





2008年: 考查抽烟与广告的关系

2007年: 考查休息/睡眠与人精力的关系

2006年: 考查安全措施与交通事故的关系

2005年: 考查环境污染与饮用水的保护

2004年: 考查电子邮件的作用及所带来问题

2003年: 考查香港老一代与青年人之间的代沟
























Globally, most smokers start smoking before the age of 18,with almost a quarter of those beginning before t he age of 10.


The younger children are when they first trying smoking, the more likely they are to become regular tobacco users and the less likely they are to quit.


A strong link between advertising and smoking in young people has been proven.


The more aware and appreciative young people are of tobacco advertising, the more likely they are to smoke or say they intend to.


As a result, the tobacco industry spends billions of dollars worldwide each year spreading its marketing net as widely as possible to attract young customers.


Tobacco companies market their products wherever youth can be easily accessed---in the movies, on the Internet, in fashion magazines, and at music concerts and sports events.

烟草公司的产品在年轻人很容易得到的所有场所销售――电影院、互联网、时尚杂志以及音乐会和体育比赛。(烟草公司在电影院、互联网、时尚杂志以及音乐会和体育赛事的产品在年轻人很容易得到的所有场所销售――)In response to this threat, World No Tobacco Day 2008 campaigns for a:Total ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship by the tobacco industry.



Getting a proper amount of rest is absolutely essential for building your energy resources.


If you frequently work far into night or have a poor sleep, it stands to reason that you may start feeling a little run down.


Though everybody is different, most people need at least seven to eight hours at night in order to function at their best.


If you have been lacking energy, try going to bed earlier at night.


If you can wake up feeling well-rested, it will be an indication that you are staring to get an appropriate amount of sleep at night.


I f you sleep more than eight hours every night but still don’t feel energetic, you may actually be getting too much sleep.


Once in a while, you are bound to have nights where you don’t get an adequate amount of sleep.


When your schedule permits you can also consider taking a short sleep during the day, for sometimes taking a nap is the perfect way to recharge your batteries.



Each year in the United States more people are killed or injured in accidents---at home, at work or school, at play, or while traveling---than were

killed or injured in the Vietnam war.


In the early 1990’s, about half of these accidental deaths were the results of motor-vehicle accidents.


Other major causes of these accidental deaths were falls, fires, and poisoning.


On a worldwide basis, accidents involving motor-vehicles are the primary causes of accidental deaths, followed by accidents in industry and in the homes.


Efforts to lessen or to eliminate the hazardous conditions that cause accidents are known as safety measures.


Safety is a growing concern around the world, and safety skills are being taken more seriously today than ever before.


People have come to realize that safety skills can be learned, and more safety experts agree that it’s possible to predict, and take steps to prevent the majority of accidents.



Few accidents simply “happen”. Most are caused by ignorance, carelessness, neglect, or lack of skill.



Drinking water and water for domestic use often come from groundwater.


考查重点:come from“来自,源自”需转译成“取自”,以表示人类的生存活动。

In order to protect this water, local water authorities can apply to local administrative authorities to mark certain locations as water protection areas.


考查重点:此句含有两个动词不定式短语作目的状语,需前后分置。this water指代前一句ground water。apply to:向···提出申请。local administrative authorities

“地方行政当局”可译成“地方政府”。certain locations中的locations意指“特


The size of these areas is calculated in such a way that the quantity of groundwater taken from them corresponds to the actual rainfall going into them.


考查重点:主句谓语的被动语态is calculated in···way应译成主动语态“用···方法计算”。状语中such···that···结构不能直译成“如此的···以至于···”,由


以in such a way可译成“用下列方法”。连词that的意思不必译出,所引导的

状语从句可译成way的同位语,其中所包含的两个限制性的后置定于taken from

them和going into them均需译成前置定语。从句的主句为quantity,谓语为

correspond(to)(相一致,相当于),宾语为the actual rainfall(实际的降雨)。


思完整。句首的size不能译成“大小”,而应译成“面积”,如 a city of large land


In the water protection areas certain uses of the land and activities on the land are banned or restricted.


考查重点:运用减词法将the water和the land结构中的定冠词the的意思在翻译中略去。


Water protection areas fall into three zones.


