

Must-Have Job Skills in 2013(2012-11-26)

Even as employers remain cautious next year about every dollar spent on employees, they'll also want workers to show greater skills and results.For employees who want to get ahead, basic competency won't be enough.

To win a promotion or land a job next year, experts say there are four must-have job skills: competency['kɑmp?t?nsi]n. 能力(等于competence);资格land a job找到工作articulate [ɑ:'tikjul?t, ɑ:'tikjuleit]

vt. 清晰地发(音);明确有力地表达;用关节连接;使相互连贯

vi. [语]发音;清楚地讲话;用关节连接起来adj. 发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的PricewaterhouseCoopers n. 普华永道(全球四大会计事务所之一)

accounting [?'kau nti?] n. 会计,会计学;帐单v. 解释(account的ing形式);叙述consulting [k?n's?lti?]

adj. 咨询的,商议的;顾问的,任专职顾问的v. 咨询,请教;商议(consult的现在分词形式

1. Clear communications

"This is really the ability to clearly articulate your point of view and the ability to create a connection through communication," says Holly Paul, U.S. recruiting leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting and consulting firm based in New York.

For job seekers in particular, clear communication can provide a snapshot of their work style to employers. "

As office conversations increasingly move online, some workers are losing or never developing the ability to give a presentation, for example. Others may be unable to write coherently for longer than, say, 140 characters.

snapshot ['sn?p??t] n. 快照,快相;急射,速射;简单印象vt. 给…拍快照vi. 拍快照

coherently [k?u'hi?r?ntli] adv. 连贯地;前后一致地;条理清楚地;互相偶合地;凝聚性地

scour ['skau?] vi. 冲刷;擦;腹泻vt. 擦亮,洗涤;冲洗,清除n. 擦,冲刷;洗涤剂;(畜类等的)腹泻

haunt [h?:nt] vt. 常出没于…;萦绕于…;经常去…vi. 出没;作祟n. 栖息地;常去的地方

2. Personal branding

Human-resources executives scour blogs. "If you post something that comes back to haunt you, people will see that."Workers also should make sure their personal brand is

attractive and reflects well on employers. "More and more employers are looking for employees to tweet on their behalf.

There are dozes of other apps to help users Tweet on the go, so that could account for its lower ranking.


So how do you produce the perfect film or write the perfect book – or compose the perfect tweeton Twitter – in a way that will maximise the chances of catching on?


3. Flexibility

The ability to quickly respond to an employer's changing needs will be important next year as organizations try to respond nimbly to customers.

The ability to learn new skills is of top importance, says George Boué"We want to know that if we roll out a new program or new tools that the folks we have on board are going to be open to learning," he says.

4. Productivity improvement

"The ability to spot talent and hire people has fallen out of use over the last several years," says Ben Dattner, an organizational psychologist in New York. "As the economy turns around, companies will have to work harder to retain talented employees. Companies have trimmed the fat, and now they have to build the muscle."

nimbly ['nimbli] adv. 敏捷地;机敏地

trimmed [trimd] adj. 平衡的;切边;纵倾的;修整过的

Making Every Penny Count—Twice(2012-11-27)

Ever wish you could make every penny count twice—especially around the holidays? Here are ways consumers can do what they already do, but also make those actions count for more in charitable and community .

charitable ['t??r?t?bl] adj. 慈善事业的;慷慨的,仁慈的;宽恕的

advertiser ['?dv?,taiz?] n. 广告客户;刊登广告的人

designate ['deziɡneit, 'deziɡnit, -neit] vt. 指定;指派;标出;把…定名为adj. 指定的;选定的

1. Free money for the charity of your choice

Use https://www.360docs.net/doc/362068414.html,, powered by Yahoo,for regular online searches, and the site will donate 50% of the revenue generated from the search advertiser to the charity.Make sure you designate a specific charity before you begin searching.

groceries n. 杂货;食品;生活用品alleviate [?'li:vieit] vt. 减轻,缓和

coupons n. 优惠券;息票;[冶金]取样片(coupon的复数)

translate [tr?ns'le?t; trɑ?ns-; -nz-] vt. 翻译;转化;解释;转变为;调动vi. 翻译

2. Save on groceries and help alleviate hunger

https://www.360docs.net/doc/362068414.html, makes it possible to save money and give back. Visit their site and you'll find hundreds of coupons for everyday grocery, personal-care and office items.Every three coupons used translates to one meal.

3. Volunteer at a food bank

Three billion pounds of food and other grocery products are distributed each year through Feeding America's network of food banks.

distributed [di'stribjutid] adj. 分布式的,分散式的

distribute [di'stribju:t; 'dis-]

vt.1. 分发;分送;分配,配给:They distributed political pamphlets in the hall.他们在大厅里散发政治小册子。

The relief agency will distribute the food among several countries.救援机构将给几个国家发放食物。

2. 撒,撒播于…上;散布在…上,分散;使分布,分布(在空间或区域内);扩散开:to distribute seeds


The new machine distributes seeds evenly and quickly.那新机器播种又快又匀。

3. [常用被动语态]把…分成(几组或几部分),分,分开(into):

4. The students were distributed into four ranks.学生们被分成四列横队。

Today's work is distributed for speedier handing.今天的工作被分成几部分以便更快地处理。

4. [常用被动语态]将…分类(into):Those plants are distributed into 15 classes.那些植物分成15个纲。

5. 【商业】将(商品)推销到特定市场;将(货物)分售、运送、分送或发送给(特定地方的)顾客:Jack distributes computers for the computer rental service in that region.杰克把电脑运送给那个地区的电脑出租公司。

6. 【印刷】拆(版)还字;调墨

7. 【法律】将(不能根据遗嘱处理的财产)分配(给有资格获得者)8. 【逻辑学】周延

9. 【数学】对…运用分配运算10. 【电工学】配(电)11. [废语]执(法),执行,施行,实施(法律)

trash [tr??] n. 垃圾;废物vt. 丢弃;修剪树枝

4. Turn your trash into someone else's treasure

Clean out your garage and turn your trash into an organization's treasure.It's easier to clear the clutter when you know it's benefiting a good cause instead of taking up space in a landfill.To make it more appealing, eBay will credit portions of the insertion and

final-value fees for the percentage you give back.Help others dress to impress when you donate your professional attire to(装束?) a low-income job seeker through the Women's Alliance, online at https://www.360docs.net/doc/362068414.html,.

clutter ['kl?t?] n. 杂乱,混乱vt. 使凌乱;胡乱地填满

cause [k?:z] n. 原因;事业;目标vt. 引起;使遭受

landfill ['l?n(d)f?l]

n. 垃圾(或废渣)填埋地,垃圾填平的地面[亦称作sanitary landfill];垃圾填埋法(=landfill site)

vt. 把…埋在垃圾填筑地,用土埋方式处理垃圾;用垃圾填,土埋垃圾废气

insertion [in's?:??n] n. 插入;嵌入;插入物

Whenever working in the wood shop, remember to avoid loose-fitting clothing, as you wouldn't want any of your attire to become entangled in a saw blade or cutting head.


alliance [?'lai?ns] n. 联盟,联合;联姻

5. Products that do double duty

Yoplait's annual Save Lids to Save Lives program is back. For every redeemed lid, 10 cents will be donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure.residential facility for abused, abandoned and neglected children. They will turn them into new cards and sell them to support their program.


redeemed [ri'di:md] n. 债券收徊溢价v. 救赎;赎回;弥补(redeem的过去式)Hollywood Before the Code(2012-11-28)

"pre-code"—because they were made prior to the rigid application of Hollywood's puritanical production code in 1934. These escapist entertainments were united by loose morality, sustained titillation and a fascination with all things insalubrious. Ultimately driven from cinemas by religious zealots who feared their corrupting influence, the films languished until fairly recently, when home video finally made their revival viable.

code [k?ud] n. 代码,密码;编码;法典vt. 编码;制成法典vi. 指定遗传密码

religious [ri'lid??s] adj. 宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的n. 修道士;尼姑

rigid ['rid?id] adj. 严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的

puritanical [pj??r?'t?n?k(?)l] adj. 清教徒的;极端拘谨的

escapist [i'skeipist] n. 逃避现实者adj. 逃避现实的morality [m?'r?l?ti, m?:-] n. 道德;品行,美德

titillation [tit?'lei??n] n. 搔痒;愉快

insalubrious [,?ns?'lu?br??s] adj. 不健康的;不卫生的,对身体有害的

zealot ['zel?t]n. 狂热者;犹太教狂热信徒

languished v. 失去活力(languish的过去分词形式)

revival [ri'vaiv?l] n. 复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神;再生效

viable ['vai?bl] adj. (胎儿离开母体后)能存活的;(幼儿、种子、植物等)能活的;能生长发育的

Sequel sets began two years later, the first including the juicy "Three on a Match" (1932), featuring Ann Dvorak as a rich woman virtually embracing dissolution and substance abuse, and "Night Nurse" (1931), in which a plucky Stanwyck foils a premustachioed Clark Gable from starving two little girls. A subsequent set, from 2009, was devoted to films directed by William Wellman.

juicy ['d?u:si] adj. 多汁的;利润多的;生动的plucky ['pl?ki] adj. 有勇气的,大胆的subsequent ['s?bsikw?nt] adj. 后来的,随后的

foray ['f?re?] n. 突袭;侵略;攻击vi. 袭击vt. 劫掠talkie ['t?:ki] n. 有声电影

snappy ['sn?pi] adj. 厉声说话的;生气勃勃的;时髦的;爽快的

melodrama ['mel?,drɑ:m?, -dr?m?] n. 情节剧;音乐剧;耸人听闻的事件,闹剧

More significant at this stage are recent forays from Sony, which controls the Columbia Pictures library. "Ladies of Leisure" (1930), Capra's 15th feature and fourth talkie,has some snappy dialogue but is mostly conventional melodrama, save for an extended scene in which the young man's mother tearfully persuades a natural and affecting Stanwyck to give him up.

evangelist [i'v?nd??list] n. 福音传道者;圣经新约福音书的作者

dubious ['dju:bj?s] adj. 可疑的;暧昧的;无把握的;半信半疑的

ventriloquist [ven'tr?l?kw?st] n. 腹语术者;口技艺人innately ['i'neitli] adv. 天赋地;与生俱来的

vile [va?l] adj. 恶劣的,极坏的;卑鄙的;堕落的;卑贱的

"The Miracle Woman" (1931) casts Stanwyck as a radio evangelist modeled on Aimee Semple McPherson. With one big exception: This dubious lady of God falls for a handsome blind ventriloquist (David Manners)—a man so innately good, she can't help

but mend her ways. But only a precode film could take such a dim view of organized religion, or let its vilest character go unpunished for murder.

