual information and sometimes shows a photos or an illustration of the product/service to give the target audience a better view about the advertised product. Persuasive advertisements are thus the instruments used by advertisers “who have defined their target audiences and determined the effect they hope to achieve through persuasive advertisements in the media” (Bolen 9). And a persuasive advertisement should try to persuade the potential customers to buy the new product.

(Bolen 6) The persuasive function is not only limited to attracting the potential customer into buying a certain object, but also including the selling of services, ideas, norms and values.

To summarize, we would get the idea that firstly advertising is a communication process. Secondly, at least a medium is used. Thirdly, this communication process has a definite purpose to convince the target audience. The above three characteristics suggest advertising is closely connected with the society, employing its media, interconnecting with its people and guiding their buying habit. Also in achieving the advertising effect, the advertising language should be vivid and attractive, whose linguistic characteristics would be covered in the Chapter 3.

Chapter 2 Theoretical Background Advertisement

Definition and Goal

Advertising is the paid, impersonal communication of information about products or ideas by an identified sponsor through mass media in an effort to persuade or influence behavior. Not all advertising is alike. Advertisements differ depending on who the message is intended for, where the advertisement is shown, which media are used, and what the advertiser wants to accomplish.(see Table ) Table

Advertising can be classified in four ways: by target, geographic area, media used, and purpose.

Other media

Productive or nonproductive Commercial or noncommercial

Primary demand or selective demand Direct action or indirect actionThe purpose of copywriting is to persuade or remind people to take some action to satisfy a need or want. But first people need to be made aware of the problem or, if the problem is obvious, of a solution. To create awareness, the copywriter must first get people’s attention—for example, by using large type and provocative visuals. Next, the copywriter must stimulate the prospect’s interest in the product and build credibility for the product claims. Then the copywriter focuses on generating desire and finally on stimulating action. These five aspects should be present in every advertisement or commercial.

Here is the advertising pyramid. Elements of an Advertisement

As one will see, any advertisement is made up of several elements. Most

advertisements used all of them. They include the headline or display line; the illustration; the body copy or text; the theme line or slogan, trade character, seal, and other marks; and the logotype or signature. Each will be considered in some detail below.


The headline or display line appears in most advertisements for several reasons. First, it is an attention-getting device; secondly, it also selects an audience by appealing to a specific group, as this line dose: Arthritics reduce painful inflammation and get stomach upset protection. (An ad for medicine) Finally, it is the key factor in getting people to read the body copy.


In addition to headlines, most advertisements contain illustrations. The illustration like the headline, attracts

attention, selects the audience, and stimulates interest in body copy. What is more, the illustration can be invaluable in showing the product or product use and explaining graphically certain ideas or situations that are cumbersome to put into words. The old saying that one picture is worth a thousand words has much merit in it.

(3) Body Copy

To begin with, some explanation of the word copy is necessary. The job of body copy is to stimulate interest in the product or service or idea being advertised, creates desire for it, and urge action. This is a big task and calls for right words. Although headlines and illustrations clear the way, it is body copy that must carry the burden of the selling job.

(4)Theme lines, slogan, trade characters, seal and other marks

A number of different marks and devices

may appear in an advertisement, including theme lines, trade characters, and seals; For example, General Foods uses the corporate identity symbol in all its advertisements. The automatic use of these elements in the advertisement, however, does not diminish their importance. Stylistics

The Need for Stylistics

When talking about the English language, one should not be misled into thinking that the label should in some way refer to a readily identifiable object in reality, which he can isolate and examine in a classroom as a test-tube mixture, a piece of rock or a poem. The label of the English language is in fact a complex of many different ‘varieties’of language in use in all kinds of situations in many parts of the world. Naturally, all these varieties have


浅析广告英语的语言特征 来源:作者:时间:2010-06-07 点击: 广告是企业宣传、促销产品的最常见而有效的方法,同时也是大众了解新产品、决定消费选择的主要渠道。我国正处于一个开放的时代,如何向国际社会树立企业形象、推销企业产品,英语广告起到了举足轻重的作用。本文拟从词汇特征( lexicalcharacteristics)、句法结构(syntactical construction)和修辞手段(rhetorical figure)等3个方面来论述广告英语的语言特征。 一、广告英语的词汇特征 由于受时间、篇幅、版面等因素限制,广告英语在用词上讲究简洁,力求用最简单、生动、形象的词语达到吸引与感染公众的目的。所以,广告英语的用词主要有以下几个特点。 (一)大量使用形容词及其比较级和最高级 为了推销产品,广告商难免要描写产品的性质及品质,对商品进行粉饰和美化,这自然需要使用大量的褒义形容词。据统计出现频率较高的是以下一些形容词: new, good, grea,t fine, fresh, delicious,idea,l specia,l beautifu,l fantastic, superb, magic, a-mazing, excellen,t perfec,t unique等[1]。如The cleanlook: It′s the fresh, natural look of cleanmake-up[2].这是美国大众化的化妆品Covergirl的广告,用了多个以自然与洁净为主题的形容词,不强调浓妆艳抹,使得产品显得平易近人,没有高不可攀的感觉。又如Sensuously smooth. Mysteriouslymellow. Glori-ously golden. Who can resist the magic ofCamasXOCognac[2]? XO是许多人都向往的。此广告一连串表示赞叹的副词和形容词使得该饮料的诱惑难以拒绝。 形容词的比较级和最高级出现的频率也较高。这是由于有比较才有鉴别,广告商总是要设法把自己的商品与同类的或以往的商品进行比较,如诺基亚手机的广告: Nokia, the easiest way to expressyourself[3]。 (二)广泛使用复合词、合成词 1.广告英语在词的组合上往往不受语法和词法限制,可以无限创新,大胆虚构,使语言更加新颖、别致[4],给人留下较深的印象,从而进一步加深人们对广告内容的记忆。如 OilofOlay(玉兰油)的广告: There′s rollup-your-sleeves-and-punch-the-day-lights-out-of-aging sleep[5]。又如America′s swing-a-way portable can opener. (一种开罐器)[2]2.许多用super-作前缀


