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我们如果仅仅从翻译与艺术的角度去评价傅雷是不够的,因为傅雷不仅仅是翻译 家,而且是一个思想家,他传播的是思想的圣火,他是“思想圣火传播者永远的 榜样。 ——哲学家郑涌 傅译罗曼•罗兰的《约翰•克利斯朵夫》固然为传诵一时的名作,但就质量并论,则 不得不承认巴尔扎克的作品才是傅译浩瀚天地中的重镇。 ——金圣华(香港中文大学校董、翻译系讲座教授,香港翻译学会会长) “没有他,就没有巴尔扎克在中国。” 巴尔扎克写作的速度极快,稿子修改的也不多,风格冗长而滞重。傅译巴尔扎克 小说却是脉理清晰,层次清楚,可以毫不夸张地说,傅译本超出了原著的语言水 平。
1934: Vie de Tolstoi by Rolland《 托尔 斯泰传》 1934: Vie de Michel-Ange by Rolland 《米开朗基罗传》 1942: Vie de Beethoven by Rolland 《贝多芬传》 1949: Eugé Grandet by Balzac nie 《欧也妮· 葛朗台》 1950: Le Pè Goriot by Balzac 《 re 高老头》 1953: Colomba by Mé rimé e(梅里 美)《嘉里美科隆巴》 1953: Jean-Christophe by Rolland 《约翰· 克里斯朵夫》 1963: Philosophie de l'art by Taine Persondata 丹纳《艺术哲学》
Fu Lei translated over 30 foreign literary works , mainly are French works. Balzac took 15 of them.
2.Translation Theory
spiritual resemblance(神似)
In terms of effect, translating is supposed to be like painting. What it sought for is not formal resemblance but spiritual resemblance. 以效果而论, 翻译应当像临画一样, 所求的不在形似而 是神似。 ------傅雷 Translation should be quite easy if the translator retain the spirit of the source text by breaking the structure and nature of target language to present the nature of source language.
1908 Born near Shanghai 4 years Studied art and art theory in France and traveled to Switzerland, Belgium, Italy 1931teach in Shanghai Fine Arts School and also work as a journalist and art critic
读了丹纳的文章,我更相信过去的看法不错:亨德尔的音 乐,尤其神剧,是音乐中最接近希腊精神的东西。他有那 种乐天的倾向,豪华的诗意,同时亦极尽朴素,而且从来 不流于庸俗。
Home letters
Concerned with human behavior, love and marriage and the pursuit of arts. Characterized by sincere authentic feelings, abundant knowledge, profound philosophy and a fluent style of writing. Truly sincere literary essays imbued with personal discourse in that special historical context and become the most brilliant texts with a unique style in contemporary prose in China.
11 2 Life Translation Theory 4
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Fu Lei Home Letters
Courtesy name 字 -- Nu'an 怒安
Pseudonym 号 -- Nu'an 怒庵
An translator, artistic theoretician as well as a connoisseur(艺术鉴赏家) of arts ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱxcellent in painting and music
我国有许多出类拔萃的翻译家,但在翻译理论与时间两方面都可以独树一帜的翻译 大师却屈指可数,著名法国文学翻译家傅雷先生可以说是其中之一。 ——陈伟丰 “傅雷的艺术造诣是极为深厚的,对古今中外的文学、绘画、音乐各个领域都有极 渊博的知识。但总是与流俗的气氛格格不入,他无法与人共事,每次都半途而去, 不能展其所长。 ——好友楼适夷 傅雷不仅译作宏富,尤以译文传神取胜。拿傅雷译文与法文原文对照,读到精彩处, 原著字里行间的涵义和意趣,在译者笔下颇能曲尽其妙,令人击节赞赏! ——罗新璋 从文学阅读来说,世界上再没有哪一个国家像法国文学这样,与我们中国读者有着 如此紧密的阅读关系,以至于翻译家傅雷先生一旦去世,巴尔扎克在中国也就去世 了;仿佛此前他还一直活着一样。优秀译者是如此重要,在非母语国家的阅读当中, 他几乎就等于原作者的化身。 ——池莉《沉下去浮上来》
After reading that, I found my conviction that Handel’s music, specially his oratorio is the nearest to the Greek spirit in music strengthened.His optimism, his radiant poetry, which is as simple as one can imagine but never vulgar。
傅雷的家书谈如何做人、谈爱情婚姻、谈艺术追求,以其真挚的情 感、丰富的学识、深刻的哲理、流畅的文笔,使傅雷家书成为特定 历史语境中保持着个人话语空间的真诚之作,成为中国当代散文史 上别具一格的真诚、精彩的篇章。
只有事实才能证明你的心意,只有行动才能表明你的心迹。 辛酸的眼泪是培养你心灵的酒浆。 得失成败尽量置之度外,只求竭尽所能,无愧于心。 人一辈子都在高潮——低潮中浮沉。惟有庸碌的人生活才如一 潭死水;或者要有极高的修养,方能廊清无累,真正解脱。 人寿有限。精力也有限,要从长远着眼,马拉松才会跑得好。 中国哲学的思想,佛教的思想,都是要人能控制感情,而不是 让感情控制。 永远保持赤子之心,到老你也不会落伍。永远能够与普天下的 赤子之心相接相契相抱!
2.Translation Theory
“译文仿佛是原作者的中文写作”。 ---傅雷 Recreate the original work and makes it be the translators' work. 对作品进行再创作,化为我有。
The true brightness is not without any darkness, but it will never be covered by it. The true hero is not without any humble feelings, but he will never be subdued by them. -- preface of Jhon Christopher 真正的勇士不是没有卑下的情操,只是 永不被卑下的情操所蒙蔽;真正的光明 不是没有黑暗,只是永不被黑暗所遮蔽 .
1931 translate French literature and develop his own style, the "Fu Lei style," and his own translation theory
1932 got married to his cousin(his wife and secretary), two sons Fou Ts'ong, a world-renowned pianist, and Fou Min, a special-class English teacher 1957--1965 labled as rightsit , the couple commited suicide at home His family letters to his son Fou Ts'ong, were published posthumously(死后出版) and have become a bestseller in China.