

第五单元礼仪性口译( Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches )

Ladies and gentlemen,(女士们、先生们,)

Permit me first to thank you, our Chinese hosts, for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality. My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful.(首先,请允许我感谢中国主任的精心安排与好客。我与我夫人以及我团的全体随行人员都深为感激。)In the short period of six days, we have gone a longer distance than the world-renowned “Long March”. We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under your policies of reform and opening to the outside world.(在短暂的6天里,我们的行程超过了举世闻名的“长征”。在改革开放政策引导下的中国,气象万千,充满活力,不断进步,这些我们都已强烈地感受到了。)

My wife and I have a special regard and personal friendship for the people of China. Beijing is for us an old and nostalgic home. During our stay here ten years ago we spent a great deal of memorable time with the people here—working, shopping, sightseeing, and touring the city on our bicycles. During that time we never experienced anything other than the utmost courtesy and genuine friendship of the Chinese people.(我与我夫人对中国人民怀有一种特殊的敬慕之情和个人友谊。对我们两人来说,北京是我们思念的故乡。10年前我们在此生活期间,我们与这里的人们一起度过了许多难忘的时光—我们在这里工作、购物、观光、骑自行车逛城。在那段日子里,我们所感受到的总是中国人民的高度礼貌和诚挚友情。)

Those were happy days. They were good days, important days. We were part of the dramatic process which brought us back together and set us on the road to a genuine friendly and cooperative relationship.(那是一些令人愉快的日子,一些美好的日子,一些意义重大的日子。我们参与了富有戏剧性的转变过程,这种转变使我们重新走到一起,使我们踏上了一条通往建立一种真诚友好的合作关系的道路。)

Our friendly and cooperative ties have become extensive, affecting all aspects of our national lives: commerce, culture, education, and scientific exchange.(我们友好合作关系的领域十分广泛,已深入到我们国家生活的所有方面:商业、文化、教育,以及科学交流。)I’m most proud of the large number of Chinese students being educated in exchange in my country. I myself teach some of them and see the benefits that come from this exchange. At the same time we were learning valuable lessons from them.(大批中国学生通过交流正在我国学习,我对此深感自豪。我自己也给一些学生上课,亲眼目睹了这种交流所产生的益处。与此同时,我们也从你们身上汲取了宝贵的经验。)

Nonetheless, problems remain in our economic, education and strategic relations. While we are not so na?ve as to believe that there are no issues of difference between us, I also believe that our differences are greatly overshadowed by issues which bind us and strengthen our relationship.(然而,在我们经济、教育以及战略关系中仍然存在着问题。一方面,我们不会天真的以为我们之间不存在分歧,另一方面,我也认为那些将我们联系在一起并且强化我们关系的事物,在很大程度上弱化了我们之间的差异。)

As a former government leader and now a private citizen, I recognize that many of the burdens and opportunities of our relationship have now passed to the non-governmental sectors of our two societies: to individuals, our corporations, universities, research institutes, foundations, and so on. There is no doubt that our relations have reached a new stage. In this context, it is

important for our two societies to search for areas of cooperation which clearly add to our mutual benefit.(作为一名前政府领导人,现在的一名普通公民,我感到我们关系中的许多重任和机遇已转到两国的民间机构,如个人、公司、大学、研究院、基金会等。毋庸讳言,我们的关系已进入了一个新的阶段。在这种形势下,寻求显然可以增进互惠互利的合作领域对我们两国来说显得十分重要。)My visit is a symbol of the good faith with which we seek to build up the strength of our friendship, our cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship. Events of the past decade have confirmed time and time again that our friendship and cooperation will continue to flourish and yield more fruits in the days to come.(我的访问是良好诚意的象征,我们怀着这种良好诚意,希望能在友谊的基础上建立文化和商业关系,建立重要的战略关系。我们过去10年的交往一再证明,我们之间的友谊与合作将在未来的岁月里持续发展并结出更多的果实。)

Respected Your Excellency,(尊敬的阁下)

My Chinese friends,(中国朋友们)

Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome. This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for the members of my delegation.(我非常感谢阁下的友好欢迎词。对我本人以及代表团所有成员来说,这是愉快而难忘的一天。)

To come to China, one of the earliest cradles of civilization is, I suppose, the dream of many people the world over. I, therefore, feel very honoured to be your guest.(访问古老文明摇篮之一的中国,我想这是世界上许多人梦寐以求的愿望。因而,我为自己能成为贵国的客人而感到荣幸。)In accepting Your Excellency’s gracious invitation to visit this great country, I have had an excellent opportunity to renew old friendships and establish new contacts.(接受阁下的盛情邀请访问这个伟大的国家,使我有极好的机会来重温旧情,结交新友。)