汉语词汇对英语语言的影响及其机制 汉语词汇属于较为多元化的体系,其重要是通过词汇、言文、词语、词意、词音等组成的演变系统、分布空间系统、交叉系统、层级系统、延展系统、组合系统、生成系统以及构成系统等。多元化的汉语词汇,其构成主要由汉语的内部原因和外部原因共同作用产生的结果,能够体现出汉语的特征以及语言的共性,并且影响这英语语言文化。针对汉语词汇影响英语语言文化的具体情况进行研究,对语言发展起来很大的推动作用。 一、汉语词汇对英语语言的影响表现 1.汉语丰富的词汇促使英语词汇数量的增多。随着汉语影响力的不断提高,英语受到汉语的影响也日益增大。在英语词汇方面,源源不断的汉语词汇被大量引用,一些中式英语也逐渐被英语所接受,被纳入英语语言中的一种表达习惯。汉语对英语的影响越来越大,汉语词汇成为英语新词汇的主要来源之一。英语是国际通用语言之一,在国际上的地位不言而喻。由于西方发达国家经济的快速发展,英语全球化已是共识,越来越多的中国人学习英语,而英语也是大学、中学和小学的必修课程。伴随着中国的改革开放和进入世界贸易组织,学习英语已经成为一种潮流。越来越多的中国人学习英语。由于中国和英国文化存在着很大的差异,无法用原有的英语词汇表达具有中国特色的事物和文化现象,为了完成沟通交流的目的,人们尝试运用具有具有中国特色的词汇进行交流,很多中国式的英语变成了英语的新词

汇,丰富了英语的词汇。例如drink tea,就是老外直接广东话中的“饮茶”,而long time no see就是从中国的“好久不见”直译。由于中国式的英语表达方式简练实用,所以被广泛实用,并且已经进入主流英语,成为英语的新的词汇。 2.汉语悠久历史对英语语言文化的影响。语言能将民族的文化、全部历史、偏见、各种信仰、娱乐、游戏等全面加以反应,英语文化中的汉语词汇,主要是以拼音或者罗马化中文为主的非现代系统化进行呈现。在中国古代,随着中国丝绸之路的不断发展,丝绸被出口到西方国家,当时的英语中并没有“丝绸”这个单词,于是便根据丝绸的做工精细,用“silk”表示丝绸。“silk”这个单词也是从汉语词汇中音译出来的,从这个单词可以看出,当时的中国有着高超的丝织水平和强大的贸易地位。除此之外,瓷器在英语中译为“china”,中国是瓷器的发源地,所以西方人直接用“中国”(China)来表示瓷器。据记载,在1816年,英国的一个大使在访华期间无论如何都不肯向中国的皇帝下跪磕头。英国人不知道如何解释“磕头”这个词语,便引用了汉语中的磕头发音创造了Kotow这个单词。有一些具有中国特色的词语,在英语在翻译的时候直接引用中国的语言进行直译,例如家庭联产承包责任制:family contract responsibility system,知识经济:knowledgeeconomy,通过这些词汇可以看出中国的发展的时代特征。 3.英语语言文化受汉语超越词汇的影响。在文化发展当中,语言的发展非常的独特,通过新的词语可以反映文化的发展。在文化的发


