




1)I have too much to tell you and don't know what to begin with.我有许多话要对你说,却不知道从何说起。(原句中的much译为“许多话”,使译文流畅。)

2)Was ever such nonsense written?这样荒唐的东西有人写过吗?(nonsense“胡说八道、废话”在句中被译为“荒唐的东西”,译得恰到好处。)

3)The workshop director issued a communication outlining the details of the work to be done on the shutdown and safety rules to be followed during the work.车间主任签发了一份通知,概括了停机期间的工作项目以及工作中要遵守的安全规则。(communication意为“通讯、联络、传达”,译文中转译成“通知”,保持上下文自然通顺。)

4)You may have something of Roosevelt,something of a Newton in yourself;you may have something very much greater than either of these men manifested waiting your help to give it expression.你或许有罗斯福的才能,牛顿的智慧,你或许具有比他们两人更加伟大的本领,在等待着你将它表现出来。(句中三个something分别被译为“才能”、“智慧”、“本领”,充分展示出该词在特定的场合的丰富内涵。)

(5)The need for engineers who can view the whole area of engineering,wide and complicated as it is ,as a single of field of operation of a few laws and methods has

increased.人们已经越来越感到需要这样的工程师,他们能够把全部工程领域视为应用几个基本定律和方法的一个整体,尽管工程学科的全部领域是既复杂又浩瀚。(句中it指the whole area of engineering,译文将it译得具体些,句意更加明确。)



1)If I were rich ,I should do so.As it is,I do nothing.如果我有钱,我就这样做。但实在太穷,就什么也做不成了。(如果将as it is译为“事实上;即使如此”,译文就显得笼统含糊,译得具体些,意思就很明确了。)

2)He is a brilliant scholar and is everywhere recognized as such.他是个很有才华的学者,到处都公认他很有学问。(句中的as such意为“像这样的人”,译文具体化之后,句意更加清楚。)

3)The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media.由于距离偏远、交通设施缺乏,乡村与外界隔绝,这种隔绝因信息媒体不足,变得更加严重。(译文将浓缩在一个英语句子中的若干信息铺开,逐点具体交待,语言清晰顺畅。)

4)When seeds drop into rubble instead of rich soil,those with vitality never despair or sigh,because they can steel themselves in resistance.种子不落在肥土而落在瓦砾中,有生命的种子决不会悲观和叹息,因为有了阻力才有磨练。(将instead of译为“不落在”,原因从句前后呼应,译文简洁而富有哲理。)

5)Electronic-cash cards cut the cost of handling physical currency and banks can earn a small fee from every transaction,whereas purchases with notes and coins net them nothing.电子现金卡降低了处理实在货币的费用,所以银行可以从每笔交

易、转帐中赚取一小笔费用,而用纸币或硬币做交易却不能给他们带来任何利润。(译文的后半句翻译得实在而又具体,尤其是net them nothing处理得恰到好处。)



1)We honored him for what he is,not for what he has .我们尊重的是他的人格,而不是他的财富。(句中what he is和what he has分别译为“人格”与“财富”,看上去笼统,实际上更加概括精炼。)

2)For generations coal and oil have been regarded as the chief energy sources used to transport men from place to place.煤和石油几十年以来一直被认为是交通运输的主要能源。(译文用“交通运输”概括transport men from place to place,避免一般性的冗长文字,使译文更加流畅。)

3)You mustn't go to the station to meet the foreign guests as you are.你不能就这样到车站去迎接外宾。(译文将as you are概括为“就这样”,比硬译成“像你现在的样子”,貌似抽象,实则更符合汉语习惯,更灵活。)

4)The inferior goods were sold on the basis of clever packaging and astute advertising.那些劣质商品是靠巧妙的包装和狡诈的广告卖出去的。(on the basis of意思是“以……为基础”,译成一个“靠”字,概括得简洁又传神。)

5)This has been my life,I have found it worth living,and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.这就是我的人生。我觉得它值得,若有可能,我愿欣然再度过此生。(译文分别运用概括化与具体化的翻译技巧,将文字处理得充满诗意。)




1.My uncle remembered me in the letter of my father.