This set's one famous title is "The Bitter Tea of General Yen" (1933), Capra's most exotic film prior to "Lost Horizon" (1937). Stanwyck arrives in China intending to do missionary work but winds up kidnapped by a brutal yet polished warlord, General Yen (the delicately handsome Danish actor Nils Asther, somehow not offensive playing Asian). The film's chief appeal lies in its atmosphere, not its strained plot, which plays at miscegenation without ever indulging in any. Though the lushly evocative scenery and costumes go uncredited, the downright dazzling cinematography(电影艺术) is the work of Joseph Walker, who shot all of Capra's best films and every picture in this set.

brutal ['bru:t?l] adj. 残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的

missionary ['mi??n?ri] adj. 传教的;传教士的n. 传教士warlord ['w?:l?:d] n. 军阀

strained plot紧张的情节miscegenation [,m?s?d??'ne??(?)n] n. 种族混合;杂婚indulging n. 沉迷其中v. 沉迷(indulge的现在分词

lushly ['l??li] adv. 多青草地;繁荣地evocative [i'v?k?tiv] adj. 唤起的;唤出的uncredited [,?n'kreditid] adj. 未被认为有成就的;无归属的

downright dazzling彻头彻尾的耀眼的

downright ['daunrait] adj. 明白的;直率的;显明的adv. 完全,彻底;全然

The "Columbia Pictures Pre-Code Collection" proves less consistently gratifying. "Arizona" stars a callow John Wayne as a West Point cadet whose spurned girlfriend ends up marrying his mentor(指导者。良师益友)and superior officer . And "Three Wise Girls"—with Jean Harlow, Mae Clarke and Marie Prevost—turns all men into drunken heels. This set also includes two Stanwyck pictures. In "Ten Cents a Dance, directed by Lionel Barrymore, she's crazy in love with a drippy but pursued by a far better match in the end. In "Shopworn" , she's a regular gal who falls for a rich, another girlie man manipulated by his, who connives to send Stanwyck to a reformatory for wayward women—a truly chilling turn.

cadet [k?'det] n. 幼子,次子;实习生;军官学校学生

spurn [sp??n] vt. 唾弃;冷落;一脚踢开vi. 摒弃;藐视n. 藐视,摒弃;踢开

drippy ['dripi] adj. 多雨的;潮湿的;滴落的manipulated v. 操作(manipulate的过去分词

connive [k?'na?v] vi. 共谋;纵容;默许

reformatory [r?'f??m?t(?)r?] n. 少年管教所;妓女教养所adj. 改革的;感化的;革新的

wayward ['weiw?d] adj. 任性的;不规则的;刚愎的

chilling ['t?ili?] adj. 寒冷的;冷漠的;使人恐惧的;令人寒心的;[俚]呱呱叫的(等于chillin)n. 冷却;寒冷v. 冷却(chill的ing形式

gratifying ['ɡr?tifaii?] adj. 悦人的;令人满足的v. 使满意(gratify的现在分词);使高兴callow ['k?l?u] adj. 年轻而无经验的;羽毛未丰的

But the gem in this box is "Virtue" (1932), starring a luminous Carole Lombard as a reformed prostitute and a touchingly guileless Pat O'Brien as a loudmouth cabbie. Against the odds,they fall in love and wed—only he has no clue about how his wife made her living, until their wedding night. He resolves to(决定)stand by her, though he never really trusts her again. Their heartfelt struggle to make the relationship work forms the heart of the picture.

What separates them from the rest of film history, though, is the glimpse they offer of where Hollywood might have gone had censorship not intervened. That place surely would have been a hoot.

heartfelt ['hɑ:tfelt] adj. 衷心的;真诚的;真心真意的

censorship ['sens??ip] n. 审查制度;审查机构

intervene [?nt?'vi?n] vi. 干涉;调停;插入

hoot [hu:t] n. 鸣响;嘲骂声;汽笛响声vi. 鸣响;大声叫嚣vt. 轰赶;呵斥

gem [d?em] n. 宝石;精华;珍品;宝物;美玉vt. 点缀;用宝石镶嵌;饰以宝石luminous ['lju:min?s] adj. 发光的;明亮的;清楚的

prostitute ['pr?stitju:t] vt. 使沦为妓女adj. 卖淫的;堕落的n. 妓女

touchingly ['t?t?i?li] adv. 难以取悦地;动人地

loudmouth ['la?dma?θ] n. 高声讲话的人

The New Shape of Casual(2012-11-29)

Menswear Is Turning 'Dress Casual' Upside Down(颠倒); Make Way for the 'Swackets'

The concept of "dress casual," confusing enough in the laid-back dot-com 1990s, is taking another sartorial turn. Designers and retailers (零售商)are pushing more styles and silhouettes.

laid-back ['leidb?k] adj. 懒散的;悠闲的;闲散的dot-com ['d?tk?m] n. 网络公司;商业域名

sartorial [sɑ:'t?:ri?l, s?-] adj. 裁缝的;缝纫的;裁缝匠的

silhouettes n. 轮廓;影子;阴影(silhouette的复数形式)

v. 描绘侧面影;显示轮廓(silhouette的第三人称单数形式)

casual ['k??ju?l] adj. 随便的;非正式的;临时的;偶然的n. 便装;临时工人;待命士兵

upside ['?psaid] n. 上部;上面;上边

Wuhan KAWAU are specializing in the production of men's dresscasual windbreaker, jacket, coat.


He almost always chooses to dresscasual and sporty , but he's aware that in certain situations dressing elegantly is a necessity.他总是选择休闲装和运动装,但是他知道在特定的场合穿着得体是必要的。

Now, "dress casual," or "business casual," is expanding to include relaxed items such as denim shirts, which are being retooled and restyled to serve a more formal purpose. Casual standbys, such as cargo pants(工装裤;大口袋裤子

), are taking on a more sober, streamlined role, and unstructured toppers are being thrown into the mix. The turtlenecks that Steve Jobs popularized are moving up in the hierarchy, taking the place of a shirt and tie.

denim ['denim] n. 斜纹粗棉布,丁尼布;劳动布

standby ['st?ndbai] n. 备用品;可信赖的人adj. 备用的adv. 备用地;待命地

Cargo :货物,船货。Pant :裤子

unstructured [,?n'str?kt??d] adj. 无社会组织的;松散的;非正式组成的

topper ['t?p?] n. 大礼帽;轻便大衣;装顶盖者;高档的东西;第一流人物;给植物剪顶的人

turtleneck ['t??t(?)lnek] n. 圆翻领;高翻领毛衣adj. 圆翻领的

dubs n. 配音(dub的复数形式)v. 配音(dub的第三人称单数形式

dapper ['d?p?] adj. 短小精悍的;衣冠楚楚的;整洁的;整齐的

anorak ['?n?r?k] n. 厚夹克;防水布;滑雪衫twill [twil] n. 斜纹布;斜纹织品vt. 把…织成斜纹

Tom dubs this kind of morphing, multilayered aesthetic "dapper casual." Summing up(总结)the moving parts, he says today's casual looks speak to "the guy that takes the anorak that goes over the sport coat over the five-pocket twill trousers with double monkstrap shoe all from different brands."

tackling ['t?kli?] n. 装备,用具;扭住v. 处理;抓住(tackle的现在分词)

mailer ['meil?r] n. 邮寄者;邮船;邮寄的广告;邮件收发机

blare [ble?] n. 嘟嘟声;号声;巨响vi. 发嘟嘟声;发出响而刺耳的声音vt. 嘟嘟地发出;高声发出

blaze [bleiz] vt. 在树皮上刻路标;公开宣布

n. 火焰,烈火;光辉;情感爆发vi. 燃烧;照耀,发光;激发

blazer ['bleiz?] n. 燃烧体;宣布者;颜色鲜明的运动上衣

quilted ['kwiltid] adj. 中间絮有软物的;絮有棉花的v. 缝制;缝合(quilt的过去分词)snug [sn?ɡ] adj. 舒适的;温暖的;紧身的;隐藏的

vt. 使变得温暖舒适;隐藏vi. 偎依;舒适地蜷伏n. 舒适温暖的地方;雅室

Tackling some of the new combinations "takes a little bit of know-how," allows Mr. Kalenderian. One recent Barneys mailer blares "Out of Office," on the cover—implying that men should think outside of the box when getting dressed. Brooks Brothers, meanwhile, touts(名词、动词,兜售,招揽顾客)the "evolution of the navy blazer"—which, it turns out, is a quilted blue jacket just snug enough to pass for casual office wear.

Here, four items at the heart of the trend.

Ermenegildo Zegna, among the most elite of men's tailored clothing labels, featured models wearing denim shirts under their suits and sport coats in its Fall 2012 runway show.At J. Crew, some stores have set up mannequins and displays featuring denim shirts paired with sport coats, suits and tuxedos. The pairing is meant to be a casual and tailored mix-up that is not limited to just off-work dress-casual occasions.

mannequin ['m?nikin] n. 人体模型;服装模特儿runway ['r?nwei] n. 跑道;河床;滑道

tuxedos n. 男子的无尾晚礼服(tuxedo的复数形式)

sloppy ['sl?pi] adj. 草率的;粗心的;泥泞的;肥大的;稀薄的

tucks n. 缝摺(tuck的复数形式)v. 折起;卷起;打褶(tuck的第三人称单数)pointer ['p?int?] n. 指针;指示器;教鞭;暗示epaulet ['ep?let] n. 肩章;肩饰


Mr. O'Connor adds that the shirt should be slim-fit, not sloppy, so it tucks in smoothly under a sport coat or suit jacket.Another pointer: Julie Rath,a New York style consulting service, says "darker denims are dressier, while fabrics with details like pockets, epaulets and button-down collars are more casual."

