

迎客松Greeting Pines 卧龙松The Crouching Dragon Pine

慈光阁The Mercy Light Temple 百丈泉The Thousand Feet Spring

葡萄沟the Ravine of Vineyards 黄道婆遗迹the Remains of Mother Huang Dao

雨花阁the Pavilion of Rain and Water 康寿泉he Spring of Longevity and Health 感应寺the Temple of Spiritual Response the Hill of Piled Festoon

独秀峰the Peak of Unique Beauty 千佛阁the Pavilion of a Thousand Buddhas 万春亭the Pavilion of Thousand Springs 五百罗汉山Mountains of five Hundred Arhats

鹿岩精舍the Fine Villa on Deer Cliff 黄山云海the Cloud Sea of Huangshan Mountain

平湖秋月Autumn Moon on the Calm Lake 猴子观海he Monkey Gazing at the Sea 盼客松the Guest Expecting Pine 五女拜寿the Five Daughters Offering Birthday Felicitations 三潭印月the Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

花港观鱼Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor 镇海寺the Temple to Guard the Sea 鬼见愁Sights that Discourage Devils 飞来峰the Rock That Flew Here



To the left is another rock formerly engraved with four big Chinese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun(Beyond clouds flows spring) written by Su Dongpo(1037-1101), the most versatile poet of the Northern Song Dynasty.


Near the forest is White Dragon Cave which is said to be the very place where Lady

White, the legendary heroine of The Story of the White Snake, cultivated herself according to Buddhist doctrine.

2. 释义法


During the Dragon Boat Festival (which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month), it is a common practice to eat Zongzi, which is a rice pudding wrapped up with weed leave.

3. 删减


This is really comfortable hotel endowed with poetic environments.


The hills overshadow the lake, and the lake reflects the hills. They are in such a perfect harmony that seem more beautiful than a picture.


Standing on the deck, one gets the feeling that the world below is suddenly belittled.


Laoshan Scenic Area is thickly covered with trees of many species, which add credit for its scenery.


The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all round with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty.



Jigong, Robin Hood in China, robbed the rich and helped the poor.

5. 改写


Liu Bei died of illness in 233 at present-day Fengjie county, Sichuan province, and was buried here in the same year.

上海市系江南名城,远东巨埠,内联九州,外通四海,物华天宝,人杰地灵。Shanghai is a famous port city in south China and in the Far East. Linked with all the places in China and major ports throughout the world, this metropolis is known as a land of attractive resources and magical power, a birthplace of creative mind and gifted talents


Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the ravine. The trees are in their greenest in spring when intensified by colorful flowers. In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and lakelands. As summer merges into autumn, the maple trees turn fiery red. Splashing color through the thick forest hills …… Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout the year.

1. 孟姜女哭长城的故事旁证着建筑长城付出了巨大代价——除了钱币,还有众多建筑者的躯体。

The legend that the Great Wall was collapsed by the cry of Lady Mengjiang whose husband died in the construction of the wall is an evidence showing that the price of building this wonder of the world was not only money, but also the lives of numerous constructors.

2. 福州与台湾隔海相望,是祖国大陆距台湾最近的地方,是实现海峡两岸“三通”的重要门户。

Separated from Taiwan by the Straits and being the nearest place to Taiwan from the mainland, Fuzhou has been considered the important door to establish the three links for postal, air and shipping service and trade between Taiwan and the mainland.

3. 湖南省位于长江中游南部,东经108度至11度,北纬24度至30度。因地处洞庭湖之南,所以叫做湖南。

Hunan Province lies just South of the middle reaches of the Changjiang (Y angtze) River between 108’and 114’longitude E and 24’and 30’latitude N. As it is also situated south of Dongting Lake, the Province has the name Hunan, which means “south of the Lake.”


Valuable articles and cash should be handed to General Service Desk for safekeeping.


You are lucky enough to meet the Earth Temple Fair, which is a collection of traditional Beijing-style culture and has a strong appeal to people in and outside Beijing.


7.Situated on the Huangpu River and at the point of Lujiazui in Pudong, the Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is surrounded by waters on three sides and faces a row of buildings of variegated international architectural styles in the Bund across the river. This 468-meter-tall tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world in height.

Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms, and fine white sand.


西安古称长安。Xi'an was called Chang’an,or “everlasting peace”in ancient times.天安门可译为:Tiananman,the Gate of Heavenly Peace

天涯海角(海南岛著名的旅游景点)Tianya-Haijiao (the end of the earth and the edge of the sea)

秦始皇Qin Shihuang,the first emperor in Chinese history who unified China in 221 西域the Western Regions (a Han Dynasty term for the area west of Yumenguan Pass,including what is now Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and parts of Central Asia) 梁山伯与祝英台Romeo and Juliet

鱼米之乡land of milk and honey

苏堤lover’s lane,


The construction of the Forbidden City took 14 years,and was finished in 1420,72 years before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World.

“14 years before Shakespeare was born”


Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city.It is not hot in summer and not cold in winter.The 40-km-long scenic line begins from Tuan Island at the west end to Xiaqing Gong of Mount Lao at the east end.


High-rise buildings ornamented with colored lanterns and bright banners stand out along the river banks. On the river itself, gaily decorated dragon-shaped boats await their challenge, displaying their individual charms to their hearts' content. One boat wags its head and tail;another spits fire and sprays water.


The six stone horses were sculpted when Zhaoling Maosoleum was built by the order of Emperor Li Shimin in memory of the six horses which served him in wars. Two of them, known as “Saluzi”and “Quanmaogua”were stolen by an American in 1914. They are now kept at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

...These stone chargers are considered to be masterpieces of sculpture from the Tang period. Two of the original stone horses are on display in a museum in the United States, and the four that are on display in the museum here were damaged during an

attempt by a private collector to have them shipped to the United States. This was during the period before 1949 when some great art treasures were stolen from China.