2.My uncle remembered me on my birthday

3.My uncle remembered me in his will.


Transportation isn’t sufficient.

Advertisement propaganda translation government family class committee press retirement very timid very strong keep quiet Speed up

Be full of anxiety and worry

A great and thorough-going change

Very anxious to return home

Have not cut off relations completely

5.We are all greatly moved by his loftiness.

6.The publishing house has to take the readability of the novel into consideration.

7.More and more people have realized the necessity of learning computer.

8.His arrogance sent him into isolation and helplessness.

9.The dancing hall was filled with gayety.

10.Her jealousy is the cause of her failure.

11.Many changes take place during the transformation.

12.Her indifference kept all the visitors away from the exhibition hall.

13.The black people were fighting against the segregation of the government.

14.The crime sent him into notoriety.

15.John’s lightheartedness, however, did not last long.

16.Maybe her real basic weakness might be some form of kindness.

17.in a tone of great kindness

18.Tell me, Rebecca, did I ever do anything but kindness?

19.He that has once done you kindness will be more ready to do you another than he

whom you yourself have obliged.

20.He has a children heart.

21.He questioned the wisdom of her going there with them.



1.make fish of one and flesh of another

2.like sb.’s boots

3.Stick to one’s last

4.Keep sth. under one’s hat

5.Eat one’s heart out

6.Be in sb’s pocket

7.Be in irons

8.Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve

9.Put one’s cards on the table

10. eat like a bird

11. catch forty winks

12. break the ice

13. jump out one’s shin

14. get cold fear

15. walk in air

16. get the green light

17. mend one’s fences

18. poke one’s nose into


1.I was practically on my knees but he still refused.

2. The two sisters were usually in agreement on most issues, but they were at sword’s points at the matter of abortion.

3. He is a rolling stone. I don’t think he can lay up any money.

4. Since I got the news at the second hand, I took it with a grain of salt.

5. I must bare my heart to someone, or I shall go mad.

6. I’ll break my neck to get this done by Friday, but I cannot promise for sure.

7. By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and the husband.

8. He thinks by all this fast talking and flattery he can pull the wool over her eyes.

9. The matter was finally settled under the table.

10. The society held its meeting behind closed doors.

11. He earns scarcely enough to keep body and soul together.

12. I have no head for music.

13. Please don’t wake a sleeping dog.

14. You can always fall back on him when you are in difficulty.

15. This testimony puts


中国人的思维方式和西方人不同,西方人喜欢抽象,长于分析;而中国人喜欢具体,长于综合。由于风俗和语言上的差异,西方人习惯使用含有抽象意义的词语表达思想。此类句子在译成中文时如果处理不当,译文就会晦涩难懂,很别扭。因此,在进行英汉翻译时,应注意汉语习惯,对句子或词语进行妥善处理,力求使译文流畅、准确,使隐形的信息具体化、概括化。 1.将抽象名词(或代词)具体化 西方人在英语中经常使用抽象的概念来表示具体事物。在英语译为汉语的过程中,大多数情况下,将抽象化为具体,有助于提高译文质量。 1)I have too much to tell you and don't know what to begin with.我有许多话要对你说,却不知道从何说起。(原句中的much译为“许多话”,使译文流畅。) 2)Was ever such nonsense written?这样荒唐的东西有人写过吗?(nonsense“胡说八道、废话”在句中被译为“荒唐的东西”,译得恰到好处。) 3)The workshop director issued a communication outlining the details of the work to be done on the shutdown and safety rules to be followed during the work.车间主任签发了一份通知,概括了停机期间的工作项目以及工作中要遵守的安全规则。(communication意为“通讯、联络、传达”,译文中转译成“通知”,保持上下文自然通顺。) 4)You may have something of Roosevelt,something of a Newton in yourself;you may have something very much greater than either of these men manifested waiting your help to give it expression.你或许有罗斯福的才能,牛顿的智慧,你或许具有比他们两人更加伟大的本领,在等待着你将它表现出来。(句中三个something分别被译为“才能”、“智慧”、“本领”,充分展示出该词在特定的场合的丰富内涵。) (5)The need for engineers who can view the whole area of engineering,wide and complicated as it is ,as a single of field of operation of a few laws and methods