Men's cargo pants(工装裤)have gone from outdoorsy to indoorsy in collections such as those of Brunello Cucinelli and T odd Snyder. These versions—sleeker(磨光器)and slimmer (n. 减肥者;减轻体重者)than the traditional Abercrombie-esque (方法,形式,表形容词)models—were shown with sport coats and even ties.

outdoorsy [,a?t'd??z?] adj. 户外的,爱好野外活动的;适用于户外的

parachute ['p?r?,?u:t] n. 降落伞vi. 跳伞bellows ['bel?uz] n. 波纹管;风箱;皮老虎

lean [li:n] vi. 倾斜;倚靠;倾向;依赖dj. 瘦的;贫乏的,歉收的vt. 使倾斜n. 瘦肉;倾斜;倾斜度

tweed [twi:d] n. 花呢;花呢服装

herringbone ['her??b??n]n. 人字形图案;鲱鱼骨;[纺] 人字呢;交叉缝式adj. 人字形的;鱼脊形的vt. 在…上作人字形图案vi. 作人字形图案

khaki ['kɑ:ki] n. 卡其色;卡其布adj. 卡其色的;黄褐色的;卡其布做的

Gone are the big parachute pockets. Mr. Snyder, a former head of menswear at J. Crew, said he reengineered (平台研发)the pockets, taking out the bellows—accordionlike pleats that expand—to make them leaner.The designer also re-imagined the pants in fabrics like wool tweed and cotton herringbone, rather than the usual cotton khaki. The designer says they can be dressed up for business-casual at work or dressed down, with, say, a hoodie (卫衣)and boots.

reinterpretation [ri:in,t?:pri'tei??n] n. 重新解释

utilitarian [,ju:tili'tε?ri?n] adj. 功利的;功利主义的;实利的n. 功利主义者


inverse ['inv?:s, in'v-, in'v?:s] n. 相反;倒转adj. 相反的;倒转的vt. 使倒转;使颠倒

The second edition of this book bulksup over the first edition, and not in very useful ways in my opinion.


The reinterpretation, says Mr. Snyder, is about juxtaposing "something utilitarian with something luxury."The inverse of this idea is the "swacket," a combination of a sweater and a jacket. In this case, a sweater bulks up (胀大,形成大数目)to take on a jacket-like shape and length.

A number of brands, including Isaia and Corneliani, have been tweaking the sport coat, offering more relaxed versions. This often takes the form of an unstructured top layer—a sport coat shorn of its lining and featuring a soft shoulder. "Unstructured" shouldn't conjure messy, or construction-site attire. Ms. Rath says getting the right tone has mostly to do with fabrics. A garment hewed from a supple wool or cashmere blend "is a nice option for Fridays in traditional offices, or even every day in a creative industry," she says. Anything that is close to denim, canvas or cotton is best suited for outside the office.Both wore turtlenecks and sport coats with panache—a look that is seeing a strong comeback.

hew [hju?]vt. 砍;劈;砍倒vi. 砍;劈;坚持

cashmere ['k??mi?] n. 羊绒;开士米;开士米羊毛织品;开士米绒线

canvas ['k?nv?s] n. 帆布vt. 用帆布覆盖,用帆布装备adj. 帆布制的

comeback ['k?mb?k] n. [口语];复原,复职,重返;复辟;卷土重来;重获成功(或名誉、健康等)

panache [p?'n??] n. 羽饰;灿烂;耍派头

shorn [??:n] v. 抢夺(shear的过去分词)adj. 剪了毛的;被剥夺了的

conjure ['k?nd??, 'k?n-] vt. 想象;念咒召唤;用魔法变出vi. 以念咒召唤神灵;施魔法,

messy ['mesi] adj. 凌乱的,散乱的;肮脏的,污秽的;麻烦的

attire [?'tai?] n. 服装;盛装vt. 打扮;使穿衣

silhouette [,silu:'et, -lu-] n. 轮廓,剪影vt. 使…照出影子来;使…仅仅显出轮廓

exude [?g'zju?d; eg-] vt. 散发;流出;使渗出vi. 流出;渗出;发散

While it may seem like a no-brainer, Ms. Rath warns that the silhouette can actually be tough to pull off. "It's a mature and confident look, and if you're not exuding that same confidence in how you wear it, won't work."

bulk [b?lk] n. 体积,容量;大多数,大部分;大块vt. 使扩大,使形成大量;使显得重要

chunky ['t???k?] adj. 短而厚的,短粗的,厚实的;矮胖的,粗壮的,结实的

For a more refined feel, avoiding bulk is key. Dressier outfits call for a turtleneck that is lightweight, not chunky.

Playing With the Power of Classic, Modern Reds

Reds of varying hues—oxblood, burgundy and more—are in vogue this season. For fashion designer Vivienne Tam, the color has been a constant on her runways and in her own closet. "The energy it brings is empowering," the designer says. "When a person wears red, it says they're powerful."

hue [hju:] n. 色彩;色度;叫声oxblood ['?ksbl?d] n. 无光泽的深红色

burgundy ['b?:ɡ?ndi] n. 深的紫红色vogue [v?uɡ] n. 时尚;流行,时髦adj. 时髦的,流行的

empowering v. 授权;允许(empower的ing形式)palette ['p?lit] n. 调色板;颜料

This bold hue is flattering to most women, she says—and especially useful in fall and winter, when most people's wardrobe palette tends to be darker.

"All black is too sad," says Ms. Tam, who likes to break up dark ensembles with red accessories such as shoes, a handbag or a striking red belt—not to mention red lipstick.

Using a dash(名词和动词,猛冲,猛撞)of red is also a handy strategy for women who may be intimidated by the bold color, she says. For instance, she likes dark jackets or coats with a red lining that appears in occasional flashes. "The little accents of red sparkle when a person looks at you," says Ms. Tam.

ensemble [?n's?mb(?)l] n. 全体;总效果;全套服装;全套家具;合奏组adv. 同时lipstick ['lipstik] n. 口红;唇膏vt. 涂口红vi. 涂口红

intimidated [?n't?m?det?d] v. 威胁,恐吓(intimidate的过去式)adj. 害怕的;受到恐吓的

flashes ['fl??iz] n. 闪光灯(flash的复数形式);光芒;披峰v. 闪光;反射(flash的单

clutch [kl?t?] n. 离合器;控制;手;紧急关头vi. 攫;企图抓住

vt. 抓住;紧握adj. 没有手提带或背带的;[美口]紧要关头的

tank [t??k] n. 坦克;水槽;池塘vt. 把…贮放在柜内;打败vi. 乘坦克行进

Still, she notes that it's best not to wear too many red pieces together. "Do just the red belt or shoes or clutch," she says. "You want just a touch of red."

Instead, she suggests smaller doses—"inside pieces, like a shirt or tank, or a jacket that is shorter so it's not as overwhelming."

it's common fashion sense to pair bright reds with more muted colors, such as camel, but Ms. Tam sometimes puts them with bright oranges or yellows for a mod look.

"Orangey reds go great with purple," says Ms. Tam. For more muted reds, earthy hues like brown are a fetching accompaniment, she adds.

fetching ['fet?i?] adj. [口]迷人的;动人的;吸引人的

muted ['mju:tid] adj. 柔和的;无言的;趋缓的v. 使柔和(mute的过去式和过去分词);消除声音

accompaniment [?'k?mp?nim?nt] n. 伴奏;伴随物

versatile ['v?:s?tail] adj. 多才多艺的;通用的,万能的;多面手的

semiprecious [,sem?'pre??s] adj. 次珍贵的;准宝石的

saturated ['s?t??reitid] adj. 饱和的;渗透的;深颜色的v. 使渗透,使饱和(saturate 的过去式

gemstone ['d?emst??n] n. (经雕琢的)宝石

When it comes to choosing jewelry to match her reds, Ms. Tam believes that the color is versatile enough to pair well with most metals, from yellow gold to silver. The shade, especially if it's a bright version, works especially nicely with precious and semiprecious stones that saturated with rich tones, she says."A clean-cut real gemstone goes great," she says.Ms. Tam urges women to not be intimidated by the color. "Look in the mirror and just play around with it," she says.

Funny Money (2012-11-30)

Dead Accounts

Music Box Theatre, 249 W. 45th St.

($62-$129), 212-239-6200, closes Feb. 24

Dead Accounts," the story of a manic embezzler who takes the money and runs home to his mother—yet for all its manifest flaws, Ms. Rebeck's new play is seldom predictable and never boring, and her cast, led by Norbert Leo Butz, glitters like sapphires on black


manic ['meinik, 'm?-] adj. 躁狂的;狂热的n. [医]躁狂症者

embezzler [im'bezl?] n. 侵占公款犯,盗用公款者

manifest ['m?nifest] vt. 证明,表明;显示vi. 显示,出现

n. 载货单,货单;旅客名单adj. 显然的,明显的;明白的glitters N /v. 灿烂,闪烁(glitter的第三人称单数)sapphires蓝宝石

spew [spju?] vt. 喷出;呕吐vi. 喷涌;呕吐

Jack, Mr. Butz's character, turns up without warning at the back door of his childhood home in suburban Cincinnati, spewing one-liners (小笑话,俏皮话)in all directions. At first it seems that a comedy is getting under way, but it soon becomes clear that bad things have either happened or are about to, and by the time Jack starts pulling stacks of (大量的)bank-strapped bills out of his pockets, you've got a pretty fair idea of what's afoot. So do Lorna, his blandly censorious mother, both of whom notice with alarm that he keeps cracking jokes about having murdered his wife. Once Jenny, the wife in question (Judy Greer), arrives on the scene, we learn exactly what's got Jack so upset: Not only is Jenny divorcing him, but he's looted $27 million from the New York bank where her rich father got him a job.

stacks [st?ks] n. 堆叠;书库(stack的复数);进程堆栈应用

strapped [str?pt] adj. 用皮绳捆住的;用皮带装饰的;身无分文的;资金短少的

strap [str?p] vt. 用带捆绑;用皮条抽打;约束

n. 带;皮带;磨刀皮带;鞭打vi. 精力旺盛地工作;受束缚

Is the People's Bank of China providing some relief for cash-strapped smaller banks?


