


班级__________________ 姓名______________________ 写作时,我们可以利用非谓语动词对两个简单句进行转换,使其成为较高级的表达方式。转换时可采用“三步法”:






①In the newspaper of our school ther e is a column called “Foreign Culture”.

②It aims to introduce American customs and the life of high school students.



1. In the newspaper of our school there is a column called “Foreign Culture”,

______________ to introduce American customs and the life of high school students.




2. 住校可以减少家校之间大量的时间。

______________in school can save them a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday


______________make a full man; conference a ready man; and ______________ an exact man.

在作文中经常会有对于“原因、影响、建议”的讨论,或是人们对某一问题持不同看法。我们也可以将不定式与疑问词连用,构成“wh-+ to do”的结构。


________________________________our spoken English is a question.


非谓语动词充当宾语时的用法与主语基本相同,值得注意的是,不定式常常以“V+(to) do”的形式出现。考生应在备考前总结日常作文中高频使用的动词,如fail to do, prefer to do等。同样的,对于一些后面加动名词的动词,考生也应加以熟悉,如object to, deny等。

5. 比起室内活动,年轻人通常更喜欢室外活动

Young adults usually________________ take outdoor exercises rather than indoor ones.


The majority of people smoking in public.


I had trouble ______________ the problem, but I kept ______________by using

various ways. Finally, I spent five days ______________ it out.


Road conditions_____________________________________________________ .


9. It carries articles _____________(write) by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries.

10. There was a large factory, ________________(produce) fertilizer. Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas,_______________(pollute) the environment.

11. I’m writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest ______________________________(hold) in our school on June 1st.

12. 另一方面,我将帮着建立英语角,提供给我们学生一个练习英语口语的平台。On the other hand,I will help set up the English corner,__________________ us students a platform to practice our oral English.

13. Consequently, I have every right_______________________________ (believe) that I shall be very likely _______________________________________(被录取) my dream university.

14. 这只是众多使我们国家更卫生的行动中的一步。

This is one of the many steps ______________ our country an even cleaner place. 15.为了有好的表现,我正在做充分的准备。(自荐信)

_____________ an excellent performance , I am making full preparations for it.


I am writing _______________ your attention to some improper behaviour among us students.

17.____________________________(carry out) continuously, it will benefit all of us greatly and we are sure to make obvious progress.

18. 面对困难,我们需要朋友的安慰和帮助。

______________ with difficulties, we need friends to give us comfort and help. 19. 随着社会的迅速发展,我们有必要精通英语和计算机。

__________________________________________, it’s necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English and computer.

20. 在老师的帮助下,我的英语取得了巨大的进步。

With my teacher ___________ me,my English has greatly improved.





4.How to improve

5. prefer to

6.object to

7.in solving;trying ;in working

8.need/require improving/to be improved

9.written 10.producing;polluting 11.to be held 12.providing 13. to believe;to be admitted to 14. to make 15. To have 16.to draw 17.Carried out 18.Faced 19.With the society developing rapidly 20.helping


Non- finite Verbs in writing StepⅠPre-writing : 学生原作赏析: Our Spring Outing National College Entrance Examination is coming. To relax ourselves, our class had a meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. Having a barbecue is our choice. The next day, we set off early in the morning. We climbed the mountain, talking and laughing. When we arrived, we began to barbecue. Having had a big dinner,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and the beautiful view. We were tired but happy. 找出非谓语动词,并判断成分 ? 1. Making o ur city greener is everyone’s duty. ? 2. The government is determined to continue the green program. ? 3. I found my hometown changed so much. ? 4. Having fresh air, trees can reduce air pollution. ? 5. Every effort to the program makes a difference. Proof-reading: 1.Looking from the top of mountain, the city is beautiful . 2. In my opinion, climb mountain is an enjoyable thing. 3. —Which team is good at cooking? —A team called itself the supper cook. Summary:________________________________________ StepⅢ: While-writing Activity1: ①It is high time we took part in some activities. ②We wanted to make ourselves more healthy. → ____________________________________________________ ①Wangqi climbed so hard that she lost her temper. ②She complained about the long walk. → ____________________________________________________ ①The monitor has set a good example for us . ②The monitor deserves the honor and we should learn from her .