抽象与具体在英汉互译中的运用 西方人喜欢抽象,中国人喜欢具体。西方人喜欢具体是因为一抽象思维被认为是一种高级思维(superior mind),是文明人的一种象征(mark of civilized man).随着科学技术的发达和文明社会的进步,原有的感性表达方式已不足以表达复杂的理性概念,因而需要借助于抽象、概括的方法。这正如H.Jacobi所说的:……abstract methods of diction were more and more needed as the sphere of ideas to be expressed became narrower and narrower.”此外,许多作者为了显耀其思想深奥而故弄玄虚、追随时尚,也嗜好抽象表达。二,抽象词语意义模糊,便于掩饰作者含混(cloudy)或真实的思想,以迎合其某种表达的需要,因而也得以流行。E.Gowers 指出,“Unfortunately the very vagueness of abstract words is one of the reasons for their popularity.To express one?s thoughts accurately is hard work,and to be precise is sometimes dangerous.We are tempted to prefer the safer obscurity of the abstract.It is the greatest vice of present-day writing.”这种不良的文风常常表现在过分使用涵义抽象、内容虚泛、语气庄严的大字眼(pompous words),有时简直到了装腔作势、令人难以捉摸的地步:


科技英语抽象名词的特点及翻译Ξ 刘兰云 杜耀文 (太原理工大学文理学院 太原市 030024) 摘 要 本文通过大量实例,分析和论述了科技英语中抽象名词的特点,并对其英汉翻译方法作了进一步的探讨。 关键词 科技英语 抽象名词 翻译 Abstract Through concrete examples,this paper analyses and explains relevant characteristics of abstract noun of EST and meanwhile delves further into its translation from English to Chinese. K ey w ords EST abstract noun translation 英语中,科技文体在修辞、语法和词汇使用等方面都与其他文体,如小说、新闻报道等迥然不同。科技文体具有逻辑严密、概念准确、句式严整、重点突出等特点。其中,科技英语大量使用名词化结构,特别是使用抽象名词(ab2 stract noun),是其有别于其它文体的特色之一。抽象名词是一类特殊的名词,它不代表具体事物,而是表达一种抽象的概念。抽象名词多由普通动词或形容词衍生而来。如expand→ex2 pansion(膨胀),aquire→aquisition(获得),stable →stability(稳定性)等。科技英语文章的作者之所以大量使用抽象名词,一方面是由于这类名词使概念表达准确而清晰,不易产生歧义,行文简练;另一方面也由于作者在心理上和考虑问题时对过程、特征、现象和结果较为关注,而这类词恰好可贴切表达作者的这种愿望。同时多数抽象名词的义域(senlatic sphese)深广,要求在翻译时认真分析和斟酌才能切中要义。以下结合实例谈谈抽象名词在科技英语中的特点及其翻译问题。 11抽象名词可突出重点简化句型,如: The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. (地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。) 说明:其中抽象名词rotation使概念突出而更加确切清晰,同时可使句子简化;若不用抽象名词rotation,不仅使句子成为复合句:The earth rotates on its own axis,which causes the change from day to night,而且使读者不易立即掌握主要概念。 Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. (阿基米德首先发现固体排水的原理。) 说明:抽象名词displacement既起强调概念的作用,又可简化句子,否则该句则需写成: Archimedes first discovered the principle that water is displaced by solid bodies。 21抽象名词的词性转换,如: The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products. (采用这种新装置可大大地降低废品率。) 说明:在翻译时抽象名词adoption就译为:汉语动词“采用”,取代“to adopt this new de2 vice”。 The photo mask must possess dimensional2 stability. (光掩模必须具有稳定的尺寸。) 说明:抽象名词stability(稳定性)转译为形容词“稳定的”。 31抽象名词具有深广的义域,如: In the newer,faster computers being de2 signed,the internal computational abilities have become so fast that rather sophisticated input-output equipment,and organization of this equip2 ment,is required even for problems having rela2 第13卷4期2000年11月 中国科技翻译 CHIN ESE SCIENCE&TECHNOLO GY TRANSLATORS JOURNAL Vol.13.No.4 Nov.2000 Ξ收稿日期:2000—01—10—17


