


一. 1.定语从句在复合句中作定语,用修饰句子中某一名词、代词或整个主句的从句叫定语从句。


如:The man who has an umbrella in his hand is my uncle.

( 手上抓了一把雨伞的人是我的叔叔。)

3.定语从句的相关名称:被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词,引导定语从句的连接词称为关系词,其中that、which、who、whom、whose、as (没有what) 称为关系代词, where、when、why (没有how) 为关系副词。

This is the thief (that/who/whom) we have been looking for


4.定语从句关系词的作用:1.起着连接先行词和从句的作用, 2.同时在从句中又充当句子成分,3.替代先行词。

e.g. She is the girl who sings best of all.(关系代词who在从句中作主语)

二. 定语从句的种类:限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句


e.g. I was the only person in our office who was invited.



e.g. Tom's father, who is over sixty, still works hard day and night.



1.who, whom引导的定语从句

who, whom用于代替人。who在定语从句中作主语;whom在定语从句中作动词或介词的宾语,在限制性定语中可以省略,在口语中可用who代替whom。

The man who wrote this book is a friend of mine.

Is that the boy(whom / who)you spoke of the other day ?



He is driving a car which can travel 150 miles an hour.

The clock(which)my grandfather bought is still in good order.



He is a man that / who means what he says. 他是个说话算数的人。

The pictures(that / which)I had taken won the first prize.

He doesn’t seem to be the man that he was. 他似乎和过去大不一样。

(that代替the man作was的表语)


whose指人,也可指物,在定语从句中作定语。指物时可与of which互换使用,指人时可与of whom互换使用.

I have a classmate whose father is a mayor.

I live in the house whose windows face south.

I live in the house the windows of which face south.

= of which the windows face south

We looked at the tower whose tip was golden

= the tip of which was golden.

5.关系副词when, where, why引导的定语从句

when, where, why引导的定语从句,分别修饰表示时间、地点、原因的先行词,并分别在从句中作时间、地点、原因状语。关系副词也可以根据在句中的搭配关系,转换成“介词+which”的结构。

I shall never forget the day when / on which I entered the university.

Is that the factory where / in which you worked two years ago ?

That is the reason why(that / for which)I’m in favour of the plan.

6.“介词+ 关系代词”引导的定语从句

用在介词后面关系代词是whom, which, whose。

He is telling a story of Lei Feng of whom every one of us is proud.

They tired to think of a plan, by which they could complete the task ahead of time.

Please tell the chief manager from whose room his secretary took away all the important




in which I worked

The company which / that)I worked in is going from bad to worse.

Your rudeness, which we have put up with too long, is beginning. to annoy our



(put up with“忍受”,是固定短语,不可将with与put up拆开)


1)在非限制性定语从句中,as / which均可代替前面的整个句子。

The man was a teacher, as / which was abvious from his way of speaking.



As was expected, he performed the task successfully.


2)as作关系代词可用于the same…as, such…as句型中,as在定语从句中可作主语或


Can you give such lectures as will interest us ?


= Can you give the lectures which will interest us.(as代替lectures,作主语)

Such people as you describe are rare nowdays.你描绘的这种人现在已很少见了。

(as代替people,作describe 宾语)

We are facing the same problems which we face years ago.(as代替problems,作宾语)3)当非限制定语从句为否定时,常用which引导。

e.g. Tom drinks a lot every day, which his wife doesn't like at all.










All(that)I want is peace and freedom. 我要的是和平和自由。

This is the very book that I have been longing to get.



In his speech he talked of his experiences and his kind mother that impressed him deeply.


She introduced me to her husband, whom I hadn’t met before.



e.g. He had failed in the maths exam, which made his father very angry.


This is the room in which my father lived last year. 这是父亲去年居住过的房子。


e.g. There is an expression in his eyes that I can't understand.


e.g. The man who lives downstairs speaks English fluently.


The students who are in Grade Three are going to climb the hill tomorrow.





1. His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ______ family was poor.

A. of whom

B. whom

C. of whose

D. whose

2. She heard a terrible noise, _______ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it

B. which

C. this

D. that

3. In the dark street , there wasn’t a single person _____ sh e could turn for help

A. that

B. who

C. from whom

D. to whom

4. The weather turned out to be very good , ____ was more than we could expect.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. it

5.After living in Pairs for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child.

