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Places: market, supermarket, butcher, greengrocer, bakery, convenience shop, shopping mall, outlets

Products: fruits, vegetables, meat ,drink, snack, jewelry, clothes, cosmetics, household goods

B. useful sentences:


What can I help you?

Can/May I help you?

What can I do for you?



I am looking for ...

I’d like to buy …...

I want to buy some …...

I need a ……..

I just like to have a look.



May I try it on? 我可以试穿吗?

It’s too big. Can I have a size smal l?


How about this black one?


Can you give me some suggestion?



How much it is?

How much does it cost?


It’s too expensive for me.

Can you make it cheaper?

May I get the price down a bit?

Would you give me a lower price?

Can I have a discount?

C. Teaching Target

1. learn about the words of different shops and different commodities

2.gasp and apply the useful expression when people go shopping

二、Important Points:

1、the common expression of shopping, such as reception, choice, price and bargain;

三、Teaching Design:

ⅠTeaching model


ⅡTeaching method

Situational teaching approach

Ⅲ.Teaching aids

PPT, small box, papers

Ⅳ.Teaching Steps

Step 1 Warming-up

1. Watch a video. Say: what are they doing?

2. Ask students what do they think of first when they go shopping?

3. list three items:

(1) what to buy

(2) where to buy

(3) how to buy

Step 2

1.learn about where to buy

show students some pictures about different shops and speak them

market, supermarket, butcher, greengrocer, bakery, convenience shop, shopping mall, outlets

2. practice this new words by a guessing game and let the students speak

Step 3 What to buy student a man and say “I’d like to buy…”

2. show them some kinds of food: fruits, vegetables, meat ,drink, snack, jewelry, clothes, cosmetics, household goods

3.teach them recognize and speak the words

Work in pairs and discuss first

4. teach them some common words of fruits, vegetable,meat,drink, clothes

Step 4 How to buy

1. watch a video and think that how to express when they shop

2. teach students the common expression of reception

What can I help you?

Can/May I help you?

What can I do for you?


3. teach students the common expression of making choice

I am looking for a watch.

I’d like to buy a watch.

I want to buy some grapes.

I need a new watch.


I just like to have a look.


4.teach students the common expression of asking price and bargain

How much it is?

How much does it cost?