抽象名词 不可数名词是因不能数而无单复数之分的名词,一般可用no, any, some, a little, much 等修饰,如food(食物),news(新闻),fruit(水果),bread(面包),hunger(饥饿),truth(真相)等。 There is some food on the table. 桌上有一些食物。 There is much news in the newspaper. 报纸上有大量新闻。 You can eat any fruit on the table. 你可以吃桌上的任何水果。 A little bread is left in the basket. 筐里剩下一点面包。 They feel no hunger now. 他们不感到饿了。 不可数名词包括物质名词、抽象名词和专有名词。 抽象名词是动作、性质、概念、状态等的名称,如:washing(洗衣),kindness(仁慈),time(时间),friendship(友谊),hope(希望)等。 Mother is doing some washing. 妈妈正在洗衣服。 表动作:washing 洗衣 Mother is much moved by his kindness. 妈妈被他的仁慈深深打动。 表性质:kindness 仁慈 It's time to go to bed, boy!

孩子,睡觉的时间到了! 表概念:time 时间 Our friendship is everlasting. 我们的友谊地久天长。 表概念:friendship 友谊 1. 抽象名词一般无复数形式,不加冠词,只有特指时加the。 The friendship between us is long and lasting. 我们的友谊地久天长。 friendship是特指的。 2. 有些抽象名词可与of连用,起形容词的作用。 Your gift is of great value. 你礼物的价值很大。 相当于It is very valuable。


习惯用法的翻译 (1)more A than B / less B than A / not so much B as/but A Eg 1: Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a supposedly empty head. 教学与其说是把知识灌输到假定为一片空白的头脑中,还不如说是对其进行引导和帮助。 Eg 2: It remains our view that a definition would be more likely to interfere with than to assist the competent organs of the United Nations to take quick and effective action to ensure the maintenance of peace. 我们仍然认为,一项定义与其说是有助于,还不如说是有碍于联合国各个主管机构采取迅速而有效的行动确保和平。 Eg 3:It was a curious exchange, less a debate than a quarrel between two aggressive men, each of them determined to impress the audience as more peaceful than the other. 这是一次奇妙的交谈,与其说是两个好斗的人之间的一场辩论,还不如说是一次吵嘴,双方都竭力想使听众觉得自己比对方更爱和平。 Eg 4: However, this is not so much a weakness in his work as it is the inevitable result of scholars’ neglect of this period. 然而,这与其说是他作品中的弱点,倒不如说是学者们忽略对这个时期的研究而造成的必然结果。 (2)no more … than, not any more than Eg 1: The heart is no more intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain. 心脏和胃一样无智力可言,因为它们都是由大脑控制的。

第3章 练习答案 名词的抽象和具体译法

第三章名词的抽象和具体译法 第一节名词的抽象译法 一、翻译下列词语。 1. clean hands 2. six of one and half a dozen of the other 3. a drop in the ocean 4. castle in the air 5. far-sightedness 6. a gentleman's agreement 7. rain cats and dogs 8. as poor as a church mouse 9. touchstone 10. butter sb. Up 二、翻译下列句子,注意画线部分名词的抽象译法。 1. With his tardiness, carelessness and appalling good humor, we were sorely perplexed. 2. No news is good news. 3. Their optimism moved us greatly. 4. At present, the business in our company is turning for the better. 5. Their enthusiasm is being constantly heightened by China's socialist industrialization and its achievement. 6. Now birth control has become a possibility. 7. They admitted the greatness of Milton as a poet, but denied his goodness as a man. 8. I am sorry for the rudeness of his behavior toward you. 9. We should dare to combat indiscipline and inefficiency. 10. During the talks, their discussion has been centered around protection of intellectual property rights. 笫二节名词的具体译法 一、运用具体译法翻译下列词语和句子。 1.as tall as Maypole 2. a piece of cake 3. a capital knife and fork 4. bread and butter 5.bread and cheese 6. The proof of the pudding is in the eating 7. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. 二、翻译下列词语或句子,注意象声词的具体译法。 1. the clicker-clack of the leather shoes 2. the clangor of the gong 3. the tick-tack of the watch 4. the rumbling (rolling) of the thunder 5. the squeaking of the radi0 6. the thumping of the bus 7. the clatter of mahjong


