
外贸函电综合试题https://www.360docs.net/doc/be19151216.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR



1. There is ________ doubt that the defective goods were damped before packing. (


A. without

B. little

C. some

D. a little

2. Our quotation ________ Tiantan Brand Shirts is valid for 10 days. ()

A. to

B. after

C. in

D. for

3. We cannot see any possible of business ________ your price is on the high side. (


A. which

B. since

C. that

D. though

4. We assure that the goods can be supplied from stock ________ you order early. (


A. whether

B. that

C. after

D. if

5. We ________ well ________ with the demand of Asia market. ()

A. shall…acquaint

B. can…acquaint

C. are…acquainting

D. are…acquainted

6. We will see to ________ that the L/C is opened within the stipulated time. (


A. it

B. make

C. let

D. them

7. After inspection of the above shipment we found 5 cases ________. ()

A. Missed

B. missing

C. lost

D. losing

8. ________ your terms and conditions be accepted by our clients, we will place a lar ge order with

you. ()

A. Should

B. If

C. Unless

D. That

9. Sometimes, transshipment and partial shipment are ________ by the buyer. (


A. permission

B. permitting

C. prohibited

D. prohibiting

10. We offer you our lowest price, ________ we have done a lot of business with oth er customers.


A. which

B. that

C. with which

D. at which

11. Because of the weak market, we have to decline our price ________ 5%. (


A. with

B. to

C. by

D. for

12. As the selling season is approaching, please ship the goods with the least ______ __ delay.


A. possible

B. profitable

C. impossible

D. portable

13. Enclosed is a copy of our price list ________ for in your letter of December 12. (


A. ask

B. asks

C. asked

D. asking

14.________ to our regret, at present we cannot entertain any fresh orders. (


A. many

B. much

C. more

D. most

15. We wish to receive your shipping advice soon for the goods under the captioned ________.


A. letter

B. cable

C. contract

D. communication

16. We have ________ stated that we are not in a position to supply at the moment. ()

A. strongly

B. expressly

C. seriously

D. gladly

17. The importer will go to the wharf and ________ delivery of the goods. ()

A. make

B. effect

C. fulfill

D. take

18. ________ shipment, please amend the L/C to allow transshipment. ()

A. Regarding

B. Covering

C. Concerning

D. Referring

19. The seller should be responsible for the losses due to the improper ________. (


A. package

B. packaging

C. packing

D. pack

20. Please do your best to ship our order ________ S. S. “Dongfeng”. ()

A. by

B. of

C. to

D. at


21. Increased production results ________ the adoption of new production method.

22. We assure you ________ our close cooperation in pushing the sales of your prod ucts.

23. Our usual terms of payment are ________ L/C and we hope they will be acceptab le ________


24. We shall pack each pen ________ a box, 24 boxes ________ a carton.

25. Please open as soon as possible the relevant L/C ________ our favor .

26. We consider it necessary to bring this matter ________ your notice.

27. Please keep us informed ________ the customer’s response ________ our new p roducts.

28. You should avail ________ of our favorable offer ________ your own interest.

29. We are already represented by Hussian & Co. ________ the sales of our raincoats ________ your district.

30. Any changes of specification would involve us ________ a great deal of trouble.

31. We have to ship the goods from Shanghai to New York ________ Hong Kong, as t here is no

direct steamer.

32. The time of delivery is approaching, we haven’t received your shipping instructio ns ________


33. ________ reply, we regret that we are not in a position to be responsible ______ __ the loss.

34. Our clients are in urgent ________ of the ordered goods.

35. Such insurance should be provided ________ your cost.

36. Our head office has passed your order ________ to us ________ attention and re ply.

37. We have only 100 sets of sewing machines ________ stock, so we make you this offer subject to ________ sale.


38. We are a stated-

operated corporation, specializing in the export of electric goods.


39. The L/C should reach us one month before the shipment and remain valid for neg otiation in China till the 15th day after shipment.


40. We are in a position to promise you that the goods supplied are in compliance wi th the sample in both the quality and design.


41. We would ask you to cooperate with us in advancing ;the shipment to the end of September to enable us to catch the brisk demand in Christmas.


42. Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance, extra premium is for buye r’s account.


