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Based on the relevant background of e-commerce distribution mode in China, this paper explores the circulation model. In the research of this subject, the research method used is mainly the literature analysis method, and the research direction is oriented to the optimization of logistics distribution for the purpose of improving the competitiveness of enterprises. For the optimal choice of the distribution mode, the first choice is to select the optimal route on the distribution, so that the length of the line is continuously reduced, and the cost incurred by transportation is reduced as much as possible, so that higher economic benefits can be generated and the profit of the enterprise can be maximized. The goal is to provide better distribution services, reduce delivery time, improve the comfort of consumers in the shopping experience, and finally realize the strategic layout of B2C e-commerce in the real economy. This topic takes Jingdong as the research object, and carries out research work on the logistics distribution model constructed by it, and explores the economic benefits generated by its optimized model. As China's e-commerce system is gradually maturing, it presents a fierce competition in the market. Therefore, based on the purpose of improving the competitiveness of enterprises, it is necessary to put forward practical and feasible countermeasures in the mode optimization operation, so that the logistics distribution business and the enterprise interests can be organically combined. At the same time, we continue to improve at the service level, in order to achieve the goal of reducing operating costs and maximizing profits.

Key words:Jingdong; Distribution; Optimize operation


1 引言 (1)

1.1研究背景 (1)

1.2研究的意义 (1)

2 物流配送概述 (2)

2.1物流配送定义 (2)

2.2物流配送模式 (4)

2.2.1 第三方物流模式 (5)

2.2.2 物流一体化 (5)

2.2.3 共同配送模式 (5)

2.2.4企业自营物流模式 (6)

3 浅析企业的物流模式——以京东为例 (6)

3.1 京东发展现状概述 (6)

3.1.1京东无法监控第三方物流 (7)

3.1.2 保证配送服务的质量得不到保证 (7)

3.2 京东的物流模式 (7)

4 京东商城物流模式的对策建议 (8)

4.1将物流配送走出产业化 (8)

4.2 抓住市场先机——节假日 (9)

4.3 定位消费群体——学生 (9)

4.4 进行收费标准划分 (9)

4.5完善物流监控体系 (9)

4.6创新物流配送模式 (10)

结论 (10)

参考文献 (11)

致谢 (12)
