商务英语基础上册Unit ten教案

商务英语基础上册Unit ten教案
商务英语基础上册Unit ten教案

【Title of Lesson】Unit 10 Business Negotiation

【Text Book】Basic Business English

【Teaching Objects and Demands】

?Knowledge and Ability Objects

1. To let the students know the relative knowledge of business negotiation.

2. To let the students know some words and phrases about business negotiation.

3. To train the students’ abilities of listening and speaking.

4. To train the students’ abilities of using English to make simple dialogues about business negotiation.

?Procedure and Method Objects

1. Through self-study, train students’ abilities of analyzing problems, solving problems and summarizing problems.

2. Through group activities, train students’ team spirit of mutual cooperation and to improve their communication ability.

3. Through the competition, train students’ sense of competing and participating actively, stimulate students’ interests in learning, improve their abilities to adapt to change and enhance their thinking abilities.

?Moral and value Objects

1. To enable the students to understand the importance of business negotiation.

2. To lay the foundation for the future English communication.

【Teaching Key Points】

1. Some words and phrases about business negotiation.

2. Some sentences about business negotiation.

【Teaching Difficulties】

How to make students be able to negotiate business with a customer.

【Teaching Aids】

Multi-media computer, some exercise papers; Software: Microsoft PowerPoint 【Teaching Methods】

Interactive teaching (learning--reciting –utilizing), discussion, questions & answers methods with the help of some games and activities.

【Teaching Periods】

180 minutes (4 Lessons)

【Teaching Procedures】

Step 1: Lead-in

1. Through asking the students some questions to lead in new lesson.

T (Teacher): Do you like shopping?

Ss (Students): Yes.

T: When we do some shopping, all of us would like to spend less money to buy more things. How can we do that?

Ss: Asking for the lower prices.

T: Yes, that’s right. We would like to ask the shop assistant to reduce their prices. In fact, it is the same in business. We also need negotiate terms about business with a customer, that is business negotiation. Do you know what business negotiation is?

Ss: …

T: It doesn’t matter. Today we will learn about it.

Step2. Business Reading

1. Learning the text

【Teacher’s words】To come to terms with customers, it is very important to make business negotiation. So we’d like to know what business negotiation is. This step we will do self-study activity, Choosing Game (选一选游戏), Filling Game(填一填游戏).

(1) Self-studying Activity

A. Give Ss 5 Mins to self-study the text with three Pre-reading Questions:

1. What fields can business negotiation be used in?

2. What is the attitude of both parties in business negotiations?

3. What is always the link used to negotiate the issue/argument?

B. Ask Ss to answer the questions.

C. Let Ss explain the main meaning of the text.

D. Teacher checks.

E. Ss read the text together.

(2)Choosing Game

1. A. PPT shows five sentences about the text.

B. Ask Ss to choose “True or False” one by one.

C. Teacher checks.

2. A: PPT shows eight sentences, ask the students to make a choice.

B: Teacher checks.

(3)Filling Game

A. PPT shows eight sentences with one blank each. Ask Ss to fill the words in the blanks of the sentences.

B. Teacher checks.

C. Ss read the completed sentences together.

Aim:Through Self-Study Activity and some Games to let Ss know the meaning of text about business negotiation, master some useful words, phrases and sentences. And by reading the text to train the students’ reading a bilities and let Ss pay attention to their pronunciations.

2. Games for Grammar

【Teacher’s words】: In this step we will have a competition. There are two kinds of questions. One is Translation, another is Choice. Divide the students into four groups, ask them to make a choice and answer the corresponding questions by turns.


A. PPT shows the questions.

B. Each group makes a choice and answers the question by turns.

Aim: This step of Games for Grammar is to let Ss study and review grammar knowledge about tense of verbs happily and unconsciously, to train the Ss’ being active in thinking questions and finding the answers for the questions, and their abilities of the cooperation, to enhance their skills of speaking and translating.

Step 3: Listening and speaking

【Teacher’s words】Through the text, we have a general idea of business negotiation. Then how to negotiate with the customer? Here is a dialogue between Mr. Turner and Miss Jiang. Mr. Turner from France is interested in Chinese silk garments. Now he is having a business negotiation with Miss Jiang from Zhonghua Garment Group. Please listen carefully how Miss Jiang negotiates with

a customer.

1. Listening Activity

A. Asking the students to listen to the dialogue carefully and repeat the five sentences together.

B. Listen to the dialogue again and do Task two: Filling the missing words. Then ask two students to say their answers out. One acts as Mr. Turner and another acts as Miss Jiang.