考查重点:fall into意为“分成”,该结构因不及物动词fall而不能用于被动语态,但却含有被动意味。译成中文时不必用被动态。zones意为(按特定用途划分的)(地)

区,如war/fire/parking zones:战区/火区/停车区。

Zone 3 is the outermost zone with a diameter of 4 kilometers around the groundwater well.


考查重点:zone 3 即the third zone,应译成“第三区”。the outermost zone:最外围的区,可译成“外区”。with+名词+介词短语构成的独立主格结构在句中作伴随状况

的状语,其中with a diameter of ···around···well不能译成“围绕···水井


Here no chemical works or the use of pesticides (杀虫剂)are allowed.


考查重点:副词here(在这里)所意指的地点需译出,“在该区”。no···or···are allowed 结构应调整语序译成主动“不准/不得···或···”。根据增词法在chemical works


Zone 2 is determined around the so-called 50-day line.


考查重点:determine在本句中意为“确定”,如:determine the precise meaning of a word:确定某词准确的词义。被动语态is determined可译成主动态。

It is assumed that after 50 days in the groundwater harmful bacteria will have died off.


考查重点:It’s assumed可译成“据(主观)认为”,也可增加主语people而译成主动语态“人们认为”。从句中的谓语will have died off为将来完成时态,表示到将来


Here settlements and fertilizer storage are forbidden.


考查重点:对here和被动结构are forbidden的处理方法与第6句中的相同。可数的复数名词settlements意指小的居民点,进行词性转换译成动宾结构“修建住宅”。名词短语fertilizer storage词性转换成动宾结构“储存化肥”。

Zone 1 marks the ten-meter boundary around the well.


考查重点:动词mark意为“标示、表示···的位置,标出···的界限”。boundary意为“界限、分界线”。ten-meter boundary转译成“十米以内的区域”。

Here, any use of the land, as well as access by unauthorized persons, is forbidden.


考查重点:并列连词as well as意为“和、与···一样”,它所引导的插入成份可转译成并列分句。两个名词use和access转译成动词“使用”和“进入”。作前置定



One of the really nice features about e-mails is that they allow us to send files as attachments to other users.


考查重点:nice features “好的特点”转译为“优点”。allow us to do“允许我们干”转译为“使我们能够干”,send files as attachments“把文件作为附件寄发”转译为“以


This is a very good thing.If I’m working with a colleague and want to send him an image file or a word file,I can do so very quickly and easily,without having to fax it to him.


考查重点:if条件可译成“当…时”。如If I feel any doubt ,I inquire.我感到有疑惑时就询问。

条件句中有and连接的并列结构可分译。主句中的副词quickly and easily可转



This saves on long distance bills and printing costs.


考查重点:save on (sth)节省(某物),这里用on是由于save用作不及物动词,如可说

save on material 节省材料。distance bills转译成“长途费用”.

It also,however,presents a problem,because attachments can take a long time to download.


考查重点:it所指代的东西需译出。However译成汉语需置于句首,与上一句相成转折关系。attachments can take a long time to download在翻译中需适当调整语序:“下


For those of us who pay by the hour for Internet service,unwanted attachments can be quite costly and time-consuming.


考查重点:those of us中的those译成“这些”,所带的限制性定语从句应译成前置定语,以示与我们中的其他人有别。pay by the hour按小时支付,根据构词法将the

在翻译中略去。Unwanted本身含有“多余的”之意,用在此较为贴切。costly and


I once had someone send me fifteen large image files,and it tied up my computer for 20 minutes just to download one of them.


考查重点:have sb do sth,使某人做某事。在本句中had someone send me不能直译成“使某人给我传送……”应反过来译成“接收到……”。tied up my computer for 20 minutes 不宜直译成“占用我的电脑达20分钟”而应译成“我的电脑用了20分钟(时间)”。

So,in short,if you’re going to send an attachment,get permission first.所以,简言之,如果你要发附件给别人的话,事先一定要征得对方的许可。




The generation gap is so great in Hong Kong that the teenagers there rarely turn to their parents or teachers for advice on anything.


重点:so…that句型应该译为如此……以至于;非常…竟…。turn to sb.求助于某人。Advice on sth.对某事物的意见或忠告。Rarely极少,难得。

Whether it be sex, AIDS, school worries or family problems, adults are not considered up to the job.


