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Database Management System Source:Database and Network Journal Author:David Anderson You know that a data is a collection of logically related data elements that may be structured in various ways to meet the multiple processing and retrieval needs of orga nizations and individuals. There’s nothing new about data base-early ones were chiseled in stone, penned on scrolls, and written on index cards. But now database are commonly recorded on magnetically media, and computer programs are required to perform the necessary storage and retrieval operations. The system software package that handles the difficult tasks associated with created, accessing, and maintaining database records is in a DBMS package establish an interface between the database itself and the users of the database. (These users may be applications programmers, managers and others with information needs, and various OS programmers.) A DBMS can organize, process, and present selected data elements from the database. This capability enables decision makers to search. Probe, and query data contents in order to extract answers to nonrecurring and unplanned questions that aren’t available in regular reports. These questions might initially be vague and/or poorly defined, but people can “browse” through the database until they have the needed information. In short, the DBMS will “manage” the stored data items and assemble the needed items from the common database in response to the queries of those who aren’t programmers. In a file-oriented system, users needing special information may communicate their needs to a programmers, who, when time permits, will information. The availability of a DBMS, however, offers users a much faster alternative communications patch (see figure). Special, direct, and other file processing approaches ate used to organize and structure data in single files. But a DBMS is able to integrate data elements from several files to answer specific user inquiries fir information. This means that the DBMS is able to structure and tie together the logically related data from several large files. Logical structures. Identifying these logical relationships is a job of the data administrator. A data definition language is used for this purpose. The DBMS may


forced concrete structure reinforced with an overviewRein Since the reform and opening up, with the national economy's rapid and sustained development of a reinforced concrete structure built, reinforced with the development of technology has been great. Therefore, to promote the use of advanced technology reinforced connecting to improve project quality and speed up the pace of construction, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, and is of great significance. Reinforced steel bars connecting technologies can be divided into two broad categories linking welding machinery and steel. There are six types of welding steel welding methods, and some apply to the prefabricated plant, and some apply to the construction site, some of both apply. There are three types of machinery commonly used reinforcement linking method primarily applicable to the construction site. Ways has its own characteristics and different application, and in the continuous development and improvement. In actual production, should be based on specific conditions of work, working environment and technical requirements, the choice of suitable methods to achieve the best overall efficiency. 1、steel mechanical link 1.1 radial squeeze link Will be a steel sleeve in two sets to the highly-reinforced Department with superhigh pressure hydraulic equipment (squeeze tongs) along steel sleeve radial squeeze steel casing, in squeezing out tongs squeeze pressure role of a steel sleeve plasticity deformation closely integrated with reinforced through reinforced steel sleeve and Wang Liang's Position will be two solid steel bars linked Characteristic: Connect intensity to be high, performance reliable, can bear high stress draw and pigeonhole the load and tired load repeatedly.


