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• Dec. 30 • 4. 学校运动会的闭幕式是否如期举行取决于 天气。(depend) • 4. Whether the closing ceremony of the school sports meeting will be held on schedule depends on the weather. • 5. 我们从不怀疑现在学的东西越多,将来就 能工作得越好。(the more…, the more… ) • 5. We never doubt that the more we study now, the better we will be able to work in the future.
• Dec. 26 • 4. 我还没有来得及提醒他要保守这个秘密他 就匆匆挂电话了。 (before) • 4. He hung up the phone before I had time to remind him to keep the secret. • 5. 现在许多人网上写博客来同别人分享自己 的想法。 (share) • 5. Nowadays many people write blogs on the internet to share their ideas with others.
• Dec. 28 • 1. 妈妈不允许我晚上单独外出。(permit) • 2. 他一做完实验,就用肥皂洗干净双手。 (The moment) • 3. 学校图书馆在暑假期间天天开放。 (available) • 4. 他从不满足于从书本和老师身上所学到 的知识。(gain) • 5. 当我们觉得自己所从事的工作有意义和 价值时,就不在乎赚的多少了。(how much)
• Dec. 30 • 1. 我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。 (would rather) • 2. 所有游客都禁不住对如此美景惊叹不已。 (marvel) • 3. 杰克受到老师表扬这件事使他的父母很 高兴。(动名词) • 4. 学校运动会的闭幕式是否如期举行取决 于天气。(depend) • 5. 我们从不怀疑现在学的东西越多,将来 就能工作得越好。(the more…, the more… )
• Dec. 29 • 1. 一个人年轻时多学点是有好处的。 (beneficial) • 2. 一旦你承诺要做某事, 就要守信用。 (once) • 3. 夏天还没到呢,孩子们就迫不及待地想 游泳了。 (wait) • 4. 人们普遍认为学会合作有利于问题的解 决。 (It … ) • 5. 在过去的三十年里,中国人民以巨大的 勇气、信心和创造力取得了了不起的成就, 这令整个世界震惊。 (…, which … )
• Dec. 27
• 4. 我们应该记住:与他人谈话时要敞开心扉,真诚 待人。(it) • 4. It should be remembered that we should be open and honest with others in a conversation./ when ( we are ) talking with others. • 5. 我们应对变化、抵抗干扰的能力在很大程度上决 定了我们能否过上平安、幸福的生活。(determine) • 5. Our ability to cope with change and disturbance determines, to a great degree, our peace and happiness in life. • / Our ability to deal with change and disturbance determines, to a great extent, whether we can live a peaceful and happy life.
• Dec. 26 • 1. 我们唯一能做的事就是忘记背后,努力向 前。(lie) • 1. The only thing we can do is to forget the past/ what lies behind and work hard for what lies ahead / strive for the future. • 2. 何时发射下一颗人造卫星尚不得知。 (remain) • 2. It remains unknown when the next manmade satellite will be launched. • 3.不断上涨的油价使约翰打消了买车的念头。 (gas price) • 3. Rising gas prices make John give up the intention to buy /idea of buying a car.
• Dec. 29 • 1. 一个人年轻时多学点是有好处的。 (beneficial) • 1. It is beneficial for a person/one to learn more when he is young. • 2. 一旦你承诺要做某事, 就要守信用。 (once) • 2. Once you promise to do something, you ought to keep your word. / Once you’ve made a promise, you should keep it. • 3. 夏天还没到,孩子们就迫不及待地想游泳了。 (wait) • 3. Summer hasn’t arrived, but children can’t wait to go swimming.
• Dec. 28 • 1. 妈妈不允许我晚上单独外出。(permit) • 1. Mum doesn’t permit me to go out alone at night. • 2. 他一做完实验,就用肥皂洗干净双手。 (The moment) • 2. The moment he finished (doing) the experiment, he washed his hands with soap. • 3. 学校图书馆在暑假期间天天开放。 (available) • 3. The school library is available every day during the summer vacation.
• Dec. 26 • 1. 我们唯一能做的事就是忘记过去,努力 向前。(lie) • 2. 何时发射下一颗人造卫星尚不得知。 (remain) • 3. 不断上涨的油价使约翰打消了买车的念 头。(gas price) • 4. 我还没有来得及提醒他要保守这个秘密 他就匆匆挂电话了。 (before) • 5. 现在许多人网上写博客来同别人分享自 己的想法。 (share)
• Dec. 27 • 1. 处于困境时,越怕越糟。(the more…) • 1. When in trouble, the more fearful/ frightened you are, the worse the situation will be/become. • 2. 如果我们有勇气去追求梦想,所有的梦想 都能成真。(pursue) • 2. All our dreams can come true/ be realized if we have the courage to pursue them. • 3. 不是我不想去,而是我没空。(but) • 3. Not that I don’t want to go, but that I have no time.
• Dec. 30 • 1. 我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。 (would rather) • 1. I would rather fail than cheat in the exam. • 2. 所有游客都禁不住对如此美景惊叹不已。 (marvel) • 2. All the tourists couldn’t help but marvel at such beautiful scenery/beauty. • 3. 杰克受到老师表扬这件事使他的父母很高 兴。(动名词) • 3. Jack’s having been praised by the teacher pleased his parents.
• Dec. 29 • 4. 人们普遍认为学会合作有利于问题的解决。 (It … ) • 4. It is generally believed that learning to cooperate is beneficial to solving problems. • / It is generally considered that learning to be cooperative does good to solving problems. • 5. 在过去的三十年里,中国人民以巨大的勇气、信心 和创造力取得了了不起的成就,这令整个世界震惊。 (…, which … ) • 5. The Chinese people have made outstanding achievements with great courage, confidence and creativity in the past 30 years,which has shocked/astonished the whole world.
• Dec. 27 • 1. 处于困境时,越怕越糟。(the more…) • 2. 如果我们有勇气去追求梦想,所有的梦 想都来自百度文库成真。(pursue) • 3. 不是我不想去,而是我没空。(but) • 4. 我们应该记住:与他人谈话时要敞开心 扉,真诚待人。(it) • 5. 我们应对变化、抵抗干扰的能力在很大 程度上决定了我们能否过上平安、幸福的 生活。(determine)
• Dec. 28 • 4. 他从不满足于从书本和老师身上所学到的 知识。(gain) • 4. He was never satisfied with the knowledge (that) he gained from books and teachers. • 5. 当我们觉得自己所从事的工作有意义和价 值时,就不在乎赚的多少了。(how much) • 5. When we feel that the work / job we take up is meaningful and worthwhile, we won’t / don’t care how much we earn.