重点:whether引导让步状语从句,省略情态动词may。后半句被动,应译为主动。up to sth.胜任或有资格干某事。

Until now, no one has asked Hong Kong youth, “What do you think?”


Some understanding of the emotions of Hong Kong’s youth, however, has come from the work of Dr. Jeffrey Day-at the University of Hong Kong.

然而,香港大学的杰弗里·戴博士所做的研究使我们对香港年轻人的情感有了一些了解。重点:此句翻译应用逆序法。Some understanding of sth.对某事物的一些了解。

His survey of young people does not focus, for example, on how many drugs they take-but tries to answer the question why.


重点:not…but…不是…而是…。focus on 集中(注意力)于。answer the question why找到原因所在。

Dr. Day hopes the results, which he plans to explain in full next week, will reveal what troubles-as well as pleases-today’s high-school students.


重点:本句包含非限制性定语从句,宜采用长句拆译法,把从句译成平行分句。In full全部地,不简略地。

Conclusions will be passed on not only to government departments but back to the schools which took part.


重点:被动语态翻译中“被”字予以省略。Pass ( sth ) on to (sb)把(某事物)传给(某人)。

Which took part这些学校参加这项调查。


在职考研英语作文模板 考研英语大作文占20分,要求考生根据提示信息写出一篇160~200词的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。提示信息的形式有主题 句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等。以下是小编为您整理的在职考研英语作文模板相关资料,欢迎阅读! 一、首段 第一段四个句子,第一句宏观描述图画,并谈图画看似可笑但发人深思;第二句写出图画最强烈的视觉效果;第三句是主题句,用二十个单词的句子谈该现象对个人的发展和进步有破坏性,并引发思考;第四句是用贬义词批判这个现象是强烈的指责。 1、As isvividly depicted in the picture, which seems to be humorous and ridiculous butthought-provoking on second thoughts. 2、Themost striking feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelievably, 3、Recentfew years has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题which seemsto be disastrous to individual survival and prosperity. 4、Thisphenomenon of 主题should be condemned severely or madeillegal. 二、中间段落 中间段落从两方面论证问题的危害,并举例论证,预测危害的趋势。 第二段七个句子,首先第一句从宏观上谈这种现象总的有两到三个点危害或者原因;第二句谈这个现象的第一个危害,用“not only, but also”的五星级句子,通常是谈对个人身心健康的危害性;第三个句子谈第二个危害,通常是用一个豪华级的比较级的句子,让老师耳目一新,


The pearl 吉纳,一位穷渔夫,刚发现了一颗非常大而且非常珍贵的珍珠,准备去最近的城镇把它卖掉。他急切需要钱给刚给蝎子螫伤的孩子看病。吉纳发现珍珠前,他---一位可以看病的医生拒绝给孩子治病,因为吉纳付不起治疗费。 一个小镇就像个集群动物,有神经系统头肩膀和肢。它与其他城镇不想连。因此没有两座城镇是相似的。城镇里还有完整的感情。要知道消息是怎样传遍整个小镇的可是个难解之谜。消息传得似乎比小男孩冲出去告诉别人的速度还快,比女人隔着篱笆大声说消息的速度还要快。? 在吉纳胡安纳和其他渔夫回到吉纳的茅草屋前,小镇的神经正随着消息--吉纳发现了世界上最大的珍珠--传播而奔腾,跳动。跑得气喘吁吁的小男孩还没说出这个消息,母亲们早已知晓了。消息席卷而过茅草屋,激起波浪泡沫,然后冲进镇里的石头灰泥瓦房里。消息传到正在花园里散步的牧师,他的眼中露出若有所思的表情,他想起教堂的有些地方该维修了,他纳闷珍珠值多少钱。他想知道是否为吉纳的婴儿施过洗礼,或是否主持过他的结婚仪式。消息传到零售商那儿的时候,他们看着卖的不太好的男式衣服。?? 消息传到医生那儿的时候,他正在给一位妇人看病,这位夫人的疾病其实就是“年龄太老的问题”,尽管他们两人都不承认这点。弄清楚谁是吉纳后,医生变得严肃认真而又明智起来。医生说,“他是我的一个病人,我在给他的孩子治疗被蝎子螫伤的伤口。”眼珠在肿眼泡的眼眶内转来转去,医生想起巴黎,想起那他住过的既宽敞又豪华的房间。越过他的老年病人,医生仿佛看见自己坐在巴黎的一家餐馆,男侍者正在打开酒瓶。 消息早早地传到了教堂前乞讨者,他们咯咯地高兴地笑着,因为他们知道没有比突然


