



初中英语语法八大时态 1.结构 肯定句式: 主语+动词原形/动词的第三人称单数+其他 否定句式: 主语+(助动词)don't/doesn't +动词原形+其他 一般疑问句式: Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他 简略回答: (肯)Yes,主语+do/does (否)No,主语+do/does not 缩写形式: don't = do not doesn't = does not 例句:He often goes swimming in summer. I usually leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2.用法 1)表示经常的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态,常与表示频度的副词连用。 常用的频度副词有:always、often、usually、seldom、never、sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays.频度副词在句中通常放在行为动词之前,系动词、助动词之后。 例如: He often goes swimming in summer. I usually leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2)表示主语具备的性格、特征和能力等。 例如:All my family love football . My sister is always ready to help others . Ann writes good English but does not speak well. 3)表示客观真理、客观存在、自然现象。 例如:The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China. 4)表示按计划或安排好的,或将要发生的动作,可用一般现在时表将来。 但只限于start,begin,leave,go,come,arrive,return,take place等。 例如:The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. He comes back tonight. 5)在复合句中,当主句是一般将来时,时间或条件状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作。 例如:I'll tell him the news when he comes back. If you take the job , they will talk with you in greater details. 1.结构 肯定句式: 主语+动词过去式+其他 否定句式: 主语+(助动词)didn’t +动词原形+其他 一般疑问句式: Did+主语+动词原形+其他


LESSON ONE 句子的三种模式 导言本课的重点是掌握英语的三种基本句型,注意词性和词序,以及定语的位置,同时注意中英文表达上的相同和不相同的地方。三种基本句型虽然简单,但至关重要。掌握好它们,在今后的学习中有一通百通之效。 ▲主+系动词+表 注:*注意该结构中的名词,它们能被定语修饰。 1 这个人是一个老师。The man is a teacher. 主语系表语主语系表语(名词) 2 他(是)很忙。He is busy. 主语系表语主语系表语(形容词) ▲注意中文中的系动词经常被省略,而英文中绝不能省。 3 她(是)在教室里。She is in the classroom.

主语系表语主语系表语(介词短语) ▲定语只修饰名词,不破坏句子的基本结构。通常由形容词和介词短语充当,形容词放在所修饰的名词之前,而介词短语放在所修饰的名词之后,请注意英语与汉语词序的不同。看懂中文的定语是翻译好定语的关键。 介词短语 ---英国法学家波洛克 介词短语 Happiness is a station -----------Pollock, British jurist 形容词介词短语 5 形容词介词短语 man is a teacher 介词短语形容词

6.教室里。 形容词介词短语 The teacher is handsome. My book is 表语(介词短语)定语(介词短语) She is 介词短语即可以做表语也可以做定语,虽然它们词性相同,但由于词序不同,它们所起到的作用也不同,当在is的后面是表语,跟在名词的后面它就起到定语的作用。 课堂练习 1 1是


一、选择题 1.— What kind of home do you ? — A flat three bedrooms. A.live in; with B.live; with C.live in; has D.live; has 2.—Do you like watching cooking programs on TV? —No, I don’t , but my twin brother . He's very fond of cooking. A.does B.do C.is D.are 3.Kay looked _________ at the guests who said that the food she cooked tasted _________. A.happily; wonderfully B.happily; wonderful C.happy; wonderful D.happy; wonderfully 4.Ted likes Art, his brother . A.but; isn't B.and; don't C.but; doesn't D.but ;don't 5.What kind of music ________ he ________? A.does; listen B.does; listen to C.is; listen D.is; listen to 6.Lucy and I ________ good friends. A.am B.is C.are 7.The library ______ from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekdays. But it______ at 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. A.is open; closes B.opens; closed C.is opened; closes D.is opening; is closed 8.I tried to make the baby ________by singing, and that worked well at last. A.stop crying B.to stop crying C.stop to cry D.to stop to cry 9.—What will the weather _______tomorrow? — It is going to_______ . A.be like; rainy B.be like; rain C.like; rain D.like; rainy 10.—William, your hat _______ nice. —Thanks. A.buys B.looks C.finds 11.Which of the following sentences is right? A.My books on the desk B.Nice meet you, too C.These are my dictionaries D.Thanks you for your help. 12.Many students are so crazy about mobile games that they lose interest in their schoolwork, which _________ their parents and teachers a lot. A.worries about B.is worried about C.worries D.is worried 13.—The books on the table_________ Mike’s, right? —Yes, they are. A.am B.is C.are 14.Peter has never seen such a big fish in his life, ________? A.has he B.hasn’t he C.does he D.doesn't he 15.—Do you know whom they will have ________the parts of car together?—Sorry,I have no


