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连接副词: 常见位置:句首,表示解释的可以位于句中 用连接副词连接并列句时,在第一个分句后用分号,而在连接副词后用 逗号 表示让步:however, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the other hand, still 表示列举和补充:first(ly), second(ly), etc; finally, last; also, besides, furthermore, moreover, next, then, in addition 表示总结和结果: thus, therefore;as a result, consequently, hence, accordingly 表示总结:namely 转换话题:meanwhile 否定的条件:otherwise 表示对比:instead

第一句中有三个动作:原先打算不得不取 消使我很扫兴 第二句中有三个动作:弄不懂请教回答 第三句中有五个动作:考虑到遗留下来 所取得的尤为显著没有人可以否认

(1)他先前在南方参加某项工程建设。完工后,就去乔治岛 度假,享受高加索的阳光。他是昨天才回来的。

(a) He had flown in just the day before from Georgia where he had spent his vacation basking in Caucasian sun after the completion of the construction job in which he had been engaged in the South. (b) In the South he had been engaged in a construction job. After he completed the work he went to spend his vacation in Georgia. There he basked in Caucasian sun. And he had flown in just the day before.

并列句(Compound Sentences) 并列句包括两个或两个以上独立句,它们用以下三种方式连接在一起: i. 用分号连接 Some people like computers; others are afraid of modern technology. ii. 用逗号和括号内七个连词之一(并列连词and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet---boy fans) Students usually write with a computer, but I like writing by hand. iii. 用分号和连接副词,如furthermore, moreover, therefore等 Students usually write with a computer; however, I like writing by hand.
汉语语篇模式: a迂回式思维 b曲折起伏、隐喻含蓄、断续离合、迂回间来自百度文库 c由因到果、由先到后、由大到小 d具体一般型 (Particular-General Pattern)

英语语篇模式 : a概括—具体型(General-Specific Pattern) b问题解决型(Problem-Solution Pattern) c对照—匹配型(Matching-Pattern )
The Points to Be Highlighted
英汉句子结构对比 英汉段落结构对比 (中文:螺旋形上升,通 过反复强调提出主题;英文:直线型,有明 显的主题句) 英汉思维方式及语篇结构对比(中文:迂回 式,具体一般型;英文:直线型,一般具体 型)


(3) 总结句(Summary sentence) A.重述中心思想 ( Restating the main idea ) B.概括段落要点 ( Summarizing the main points ) C.最后阐述最重要的论点 ( Putting the most important point last ) D.以推论结束段落 ( Drawing an inference )

我原先打算七月一日去香港旅游,后来不得不取消, 这使我很扫兴。 It was keen disappointment that I had to cancel the visit I had intended to pay to Hong Kong on July 1st. 我有一个问题弄不懂,想请教你,你能回答吗? Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me?

(a) Shanghai, which means “above the sea”, is on the Huangpu River, the last tributary/branch of Yangze before it flows into the sea. (b) Shanghai means “above the sea”. It is on the Huangpu River. The Huangpu is the last tributary/branch of Yangze before it flows into the sea. 此句中,“上海位于黄浦江岸”是本句的主句,这 个树形结构的复合句还包括一个非限定定语从句以 及一个同位语。

简单句(Simple Sentences)——一个主语,一个动词 i. 一个谓语动词和一个单数主语 Computers make life easy for many people. ii. 两个并列谓语动词和一个单数主语 Computers cost a lot of money and require regular maintenance. iii. 两个并列谓语动词和一个复数主语 Businesses and individuals buy computers but use them mostly for correspondence. iv. 一个谓语动词和一个复数主语 His teeth and his eyes hurt.
(a)句为英语树型结构,(b)句为汉语竹竿形结 构。 此句中,“他昨天才回来”是本句的主句, 整 个句子借助from, where, basking, after, in which等词构造结构。

(2)上海的字面意思是“位于海之上”。它位于黄 浦江岸。黄浦江是长江流入大海之前的最后一条支流。

(3) 复合句(Complex Sentences) 复合句由一个主句和一个或多个从句组成。英语中一共有三种基本类型 的复合句: i. 从句相当于副词——状语从句 Although computers can save time, they take a long time to understand. because/so, although/but不同时出现 ii. 从句相当于形容词——定语从句 Database software is essential for companies which need to maintain records. iii. 从句相当于名词——主,宾,补,同位语从句 Most experts insist that computers are essential in schools.

主题句的形成过程:事实(根据逻辑)分类结论(即主题句) 例:我们的教室 A 地上没有垃圾 B 有很多电灯 C 有两台空调机 D 有三扇大窗子 E 有多媒体教学设施 F 桌椅一尘不染 可以分3组:A& F; B& D; C&E 结论:This is a very clean classroom. This classroom is very bright. This classroom is well equipped.
(2) 支持句(Supporting sentences) 确定了主题句后,就要用支持句来支持和说 明主题句。也就是说,写作者利用具体的证 据(细节),以说明、描写、论证或阐述等 方式来支持主导思想,使读者能正确地理解 和获取写作者所企图表达的信息。写好支持 句的关键在于紧扣主题、层次分明

An increase or a decrease in the price level affects the economic well-being of farmers. One of the best-known examples of this in American history took place throughout the late 1800s. Prices were going down, and this caused much displeasure to farmers, who were still relatively numerous. Many farmers were in debt; they had borrowed money to buy land and equipment. A farmer might have borrowed $500, and if his farm made $500 per year over his costs and living expenses, he might hope to pay the debt off in a year. If the prices the farmer received went down, say, to $250 per year, it made it very difficult for him to pay off his $500 debt. These facts show how directly the improvement of farmers’ life depends on the prices of their farm products.
考虑到上届政府遗留下来的危机,我们在过 去七年时间里所取得的成绩也就尤为显著, 这是没有人可以否认的。 No one will deny that what we have been able to do in the past seven years is especially striking in view of crises which we inherited from the previous Government.
英语采用直线性思维,而汉语呈现出螺旋型 思维模式 汉语语义发展是螺旋型的:针对一个意思或 几个意思 主题句可有可无,段落的中心思想由读者来 体会 中心思想的发展是通过不断重复来实现的


(1)主题句(Topic sentence) 只应涉及一个主题,而主题句是一段中最重要的句子。它确定 段落的中心思想,是对段落内容的高度概括。主题句可以帮 助读者迅速准确地掌握段落的内容。 主题句通常是一个观点opinion,而不是一个事实fact。 Computers can be used to send e-mail. F Computers can save a large amount of data. F People can use computers to do complicated calculation. F Computers can make many jobs easier for people. 0
Views on the issue in question vary from person to person. They’re discussing the benefits and risks of smoking. Learning foreign language just offers us such a good approach. Art funding may make artists shift the focus from creativity to pleasing funding bodies. Environmental protection and the protection of biodiversity are a luxury for developing countries.