非谓语动词 一、非谓语动词作状语 1.动词不定式作状语 ①I stopped the car to take a short break as I was feeling tired.(2013·山东高考) 由于感到累了,我就停下车稍微休息了一下。 ②George returned after the war, only to be told that his wife had left him.(2012·山东高考) 乔治战后归来,却被告知他的妻子已经离他而去。 ③You will never know how happy I was to see her yesterday. 你永远不会知道昨天看到她时,我是多么高兴。 ④This machine is very easy to operate. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.(2012·辽宁高考) 这台机器很容易操作。在几分钟内任何人都能学会使用。 [规律总结] (1)动词不定式可以用作目的状语。注意其他非谓语动词形式不能用作目的状语。 (2)only to do sth.为不定式作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果。 (3)形容词或过去分词作表语时,后面可接不定式作原因状语。常见词有:happy, lucky, glad, sorry, anxious, proud, disappointed, angry, surprised, ready, delighted, clever, foolish, pleased, fortunate, right等。 (4)在“主语+系动词+表语(形容词)+to do”结构中,不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。该结构中常用的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult, important, impossible, interesting, pleasant, nice, comfortable, safe, dangerous等。


2018高考英语知识点:非谓语动词在写作中的运用 1. 依据上下文确定答案的法则:从近几年的完形填空题看,近义词或近义短语的测试力度逐渐加强,并成为测试热点。四个选项不是词义相近,要不就是近义动词的同一种时态的现象,或名词的单复数搭配。若选项词义差异很大,必然文章中藏有提示语,正因如此,往往第一个选项有时需要读完全篇短文才能准确回答。 2. 词语语义与强于语法原则:完型填空题的首句不留空,目的就是告知短文的故事的四要素:地点、时间、人物和事由。再则,单纯语法题已基本退出该题型的测试范畴,所以,指导学生时,首先要告知他们这类现象。尽管四个选项的词语都符合语法规则,然而该题的解答必须遵循先全面理解篇章语义,再结合正确语言结构对每个空格作出准确无误的抉择。 3. 解题四步法原则: 第一步:跳读。带着空格通读全文,了解短文大意,判别短文文体,同时能将会做的题及时解决掉。 第二步:选答。这一步最为关键,要求考生对每一道题进行认真推敲,但是要告诫他们万万不可按照题的顺序答题,对那些不能拿不准的题先跳过去,遵循先易后难的解题原则。 第三步:推敲。这实际上就是要求考生对完形填空短文的篇章作通盘考虑,把其中一些需要依据上下文语境来考虑的比较难解答的题,以及句子之间和段落之间的逻辑关联较强的认真推敲,甄别,筛选和抉择。 第四步:复查。这是解答这类题的最后一步,要求考生解完题之后务必再把文章通读一遍,从整体上准确把握文章的真正意思,及时修改与全文有出入的一些选项。 应试技巧一:语境信息解题法:近几年的完形填空题淡化了语法结构性的题,选项重在语意干扰,也就是说,对具体的语言知识应该融入具体的语境中去考虑,考生应具有通过上下文提示、暗示或铺垫,对篇章进行整体上的把握的能力。所以,快速浏览全文,迅速领悟篇章主旨,通过上下文语境选择答案选项乃解决完形填空的关键。 4) Our __47__ challenge was to keep the rock mixture __48__ enough. 47. A. next B. first C. past D. previous 48. A. cold B. wet C. loose D. clean 【题解:47. 答案为A项。短文前面提到第一个挑战是发电的问题,那么接下来的挑战就是如何保持温度的问题。48. 答案为B项。从下文提到的洒水车等事情,我们可以判断出这儿应该是“保持湿度”的语意。】 5) … Still others faced the storm bravely, walking miles to get to work. I __40__ to be one of people on the way to work that morning. I went from subway line to subway line only to find that most __41__ had stopped. After making my way through crowds of people, I finally found a subway line that was __43__.... 40. A. used B. promised C. deserved D. happened 41. A. practice B. routine C. process D. service … 43. A. operating B. cycling C. turning D. rushing 【40. D项。从前面一句话和本句中one of people可知,作者当天上午碰巧也是去上班的人之一; 41. D项。从上下文可知,由于风暴大部分地铁线路停运,所以唯有service符合题意;43. A项。从上下文的语境中我们可知道作者最后找到有一条地铁线还在营业,operating本身含有“营业的”意思,相当于be on service。】 6) After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced __36__ for a few days, I was __37__ to wait tables on my own. All went __38__ that first week