初中英语常用语法结构图示 一、词法: 单数 普通名词可数名词复数,复数变化规则 名词不规则名词复数形式 不可数名词及量的表示 专有名词: 人名、地名、国家名。大写,不加冠词 名词的格’s 多用于有生命的事物 of 多用于无生命的事物 人称代词:主格与宾格:人称代词的排序; 物主代词:形容词性物主代词;名词性物主代词 反身代词:构成;Own 的用法 that, this, these, those的用法; 指示代词such, so 的用法,the same as.的用法; so+(助)动词+主语与so+主语+(助)动词的区别。 代词one, another, the other, others, other等词的用法; one与it的区别; both,与all的区别; some, any的用法区别. 不定代词every与each的用法 either,neither,none的用法 -body,-one-thing-where与some, any, every,no的组合; any,many ,a few,few,much,a little,little等词的用法。 疑问代词:who, what, which, whose, whom It的用法表示天气、气候、季节、时间、阴暗、距离、状况等做主语; 作形式主语与形式宾语; 定冠词的用法:特指 冠词:(a, an, the)不定冠词的用法:不特指 不用冠词的情况 作用:定语和表语及其位置. The+形容词=复数名词 用法 单音节词 形容词构成双音节词 多音节词 比较级与最高级不规则词 as+原级+as ;not as(so)+原级+ as 比较级+比较级 The+比较级+范围 The+比较级,the +比较级 序数词+最高级 副词与形容词的用法区别及相互转换 级别方面用法与形容词相同 already, yet; ago, before, since; now, just now; sometime. Some time, sometimes;频度副词; 副词几个副词的用法so that, so…that; too…to; too, either, everyday, every day, every other day; enough;

英语单词,语法more than 结构用法小结

more than 结构用法小结 英语中more than 的用法比较复杂,它除了用于比较结构外,还可以与名词、形容词、动词或从句等连用,表达不同的含义。下面是more than 结构的一些常见用法 1. more than 结构后跟名词表示“不只是”;“不仅仅”等。例如: (1) However, we must consider more than the beginning of the motion. 然而,我们必须考虑的不只是运动的初始阶段。 (2) Peace is more than the absence of war. 和平不只是意味着没有战争。 2.more than 用来修饰形容词、分词和动词,表示所修饰的词份量不重或含义不够,而加以说明,译成汉语可为“非常”,相当于“very”或“much”。例如: (1) He is more than selfish. 他非常自私。 (2) He is more than happy about it. 他对此事极为高兴。 (3) I am sure conditions over there will more than satisfy your requirements. 我相信那边的条件会极大地满足你的要求。 3.more than 后接单数名词,谓语动词用单数。例如: (1) More than one person has been concerned in this. 这里涉及的不止是一个人。 (2) More than one member protested against the proposal. 不止一个成员反对这个建议。 4. more A than B 结构。用来比较两种说法的正确程度,即前一种说法(A项)比后一种说法(B项)要正确一些,表示“与其……不如……”。在这个句型里,more 后不能用形容词或副词的比较级形式,而要用原级形式,此外还可用名词、代词、动词、介词短语等。例如:(1) He is more good than bad. 与其说他坏不如说他好。 (2) It is more a poem than a picture. 与其说这是一幅画,不如说这是一首诗。 5. more than 或more... than 后接从句,可表示否定意义。例如: (1) The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe. 杭州景色之美是说言所不能描述的。 (2) That is more than I can tell you,sir. 这一点我是不能告诉你的,先生。 (注意:在这种句型中,more than 后常接含有can 或could 的从句,表示“……不能”。)对于下列表示否定意义的句子,有的语法学家认为在than 后面省略了when,有的认为省掉了it,也有的认为than 用作关系代词,因而并无省略。这类句子在理解上并不困难,结构上变化也不大,从实用出发,可将其视为一种句型来学习。例如: a. You spent more money than was intended to be spent. 你花掉的钱比原计划的要多。(原计划要花的钱没有这么多。) b. This is more money than is needed. 这笔钱比需要的多。(需要的钱没有这么多。) c. We often advise him not to drink more wine than is good for his health.