试论抽象名词的翻译策略——以“Our Greatest Gift”文本为 例 摘要 抽象名词在英语中的运用要比在汉语里广泛得多,如何译好抽象名词更成了翻译某些散文和精神性文本的难点和着眼点。本文以小书“Our Greatest Gift – A Meditation on Dying and Caring”的前半部分中出现的若干个抽象名词为例,分析总结了在翻译时遇到的困难以及我的解决方法,并参照此,讨论了既有的翻译理论在本文翻译过程中的应用,以及笔者对此翻译过程的一些总结和体会,最后,笔者针对归化和异化的翻译手法在精神性文本中的运用提出了自己的看法。 关键词 翻译抽象名词同化(归化)和异化 抽象名词在英语中的应用比在汉语中要广泛得多,因此,在英译汉的过程中,抽象名词的翻译是个特别要注意的难点。不久前,笔者阅读了美国哲学家卢云的一部小书,英文名字是“Our Greatest Gift – A Meditation on Dying and Caring”(笔者翻译的中文名字是《我们最伟大的礼物——关于死亡和关怀的思考》),由于是精神性(spiritual)的散文著作,文中出现了大量的抽象名词和动名词等,如dying一词就在文中出现了多达三十几处,给翻译带来了一定的难度。在阅读和翻译过程中,我一直在思考以下几个问题:究竟该如何准确翻译抽象名词?在这个过程中,直译和意译究竟哪个更直接有效?灵活翻译的手法有哪些?灵活翻译的同时是否有规律可循?该采用韦努蒂的异化手法还是该更偏重奈达的归化译法?Die, died, dying, death等在翻译过程中该如何区别? 一、抽象名词翻译问题的产生 戈德伯格曾说过一句话:“世界上最难做的事情就是把一个人头脑中的意思准确地传达给另外一个人。”对于这一点,我们在交流中应该都有过些许体会。就我自身的经验来看,这种倾向在交流思想等抽象事物时尤为明显。人类语言可以从不同角度分类,形态学分类法根据语法结构特点把人类语言分为孤立语、屈折语、黏着语、复综语四类。汉语跟英语是两种截然不同的语言。汉语是孤立语,而英语是屈折语。它们之间的翻译本来就比同一类的语言之间翻译转换要难,而要翻译抽象名词则难上加难。有些英语的哲学作品便是一例。这些作品中的语言看似简单,却留给读者很大的想象空间,这自然给译者的工作带来一定难度。 在这个过程中,有没有一定特点和规律可言呢?下面就笔者在翻译“Our Greatest Gift –A Meditation on Dying and Caring”中遇到的问题对此规律做一探讨。 二、同化与异化手法的选择之于文学文本翻译 文学文本的定义是什么?网上搜索,只有百度百科给出了定义。定义如下:文学文本是指构成文学这种语言艺术品的具体语言系统,是传达人生体验的特定语言系统,包括诗、小说、散文和剧本等形态。其特点有三:1、文学文本总是指一种实际的语言系统;2、要通过传达人生体验而表达相对完整的意义;3、有待于读者阅读和接受。由文