afoot [?'fut] adj. 在进行中的;徒步的;准备中adv. 在进行中,在准备中

blandly ['bl?ndli] adv. 温和地;殷勤地;温柔地

censorious [sen's?:ri?s] adj. 挑剔的;受批判的(名词censoriousness,副词censoriously

cracking ['kr?ki?] adj. 重大的;敏捷的;出色的adv. 非常;极其

n. 破裂;分馏v. 破裂;打开;变声(crack的ing形式)

loot [lu?t] n. 战利品;抢劫;掠夺品vt. 抢劫,洗劫;强夺vi. 洗劫,掠夺;抢劫

doomed [du:md] adj. 注定的;命定的v. 注定;宣判(doom的过去分词)

modulate ['m?djuleit, -d?u-] vt. 调节;(信号)调制;调整vi. 调制;转调

Is it possible to change course in midstream(中流), or are you doomed to permanent

disappointment? The problem is that Ms. Rebeck, like Neil Simon before her, finds it difficult to modulate decisively into a darker key—she keeps on cracking jokes long after the situation has ceased to(停止)call for them—and it doesn't help that "Dead Accounts" runs for two hours with a superfluous intermission. The script would benefit from a touch of tightening.

superfluous [sju'p?:flu?s] adj. 多余的;不必要的;[废]奢侈的

intermission [,int?'mi??n] n. 幕间休息;暂停;中断

fizz [fiz] n. 兴奋,活力;嘶嘶声;充气饮料vi. 显示兴奋;发嘶嘶声;起泡沫

sparkle ['spɑ?k(?)l] vi. (钻石)闪闪发光;闪耀:;发出火花,迸发火星:

vt. 使发光,使闪耀:;用眼神表示:n. 火花,火星;闪光,光亮;发光物

flounder ['fla?nd?] vi. 挣扎,折腾;错乱地做事或说话n. 挣扎,辗转;比目鱼

revival [ri'vaiv?l] n. 复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神;再生效

unglamorous [?n'gl?m?r?s] adj. 单调的,乏味的;没有魅力的,不浪漫的

dispatch [dis'p?t?] n. 派遣;急件vt. 派遣;[计算机]分派

lapse [l?ps] n. 失效;流逝;过失vi. 失效;流逝;背离,失检;陷入

None of this, however, stops the members of the cast from giving performances that never fail to fizz and sparkle. We've come to expect that from Mr. Butz, who might just be the smartest stage comedian of his generation, but Ms. Holmes, who floundered her way through the 2008 Broadway revival of "All My Sons," proves to be a pleasant surprise. Not only has she learned to project, but she's unafraid to be unglamorous. Ms. Greer and Josh Hamilton expertly dispatch their supporting roles. Jack O'Brien, the director, pays close attention to detail without lapsing into fussiness.

signature ['sign?t??] n. 署名;签名;信号

His conduct was nothingshortof madness.他的行为简直是发了狂。

The trade expects lower ending stocks as the last month's weather in key producer country Australia wasnothingshortof disastrous for yields .


exorcise ['eks?:saiz] vt. 驱邪;除怪

ghosts n. 鬼;幽灵(ghost的复数)v. 像鬼魂般出没于;[口]代人写作(ghost的单三形式)

guest [ɡest] n. 客人,宾客;顾客vt. 款待,招待vi. 作客,寄宿adj. 客人的;特邀的,客座的

grapple with v. 扭打;努力克服

grapple ['ɡr?pl] vi. 抓住;格斗;抓斗机vt. 抓住;与…格斗n. 抓住;格斗

taut [t?:t] adj. 拉紧的;紧张的;整洁的vt. 使纠缠;使缠结

sumptuous ['s?mptju?s, -t?u-] adj. 华丽的,豪华的;奢侈的

Signature Theatre, Pershing Square Signature Center

Ruben Santiago-Hudson, whose 2006 Signature Theatre revival of "Seven Guitars" was nothing short of (完全可以说是)magnificent, has done it again with "The Piano Lesson," Mr. Wilson's 1987 play about a Pittsburgh family whose members seek to exorcise—literally—the ghosts of the past that keep them from grappling with the challenges of the present. The staging is taut and disciplined, the acting sumptuous, and Michael Carnahan's precisely imagined two-story set would hold your attention even if the rest of the show didn't measure up.(合格,符合标准)

What is there to say about a cast whose members are all sublime? To single out Roslyn Ruff for her fierceness or Chuck Cooper for his abundant charisma is to disserve their equally deserving colleagues, especially Eric Lenox Abrams, who invests the part of Avery, the aspiring preacher who pines vainly f or Berniece (Ms. Ruff), with eye-catching solidity. This is the kind of ensemble that needs no name-above-the-title stars to inscribe itself permanently on your memory.

sublime [s?'blaim] adj. 庄严的;令人崇敬的;极端的;超群的n. 崇高;顶点

vt. 使…纯化;使…升华;使…变高尚vi. 升华;纯化;变高尚charisma [k?'rizm?] n. 魅力;神授的能力;非凡的领导力

disserve [d?s's??v] vt. 危害,损害;虐待preacher ['pri:t??] n. 牧师;传教士;鼓吹者

pine [pain] vi. 渴望,痛苦;憔悴n. 松树;凤梨,菠萝

vt. 为…悲哀;哀悼adj. 松木的;似松的

solidity [s?'liditi] n. 坚硬,坚固;体积;固体性

ensemble [??'s??bl?] n. 全体;总效果;全套服装;全套家具;合奏组adv. 同时

inscribe [in'skraib] vt. 题写;题献;铭记;雕succumb [s?'k?m] vi. 屈服;死;被压垮

garrulity [ɡ?'ru:liti] n. 饶舌;[医]多言;多嘴

besetting sin易犯的罪恶;最容易犯的错误;根深蒂固的恶习(或毛病)

besetting [b?'set??] v. 困扰;镶嵌(beset的ing形式)adj. 不断侵袭的,不断攻击的

beset [bi'set] vt. 困扰;镶嵌;围绕sin [sin] n. 罪恶;罪孽;过失vi. 犯罪;犯过失vt. 犯罪

He was already starting in 1987 to succumb to the garrulity that would become his

besetting sin, and by the time the second act rolls around, you'll likely feel a touch of impatience. Nor does the expressionistic flamboyance of the play's last scene sit well alongside the Chekhovian table talk of the first act.But Mr. Santiago-Hudson nails(钉子)everything together so well that you'll have no trouble at all forgiving Mr. Wilson for his periodic lapses from dramaturgical grace.

expressionistic [ik,spre??'nistik] adj. 表现主义的;表现派的

flamboyance [fl?m'b?i?ns] n. 华丽;炫耀

savory ['seiv?ri] adj. 可口的;风味极佳的;味美的n. 开胃菜;[植]香薄荷

incidental [,insi'dent?l] adj. 附带的;偶然的;容易发生的n. 附带事件;偶然事件;杂项

presumably [pri'zju:-m?bli,pri:-] adv. 大概;推测起来;可假定

gritty ['ɡriti] adj. 坚韧不拔的;有砂砾的;多沙的;像砂的

notorious [n?u't?:ri?s] adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

penitentiary [,pen?'ten?(?)r?] n. 监狱;教养所;宗教裁判所adj. 应处监禁的;监禁的;忏悔的(等于penitential)

A special and heartfelt word of praise to Bill Sims Jr., who wrote the savory incidental music for this revival and so presumably arranged "Berta, Berta," a gritty chain-gang song from Parchman Farm, the notorious Mississippi (密西西比河)penitentiary. It stops the show—and so it should.

When the Fighting Stops(2012-12-01)

After surviving four tours of duty, a suicide bomb and a bullet wound to the chest, Sgt. Karl Martin wonders whether he'll ever again feel so intensely alive now that his war is almost over.The sentiment is shared by his commander, Capt. Sean Ramirez, who said he felt aimless after returning home from Afghanistan last year.

dread [dred] n. 恐惧;可怕的人(或物)vi. 惧怕;担心vt. 惧怕;担心adj. 可怕的aimless ['eimlis] adj. 没有目标的;无目的的

withdraw [wie'dr?:, wiθ-] vt. 撤退;收回;撤消;拉开vi. 撤退;离开

winding down:蜿蜒起伏Friends Winding Down:宾朋散尽winding down frame:卷取机构

looming ['lu:mi?] n. 上现蜃景;庞视;幽影

adj. 隐隐约约的,正在逼近的v. 逼近;隐约可见(loom的ing形式)

loom [lu:m] n. 织布机;若隐若现的景象vi. 可怕地出现;朦胧地出现;隐约可见vt. 在织布机上织

The U.S. has withdrawn from Iraq and is winding down in Afghanistan, with a plan to pull

out most troops by the end of 2014. Some 2.4 million Americans have served in the two conflicts, many deploying three, four or five times since the Sept. 11 hijackings triggered the U.S. engagement abroad.

For troops who grew up at war, the coming peace may prove complicated. Many combat veterans are only too glad to shed their uniforms. There is relief at making it back to the comfort of family and friends, to beer and baths.

But with peace looming, many others fear they will never again experience the vividness (生动,活泼,明亮)and sense of mission that war offers. Capt. Ramirez dreads boredom most of all. He spent his second tour under attack almost every time he and his men left their Afghan outpost. "That was everything I wanted," he said. "An infantry platoon in the closest thing there is to a front line."Instead of patrolling fields along the Helmand River, he and his men have stayed largely in a secure base advising Afghan troops who do the fighting, a big step in the handoff of security responsibilities to Kabul."The war's over," he said. "Now is the rest of my life going to have to be turbulent for me to enjoy it? I think so."

outpost ['autp?ust] n. 前哨;警戒部队;边区村落infantry ['inf?ntri] n. 步兵;步兵团infantry ['inf?ntri] n. 步兵;步兵团platoon [pl?'tu:n, pl?-] n. 排,团;一组

handoff ['h?nd?f] n. 手递手传球(美国橄榄球);传送

turbulent ['t?:bjul?nt] adj. 骚乱的,混乱的;狂暴的;吵闹的

artillery [ɑ:'til?ri] n. 火炮;大炮;炮队;炮术

trigger ['tr?g?] n. 【军事】(枪的)扳机;引爆器,起爆器;扳柄;闸柄;起动装置

vt. 扣…的扳机;发射(导弹);引爆:;引起;发动;促使(与off 连用):

vi. 松开扳机(或扳柄等)

shrapnel ['?r?pn(?)l] n. 弹片;榴霰弹;零钱

peppered ['pep?d] adj. 用胡椒调味的;加胡椒的,撒胡椒粉的

v. 在(食物上)撒胡椒粉(pepper的过去式)

pulverized ['p?lv?raizd] adj. 粉状的;成粉末的v. 压成细粉(pulverize的过去分词)

His commander in Sangin, Lt. Col. Tom Przybelski, has gone to extraordinary lengths to prolong his wartime service. Hidden inside was an artillery shell with a

radio-controlled trigger. Lt. Col. Przybelski was 10 feet away when it exploded. Shrapnel and grit peppered his legs. Flying rocks pulverized his right eye and temporarily blinded his left.

go to the length不惜一切代价go to any length想一切办法;尽一切力量;想尽一切办法

go to great length竭尽全力go to the length of到了

The wise men were willing to go to any lengthto find the truth.


