

18-三体综合征又称Edwards 综合征,新生儿发病率为1/3500~1/5000。常常表现为多发畸形,死胎死产率极高。本研究通过回顾性分析2008年10月至2014年3月我院18-三体综合征胎儿的产前超声表现,探讨超声在18-三体综合征产前筛查中的应用价值。

1 资料与方法

1.1 研究对象


14例,经脐静脉穿刺术诊断6例),均为单胎,孕妇年龄为24~44岁,平均年龄32.9岁。1.2 仪器与方法

采用GE V oluson730、Philips IU22、GE E8型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,探头频率2.5~5MHz 。常规超声测量胎儿各生长参数,筛查胎儿结构异常及软指标等其他超声异常征象。发现可疑染色体异常的胎儿,经孕妇知情同意,在超声引导下,行羊膜腔穿刺或脐血管穿刺术,做常规染色体核型分析。

2 结果



韩璐 于华 荆春丽 冯丽云 王彦(大连市妇幼保健院,辽宁大连 116033)

[摘 要] 目的:探讨18-三体综合症胎儿的产前超声表现及超声检查临床价值。方法:回顾性分析20例经羊膜腔穿刺或脐血穿刺染色体核型检查确诊为18-三体综合征胎儿的超声表现。结果:确诊的20例18-三体综合征胎儿均有两个及以上异常超声表现,常见超声表现主要为心脏畸形15例(75%),其次是脉络丛囊肿,四肢骨骼或姿势异常,羊水多,还可见到胎儿生长受限,单脐动脉,草莓头,脐膨出,食道闭锁,胼胝体缺失、Dandy-Walker 畸形、侧脑室扩张、脐动脉血流S/D 升高、脐带囊肿1例、膈疝等。结论:产前超声筛查对18-三体综合征胎儿的产前检出具有重要意义。[关键词] 18-三体综合征;超声;产前诊断

中图分类号: R445.1 文献标识码: A 文章编号:2095-5200(2015)01-017-03DOI:10.11876/mimt201501006

Prenatal ultrasonography associated with fetuses of trisomy 18 syndrome HAN Lu, YU Hua, JING Chun-li, FENG Li-yun, WANG Yan. (Center of Prenatal Diagnosis, Dalian Maternal and Child Health hospital ,Liaoning 116031,China )

[Abstract] Objective :To investigate the sonographic appearances of fetuses with trisomy 18 syndrome and the clinical significance. Methods : The ultrasound findings of 20 cases of trisomy 18 confirmed by amniocentesis or cordocentesis were evaluated. Results : All of the 20 cases had at least 2 parts of sonographicanomalies. Fetal cardiac anomalies were the most common findings which accounted for 75% among all the cases. The less abnormal sonographic findings included choroid plexus cysts, short limbs measurement or abnormal gestures, polyhydramnios, The other abnormal sonographic findings included fetal growth restriction, singleumbilical artery, fetal head in the shape of strawberry, omphalocele, esophageal atresia ,absence of the corpus callosum ,Dandy—Walker syndrome ,ventriculomegaly,abnormal systolic/diastolic ratio(S/D)of umbilical artery,umbilical cord cyst ,diaphragmatichernia. Conclusion :The evaluation of prenatal ultrasound screening is effective for the Prenatal diagnosis fetus with trisomy 18.[Key words] Trisomy 18 syndrome ;U1trasonography ;Prenatal diagnosis