翻译的基本技巧——抽象与具体 中国人的思维趋向于具象化,而西方人的思维则趋向于抽象化。 中国传统文化的重要特征之一是“尚象”,而西方文化的重要特征之一是“尚思”。中国人“尚象”的文化传统形成了其偏重具象的思维方式。 而西方人“尚思”的文化传统形成了其偏重抽象的思维方式。 英语常用大量的抽象名词来表达实的概念。 例如: The absence of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory developments. (= No news is good news. ) 译文:没有消息就是好消息。 英语抽象名词的译法 一)由动词抽象而来的的名词译成动词 英语中有名词化倾向,即用名词表示动作、行为等有动词表达的意义。这种词多是动词的同源名词。如: 1)The 1967 UN document calls for the settlement of the Middle East conflict on the basis of Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories and Arab acknowledgement of Israel' s right to exist. 1967年的联合国文件呼吁解决中东冲突,其基础是以色列从被占领的土地上撤退,阿拉伯国家则承认以色列人的生存权。 2) The growing awareness by millions of people of their intolerable condition of life had promoted them to revolt. 千百万人民日益意识到自己的生活条件不堪忍受,这促使他们起来反抗。 二) 含有动作意义的抽象名词译成动词 英语中另一个倾向是许多名词有动词意义或动作意义,这类词汇在译成汉语时通常要译为动词。如 1) She said this with a provocative glance and a gleam of teeth. 他说这话时挑衅地看了一眼,还把牙一呲。 2)One after another, speakers called for the downfall of imperialism. 发言者一个接一个,号召打倒帝国主义。 3) Modern English polite society seems to me as corrupt as consciousness of culture and absence of honesty can make it. 英国现代上流社会,据我看来,已经被有文化却无廉耻的人们尽其能事的弄到最腐朽的程度。 三)抽象名词作主语汉译时要改变其句子成分 1) The thought of returning filled him with fear. 他一想到还要返回去,心里就害怕。 2) My shock and embarrassment at finding mother in tears on Wednesday was a perfect index of how little I understand the pressures on her.


抽象名词归纳(一) 1. devotion / loyalty 忠实/忠诚;/faith /faithfulness /fidelity 忠实/诚实;allegiance忠贞,效忠; 2. honesty/ sincerity /cordiality 诚挚,诚恳;hospitality 热情好客friendliness 友好;amity友好; 3. credit /trust/credibility 信任,信用;reliability 可靠性 4. confidence/reliance 信心,依靠; diligence/industry/hard work努力, 勤奋;courage/bravery 勇气, 勇敢; cooperation/collaboration 合作, 协作;solidarity/unity 团结; 5. sympathy/compassion/pity同情,怜悯;mercy 仁慈,可怜;benevolence 善意,仁慈; 6. appeal /attraction/ temptation/ lure/enticement / 吸引力 7. humanity 人类,人性,人道,仁慈;humanities 人文学科 8. harmony 和谐; peace 和平; appreciation 欣赏 9. ingenuity /creativity/ 创造力,灵活性 10. dignity /self-respect/self-esteem / reverence 尊严,自尊,高贵 11. courtesy/manners/politeness /humility 谦卑,礼貌 12. innocence 无辜,清白; prestige 威望,名望;魅力,吸引力; reputation/fame/ 名声,名誉 13. perseverance毅力; persistence 坚持; mercy /beneficence/ goodness / kindness 仁慈,善良 14. integrity = honesty正直,诚实; 15. conscience 良心,良知; morality 道德观; values价值观 16. admiration / adoration 崇拜,敬爱;aspiration/desire/longing 希望,渴望; ambition 抱负,理想,野心 17. thank/ gratitude/gratification 感谢,感恩,满意 18. generosity 慷慨,大方; reward 回报,奖赏 19. joy/happiness/pleasure/ rejoice/ elation/ cheerfulness 快乐,高兴,愉快 20. craftiness/ cuteness/shrewdness/ smartness/ cunning 21. prudence/ carefulness/ caution/ 谨慎,小心 二.表示“不好”的品质、性格等方面的词语 1. immorality 不道德; hypocrisy /dishonesty虚伪hypocritical /dishonest虚伪的,伪善的 2. deception /fraud/ trickery /cheat /lie /betrayal /humbug /swindle / hoax/ trick/mislead/ coax/ deceit/ lie 欺骗;欺诈;哄骗 3. fiction/illusion / legend/ tales /fantasy/myth/anecdote 虚构,假想 4. slyness 狡猾,fox 狡猾的人, abjection 悲惨,下流,卑鄙 5. guilt 罪行,内疚; anxiety/worry/apprehension / 焦虑,着急; gloom/sadness/grief /melancholy /dismal 忧郁,郁闷,悲伤 6. irresponsibility 不负责任; insecurity 不安全/ terrorism 恐怖 7. cruelty / bloodiness/ brutality 残忍,残酷, 8. discrimination/ bias/ prejudice/ injustice/ inequality/ unfairness歧视,偏见,不公平;grievance 冤枉,委屈,不平 抽象名词归纳(二) 9. agony/ misery/ sadness/ distress/ pain /suffering/ anguish/ grief / sorrow /woe / grief 痛苦,伤害, 悲哀 10. abuse 滥用,虐待,辱骂,毁谤;misuse 误用 11. timidity 胆怯,胆小; shyness/ coyness; coward ness 胆小鬼 12. disorder /disturbance/ mess/ chaos混乱,骚乱,失调,疾病 13. rage / anger/ fury/ annoyance /anguish/irritation 生气,怒火; indignation义愤填膺,愤慨 14. handicap/barrier/obstacle/ hindrance/ barricade/problem 障碍,阻碍,问题 15. crisis/ crunch/ pinch危机,匮乏; deficit / shortage /lack /scarcity / deficiency /scanty 缺乏,不足; for want/lack of 因为缺乏 16. contempt/ despise /scorn 轻视,蔑视 17. superstition 迷信; disorder/ mess/trouble/chaos 无秩序,混乱 18. plague/disaster/accident/catastrophe/mishap/calamity/tragedy祸害,灾难,事故;victim 受害者;casualty 伤亡,死亡;/mortality 死亡率; 19. restriction/limitation/ confinement/restraint 限制,制约,抑制