第10章Division(拆译法) 10.1 复习笔记 In division, we have to determine where to divide, how to divide, what the subject or the predicate of the new clause or sentence should be, and how to rearrange various parts of the original sentence. These may involve such techniques as Conversion, Addition and Inversion. 拆分时要注意以下问题:在哪里拆分,怎样拆分,新的从句或句子的主语、谓语分别是什么,以及如何重新组织这些部分。这里涉及到的技巧有转换法、增补法和倒置法。 一、Picking Out of Words(拆译单词) It is advisable to pick out those words which are hard to reproduce in the original structure and expand them into Chinese word groups, clauses or sentences. There are usually three steps to deal with such words: 翻译过程中,如果一个单词的意义很难用汉语在原有句法框架下表达出来,就可以把该单词抽取出来,并将其扩展为汉语词组、从句或句子。具体操作步骤如下: 1. Determine which word(s) to pick out; 确定需要抽取出来的单词; 2. Apply Conversion or Addition, if necessary, to make the translated version smooth and well-connected; 必要时运用转换法或增补法,使译文流畅、通顺;


2017年在职研究生考研英语二真题及答案解析 考研教育英语教研室 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.


Lesson One: The Time Message Elwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look a head, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control! 译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。例如,在一个学期的开始,你或许觉得你有许多时间,但到学期快要结束时,你会突然发现时间快用光了,你甚至找不出时间把所有你必须干的事情干完,这样你就紧张了。答案是什么呢?控制。 2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem. 译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。所以,你必须成为时间的主人,而不是它的奴仆,作为刚入学的大学生,妥善安排时间是你的头等大事。 3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice. 译:时间是珍贵的,浪费时间是个坏习惯,这就像毒品一样,你越浪费时间,就越容易继续浪费下去,如果你真的想充分利用上大学的机会,你就应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。 Message1. Control time from the beginning. 4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the Beginning of the term. 译:抓紧时间就是抓紧当前的时间,不要把事情推到明天或是下周,在学期开始就开始计划。 Message2. Get the notebook habit. 5 Go and buy a notebook today, Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the Plan for the following week.


考研英语翻译技巧之英译汉 汉英互译一直是考研英语中的难点,小编整理英译汉中常涉及的难点提出一些建议,并以实际案例进行解析,帮助大家掌握英译汉的翻译技巧,快速掌握英译汉,为考研成功进行最后的冲刺。 难点 1.多为长难句 英译汉句子平均的单词量在30个左右,而且结构复杂,修饰成分多,考生很容易因没有理清句子结构而造成翻译得南辕北辙的现象。 2.需要联系上下文来理解词义 考研英语的英译汉是给你一篇文章,然后从中划出5个句子,因此就必须把词句的含义放到原文中来理解,切不可断章取义,有的词语翻译出来的意思与其本意可能会有不同,这正是英译汉要考察的要点之一。 建议 首先要拥有一定的单词量,背单词不能只知道其常用的意思,还应知道其作为其它属性或者完全与本意看似不相关的其他含义,这样才能在联系上下文翻译的时候对单词的含义做到触类旁通;其次,要有对长难句的“免疫”能力,可以在做阅读题的时候,把典型的复杂长难句记下来,试着划分句子结构,做到熟能生巧。最后,平时可以多看一些英文文章,培养一下语感,有助于对句子含义的整体把握。 真题解析 Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written on the ANSWER SHEET(10 points)(2014年考研英语真题Part C) Music means different things to different people and sometimes even different things to the same person at different moments of his life. It might be poetic, philosophical, sensual, or mathematical, but in any case it must, in my view, have something to do with the soul of the human being. Hence it is metaphysical; but the means of expression is purely and exclusively physical: sound. I believe it is precisely this permanent coexistence of metaphysical message through physical means that is the strength of music。(46)It is also the reason why when we try to