C. Divide the class into several groups. Listen to the dialogue last time and discuss the questions

in Task three in groups. Each group sends one student to say their answers. Then the teacher checks the students’ answers and shows out the correct answers on PPT.

Aim: Through Listening Activity repeatedly to let Ss be active in thinking and train their abilities of listening and cooperation.

2. Speaking Activity

【Teacher’s words】Now we have learned some words and patterns about how to negotiate with a customer. Next we will do pair works according to the following situations:

PPT shows the situations and some useful knowledge:


Mr. Turner continues to negotiate the terms of payment with Miss Jiang after the negotiation of the date of shipment.

The following may be useful:

What’s your terms of payment?

by L/C at sight

by an irrevocable L/C

by documents against payment after sight

on collection basis

A:Ask the Ss to make a dialogue according to the information within 5 minutes.

B: Invite some Ss to play their dialogues in the class.

Aim:Through the Speaking Activity to train Ss’ skills of listening and speaking and abilities of using language.

Step 4: Consolidation and Summary

【Teacher’s words】: In this step we will do many practices activities to consolidate and sum something we learn in this lesson.

(1)Let Ss do the exercises “Translat ion.”, “Cloze.” And “Writing.” to expand Ss knowledge of business negotiation.

Aim: Through many exercises to do summary and consolidation to this lesson, the Ss can review and master the knowledge which we learn in this lesson. And the teacher emphasizes the key points and difficult points of this lesson again so as to let Ss know the importance of business negotiation.

Step 5: Homework

【Teacher’s words】: Here there are four home works. Each student must do the first, second and third. And Ss have the right to decide whether they will do or not do the fourth one by themselves.

1. Read and recite the new words and expressions.

2. Read the text fluently.

3. Act as roles to make dialogues with your partners.

4. Search more knowledge about business negotiation.

Aim: Through assignment by levels to let Ss choose their home works by themselves to encourage Ss to analyze themselves, improve Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking and reading further and train Ss’ abilities of communicating with others.


《新编实用英语》第一册教案 Unit One Greeting and Introducing People Teaching Objective In "Talking Face to Face",learn how to greet people and how to make introductions. In "Being All Ears", practice listening comprehension to greet and introduce people with various relationships. In "Maintaining a Sharp Eye",master the key words and structures and learn the way foreign people greet each other, particularly the way Americans meet and greet each other, both in informal and formal situations by reading through passage I; learn and practice how to introduce oneself by reading through passage II. In "Trying Your Hand", become knowledgeable on how to write a business card and fill in a passport with one’s personal information; review the basic sentence structure. Teaching Procedures Section I Talking Face to Face1.Warm- up: Expressions of greetings and responses to greetings: a. Greetings: 1) Hi! How do you do? 2) Hello, you must be Jack from America. 3) How are you? 4) Hello. How are things with you? How are you doing? 5) How is everything? 6) You are doing all right? 7) How it goes? 8) How is life, John? 9) Excuse me. Are you Kitty? b. Responses to Greetings: 1) How do you do? 2) Fine, just fine. 3) Fine, thank you. 4) Quite well. And you? 5) The usual. How about you? 6) So-so. And what about you? 7) Nothing particular. 8) Not too bad. 9) Nice to meet you.

《新编实用英语》教案第二册unit 7.

Unit Seven Entertainments and Tourist Attractions I. Aims and Requirements 1. Some entertainment and tourist ads 2. How to write entertainment and tourist ads 3. How to introduce entertainment and tourist attractions 4. Some knowledge about opera 5. Useful words, expressions and language points II. Introduction 1. Entertainments are popular for the public, such as film, opera and so on. The unit will discuss different kinds of entertainments. 2. Entertainment ads are an important source of information for people to find out what entertainments are currently available. Now this unit will begin with an entertainment ad. III. Teaching Plans

Task 1 Talking face to face: Entertainment aids L istening comprehension Part 1 Read some entertainment and tourist ads Part 2 Read some dialogues about entertainment and tourist attractions, and learn how to introduce them to the visitors. Part 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns about introducing entertainment and tourist attractions Part 4 Practices Part 1 Read some entertainment and tourist ads Sample 1 What Shall We See This Evening Sample 2 Go to see Chinese Acrobatics. Part 2 Read some dialogues about entertainment and tourist attractions, and learn how to introduce them to the visitors Sample1. What Shall We See This Evening 1,Asking programs of this evening: What are we going to see this evening? 2,Giving some selections: There are Beijing opera, a concert and Chinese acrobatics (杂技). What do you prefer? 3,Recommending Beijing opera: I’d recommend Beijing opera. It’s something special you’ve probably never seen before. 4,Discussing Beijing opera: I know. It’s unique to Chinese culture. But I had the chance to enjoy it during my last visit. 5,Discussing the meeting time:When shall we meet? Part 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns about introducing entertainment and tourist attractions (1) There is a … performance here on these days.