知识模块12:比较结构<标准文本> 【考点概述】 比较结构是英语学习的一个难点,也是考研英语的易考点。该模块的学习重点是理清比较对象之间的关系,同时,这也是比较结构学习的一个难点。除此之外,还要把握住特殊形式的比较词,比如not so much…as…和no more…than…。 【考情分析】 在完型填空中,往往会就比较结构中的形容词、副词以及比较结构设置考点,解答此类题的关键是把握清楚比较结构中比较对象的关系并依托上下文语境,填入正确的词汇。 在阅读理解中,比较结构出现的频次很高,解答重点主要在于弄清比较对象,以及比较对象之间的比较关系,也就是分清楚作者对于比较对象之间的肯定和否定意味。要注意细节题及推断题中命题人据此设置的陷阱,如比较对象的张冠李戴。 在翻译中比较结构的考查较常见,而且往往是难点和失分点。考生需要在弄清比较对象及其比较关系的基础上,用通顺的语言将比较关系表达出来。有些固定表达的固定译法要记住,到时直接译出即可。 在写作题目中,利用比较结构可以丰富句式,但是要保证正确,以免出错而失分。比较结构虽然较难,但掌握起来也有规律,要讲究方法。我们可以将比较结构的处理总结为三步:⑴识别比较结构的标志词;⑵找出比较对象;⑶理解比较关系。只要按照这三步走,再结合本章知识点的讲解,学习和掌握比较结构就容易得多。 一、定义 形容词和副词的比较级运用于句子当中便形成了比较结构。 二、结构 比较结构种类较多,最主要的有两种:as...as结构和more...than结构。比较结构一定要分清楚比较对象,以及对于比较对象的肯定、否定关系。 (一)as...as结构 1.as...as结构的基本模式是:as +形容词或副词原级+ as,表达的基本意思为“……和……一样” 例1:He is as energetic as a young man. 他像年轻人一样充满活力。 例2:He considered her opinion as valuable as ours. 他认为她的意见和我们的一样有价值。 2. as...as的否定结构及其变体分别是not so/as...as和not so much/many...as…(该用法在意思上也等同于not so much…but…),表达的意思是“……不如……” 例1:John is not so bright as Bob. 约翰不如鲍勃聪明。 例2:She hasn’t written so many essays as her brother. 她写的文章不如她哥哥多。


学外语的十条经验 1、学习外语一天也不能中断。倘若确实没有时间,哪怕每天挤出10分钟也行;早晨是学习外语的大好时光。 2、要是学厌了,不必过于勉强,但也不要扔下不学。这时可以改变一下学习方式;比如把书放到一边去听听广播,或暂时搁下课本的练习去翻翻词典等。 3、绝不要脱离上下文孤立地去死背硬记。 4、应该随时地记下并背熟那些平日用得最多的“句套子”。 5、尽可能‘心译’你接触到的东西,如一闪而过的广告,偶而听到的话语,这也是一种休息的方式。 6、只有经过教师修改的东西才值得牢记。不要反复去看那些做了而未经别人修改的练习,看多了就会不自觉地连同错误的东西一起记在脑了里。假如你纯属自学而无旁人相助,那你就去记那些肯定是正确无误的东西。 7、抄录和记忆句子和惯用语时要用单数第一人称,如“I am only pulling your leg"(我只是要戏弄你) 8、外语好比碉堡,必须同时从四面八方向它围攻:读报纸,听广播,看原文电影,听外语讲演,攻读课本,和外国朋友通讯,来往,交谈等等。

9、要敢于说话,不要怕出错误,要请别人纠正错误。尤为重要的当别人确实为你纠正错误时,不要难为情,不要泄气。 10、要坚信你一定能达到目的,要坚信自己有坚强不屈的毅力和语言方面的非凡才能…… What is in the classroom How many students are there in the classroom Where are 5 students There are not 5 students in the classroom. Are there 5 students in the classroom Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. Are you from Jinhua or Ningbo There are not 5 students in the classroom, aren’t there He is a teacher, isn’t he There be 结构用法 There be 句型归纳与练习 There be 句型