When we established our friendly and cooperative relations, we did so on the understanding that we would develop our friendship on the basis of mutual respect and quality, and mutual benefit. These are the principles on which we seek friendship with all peoples of the world. It is absolutely vital that all nations, big or small, strong or weak, should conduct their relations with each other on these principles.(我们过去建立友好合作关系时是基于这样一种认识,即我们要在相互尊重和平等互利的基础上发展我们的友谊。这些原则是我们寻求同世界各国人民建立友谊的出发点。所有国家,无论其大小强弱,都应该在这些原则的基础上处理相互间的关系,这是至关重要的。)We, therefore, welcome the interest and understanding that China has shown regarding the problems of and positions taken by small and developing countries. China’s support is a constant source of encouragement to us in the pursuit of the goals of developing and maintaining the independence of our country.(我们因而欢迎中国关注和理解小国和发展中国家所遇到的问题以及所持的立场。中国的支持始终鼓励着我们去发展和保持我国独立的目标。)

It is my sincere hope that we can develop further, on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit, the links and the friendship that exist between our two countries. As we are both developing countries, having a common aspiration in improving the standard of life of our peoples, I look forward, in the next few days, to the opportunity of learning something from your endeavors and experience in promoting economic and social development in the service of your people.(我真诚的希望我们能够在互相尊重、互惠互利的基础上进一步发展我们两国之间业已存在的联系和友谊。我们都是发展中国家,有着提高自己国民生活水平的共同愿望,所以,我期待在今后的几天里有机会向你们


I’d like to take this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency an invitation to visit my country, so that we will have an opportunity to return the warm welcome and generous hospitality you extended to us.(我愿借此机会邀请阁下访问我国,以便我们有机会回报你们给予我们的热情欢迎和盛情款待。)

In closing, may I say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country. We are deeply grateful for what you have done for us since our arrival in your country. (在我结束讲话之前,我想再说一遍,我们来贵国做客是多么的愉快和荣幸。对于我们抵达贵国后你们为我们所做的一切,我们深表感谢。)

May I propose a toast,(现在我祝酒,)

To the health of Your Excellency,(为阁下的身体健康,)

To the health of all the Chinese friends,(为所有中国朋友们的身体健康,)

To our lasting friendship.(为我们永久的友谊,)


Your Excellency Mr. President,(尊敬的主席阁下,)

Ladies and gentlemen,(女士们、先生们:)

It gives me great pleasure to attend this luncheon, meeting all the friends, old and new.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the National Committee on Relations and the Business Council, as well as others present here, for your dedicated efforts over the years to increase the understanding and friendship between the two peoples and to promote the relations between the two countries.(我很高兴出席今天的午餐会,与新老朋友欢聚一堂。我愿借此机会感谢美中关系全国委员会、美中贸易全国委员会以及在座的诸位,感谢你们多年来为增进美中两国人民的相互了解与友谊、促进美中关系的发展所做的积极努力。)

History beckons again. We have begun to write a new chapter for peace and progress in our histories, with America and China going forward hind-in-hand.(今天,历史又在召唤。美中两国携手并进,已开始在我们的历史上位和平与进步谱写新的篇章。)

We must always be realistic about our relationship, frankly acknowledging the fundamental differences in ideology and institutions between our two societies. Yes, let us acknowledge those differences; let us never minimize them; but let us not be dominated by them. I have not come to China to hold forth on what divides us, but to build on what binds us. I have not come to dwell on a closed-door past, but to urge that Americans and Chinese look to the beautiful future. I am firmly convinced that, together, we can and will make tomorrow a better day.(我们必须始终现实地看待我们的关系,坦率地承认我们两个社会在意识形态和制度上存在着的根本差异。是的,让我们承认这些差异,让我们永远不要轻视这些差异,但是我们不要被这些差异所压倒。我来中国不是为了评说那些将我们分隔开来的东西,而是为了强化那些将我们维系在一起的做法;不是为了回顾封闭的过去,而是为了推动我们两国人民去展望美好的未来。我坚信,我们能够也而且也一定会共同建设美好的未来。)We may live at nearly opposite ends of the world. We may be distinctly different in languages, customs, and political beliefs; but on many vital questions of our time there is little distance between the American and Chinese people.(我们可以生活在近乎世界的两端,我们可以有两种截然不同的语言、习俗和政治信仰,但是在我们这个时代的许多至关重要的问题上,我们两国人民之间几乎没有


Indeed, I believe if we were to ask citizens all over this world what they desire most for their children, and for their children’s children, their answer, in English, Chinese, or any other language, would likely be the same: we want peace. We want freedom. We want a better life. Their dreams, so simply stated, represent humanity’s deepest aspirations for security and personal fulfillment. And helping them make their dreams come true is what our jobs are all about.(我的确相信,假若我们询问世界上的所有公民,他们最希望留下什么东西给他们的孩子,给他们孩子的孩子,那么他们的回答无论是用英语、汉语还是其他语言来表达,都可能是一致的:我们要和平,我们要自由,我们要更美好的生活。他们这些言简意赅的愿望代表着人类对安全以及满足个人意愿的最深切的要求。我们所要做的是去帮助他们实现自己的愿望。)