Although you will not lead the parade, your partner will go to any lengthto make sure your needs and desires are well taken care of.虽然你不会成为,你的伴侣会努力以确保您的需求和欲望受到很好的照顾。

His later nightmares weren't of the explosion but of the insurgent shelling that pounded the base as he lay naked and blind at the field hospital. He did sit-ups(仰卧起坐)in his hospital bed to stay in shape.

pound [paund] n. 英镑;重击,重击声;兽栏;拘留所

vt. 捣烂;敲打;监禁,拘留vi. 连续重击,猛击

trepidation [,trepidei??n] n. 恐惧;惊恐;忧虑;颤抖

sergeant ['sɑ:d??nt] n. 军士;警察小队长;海军陆战队中士;高等律师

quarterback ['kw?:t?b?k] n. 橄榄球的四分卫vt. (以四分卫)指挥进攻;领导;操纵

vi. (橄榄球中)担任四分卫

Sgt. Martin, who is from Chelsea, Ala., may feel more trepidation about returning to peacetime life than any of the other Marine advisers leaving Sangin this month after a yearlong tour.The 6-foot, 175-pound sergeant with dirty-blond hair and a boxer's forehead was the high-school quarterback who dated a cheerleader.

deployment [di:'pl?im?nt] n. 调度,部署letdown ['letda?n] n. 失望;松弛;减低

detainee ['dite'ni] n. 未判决囚犯;被扣押者

dock [d?k] n. 码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分vt. 使靠码头;剪短vi. 入船坞blot [bl?t] vi. 吸墨水;弄上墨渍或污渍vt. 涂污,弄脏;用吸墨纸弄干(或除去)n. 污点,污渍;墨水渍

stint [stint] n. 节约;定额,定量vt. 节省;限制vi. 紧缩,节省

explosives [ik'spl?usivz] n. 爆炸物,炸药;爆炸品(explosive的复数)

appendix [?'pendiks] n. 附录;阑尾;附加物

ruptured adj. 破裂的v. rupture(rupture的过去分词)

abdomen [?b'd?umen, '?bd?men] n. 腹部;下腹;腹腔

The deployment was a letdown. His job was processing detainees.Sgt. Martin was held responsible because his man didn't have a driver's license. The Marines docked him a month's pay and put a blot on his record.

Three months into the seven-month stint, he was driving through downtown Fallujah when a man wearing a vest filled with explosives walked up to Sgt. Martin's Humvee and blew

himself up.(炸毁,炸飞)The sergeant suffered no visible injuries. But the next day his appendix ruptured, unleashing a wave of bacteria in his abdomen. The Marines concluded that the suicide attack and his burst appendix were unrelated. He underwent three operations and missed the rest of the tour.

Back at Camp Lejeune, N.C., he taught infantry skills to junior Marines but lost the job over an extramarital affair, a violation of military rules. His marriage survived. The Marines knocked him down from sergeant to corporal.

extramarital [,ekstr?'m?r?t(?)l] adj. 私通的,婚外的,通奸的

violation [,vai?'lei??n] n. 违反;妨碍,侵害;违背;强奸

marines [m?'ri:ns] n. 海军陆战队(marine的复数);陆战队员

corporal ['k?:p?r?l] adj. 肉体的,身体的n. 下士

squad [skw?d] n. [军]班;小队;五人组(篮球队的非正式说法)vt. 把…编成班;把…编入班

crisscross ['kr?s,kr?s] n. 十字形;矛盾adj. 十字形的;交叉的

vt. 画十字形于…;使…交叉成十字状vi. 交叉;交叉往来adv. 十字形地;十字交叉地irrigation [,?r?'ge??n]n. 灌溉;[临床] 冲洗;冲洗法

canal [k?'n?l] n. 运河;(引水灌溉用的)水渠,渠道vt. 在…开凿运河,开水渠;疏导:

shrapnel ['?r?pn(?)l] n. 弹片;榴霰弹;零钱armor ['ɑ:m?] n. 装甲;盔甲vt. 为…装甲

plate [pleit] n. 碟;金属板;金属牌;感光底片vt. 电镀;给…装甲

slam [sl?m] vt. 砰地关上;猛力抨击vi. 砰地关上;猛力抨击n. 猛击;砰然声

Sgt. Martin earned the rank back . He led a squad of Marines in Marjah, a farm village crisscrossed by irrigation canals.

The wave of shrapnel hit the first two Marines in the legs. Sgt. Martin was third in line. A bullet, shrapnel from the bomb, missed his body-armor chest plate, slammed into(猛烈撞击)the flesh just beneath his left shoulder and pivoted into his lung. Air leaked out(露出)into his chest cavity, crushing a lung.He started to radio for a medevac helicopter.

Mrs. Martin, age 27, worked from home handling payroll(工资单)for an Alabama

thrift-store company.

radio ['reidi?u] n. 收音机;无线电广播设备vi. 用无线电进行通信vt. 用无线电发送medevac ['med?v?k] n. 救伤直升机

Next to her diamond-stud earrings, your favorite dangling silver earrings could be thrift-store Christmas-tree ornaments.


I’ll pick through thrift-store racks for clothes, sure, but I’m a snob about food, and ‘Grocery Outlet’ smacked of discards and dregs.

我从旧货店的货架上找衣服,当然,我对食品是个外行,而且杂货经销店里尽是些废旧物。pivot ['piv?t] n. 枢轴;中心点;旋转运动

vt. 以…为中心旋转;把…置于枢轴上vi. 在枢轴上转动;随…转移adj. 枢轴的;关键的

Place a pivot pin into the BP. Mark the curved line A-BP onto the pivot paper.


leak [li:k] n. 泄漏;漏洞,裂缝vt. 使渗漏,泄露vi. 漏,渗;泄漏出去

cavity ['k?v?ti] n. 腔;洞,凹处

crushing ['kr??i?]

adj. 压倒的;决定性的;不能站起来;支离破碎的

v. 压破,征服,冲入(crush的过去式和过去分词形式)

crush [kr??] vt. 压碎;弄皱,变形;使…挤入

vi. 挤;被压碎n. 粉碎;[俚]迷恋;压榨;拥挤的人群

traumatic [tr?:'m?tik, trau-] adj. 外伤的;创伤的n. 外伤药

ambush ['?mbu?] n. 埋伏,伏击;伏兵vt. 埋伏,伏击vi. 埋伏

ditch [dit?] vt. 在…上掘沟;把…开入沟里;[俚]丢弃vi. 开沟;掘沟n. 沟渠;壕沟

He was also diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic(受伤后的)stress. When he slept, his mind wandered back to the ambush, the ditch and the explosion. To avoid being discharged, he would have to run three miles in less than 33 minutes, do 100 sit-ups (仰卧起坐)in two minutes and manage three pull-ups.(引体向上)

discharged [dis't?a:d?d] adj. 放电的;泻出的v. 排出(discharge的过去分词);卸货

prescribed [pri'skraibd] adj. 规定的therapy ['θer?p?]n. 治疗,疗法

formation [f?:'mei??n] n. 形成;构造;编队

redbrick ['redbr?k] n. 新大学;十九世纪在伦敦之外成立的大学adj. 新大学的

itching ['it?i?] adj. 痒的;渴望的n. 痒(等于itch);渴望v. 发痒(itch的ing形式);渴望

After his prescribed physical therapy, Sgt. Martin would hit the weight room on his own. A few days after the return of Kilo Co., Sgt. Martin joined the other men in formation outside the redbrick headquarters building at Camp Lejeune. As the formation broke up, Sgt. Martin made a beeline(直线)for the company commander, Capt. Justin Huber. "The best


《华尔街日报》是如何讲故事的 简介······ 这本书解释了《华尔街日报》为什么产生了那么多令人惊叹的报道。 如果你是一个记者——这本书的前身是《华尔街日报》的内部讲座,专门培训那些为《华尔街日报》头版提供特稿的记者。它告诉新闻记者们一件事情,就是如何用高品质的报道吸引读者的注意力,并让这种注意力一直保持下去! 如果你虽不是记者,但会时常用到写作——这本书会让你明白,到底是哪些元素让你听写的东西从本质上变得有趣和吸引人! 所有被称为伟大的故事,都来自伟大的创意,几乎在所有伟大的故事创意中,都有一种人性的展示。 作者简介······ 威廉·E.布隆代尔,《华尔街日报》的资深头版撰稿人,曾获得迈克·博格新闻奖、莱伊霍华德公共服务奖以及美国报纸编辑协会颁发的无期限特稿作品杰出写作奖。 引言 第1步怎么找到好故事 第2步好故事该如何构思 第3步让故事吸引人的元素 第4步计划与执行 第5步组织材料和结构 第6步处理导语、数据和引语的诀窍 第7步让字和句抓住眼球 第8步万字以上的长篇故事 第9步如何有效地修改 附录样文 ······ 《华尔街日报》是如何讲故事的的评论 做新闻也好,做营销也好,甚至作公司报告,我感觉最好的方法,就是讲一个好故事。讲故事的目的,就是为了更好的沟通,而沟通的目的,其实就是让对方去做你想让他去做的事情。 一次好的沟通,可能是报纸上的一个豆腐块,让读者明天再来买你的报纸,也可能是一份描绘了远大前景的计划书,为你带来一笔数量客观的投资。 国内的相关图书,往往更倾向于一些思想的讨论,比如某某的作品有着什么样闪光的思想,所以为社会所认同,或者作者的修养如何深厚,才能写出这样优秀的作品等等。但像这种内容其实是几乎不能学习的,一个人的修养是靠自己的社会经验等等积累的,真正能够学习的是技巧。 《华尔街日报》是如何讲故事的(THE ART AND CRAFT OF FEATURE WRITING)