广告英语特点 在当今信息时代,随着社会生产力和商品经济的高度发展,广告已经成为人们生活不可或缺的一部分。每天每时每刻,人们都会接触到广告,广告已经影响到了社会生活的每个角落,并不断地影响着人们的价值观念、思维、生活方式和情趣等。?广告是一门浓缩的、综合的、商业性的艺术,广告英语作为一种应用语言,因其所具有的特殊效用,已逐渐从普通英语中独立出来而发展成为非规范化的专用语言,用词造句与普通英语也有许多差异,并随着广告的发展、时代的前进、科技的进步及社会的变更而变化。?本文在搜集大量英文广告范例的基础上,就广告英语在词汇、句法和修辞等方面的主要语言特点做了详细的分析,让人们在欣赏英文广告的同时更深刻地理解其内涵。 一词汇特点 广告英语常用大量形容词和杜撰的新词来吸引观众的眼球,从而达到广告目的:引起人们的兴趣,进而购买产品。 (一)形容词及其比较级、最高级 为了推销产品,广告商会大量地使用形容词来修饰和美化商品,以使广告所介绍的内容或传播的信息在消费者心中树立美好的形象。尽管广告英语中所使用的形容词很多,但我们可以找出一些使用频率最高的形容词。?根据英国语言学家G.H Leech的统计,最常使用的20个形容词,按其使用频率的高低依次为:(1)new,(2)good/better/best,(3) free,(4)fresh, (5)delicious,(6)full,(7)sure,(8)clean,(9) wonderful,(10)special, (11)crisp,(12)fine,(13)big,(14) great,(15)real,(16)easy, (17)bright,(18)extra,(19)safe, (20)rich.?[2]这些词在某种程度上增加了广告的可信度和浪漫感觉,如:●What a Good time for a Good taste of a kent?这是?Kent?牌香烟的广告,它一句话里用了两个?good?来吸引消费者的购买欲望。●The choice of a new generation.这是百事可乐的一则广告,它用到了形容词?new?,所抓住的消费者心理就是:?都愿意去做新一代,而不愿承认自己已经老了?。广告英语也经常用到形容词的比较级和最高级,从而引导消费者觉得这种产品在同类产品中是最好的。如:●Why our special teas make your precious moments even more precious?很显然,在这则立顿红茶的广告中使用了形容词还用到了比较级,让人顿觉这种茶的功效非凡。下面是一家航空公司的宣传广告,连用两个最高级来显示自己的优质服务:●Along the way, you’ll enjoy the warmest, most personal service in the sky.正是由于形容词及其比较级、最高级具有很强的感染力,大大地刺激了人们的购买欲望,所以在广告英语中的应用极其广泛。 (二)杜撰新词 英文广告中词汇的拼写往往打破常规、标新立异,运用杜撰、巧造的新词来强调其产品


论广告英语的语言特点及翻译技巧 【摘要】随着经济全球化的快速发展,广告已成为当今市场必不可少的构成部分,甚至已经渗透到了现代生活的角角落落。广告英语作为广告行业的重要组成部分,经过长期发展已从普通英语中逐步独立出来,形成一种非规范化的、专业化的语言形式,具有重要的商业价值,以及拥有较高的语言欣赏价值与研究价值。基于此,本文在深入分析广告英语语言特点的基础上,着力探讨广告英语语言的翻译技巧。 【关键词】广告英语语言特点翻译技巧英语语言 一、前言 21世纪以来,全球经济一体化与市场竞争愈演愈烈,商品广告已成为企业开拓市场、促进销售、对外宣传的重要手段之一。与此同时,海量的商品广告在新兴媒体中的出现,也使其成为广大消费者获得商品信息的重要来源之一。美国著名的广告设计师D.Ogilvy认为,成功的广告语可以创造出一则广告的80%利润;也有部分广告设计者认为,广告词在整个广告中占据着50%—70%的力量。由此可见,广告语言在广告领域中的重要性。 广告语言作为商品信息传播的一种重要手段,历经长期发展之后,逐渐在用词、修辞以及句法等方面形成了具有自己别具一格的特色。了解这一系列特点,对激发我国广告设计者的创作灵感、启发英语广告翻译人员的发散思维等有着不可替代的功能与

作用。同时,深入探析广告英语的语言特点及翻译技巧,还能够实现汉译广告向英语原文广告的转变,大幅提升广告的说服力、感召力以及艺术魅力,有助于我国进一步引进国外的先进技术及了解国际新产品,有利于我国的名优产品占据国际市场等等。 二、广告英语的语言特点 1.词汇特点。广告的基本特征就是在特定空间内表达出尽可能丰富的商品信息,以此实现广告效益的最大化。这就使得简明扼要的常用英语词汇成为了广告英语语言的突出特点,简约别致的英语广告不但能够让受众过目不忘,而且具有烘托气氛与突出主题的重要功能。 2.语法特点。广告英语语言的语法特点主要表现在两方面,一方面在于精炼简短,能够给人独特新颖、过目不忘且朗朗上口的感受。比如,飘柔洗发水所用的广告“Start A head”,即成功的道路,需要从头开始。这种广告英语语言不但简单明了,而且充满寓意,能够给受众留下深刻的印象,非常易于牢记。另一方面则惯于应用祈使句。祈使句因具有强烈的感召力,所以深受诸多广告商的追捧与青睐。广告语言通常比较大众化与口语化,且为了给广大受众留下最为深刻的印象,多数广告商会绞尽脑汁设计出更具吸引力与商业价值的广告语,以此充分发挥宣传产品的功能,而祈使句本身所具有的独特风格,通常更易于被广告商应用到广告语之中。 3.修辞特点。修辞能够让语言表达更为准确与生动,属于一


广告英语的语言特点及翻译的技巧 关于广告英语的语言特点及翻译的技巧 一、前言 21世纪以来,全球经济一体化与市场竞争愈演愈烈,商品广告 已成为企业开拓市场、促进销售、对外宣传的重要手段之一。与此 同时,海量的商品广告在新兴媒体中的出现,也使其成为广大消费 者获得商品信息的重要来源之一。美国著名的广告设计师D.Ogilvy 认为,成功的广告语可以创造出一则广告的80%利润;也有部分广 告设计者认为,广告词在整个广告中占据着50%—70%的力量。由此 可见,广告语言在广告领域中的重要性。 二、广告英语的语言特点 1.词汇特点。广告的基本特征就是在特定空间内表达出尽可能丰富的商品信息,以此实现广告效益的最大化。这就使得简明扼要的 常用英语词汇成为了广告英语语言的突出特点,简约别致的英语广 告不但能够让受众过目不忘,而且具有烘托气氛与突出主题的重要 功能。 2.语法特点。广告英语语言的语法特点主要表现在两方面,一方面在于精炼简短,能够给人独特新颖、过目不忘且朗朗上口的感受。比如,飘柔洗发水所用的广告“StartAhead”,即成功的道路,需 要从头开始。这种广告英语语言不但简单明了,而且充满寓意,能 够给受众留下深刻的印象,非常易于牢记。另一方面则惯于应用祈 使句。祈使句因具有强烈的感召力,所以深受诸多广告商的追捧与 青睐。广告语言通常比较大众化与口语化,且为了给广大受众留下 最为深刻的印象,多数广告商会绞尽脑汁设计出更具吸引力与商业 价值的广告语,以此充分发挥宣传产品的功能,而祈使句本身所具 有的独特风格,通常更易于被广告商应用到广告语之中。

3.修辞特点。修辞能够让语言表达更为准确与生动,属于一种重要的文字运用手法,同时也是促使文字表达内容给人留下深刻印象 的重要手段。从某种程度上讲,修辞运用到位可以发挥事半功倍的 价值与成效,特别是将修辞引用到广告英语之中,不但可以增强广 告的感染力与艺术价值,而且能够最大程度带动相关经济效益。综 合当前广告英语语言的应用不难发现,广告英语语言常用排比、拟人、押韵、反复等修辞手法。其中,排比修辞在广告英语语言中的 应用,具有增强文字语势、加深产品印象的重要功能;拟人修辞在 广告英语语言中的应用,具有增强产品生命力、促使产品拟人化的 作用;押韵修辞在广告英语语言中的应用,具有增强广告节奏感与 韵律感的功能;反复修辞手法在广告英语语言中的应用,则能够通 过某一词或者词组的重复给人以强烈的刺激与深刻的印象,具有强 化广告效果的功能等等。 三、广告英语的翻译技巧 1.重视语言文化差异。广告英语语言要实现最佳效果,不但需要对原文特征进行再现,而且要综合考虑中西方语言文化之间的差异 因素。不同民族的语言文化也有很大不同,而中西方文化不管是在 审美、心理与伦理方面,还是在风土人情等方面都有着巨大的差别。因此,我们在翻译广告英语过程中,必须高度重视语言文化之间的 差异。广告翻译更为注重实际效果,因而为了达到与英语原文同等的.感染力与表现力,应当对语言文化之间的差异进行科学合理的改 动与调整,适时的进行删词、增词或者对句式结构进行调整等。 3.挖掘汉语语言优势。在翻译广告英语语言过程中,如果能够充分挖掘与发挥汉语语言的优势,则能够使得翻译效果更为明显。尤 其是四字结构作为汉语语言的重要特色之一,其本身所具有的简洁 有力、节奏感强、整齐对称等特征,正好与广告英语语言力求精简 的用词特征相一致。因此,充分发挥包括四字成语在内的汉语优势,不但能够再现广告英语原文的意蕴,而且可以增加广告的艺术魅力 与商业价值。


Factors which Influence Children's Language Development Chen Zhuo 陈卓 Class 17, Grade 2008 No. 200805121704 The School of Foreign Languages China West Normal University A Paper for Sociolinguistics December 2011

Factors which Influence Children's Language development Abstract Nowadays children play a very important role in a family, parents pay so much attention o children's development, From a very young age, they focus on children's language development,which is so important on children's all life. Why there are differences among children's language ,what factors can influence children's language development? After learning some answers of these questions, parents can help their children develop language ability better. Key words: children; factors; language development Young children stage is the key stage for one's language development, the children's language ability get breakthrough in quantity. In this period, not only the vocabulary increased rapidly, but also can master a variety of complex sentence patterns, and understand deeper of the sentence meaning, also can communicate according to different context. During the the key period of children's language development, if we can find the influence factors of the development and actively creating related conditions, doing specific training, then it will promote children's language development.However, what factors referenced to language development? Generally speaking, children's language development related to individual conditions , at the same time it also can not get away from environmental, educational and social conditions. Some specific factors as follows: (一)Individual factors: Children as an individual of language learning and development, its language development related to the individual's own biological factors, cognitive factors and emotional factors. 1.Biological factors: 1.1As is known to all, language is the tool of thought , also is a mean of communication. That is, the value of the language reflected a kind of function, and the function have relevant to the structure ,it is certain function of the structure.The