We have always believed the heritage of our past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of our future. And from our roots, we have drawn tremendous power from faith and freedom. Our passion for freedom led to the American Revolution. We know each of us could not enjoy liberty for ourselves unless we were willing to share it with everyone else. And we knew our freedom could not be truly safe, unless all of us were protected by a body of laws that treated us equally.(我们一向认为,我们的历史传统是未来丰收的种子。我们一开始便从信仰和自由中汲取了巨大的力量。我们对自由的渴望导致了美国革命。我们明白,除非我们愿意同其他人一起分享自由,否则我们自己便无法享受自由。我们明白,除非我们大家都受到在其面前人人平等的法律的保护,否则我们的自由便不可能有真正的保障。)

Trust the people—these three words are not only the heart and soul of American history, but the most powerful force for human progress in the world today.(相信人民—这四个字不仅是美国历史的精髓,同时也是今日世界人类进步的最强大的动力。)

Like China, our people see the future in the eyes of our children. And, like China, we revere our elders. To be as good as our fathers and mothers, we must be better.(同中国人一样,我国人民是行下一代的角度来审视未来的。同中国人一样,我们也尊敬长辈。若要做得像前辈那样出色,我们就必须做得更出色。)

Over a century ago, Grant, who was then a former president, visited your country and saw China’s great potential. “I see dawning…”Gant wrote, “the beginning of a change. When it does come, China will rapidly become a powerful and rich nation…The population is industrious, frugal, intelligent, and quick to learn.”(一个多世纪前,当时已卸任的美国前总统格兰特访问了贵国。他看到中国蕴藏着巨大的潜力。“我看到了黎明的曙光,”格兰特写道,“我看到了变革的端倪。变革一旦出现,中国将迅速成为一个强盛而富裕的国家。。。。。。中国人民勤奋、节俭、聪颖、接受能力强。”

Today, China’s economy crackles with the dynamics of change. Unlike some governments, which fear change and fear the future, China is beginning to reach out toward new horizons, and we salute your courage.(今天,中国经济突飞猛进,日新月异。与一些惧怕变革、惧怕未来的国家不同,中国开始迈向新的高度,我们向你们变现出来的这种勇气致敬。)

We Americans have always considered ourselves pioneers, so we appreciate such vitality and optimism. Today, I bring you a message from my countrymen: As China moves forward on this new path, America welcomes the opportunity to walk by your side.(我们美国人一向视自己为开拓者,所以我们赞赏你们的活力和乐观精神。今天,我给你们捎带来了我国同胞的口信:中国在这条新的道路上向前迈进,我们美国很高兴有机会同中国并捐前进。)

I see America and our Pacific neighbors going forward in a mighty enterprise to build strong economies and a safe world. For our part, we welcome this new Pacific tide. Let it roll peacefully on, carrying a two-way flow of people and ideas that can break down barriers of suspicion and

mistrust, and build up bonds of cooperation and shared optimism.(我看到美国与其太平洋邻国正在所从事的伟大事业中向前迈进,这就是努力建设强大的经济和更为安全的世界。就我们而言,我们欢迎这股新的太平洋浪潮。让这股浪潮平顺的滚滚向前,促进人民和思想的双向交流,打破猜忌和不信任的障碍,建立合作关系,树立共有的乐观精神。)

The future is ours to build. Thank you.(未来靠我们去构筑。谢谢。)

Mr. President,(主席先生,)

On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music. (我谨代表我在座的所有同事,对你们那独有的、着称于世的款待表示感谢。我不仅要特别感谢为我们准备晚宴的人们,而且还要特别感谢为我们演奏优美音乐的人们。)These have been very pleasant days in China, and I’m happy that my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere.(我们在中国度过了十分愉快的时光,我很高兴我的访问能在如此融洽的气氛中结束。)

Mr. President, I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks. At this very moment through the wonder of telecommunications, many people are hearing what we say today. Yet, what we say here will not be long remembered. But what we do here can change the world.(主席先生,我要感谢您那热情洋溢、慷慨陈词的演讲。此时此刻,许多人正在通过神奇的电讯设备倾听着我们的讲话。然而,我们在这里所说的话很快便会被人们遗忘。但是,我们在这里所做的事却能改变世界。)So, let us start a long march together on different roads leading to the same goal, the goal of building a world structure of peace and justice in which all may stand together with equal dignity and in which each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination.(所有,让我们沿着通往共同目标的不同道路,一起开始新的长征。这个目标就是建设一个和平与正义的世界,在这个世界里所有人都可以站在一起享有同等的尊严,所有国家无论其大小,都有权决定自己的政府形式,选择自己的发展道路,而不受外来干涉或统治。)