纸质媒体的数字化转型---以华尔街日报为例 摘要:几年来,随着计算机网络、手机等新媒体的迅速发展和影响力的扩大,传统媒体收到严重冲击。为适应时代发展,纸质媒体纷纷退出自己的电子版。但多数纸质媒体的电子版尚不成熟,改版、收费等问题重重。本文以《华尔街日报》为例,分析传统纸质媒体的数字化转型以及纸质媒体和电子媒体如何更好地共生共荣,以及对国内报纸的启示。 关键词:电子媒体纸质媒体数字化战略盈利模式启示 一、《华尔街日报》发展 华尔街日报创刊于1889年,是美国付费发行量最大的财经报纸。这份报纸,着重在财经新闻的报道,其内容足以影响每日的国际经济活动。《华尔街日报》的读者主要为政治、经济、教育和医学界的重要人士,金融大亨和经营管理人员以及股票市场的投资者,其中包括20万名的董事长、总经理。美国500家最大企业的经理人员绝大部分订阅此报。《华尔街日报》的报导风格以严肃见长。在编辑上始终采用传统的黑白灰三种配色,直到1991年才在广告部分出现过少量的色彩。《华尔街日报》始终是美国最高端的报纸,其读者群的平均家庭年收入是15万美金左右。 通常《华尔街日报》共有96版,主要包括以下几个部分:第一部分:美国特写、国际商业新闻、美国政治经济报导;第二部分:健康、媒体、工业、科技领域的报导;第三部分:理财与投资,国际金融市场分析;第四部分:个人投资,文化报道(星期二至星期四刊印);第五部分:各类咨询,包括房地产、旅游等(星期五刊印)。 二、《华尔街日报》数字化战略:网络时代媒体的生存秘诀 1、随技术创新而创新,不断与时俱进。 作为一种新兴的、发展势头强劲的互联网媒体,正在分食者传统媒体的市场份额。报业经营者十分清楚技术发展已经广泛而深刻地改变了传媒的竞争环境。数字化战略是报业谋求发展的必然选择。《华尔街日报》电子互动版于1993年正式启动。1996年推出第一个栏目“金融与投资”,接着创建了“网络听闻”频道,这标志着其第二代网络版的诞生。随后开始涵盖《华尔街日报》纸媒的所有版面──美国、欧洲和亚洲──的全部内容,以及道琼斯通讯社实时新闻的大量内容。其全球1600多名采编人员每天提供1000多篇稿件支持着《华尔街日报》网络版,使其在内容的深度和广度上远远超出竞争对手。除此之外,该网站还提供数千家公司的深层次背景介绍以及大量特写,每天24小时更新。 “华尔街日报在线”还紧跟网络技术的创新步伐,不断引入新元素,以发掘新的增长点,提升网站的竞争优势。在2008 年初,“华尔街日报在线”就同NBC 环球公司、CNET 网站一道,率先引入了由互联网技术公司Loomia 开发的“好友已读”窗件,这个窗件通过代码植入,可以实现新闻网站同Facebook 等社交网站的链接,从而让用户了解到自己社交网络内的好友们都阅读了什么内容。另外,用户也可以在社交网站的个人资料页面上植入这个应用,从而直接访问好友们在新闻网站上看过的新闻或者视频。“华尔街日报在线”率先引入的这个应用,在丰富网站附加功能的同时,也旨在借社交网络扩大自己的影响力。 同社交网站的合作仅仅是开始,“华尔街日报在线”进一步又开发了自己的社交网络服务。2008年,“华尔街日报在线”再次改版。此次改版的变化并不算大,从外观上看,主要是广告数量有所减少、页面更加简洁明快;从内容上看,则是付费内容和免费内容的区别拉大,以促使更多人转变为付费用户。但此次改版有一个最大的亮点,就是开通了一个专门针对付费用

英语一阅读text 4原文出处:华尔街日报在线

今年的英语一第四篇文章是一篇时效非常强的文章,节选自The Wall Street Journal Online华尔街日报在线,是去年2013年7月1日发布的文章。下面是文章的全文呈现,只是真题把原文中最后四段合成了一段。文章的结构非常完整,设题的角度也和历年真题如出一辙。 Illiberal Education and the 'Heart of the Matter' Monday, July 1st, 2013 From The Wall Street Journal Online ‘The Heart of the Matter,” the just-released report by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, deserves praise for affirming the importance of the humanities and social sciences to the prosperity and security of liberal democracy in America. Regrettably, however, the report’s failure to address the true nature of the crisis facing liberal education may cause more harm than good。 In 2010, leading congressional Democrats and Republicans sent letters to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences asking that it identify actions that could be taken by “federal, state and local governments, universities, foundations, educators, individual benefactors and others” to “maintain national excellence in humanities and social scientific scholarship and education。” In response, the American Academy formed the Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences, with Duke University President Richard Brodhead and retired Exelon CEO John Rowe as co-chairmen. Among the commission’s 51 members are top-tier-university presidents, scholars, lawyers, judges, and business executives, as well as prominent figures from diplomacy, filmmaking, music and journalism。 The goals identified in the report are generally admirable. Because representative government presupposes an informed citizenry, the report supports full literacy; stresses the study of history and government, particularly American history and American government; and encourages the use of new digital technologies。 To encourage innovation and competition, the report calls for increased investment in research, the crafting of coherent curricula that improve students’ ability to solve problems and communicate effectively in the 21st century, increased funding for teachers and the encouragement of scholars to bring their learning to bear on the great challenges of the day. The report also advocates greater study of foreign languages, international affairs and the expansion of study abroad programs。One of the more novel ideas in the report is the creation of a order viagra “Culture Corps” in cities and town across America to “transmit humanistic and social scientific expertise from one generation to the next。”


华尔街日报是如何讲故事的——九大步骤 第一步:怎样找到好故事? 一、依靠阅读 1、广泛阅读阅读一直以来都是获取故事的最简单办法,尤其是现在有互联网,要找到自己需要的信息可以说是史无前例的快捷便利。作者提供的第一种方法“广泛阅读”针对网络来说,我感觉最好的办法就是阅读相关的博客论坛,然后再到专业网站去阅读官方的文章。这么做的原因是现在的博客论坛等等往往能够提供一些正式场合看不到的内容,包括技术含量很高的分析甚至行业内幕,但因为是非正式的,内容的真实度就没有保证,而且很多内容也相对粗糙主观。所以就需要再到官方的网站或者线下出版物等等,对应相对主题找类似的文章,然后大量阅读,读上最少五六篇。相当于是你和五六个人开了一个关于这个主题的会议,而他们的发言也会给你足够的资料,来得出自己的观点。 2、记录灵感任何一本有关写作设计或者广告绘画等等图书都会介绍这个技巧。因为灵感的到来是没有预兆的,而且存在的时间也是很短暂的。一个好主意可能随时随地出现,在公车上、在飞机上或者上厕所的时候,但这个主意出现的时候可能没有任何意义。比如你是做程序员的,但你突然想到了一个关于延长电灯寿命的点子,这个点子目前对你来说没有任何意义,所以你很快就忘了,一辈子也不会再想起来。但这个点子出现肯定是有他的原因,比如你更适合做电灯的工程师,依靠这个点子你可以开自己的工厂等等。所以最好的办法就是把它先记录下来,然后看有没有实施的可能性,或者提供给其他人,不要让它溜走。 3、为选题做档案做档案其实就像是一个人的家。有些人思路清晰,善于管理。进到他家中可能你会看到他的书柜,书籍按照分类放得整整齐齐,然后在他需要的时候他就可以轻易找到他需要的书。对于其他东西也是如此。和选题相关的材料如果可以做好分类档案,不但便于找到相关信息,而且最重要是可以把这个主题不断的深入研究,档案的增多代表着你对这个题目的了解增多,而了解的越多就了解的越清晰,对现在的判断和对未来的预测就越准确。 二、依靠中间人 作者介绍了一个很有趣的现象,就是最了解事情深度资料的是所谓的高层人员,但他们往往是秘密的保守者,不愿意给出更多的信息,所以需要和高层人员身边的中间人联系,获取更多信息。这些中间人往往以透露出一部分内部消息为荣,而且如果你以学生的姿态,把

英文版 投资需谨慎

投资需谨慎: 五种最愚蠢的投资理财方式 You know the smartest things to do with your money. But what are the worst moves? What should you avoid? 自己的钱该怎么打理才最明智,对此你一定心知肚明。但是你知道最糟 糕的做法是什么吗?哪些是你应该避免的呢? Weirdly enough, they are things that a surprising number of people are still doing─even though they probably know, in their heart of hearts, how foolish they really are. 奇怪的是,那些应该避免的事情却有很多人仍然在做,而且人数之多让 人瞠目──尽管这些人在内心深处可能很清楚自己的做法实际上有多愚蠢。Any list is going to be incomplete. But here are five to avoid. 想把这些蠢事一个不落地全列出来恐怕不可能。不过我们可以试着列出 其中的五件。 1. Reaching for yield 1. 追求高收益率 What this country needs is a good 5% certificate of deposit. Instead the collapse in interest rates, and the Federal Reserve's policy of keeping them down for as long as possible, is driving people crazy─especially peopl e who need to generate income from their investments. 美国这个国家需要的是收益率能够达到5%的定期存单。然而,这里有的 只是利率的一降再降,以及联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)尽量将利率维 持在低位的政策,这样的现状逼得人们愈加疯狂──对于那些需要从投资中 获取收益的人而言尤其如此。 In these circumstances, people start to do really foolish things in the desperate hunt for higher interest rates. That includes taking on crazy amounts of risk,