1.alter /’?:lt?/ v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst / b?:st/ vi. n.突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose / dis’p?uz/ vi. 除掉,处置,解决,处理 (of) 4.blast / blɑ:st/ n. 爆炸,气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume / k?n’sju:m/ v.消耗,耗尽 6.split / split/ v.劈开,割裂,分裂a. 裂开的 7.spill / spil/ v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 8.slip /slip/ v. 滑动,滑落,忽略 9.slide /slaid/ v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动,滑面; 幻灯 片 10. spit /spit/ v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 11.bacteria /b?k ‘ti?ri?/ n. 细菌 12. breed /bri:d/ n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13. budget /b?‘d?it/ n.预算v.编预算,作安排 14.candidate / ‘k?ndid eit/ n. 候选人 15.campus / ‘k?mp?s/ n. (大学)校园 16.liberal / ‘lib?r?l/ n.开明人士adj.慷慨的,大方 的 17. transform /t r?ns ‘f?:m/ v.转变,变革;变换 18.transmit / ‘tr?nsimit/ v.传播,播送;传递 19.transplant /tr?ns ‘pla:nt/ v. 移植 20.transport /tr?ns ‘p?:t/ vt. 运输,运送n. 运输, 运输工具 21. shift /?ift/ v. 转移,转动;转变 22.vary / ‘v?ri/ v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish / ‘v?ni?/ vi. 消灭,消失,不见 24.swallow / ‘sw?l?u/ v.吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25. suspicion /s?s ‘pi??n/ n. 怀疑,疑心 26. suspicous /s?s ‘pi??s/ adj.怀疑的,可疑的 27. mild /maild/ adj. 温暖的,温和的;温柔的,味淡 的 28.tender / ‘tend?/ adj. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance / ‘nju:s?ns/ n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人 或事) 30. insignificanct / ,insig ‘nifis?nt/ adj. 无意义 的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31.accelerate /?k ‘sel? reit/ v. 加速,促进 32.absolute / ‘?bs?lu:t/ v. adj. 绝对的,无条件的; 完全的 33.boundary / ‘baund?ri/ n. 分界线,边界 34. brake /breik/ n. 刹车,制动器v.刹车 35.catalog / ‘k?t?l?g/ n.目录(册) v.编目 36. vague /veig/ adj. 模糊的,不明确的 37. vain /vein/ n. 徒劳,白费 38.extinct /iks ‘ti?kt/ adj. 灭绝的,熄灭的 39.extraordinary / iks’tr?:din?ri/ adj. 不平常的,特 别的,非凡的 40.extreme /iks iks’tri:m/ adj.极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41.agent / ‘eid?int/ n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42.alcohol / ‘?lk?h?l/ n. 酒精,含酒精的饮料 43. appeal /?‘pi:l/ vi./n. 呼吁,恳求 44. appreciate / ?’pri:?ieit/vt.重视,赏识,欣赏 45. approve /?’pru:v/ v.赞成,同意,批准 46.stimulate / ‘stimjuleit/ vt. 刺激,鼓励 47. acquire/ ?’kwai?/ vt.取得,获得;学到 48. accomplish/ ?’k?mpli?/ vt.完成,到达;实行 https://www.360docs.net/doc/fa6694063.html,work / ‘netw?:k/ n. 网状物;广播网,电视网; 网络 50. tide/taid/ n.潮汐;潮流 51.tidy/ ‘taidi/ adj.整洁的,整齐的 52. trace /treis/ vt.追踪,找到n.痕迹,踪迹 53.torture/ ‘t?:t??/ n./vt. 拷打,折磨 54.wander/ ‘w?nd?/ vi.漫游,闲逛 55. wax/w?ks/ n.蜡 56. weave/wi:v/ v.织,编 57.preserve /pri ‘z?:v/ v.保护,保存,保持,维持 58. abuse/?‘bju:z/ v.滥用,虐待;谩骂 59.academic /?k ‘demik/ adj.学术的;高等院校 的;研究院的 60. academy / ?’k?d?mi/ n.(高等)专科院校;学会 61.battery /’b?t?ri/ 电池(组) 62.barrier /’ b?ri?/ 障碍;棚栏 63.cargo /’ ka:g?u/ (船/飞机等装载的)货物 64. career /k?’ri?/ 生涯,职业 65.vessel /’ves?l/ 船舶;容器,器皿;血管 66.vertical /’v?:tik?l/ 垂直的 67. oblige /?b’laid?/ 迫使,责成;使感激 68. obscure /?bs’kju/ 阴暗,模糊 69.extent /iks’tent/ 程度,范围;大小,限度 70.exterior /iks’ti?ri?/ 外部,外表 a.外部的,外表 的 71.external /eks’t?n?l/ a.外部的,外表的,外面的 72.petrol /’petr?l/n.汽油 73.petroleum /pi’tr?uli?m/ n.石油 74.delay /di’lei/ vt./n推迟,延误,耽搁. 75.decay /di’kei/ vi.腐烂,腐朽 76.decent /’dis?nt/ a.像样的,体面的 77. route /ru:t/ n. 路;路线;航线 78. ruin /ruin/ v.毁坏,破坏n.毁灭[pl.]废墟 79. sake /seik/ n.缘故,理由 80. satellite /s?t?’lait/ n.卫星 81. scale /skeil/ n.大小,规模;等级;刻度 82.temple /’templ/n.庙宇