We have a social and political system which differs in many respects from your own. It is the result of different experiences and a different tradition. This system of ours does not always produce results of which we all approve. People sometimes grumble at it and criticize it. But it is a political system deeply rooted in the instincts of our people. We do not aim to impose our own ideas on other people. We believe that it is right and necessary that people with different political and social systems should live side by side. We do not asses in identical fashion all aspects of today’s world—with our distinct histories, geographies and cultures it is inconceivable that we could see eye to eye on all issues—but we do agree on the fundamental need for world peace, and the equally fundamental need for all countries to determine their own fate and design their own future.(我们的社会制度和政治制度在许多方面都与贵国的社会制度和政治制度不同。这是我们不同的经历和不同的传统造就的。我们的制度并不总是带来大家都赞同的结果。人们有时会抱怨这种制度,批评这种制度。但是这种制度根深蒂固,已成为我国人民的意识与行为的本能。我们不想把自己的思想意识强加于人。我们认为,有着不同政治制度和社会制度的人们和平相处是正确而又必要的。我们没有用同一种模式来评价当今世界的方方面面—由于我们有着截然不同的历史、地理和文化,很


The world watches. The world listens. The world waits to see what we will do.(世界注视着我们,直接倾听着我们,世界拭目以待我们的行为。)

What legacy shall we leave our children? Are they destined to die painfully for the hatreds which have plagued the old world, or are they destined to live joyfully because we had the vision to build a new world?(我们要留给下一代什么遗产呢?他们是要注定痛苦地死于曾肆虐于旧世界的仇恨之中呢,还是因为我们曾有的缔造新世界的远见而必将要愉快地生活呢?)

This is the hour. This is the day foe us to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a new and better world.(时不我待,这是一个攀登崇高理想、创造更美好的新世界的时刻。)

In that spirit, I ask all of present to join me in raising your glasses to the friendship and cooperation of our two people which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.(本着这种精神,我敬请各位与我一起举杯,让我们为能够给全世界人民带来友谊与和平的我们两国人民之间的友谊与合作而干杯。)

Unit 6 礼仪性口译

Unit 6 Interpreting Ceremonial Speech 礼仪性口译 6--1 Celebrating the Spring Festival 新春联欢 Vocabulary 1、明月当空moon-lit 繁星满天with numerous shining stars in the sky 2、全体同仁all the colleagues 3、从百忙中拨冗光临take the time off one’s busy schedule 4、尽情品尝have a good time tasting---- 5、美酒佳肴Chinese cuisine and unique Chinese wine 或good wine and delicious food 6、才华横溢talented 7、纯正authentic ①可信的; 可靠的, 权威性的an authentic news 可靠的消息 ②真正的, 确实的; 有根据的an authentic signature 真实手迹签字 an authentic document 一份真实的文件 8、无所拘束in a more informal way 9、万事如意the very best of luck in everything 典型句型1 各位嘉宾,在这个美丽无比,繁星满天的夜晚,我谨代表总经理欧阳女士以及我公司的全体同仁,感谢各位能在一年最繁忙的季节,从百忙中拨冗光临我们的新春联欢晚会,并向你们表示欢迎。 My distinguished guests. On this most beautiful evening with numerous shining stars in the sky, on behalf of General Manager Madam Ouyang and all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank all the people here for taking the time off their busy schedule, at the busiest time of the year, to come to our Chinese New Year’s Party. We really appreciate your presence here tonight with us. 练习 各位嘉宾,在这个特别的日子里,我代表这对新人感谢大家从百忙之中拨冗光临他们的结婚典礼。 My distinguished guests, On this special day, on behalf of the newly-married couple to thank all the people present here for taking the time off your busy schedule, to come to attend their wedding ceremony. 最后,让我们祝福这对新人白头偕老,永浴爱河。 In the end, we wish the newly-married couple stick to each other till the hair turns gray and bathe in a river of love forever. 在婚礼上我们经常用的祝福的词还有: 心心相印a complete meeting of minds 永结同心to be of one mind forever 相亲相爱to be kind and love to each other 百年好合a harmonious union lasting a hundred years