华尔街日报体写作示例 一、“华尔街日报体”写作方法: “华尔街日报体”是美国《华尔街日报》惯用的一种新闻写作方法,主要适用于非事件类题材的叙述。 其基本特征是,首先以一个具体的事例(小故事、小人物、小场景、小细节)开头,然后再自然过渡,进入新闻主体部分,接下来将所要传递的新闻大主题、大背景和盘托出,集中力量深化主题,结尾再呼应开头,回归到开头的人物身上,进行主题升华,意味深长。这种写法从小处落笔、向大处扩展,感性、生动,符合读者认识事物从具体到抽象的过程。 “华尔街日报体”在结构上一般由四部分组成: 第一部分,人性化的开头,即与新闻主题有关的人物故事; 第二部分,过渡,即从人物与新闻主题的交叉点切入,将真正的新闻内容推到读者眼前; 第三部分,展开,即集中而有层次地阐述新闻主题; 第四部分,回归人物,即重新将人物引入新闻,交代此人与新闻主题的深层关系。 也可总结为DEE: Description描写、Explanation 解释、 Evaluation评价。 二、“华尔街日报体”的特点 故事化 从传播心理学的角度看,受众阅读除了求知层面的需求外,还有消遣和娱乐的需求。“华尔街日报体”借鉴了文学写作中的故事描绘手法,能把枯

燥、干瘪、索然无味的硬新闻变得生动活泼、通俗有趣。故事性增强了新闻的趣味性、可读性。 “华尔街日报体”一般在文章的开头展示涉及到的典型人物或故事,通过气氛的渲染,将人带入新闻,使人如临其境,如见其人,如闻其声,激起读者的阅读兴趣,这些人物或现场的描写实际上就像电视新闻的新闻画面一样可视。 人文关怀 “华尔街日报体”叙述路径客观上要求寻找一个极具代表性的人物个案,强调人物故事,个案命运的重要性。 任何一则报道,总要涉及和影响或将影响一些人。 人是构成新闻事件的主体,新闻报道说到底,是报道人在社会生活中的各种表现,人与自然,人与社会,人与人之间的各种关系的变化。 人和人的生活对读者来说,具有最高的心理上的接近性。 新闻报道里有了人,有了他们的动作、语言和与感情,生活状态的报道,很容易唤起读者的兴趣。 贴近性 新闻价值学说中的“接近性原理”,是指要寻找所报道的事实与读者在时间、地点、心理或者利益上的接近点。接近的因素越强,读者阅读的愿望也就越大。 从读者关切点上找角度,回答读者普遍关心的问题,解答读者想知而未知的问题,这就是最佳的新闻角度。 贴近性越高,读者对这一消息的关心程度、注意和兴趣就越大。 以普通人的视角来写作,透过普通人这个点来深化有主题的面,一方面赋予了人情味,另一方面又突出了贴近性,极易使读者产生共鸣。


“华尔街日报体”深度报道分析 0920310109 练芳华尔街日报体:是美国《华尔街日报》惯用的一种新闻写作方法,主要适用于非事件类题材的叙述。其基本特征是,首先以一个具体的事例(小故事、小人物、小场景、小细节)开头,然后再自然过渡,进入新闻主体部分,接下来将所要传递的新闻大主题、大背景和盘托出,集中力量深化主题,结尾再呼应开头,回归到开头的人物身上,进行主题升华,意味深长。这种写法从小处落笔、向大处扩展,感性、生动,符合读者认识事物从具体到抽象的过程,颇受读者青睐。 谭人玮2007年1月《黑矿主打死记者案背后的利益链》一文分析: 一、开头:好的开头可以事半功倍,一篇报道是否吸引读者,开头几乎要占到50%。这篇文章的开头只一句,“路上兰成长对常汉文说,只要找到老板,亮亮证,对方至少得给1000块钱。”个性化十足,很有气势和突兀感,简洁明了而又“开门见山”。以兰成长和常汉文相约去“黑煤矿”索要钱财这一小故事开头,交代了人物和事件,对下面新闻主题的表现作了铺垫。 二、主体:正如本文所说,“媒体成为监督山西煤矿生产主要途径的同时,也成为煤老板们用金钱攻克的对象”。【等待】、【中国煤都】两段是此文的过渡部分,从兰成长与煤矿监督缺位的交叉点切入,将新闻背景推到读者眼前。从兰成长和常汉文大去同市浑源县一个手续不全的小煤矿“采访”(“在那个阴冷的下午,兰成长开始了他生命中最后的一场等待。”),过渡到煤都大同的采煤情况和矿难事故,以“正是在这样的现实背景下面,兰成长与侯振润,这两个原本毫不相干的人,开始了他们决定命运的相逢”一句顺利结束过渡,展开下文。【惨死】、【暴利】、【官煤勾结】、【安全文化调查员】、【封口费】、【真真假假】即是展开部分,逐步再现了兰成长的惨死过程,揭示了“黑煤窑”的暴利,再到非法小煤矿的存在原因,兰成长的身份演变以及“假记者”们大肆活跃的原因,环环相扣,层层揭发,集中而有层次地阐述了新闻主题,即黑煤矿与以敲诈为业的真假记者们已经形成了一个利益共生体,在兰成长被打死的背后是正常监督的缺位,部门职能的异化为记者们创造了寻租空间。 三、结尾:小标题【命运】一段为收尾部分,回归人物兰成长,重新将兰成长引入新闻,交代此人与新闻主题的深层关系。“命运再度回到1月10日的这个下午,在离浑源县城22公里的水沟村,天气寒冷,滴水成冰,山阴面还有积雪……他们也不知道,即将到来的不是预料中的钱财,而接到咨询电话的“孟二”告诉了侯振润,先查验来人的记者证……路上他对武强说,‘如果是真记者,就好好招待给点钱,如果是假记者就收拾他。’”这样使结尾与开头遥相呼应,深化了新闻主题。至此,黑矿主打死记者案背后的利益链便完整地呈现在了读者眼前。 四、细节运用: 1、细节制造起伏。从新闻第一现场观察突出的、反常的事物,叙述观察所得的这些细节小故事,利用倒叙、蒙太奇等修辞手法,制造时间与空间的位移,达到起伏效果。如: “1月11日上午9点20分左右,在开始那场致命等待的20个小时以后,兰成长34岁的生命在大同市第五人民医院画下句点。 当尸体呈现在家人面前时,他们看到他的全身到处是青紫块,头上有5个洞,头部完全变形,双臂粉碎性骨折,手肿得像馒头一样,“扶起手的时候,可以听到骨头摩擦的声音”。兰的大姐说。


新闻范例评析: 《华尔街日报》 元代的翁郎夫提出,“文似看山不喜平”,新闻写作也是一样:老是一个味,就会 觉得没味;老是用一种写作模式,就可能渐渐失去读者。新闻语言的基本特征在于准确、清晰、生动。①在我们常见的新闻作品中,准确、清晰是做到了,而“生动”则比 较少见。普利策奖评委会于1978年春天起增设特稿写作奖,其用意也正是要对非虚 构或短故事式的流派给予认可,而评奖条件是:“一篇杰出的特稿首先要关注的应该是高度的文学性和创造性。”② 近来,在网络上阅读了中文版《华尔街日报》的几篇专栏文章,顿时有久未谋面的亲切感,新风扑面的清新感。 《华尔街日报》的主要读者对象是商业管理人士,但报上也刊登大量迎合大众兴趣的新闻,它在头版开设的特色专栏叫作“非常之道”,在中文网络版上也能读到。读 今年6月、7月以来的这个栏目,发现其中有不少可读性较强的文章,确实有如网络 版栏目介绍的评价:“讲述商界奇闻轶事,文笔诙谐幽默”。 结构:一人一事串起全文 《华尔街日报》在非事件性新闻的写作上,有自己相对固定的套路:一般是从一个社会现象入手,然后以一个主人公的具体故事讲述这一现象的种种表现,再把这个人放到社会背景中,进一步揭示产生这种现象的原因或其中的“门道”,最后,文章巧 妙地“迂回”到主人公身上,交代此人与新闻主题的深层关系,以这个人的观点或抉择 煞尾。这种以讲故事的方法开头的写法颇有悬念,常能“勾”起读者的好奇心;写景的 手法只要写得美,同样引人入胜。 《山林大火,祸兮,福兮?》③是这样开头的: 去年冬天就有消息说,春天会给白鱼山脉(the White fish Range)附近的地方带来滚滚财源。这个消息把全国各地的探索者引到了美国蒙大拿州北部的厄马(Hungry Horse)。到了5月份,在城外茫茫荒野上,一夜之间兴起了一座帐篷都市。 这些探索者到这里来是为了采摘羊肚菌——一种极受餐馆和美食家欢迎的蘑菇。大批采蘑菇的人之所以聚集到这里,是因为去年夏天厄马周围的山火毁了24万多英 亩的山林。而采蘑菇的人都知道,前一年的森林大火意味着下一年蘑菇的丰收。 文章以两段不太长的篇幅介绍了采摘羊肚菌能带来滚滚财源成了山林大火“引信”。说实话,山林大火只要不烧自己身边来,城市里的人一般很少会去关心这类消息,但是,大火居然和自己的餐桌扯上了关系,而且和某些人“发财”有关,人们自然有兴趣 知道,这是怎么回事。不知不觉中,5个W里面,何时、何地、为何这3个W已经 初露端倪了。 接下来,文章以采摘野生蘑菇十分在行的哈森·瓦尔为主线,全方位介绍了他边采摘边收购、从早到晚全家齐上阵、与其他同行为争抢地盘及保护自己劳动所得而发生的各类冲突、以及由非法采摘蘑菇而引发的人口激增等场景。


Must-Have Job Skills in 2013(2012-11-26) Even as employers remain cautious next year about every dollar spent on employees, they'll also want workers to show greater skills and results.For employees who want to get ahead, basic competency won't be enough. To win a promotion or land a job next year, experts say there are four must-have job skills: competency['kɑmp?t?nsi]n. 能力(等于competence);资格land a job找到工作articulate [ɑ:'tikjul?t, ɑ:'tikjuleit] vt. 清晰地发(音);明确有力地表达;用关节连接;使相互连贯 vi. [语]发音;清楚地讲话;用关节连接起来adj. 发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的PricewaterhouseCoopers n. 普华永道(全球四大会计事务所之一) accounting [?'kau nti?] n. 会计,会计学;帐单v. 解释(account的ing形式);叙述consulting [k?n's?lti?] adj. 咨询的,商议的;顾问的,任专职顾问的v. 咨询,请教;商议(consult的现在分词形式 1. Clear communications "This is really the ability to clearly articulate your point of view and the ability to create a connection through communication," says Holly Paul, U.S. recruiting leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the accounting and consulting firm based in New York. For job seekers in particular, clear communication can provide a snapshot of their work style to employers. " As office conversations increasingly move online, some workers are losing or never developing the ability to give a presentation, for example. Others may be unable to write coherently for longer than, say, 140 characters. snapshot ['sn?p??t] n. 快照,快相;急射,速射;简单印象vt. 给…拍快照vi. 拍快照 coherently [k?u'hi?r?ntli] adv. 连贯地;前后一致地;条理清楚地;互相偶合地;凝聚性地 scour ['skau?] vi. 冲刷;擦;腹泻vt. 擦亮,洗涤;冲洗,清除n. 擦,冲刷;洗涤剂;(畜类等的)腹泻 haunt [h?:nt] vt. 常出没于…;萦绕于…;经常去…vi. 出没;作祟n. 栖息地;常去的地方 2. Personal branding Human-resources executives scour blogs. "If you post something that comes back to haunt you, people will see that."Workers also should make sure their personal brand is