综合英语 1 课后翻译答案精编版

Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he may confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad experience touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common) People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在3年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。(give in to) He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。(lock away) We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助。(part) Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we used to. 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。(summon) At the critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期3天的友好访问。(head) A government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa yesterday, starting a three-day friendly visit to the country. 2.看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。(awfully funny) It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills. 3.计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在屏幕上显示出来。(show on a screen) Computers are one of the most useful teaching tools, for all your lessons as well as all the questions and all the answers can be shown on a screen. 4.张利的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人请来医生。(send for) Zhang Li’s mother fell ill the day before yesterday, so he sent for a doctor immediately.


在职人士考研英语复习全攻略 要想解决在职人员复习考研英语这个问题,首先,应该了解一下我们广大的在职人群复习考研英语所面临的三个方面的主要困境。 第一个方面就是远离英语学习的课堂。因为很多在职的人士可能已经离开大学有一段时间了,而且对于很多不是英语专业的人士来说,在大学期间,就在大一、大二的时候上过正规的英语课,到了大三、大四就没有上过任何的英语课程了,现在又工作了一段时间,英语放下的时间是比较长。对正规的正常的英语课堂已经有一定的距离感了。 第二个方面就是时间问题。也是在职人士复习考研英语的重要障碍。因为毕竟对于大多数的在职人士来说,完全辞职,全心全意地投入到考研英语的复习和考研其他课程如政治,英语,专业课的复习,不是太现实。有些人可能请一段时间的假,但是假的时间,也就最多一个月左右,而且这一个月的假很多人是在考前最后一个月才能请下来。 第三个方面就是干扰比较多的问题。毕竟上了班以后,你所接触的社会,所交往的人群,它的复杂程度是远远大于在校的大学生的。在校大学生的任务很简单,基本上就是学习。而对于我们广大的在职人群来说,可能平常有些社会活动,会有些人际交往,有些应酬,甚至还要加班,出差。那么在这样一个情况下,就不能像在校大学生那样,抽出大块的整块的时间来复习考研英语。 因此,大家必须要按照一个有系统性的做法坚持地做下去,这样即便是你的时间不是很充足,即便是你远离正规的英语课堂有一定的时间,最后在考研英语的过程中还是会有个比较好的效果的.为什么要这么说呢?大家要知道,在考研英语复习的过程中,在职人士我刚才说到的面临这样三个缺点,或者是面临三个这样的困难:远离正规的课堂,可能干扰的时间会比较多,但是我要告诉大家的另外一点是什么呢?由于对于我们广大的在职人士来说,生活的阅历和年龄的成长,你的理解力,你对于事物的洞察能力一定是强于在校大学生的。这一点在考研英语复习过程中应该说是一个比较强的优势,我们要把这样一个优势转化成确确实实的分数,最后体现下来。 那么我们在职人员复习考研英语的时候,需要注意哪些问题呢?新东方在线周雷老师提醒大家注意以下几点。 第一点,"化整为零",高效利用时间。由于大家大块的英语学习的时间比较宝贵,可能都没有。这个情况下,要学会利用边边角角的时间来学习英语。 要过的第一关肯定是复习单词了。对于很多的在职人员来说,这个问题很难解决。因为自己没有时间去背单词,平常工作很忙,下班了还要应付家里的一些事。这个时候怎么办呢,我建议你把一些边边角角的时间给利用起来。 我在这个地方举两个我们真正学员的例子。有一个学员为了背单词,他把自己所有的不熟悉的考研英语单词大纲中的单词,全都打在一个word文档里,然后把word文档保存在自己办公室电脑上。平常工作的间隙,有事儿没事儿就翻开,一行一行地翻看这些单词。就通过这样子一个反复看和记的过程呢,他在上班的时候,也基本上把英文单词复习差不多了。还有一个例子,另外一个在职的复习考研的同学,他复习考研的时间也很紧张。他每天上下班开