初中英语语法网络图 一.名词 I. 名词的种类: 专有名词普通名词 国名.地名.人名,团体.机构名称可数名词不可数名词 个体名词集体名词抽象名词物质名词 II. 名词的数: 1. 规则名词的复数形式: 名词的复数形式,一般在单数形式后面加-s或-es。现将构成方法与读音规则列表如下: 规则例词 1一般情况在词尾加-s map-maps, sea-seas, girl-girls, day-days 2以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词后加-es class-classes, box-boxes, watch-watches, dish-dishes 3 以-f或-fe结尾 的词 变-f和-fe为v再加-es leaf-leaves, thief-thieves, knife-knives, loaf-loaves, wife-wives 加-s belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, proof-proofs, roof-roofs, gulf-gulfs 4以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加 -es party-parties, family-families, story-stories, city-cities 5以元音字母加y结尾的名词,或专有名词 以y结尾的,加-s toy-toys, boy-boys, day-days, ray-rays, Henry-Henrys 6以辅音字母加 -o结尾的名词 一般加-es hero-heroes, Negro-Negroes, potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes 不少外来词加-s piano-pianos, photo-photos, auto-autos, kilo-kilos, solo-solos 两者皆可zero-zeros/zeroes, volcano-volcanoes/ volcanos 7以元音字母加-o结尾的名词加-s radio-radios, bamboo-bamboos, zoo-zoos 8以-th结尾的名词加-s truth-truths, mouth-mouths, month-months, path-paths, 2. 不规则名词复数: 英语里有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,现归纳如下:规则例词 1改变名词中的元音字母或其他形式man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, goose-geese, mouse-mice 2单复数相同sheep, deer, series, means, works, fish, species li, yuan, jin, 3只有复数形式ashes, trousers, clothes, thanks, goods, glasses, compasses, contents 4一些集体名词总是用作复数people, police, cattle, staff 5部分集体名词既可以作单数(整体)也 可以作复数(成员) audience, class, family, crowd, couple, group, committee, government, population, crew, team, public, enemy, party 6复数形式表示特别含义customs(海关), forces(军队), times(时代), spirits(情绪), drinks(饮料), sands(沙滩), papers(文件报纸), manners(礼貌), looks(外表), brains(头脑智力), greens(青菜), ruins(废墟)



一.名词 专有名词普通名词 国名地名人名,团体机构 名称 可数名词不可数名词 个体名词集体名词抽象名词物质名词 1. 规则名词的复数形式: 规则例词 1 一般情况在词尾加-s map-maps, sea-seas, girl-girls, day-days 2 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词后加-es class-classes, box-boxes, watch-watches, dish-dishes 3 以-f或-fe结尾 的词 变-f和-fe为v再加-es leaf-leaves, thief-thieves, knife-knives, loaf-loaves, wife-wives 加-s belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, proof-proofs, roof-roofs, gulf-gulfs 4 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加-es party-parties, family-families, story-stories, city-cities 5 以元音字母加y结尾的名词,或专有名词以y结 尾的,加-s toy-toys, boy-boys, day-days, ray-rays, Henry-Henrys

可数与不可数可以让学生理解字面意思数的清和数不清,brainstorm将可以想到的不可数名词讲出来 2. 不规则名词复数: 名词在句中表示所有关系的语法形式叫做名词所有格。所有格分两种:一是名词词尾加’s构成,二是由介词of加名词构成。前者多表示有生命的东西,后者多表示无生命的东西。


初中英语语法结构图 篇一:初中英语语法结构图示 初中英语常用语法结构图示 一、词法: 单数 普通名词可数名词复数,复数变化规则 名词不规则名词复数形式 不可数名词及量的表示 专有名词: 人名、地名、国家名。大写,不加冠词 名词的格’s 多用于有生命的事物 of 多用于无生命的事物 人称代词:主格与宾格:人称代词的排序; 物主代词:形容词性物主代词;名词性物主代词 反身代词:构成;Own 的用法 that, this, these, those的用法; 指示代词such, so 的用法,the same as.的用法; so+(助)动词+主语与so+主语+(助)动词的区别。代词one, another, the other, others, other等词的用法; one与it的区别; both,与all的区别;

some, any的用法区别. 不定代词every与each的用法 either,neither,none的用法 -body,-one-thing-where与some, any, every,no的组合;any,many ,a few,few,much,a little,little等词的用法。 疑问代词:who, what, which, whose, whom It的用法表示天气、气候、季节、时间、阴暗、距离、状况等做主语; 作形式主语与形式宾语; 特指 冠词:(a, an, the 作用:定语和表语及其位置. The+形容词=复数名词 用法 单音节词 形容词构成双音节词 多音节词 比较级与最高级不规则词 as+原级+as ;not as(so)+原级+ as 比较级+比较级 The+比较级+范围