商务英语基础上册课后Test Two答案

Key to Test Two I. Choose the correct answer(1 point each,20 points in all ). 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. A II. Translate the following terms from Chinese into English(1.5 points each, 15 points in all). 1. Commercial Counsellor’s Office 2. specific inquiry 3. firm offer 4. Memorandum 5. in urgent need of 6. commodity name/ name of commodity 7. generally speaking 8. inquiry list 9. as follows 10. business contract III. Translate the following terms from English into Chinese (1 point each, 10 points in all). 1. 价目单 2. 还盘 3. 购货单 4. 毫无延误,立即 5. 下订单 6. 付款条件 7. 规格 8. 公吨 9. 以…为条件,以…为准 10. 不可撤销信用证 IV. Complete the following sentences (4 points each, 20 points in all).


五年级英语上册Unit1教案(译林版新教材) Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears 单元教材分析:本单元主要话题是谈论房屋、住所和居室及房屋内 物品的陈列。课文通过学生熟悉的中文版三只熊的趣味故事帮助学 生理解英文文本、学习方位介词以及帮助学生理解There be…句 型。教师可以充分利用书本材料进行教学与操练,也可以让学生们 用身边的物品进行对话交流,或在具体的情境下(例如自己的房 间、学校、自己熟悉的场所)谈论物品陈列。本单元中,教师可引 导学生结合以前学过的地点类词汇和方位介词进行表述。在教学过 程中,教师也可以提前渗透There be…句型的一般疑问句,为第二 单元做铺垫。在实际操练过程中可能会提及There be…句型的就近 原则,教师也可以适当讲解。五年级相对于三四年级的教材又增添 了2个新的学习版块:Grammar time 和 Culture time. 在第一单 元的教学中老师要继续注重培养学生的学习兴趣,重视激发和保护 学生学习英语的热情,培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。单元教学目标:知识目标 1. 在课文情景中学生能够听懂、 会说、会读故事中出现的词汇:Goldilocks, bear, forest, house, soup, hard, soft, afraid, just right, in front of ; 2. 基 于三只熊的故事,在故事情景中反复使用、巩固there be句型; 3. 创设不同情境,让学生能够听懂、会说、会读、会写句型:There is 加名词单数或不可数名词, There are加名词复数,并理解句 型的意思; 4. 学生能够针对不同的情境活用日常用语:This … is too… 5. 能理解并掌握字母c 的发音规律,熟记例词。能力 目标 1. 学生能正确理解Story time, 并能小组合作表演故事、续 写故事; 2. 学生能熟练运用本单元所学的词句在不同的情境中谈 论物品的陈列; 3. 学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故 事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事; 4. 通 过小组合作讲述故事内容,并能够添加文本内容进行文本扩充; 5. 学生能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。情感目标1. 让学生体会到阅读故事的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。 2. 让学 生体会到亲自设计家居的乐趣。 3. 培养学生有序表达的能力单元


电大网考《商务英语基础(1)》作业试题及答案 一单选题 1. Can I ____a message or would you like to ring him on his mobile phone? (5.00分) A. make B. leave C. have D. take 2. The engineer recommended________ (5.00分) A. when we look at this question. B. that values his new ideas. C. that the process can be made simpler. D. which is the Mark 2 project. 3. Shall we get straight ________to business? (5.00分) A. in B. down C. over D. for 4. We’ll do our _____to make your visit worthwhile.(5.00分) A. best B. much C. most D. worst 5.We very much appreciate your efforts________(5.00分) A. our production costs must be no more than 15 percent. B. has done damage to our reputation C. to negotiate with you D. to make this product possible 6.Because we can’t find a compromise________(5.00分) A. we’ve ever given before. B. but I got nothing out of it. C. and there are two hundred and sixteen thousand employees worldwide. D. I am afraid we can go no further. 7. I have the authority________(5.00分) A. to negotiate with you B. has done damage to our reputation C. to make this product possible D. what seemed an impossible problem 8.Could you come______ to the development workshop for a second?(5.00分) A. up B. on C. down D. over 9. Could you _________the times of flights to Atlanta and reserve me a seat? (5.00分) A. find through B. find C. find over D. find out 10.The company really needs the fax machine by tomorrow________(5.00分) A. we’ve ever given before. B. but I got nothing out of it. C. or it will have to look elsewhere. D. I am afraid we can go no further. 11. I have a small token of our gratitude________ (5.00分) A. that the process can be made simpler. B. when we look at this question. C. which is the Mark 2 project. D. which I would like you to have. 12.I wonder __________you could check Mr. Sakai’s European itinerary.(5.00分) A. how B. if C. that D. what