国际交流(一) Words and sentences: 1.国际社会the international community 2.国务院港澳办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council 3.过境签证transit visa 4.和睦相处to live with each other in harmony 5.互访exchange of visits 6.即兴讲话off-the-cuff speech 7.记者招待会press conference 8.经济合作会议economic cooperation conference 9.经济技术交流economic and technical exchanges 10.军事交流military exchange 11.考察团survey group 12.客套话polite formulas 13.跨文化交流cross-cultural communication 14.礼宾处the Protocol Office 15.贸易关系trade relations 16.美国驻华大使馆The U.S. Embassy in China 17.民间交往non-governmental contact 18.民间组织non-governmental organization 19.民族文化national culture 20.批判地吸收to assimilate critically Sentences: 1.现在,我提议为我们两家公司友谊和合作的新阶段干杯!May I now propose a toast to this new stage in the friendship and cooperation between our two companies. 2.最后,敬请各位为我们日益增进的友谊和商业往来而干杯!In conclusion, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to our growing friendship as well as commercial ties. 3.中国经济将进一步同亚洲经济走向融合,形成互利、互补、互助的新型合作关系。China’s economy will integrate still more closely with Asian economy, giving rise to a new type of partnership characterized by mutual benefit, mutual complement and mutual assistance. 4.随着中国的发展,中国的市场规模、对外投资等必将进一步扩大,会有更多的中国人到 亚洲旅游、经商、访问。With China’s development, the size of its market and its overseas investment will grow even larger and still more Chinese will travel to the other parts of Asia for sightseeing, business and visit. 5.热忱地欢迎远道而来的朋友们。I would like to extend our warmest welcome to all of you who have traveled from far and wide. 6.本周,我非常高兴欢迎10个新成员国加入欧盟委员会。这10个成员国及其国民带来了 不同的文化,使欧盟变得更加多姿多彩,因为这些国家各自都有着独特而悠久的历史。 This week, I will have the enormous pleasure of welcoming 10 new member countries into the European Commission. They and their fellow citizens bring to the Union the cultures and diversity of 10 countries with distinct historical roots stretching back through the centuries. 7.感谢总统先生的邀请。我怀着愉快的心情对美国进行正式访问,我带来了伟大的中国人 民对伟大的美国人民的良好祝愿。I wish to thank you, Mr. President, for your kind invitation. It is with pleasure that I’m paying an official visit to the United States. I have brought with me the good wishes of the great Chinese people to the great American people. 8.今天,我很高兴与新老朋友们一起,参加对外经济贸易大学和中国国际贸易学会联合举 办的中欧经济论坛。Today, I’m very pleased to join with my new and old friends to attend the Sino-European Economic Forum jointly hosted by the University of International Business and Economics and the China Association of International Trade.


礼仪致辞句型汇总 一. 称呼 女士们,先生们Ladies and Gentlemen 朋友们/各位朋友Dear friends 各位嘉宾Distinguished guests 尊敬的来宾Honored Guests 各位同事Dear colleagues 同志们Comrades 青年朋友们Young friends (中国)同胞们Fellow countrymen (美国)同胞们My fellow citizens (港澳台和海外华人)同胞们Dear Compatriots 老师们、同学们、朋友们Dear faculty and staff members, students and friends 同学们,老师们Dear Students and Faculty Members 各位老师,家长,毕业生们Members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates Members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates 各位企业家朋友Members of the business community 亲爱的运动员们Dear athletes 尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑和王室代表 Distinguished Heads of State and Government and Representatives of Royal Families 尊敬的各位使节、代表和夫人 Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Your Spouses 各位使节及使团同事Excellencies and Colleagues of the Diplomatic Corps 各位团长Heads of Delegations 各位议员朋友My Lords and MPs 中央政府驻港机构各位领导Heads of local offices of the Central Government 尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人Your Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Yongqing 尊敬的布什总统和夫人Mr. President and Mrs. Bush 尊敬的罗格主席和夫人Respected IOC President Rogge and Mrs Rogge 尊敬的克雷文主席和夫人Respected President Philip Craven and Mrs Craven 尊敬的各位国际奥委会委员Distinguished Members of the International Olympic Committee 主席先生/总统先生Mr. President 总理先生Mr. Premier / Prime Minister 总统女士Madame President 尊敬的阿罗约总统阁下Your Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo 国王和王后陛下Your Majesties 各位殿下Your Royal Highnesses 尊敬的桑德罗·邦迪部长Respected Minister Sen. Sandro Bondi 尊敬的戴秉国国务委员Your Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo 尊敬的李省长Honorable Governor Li 尊敬的杨市长Honorable Mayor Yang 团中央第一书记陆昊先生First Secretary Mr. Lu Hao 高教授及夫人Professor and Mrs Kao

口译礼仪祝词E-C 译文

市长先生阁下, 中国朋友们, 女士们先生们: Your Honor Mr. Mayor, My Chinese friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, 这是我首次访问你们这座美丽的城市,我为此深感荣幸。 I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city. 我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,向我们东道主的诚挚邀请,对我们一踏上这块充满魅力的土地便受到的友好款待,向东道主表示真诚的感谢。 On behalf of all the members of my mission(使团、代表团), I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land. 与此同时,我很高兴这次访问给予我一次极好的机会,向市长先生和上海人民转达我国政府和人民的热烈问候和诚挚的良好祝愿。 I am also very happy that this visit has given me an excellent opportunity to convey to you and to the people of Shanghai warm greetings and sincere good wishes of the government and