浮选柱处理含油废水的研究 摘要:本文介绍了一种为处理含油废水而开发的新型溶气浮选柱装置。溶气浮选柱将溶气气浮法和浮选柱巧妙的加以结合运用,溶解空气在柱体分离系统中释放。本文对这种具有潜在应用价值的柱体系统分离含油废水中油分的效果进行了研究,在一系列的 实验中该装置均取得了理想的分离效果,同时还对溶气浮选柱中采用的气泡产生器的曝气效果进行了专门研究。 关键词:含油废水;分离;气浮;气泡发生器;溶气浮选柱 一、引言 含油废水是石油开发利用过程中产生的面积广,数量大的污染源。废水中的油分包括浮油,分散油,乳化油,溶解油和油-固结合物。含油废水常用的处理技术有物理法、物理化学法、化学破乳法、生物化学法和电化学法。分离难易程度取决于油分在水体中的存在形式。含油废水中的浮油一般可以采用重力分离技术予以去除,溶解油可以通过生物处理法将其去除,而以胶体状态存在的分散油和乳化油由于其平均粒径小,化学稳定性咼而难以去除。 近年来,浮选技术由于具有分离效率高,资金投入少,运行费用低的特点而吸引了众多学者的关注,并且已经开发出一些新型的快速高效的含油废水处理装置。Feng P B 和其合作者开发出一种高效节能浮选柱进行含油废水处理,其油分的去除率可以达到90% 左右。GU Xuqing等人开发出一种新型多级环流式浮选柱可处理含油废水,其独特的流体环流模式极大的提高了油珠和气泡之间的接触几率,分离效果显著,5分钟内,分离 效率可以达到96%-97%0Xiao K L等人用多级浮选柱处理含油废水,空气分散在装置的柱体托盘底部,含油废水在柱体的各个托盘中进行处理,除油率达94%。 含有乳化油的废水处理较为困难,为保证浮选效率,分离时要求气泡粒径小,并且在分离区域中形成安静的水力学环境。分离区应当又长又窄这一概念引发了利用柱状体作为分离设备这一设计理念。由此产生了一种叫做溶气浮选柱的新型设备,溶解空气在该装置的柱体分离系统中析出,以此来处理含油废水。 二、材料与方法 (一)材料 实验废水是用胜利油田的脱水脱气原油配制的乳化油经过稀释得到的。水样经过三 十分钟的高速搅拌混合以保证油珠完全地分散到水中。采用激光粒度分析仪分析油珠的 粒径分布;平均粒径为18.15微米,约有77.8%的粒子的粒径在25微米左右或更小(图


Laminar and Turbulent Flow Observation shows that two entirely different types of fluid flow exist. This was demon- strated by Osborne Reynolds in 1883 through an experiment in which water was discharged from a tank through a glass tube. The rate of flow could be controlled by a valve at the outlet, and a fine filament of dye injected at the entrance to the tube. At low velocities, it was found that the dye filament remained intact throughout the length of the tube, showing that the particles of water moved in parallel lines. This type of flow is known as laminar, viscous or streamline, the particles of fluid moving in an orderly manner and retaining the same relative positions in successive cross- sections. As the velocity in the tube was increased by opening the outlet valve, a point was eventually reached at which the dye filament at first began to oscillate and then broke up so that the colour was diffused over the whole cross-section, showing that the particles of fluid no longer moved in an orderly manner but occupied different relative position in successive cross-sections. This type of flow is known as turbulent and is characterized by continuous small fluctuations in the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the fluid particles, which are accompanied by corresponding small fluctuations of pressure. When the motion of a fluid particle in a stream is disturbed, its inertia


企业数据建模外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 翻译: 信息系统开发和数据库开发 在许多组织中,数据库开发是从企业数据建模开始的,企业数据建模确定了组织数据库的范围和一般内容。这一步骤通常发生在一个组织进行信息系统规划的过程中,它的目的是为组织数据创建一个整体的描述或解释,而不是设计一个特定的数据库。一个特定的数据库为一个或多个信息系统提供数据,而企业数据模型(可能包含许多数据库)描述了由组织维护的数据的范围。在企业数据建模时,你审查当前的系统,分析需要支持的业务领域的本质,描述需要进一步抽象的数据,并且规划一个或多个数据库开发项目。图1显示松谷家具公司的企业数据模型的一个部分。 1.1 信息系统体系结构 如图1所示,高级的数据模型仅仅是总体信息系统体系结构(ISA)一个部分或一个组