城隍庙Chenghuang Temple

民族饭店Minzu Hotel

太和殿Tai He Dian (Hall of Great/Supreme Harmony)

中和殿Zhong He Dian (Hall of Central Harmony)

保和殿Bao He Dian (Hall of Preserving Hall)

象鼻山Xiang Bi Shan ( the Elephant Hill)

海南景点“鹿回头”可译为“Luhuitou ”(turn-round deer scenic spot)

“天涯海角”可译为“Tianya-Haijiao”(the end of the earth and the edge of the sea) 兵马俑”译为“Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses”

“十三陵”译为“Ming Tombs”

“故宫”译为“the Imperial Palace”

“颐和园”译为“the Palace Museum”

海上画舫Floating Restaurants


In Beijing, the tourist guide has to walk a lot because there are so many places to see; in Xi’an, he has to talk a lot because there are so many histories to tell. In Guilin, he doesn’t have to talk and walk a lot because the beautiful mountains and rivers are attractive enough for the travelers themselves to see and enjoy.

例:The Youngest of the Rocky Mountains, the Teton Range is a spectacular sight. Enhanced by glaciers, deep canyons, snow-fields, and lakes, the range shoots up suddenly, with no foothills around it.





例:Towers, domes, balanced rock, and arches have been formed over millions of years of weathering and erosion, and the process continues, constantly reshaping this fantastical rock garden.





译文1:Near the forest, there once was a cave which was said to be the very place where Lady White cultivate d herself.

译文2:Near the forest, there once was a cave, which was said to be the very place where Lady White, the legendary heroine of The Story of the White Snake, cultivated herself


译文:Pick a clear day to enjoy some of the world’s best views.


译文:It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows. Trees, flowers and grass, a picture of nature vitality, thrive on both banks. The weird peaks arouse disparate thoughts.

4. 选词用字


Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area encompass es

Lakes, waterfalls, shoals, streams, snow-capped mountains, forest as well as Tibetan villages. Most of the sceneries stretch along a valley over 60 kilometers long. 5. 结构的重新组合与改写


Hong Kong is a city of stunning contrast where towering skyscrapers rub shoulders with ancient temples and historic mountains. It’s a living fusion of East and West that sees local people practicing age-old tai chi exercises in front of one of the world’s most stunning harbors.

例1 寒山寺


The Hanshan Temple is situated in the Fengqiao(maple bridge) Town in the west of Suzhou. In front of the temple is the Shangtang river with a stone arch bridge, under which boats with dark canopies come and go. This is a common scene that can be seen

anywhere in regions of rivers and lakes south of the Yangtze River, with nothing special to distinguish it.

例2 苏州园林




located on the Shanghai-Nanjing railway and off Lake Taihu,Suzhou is a city of historical fame south of the Y angze,which claims its founding in 514 B.C.

the city abounds with fine scenery and historical Temple, with its charming bell, has inspired many poetic mind. On Tiger Hill, a thousand-year-old pagoda stands in majesty; and while luxuriant fruit-trees odd to the natural beauty of East Dongting Hills and lake around, Tianping Hill is featured by grotesque rock formations and red maple woods.

The unique style of widely reputed Suzhou gardens is seen in Gentle Waves Pavilion, Lion Garden, the Humble Administrator’s Garden, Lingering Garden, the Master-of-Nets Garden and Joyous Garden. Their towers, gazeboes,terraces, winding corridors and water-side pavilions are so artistically laid out among ponds, rockeries, trees and grottoes that visitors are impressed by the depth they create, and find a different vista at every turn. All this makes a visit most enjoyable.

The classical gardens of Suzhou bear the characteristics of the Chinese landscape architecture of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and stand as a monument to the wisdom and creativity of the working people of ancient China.

More than 1000 sea jellies of all size, shapes and colors from all over the world have found a new home in this all-new jellyfish exhibit at Ocean Park! Designed with the latest technology in lighting, music and multimedia special effects to enhance your experience, Sea Jelly Spectacular offers a sensational “undersea”voyage for you to discover this most amazing and beautiful undersea creature. You can see them swim and, glow in their natural environment or play the interactive Shadow Game to “virtually”touch them. You can even play hide-and-seek with them in the Mirror Maze. Part of the thrill is finding your way out of this magical enclosure!

Get ready for a journey of exploration, fun and thrill!




Known for over a thousand years as one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China, Mt.Emei is known for its Buddhist cultural heritages together with its diverse geographic landforms and beautiful scenery. Many new sights have been found and developed in the mountain areas besides its ten old ones, such as Elephant Bath Pond, Cave of Nine Old Men, the Hongcunping Mountain Glen, etc.

Filled with weird peaks, tranquil valleys, winding roads, abrupt waterfalls, plentiful vegetation, aged trees as well as wild animals (especially the groups of playing monkey), the mountainous scenery abounds in changes with the seasons, which earns Mt. Emei the reputation of “The Most Elegant Mountain”in China and has been a resort for sightseeing, pilgrimages, health recuperation and even scientific research.

Records about this river can be found even in the earliest Chinese classics, which proves that, the Feng River has been wellknown since ancient times.

The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees. Flowers from these trees in different colors are in full bloom which pervade the whole garden with the fragrance of their blossoms.

rmagnificent Tiananmen Gate, the majestic Palace Museum, the imposing Great Wall, the scenic Summer Palace, the ingenious Temple of Heaven, the enchanting Beihai Park and the carefully laidout Ming Tombs. Unrivaled and of world renown, these ancient stuctures remain attractions to both domestic and foreign travelers.