初级商务英语(20)(1) Unit 20 The budget meeting Modals 1. Listening Listen to the extract from a budget meeting. Peter, John and Susan are discussing next year’s departmental budgets. As you listen, indicate their opinions on the table below. Use these symbols: + = more money should be spent - = less money should be spent OK = the proposed figure should remain the same Budget proposals 请见附图20-1 Listening Task P: Right, let’s get started. Now, you’ve all seen the budget proposals for next year. Have you got anything to say? J: I think the research figure is too low. We should increase it by at least 5%. P: Well, we could do that, but it means less money for the other departments. I think it should stay the same. S: I agree with John. We could reduce the figure for marketing-that would allow us to increase the budget for research. P: I felt marketing needed a good figure this year. They’ve got a big launch mid-year. I think they couldn’t manage with less. J: I’m sure they could and… P: Just a moment. Let’s look at the other two department budgets. That’s production and sales. J: Well, we can’t cut the production budget, that’s for sure. I don’t know about sales. S: Why do you say we can’t cut production’s budget? They had a big investment last year. Well, surely they could manage on less this year? P: Yes, I think I agree. Production ought to manage with less this year, having spent so much last year. S: A small cut in the production budget might mean we could increase the research figure. P: Right, I’ll put that to the Production Manager. Finally, what about sales? S: I think it’s a bit high. They might save a bit by spending less on the after-sales side. P: John, any views? J: Well, I think we should spend more on sales. P: That’s out of the question. The figure shouldn’t be changed. 2. Presentation Modal verbs(such as should, ought, can, could, might) can be used to indicate speakers’ attitudes or opinions. These can be categorized as follows:


郑州信息工程职业学院基础部 《新编实用英语Ⅰ》课程教学大纲 课程编码:61 总学时:72 学时 实验学时:无 学分:3学分 适用对象:一年级学生 先修课程:基础英语 一、课程的性质与任务 (一)本课程的性质 大学英语课程是非英语专业学生必修的一门基础课程。旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行书面信息交流,提高综合文化素养,以适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。《新编实用英语Ⅰ》是我院高职一年级学生第一学期所有学生学习和掌握英语听,说,读,写基本技能的基础课。 (二)本课程的任务 本课程在高职高专院校中人才培养计划中是必修课程。该课程理论与技能培养并重,相互结合,培养各类高职高专的应用型人才。经过学习,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听说读写译的能力,从而能借助词典翻译和阅读有关英语资料,使学生在今后的工作和社会交往日常活动中能用英语有效地进行口头和笔头交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。为此,该课程将努力做到以下三个方面: 1、培养学生英语综合应用能力具有较强的阅读能力和良好的听、说、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。 2、增强学生的学习能力、特别是自主学习能力。 3、提高学生的综合文化素养。 (三)本课程培养人才的定位