一篇典型的华尔街日报体新闻 中国消费者花钱不手软 2004年08月10日07:36 摘自华尔日报网络中文版之中国视点 在丽江这座中国西南部历史名城的郊区新建起了一排排联栋别墅(townhouses)﹐这表明中国新近出现的繁荣景象已经从南部的大都市渗透到丽江这种较为边远的城市地区...... 那些认为中国经济增长过快﹐有增长过热危险的人士认为﹐这种经济繁荣意味着对资源的浪费。因为﹐房地产热不仅占用了水泥﹑玻璃﹑钢铁等大量的原材料﹐还吸引了巨额的资金﹐而中国正急需这些资金兴建道路和炼油厂。 但仔细研究经济数据后可以发现﹐房地产行业虽然可能发展过热﹐但中国经济的其它领域却未必如此。 上述对中国经济的悲观预期主要反映在金融业的经济数据方面﹐这些数据不禁让人想起10年前的那次经济增长低迷阶段。国际经济研究所(Institute for International Economics)的中国问题专家尼古拉斯.拉迪(Nicholas Lardy)说﹐以1993年的那次经济增速放缓为例﹐当时银行信贷占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例最高时达到19%。如此庞大的贷款规模导致通货膨胀率达到两位数﹐房地产业转入大萧条﹐大量坏帐涌现﹐这进一步加重了银行业的负担。 拉迪指出﹐这次的银行放贷规模比1993年有过之而无不及。去年﹐经过6个季度的增长之后﹐银行信贷占GDP的比例升至26%。悲观人士认为﹐去年以及今年早些时候如此无节制地放贷为许多工厂提供了资金﹐导致他们生产过剩。 随着银行信贷占GDP比例的快速上升﹐坏帐占GDP的比例也在急剧升高。中国银行业去年的不良贷款余额从2002年的人民币1.9万亿元增至2.9万亿元(合3,504亿美元)。拉迪说﹐贷款的飞速增长也意味着越来越多信贷资质不合格的企业也能从银行获得贷款﹐这可能导致新一波坏帐风潮的出现。 但由于只关注经济的供给和生产面﹐分析师们可能忽视了需求和消费面的变化﹐对这两方面经济数据的变化缺乏足够的了解。例如﹐中国的消费数据并没有把轿车和住宅的消费包括进去。 传统的观点认为中国人过于节俭﹐愿意把钱存在银行而不愿消费。但从生活中的实例和经济数据中可以发现这种失衡现象并不像看起来那样严重﹐而且情形还在转变之中。 瑞士银行(UBS AG)驻香港的亚洲问题经济学家乔纳森.安德森(Jonathan Anderson)在最近的一份报告中称﹐“消费者托起了中国经济。强劲的消费势头正是我们认为中国经济不会出现硬着陆现象的原因所在。”


1. come He will never come to much (= will never be successful). 他将来绝不会很有作为。 How did you come to be so foolish? 你为什么如此愚蠢? On what page does it come? 它在哪一页? 2. get We can get 15 channels on TV. 我们可以收看到15个频道的电视节目。 Do you get me? 你明白我的意思吗? Ah! I’ve got you t here! 啊!这下我可难到你啦。 3. give He gave me his cold. 他把感冒传给我。 Sorry to have given you trouble. 对不起,打扰了。 Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our speaker for tonight.

女士们,先生们,让我向诸位介绍今晚的演讲者。 4. go Go get a doctor. 去叫医生来! How goes it with you? 你近来情况如何? There are six minutes to go. 还有六分钟。 5. keep Does your watch keep good time? 你的表走得准吗? Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。 Does your school keep all day? 你们学校全天上课吗? 6. let Let us pray. 让我们祈祷吧。 The pair of rubber shoes let (in) water. 这双胶鞋漏水。


“华尔街日报体”是美国《华尔街日报》惯用的一种新闻写作方法,主要适用于非事件类题材的叙述。其基本特征是,首先以一个具体的事例(小故事、小人物、小场景、小细节)开头,然后再自然过渡,进入新闻主体部分,接下来将所要传递的新闻大主题、大背景和盘托出,集中力量深化主题,结尾再呼应开头,回归到开头的人物身上,进行主题升华,意味深长。这种写法从小处落笔、向大处扩展,感性、生动,符合读者认识事物从具体到抽象的过程,颇受读者青睐。 “华尔街日报体”在结构上一般由四部分组成:第一部分,人性化的开头,即与新闻主题有关的人物故事;第二部分,过渡,即从人物与新闻主题的交叉点切入,将真正的新闻内容推到读者眼前;第三部分,展开,即集中而有层次地阐述新闻主题;第四部分,回归人物,即重新将人物引入新闻,交代此人与新闻主题的深层关系。也可总结为DEE:Description描写、Explanation 解释、Evaluation评价。

特点 故事化 从传播心理学的角度看,受众阅读除了求知层面的需求外,还有消遣和娱乐的需求。“华尔街日报体”借鉴了文学写作中的故事描绘手法,能把枯燥、干瘪、索然无味的硬新闻变得生动活泼、通俗有趣。故事性增强了新闻的趣味性、可读性。 “华体”一般在文章的开头展示涉及到的典型人物或故事,通过气氛的渲染,将人带入新闻,使人如临其境,如见其人,如闻其声,激起读者的阅读兴趣,这些人物或现场的描写实际上就像电视新闻的新闻画面一样可视。 人文关怀 “华体”叙述路径客观上要求寻找一个极具代表性的人物个案,强调人物故事,个案命运的重要性。任何一则报道,总要涉及和影响或将影响一些人。人是构成新闻事件的主体,新闻报道说到底,是报道人在社会生


河南科技学院新科学院2012届本科毕业生论文(设计) 英文文献及翻译 Why China Struggles with Food Safety 学生姓名:杨金微 所在院系:经济与管理系 所学专业:国际经济与贸易 导师姓名:董家强(讲师) 完成时间:2012年3月20日

Why China Struggles with Food Safety Laurie Burkitt(美国《华尔街日报》作者) Ink, dye, bleach, wax and toxic chemicals: These are just a few of the substances that have been found recently in food products in China, reigniting fears over food safety despite repeated government pledges to crack down on tainted eats.Why is China having such trouble making its food safe? Chinese lawmakers passed new food-safety legislation meant to tighten supervision of manufacturers and impose tougher penalties on those who make bad products as the government seeks to restore public confidence after a spate of problems with tainted food. The new law, approved by the standing committee of the National People's Congress on Saturday after years of drafting and revision, also sets up a system to recall problem products and authorizes the enforcement of uniform nationwide standards for everything from allowable additives to nutritional labeling. United Nations public-health experts last year called for an overhaul of China's food-safety system, saying that the country's 'disjointed' approach and reliance on a patchwork of various local and national government agencies to police the food supply had contributed to troubles such as the melamine adulteration. The law passed Saturday aims to streamline regulation, in part by creating a national food-safety commission to coordinate work by other government agencies, and by reducing the number of agencies involved. But responsibility for developing standards and enforcing them will remain split among various ministries. Food safety consistently ranks among the top concerns of Chinese citizens in opinion polls. The government is eager to be seen as protecting the food supply, in the face of regular and well-publicized problems. Late last month, for instance, pig organs contaminated with a banned steroid sickened dozens of people in the southern city of Guangzhou While China is no stranger to food scandals, a spate of food contamination cases brought to light over the past month has been shocking even to the most jaded of observers here. Over the past few days, health authorities in the southern province of Guangdong shut down 17 noodle makers after they were discovered mixing ink and wax to their dough. Meanwhile, over the weekend, nearly 300 people in the city of 1


2015年 一、完型 二、阅读 Part A Text 1 选自2014年6月4日《卫报》上一篇名为Is the writing on the wall for all European royals?(所有欧洲皇室注定要失败吗?)的文章。主要讨论了西班牙胡安·卡洛斯国王退位这一事件对欧洲诸多皇室的影响,尤其是对英国皇室的影响。 Text 2 原文来自2014年4月28日The Washington Post上的Supreme Court should begin laying out privacy protections for smartphones 文章是关于个人隐私数据保护的问题, Text 3 原文来自2014年7月3日Nature上的Science joins push to screen statistics in papers (by Richard Van Noorden), Text 4 原文节选自2014年6月29日The Guardian上的As the hacking trial proves, we lack moral purpose in public life (by Will Hutton) Murdoch(默多克)传媒帝国下属的newsoftheworld(《世界新闻报》)的telephonehacking(电话 窃听)丑闻. Part B(新题型) 段落句子填空题 来自马丁所著的《阅读的方法》的第一单元。 Part C 文章来源于An Outline of American History,《美国历史纲要》,是一本历史学方面的专著。 考研翻译曾经在1999年考过历史学方面的话题,当初考的是历史学科建立方面的争论,关于历史研究方法论的。今年的考题与1999年那篇历史学文章的试题相比,简单太多。但是与2014年考研翻译试题相比,难度倒是上升了不小。 Within the span of a hundred years, in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, a tide of emigration -one of the great folk wanderings of history-swept from Europe to America. 46) This movement, impelled (命题人改写为driven) by powerful and diverse(命题人删除了这两个词)motivations, built a nation out of a wilderness and, by its nature, shaped the character and destiny of an uncharted continent. 47) The United States is the product of two principal forces-the immigration of European peoples with their varied ideas, customs, and national characteristics and the impact of a new country which modified these distinctly European cultural