43. This damage is due to the rough handling by the shipping company. You should cl aim on them for recovery of the loss.


44. To acquaint you with the products we export, we have sent you three brochures under separate uncover.

为使你方熟悉我方经营我们的产品出口,我们已经向您发出三手册另函露。45. If you find our arrangement agreeable, please cable us your confirmation to enab le us to expedite shipment.


46. It’s our sincere hope that you will direct your efforts to the promotion of this ne w product in your market to our mutual benefit.


47. Since competition of these fabrics is very keen here, it is necessary for you to quo te us the most favorable prices.




In view of our long-standing relationship, and that we give you this kind of care, exceptionally accept d/p.


We want to emphasize the, because season comes, any shipment

delay are no doubt will bring us a great inconvenience.


We yearn to establish trade relations with your company, the

development of trade between our two countries.

51.估计到货短重500公斤,我们还在等上海商品检验局的检验报告。Estimated arrival short weighs 500 kilograms, we're still waiting for Shanghai commodity inspection bureau inspection reports.


We offer CIF price, without any extraneous risks count, we only cover

insurance usual W.P.A. cover.








Mr. J respect:

About 457 number contract

Refer to our previous to your letters and telegrams, this request your attention to the fact that, until now we haven't got your enquiry regarding the shipment of the goods under the contract news.

As our previous letter accuse, users need order to the machine, and in fact to urge our early delivery.

In this case, we surely can't leave expires on December 20, further extension of l/c, and we believe that has the responsibility to call your attention to this matter again.

Hope we shipped immediately notifies the, because the relevant parties all expect your timely attention shipment.


外贸函电综合试题1 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共20 分) 1.There is________doubt that the defective goods were damped before packing. () A.withoutB.little C.some D.a little 2.Our quotation________Tiantan Brand S hirts is valid for10days.() A.to B.after C.in D.for 3.We cannot see any possible of business________your price is on the high side.() A.which B.since C.that D.t hough 4.We assure that the goods can be supplied from stock________you order e arly.() A.whether B.that C.after D.if 5.We________well________with the de mand of Asia market.() A.shall…acquaint B.can…acquaint C.are…acquainting D. are…acquainted 6.We will see to________that the L/C is opened within the stipulat ed time.() A.it B.make C.let D.them 7.After inspection of the above shipment we found5cases________.() A.Missed B. missing C.lost D.losing8.________your terms and conditions be accepted by ou r clients,we will place a large order with you.() A.Should B.If C.Unless D.That9.Sometimes,transshipment and pa rtial shipment are________by the buyer.() A.permission B.permitting C.prohibite d D.prohibiting10.We offer you our lowest price,________we have done a lot of bu siness with other customers. () A.which B.that C.with which D.at which11.Because of the weak market, we have to decline our price________5%.() A.with B.to C.by D.for12.As the selling season is approaching,please ship the goods with the least________delay.


外贸函电期末试题及答案 一、积累与运用(20分) 1.可爱的书写能够散发出美的享用。恳请把下面这句话恰当、规范、美观地抄录在方格内。(2分后) 父母之爱,是天地间最伟大的爱。--梁实秋 2.以下加线的字注音有误的一项就是()(2分后) A、踌躇chóu 颓唐tuí 宽绰chuò 棉絮xù B、栅栏zhà 琐屑xiè 问世dàn 濡湿rú C、擦拭shì 举箸zhù 龟裂guī 搀扶chān D、祷告dǎo 唆使sǒng 数落shǔ 慈祥cí 3.下列词语中有四个错别字,划出来并在方格中改正。(4分) 祸不单行非同小可愧疚容易压微不足道 变卖典质桀骜不驯无地自容感概万千 触目伤怀虎视眈眈无精打采力所能及 不能自已振耳欲聋失魂落魄漫无目的 4.句中加线的词语表述不当的一项就是()(2分后) A、从绰绰富翁变成了一贫如洗的穷光蛋。 绰绰:形容经济很充裕,傅在源。 B、我惴惴地仰起脸望着母亲。 惴惴:形容又犯愁又惧怕的样子。 C、家中光景很是惨淡。 光景:风景。 D、大约大去之期不远矣。 小回去:“死去”的直截了当观点,即为与世长辞,去世。