作文:言简意明非谓语动词 班级__________________ 姓名______________________ 写作时,我们可以利用非谓语动词对两个简单句进行转换,使其成为较高级的表达方式。转换时可采用“三步法”: 第一步:写出两个简单句。 第二步:找准两个简单句的对接点,让一个句子作为主干,另一个句子用非谓语动词进行改写。 第三步:判断应用何种非谓语动词,把握好时态和语态,最后连接起来。 [示例] 第一步:写出两个简单句。 ①In the newspaper of our school ther e is a column called “Foreign Culture”. ②It aims to introduce American customs and the life of high school students. 第二步:让句①作主句,用非谓语动词改写句②。 第三步:让句②作定语,由于其动词aim与主语it之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词短语作定语。 1. In the newspaper of our school there is a column called “Foreign Culture”, ______________ to introduce American customs and the life of high school students. 非谓语动词指动名词、不定式和分词,可以充当除了谓语之外的任何成分。 1)主语 动名词和不定式均可以充当句子的主语,可以避免人称如“people,we”频繁做主语的情况。 2. 住校可以减少家校之间大量的时间。 ______________in school can save them a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday 3.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。 ______________make a full man; conference a ready man; and ______________ an exact man. 在作文中经常会有对于“原因、影响、建议”的讨论,或是人们对某一问题持不同看法。我们也可以将不定式与疑问词连用,构成“wh-+ to do”的结构。 4.我们应该如何提高我们的英语口语水平?这是个问题。 ________________________________our spoken English is a question. 2)宾语 非谓语动词充当宾语时的用法与主语基本相同,值得注意的是,不定式常常以“V+(to) do”的形式出现。考生应在备考前总结日常作文中高频使用的动词,如fail to do, prefer to do等。同样的,对于一些后面加动名词的动词,考生也应加以熟悉,如object to, deny等。 5. 比起室内活动,年轻人通常更喜欢室外活动 Young adults usually________________ take outdoor exercises rather than indoor ones. 6.大多数人反对在公共场合抽烟。 The majority of people smoking in public. 7.解决这个问题对我来说有点难,但我利用不同的方法不断尝试。最后,我花了五天的时间把它解决了。 I had trouble ______________ the problem, but I kept ______________by using


XX高考英语知识点:非谓语动词在写作中的 运用 依据上下文确定答案的法则:从近几年的完形填空题看,近义词或近义短语的测试力度逐渐加强,并成为测试热点。四个选项不是词义相近,要不就是近义动词的同一种时态的现象,或名词的单复数搭配。若选项词义差异很大,必然中藏有提示语,正因如此,往往个选项有时需要读完全篇短文才能准确回答。 词语语义与强于语法原则:完型填空题的首句不留空,目的就是告知短文的故事的四要素:地点、时间、人物和事由。再则,单纯语法题已基本退出该题型的测试范畴,所以,指导学生时,首先要告知他们这类现象。尽管四个选项的词语都符合语法规则,然而该题的解答必须遵循先全面理解篇章语义,再结合正确语言结构对每个空格作出准确无误的抉择。 解题四步法原则: 步:跳读。带着空格通读全文,了解短文大意,判别短文文体,同时能将会做的题及时解决掉。 第二步:选答。这一步最为关键,要求考生对每一道题进行认真推敲,但是要告诫他们万万不可按照题的顺序答题,对那些不能拿不准的题先跳过去,遵循先易后难的解题