会议口译致辞,礼仪祝词口译 1. (致)欢迎/开幕/闭幕词(make/deliver) welcome/opening/closing speech 2. 揭幕仪式unveiling ceremony 3. 为展览会揭幕inaugurate an exhibition 4. 奠基仪式foundation laying ceremony 5. 开工典礼commencement cerem ony 6. 答谢宴会return banquet 7. 晚宴evening reception/dinner 8. 招待会/宴会reception 9. 冷餐招待会buffet reception 10. 签字仪式signing ceremony 11. 剪彩仪式ribbon-cutting ceremony 12. 就职仪式inauguration ceremony 13. 移交仪式turning-over cerem ony 14. 展览会exhibition 15. 商品交易会trade fair 16. 世博会world expo 17. 颁奖仪式prize giving ceremony/award ceremony 18. 全球庆典global celebration ceremony 19. 友好访问goodwill visit 20. 明/皓月当空with a bright moon 21. 良辰佳时a wonderful time

22. 金秋golden autumn 23. 美妙的音乐splendid music 24. 宣布…开幕declare…open; declare the commencement of… 25. 宣布…闭幕declare…the conclusion/closing of… 26. 发表热情友好的讲话make a warm and friendly speech 27. 热情洋溢的欢迎词gracious speech of welcome 28. 陛下Your/His/Her Majesty 29. 殿下Your/His/Her Highness/Excellency/Royal (Imperial, Serene) Highness 30. 阁下Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency 31. 尊敬的市长先生Respected/respectable/honorable Mr. Mayor 32. 远道而来的朋友friends coming from afar/coming all the way 33. 来自大洋彼岸的朋友friends coming from the other side of the Pacific/ocean 34. 商界的朋友们friends from the business community 35. 媒体的朋友们media members 36. 嘉宾distinguished/honorable guests 37. 全体同仁all my colleges 38. 东道国host country 39. 主办单位sponsor 40. 承办单位organizer 41. 组委会the Organizing Committee 42. 大会主题theme of the conference/meeting/forum/summit 43. 作为友好使者as an envoy of friendship 44. 值此…之际… on the occasion 45. 借此机会take this opportunity to

中级口译 礼仪性口译的典型句型 第二课

礼仪性口译的典型句型: 1.女士们,先生们,各位贵宾: 我谨代表我公司,并于我个人的名义,对各位表示热烈的欢迎! 2.今晚我们请到了从伦敦远道而来的贵宾们与我们一起共度中秋佳节,我为此 感到非常地荣幸!这些良好的印象将永远珍藏在我们美好的记忆之中。 < Tonight, I feel deeply privileged (honored) to have the distinguished friends who come all the way from London to celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival with us. These fine impressions will forever remain in our cherished memories.> 3.今天,我很高兴也很荣幸能在这里与大家欢聚一堂,这使我有机会拜访老朋 友,结识新朋友! < Today, It gives me such a pleasure and honor to have the joyful gathering with you all here, which gives me such a great opportunity to visit the old friends and meet the new ones.> 4.我为能在此设宴招待切尼副总统和夫人以及其他贵宾而深感荣幸和愉快!我 愿借此机会向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎! 5.在这美丽无比的金秋季节,我们在北京迎来了第四届世界妇女大会的召开! 为此,我们热烈欢呼第四届世界妇女大会的召开,并预祝大会圆满成功! < In this most beautiful season of golden autumn, we in Beijing welcome the opening of the 4th World Conference on Women. In this connection, we warmly herald the opening of it and wish it a complete success! >


口译主题一礼仪祝辞 汉英英汉口译实践: 1.首先,我对第五届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开表示衷心祝贺!对各位嘉宾的到来表示热烈欢迎!夏季达沃斯论坛已经走过了五个年头,五年的论坛形成了一个宗旨,这就是面向世界、面向未来、面向创新、面向青年。会议安排了多种形式的讨论,开得生动活泼、充满朝气,特别在金融危机的困难时期,给世界传递了希望的声音,带来了信心和勇气。本次论坛以“关注增长质量,掌控经济格局”为主题,反映了大家对推动经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长的共识与期待。我祝愿本次论坛获得圆满成功! 国际金融危机爆发至今已经三年,国际组织、各国政府、企业界和专家学者都在深刻反思,探究危机产生的原因,寻求世界经济和各国经济未来发展之路。对中国经济发展的成就,有喝彩的,也有怀疑的;对中国经济的未来,有看好的,也有唱衰的。对此,我们的头脑是清醒的,胸中是有数的,信心是坚定的。 参考译文 I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the fifth Annual Meeting of the Summer Davos, and a sincere welcome to you all. It's been five years since the launch of the Summer Davos. In these five years, the Summer Davos has set a clear objective for itself, that is, it is a forum for the world, for the future, for innovation and for the youth. The diverse forms of discussions conducted during the forum are lively and vibrant. In particular, during the difficult times of the financial crisis, the forum sent out a message of hope and brought confidence and courage to the world. The theme of this year's forum- Mastering Quality Growth - represents people's shared desire for robust, sustainable and balanced economic growth, and I wish the meeting a great success. Three years have passed since the outbreak of the international financial crisis. International organizations, governments, the business communities and the academia are all taking a hard look at the root causes of the crisis and exploring ways to sustain the growth of both the global economy and national economies. With regard to China's economic development, some people have hailed its achievements, while