5.对本单元课文的分析有误的一项是()(2分) A、《背影》通篇写下父亲关心爱惜儿子,儿子敬佩思念父亲,但像是“关心”“爱惜”“敬佩”这一类抽象化非常简单的字眼却一个也没用,更没华丽的词藻。 B、《慈母情深》略写母亲的工作环境、劳动场景,因为这部分内容对表现人物的情感、思想、品性以及文章主题没有太大的作用。 C、《父母的心》一文的作者似的急于正视轻易定义感情,全文除了结尾存有一些人物衣着和场景的描绘外,几乎没图形,基本上就是简约的描述。 D、《金色花》这首诗用充满童稚的想象,细腻地刻画了孩子天真可爱而又稍带顽皮地与妈妈嬉戏的心理,含蓄巧妙地表达了孩子一刻不离妈妈的难舍难分的深厚感情。 6.如果你不小心危害了一位朋友,那么你如何真诚地向他(她)致歉呢?庄重的一项就是()(2分后) A、对不起,就算我错了,好不好? B、对不起,我真的不是故意的,王火我,不好吗? C、对不起,我虽然错了,但是我不是故意的,你应该原谅我才对。 D、对不起,虽然我弄错了,但是你也存有不对的地方,你无法只鬼我。 7.选出填在横线上最恰当的一项()(2分) 也许,在绚烂的天空面前,你可以真的自己很_____,你可以_____;也许,在茫茫的大海面前,你可以真的自己很_____,你可以_____;也许,在宽广的原野面前,你可以真的自己很_____,你可以_____。然而你却不晓得,你可以存有自己的妩媚,存有浪花的轻快,存有小草的翠绿! A、渺小自卑狭隘不安平庸懊恼 B、愤世嫉俗生气肤浅恐惧可悲自卑 C、渺小自卑平庸懊恼狭隘不安 D、愤世嫉俗生气可悲自卑肤浅恐惧 8.某报社正在举办征集“献给母亲的一句话”活动,你也将参与这项活动,你献给母亲的一句话是_______________________________(4分) 二、写作认知(40分后) (一)阅读下面课内文字,完成9-14题。(12分)


外贸函电试题库 Multiple choice 1. Our latest design has won worldwide ___B_____. A. popular B. popularity C. popularly D. popularize 2. Art. No.8905 enjoys the fame of wide _C_______. A. selling B. salable C. sales D. sell 3. We are unable to satisfy your requirements, for the goods are ___A____ great demand. A. in B. on C. of D. having 4. Payment by D/P should be _____D__ to you. A. agree B. agreed C. agreement D. agreeable 5. As we are __C_____ urgent need of Art. No.5609, please ship our order without delay. A. on B. of C. in D. To 1-5 bcadc; 6. We __A_____ you of our prompt shipment after receipt of your order.

A. assure B. assurance C. insure D. insurance 7. We have to claim for your delay in __A_____ of our order. A. shipping B. shipment C. ship D. deliver 8. Our company has wide experience ______B__ the textiles line. A. on B. in C. about D. of 9. Y ou have delayed in dispatching us the shipping ___A____ after shipment. A. advice B. instruction C. information D. data 10. Please effect payment when the draft _____A__ . A. expires (到期) B. due C. falls due D. falls expiration 6-10 aabaa 1. Y our request for payment __B____ Letter of Credit is unacceptable. A. with B. by C. using D. of 2. As instructed, we will draw ___C____you a sight draft for collection(托收) through the Bank of China.