随着我国经济体制改革的深入和社会主义市场经济的确立与发展对外经济交往日益频繁出口广告逐渐发展成为企业促进出口销售、开拓海外市场的一个主要手段。相应地,外国广告的大量涌入也使之成为我国企业和消费者获取商品经济信息的重要来源。如何恰如其分地运用和理解广告英语以实现广告的目的,已是摆在进出口商、广告人员及广大消费者面前的一个现实问题。 广告英语文体的语言特点 1.广告英语的词汇特点 广告英语的词汇丰富多彩,但每一个词的选择与使用都服务于“推销商品”这一最终目的,因此它们往往具备鼓动性和感染力。归纳起来主要表现如下: ●形容词及其比较级、最高级的使用。例如:Famous world-wide gourmet cuisine.Excellent daily specials and mouthwatering desserts.(世界著名的美食烹调。精美的美日特色饭菜和令人垂涎的点心。)Tasters richer…… mellower……more satisfying.(口味更浓……更醇……更令人满意。) ●创造新词、怪词以引起新奇感,突出产品的新、奇、特,满足消费者追求新潮、标榜个性的心理。例如:For twogether the ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday.(两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假日,一切费用均包括在单人价格之内。)twogether 取自together之音,又取“两人”之意比together更形象,倍添情趣。 ●词汇的重复。词汇的重复是一种常用的技巧,可以起强调、渲染的作用,而这恰恰是广告语言所要追求的效果。例如:Easy to use easy to clean easy to assemble.日光牌简便烧烤架广告 ●使用缩略词和复合词以节省广告篇幅。广告写作中常尽可能缩短篇幅,以降低成本。缩略词和复合词的使用比比皆是。例如:Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL. 乘坐日航班机,一路无忧。JAL是Japan Airlines的缩写形式。 ●“雅”语、“俗”语平分天下,色彩缤纷。例如:The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door.Whether your taste be a country manor estate or a penthouse in the sky you will find the following pages filled with the worlds’ most elegant residences.(打开门,等着您的就是梦寐以求的家。无论您想要一座乡间宅第,或者是一间摩天大楼的顶屋,翻开下面几页就可以看到世界上最美的住宅,供您挑选。)广告中的await,be,manor elegant,residence都是正是场合下才使用的“雅”语词汇,它们在这里代替了“俗语”的wait,is,house,nice,place。


自从中国加入WTO,2008年奥运会的举行和2010世博会的举办,中国与世界各国之间的交往也越加密切,越来越多的外国人来中国旅游、做贸易,而中国也有更多的产品走向世界。在这种国际贸易中,英语广告配合国际营销的需要,引领新时尚,带来新信息。因此,英语,尤其是广告英语对我们来说是至关重要的。企业如何利用广告语言把自己的产品推介给国外的消费者,进而提高产品的信誉和销售,对于企业的生存和发展来说是至关重要的。但是,由于中西方国家在语言、风俗习惯、思维方式等方面都存在着很多差异,因此广告语言的表达也面临着诸多因素的制约。忽视这些因素的广告在表达上往往会存在着一些语用失误,直接影响着一个国家的产品在国际贸易中的竞争力。在本文中,笔者将就在商务英语中广告语言的表达与特征进行调查研究,并分析在商务英语表达过程中所出现的问题并就如何解决这些问题提出自己的一些观点和看法。1商务英语中广告语言的特征广告,是为了某种特定的需要,公开而广泛地向社会传递信息的一种宣传手段。广告可以帮助消费者了解商品的作用,从而引起购买欲望、促进消费行动,并给消费者留下美好的、深刻的印象。摘要:广告英语作为一种应用语言,有别于普通英语而发展成为一种规范化的专用语言,形成它自己独特的语言风格和特点。英语广告具有自己独特的语言特点,主要表现在词汇、句法和修辞上,它不仅有效地传达了商品的信息,还给人以艺术的享受。 关键词:英语广告;词汇;句法;修辞 广告语是一种商业文体,是销售的媒介。广告的目的是促销产品,因此,如何让广告语更有吸引力成了广告商首先考虑的问题。广告英语作为一种应用语言,已形成它自己独特的语言风格和特点。本文拟从词汇、句法和修辞三个方面,具体分析其语言特点。 一、词汇特点 1、大量使用形容词 英文广告标题中经常出现评价性的、夸张的褒义形容词的最高级形式,增强了广告的销售价值。例如: (Volks wagon) The world’s second greatest invention. 以上是大众汽车公司一汽车产品的广告语,形容词最高级形式“second largest”令读者相信这是一个事实性的陈述,因此提高了这种宣称的可信度,对该品牌的兴趣也容易被调动起来。 2、常用人称代词 第一人称从广告商(公司)角度出发,往往感觉比较正式;第二人称以消费者为焦点,能够带给他们一种参与感;第三人称“他”或“她”偶尔谈及个人经历,或仅仅作为产品代言人,对产品做描述和肯定的陈述。例如: (Le Meridian President Bangkok Hotel) “Yes, you could say we’ve mastered the art of Thai hospitality.” 该广告使用了“you”和“we”两种人称,但重心是“we”,读来自然亲切,像两个朋友(消费者和广告商)在对话。这样的陈述似乎来自消费者的判断,易于为广告商树立良好的形象。 3、杜撰新词 广告商为了强调其产品或服务与众不同,还经常在英文广告中创造新词,怪词,这些新词给读者新奇特别的印象,具有很强的记忆价值。例如: We know eggactly how to sell eggs. 该广告中的新词“eggactly”由“exactly”一词杜撰而来,该新词非常生动,强调了要销售的产品“eggs”,增强了广告的记忆价值。 二、句法特点 1、偏爱使用简单句。英语广告要求吸引读者,有高度可读性,使读者能一目了然,因此,英语广告语言必须用尽可能少的版面有效地传达信息,唤起读者的购买欲。例如:


摘要:英语广告讲求新颖、简洁、易懂、易记等,因而有许多语言特征。本文从英语广告 的标题、词汇、语法、修辞四个方面,分析英语广告的语言特征。 “广告是传播信息的一种方式,其目的在于推销商品、劳务,影响舆论,博得政治支持,推进一种事业或引起刊登广告者希望的其他反应。”( TheNew Encyclopedia Britannica :103)“从某种意义上说,广告就是广告主把各种商品信息呈现给公众,让他们接受信息,成为某种商业信息的拥有者、消费者。”(何修猛2002 :3) 。那么,怎样的广告才能引起登广告 者希望得到的反应呢? 西方广告学中有一种叫“AIDA”的广告文案创作构思公式,这四个英文字母分别表示公式中的一个组成部分:A = At2tention , I = Interest ,D = Desire ,A = Action1也就是说,广告作为具有一定促销能力的传播媒体,首选要引起读者的注意力(Attention) ,一旦吸引了读者,他们就会对商品产生兴趣( Interest) ,从而进一步了解商品的情况,产生购买欲望(Desire) ,最终确认商品,产生购买行动(Action) 。由于传播效果要求广告文 案简洁精练,悦人耳目,引人入胜,广告人在设计英语广告时的选词、造句、修辞等都特别讲究,使得“Advertising tends tohave a special language of its own” 1 ( EncyclopediaAmericana :195) 本文从“标题特征”、“词汇特征”、“语法特征”、“修辞特征”四个方面对英语广告作初步的探讨。 1. 英语广告的标题特征 111 吸引注意力,唤起好奇心标题是广告的核心,是广告主题思想的浓缩。在快节奏 的现代社会里,广告读者一般不可能阅读很长的文字广告,他们通常只满足于阅读揭示广告 内容核心的标题来获取信息。有位资深的广告学家指出: “平均来说,读标题的人数是读正 文人数的五倍。”如果标题没有强烈的吸引力,他们就不再读下文了。由此可见,一则广告的成败很大程度上取决于广告标题的好坏。因此,广告商会别出心裁地遣词造句,创造新颖独特的标题来吸引读者的注意,唤起读者的好奇心,诱导读者阅读广告正文。例如:G oodbye Razor ,Hello Hair Off1 (祛毛霜广告标题)Hero Meets Hero1(招聘广告)上面第二则广告是一家公司举办招聘会用的广告标题,广告商巧妙地把参加招聘会的招聘方和被招聘方均 比喻成hero ,推销了自己,又使求职者觉得自己是千里马,是公司所急需的高级人才而纷纷 去求职应聘。 1. 2 产品的标识功能广告商常常巧妙地使广告产品或服务的商标名称出现在标题中,让读者马上知道广告产品或服务的性质种类。例如:Have y ou driven a F ord lately ? (福特汽车广告标题)Reas ons why I keep choosing Iberia1(航空公司广告标题)Oh Carlo ! (Carlo Bri 服务广告标题)Things g o better with C oca - C oca1 (可口可乐广告) 2. 英语广告的词汇特征 2. 1 大量的使用形容词形容词在英语广告文中起着重要的作用,因为它在宣传产品 性能的优越性最直接、明快、必不可少;况且,有比较才能鉴别,广告商总是把要推销的商 品与同类的或以往的商品进行比较,因此,在英语广告中,形容词比较级和最高级的使用相 当频繁。例如:Romantic ,Mysterious , I talian1(酒的广告)At last ! An entirely NEW collection of beautifulunderwear and lingerie , glamorous figure - shapingcorsetry ,g orgeous evening and night - dresses ,and reallyDIFFERENT s tockings and tights ,all in ex otic ,excitingcolors and fabric1(服装广告)Tastes richer …mellower …more satis fying1 (香烟广告)We take the world’s greatest pictures1 (摄影器材广告) 2. 2 大量使用动词英语广告中使用的动词的特点是单音节动词居多,因为他们简练、流畅、自然,通俗易懂。 A car ,we believe , should move y ou as much emo2tionally as it does physically ,This simple promise is whatthe engineers at T oy ota use to produce one of the mostacclaimed and respected marques in the world1T oy ota is setting the future in motion1(汽车广告)2. 3 缩略词的广泛使用广告“一字千金”,英语广告常使用读者熟悉或能猜出来