织信息系统的蓝图。在信息系统规划期间,你可以建立一个企业数据模型作为整个信息系统体系结构的一部分。根据Zachman(1987)、Sowa和Zachman(1992)的观点,一个信息系统体系结构由以下6个关键部分组成: 数据(如图1所示,但是也有其他的表示方法)。 操纵数据的处理(着系可以用数据流图、带方法的对象模型或者其他符号表示)。 网络,它在组织内并在组织与它的主要业务伙伴之间传输数据(它可以通过网络连接和拓扑图来显示)。 人,人执行处理并且是数据和信息的来源和接收者(人在过程模型中显示为数据的发送者和接收者)。 执行过程的事件和时间点(它们可以用状态转换图和其他的方式来显示)。 事件的原因和数据处理的规则(经常以文本形式显示,但是也存在一些用于规划的图表工具,如决策表)。 1.2 信息工程 信息系统的规划者按照信息系统规划的特定方法开发出信息系统的体系结构。信息工程是一种正式的和流行的方法。信息工程是一种面向数据的创建和维护信息系统的方法。因为信息工程是面向数据的,所以当你开始理解数据库是怎样被标识和定义时,信息工程的一种简洁的解释是非常有帮助的。信息工程遵循自顶向下规划的方法,其中,特定的信息系统从对信息需求的广泛理解中推导出来(例如,我们需要关于顾客、产品、供应商、销售员和加工中心的数据),而不是合并许多详尽的信息请求(如一个订单输入屏幕或按照地域报告的销售汇总)。自顶向下规划可使开发人员更全面地规划信息系统,提供一种考虑系统组件集成的方法,增进对信息系统与业务目标的关系的理解,加深对信息系统在整个组织中的影响的理解。 信息工程包括四个步骤:规划、分析、设计和实现。信息工程的规划阶段产生信息系统体系结构,包括企业数据模型。 1.3 信息系统规划 信息系统规划的目标是使信息技术与组织的业务策略紧密结合,这种结合对于从信息系统和技术的投资中获取最大利益是非常重要的。正如表1所描述的那样,信息工程方法的规划阶段包括3个步骤,我们在后续的3个小节中讨论它们。 1.确定关键性的规划因素


本科毕业设计(外文翻译) 题目居住区交往空间规划与设计 院(系部)xxx学院 专业名称xx 年级班级xx 学生姓名xx 指导教师xx xx 年xx 月x 日 Planning and Design of Association Space of residential District

Xia dong liang 【Abstract】:The association space refers to the indoor and outdoor space for communication between residents.The article presents an overall discussion of the necessity,hierarchy and functionality of association space,with a wish to create positive and healthy association atmosphere and stimulate good communication among residents so that the residential area can become a homeland full of love and harmony. 【Keyword】:residential area;association space;necessity;hierarchy;Functionality 【Foreword】:As the housing system reform and the rapid development of real estate, urban residential areas large urban settlements have emerged on the layout of residential buildings, public buildings, public green space, life and living facilities such as roads, to provide urban residents live in the community and The establishment, is an integral part of the city. Exchanges between the living room area residents is to communicate and exchange of indoor and outdoor space. At this stage, people's living standards greatly improved the living environment of continuous improvement district. Developers should not only focus on residential construction and the reasonable comfort, paying greater attention to the construction of residential environment. However, the current environment in the construction of residential areas, they are often the natural ecology of greening the environment is much more to consider, and the promotion of exchanges between the residents of the space environment to consider less, environmental construction can not meet the occupants of the psychological characteristics and needs. From the basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields of promoting a higher level, the residential area is not only the function of living, but also people's thinking and feelings of the local exchange. Therefore, the strengthening of exchanges between the residential areas of space construction, increase residential neighbourhood affinity, should be developed in the planning and construction of residential areas should also consider the issue. How to conduct exchanges between the residential areas of space planning and design, improve people's quality of life, the author of his own real estate development