外贸函电试题一及答案 一、请写出下列单词(每小题1分,共20分) 1.报盘11.invoice 2.还盘12. freight 3.投诉13. extension 4.保险14. acceptance 5.包装15. acknowledge 6.装运16. entertain 7.争议17. countersign 8.索赔18. transaction 9.短量19. execution 10.付款20. contract 二、请翻译下列词组(每小题1分,共10分) 1. 装运通知 2. 现货供应 3. 以为条件 4. 占用资金 5. 自负盈亏

6. packing list 7. weight note 8. certificate of original 9. bill of exchange 10. maritime ports 三、填空(每小题0。5分,共10分) 1. If you could make a reduction _____________ 1% ______________ quotation, we have confidence ______________ securing large orders for you. 2. We would like to direct your attention ________________ the quality of the goods which is superior ________________ that of other makes. 3. We confirm our purchase _________________ you ___________________ 1000 dozen of Alarm Clocks ___________________ US$9.50 ___________________ dozen CIF Vancouver ___________- export packing. 4. We have only 300 kegs _______________ iron nails in stock; therefore we request you to extend the shipment date of your L/C _______________ the end ____________ of this month. 5. Since your price is _________ __________ ___________ with the prevailing market, it is not ______________ for the buyers on our ______________ to accept. 6. We learn _____________ your letter of May 15 that you are in the _____________ for green tea. 四、请把下列句子翻译成英语(每小题3分,共15分) 1.我们今天通过中国银行大连分行就第3422号定单开立了以你方为受益人的不


外贸函电试题参考答案及评分标准 一、填空题(每空1分,共25分) 1.Owing()the delay on the part of the suppliers,we must ask you to extend the date of shipment () September 10th()October 10th. 2.We wish to call your attention ()the validity ()the L/C,since there is no possibility of L/C extension 3.If you insist ()your price,there is no possibility of getting business done. 4.We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools()request. 5.()receipt ()your cable of March5,we at once requested to Bank of China in London to establish a letter of credit ()your favor ()pound sterling. 6.Please try your best to push the sale of machine tools ()your end. 7.We offer firm CIF,Lagos shipment()30days,subject()your reply here before10a.m.our time. 8.We can supply Walnuts ()stock. 9.We wish to point out that is the best price we can quote and , therefore any counteroffer()you cannot be considered. 10.Payment of the purchase is to be made()confirmed, irrevocable L/C. 11.We have confidence()the quality of Chinese Tin. 12.We are glad to have booked()you 10000doz,Five Starnd pencils. 13.It is out()question that we can get the necessary import license.


外贸函电试题及答案 一、选择题 1.在外贸函电中,正文是指( A ) A.函电的主体内容 B.函电的落款和称谓 C.函电的附件和资料 D.函电的主题和要求 2.以下哪个选项不属于外贸函电的常用结尾语?( B ) A.期待您的回复 B.希望尽快获得回复 C.敬祝合作愉快 D.谢谢您的关注 3.下列哪个选项可以作为外贸函电的起首语?( D ) A.咨询某项产品的价格和供货期 B.对上次订单及送货延迟表达不满 C.询问供应商是否接受信用证支付 D.向客户问候并表达感谢

4.以下哪个选项不属于外贸函电的常用附件?( C ) A.产品目录和详细规格 B.合同草案和价格清单 C.付款方式和货物起运港口 D.公司资质证明和信用证复印件 5.外贸函电的主要目的是( A ) A.传达商务信息和开展商业活动 B.展示个人写作能力和语言表达能力 C.获取他人私人信息和进行非商业活动 D.随便发邮件,没有具体目的要求 答案: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 二、填空题 1.外贸函电应遵循简洁、明确、______的原则。

答:礼貌 2.外贸函电中,一般使用______语言来进行正式的书写。 答:英文 3.外贸函电的起首语通常包括致意和______。 答:感谢 4.在外贸函电的附件中,常常包括产品______和价格单。 答:目录 5.在外贸函电的结尾语中,常常表达希望______。 答:合作 三、简答题 1.请简要介绍外贸函电的常用格式。 答:外贸函电的常用格式包括信头(信笺纸上的个人或企业信息)、日期、收件人信息、称呼、正文、结尾语和署名等要素。信头中应包 含发件人的名称、地址、电子邮件和联系电话等信息。日期应紧接在 信头之后,表示函电的发送日期。收件人信息应包含收件人的姓名、 公司名称、地址和电子邮件等详细信息。称呼应根据收件人的身份和 称谓进行准确的称呼,如"尊敬的先生/女士"。正文是函电的主体内容,要以简洁明确的语言进行书写,表达函电的目的和要求。结尾语用于 表示发件人对收件人的期望和祝愿,例如"敬祝合作愉快"。署名是发件人对函电的签名,可包括个人或公司的名称、职位和联系方式等信息。