作者;X美庄 学校;XX理工大学 摘要 在现代社会中,人们已无法回避广告无处不在的影响。随着广告业不断迅猛发展, 广告与社会生活的关系日益密切。广告语言绝不是简单的商业用语和语言符号,而是一 种运用各种语言技巧的语言。在经济全球化的今天,广告宣传的国际化趋势越来越明显, 各国企业都存在着广告国际化、全球化问题。在这样的情况下,广告语言必须顺应广告 受众的语言语境和交际语境。所以,本文将从广告的起源和功能入手分析顺应论视角下 英语广告的语言特征,包括顺应受众语言的广告语语言特征、顺应受众文化的广告语语 言特征以及顺应受众心理这三个方面,并对此分析做出了总结。 关键词:广告顺应论语言特征 ABSTRACT In modern society, the influence of advertising is so strong and widespread that no one can avoid it. With the overwhelming development of advertisement, it is so closely related with social life. The advertising language is not the simple mercial terminology and linguistic notation, but a kind of language that use various of language skills. Under the situation of economic globalization, the internationalization of advertising is being more and more obvious. Therefore, the advertising language must be adapted to the audience language and munication context. So this paper will give an analysis to the characteristic of English advertising under the adaption theory. Itincludes three aspects: adapt the language, culture and psychology of target audience, and gives a conclusion at the end of this paper. KEY WORDS:Advertising Adaptation Theory Language characteristics


论英语广告的语言特点及翻译技巧 摘要:文章从词法、句法及修辞三个方面分析英语广告的语言特点;并针对广告语言特点,总结了英语广告的翻译技巧。 关键词:英语广告语言特点翻译 英语广告――种极具感召力和表现力的大众传播手段,已经渗透到人们生活的各个方面。为给产品营造新颖、与众不同的形象,广告商们在广告用语上不仅注重遣词造句,采用大量富有强调意义的流行新词和标语,而且运用能够增添广告原文美感的多种修辞手法,进而大大刺激了消费行为。譬如,孩子们所喜爱的Mars牌巧克力的广告语:A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. 此广告语采用day 与play的押韵,并且仿拟人们所熟知的谚语“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”,自然地拉近了产品与消费者的距离,让孩子们乃至大人们顿时对Mars产生了好奇心和好感。当然,英语广告的语言特点及魅力远不止这些。以下,文章便分别介绍其词法、句法及修辞特点,进而介绍其翻译技巧。 一.广告英语语言特点

㈠广告英语词法特点 广告英语与普通英语有着较大区别。一般来说,广告英语常采用出现频率较高的名词、形容词、复合词及一些新造词,使行文简洁生动形象并且富有感染力。具体表现在: 1.选用简明易懂常用词,以求言简意明。 广告用语必须通俗易懂,使读者尽快得到信息。以下是一则英语广告: Bitter pursuit,sweet taste.(咖啡广告) 苦苦的追求,甜甜的享受。 这里的Bitter,sweet,两词简洁明了,并且形成了强烈的对比。即客观描述了产品特性,又勾起了人们对产品的无限回味和遐想,不经意间垂涎三尺。 2.模拟造新词,以激起消费者的注意与好奇心。 为使广告英语的语言生动活泼,进而引起顾客感知而达到促销目的,广告英语的另一重要特点就是创造新词。 (1)创造合成词,使本来需要一句话表达的意思用一个词来表示,如: Surefit shoe Ltd 舒飞鞋业有限公司 Surefit在这里就是一个生造的合成词,使人一下子就联想到了Surely fit your feet.(一定合您的脚),自然穿上便可让您“舒舒服服地飞了”。 (2)突破语言常规错拼,以增添广告英语的魅力。


摘要:广告是传递信息的方式,是创造性的艺术体现,他是商战成功的法宝。英语广告文案,是一种独具特色的应用性美学语言。文章通过对大量英语广告案例进行分析,从美学欣赏的角度探讨了英语广告的语言特色。 1 引言 广告作为一种创造性的艺术形式,要求美,要求令人回味,要求给人留下长久愉快的回忆,并诱使受众采取行动。广告语言是集语言学、心理学、美学、经济学、社会学等多门学科于一体的综合艺术形式,蕴含着重要的美学价值。英语广告的标题、文案、创意、图案设计等,都离不开“美”。 2英语广告的语言特点 2.1标题特征标题是广告中最重要的组成部分,广告效果主要来自标题的力量。标题无论在字体、字型和位置等方面都会呈现出其视觉化和艺术化的特色,因而最能引起人们的注意,所以在广告界流传着这样一句话: “好的标题,等于广告成功了一半。”(梁婷、夏天,2003:20)如:“Saturday Night on Sunday Morning.”这是一则推销录相机的广告的标题,读者读到此标题时肯定会产生疑问,星期六的晚上怎么会发生在星期日的早上呢?时间关系颠倒看起来是违反常理的,可仔细往下一读,看完广告正文才恍然大悟,录相机可以在周六晚上把精彩的节目录下来,在周日早上一一重播。此则标题便充分激起了读者探究其何以违反常理的兴趣,或者探究其如何能自圆其说,这样便很好地吸引了读者的注意力。 2.2词汇特征 英语广告的词汇特征之一是用词简洁而口语化。简洁是智慧的灵魂,简洁是一种美。广告撰写者一般多选用简单的常用词汇,以口语为基础,以便于人们理解和记忆,因此,一些单音节或字母较少的词语经常被使用。如: “Buy one, getmore.”这是一则汽车销售广告,buy和get是两个简单的单音节动词,直截了当地将广告商与消费者之间的双边活动表现了出来,一方面反映了广告商的诚意,另一方面使消费者产生简单、实惠的感觉。英语广告的词汇特征之二是巧用形容词。广告语言要求形象、生动,因而必须起用大量的修饰词,而形容词是一种开放性词类,在英语广告中,尤其是在商业广告中,形容词便极尽其修饰之能事,以其种类繁多,内容丰富的特点,为广告语言增添了不少魅力。“wonderful”、“good”及“great”可以在任何环境中表示赞美,“delicious”是食品广告中的常用词。英语形容词的比较级和最高级在英语广告中也经常被使用。(赵静,1999:270—272)英语广告的词汇特征之三是创新拼写,吸引受众。如:“Give a Timex to all, to all a good time.”这里的“Timex”是由“time”和“excellent”经缩写拼合而成的一个新词,手表走时准确,质量上乘的特性就不言而喻了,而且读音、拼法很简单,能给读者留下深刻的印象。 2.3 句法特征 英语广告的句式往往较为简单、精练,不那么注重语法,直截了当,让人一看就懂。主要表现为句型简单,频繁使用疑问句、祈使句和使用省略句等。如:“The taste isgreat.”(雀巢咖啡)这则广告的句型十分简单,使用的都是十分简单的词汇,虽然在艺术效果上有所欠缺,但是简洁明了、开门见山,使消费者一目了然,一眼就可以看出广告的含义。“Refresh!”仅此而已,但是香皂的清新功能确实昭然赫赫了。 3 英语广告撰写的美学思考 英语广告的功能无非是提供信息、说服受众,维持需求、开辟市场以及确保质量。为发挥广告的这些作用,广告的创作者在策略的选择上多种多样,其中最为重要的一条是美学策略。每一则成功的广告都是美学、语言学和心理学融会贯通而成的艺术精品。英语广告语言的美学策略主要体现在以下几方面。3.1音韵美音韵美是指广告词发音响亮,节奏