湖北省高等教育自学考试课程考试大纲 课程名称:商务英语翻译课程代码:05355 第一部分课程性质与目标 一、课程性质与特点 商务英语翻译是湖北省高等教育自学考试商务英语专业(专科)的一门专业基础课。该课程实践性强,注重专业知识,以课文的英译汉为主要内容,配以翻译理论和互译技巧的讲解,将英语学习与商务专业知识、英汉翻译理论与商务方面的实际应用等有机结合。本课程具备科学性,典型性,实用性,并紧扣全国国际商务专业技术资格考试中的规定的相关内容,理论联系实际,针对性强。 二、课程目标及基本要求 本课程较全面的涉及到了商务英语活动的各方面,讲解相关内容的翻译方法与技巧,增强翻译技能,通过大量全真的英汉互译的实例训练以达到提高本专业学生在专业英语及商务知识方面的翻译能力的目的。 通过本课程的学习,使学生能够全面、灵活地运用各种翻译方法和技巧,准确、完整地对各种商务英语体裁的文章进行翻译,达到商务英语专业大学专科的要求。 三、与本专业其他课程的关系 商务英语翻译课程的前期课程有综合英语(上)、商务英语听说、商务英语阅读、商务英语写作等课程,其后续课程是综合英语(下)、商务函电等课程,这些课程紧密联系,相辅相成。 第二部分考核内容与考核目标 第一单元 一、学习目的与要求 通过本单元的学习,使学生了解翻译的过程,翻译的形式及其目的;掌握《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的有关内容;对国际商务合同的术语翻译和解读。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 (一)翻译中的词类转换;翻译的形式(重点) 理解:词类转换: 1.英语名词转化为汉语动词 1)动物名词的转化 2)人体名词的转换 3)自然现象名词的转化 4)地点名词的转化 2.英语名词转为为汉语形容词、副词 应用:翻译的形式 (1)直译literal translation (2)意译free translation (3)活译dynamic equivalence translation


英语翻译技巧之英译汉的八处注意事 项

英语翻译技巧之英译汉的八处注意事项 ~从细节处把握翻译~ 要真正掌握英译汉的技巧并非易事。这是因为英译汉时会遇到各种各样的困难;首先是英文理解难,这是学习、使用英文的人的共同感觉,由于两国历史、文化、风俗习惯的不同,因此一句英文在英美人看来顺理成章,而在中国人看来却是颠颠倒倒、断断续续,极为别扭。二是中文表示难,英译汉有时为了要找到一个合适的对等词汇,往往被弄得头昏眼花,好象在脑子里摸一个急于要开箱子的钥匙,却没有。另外,英译汉时对掌握各种文化知识的要求很高,因为我们所翻译的文章,其内容可能涉及到极为广博的知识领域,而这些知识领域多半是我们不大熟悉的外国的事情,如果不具备相应的文化知识难免不出现一些翻译中的差错或笑话。正是因为英译汉时会遇到这么多的困难,因此,我们必须经过翻译实践,对英汉两种不同语言的特点加以对比、概况和总结,以找出一般的表示规律来,避免出现一些不该出现的翻译错误,而这些表示的规律就是我们所说的翻译技巧。 一、词义的选择和引伸技巧 英汉两种语言都有一词多类和一词多义的现象。一词多类就是指