一、选择题 1.This my sister and those my brothers. A.is, is B.are, are C.is, are 2.Colours can change our moods and make us happy or sad . A.feel B.to feel C.felt D.feeling 3.These chicken wings taste ________. I want more. A.well B.wonderfully C.nice D.bad 4.Jim a basketball? A.Does; have B.Does; has C.Is; have 5.—Listen! I can hear someone __________ for help. —Is there __________? A.calling; anything wrong B.call; anything wrong C.calling; wrong anything D.call; wrong anything 6.What kind of music ________ he ________? A.does; listen B.does; listen to C.is; listen D.is; listen to 7.Lucy and I ________ good friends. A.am B.is C.are 8.A number of visitors ________visiting our school. The number of them________ about 180. A.is;are B.are; is C.is; is D.are; are 9.—What will the weather _______tomorrow? — It is going to_______ . A.be like; rainy B.be like; rain C.like; rain D.like; rainy 10.—How much ________ this pair of shoes? —Five dollars. A.am B.is C.are D.be 11.—William, your hat _______ nice. —Thanks. A.buys B.looks C.finds 12.Hard work can bring you , but if you are lazy, you won’t become . A.success; success B.successful; success C.success; successful D.successful; succeed 13.—Where_______you come from? —I______from Japan A.are; am B.are; come C.do; come 14.Tom and I ________ good friends. He is twelve(12岁). A.are B.am C.is D.be 15.—Do you know whom they will have ________the parts of car together?—Sorry,I have no


考点1:原级比较一般结构as … as ; not as … as ; the same … as ; 1. There are as good fish in the sea __as___ ever came out of A. than B. like C. as D. so 考点2:A is to B what / as X is Y ; 1. Nine is to three _what____ three is to A. when B. that C. which D. what 2. Intellect is to the mind _what___ sight is to the body. (2001) A. what B. as C. that D. Like 3. Twelve is to three what four is to A. what B. As C. That D. like 考点3:倍数或几分之几 “A + be + X times + as + 计量形容词原级+ as + B”。 “A + be + X times + 计量形容词比较级+ than + B ” “A + be + X times + the + 计量名词 + of + B “The + 计量名词+ of + A + be + X times + that + of + B ” 1. A new laptop costs about _there times the price____ of a second-hand one. 2009 A. the price of three times B. three times the price C. as much as the three times price D. three times more than the price 2. The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times _/___ the size of St. Peter's in A. / B. that of C. which is D. of 3. Some dieters find that after their dieting is over, they eat twice __as much as_____ they did before their diet. 1993 than many as than much as 4. A person's blood flows through a pipeline of vessels that, end to end, would stretch more than__two and a____ half times around the Earth at the A. twice B. two and a C. two and D. twice and 考点4: (1) more than “不仅是,非常,十分”等,用法和意义较多。 1. It was _a success than___ we had A. more a success than B. a success more than C. as much of a success as D. a success as much as (2) more …than “与其说……不如说,不是……而是” 1. Do you know Tim’s brother He is _more of a sportsman___than Tim2005. A. much more sportsman B. more of a sportsman C. more of sportsman D. more a sportsman


初中英语语法八大时态 一.一般现在时 1.结构 肯定句式: 主语+动词原形/动词的第三人称单数+其他 否定句式: 主语+(助动词) don't/doesn't +动词原形+其他 一般疑问句式: Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他 简略回答: (肯)Yes,主语+do/does (否)No,主语+do/does not 缩写形式: don't = do not doesn't = does not 例句:He often goes swimming in summer. I usually leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2.用法 1)表示经常的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态,常与表示频度的副词连用。 常用的频度副词有:always、often、 usually、seldom、never、sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays.频度副词在句中通常放在行为动词之前,系动词、助动词之后。例如: He often goes swimming in summer. I usually leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2)表示主语具备的性格、特征和能力等。 例如:All my family love football . My sister is always ready to help others . Ann writes good English but does not speak well. 3)表示客观真理、客观存在、自然现象。 例如:The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China. 4)表示按计划或安排好的,或将要发生的动作,可用一般现在时表将来。