外贸函电试题 Business terms translation 1. Chamber of commerce ______________ 2. Quotation ________________ 3. Counter-offer _____________ 4. Certificate of origin _____________ 5. Confirmed L/C ______________ 6. Quantity Discount ________________ 7. Proforma Invoice ________________8. Sales Contract _______________ 9. More or Less Clause ________________ 10. Insurance Policy _______________ Answers: 1.商会 2.报盘(价)3.还盘4.原产地证5.保兑信用证 6.数量折扣 7.形式发票 8.销售合同 9.溢短装条款10.保险单 Sentence translation 1)我们很遗憾不能接受你方的还价.自从我们报价给你们后,我们已按原报价与其他许多客户成交,故如你方仍有需要,请立即订购. 2)在收到你方具体询价时,我将立即寄上报价单及样品. 3)为了使你们对我们可供出口的各类纺织品有一个总的概念,随函寄上样本和价格单各一份,供你们查阅. 4)一旦收到你方具体询盘,我们将立即给你们报最优惠的上海到岸价. 5)为了开展双方间具体的业务,我们很高兴向你方报特盘,以我方最后确认为有效. 6)我们愿意在平等互利的基础上与贵公司建立业务联系. 7) 随函寄去我们的报价,此报价有效期仅为两周. 8) 蒙中国外贸组织的介绍,我们得知贵公司有意在本地市场做生意. Answers: 1. We regret being unable to accept your counter-offer. Since we quoted you we have concluded business with many clients at the price originally quoted. Therefore, if you are still in need of this item please place your order without delay. 2. We will send you our quotations and samples immediately upon receipt of your specific enquiry. 3. In order to give you a general idea of our various textiles available for export, we are enclosing herewith sample books and a copy of price list for your information.. 4. As soon as we receive your specific enquiries we will make you best offer on CIF Shanghai basis. 5. In order to start the concrete business between us, we are glad to make you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation. 6. We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 7. Enclosed please find our quotations which are open for two weeks. 8. Through the courtesy of Chinese External Trade Organization, we have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us in this market. Letter writing Write a letter to the buyers, stating that you have plenty of the goods they need and you can offer them. 1.Introduce your company as China’s Foreign Trade Corporation and Organizations.


外贸函电试题二及答案 一、请写出下列单词(每小题1分,共20分) 1.出票人11.franchise 2.托收12. transit 3.一批货物13. confirmation 4.造成不便14. S/C 5.单据15. discount 6.有效期16. commission 7.目录册17. D/A 8.可转让的18. stipulate 9.代理19. enclose 10.转船20. amendment 二、请翻译下列词组(每小题1分,共10分) 1. 运费到付 2. 实盘 3. 经营 4. 开立信用证 5. 短量险

6. shipping instruction 7. in one’s favor 8. workable price 9. bill of lading 10. documents against payment 三、填空(每小题0。5分,共10分) 1.We are well experienced ______________ this line and can place orders ___________ you if your prices are attractive enough. 2.Since we have only 5 metric tons ______________ green tea ______________ stock, we can only make you this offer subject ___________ prior sale. 3.We wish to call your attention ____________ the validity _____________ the L/C, since there is no possibility ______________ L/C extension. 4.We are thinking _____________ placing a trial order _____________ 500 kegs of Iron Nails ______________ shipment during September/October. 5.Please take the matter ________________ consideration at once and see ____________ it that the goods are delivered _________________ further delay. 6.We shall be obliged ____________ you will inform us _______________ the conditions of packing ________________ the arrival _________________ your end. 7._______________ regard to shipment, we regret to inform you that, we are still unable to book space of a vessel sailing _____________ Jakarta directly.


二.短语翻译 1.FromEnglishtoChinese 1)termsofpayment2)netweight3)BillofLading4)Countryoforigin 2.FromChinesetoEnglish 1)供求2)标题项下的货物3)商会4)共同努力5)保兑信用证6)会签 三.句子翻译 1.我们男士衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,五打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。 2.因无直达班轮,请允许转船。 3.我们得悉上述货物的有关信用证即将开出。保证一收到贵方信用证,我们将尽早安排第一艘可以定得舱位的船只装运。 三.信件翻译 敬启者: 你公司11月5 货物: 只有在满足12 ….谨上 二.翻译 短语翻译 1.支付条件2. 句子翻译 1. Dearsirs Weplacetheorderwithyoufortheabove-mentionedgoodssubjecttoyourdeliveryofthegoodspriortoDecember15. OurnormaltermofpaymentisD/Aafter60days.Pleaseletusknowwhetheryouagreetothetermsofpayment. Yoursfaithfully, 外贸函电试题库 Match A.“INCOTERMS”()1.货交承运人 B.FOB()2.信用证 C.FCA()3.欧洲主要口岸 D.T/T()4.海运提单 E.D/P()5.装运港船上交货 F.L/C()6.协会货物条款

G.EMP()7.国际贸易术语解释通则 H.FPA()8.平安险 I.B/L()9.付款交单 J.ICC()10.电汇 A.“INCOTERMS”()1.货交承运人 B.FOB()2.信用证 C.FCA()3.欧洲主要口岸 D.T/T()4.海运提单 E.D/P()5.装运港船上交货 F.L/C()6.协会货物条款 G.EMP()7.国际贸易术语解释通则 H.FPA()8.平安险 I.B/L()9. J.ICC()10.电汇 A.“INCOTERMS B.CFR()2. C.CIP()3. D.D/D()4. E.D/A()5. F.L/G()6. G.ETA()7. H.WPA()8.票汇 I.B/L()9.水渍险 J.CIC()10. Answers: 5,10,1,8,2 7.IrrevocableL/C_________________8.OnBoardB/L________________ 9.MoreorLessClause________________10.InsurancePolicy_______________ 1.CashDiscount______________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/be19151216.html,mercialInvoice_________________ 3.ImportLicenceSystem____________ 4.SalesConfirmation________________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/be19151216.html,mercialDraft______________ 6.TimeDraft________________ 7.Collection______________8.CleanB/L_______________ 9.WarehousetoWarehouseClause______10.InsuranceCertificate____________ Answers: 1.商会2。报盘(价)3。还盘4。海关发票5。赊帐方式6。原产地证7。进口配额制8。汇票9。本票10。保兑信用证 1数量折扣2形式发票3非关税壁垒4销售合同5跟单汇票6。即期汇票7。不可撤消信用证8。已装船提单9。溢短装条款10。保险单1现金折扣2。商业发票3。进口许可证制4。销售确认书5。商业汇票6。远期汇票7。托收8。清洁提单9。仓至仓条款10。保险凭证Sentencetranslation


你外贸函电 一、词汇(每题1分,共20题,共计20分) Unit 1—9 Unit 11—14 Exercise 1 二、中翻英(每题3分,共10题,共计30分) 三、英翻中(每题3分,共10题,共计30分) 四、综合题(共计20分) 中翻英: 1、承蒙ABC公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址(to owe…to…) We owe your name and address to ABC Company 2、我们的贸易是在平等(equality)原则的基础上进行的。(to be based on) The trade between us is based on the principle of equality. 3、国际贸易有两种形式:一种是货物,另一种是劳务。(to trade in) There are two forms of international transaction. One is to trade in goods,the other is in service. 4、能否给我们报英国伦敦成本保险费加运费最低价?(to quote/CIF) Would you please quote your lowest price CIF London, Britain? 5、倘若价格有竞争性,我方已有现成买主,相信能大批量订货。(ready buyers) We have ready buyers of these commodities and if your prices are competitive , we have every reason to believe that we can place large orders with you. 6、我方对进口你方产品很有兴趣,如有可能请向我方提供目录、价格单和样品。 (catalogue, price list, sample) We’re very much interested in importing your goods. Could you please send us your catalogue , price list and samples if possible? 7、我公司是本地区最大的电视机进口商之一,我们经营各种牌号的电视机已有20多年了。(to handle/deal in) Our company is one of the leading importers of TV sets in this area and we have been handling various brands of TV sets for over 20 years. 8、因为订单过多,我们只能接受11月船期的订单。(to be heavily committed) As we are heavily committed , we can only accept orders for shipment in November. 9、我们充其量只能给你3%的佣金。(the best we can do , commission) The best we can do is to allow you 3 % commission. 10、感谢贵方2月20日的报价,随函附上关于标题项下货物的111号订单。(captioned goods)We thank you for your quotation of July 20 and enclose herewith our order No.111 for the captioned goods. 11、你方价格偏高,我们不得不作如下还盘,以我方在本周五钱收到你方答复为准。(on the high side) Y our price is on the high side and we have to counter-offer as follows , subject to your reply received by us on or before this Friday. 12、我们对贵方产品的价格和质量都很满意,现寄上订单一份订购下列产品。(to find…satisfactory) We find both the price and quality of your products satisfactory and are pleased to give you an order for the following items. 13、如果你们的价格合理,我们相信我们之间能达成大量交易。(to conclude substantial business)If your prices are reasonable we believe we could conclude substantial business with you