外文文献翻译 An Introduction to Database Management System

英文翻译 数据库管理系统的介绍 Raghu Ramakrishnan 数据库(database,有时被拼作data base)又称为电子数据库,是专门组织起来的一组数据或信息,其目的是为了便于计算机快速查询及检索。数据库的结构是专门设计的,在各种数据处理操作命令的支持下,可以简化数据的存储、检索、修改和删除。数据库可以存储在磁盘、磁带、光盘或其他辅助存储设备上。 数据库由一个或一套文件组成,其中的信息可以分解为记录,每一条记录又包含一个或多个字段(或称为域)。字段是数据存取的基本单位。数据库用于描述实体,其中的一个字段通常表示与实体的某一属性相关的信息。通过关键字以及各种分类(排序)命令,用户可以对多条记录的字段进行查询,重新整理,分组或选择,以实体对某一类数据的检索,也可以生成报表。 所有数据库(除最简单的)中都有复杂的数据关系及其链接。处理与创建,访问以及维护数据库记录有关的复杂任务的系统软件包叫做数据库管理系统(DBMS)。DBMS软件包中的程序在数据库与其用户间建立接口。(这些用户可以是应用程序员,管理员及其他需要信息的人员和各种操作系统程序)DBMS可组织、处理和表示从数据库中选出的数据元。该功能使决策者能搜索、探查和查询数据库的内容,从而对正规报告中没有的,不再出现的且无法预料的问题做出回答。这些问题最初可能是模糊的并且(或者)是定义不恰当的,但是人们可以浏览数据库直到获得所需的信息。简言之,DBMS将“管理”存储的数据项和从公共数据库中汇集所需的数据项用以回答非程序员的询问。 DBMS由3个主要部分组成:(1)存储子系统,用来存储和检索文件中的数据;(2)建模和操作子系统,提供组织数据以及添加、删除、维护、更新数据的方法;(3)用户和DBMS之间的接口。在提高数据库管理系统的价值和有效性方面正在展现以下一些重要发展趋势: 1.管理人员需要最新的信息以做出有效的决策。 2.客户需要越来越复杂的信息服务以及更多的有关其订单,发票和账号的当前信息。


毕业设计英文资料翻译 Tran slati on ofthe En glish Docume nts for Graduati on Desig n 课题名称_____________________________________ 院< 系)_____________________________________ 专业 _____________________________________ 姓名 _____________________________________ 学号 _____________________________________ 起讫日期 _____________________________________ 指导教师 _____________________________________ 2018 年2月25日 原文: Abstract:Gree n buildi ng refers to do its best to maximize con servati on of resources (en ergy, land, water, and wood> , protecti ng the environment and reduce polluti on in its life cycle. Provide people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature in harmony symbiosis buildings. Idescribed more details of green building design ' notion, green building ' design, as well as the sig ni fica nee of the con


河北建筑工程学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系别:城建系 专业:给水排水工程 班级: 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Wan Fang foreign languages (用外文写) literature datebase 附件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。

1、外文原文(复印件) Supplying and draining waterin hospital construction With the fact that modern medicine science promptness develops,new technique , the new armamentarium are continuing without end , modernized medical treatment thereby consonant with that is building a hospital , are also are confronted with new design idea and new technology applying. Disregarding secondary hospital building function , what whose gets along environment, still , finclause the hospital builds equipment and is equipped with system, the request is without exception higher and higher. Because of it is to ensure daily work living not only need the rapid and intense life relevance recovering from the illness , avoiding crippling , rescuing, and promote with giving treatment to a patient. Not only the design accomplishing to the special field draining away water need to satisfy the request being unlike a function in hospital building on equipment , but also safety is be obliged to reliable. Following is built according to the hospital. 一HOSPITAL GIVES A SEWERAGE 1) Modernized hospital equipment and equipment system content is numerous , the function is peculiar , the request is very high. Except demanding to swear to continue supplying with the use water according with quality level sufficiently, need more according to demand of different medical treatment instrument and different administrative or tehcnical office to water quality , water pressure , the water temperature, classify setting up water treatment system and be in progress to system to increase pressure reduction. 2) The hospital operating rooms , the delivery room operation the water hygiene, saliva washing hands by shower bath water , the dentistry dentistry chair ought to adopt the water purifying degassing. In the homeland few are large-scale , the high rank hospital centre supplies a room, the centre disinfecting has also adopted to purify the water disinfecting, now that swear to there be no dust , the sterility , to remove the pathopoiesia source , to avoid the blockage infecting , cutting down equipment microtubule. 3) Hospital preparation rooms preparation uses water to adopt distilled water, and sets up in making distilled water system to have part pressure boost facilities. The handicraft responds to according to different hospital preparation handicraft but fixes concrete system distilled water, should satisfy demand of whose handicraft to water quality , water yield , water pressure act in close coordination that the preparation handicraft reserves corresponding to drain-pipe and