Sentence Interpreting Welcome 1. I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people 我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。 2. We gathered here today with great pleasure to welcome Mr. Brown from ABC Company. 今天,我们怀着喜悦的心情欢聚在这里,欢迎来自ABC公司的布朗先生。 3. 斯密斯先生,欢迎您和代表团所有成员来我公司访问,愿你们访问愉快。 Mr. Smith, I’m very happy to welcome you and all the other members of your delegation to our company. We hope you’ll have a pleasant visit here. 4. 请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。 Allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar. 5. 欢迎你们随时再来,我们的门对朋友永远是敞开的。 You are welcome to visit us again any time. Our door is always open to friends. Thanks 1. I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and incomparable hospitality. 我想借此机会代表我所有的同事对你们热情周到的接待和无与伦比的好客表示感谢。 2. On behalf of the foreign guests attending this workshop, let me offer a most sincere “thank you”for your warm and gracious welcome. 本人谨代表所有参与此次研讨会的外国人员,向您表示最诚挚的谢意,感谢您对我们热烈而亲切的欢迎。 3. 对全世界电脑工业界而言,这是令人兴奋的时刻,我们很高兴能有这个机会来参加研讨会,谢谢你们的邀请和热情接待。 This is an exciting time for the computer industry worldwide, and we are excited to have the opportunity to participate in this workshop. Thank you for the invitation and the warm reception. 4. 我愿借此机会对东道主的盛情邀请和友好款待表示我们真诚的感谢。 I would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest

口译实务 U1 礼仪祝词

U1 礼仪祝词Ceremonial Speech Text1 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize 终生成就 简明扼要 叙事诗 天然的冲动 无关的 抒情诗 家庭生活 乐于读书的人 平装本 精装本 今年的罗斯利里诗歌奖得主获得终生成就奖 一贯的风格 善于捕捉细微的瞬间 修订版 事情就这样发生了 我的每个词都是非用不可的题材 紧张Lifetime achievement Concise / Precise Narrative poem Natural impulse extraneous[?k?stre?ni?s] Lyric poem Domestic life Compulsive reader Paperback Hardback This year’s winner of the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize Given for lifetime achievement A constant style Small moments captured Revision Things just happened I want every word to have to be there Issue Tension(s)

Text2 President Summers 博大精深 儒家 道家 诸子百家 和而不同 天下兴亡匹夫有责 民为邦本 民贵君轻 己所不欲勿施于人 满足温饱 实现小康 讲台 相隔万里 在...上差异很大 充满希望 灿烂文化 源远流长 早在2000多年前,产生了以孔孟为代表的儒家学说和以老庄为代表的道家学说Extensive and profound Confucianism Taoism Masters’ hundreds of schools Seek harmony with uniformity People are responsible for the rise or fall of the country People are the foundation of the country People are more important than the monarch Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you Meet the standard of food, clothing and shelter Achieve a well-off standard of living Rostrum A & B are far apart geographically Differ greatly in the level of... Full of promises Splendid civilization Start far back and run a long long course(过程) More than 2000 years ago, there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius and Taoism represented by Laozi and Zhuangzi


礼仪致辞口译 篇一:口译主题实践一(礼仪祝辞)(Unit1) 口译主题一礼仪祝辞 汉英英汉口译实践: 1.首先,我对第五届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开表示衷心祝贺!对各位嘉宾的到来表示热烈欢迎!夏季达沃斯论坛已经走过了五个年头,五年的论坛形成了一个宗旨,这就是面向世界、面向未来、面向创新、面向青年。会议安排了多种形式的讨论,开得生动活泼、充满朝气,特别在金融危机的困难时期,给世界传递了希望的声音,带来了信心和勇气。本次论坛以“关注增长质量,掌控经济格局”为主题,反映了大家对推动经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长的共识与期待。我祝愿本次论坛获得圆满成功! 国际金融危机爆发至今已经三年,国际组织、各国政府、企业界和专家学者都在深刻反思,探究危机产生的原因,寻求世界经济和各国经济未来发展之路。对中国经济发展的成就,有喝彩的,也有怀疑的;对中国经济的未来,有看好的,也有唱衰的。对此,我们的头脑是清醒的,胸中是有数的,信心是坚定的。参考译文iwishtoextendwarmcongratulationsontheopeningofthefifthannualmeetingo ftheSummerdavos,andasincerewelcometoyouall.it'sbeenfiveyearssin cethelaunchoftheSummerdavos.inthesefiveyears,theSummerdavoshasseta