原则。 第三步:推敲。这实际上就是要求考生对完形填空短文的篇章作通盘考虑,把其中一些需要依据上下文语境来考虑的比较难解答的题,以及句子之间和段落之间的逻辑关联较强的认真推敲,甄别,筛选和抉择。 第四步:复查。这是解答这类题的最后一步,要求考生解完题之后务必再把通读一遍,从整体上准确把握的真正意思,及时修改与全文有出入的一些选项。 应试技巧一:语境信息解题法:近几年的完形填空题淡化了语法结构性的题,选项重在语意干扰,也就是说,对具体的语言知识应该融入具体的语境中去考虑,考生应具有通过上下文提示、暗示或铺垫,对篇章进行整体上的把握的能力。所以,快速浏览全文,迅速领悟篇章主旨,通过上下文语境选择答案选项乃解决完形填空的关键。 )our__47__challengeastoeeptherocixture__48__eno ugh. A.next B.firstc.pastD.previous A.cold B.etc.looseD.clean 【题解:47.答案为A项。短文前面提到个挑战是发电的问题,那么接下来的挑战就是如何保持温度的问题。48.答案为B项。从下文提到的洒水车等事情,我们可以判断出这儿应该是“保持湿度”的语意。】


“Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an ______ man.” --Francis Bacon 非谓语动词在写作中的运用(By Du Yan) Learning aims: Ss learn to write a better basic writing by learning to use nonfinite verbs Learning difficulties: How to use nonfinite verbs in a basic writing. Step I. Lead-in ◆Task1. Questions: 1. How to write well / a wonderful essay? 2. What sentence patterns do you know? ◆Task2.Enjoy a writing (2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖南卷)作文范文) Getting back what you have lost would be an unforgettable experience. Last Monday, I lost my expensive cell-phone, on which my name was inscribed. Fortunately, it was returned. That morning, I rushed out of my house and jumped into a taxi, for I would be late for the final examination. On arriving at school, I headed to my classroom quickly, not noticing that I had left my cell-phone on the back seat. When the exam ended, to my great surprise, I found the driver waiting at the school gate. He handed the phone over to me, wearing a smile on his face. So touched was I that tears rolled down my cheeks. From this story, I am firmly convinced of the significance of honesty, which will contribute to building a warm and harmonious society. Step II. Review A. 找出非谓语动词,并判断成分 ? 1. Making our city greener is everyone’s duty. ? 2. The government is determined to continue the green program. ? 3. I find my hometown changed so much. ? 4. Having fresh air, trees can reduce air pollution. ? 5. Every effort to make the program makes a difference. B. 高考链接2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖南卷) 21. We’ve had a good start, but next, more work needs _____ to achieve the final success. A. being done B. do C. to be done D. to do 23. Time, _____ correctly, is money in the bank. A. to use B. used C. using D. use 31. The lecture, ___ at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. A. starting B. being started C. to start D. to be started Step III. Presentation Task1.纠正下列句子错误并归纳出写作中非谓语动词常见的错误 1、状语动作行为者与主句不一致 ?Seeing from the top of mountain, the city is beautiful. → 2、用动词短语充当、表语和宾语 ?In my opinion, climb mountain is an enjoyable thing. →


动名词 ①admit ,appreciate ,give up ,imagine ,put off ,resist ,can’t stand(无法忍受)等后可以用动名词作宾语,但不能用不定式。 ②forget ,mean ,regret ,remember ,等可带动名词或不定式作宾语,但意义上有区别。 ⑤在短语devote to ,object to ,thank for ,be busy ,look forward to ,there is no use/good/need 等动词词组后也必须用动名词形式。 ⑥在love ,hate ,prefer ,like 等动词后用动名词或不定式无多大区别。用动名词作宾语时,指一般情况,而跟不定式作宾语时指某一次具体行为。

⑦.allow,advise,forbid,permit等动词后直接跟动名词形式作宾语,如果后面有名词或代词作宾语,其后用动词不定式作宾语补足语。 We don’t allow smoking here. We don’t allow students to smoke. ⑧. 动词need,require,want作“需要”解,其后必须用动名词的主动形式或不定式的被动形式作宾语,表示事情需要做。动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。 be worth后必须用动名词的主动形式来表示被动意义。 The window needs cleaning/to be cleaned. ⑨动名词的时态和语态 动名词的时态分一般式和完成式两种。 We are interested in playing chess. I’m sorry for not having kept my promise. He likes being helped. I don’t remember having ever been given a chance to do it. .分词的时态和语态 (1)分词分为现在分词和过去分词,其否定形式为not+分词。现在分词有一般式和完成式。Being a student,he was interested in books. Having studied in it for three years,he knows the university very well. (2)现在分词有一般式和完成式,且有主动语态和被动语态。 The question being discussed is important. Having been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smoking. (3)过去分词表示的动作或是在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生,或是没有一定的时间性。This is a book written by a famous Chinese writer. 如果指的动作现在正在发生或是与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,可用现在分词的被动形式作定语。 We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here. (4)作状语 分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、行为方式、伴随状况等。 The teacher stood there,surrounded by the students. 表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由连接词while或when引出。 While unfinished,the painting looked ugly. 分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。如果分词与句子的主语是主动关系,用doing表示与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生或进行的动作,用having done表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作。如果分词与句子的主语是被动关系,则用done强调在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作,也可用having been done。 (5).当分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语不同时,分词前必须加上自己的主语,此结构被称为独立主格结构。 Time permitting,I’ll finish another lesson. 二、转换复合句为非谓语动词 1.这里曾有一家化肥厂,位于城市的南边。它每天释放出大量有毒气体,污染环境。There was a large factory, which produced fertilizer. Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas, which polluted the environment. →There used to be a large factor y _________________. Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas, ____________the environment. (现在分词作状语) 2.当我们赶到校门口时,已经8点了。我们见到老师时,不得不为迟到而向她道歉。When we got to the school gate it was eight. When we saw our teacher, we had to say sorry for we were so late. →When we got to the school gate it was eight. ____________, we had to say sorry for our being late. (现在分词作状语)


动名词 ①admit,appreciate,give up,imagine,put off,resist,can’t stand(无法忍受)等后可以用动名词作宾语,但不能用不定式。 ②forget,mean,regret,remember,等可带动名词或不定式作宾语,但意义上有区别。 ⑤在短语devote to,object to,thank for,be busy,look forward to,there is no use/good/need 等动词词组后也必须用动名词形式。 ⑥在love,hate,prefer,like等动词后用动名词或不定式无多大区别。用动名词作宾语时,指一般情况,而跟不定式作宾语时指某一次具体行为。

⑦.allow,advise,forbid,permit等动词后直接跟动名词形式作宾语,如果后面有名词或代词作宾语,其后用动词不定式作宾语补足语。 We don’t allow smoking here. We don’t allow students to smoke. ⑧. 动词need,require,want作“需要”解,其后必须用动名词的主动形式或不定式的被动形式作宾语,表示事情需要做。动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。 be worth后必须用动名词的主动形式来表示被动意义。 The window needs cleaning/to be cleaned. ⑨动名词的时态和语态 动名词的时态分一般式和完成式两种。 We are interested in playing chess. I’m sorry for not having kept my promise. He likes being helped. I don’t remember having ever been given a chance to do it. .分词的时态和语态 (1)分词分为现在分词和过去分词,其否定形式为not+分词。现在分词有一般式和完成式。Being a student,he was interested in books. Having studied in it for three years,he knows the university very well. (2)现在分词有一般式和完成式,且有主动语态和被动语态。 The question being discussed is important. Having been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smoking. (3)过去分词表示的动作或是在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生,或是没有一定的时间性。This is a book written by a famous Chinese writer. 如果指的动作现在正在发生或是与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,可用现在分词的被动形式作定语。 We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here. (4)作状语 分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、行为方式、伴随状况等。 The teacher stood there,surrounded by the students. 表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由连接词while或when引出。 While unfinished,the painting looked ugly. 分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。如果分词与句子的主语是主动关系,用doing表示与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生或进行的动作,用having done表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作。如果分词与句子的主语是被动关系,则用done强调在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作,也可用having been done。 (5).当分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语不同时,分词前必须加上自己的主语,此结构被称为独立主格结构。 Time permitting,I’ll finish another lesson. 二、转换复合句为非谓语动词 1.这里曾有一家化肥厂,位于城市的南边。它每天释放出大量有毒气体,污染环境。There was a large factory, which produced fertilizer. Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas, which polluted the environment. →There used to be a large factor y _________________. Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas, ____________the environment. (现在分词作状语) 2.当我们赶到校门口时,已经8点了。我们见到老师时,不得不为迟到而向她道歉。When we got to the school gate it was eight. When we saw our teacher, we had to say sorry for we were so late. →When we got to the school gate it was eight. ____________, we had to say sorry for our being late. (现在分词作状语)


2018高考英语知识点:非谓语动词在写作 中的运用 2018高考英语知识点:非谓语动词在写作中的运用 1. 依据上下确定答案的法则:从近几年的完形填空题看,近义词或近义短语的测试力度逐渐加强,并成为测试热点。四个选项不是词义相近,要不就是近义动词的同一种时态的现象,或名词的单复数搭配。若选项词义差异很大,必然中藏有提示语,正因如此,往往第一个选项有时需要读完全篇短才能准确回答。 2. 词语语义与强于语法原则:完型填空题的首句不留空,目的就是告知短的故事的四要素:地点、时间、人物和事由。再则,单纯语法题已基本退出该题型的测试范畴,所以,指导学生时,首先要告知他们这类现象。尽管四个选项的词语都符合语法规则,然而该题的解答必须遵循先全面理解篇语义,再结合正确语言结构对每个空格作出准确无误的抉择。 3. 解题四步法原则: 第一步:跳读。带着空格通读全,了解短大意,判别短体,同时能将会做的题及时解决掉。 第二步:选答。这一步最为关键,要求考生对每一道题进行认真推敲,但是要告诫他们万万不可按照题的顺序答题,对那些不能拿不准的题先跳过去,遵循先易后难的解题原则。

第三步:推敲。这实际上就是要求考生对完形填空短的篇作通盘考虑,把其中一些需要依据上下语境考虑的比较难解答的题,以及句子之间和段落之间的逻辑关联较强的认真推敲,甄别,筛选和抉择。 第四步:复查。这是解答这类题的最后一步,要求考生解完题之后务必再把通读一遍,从整体上准确把握的真正意思,及时修改与全有出入的一些选项。 应试技巧一:语境信息解题法:近几年的完形填空题 淡化了语法结构性的题,选项重在语意干扰,也就是说,对具体的语言知识应该融入具体的语境中去考虑,考生应具有通过上下提示、暗示或铺垫,对篇进行整体上的把握的能力。所以,快速浏览全,迅速领悟篇主旨,通过上下语境选择答案选项乃解决完形填空的关键。 4) ur __47__ hallenge was t keep the rk ixture __48__ enugh. 47. A. next B. first . past D. previus 48. A. ld B. wet . lse D. lean 【题解:47.答案为A项。短前面提到第一个挑战是发 电的问题,那么接下的挑战就是如何保持温度的问题。48.答案为B项。从下提到的洒水车等事情,我们可以判断出这儿应该是“保持湿度”的语意。】


非谓语动词在雅思大作文中的应用 朗阁海外考试研究中心刘雅敏 不少考生存在这样的误区:作文句型结构越复杂,分数越高。因此常常见到有考生一个句子中包含五六个复合句,加上表达方式晦涩,导致两种极端。一种是一个句子中的含义过多,而含义之间没有逻辑关系,导致读者理解困难;比如: In the meantime, too many reports which have bad influences on readers rather than good ones could result in that the public would fall in panic, or contribute to that the young who are inexperienced about the affairs in the world follow these bad example and even do some anti-social behaviors, which is of course harmful to their own growth,and at the same time, it affects the peace of the community. 对!你没看错,这是一个句子!相信读者读完之后会从头再读一遍,因为语法结构的选择过于繁琐,且语义与语义之间没有逻辑关系,导致整个句子含义不清晰,逻辑不顺畅。现调整如下: In the meantime, too many negative reports rather than positive ones could result in the public panic or the tragedy that those unsophisticated youngsters follow these bad examples and even do some anti-social behaviors, which is not only detrimental to their own growth, but also affects the public security of the community. 另一种则是句意较为简单,却使用复杂的句型结构,轻则考官判断为句型掌握不灵活,重则有向考官秀句型的嫌疑。比如: 轻者: Those who are living in the suburbs have to travel far to the cities for working. 该句子没有任何语法问题,读起来也较流畅,但并不是句型的最佳选择,因为其句意并不复杂,完全可以把“who are”去掉,改成分词作定语,使用简单句就搞得定: Those living in the suburbs have to travel far to the cities for working. 重者:


非谓语动词在写作中的运用 英译汉 1.First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the 17th century,the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds,including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem,and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Eco-lab Polytechnique. 句意:这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家Pierre de Format提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,其中包括一个法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展。为了能够在Ecolab Polytechnipue理工学院学习 她曾女扮男装。 2.It is the business of the scientist to accumulate knowledge about the universe and all that is in it, and to find, if he is able, common factors which underlie and account for the facts that he knows. 科学家要做的事就是积累有关宇宙和宇宙中的一切事物的知识, 而且要是可能的话, 找出那些既能构成科学家所知事实的基础, 又能解释这些事实的共同因素。(不定式作主语) 3.It is a difficult task to compare two systems of education which stem from different roots and often produce contrasting effects. 两种教育制度体系源于不同的根基, 并常常产生对照鲜明的不同效果, 因而,要将它们作一比较, 确非易事。(不定式作主语) 4.To communicate precisely what you want to say, you will frequently need to define key words. 要准确表达想要表达的内容, 就经常需要对关键词进行释义。(不定式作状语) 5.Electricity is such a part of our everyday lives and so much taken for granted nowadays that we rarely think twice when we switch on the light or turn on the radio. 电在我们的日常生活中所占的地位是如此重要, 而且现在人们认为电是想当然的事, 所以我们在开电灯或开收音机时, 就很少再去想一想电是怎么来的。(结果状语从句) 6.By many such experiments Galileo showed that, apart from differences caused by air resistance, all bodies fall to the ground at the same speed, whatever their weight is. 伽利略经过多次这类实验证明, 一切物体, 不论其重量如何, 除了因空气阻力引起的差别外, 都是以同样的速度落向地面的。(让步状语从句) 7.Whether the characters portrayed are taken from real life or are purely imaginary, they may become our companions and friends. 无论书中描述的角色来自真实生活还是来自纯粹的想象, 他们都可能成为我们的伙伴和朋友。(让步状语从句)8.Although television was developed for broadcasting, many important uses have been found that have nothing to do with it. 虽然电视是为了广播而发明的, 但是电视还有许多与广播无关的重要用途。(让步状语从句) 9.Though the cost of the venture would be immense, both in labour and power, many believe that iceberg towing would prove less costly in the long run than the alternative of desalination of sea water. 这种冒险的代价, 不管是在人力还是在能源消耗方面, 都将是巨大的。然而, 许多人认为, 冰山牵引最终会证明比选择海水脱盐法花费要少。(让步状语从句) 10.Therefore, although technical advances in food production and processing will perhaps be needed to ensure food availability, meeting food needs will depend much more on equalizing economic power among the various segments of populations within the developing countries themselves. 因此, 尽管也许需要粮食生产和加工方面的技术进步来确保粮食的来源, 满足粮食需求更多的是取决于使发展中国家内部的人口各阶层具有同等的经济实力。(让步状语从句)