一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义;一词多义就是同一个词在同一词类中又往往有几个不同的词义。在英译汉的过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后,就要善于运用选择和确定原句中关键词词义的技巧,以使所译语句自然流畅,完全符合汉语习惯的说法;选择确定词义一般能够从两方面着手: 1、根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义 They are as like as two peas .她们相似极了。(形容词)He likes mathematics more than physics .她喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。(动词) Wheat, oat, and the like are cereals .小麦、燕麦等等皆系谷类。(名词) 2、根据上下文联系以及词在句中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义。He is the last man to come .她是最后来的。 He is the last person for such a job .她最不配干这个工作。 He should be the last man to blame.怎么也不该怪她。 This is the last place where I expected to meet you .我怎么也没料到会在这个地方见到你。 词义引伸是我们英译汉时常见的技巧之一。翻译时,有时会遇到某些词在英语辞典上找不到适当的词义,如果任意硬套或逐词死


2011年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语试题 PartⅡ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11. This crime fiction was _______very popular but nobody reads it today. A. once B. ever C. never D. always 12. American woman were ________the right to vote until 1920. A. ignored B. refused C. deprived D. denied 13. Experts have _____ with effective measures to prevent the disease from spreading. A. caught up B. put up C. come up D. kept up 14. We cannot trust Steve any more because he often ____his duty. A. cancels B. abandons C. deserts D. neglects 15. In the early 1980s, though Coke was the leading soft drink, it was losing market _______to Pepsi. A. part B. share C. place D. ratio 16. There is no cure for the disease yet, but these drugs can ______its development. A. break down B. take down C. slow down D. track down 17. In the desert, even a small cup of water may be a ______of life or death. A. business B. matter C. fact D. thing 18. S he had yet become accustomed ______ the fact that she was a rich woman. A. for B. with C. about D. to 19. The organization has published a ________ digest of environmental statistics for five years. A. regular B. frequent C. random D. fixed 20. I want to see the old part of the town where the essence of Beijing is best _____. A. observed B. reserved C. preserved D. conserved 21. Reporters rushed to the airport after the CNN reported that nine passengers ______by a ―terrorist‖ on the plane. A. were holding B. hold C. had held D. were being held 22. Not long ______she registered a new number, she received five calls in one day. A. afterwards B. after C. ago D. since 23. Nice words may win friends, but only one’s good personality can hold ______. A. it B. those C. that D. them 24. It was _______ the chief engineer came _______we began the experiment. A. not until ; that B. not until ; then C. until ; that D. until ; when 25. About fifty million Americans are active in ________ is called fitness walking. A. that B. which C. what D. something 26. We waited for the decision for the whole afternoon, only _______ to return the next day. A. to be told B. were told C. being told D. having been told


实用综合英语第一册复习题 Ⅰ、单选 1. USA Today is known as America’s newspaper and is _______ to all 50 states. A. contributed B. distributed C. attributed D. tributed 2. The aim of the newspaper is to ________ its readers ________ all the information they need to successfully run their businesses. A. supply… with B. supply… to C. supply… for D. supply… as 3. The New York Times is an American daily newspaper ________ in New York City. A. feature B. supply C. published D. distinguish 4. About half of the museums in the USA ____________ history. A. are divided to B. are divided in C. are devoted to D. are devoted in 5. Scientists believe they may have discovered the secret of why women ________ to live longer than men. A. intend B. intends C. tends D. tend 6. Mary is interested in politics and always ______________ the latest news. A. keep in touch with B. keep from C. keep up with D. keep on with 7. Many newspapers __________ advertisement support for their survival. A. depend on B. depend in C. rely in D. rely on 8. We found ______ difficult for us to describe the details. A. he B. this C. that D. it 9. Louise Brown, ______ in England, is the world’s first test tube baby. A. bear B. was born C. born D. bearing 10. People _____ in cities can enjoy more of modern life A. live B. living C. lived D. are living 11. Companies trying to sell and products know that product research plays a vital role in sales success. A. buy B. deliver C. promote D. collect 12. conducting a survey about people’s favorite foods, they formed a special team. A. For the purpose of B. From the purpose of C. In order to D. With a purpose of 13. Consider how your lifestyle would change if your income by 50-60%. A. go down B. take down C. went down D. took down 14. Our project is designed to provide students with an opportunity to earn additional income and experience in their area of interest.