clearobjectiveforitself,thatis,itisaforumfortheworld,forthefuture,forinnova tionandfortheyouth.Thediverseformsofdiscussionsconductedduringthefor umarelivelyandvibrant.inparticular,duringthedifficulttimesofthefinancialcr isis,theforumsentoutamessageofhopeandbroughtconfidenceandcouragetot heworld.Thethemeofthisyear'sforum-masteringQualityGrowth-repre sentspeople'sshareddesireforrobust,sustainableandbalancedeconomi cgrowth,andiwishthemeetingagreatsuccess. Threeyearshavepassedsincetheoutbreakoftheinternationalfinancialcrisis.in ternationalorganizations,governments,thebusinesscommunitiesandtheacad emiaarealltakingahardlookattherootcausesofthecrisisandexploringwaystos ustainthegrowthofboththeglobaleconomyandnationaleconomies.withregar dtochina'seconomicdevelopment,somepeoplehavehaileditsachievem ents,while someothershaveexpresseddoubt.Someareoptimisticaboutchina'secon omicfuture,whilesomeotherssaythatchinaisintrouble.Butweinchinaremainl evel-headed.weareclearaboutthesituationandwearefullyconfidentaboutour future. 2.Goodmorning,everyone.PresidentHu,membersofthechinesedelegation,o nbehalfofmichelleandmyself,welcometothewhiteHouse.andonbehalfofthe americanpeople,welcometotheUnitedStates. Threedecadesago,onaJanuarydaylikethis,anotheramericanPresidentstoodh ereandwelcomedanotherchineseleaderforthehistoricnormalizationofrelatio


第六单元礼仪性口译(Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches ) 6-1新春联欢 ( Celebrating the Spring Festival ) 各位嘉宾:(Distinguished guests,) 在这个美丽无比、繁星满天的夜晚,我谨代表总经理欧阳女士,以及公司的全体同仁,感谢各位能在一年中最繁忙的季节,从百忙中拨冗光临我们的新春联欢晚会,并向你们表示欢迎。(O n this most beautiful evening with numerous shining stars in the sky, on behalf of General Manager Madam Ouyang and all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank you all the people here for taking the time of their busy schedule, at the busiest time of the year, to come to our Chinese New Year’s party. We really appreciate your presence here tonight with us.) 特别有幸的是,今晚我们邀请到了从加拿大远道而来的本森电子公司的朋友们。有如此杰出的贵宾与我们一起共同欢度春节,我深感自豪和荣幸。(In particular, we are very fortunate to have the attendance of our friends with the Benson’s Electronics Company, who came here all the way from Canada. I feel very proud and honored to have such a distinguished group of guests with us, in celebration of our Spring Festival.) 我们尽自己之所能,并将继续竭尽全力使各位度过一个最轻松、最快乐、最难忘的夜晚。我希望各位来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴与美酒。请不要客气。(We have done and will continue to do our best to make this evening most relaxing, most enjoyable and most memorable for you. I hope you will have a good time enjoying the traditional Chinese cuisine and drinking the unique Chinese wine to your heart’s content. So help yourself.) 各位还将欣赏由本公司一些才华横溢的青年员工所表演的纯正的中国味的文艺节目。今晚我们会过得非常愉快。平日在公司上班时,我们中外职员几乎没有时间坐下来交谈。我希望这次晚会可以让我们有极好的机会,无所拘束的了解彼此的情况,增进个人之间的友谊。(In a moment, you will enjoy the authentic Chinese performance given by some talented young employees of our company. We will have a lot of fun tonight. While at work in the company, we, Chinese as well as overseas staff of the company, hardly get to sit own and talk to each other. I hope this party will give us an


礼仪口译词汇 欢迎/开幕/闭幕词welcome/opening/closing speech 开/闭幕式opening/closing ceremony 签字仪式signing ceremony 友好访问goodwill visit 宣布开/闭幕declare… open/closed 热情友好的讲话warm and friendly speech 尊敬的respectable/honorable 东道主host 嘉宾distinguished/honorable guests 值此……之际on the occasion of 以……的名义in the name of 全体同仁all my colleagues 由衷的heartfelt 荣幸地have the honor of(doin g…) 愉快地have the pleasure(in doing… /to do…)大洋彼岸the other side of the ocean 友好使者envoy of friendship 商界business community 增进理解promote understanding 促进合作enhance/strengthen cooperation 符合……的共同利益meet the common interest of 回顾过去looking back on;in retrospect 展望未来look into the future 最后;总之in conclusion 提议为……干杯propose a toast to 明/皓月当空with a bright moon 拨冗光临take the time off one’s busy schedule 良辰佳时 a wonderful time 金秋golden autumn 祝……圆满成功wish… a complete success 融洽的气氛 a congenial atmosphere 美妙的音乐splendid music 热情动人的讲话gracious and eloquent remarks 无比盛情的款待incomparable hospitality 再叙旧情renew one’s old friendships 结交新朋establish new contacts 恋恋不舍feel reluctant to part 千言万语说不尽no words can fully express 前所未有的unprecedented 卫生public health;hygiene;sanitation 双边关系bilateral relationship 剪彩cutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony
