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1. fitness n. 健康;合格

e. g. Now, how are you going to shape your lifestyle to improve your fitness?


I'm trying to improve my fitness by cycling to work.


【词性拓展】fit n. 合身;发作;痉挛

adj. 健康的;合适的;反义词为unfit

vt&vi 安装;使适应;适合

【词汇拓展】be fit for 适合(于),对……合适;胜任fitness equipment 健身器材

fitness center 健身中心fitness camp 健身训练营fitness test 健康检查批注:词汇联想记忆法。由healthy联想到fit,两者意思相当且常出现在选择题的同义词替换中。

2. fail vt.&vi. 失败;不及格;未能

e. g. He failed( = didn't pass)his English examination. 他的英语考试不及格。

The boys tried to climb the mountain, but they failed because of the bad weather.


【词性拓展】failure n.失败

【词汇拓展】fail to do sth. 未能做某事=be not able to do sth.=not do sth. =not manage to do sth.


3. upset adj. 心烦的;苦恼的

vt.&vi. (使)心烦意乱;弄翻

e. g. Mother will be upset if we don't let her know where we are.


I upset the soup all over the table. 我把汤打翻在桌子上。

John_______ _______ many sit-ups to keep fit.

3. Maria can jump higher than Rose. (保持句子原意)

Rose can't jump _________ _________ _________ Maria.

4. I haven't been to America. Neither have my parents. (保持句子原意)

I haven't been to America. My parents haven't, ___________.

5. He doesn't need to do much exercise. (改为肯定句)

He_______ _______ do much exercise.

Keys: 1-5 didn’t she; doesn’t do; as high as; either; needs to


I.Choose the best answers.(20分)

( ) 1.My cousin has a small garden many beautiful flowers.

A. of

B. with

C. about

D. in

( ) 2.This is an old house and there are only some pieces of furniture(家具) in it.

A. wood

B. woods

C. wooden

D. woodenly ( ) 3.My flat in Shanghai is different yours in Beijing in some ways.

A. on

B. from

C. for

D. in

( ) 4.Would you please give me drink? I'm thirsty. Anything will do.

A. many

B. any

C. some

D. other

( ) st summer, people planted __________ trees to make our city greener and more beautiful.

A. five millions

B. five millions of

C. five million

D. five million of ( ) 6.The room is a room where you can eat meals.

A. sitting room

B. living room

C. dining room

D. bedroom

( ) 7.Friday is the day of a week.

A. sixth

B. last

C. fifth

D. first

( ) 8.The river is .

A.150-metre long

B.150 meters long

C. long 150 meters

D. long 150-metre ( ) 9.There is an air conditioner the window in the room.

A. in

B. at

C. above

D. between

( ) 10.---Hello. Who __________? ---__________ Kitty speaking.

A. are you; I am

B. is that; This is

C. are you; This is

D. is this; It’s

( ) 11.Please listen to the teacher carefully. Don’t __________ the window.

A. look to

B. look at

C. look into

D. look out of ( )12.The Greens often relax (休憩) in the __________ and watch exciting films.

A. bedroom

B. kitchen

C. sitting room

D. bathroom ( )13.San has his __________ cows and sheep (牛羊). He is the __________ of a farm.