2020年考研英语语法:比较结构 比较结构是考研翻译中非常重要的考点之一,比较结构包括以下 两种类型:①当要表达的事物之间在某一方面一样时,可用as…as…(后接形容词或副词,as much / many…as…(后接名词或动词)结构,no less...than (=not any less...than...)...,no more...than (=not any more...than...)...。②表达事物之间差别 的结构可采用 more (…than)或 less (…than),后可接形容词、副词、动词或名词。但要注意的是more…than 还可译作"与其说……,不如说……" 实际上,英语的比较结构比较复杂,翻译时应注意英汉 两种语言在表达上的差异。处理时应先识别比较结构,然后判断比较 对象。 【真题例句1】 There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them. 【解析】 这是一个典型的than引导的比较结构。如若按照字面来译:"有 更多的一致意见在这个词所指的不同表现方面,较少的一致意见对这 些表现如何解释或分类",译文显得生硬,我们需要转译。 【参考译文】 译文1:对(智力)这个词所指的不同表现人们意见比较一致,而对这些表现如何解释或分类则有不同看法。 译文2:人们对(智力)所指的不同表现,比对这些表现如何实行解释或分类,看法更为一致。 【真题例句2】

For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the 80's, downshifting in the mid-90s is not so much a search for he mythical good life-growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one-as a personal recognition of your limitations.结构分析: 【解析】 这句话的平行结构是两个名词短语:a search for he mythical good life-growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one和a personal recognition of your limitations. 本句主干由not so much…as…固定搭配连接构成的一个长句,其准确的翻译应为"与其……不如……",而这种翻译成中文之后通常让人产 生理解上的障碍。这种搭配出现在客观试题的阅读文章中,通常能够 直接把它理解成"不是……而是……"。 【参考译文】 对于我们这个代曾在整个80年代为生活奔波的女性来说,90年代中期过着放慢生活节奏的生活,与其说是追求神话般的美好生活--自 已种有机蔬菜,冒着变得毫无生机的危险--倒不如说我们都理解到了 自己的局限。 【真题例句3】 The ideal listener stays both inside and outside the music at the moment it is played and enjoys it almost as much as the composer does at the moment he composes. 【解析】 The ideal listener... enjoys it almost as much as the composer at the moment he composes 中does 代替enjoys,表示对 音乐的"欣赏"。这里as much as 同样表示同等水准。

英语语法 并列结构

并列结构的定义 两个或两个以上意义相关、层次相同、句法功能相同、由并列连词或其他并列手段连接起来的语法结构序列叫做“并列结构” (Coordinate Construction), 或者“平行结构”(Parallel Construction)。 1.并列结构的各种形式 1)词与词的并列you and me buy and sell 2)词组与词组的并列 a teacher and a student walking down the street or running through an alley 3)分句与分句的并列you can go or you can stay with us. The children can go with us or they can stay at home. Compound Sentence 并列句/复合句 2. 并列结构的连接手段 1)并列连词 2)标点符号 3)并列结构的插入语 在最后一个项目之前插入一个词语,使这个项目处于更加突出的地位。 4)并列结构的对称组合 成对组合的办法使整个结构更加紧凑。 并列结构 一、表示平行、递进关系的连词1.A and B:A和B And连接两个并列成分。and也常位于句首,使上下文联系更紧密。 The fabric is light and strong. I like reading and fishing in my spare time.This model of the computer is powerf ul,and the price is competitive. It was a severe winter.And we had not enough food for ourselves. 2.both A and B:A和B都这一结构是and的强化形式,连接的两个成分必须在结构上等同。不能连接句子。The new tax policy benefits both workers and farmers. Bothe she and I are interested in English literature. 3.not only…but(also)…不仅……而且……not only…but…as well不仅……而且……也 as well as和…and…as well和 *not only…but(also)…结构侧重在后者,而as well as侧重在前者。 Not only George but also his wife did a lot for us. It is said that he can fly a plane as well as drive a car. She can play pop music and classical music as well.
