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Part 1 Overview
Bird-eye View, or Tiger-eye View ?
Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 1 2 3 4 Introduction to International Trade Benefits of International Trade Barriers to International Trade E-commerce
黎孝先编著,《国际贸易实务》,外经贸大学 出版社,2000年 叶德万编著,《国际贸易实务案例教程》,华 南理工大学出版社,2004年 李元旭编著,《国际贸易单证实务》,清华大 学出版社,2004年 刘秀玲 编著,《国际贸易实务与案例 》,清 华大学出版社,2008年 韩常青 编著,《国际贸易实务 》,清华大学 出版社,2008年
1.2 Foundation of International Trade
In today‘s complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are selfsufficient(自给自足的). Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skiΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduls. This is the foundation of international trade and economic activities.
Part Part Part Part Part 1 2 3 4 5 Overview Terms of International Trade International Trade Procedure Trade Forms WTO and Globalization of Trade
Chapter1 Introduction to International Trade
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 What is International Trade? Foundation of International Trade Why do nations trade? Categories of International Trade Effectiveness of International Trade
1.3 Why do nations trade?
Foreign trade takes place for many reasons.
The first is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. Raw materials are scattered around the world. The second is that a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. Third, one nation can sell some items at a lower cost than other countries. Finally, foreign trade takes place because of innovation or style.
1.1 What is International Trade?
International trade , also known as world trade, foreign trade or overseas trade , is The fair and deliberate exchange of goods (trade in goods )and exchange of services(trade in services ) across national boundaries. It concerns trade operations of both import and export and includes the purchase and sale of both visible and invisible goods.

1.4 Categories of International Trade
1 visible trade (有形贸易), involves the import and export of goods and merchandise. 2 invisible trade (无形贸易), involves the exchange of services between nations. 3 A third very important category is investment , is the means by which nations utilize the capital of other nations to build factories and develop mines for their own industrial base. In fact, FDI (外商直接投资) is now more important than trade as a vehicle for international economic transactions.
中国外经贸 www.chinamarket.com.cn 阿里巴巴 www.alibaba.com 商务部 www.mofcom.gov.cn 中国国际市场贸易网 www.cnmark.com 中国出口商品贸易网 www.365export.com 中国进出口贸易网 www.cnie.cn 中国国际贸易发展网 www.itdn.com.cn 中国出口商品交易 www.cantonfair.org.cn 中国航贸网 www.snet.com.cn