英语中习惯用抽象概念表达具体的事物,抽象思维较突出;而汉语中更习惯运用形象的方法表达抽象的概念。这经常表现为英语常常使用抽象名词来表达答复杂的理性概念,而汉语会用解释性或描述性较强的词语来表述抽象的意义。抽象名词的翻译方法有以下几种: 1. 直接翻译成汉语中对等的抽象名词 由于英汉两种语言中都有抽象名词(当然,较之英语,汉语中的抽象名词要少得多),因此可以直接将英语中的抽象名词翻译成汉语中的抽象名词)。例如: If he had the courage,he would go to the police station and re- port the whole case.如果他有勇气的话,他就会去警察局报案。 2. 转化词类 a.英语中某些由形容词转化来的抽象名词可以直接转译成形容词,比较符合汉语的表达习惯。例如: If one considers the enormous variety of courses offered,it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course most suited to his interests and abilities.如果想一想那些设置的种类繁多的课程,我们不难发现,学生要选一门符合自己兴趣和能力的课程是多么困难。 The hard facts have shown the objectivity and correctness of the report.铁一般的事实证明了这一报告是客观而正确的。 b.有动作意味的抽象名词及某些由动词转化来的抽象名词可以转译成动词,表意更清楚。例如:The sight and sound of our jet planes fitted me with special longing.看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的声音,令我特别神往。(都是有动作意味的名词)

Unit 3 词法翻译 - 具体法和抽象法

Unit 3. Translation Techniques of Words and Expressions 词法翻译(1) Overview Skill:Extension Outline of this unit 1. Frequent cases in word translation 词法翻译的四种情况 2. Steps in word translation 四步法 3. Extension 引申翻译(由具体到抽象;由抽象到具体) Frequent cases in word translation 词法翻译的四种情况 单词翻译的最基本要求是无错。 四种常见情况: (1)已知无疑 (2)已知有疑 (3)未知已有 (4)未知未有 (1)已知无疑 遇到的单词或表达是自己知道的,而且把自己知道的译法用在当前句子中很合适。 I didn?t have breakfast this morning. 已经知道I是…我?,breakfast是…早饭?,this morning是…今天早上?。 全句翻译为: (2)已知有疑 句中的单词是认识的,但是知道的译法在当前句子中感觉不太对。 We need to consider the economics of climate change. 句中的economics,一般作为…经济学?解释。但这样译语意不通畅:?我们需要考虑气候变化的经济学。 第二个环节往往出错最多。 原因: 一、虽然知道的词义不合适,但似乎勉强可以,于是没有去查阅工具书; 二、明知不合适,但又不去查。 (3)未知已有 单词是生词,经过查阅工具书,解决了问题。这里的关键是以最快的方式找到合适的译法。(稍后和第2点一起分析。) (4)未知未有 这种情况指工具书上查不到的单词。这种情况不做详细探讨;实际工作中,可以向