A. which

B. where

C. that

D. when

6.Carol said the work would be done by October, ___personally I doubt very much.

A. it

B. that

C. when

D. which

7.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ________,of course , made the others unhappy.

A.who B.which C.this D.what

8. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase , _____ was very reasonable.

A. which price

B. the price of which

C. its price

D. the price of whose

9._____ has already been pointed out , grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A. As

B. It

C. That

D. Which

10. He lived in London for 3 months , during ____ time he learned some English.

A. this

B. which

C. that

D. same

11. the wall hung a picture, _____ color is blue.

A. whose

B. of which

C. which

D. its

12.Whenever I met him , ____ was fairly often, I like his sweet and hopeful smile.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. when

13. The visitor asked the guide to take his picture _____ stands the famous tower.

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. there

14.The boss ____ department Ms King worked ten years ago look down upon women.

A. in which

B. in that

C. in whose

D. whose

15. I don’t like _____ y ou speak to her.

A. the way

B. the way in that

C. the way which

D. the way of which

16. He made another wonderful discovery , ____ of great importance to science.

A. which I think is

B. which I think it is

C. which I think it

D.I think which is

17.He was very rude to the customs officer, ____ of course made things even worse.

A. who

B. whom

C. what

D. which

18. The English play _______ my students acted at the New Year's party was a great success.

A. for which

B. at which

C. in which

D. on which

19. _____ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress.

A. It

B. As

C. That

D. What

20. I work in a business _____ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.

A. how

B. which

C. where

D. that

21. Anyway, that evening, ____ I’ll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel’s


A. when

B. where

C. what

D. which

22. American women usually identify their best friend as someone ___ they can talk


A. who

B. as

C. about which

D. with whom

23. George Orwell, _______ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays.

A. the real name

B. what his real name

C. his real name

D. whose real name


定语从句十年高考真题汇编 1.【2012全国卷II】⒏ That evening, ______I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late. A. that B. which C. what D. when 2.【2012安徽】29. A lot of language learning, ______has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period. A. as B. it C. which D. this 3.【2012重庆】29. Sales director is a position ______communication ability is just as important as sales skills. A. which B. that C. when D. where 4.【2012北京】26. When deeply absorbed in work, ______ he often was,he would forget all about eating or sleeping. A. that B. which C. where D. when 5.【2012福建】23. The air quality in the city, _____ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months. A. that B. it C. as D. what 6.【2012陕西】14. It is the third time that she has won the race, ____ has surprised us all. A. that B. where C. which D. what 7.【2012山东】23. Maria has written two novels, both of ___ have been made into television series. A. them B. that C. which D. what 8.【2012湖南】34. Care of the soul is a gradual process ____ even the small details of life should be considered. A. what B. in what C. which D. in which 9.【2012天津】7. I wish to thank Professor Smith, without ____ help I would never have got this far. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which 10.【2012江西】28. By 16:30, ____ was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold. A. which B. when C. what D. that 11.【2012四川】13. In our class there are 46 students, _____ half wear glasses. A. in whom B. in them C. of whom D. of them 12.【2012浙江】9. We live in an age ______ more information is available with greater ease than ever before. A. why B. when C. to whom D. on which 13.【2012浙江】17. Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, _____, for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society. A. which B. who C. where D. whom 14.【2012江苏】22. After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, ____ urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive. A. which B. who C. where D. what 15.【2011全国卷I】The prize will go to the writer _____ story shows the most imagination. A. that B. which C. whose D. what 16. 【2011全国卷II】Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, _____ is a stupid thing to do in such weather. A. this B. that C. what D. which 17.【2011北京卷】Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, _____, of course, make all the others upset. A. who B. which C. what D. that 18.【2011上海卷】You’ll find taxis waiting at the bus station _____ you can hire to reach your host family. A. which B. where C. when D. as 19.【2011山东卷】The old town has narrow streets and small houses _____ are built close to each other. A. they B. where C. what D. that 20.【2011江西卷】She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction _____ had taken more than three years. A. for which B. with which C. of which D. to which 21.【2011江苏卷】Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _____ the audience can buy ice-cream. A. when B. where C. that D. which 22.【2011安徽卷】Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, _____ it will keep for two or three weeks. A. when B. which C. where D. while 23. 【2011浙江卷】English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of _____ uses it somewhat differently. A. which B. what C. them D. those 24. 【2011浙江卷】A bank is the place _____ they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when


高中英语定语从句讲解及练习 定语从句是高中重点知识,也是高考常考点,大家也不容易掌握,这篇文章主要教你关系代词引导的定语从句 关系副词引导的定语从句判断关系代词与关系副词限制性和非限制性定语从句等内容,有例题讲解定语从句在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。 关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。 关系副词有:when, where, why等。 18.1 关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。 1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中作主语和宾语。例如: Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他就是你想见的人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语) He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语) 2)whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换)。例如: They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。 Please pass me the book whose (of which)cover is green.请递给我那本绿皮的书。 3)which, that所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。例如: A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语) The package (which / that)you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语) 18.2 关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。 1)关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于\"介词+ which\"结构,因此常常和\"介词+ which\"结构交替使用。例如: There are occasions when (on which)one must yield.任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。 Beijing is the place where(in which)I was born.北京是我的出生地。 Is this the reason why (for which)he refused our offer?这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗? 2)that代替关系副词,可以用于表示时间、地点、方式、理由的名词后取代when, where, why和\"介+which\"引导的定语从句,在口语中that常被省略。例如: His father died the year (that / when / in which)he was born.他父亲在他出生那年逝世了。 He is unlikely to find the place (that / where / in which)he lived forty years ago. 他不大可能找到他四十年前居住过的地方。 18.3 判断关系代词与关系副词 方法一:用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词。及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用关系副词。例如: This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. 这是我去年呆过的山村。 I'll never forget the days when I worked together with you.我永远不会忘记与你共事的日子。 判断改错: (错)This is the mountain village where I visited last year. (错)I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside. (对)This is the mountain village (which)I visited last year. (对)I'll never forget the days (which)I spent in the countryside. 习惯上总把表地点或时间的名词与关系副词where, when联系在一起。此两题错在关系词的误用上。 方法二:准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出关系代词/关


2016-2020高考英语试题分类汇总-定语从句(解析 版) 【2020年】 1.(2020·江苏卷)Many lessons are now available online, from __________ students can choose for free. A. whose B. which C. when D. whom 【答案】B 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:许多课程现在都可以在网上找到,学生们可以从中免费选择。此处是非限定性定语从句,先行词是many lessons,关系词在从句中做介词from的宾语,应使用关系代词which 引导。故选B。 3.(2020·天津卷)Dr. Rowan, __________ secretary resigned two weeks ago, has had to do all his own typing. A. whose B. of whom C. of which D. which 【答案】A 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:罗文博士的秘书两周前辞职了,他现在只能自己打字。______ secretary resigned two weeks ago是非限制性定语从句,修饰Dr. Rowan,引导词在从句中作定语,表示“Dr. Rowan’s ”,表示“……的” ,应用关系代词whose引导该从句,故选A。 3.(2020·新课标Ⅲ卷)In ancient China lived an artist61 paintings were almost lifelike. 【答案】whose 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:中国古代有一位画家,他的画几乎栩栩如生。此处为定语从句修饰先行词artist,且先行词在从句中作定语,故应用关系代词whose。故填whose。 【2019年】 1.【2019·江苏卷】We have entered into an age _______ dreams have the best chance of coming true. A. which B. what C. when D. that 【答案】C 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:我们已经进入到了一个时代,在这个时代梦想实现的机会最大。句中先行词为an age(一个时代),且先行词在从句中做时间状语,所以关系词用when。故选C。 2.【2019·天津卷】Their child is at the stage__________ she can say individual words but not full sentences. A. why B. where C. which D. what 【答案】B 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:他们的孩子正处于能说单个单词而不能说完整句子的阶段。句中she can


高中定语从句专项练习题及详解50题 1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.This is the hotel _______last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5.That is the day ______I'll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8.This is one of the best films _______. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked 10.The pen ______he is writing is mine. A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A. who B. who's C. which D. whose 14.I'm interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. as 16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be. A. who B. whom C. that D. as 17.He is good at English, ______we all know. A. that B. as C. whom D. what 18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much. A. I went with B. with whom I went C. with who I went D.I went with him 19.I don't like ______ as you read. A. the novels B. the such novels C. such novels D. same novels 20.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what 21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing. A. which B. that C. whom D. who


定语从句详解 Prepared on 24 November 2020

定语从句(AttributiveClauses) 一:定义 (AttributiveClauses):在复合句中,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引导的,用作定语来修饰主句的某个名词或代词(先行词)或者整个句子的形容词性从句(定语从句),一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。 定语从句三要素:先行词,关系词和从句 1)先行词:被定语从句修饰的词 2)关系词:引导定语从句,代替先行词在从句中充当成分的词 3)从句:既然为句,就有人称,时态,数的变化。 二:关系词:关系代词和关系副词 关系代词:who(指人),whom,whose,that,which,as;在从句中做主语,宾语,或定语,指人或物 关系副词:when(时间),where(地点),why(原因);在从句中依次做时间,地点,原因状语,可以用介词(in,on,for,during等)+ which替换★补充1:人称代词:指直接指代人或者事物的代词 ★补充2:物主代词:表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也叫人称代词的所有格

★归纳表格(1)—关系代词 ★归纳表格(2)—关系代词 ★归纳表格(3)—关系代词 ★归纳表格(4)—关系副词

3:具体用法及实例 关系代词 1)Who:who在从句中主要作主语,在非正式语体里who还可以作从句中的宾语,但不能放在介词后 (1)主语 分解:The man is a teacher. The man is speaking in the classroom. 合并:The man who is speaking in the classroom is a teacher (2)宾语 分解:The man is my friend. You met the man in the street just now. 合并:The man who(whom)you met in the street just now(可后置) is my friend. (3)概括 He is the man who wants to see you. He is the man who I saw in the park yesterday. 2)Whom:在从句中作宾语,可放在介词后 (1)宾语 分解:The woman is a doctor. They want to visit the woman. 合并: The woman whom they wanted to visit is a doctor. (2)概括 He is the man (whom) I saw in the park yesterday. 小结:Who whom 都可在定语从句中充当宾语成分,但whom作为宾语,较为正式;而who作为宾语使用时,常用语非正式语中;二者若同时出现而且充当相 同成分,whom优先。 3)Whose:用来指人或物,(只能用作定语,若指物,相当于名词所有格,可以同of which互换)。 (1)定语 分解:The teacher praised Lilei. His English is the best in our class.


定语从句在书面表达中的使用 一、定语从句的类型 1.关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which, as引导的定语从句是写作的一大重点,尤其是which和as引导的非限制性定语从句在高考范文中更是屡见不鲜。 ①I can well remember an incident that happened on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ②Finally, I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting. ③Only those who spare no effort to confront problems can achieve what they long for. ④As an old saying goes, living without a clear and achievable aim is like sailing without a compass. 2.关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词引导的定语从句是指when, where, why引导的定语从句。 ①During holiday seasons, I will live in the countryside, where air is fresh and people are friendly.②I think the reason why you are always angry may be the high pressure of study 3.“介词+which/whom”引导的定语从句 ①Speaking and listening are very important for a language learning, by which you are sure to make great progress. ②I bought a great many books, on which I spent all my money that I saved. 1.因此,我认为我能得一个高分,这个分数能使我进入一个理想的大学。 ①So I suppose I can get a good mark, ________________________________________________________________________. ②____________________________________________________________________ _.(定语从句)。 3. 分词做状语______________________________________________________________________ 2.我们都喜欢我们的英语老师,我们已向她学习了很多东西。 ①We all like our English teacher.________________________________________________ __. ②_________________________________________________________________________________________.(定语从句) 3.我总是盼望着我独立的那一天。 ①I've always longed for the days, I ________________________________________________. ②____________________________________________________________________________.(定语从句) 4.事实上,我来这儿拜访我叔叔,目前他碰巧在你们城市工作。 ①As a matter of fact, I am here visiting my uncle. ____________________________________________________________________________. ②_______________________________________________________________________.(定语从句) 5.在几次我班的英语活动中我已帮助她,这受到老师和同学的欣赏。 ①I have lent a helping hand to her in several English activities of my class. ________________________________. ②I have lent a helping hand to her in several English activities of my class, ______________________________. 二、定语从句的常用句型 1.As we all know.../As is known to all...众所周知…… 众所周知,小孩和老年人都需要温暖和关心。_________________________________________________________. 2.As sb. puts it...按照某人所说的…… 按照他常说的,大学教育决定一个人的命运。_________________________________________________________ 3.such...as...像……这样的;诸如此类的…… 信不信由你,世界上没有免费午餐之类的事情___________________________________________________________ 4.As the old saying goes, ……常言道…… .常言道,熟能生巧。________________________________________________________________________. 5.the same...as.../the same as...像……一样的 她对他的方式和态度与以前完全一样。Her manner and attitudes towards him were quite the same ___________________________________. 6.one of the+复数名词+定语从句……中的一个 据我所知,你妹妹是通过考试的学生之一。__________________________________________________________. 7.the only one of the+复数名词+定语从句……中唯一的一个 格林先生是这些工人中唯一被邀请去北京的。________________________________________________________. 1.另外,正如古老的谚语所说,“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”。_____________________________________________.


定语从句 一.考点概述: 本考点是历年高考中考查的重点,主要考查关系代词(who, which,that,whose,whom)和关系副词(when, where, why)的用 法;考查形式:语法填空和短文改错;其次阅读理解和完型填空中长难 句的分析等 二.考点聚焦 功能:相当于形容词,修饰名词或代词,在句中作定语 位置:定语从句置于被修饰词之后 例如: He is the man who studies in USA. 本句中涉及到三个概念: 1.先行词即 the man:被定语从句饰的词称为先行词 先行词一般是名词和不定代词,如:some-, any-, every-和no与-boy, -thing的合成词;或all、none、any、some、that、those等代词。数词也可以作先行词,人称代词也同样 可作先行词。 2. 引导词即who:起连接的作用 引导词分两类:关系代词和关系副词 关系代词:who;which;that;whose;whom 关系副词:when;where;why 3.从句即studies in USA.:引导词之后的句子。 三.考点精讲 1. 关系代词 : who;which; that; whom; whose 其中关系代词who;which;that;whom用于后面的从句缺主语或宾语的情况 (1)who:指代先行词是人(可做从句的主语或宾语)

She is the girl who I teach in China.(从句缺宾语) That is the man who teaches us English.(从句缺主语) (2)which:指代先行词是物(做从句的主语或宾语) That is the book which I want.(从句缺宾语) There is a bird which stands in the building.(从句缺主语) (3)that: 指代先行词是人或物(做从句的主语或宾语) She is the girl who/that I teach in China.(从句缺宾语) There is a bird which/that stands in the building.(从句缺主语) (4)whom;指代先行词是人,但只用于从句是缺宾语的情况。 She is the girl who/whom I teach in China.(从句缺宾语) That is the man whom teaches us English.(从句缺主语,本句用whom是错误的) (5)whose:指代从句中缺定语的情况(表示所属关系) That is the building whose windows broke last night.(本句中的windows是属于 the building构成一种所属关系即缺少building’s) 2.关系副词:when;where;why(该三个词主要用于从句是不缺主语或是宾语的情况 即从句是个完整句) (1) when:指代先行词表时间如:time;month;year;occasion等(形式上等于介词 +which) I still remember the day when /on which I came to Beijing.(该从句是一个完整的句子,先行词是the day在从句中需要加个介词on来做状语的成分即I came to Beijing on the day) (2)where :指代先行词是地点的词如:place;house;school;也可以是模糊的词如:point;stage;work;situation等(形式上等于介词+which) That is the place where/in which I was born .(该从句I was born也是一个完整句,即不缺主语或宾语的,此时where可以换成in which) (3)why:指代先行词是表原因的词即:reason(形式上只能是等于for+which) That is the reason why/for which he was late for school.


定语从句在写作中的运用 Teaching Aims: 1、请给我解释一下你不辞而别的理由好吗? Could you please give me a reason why you left without a word? 2、我们班是个大家庭,它由15位女生和21位男生组成。 Our class is a big family, which is made up of 15 girls and 21 boys. Our cl ass is a big family, which consists of 15 girls and 21 boys. 3.众所周知,北京是个繁华的城市,它有着悠久的历史。 As we all know, Beijing is a busy city, which has a long history. As is known to us all, Beijing is a busy city, which has a long history. 4、李明是个热心的孩子,他非常乐于助人。 Li Ming is a warm-hearted boy, who is willing to help others. Li Ming is a warm-hearted boy, who is ready to help others. 5、早晨,有很多人在公园里锻炼身体。 In the morning, there are many people who are taking exercise in the park. 6、2008年,中国将举办奥运会,这是一个令人兴奋的的消息。


高中定语从句详细讲解 (一)定义及相关术语 1 ?定语从句:修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词之后。 2 ?先行词:被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。 3 ?关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。 关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as 等;关系 畐y词有when, where, why 等。 关系词通常有下列三个作用:A、引导定语从句;B、代替先行词;C、在定语从句中 担当一个成分。例如: The man who is shak ing hands with my father is a policema n. 该句中,who is shak ing hands with my father是定语从句,修饰先行词the man , “ who ”是引导定语从句的关系词,代 替先行词the man,在定语从句中作主语。 (二)关系代词引导的定语从句 1 ? who 指人,在定语从句中作主语。 The boys who are playi ng football are from Class On e. 正在踢足球的男孩是一班的。 Those who want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morni ng. 想去博物馆的人必须在明晨7点到大门口集合。 Yesterday I helped an old man who had lost his way. 昨天我帮助了一位迷路的老人。 That is the teacher who teaches us physics. 那就是教我们物理的老师。 2 ? whom 指人,在定语从句中做宾语,常可省略。 Mr Liu is the person ( whom ) you talked about on the bus. 刘先生就是你们在公共汽车 上谈论的那个人。 Li Mi ng is just the boy ( whom ) I want to see. 李明正是我想要见的男孩。 The professor ( whom ) you are wait ing for has come. The girl ( whom ) the teacher ofte n praises is our mon itor. 的班长。 注意:关系代词whom在口语或非正式文体中常可用 你正在等的教授已经来了。 老师经常表扬的那个女孩是我们who来代替,也可省略。 The man ( whom / who )you met just now is my old friend. 3 ? Which指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。 Football is a game which is liked by most boys. 足球是大多数男孩所喜欢的运动。 The factory which makes computers is far away from here. 制造计算机的那家公司离这儿很 远。 He likes to read books which are writte n by foreig n writers. 他喜欢外国作家写的书。 The house which is by the lake looks nice. 湖边的那幢房子看上去很漂亮。 This is the pen ( which ) he bought yesterday. 这是他昨天买的钢笔。 The film ( which ) they went to see last night was not interesting at all. 他们昨晚看的电影一点意思也没有。 4 ? That指人时,相当于who或whom ;指物时,相当于which.。在定语从句中作主语或 宾语,作宾语时常可省略。 The nu mber of people that / who come to visit this city each year reaches one milli on. 每年来参观这座城市的人数达一百万。 Where is the man that / whom I saw this morni ng? 我今天早上看到的那个人在哪儿? The person that /whom you in troduced to me is very kind. 你介绍给我的那个人很友好。


一、选择题 1.My favorite city is Guilin ________ is famous for it's beautiful scenery (风景). A.where B.what C.which D.who 2.—Do you know the man is talking with our teacher? —Oh, he is Tony’s father. A.which B.who C.whose D.what 3.Stephen Curry is a great basketball player ____is popular in the United States and even in China. A.which B.who C.what 4.—Qingdao is the most beautiful city ________ I’ve ever been to. —So it is. Many international meetings are held there every year. A.that B.which C.who D.where 5.Lily doesn’t know what she and her friends can do to help the little boy _______parents have left their hometown for making money. A.that B.who C.whom D.whose 6.After retiring, my teacher Mr. Dai moved to the village he was born sixty years ago. A.when B.which C.where D.what 7.This is the best movie_________ I have ever seen. A.that B.it C.which D.what 8.Yuan Longping is a Chinese scientist __________ is leading a research to develop sea rice. A.whose B.which C.who 9.— Have you heard of the famous Huawei company? —Sure. It’s one of the greatest companies ________ make us Chinese proud. A.which B.that C.what D.who 10.A detective is someone ____________looks for clues to something important. A.whom B.who C.what D.which 11.Liu Xiang is the first player in Asia _________ won the gold prize in the 110-hurdle race in the 28th Olympic Games. A.which B.who C.whom D.that 12.Do you know the girl_______ is drawing a picture? A.when B.whose C.which D.who 13.—Have you heard of Junko Tabei? —Yes, she was the first woman ________ succeeded in reaching the top of Qomolangma. A.who B.whom C.which D.that 14.I want to search for some information about Confucius________I can use for the report. A.who B.what C.which D.whom 15.The four tools _________ people use for Chinese handwriting are called“Four Treasures of Study”.