该课程是我院各专业学生必修的一门公共基础课程,旨在培养学生的英语综合应用能力(听、说、读、写、译);培养学生使用英语处理日常和涉外业务活动能力。使他们在今后工作中与社会交往中能用英语有效地进行信息交流,提高综合文化素养,以适应社会发展日益国际化的需要。 (四)本课程在人才培养过程中的作用 经过本课程的学习,使学生扎实语音、语法、词汇和基本句型等语言基本功,强化并提高听、说、读、写、译的综合能力,提高学生就业竞争力。 二、课程的基本要求 通过学习本课程,学生应该达到以下要求: 1、词汇 认知2500 个英语单词(包括入学时要求掌握的1000 个词) 以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中1500个左右的单词能正确拼写,能进行英汉互译。 2、语法 掌握基本的英语语法规则,在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学的语法知识。 3、听力 能听懂涉及日常交际的结构简单、发音清楚、语速较慢(每分钟120 词左右)的英语对话和不太复杂的陈述,理解基本正确。能理解具体信息,理解所听材料的背景,并能推断所听材料的含义。 4、口语 掌握一般的课堂用语,并能模拟或套用常用口头交际句型,就日常生活和有业务提出问题或做出简单回答,交流有困难时能采取简单的应变措施。 5、阅读 能阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文资料,理解正确。在阅读生词不超过数3% 的英文资料时,阅读速度不低于每分钟50 词,能读懂通用的简短文字材料,如信函、产品说明等,理解基本正确。并且掌握以下阅读技巧: 1)理解文章的主旨或要点; 2)理解文章中的具体信息; 3)根据上下文推断生词的意思;


Unit1 What’s he like Lesson One Teaching contents: A Let’s talk Let’s try Teaching aims: 1. Catch the new sentences: Who is he? He’s our music teacher. / Is he young/funny? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. 2. Know the meaning of the words :funny/young Important and difficult points: 1.Catch the new sentences and use them: Who is he? He’s our music teacher. / Is he young/funny? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach Teaching steps : Review the words: tall/short/fat/thin/strong/quiet/… Lead in :Free Talk and use the pictures to lead in the new sentences “ Who is he? He’s our music teacher?/ Is he young/funny? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. Presentation: Step one: Learn the new sentences and practice them. Step two: Use the pictures and ask the students to use the new sentences to describe the pictures.

商务英语基础上册Unit one 课后练习参考答案

Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings I: Listening & Speaking Task Two :Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the missing words. 1. boss 2. meet 3. lot 4. business 5. seat 6. card 7. mine 8. Coffee Task Three: Listen to the dialogue twice and decide “T” or “F”. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T Practice Comprehension of the Text I. Read the passage and decide whether the following statement are True or False. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.恰当的介绍是以后沟通的好的开端。 2.握手是显示你对另一方的信任和尊敬。 3.一旦你被介绍,你将引起别人的关注。 4.通过重复另一方的名字来问候对方。 Word Study III. Give the English words or phrases for the meanings provided. 1.customer 2. communication 3. attract 4. custom 5. company 6. request 7. respect 8. proper IV. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. 1. respect 2. requested 3.look forward to 4.introduce 5. heard of 6. communication 7. respond 8. customer Grammar Exercises V. Complete the following sentences with the words in blanks. 1. When people meet for the first time 2. First, names and positions 3. a secretary 4. three basic rules 5. the beginning of the first meeting VI. Choose the best answer.


Unit 7 Celebrating Holidays and Making Friends(略) The First Period Section I Teaching time 第次/第周 日 3、4节/5、6节——浆24班/浆23班 日 1、2节热动班 Teaching aims: 1. Read and discuss announcements, notices and posters in English, 2. Learn some expressions used in making announcements, notices and posters , 3. Comprehend the two passages and master the useful expressions in them, and 4. Finish the exercises by themselves or with some help. Teaching important point: Master the new phrases, sentence patterns and make the students be free to talk about a poster. Teaching difficult point: Individual, pair or group work to make everyone work in class Teaching methods: 1.Individual, pair or group work to make everyone work in class 2.Task-based learning https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e3622053.html,municative approach Teaching aids: 1.a radio player 2.the blackboard 3. Picture s Teaching procedures I. Lead-in Notices and posters are very common in our daily life, and they are often used to offer information about social functions. Therefore, we should not only learn to read them, but also learn to write them. It’s very important to know how to make announcements, notices and posters. The following samples make it clear that we should first tell the general information like how attractive or interesting the thing you want to make known, then give definite information about time, place and price etc. II. Presentation Section I Talking Face to Face Step1. Read and translate the two samples of posters Notes: 1) The poster gives us a clear idea of the sponsor, time and place. 2) The poster uses some parallel sentences to catch its audience’s eye. 3) The body of the poster is like a Christmas tree, and the fonts are different. It aims to highlight the effect of the poster. Step 2 Practice:


Unit 4 Punctuality and Culture I.Teaching objectives 1.Enlarge your vocabulary related to timetables and schedules. 2.Make an appointment according to the timetables. 3.Practice writing timetables and schedules . 4.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well. 5.Get some tips about the use of verb tenses. II. Key points 1. Master the vocabulary about timetables and schedules. 2. Understand the passages 3. Practice writing timetables and schedules. 4. Practice making an appointment according to the timetables. III. Difficult points 1. Get some tips about the use of verb tenses. 2. Practice writing timetables and schedules. 3. Appreciate passages and complete exercises well. IV. Teaching methodology 1.Task-based language teaching 2.Direct method V. Teaching procedures Section I Talking Face to Face

商务英语写作 基础知识

商务英语写作基础知识 使用日常讲话的方式来写作 Pedantic学究式的Readable日常可用的ascertain find out (发现) aforementioned these (这些) is a result of because (因为) at this point in time now (现在) before long soon (不久) cease stop (停止) commence start, begin (开始) compensate pay (报酬) correspondence letter (信函) demonstrate show (表现) desire want (需要) due to the fact because (因为) during the time that while (当……的时候) elect choose (选择) facilitate ease, help (方便) for the purpose of to (为了) give consideration to consider (考虑) implement do (完成) in close proximity near (靠近) in the future soon (不久) in the event that if (如果) indebtedness debt (欠债) indicate show (表现) in the view of the fact that since (由于) locate find (发现) numerous many (许多) on condition that provided (如果) prior to before (在……之前) purchase buy (购买) rapid fast (快速) reason is because reason is (因为) residence address (住址) subsequent to after (在……之后) subsequently later (之后) sufficient enough (足量)

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette Unit Goals What you should learn to do Make an oral invitation to: Invite people to join daily activities Invite people to formal occasions Make a written invitation (write an invitation card or a letter) for: Personal invitation Official occasions Give a reply to: An oral invitation A written invitation What you should know about Invitation culture: western and Chinese Word order in a subordinate clause Requirements: After learning this unit, students should grasp: 1.Read and understand the meaning of invitation cards and letters 2.How to write invitation cards and letters and remember the patterns of invitation cards and letters 3.How to invite people to party or dinner, and how to accept and decline invitations 4.The customs of inviting people in different countries 5.Important words, phrases and language points in the passage In our daily life, we need to invite others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know about western custom about invitation. Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying to


五年级上册Unit1复习课教案 My Teachers 一、教学内容与分析 My Super Teacher My English teacher is Steven. He’s from America. He is an old man. What's he like? He has short curly hair and green eyes. He’s very smart. He is good at English, Chinese, math and music. He's very friendly. He has 100 friends. Is he hard-working? Yes, he is. He often gets up at 5:30 a.m. and goes to bed at 11:00 p.m. He's very strong. He can do Chinese kung fu very well. This is my super teacher. I like him very much! 本语篇是根据PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit1创编的,围绕主题“My Teachers”展开。这是一节复习课,其主要内容为复习本单元描述人物的主要词汇和句型,以及新授单词friendly和hard-working。语篇以笔者自己的英语老师Steven为载体,将形象生动的“Steven自我情况描述”视频引入课堂,让学生乐“看”、乐“听”、乐“说”,帮助学生感知人物形象,自然交流人物体貌特征及性格特点,并在语篇阅读时将策略深入心灵,让学生乐“读”、乐“写”,帮助学生掌握学习语篇的方法和技巧。本节课的教学重点是帮助学生牢固掌握本单元四会单词和句子的书写;教学难点是单词friendly和hard-working的理解及运用,以及帮助学生在原有知识和经验的基础上,运用所学语言进行表达、交流的能力。 本语篇适合小学英语五年级学生学习。 二、学情分析 授课对象为小学五年级学生,他们通过近五年的英语学习,已经具备了一定的口语表达能力和阅读能力。教师需要不断创造机会,提高学生在阅读中输入和内化语言、重组并输出语言的能力,同时让学生体验学习语言和交流表达的快乐。 三、学习目标 1. 知识目标 a.复习本单元主要词汇:young, funny, tall, strong, kind, old, short, thin, strict, smart, active和quiet。 b.复习本单元主要句型 ①What’s he/ she like? He/ She is… . He/ She has… . ②Is he/ she …? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/ she isn’t. c.能听、说、认读新授词汇friendly和hard- working。 d.能通过阅读,学会用不同的方式描述自己的老师,并学会描述身边的人。 2. 能力目标 a.能用不同的形容词描述人物,培养学生用英语交际的能力。 b.能通过在语篇中完成不同的阅读任务,形成提取信息的能力。 c.能掌握简单、有效的阅读方法和技巧。 T: Is she tall? Yes, she is .