外文文献: Risk Analysis of the International Construction Project By: Paul Stanford Kupakuwana Cost Engineering Vol. 51/No. 9 September 2009 ABSTRACT This analysis used a case study methodology to analyse the issues surrounding the partial collapse of the roof of a building housing the headquarters of the Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ). In particular, it examined the prior roles played by the team of construction professionals. The analysis revealed that the SAZ’s traditional construction project was generally characterized by high risk. There was a clear indication of the failure of a contractor and architects in preventing and/or mitigating potential construction problems as alleged by the plaintiff. It was reasonable to conclude that between them the defects should have been detected earlier and rectified in good time before the partial roof failure. It appeared justified for the plaintiff to have brought a negligence claim against both the contractor and the architects. The risk analysis facilitated, through its multi-dimensional approach to a critical examination of a construction problem, the identification of an effective risk management strategy for future construction projects. It further served to emphasize the point that clients are becoming more demanding, more discerning, and less willing to accept risk without recompense. Clients do not want surprise, and are more likely to engage in litigation when things go wrong. KEY WORDS:Arbitration, claims, construction, contracts, litigation, project and risk The structural design of the reinforced concrete elements was done by consulting engineers Knight Piesold (KP). Quantity surveying services were provided by Hawkins, Leshnick & Bath (HLB). The contract was awarded to Central African Building Corporation (CABCO) who was also responsible for the provision of a specialist roof structure using patented “gang nail” roof

建筑 给排水 外文翻译 英文文献 多层住宅建筑给排水设计的几个问题

译文来源:美国PE杂志建筑给排水工程师2010年第10期 The multilevel residential housing is given and drains off water several questions designed Summary : This text give and drain off water on multilevel residential housing design supply water the exertion of the tubular product , Way of laying of pipeline, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and air conditioner condensation water of pot-type boiler discharge issue goes on the discussion , And put forward some concrete views. Keyword: Skyscraper, supply water the tubular product , the pipeline is laid, The water gauge, the solar water heater The skyscraper is simple with its auxiliary facility, the fabrication cost is low, the characteristic such as being convenient of estate management, Receive the welcomes of the real estate developer and vast resident of small and medium-sized cities very much. How project planning and design of inhabited region, scientific and technological industry of comfortable house, lead the request according to 2000, Improve the design level of the house, build out a comfortable living space for each household, It is each designers duty. As the heart of the house --The kitchen, bathroom, is that the function is complicated, hygiene, safe and comfortable degree are expected much, It is miscellaneous to build, the space expecting much in technology. So, the designer must consider synthetically with the idea and method of global design that the kitchen, bathroom give installation of the drainage pipeline and equipment,etc. . Give and drain off water on skyscraper design supply water exertion, to lay pipeline of tubular product, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and empty of pot-type boiler now Transfer condensation water discharge issue discuss together with colleagues. ( 1)supply water tubular product select problem for use Traditional watersupply tubular product adopt zinc-plated steel tube generally, because zinc-plated steel tube exchange the corrosion, Use short-lived , use for and send domestic water can satisfied with water quality sanitary standard shortcoming, Ministry of Construction is popularizing the application of the feed pipe of plastics energetically . A lot of districts and cities have already expressed regulations: Forbid designing and using the zinc-plated steel tube , use widely the feed pipe of plastics. The plastics supply water In charge of compared with metal pipeline, light, it is fine to able to bear the intensity of keeping, Send obstruction little liquid , able to bear chemistry better to corrode performance, it is convenient to install, The steel energy-conservation of the province, merit of having long performance life etc.. Supply water and use plastics pipeline: Hard polyvinyl chloride( PVC-U), high density polyethylene( HDPE), pay and unite polyethylene( PEX) , modify the polypropylene( PP-R, PP-C), gather butene( PB), aluminium mould and compound and in charge of and the steel is moulded and compound and is managed etc.. Choice of tubular product economic comparative