论广告英语的特点 班级:高二(6)班 组长(Leader):张纯子指导老师:沈永铭 课题组成员:泮慧、黄小蝶、陈亦瑜、陈蝉妲、吴琼、余思倩、黄璇玮 相关课程:英语;心理学;广告原理 [内容摘要] 本课题从我国改革开放的实际需要出发,研究广告,特别是广告英语的特征。 因为,作为英语广告主要载体的广告英语在努力体现除了有帮助消费者认识商品的作用外,还有诱发消费者感情,引起购买欲望、促进消费行动的心理功能,遗留给消费者以美感享受的美学功能的过程中,逐渐形成了自己鲜明的特点。这些特点的掌握有利于提高大家英语应用文体的理解能力,有利于我们更好地搞好对外交流工作,有利于提高我们的生活质量,有利于提高大家对广告英语的欣赏水平,提高生活质量。[关键词]广告;]广告英语;双关语;语韵 Abstract:The advertisement is a very important way to express information to public.It can n ot only help people to understand some knowledge of the products, but also attract people’s greater desire to buy the products , improve the trade and leave a beautiful impression on t he people.So it has its obvious characteristics in these functions. We’re very happy to hav e achieved some achievements in English Advertising with the help of our teacher and our co-operation.Above all, we wish all of you to have a better understanding about the characteris tics of English advertisements after you have read our introduction about it. Key Words: English;Advertising Fun;Alliteration &Rhyme 前言 当今世界,随着各国交往的不断频繁,世界经济全球化的进程不断加深,国际间合作也进一步加强。在这一时期内,英语因其特殊的魅力,逐渐成为各国人民沟通的共同语言。自从香港、澳门的回归,中国加入WTO,中国成功申办2008年奥运会,各国之间的交往越加密切,更多的外国企业要入驻中国,越来越多的外国人将会来中国旅游、做生意。因此,英语对我们来说是至关重要的。而英语广告配合国际营销需要,引导新东西,带来新信息。它如今也是一个十分热门的专业,因此,我们产生了这个课题。 首先,英语是我们高中学习的一门重要学科,因此对它掌握如何对我们来说是至关重要的。现在我们研究广告英语的特点这项研究,可以扩大知识面,熟悉新单词,了解英、美等国家的文化和习俗。 其次,了解英语广告的特点,学习国外先进的科学技术和经济手段,为我所用,对我国提高经济有重要的作用。 当然,我们研究的最重要目的是提高自己的英语水平,为将来能够谋求最理想的职业,发展自我。 二、广告英语的特征 广告,是为了某种特定的需要,通过一定形式的媒介物,公开而广泛地向社会传递信息的一种宣传手段。广告除了有帮助消费者认识商品的作用外,还有诱发消费者感情,引起购买欲望、促进消费行动的心理功能,遗迹给消费者以美感享受的美学功能。因此,作为英语广告主要载体的广告英语在努力体现这几种功能的过程中,逐渐形成了自己鲜明的特色:简明易懂,生动形象,幽默新奇。 经过这一学年的研究和调查,我们总算取得了一定的研究成果,大致发现了广告英语的主要特点,并进行了总结和归纳。我们希望,我们的这项研究能对大家进一步了解广告英语的特点,提高英语应用文体的理解能力起到“抛砖引玉”的作用。 1、简明扼要,浅显易懂 首先,广告的基本特点是让有限的篇幅表达尽可能多的信息。广告既要简短,又要明白准确地体现广告内