课程代码:0094 一、填空题〔每空1分,共25分〕 1.Owing()the delay on the part of the suppliers,we must ask you to extend the date of shipment () September 10th()October 10th. 2.We wish to call your attention ()the validity ()the L/C,since there is no possibility of L/C extension 3.If you insist ()your price,there is no possibility of getting business done. 4.We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools()request. 5.()receipt ()your cable of March5,we at once requested to Bank of China in London to establish a letter of credit ()your favor ()pound sterling. 6.Please try your best to push the sale of machine tools ()your end. 7.We offer firm CIF,Lagos shipment()30days,subject()your reply here before10a.m.our time. 8.We can supply Walnuts ()stock. 9.We wish to point out that is the best price we can quote and , therefore any counteroffer()you cannot be considered. 10.Payment of the purchase is to be made()confirmed, irrevocable L/C. 11.We have confidence()the quality of Chinese Tin. 12.We are glad to have booked()you 10000doz,Five Starnd pencils. 13.It is out()question that we can get the necessary import license. 14.()regard()Contract No.123and 456,we are agreeable ()D/P terms of payment ()these contracts. 15.Would you make us a firm offer()CIF.Liverpool basis 二、单项选择题〔在每题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,并将其号码填在题后的括号内。每题1分,共20分〕 1、As it involves only a small(),we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter. A、quantity B、quality C、number D、 figure 2、We are sorry to learn in your letter that 200pairs of leather shoes()under the above order are damaged when they reach you.


外贸函电试题(一) I.Put the following from English into Chinese or vice versa. (10%) 1. be in receipt of 2. in compliance with 3. specific enquiry 4. assure sb. of sth. 5. letter of credit 6. 实盘 7. 形式发票8. 下试订单 9. 以我方最后确认为准10. 提单 II.Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (20%) 1.Apple Co. are the leading exporter in New York dealing computers. A. with B. in C. about D. for 2. We the fact that the market is declining. A. are aware of B. aware C. aware of D. are aware 3. Could you make us a firm offer 3,000 metric tons fertilizer. A. for…for B. on…in C. of…for D. for…of 4. There is always a ready market here for your goods, they are of good quality and competitive in price. A. when B. provided C. because of D. that 5. We are receipt your letter of March 16 offering us the goods US $ 80 per dozen on the usual terms. A. of…of…on B. in…of…at C. in…of…for D. of…of…at 6. This is closely-calculated price and any further reduction is . A. out of question B. out of the question C. no question D. beyond question 7. If you send us a catalog by air, we shall very much. A. appreciate B. appreciating C. appreciation D. appreciate it 8. requested, we are enclosing a quotation sheet our silk gartments. A. As…about B. At…about C. At….for D.. As…for 9. Our S/C No.402, we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by Oct. 6. A. Referring B. Refer to C. With reference to D. With refer to 10. Remittance and collection are two kinds of credit while L/C belongs to credit. A. banker’s….commercial B. banker’s….banker’s C. commercial…..banker’s D. commercial….commercial 11. We cannot see any possibility of business your price is too high. A. since B. while C. though D. because of 12. We would like to quote you our most favourable price 800 pieces Electric Blankets . A. of….as follows B. at…as following C. for…as follows D. with…as follows 13. The opens a letter of credit 30 days the time of shipment. A. buyer…before B. buyer…after
